Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Jul 1961, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 19, 1961 17 New Scheme N.Y. State Raps Sought For 'Welfare Code Education NEWBURGH, N.Y. (AP) --inecessary to cut down welfare 4 The New York state attorney- €Xpenses. ! " i So far, officials have launched SASKATOON (CP)--Elimina. SCMora! Moved in Huesday 10), 'oyiew of the more than 900 tion of provincial education | y to block this city's drastic! ents currently on welfare in boundaries and establishment of new welfare code. Newburgh, a city of 31,000. Only a unified Canadian education Ai the same time, there were one man of those initially inter- system was urged Tuesday bY | reports of a possible strike of viewed was deemed potentially the president of the Canadian social workers against the con-| able to work. Teachers Federation. troversial regulations. Senator Barry Goldwater Carl S. Gow of Winnipeg, ad-. "We find no justification what- (Rep. Ariz.) said he backed the dressing the annual conference lever for the measures New- Newburgh plan. of the body representing 110,000 |burgh proposes to adopt," said| "I'm tired of professional Canadian jeachers, said provin- the state social welfare board. | chiselers walking up and Sows cial undaries hindered rapid | Evra _ithe streets who don't work an bragress ih the fed of eden | Goat oind directed Attomey- halen intention of working. tion. vent Newburgh from going | Goldwater said, and "Tired of He called on teachers, through ahead with welfare rules the | Seeing my federal taxes paid their provincial and-national or- |state regards as illegal. He re.| [oF the support of illegitimate ganizations, to campaign vigor- plied that he was assigning an | children. : ously for a Canadian curricu- investigator to look into the lum, for public education and|matter. YURI TO HAVANA | for certification of teachers, qr. welfare code took effect, HAVANA (AP)--Soviet space-| without regard to provincial! on Saturday, despite strong Man Yuri Gagarin will be one boundaries. state opposition. The mechanics, Of the main speakers at a civie| He said his comments were of getting it in operation are ex- Square rally here July 26, mark-| his own opinions and not in any pected to consume some time ing the eighth anniversary of| sense Jederaijon. policy or even! and no immediate effect on wel-| the start of Fidel Castro's rev-| an objective which has previ-ifare clients is anticipated. |olutionary movement. ously been seriously considered Pated v iN | ITALIAN SCHOOL SHIP in federation forums. CUTS THEM OFF SHORE SURVEY y To establish a Canadian edu- The new code, among other, WELLINGTON, N.Z. (Reut-| ggijop stand with out- | ci" in the Gulf of Gaeta, mid- | marking the 100th anniversary cational system called for action|things, cuts unwed mothers off|ers)--The first scientific survey| giyotched arms on the mast | way between Rome and Naples | of the Italian Navy. " by provincial departments br eile if fey souiiue > bear i Barine life Sround Ney gea crossbars of the Italian Navy | last week. The big sail ship --- education, trustees, te a c hersillegitimate children and forces land s shores Is g carried| Fah : . 3 --(AP Wirephoto) and the general public. He said|able-bodied men on relief tojout by the oceanographic insti-| school ship "Amerigo Vespuc- | took part in a naval parade (AP Wirep! ), {the development of 10 different work for the city. tute. In addition, scientists of : ; [ : : ' systems had brought a provin-| City Manager Joseph Mitchell the institute are studying the BUSINESS FAILURES bankrupt in the first quarter of with 758 in the same period of cial outlook. has defended the new code asi geology of the sea bed. Canadian businesses recorded! 1961 numbered 729, compared!1960. / : 5 : 5 | 1 1] > eq) , nor commons J) \| IEA Sal i : 23 Sir Saville Garner, United | Geneve, boarding an airliner | manent Under Secretary of Kingdom High Commissioner for London at Montreal air- | the Commonwealth Relations to Canada, shown with Lady | port last night. Sir Saville has | Board in London, Garner and their daughter, | accepted a new post as Per- --(CP Wirephoto) AT pi Yor bi ] ad [eo], 'Fitted Look' INTERPRETING THE NEWS Back InStyle | po )istan Chief Creed, first of London's top couturiers to show his fall col- * ° ° lection, Tuesday brought back] E d H M the "fitted look." nn S 1S 1SS1011 Some of his jackets were titted all round, though not By CARAN CUMMING The Pakistani leader indi- gharply nipped at the waist, Canadian Press Staff Writer cated some irritation with what while others had fitted fronts Pakistan's forceful and blunt- he considered to be US. at- and loose backs or backs speaking president has com- tempts to woo neutral India bloused above a half belt. pleted his pilgrimage to Wash- while giving less attention to a Skirts were full, with fullness ington -- and appears to have committed friend. | breaking from hip of thigh made a considerable impression| Official Washington appar- level. on United States leaders. .«|ently found the argument con- Coats were in plushy, deep- Ayub Khan's talks in the U.S.|vincing. piled fabrics, often in two dark|have centred on two basic prob-' pus on, Kashmir, the Hima- tones such as green and black/lems: Pakistan's deep economic ,uan province that has re- ; rgd o ¢ or black and fobaceo brown. |iroubles 20d its long - standing mained a festering sore in In- They were fitted in front to the{fears and resentments toward gi; . pakistan relations since = 5 an waist and flared from the waist 'P12. partition in 1947, American Yat nd / $ down. On the first matter the sol-\joaders were more aloof. : coc dier-president has been at least] 4 or bracelet . Jeng Se partly successful. President has| DEEP RIFT : . i 7 in coats and suits by long, nar- agreed to urge other countries This is not surprising in view When you buy products nurtured and grown in the rich soil of near- % row Magyar sleeves, often with|l0 join the U.S. in assisting the|of the explosively emotional na- by fields... . you enjoy the finest quality produce money can buy! Af turn - back cuffs faced with ton- NeW Pakistani five-year plan. [ture of the dispute and the in- Home-grown fruits and vegetables give you a special "hours-fresh' transigent stand of both sides. taste and a natural goodness, that assures your family a full-measure y " 178 ing silk. ERSONAL IMPAC : : Creed, whose reputation rests PER Ay om a good. When Hindu India and Mos- of nourishment and enjoyment. d % 4 on his tailoring, used black for .... vr. aq res lem Pakistan divided, Kash- Arriving now at DOMINION are colourful and appetizing truck- i most of his cocktail dresses ig e Jor i Mg mir's Hindu Maharajah joined - loads of your 'pick of the crop' favourites . .. scrumptious. . . crisp! do, : = per" One in a rayon and worsted =. ~~ Con on erect military NS Predominantly Moslem state Through expert handling methods and constant quality control tech- " ' mixture, had a front wrapped|yoarine and a clipped British 1 India. niques, DOMINION maintains a 100% Guaranteed-Fresh variety... 7 SALAD skirt which showed a consider- ,. ont" he has a considerable, War followed and the two everything you want for superb summer salads! Come for special 176 NATIONAL / able upper leg from the side asihar onal impact countries still face each other savings this week! the model mounted a showroom Appearing before Congress,|across a United Nations cease- staircase. he described social and eco. fire line dividing the mountain] ONLY AT DOMINION -- RICHMELLO TE nomic advances made since he ous and infertile northwest part, jabz took power in a 1958 military controlled by Pakistan, and the -0%. c ONTARIO NO. 1 ay ppea coup and outlined his plans for|area of important valleys held JAR S h d DISH a well-rooted system of democ-/by India. racy Ayug argues convincingly KRAFT MIRACLE & FRENCH And he pointed to the almost that Pakistan has stood ready CANADA'S FINEST GOVERNMENT INSPECTED LIQUID ult AY [lemperste vend 10 crente duuentie gore 8 Unied Natune RED OR BLUE BRAND STEER BEEF ONTARIO NO. 1 Ling ganditlons for te 86,000,- sponsored self - determination i DRESSINGS v > a 0 Pakistanis if stable govern- biscite while India s not. pmo enon oH SIE RR Ir] | BONELESS. RouNa wo pac | GREEN ONIONS childon, sentenced con. Avub made clear he was not|ters of the 4,000,000 inhabitants : YOTILE 43 sicted of assaulting gambler seeking charity but had come of the province are Moslem, re- or yee iy Br ""! with something to offer: The fuses to consider a vote and ONTARIC NO. i FRESH GREEN Max Bluestein in March, Tues- on inyance of a firm alliance contends that Pakistan should INSTANT SKIM MILK day applied for leave to appeal! ¢ "0 iv in a highly str , -- , . pe ! ghly stra- vacate the one-third of Kashmir id the conviction. tegic position 4 ; 2 {ove | LARGE Marchildon claims. there was DOSION, sities cuemhi Ly Joree. Ih, BORDEN ] ELEM STALKS LH "wo eUdente oF 4 Thotive aid Heodid not hesitate sto point] With fieifher side" willing "to] 'STARLAC ; no evidence he struck or threat- Ot Yuit Re US. can ill afford pong no easy solution is pos- ened to strike Bluestein or aided ;¢ ...; aldee ia Asia. "Ui there sible and Kennedy is not ex- FULL CUT ROUND END LB. 89¢ ONTARIO NO. I LONG GREEN SLICING in the assault. country in Asia where you will pected to risk stirring up ani- ¢ Phas. Johnny (Pops) Papalia, sen- be able to even put your foot mosities with a fruitless media- R P B A LB a LARGE tenced to 18 months in reforma- in he warned Congress. tion bid. JACK'S Jv SIZE c . -- . ' lory on the SAME charge, asi= DOMINION OWN FAMOUS CUTS MIXED NUTS NO. 1 CAROLINA FRESH served notice he will appeal ; onvicti d sentence, Th = Cuba Plans Welcome | CORNED BEEF . 49° | = aqc GREEN PEPP a Walkers Pass F R . S IDEAL FOR HAMBURGS--MEAT LOAF-- ERS 4 Boor 29: Half M: k 01 llussian Spaceman MINCED RE AYR HASE ONTARIO NO. | GREEN TOP FRESH 'ANA (CP)--A busy three memor ) "astro's PURCHASE ; aliway Mark wus coos vu wre monoriog a coos | MINCED BEEF vw 39 | nee a d KINGSTON (CP)--Two jong. address to a mass rally in the| Santiago de Cuba eight years : F AB ORS, c istance walkers pounding the pja;a de la Revolucion, has|ago. That attack is looked on as CALDWELL'S ORIGINAL 365-mile route from Montreal 10 heen drawn up for Russian cos-|the start of the Cuban revolu- = 1-LB. GIANT Toronto arrived here Tuesday monaut Yuri Gagarin when he|tion, which triumphed 5% years Skinless WIENERS PKG 45+ SIZE 65 : night, more than half-way 10 yisits Cuba next week. later. y 2 their destination. Gagarin will fly into Havana, On July 27 Gagarin will visit Arthur Keay, 54, a former To- late Monday afternoon to be the invasion beach at Playa > ' ronto policeman, and John Rowe greeted by Cuban President Os- Giron, attend a reception given NOW SEASON'S PACK AYLMER 3c OFF 32, left Montreal Saturday to valdo Dorticos, Premier Fidel by the Soviet ambassador and break the time record set last Castro and his entire cabinet, | answer questions from a panel : C HEINZ-----INFANY OR JUNIOR JIFFY (PKG. OF 20) year by Toronto Star reporter members of the diplomatcion television. He will leave by 434-07, TIN) Dot O'Neil in a contest with corps and high government of-'air July 28. IDEAL FOR BARBECUES Bab Food Lunch Bags British marathoner Dr. Barbara ficials : mtbr -- : : Moore. Then he will be given a tri-| » bi ¢ S A U C a 74-02 C CHUM (12-0Z. TIN) John Rowe, whose aching feet umphal motorcade ride into the, Foreign 1] " BOTTLE AYLMER FANCY 10-0Z. TIN) Cat Food developed another 10 blisters City through streets decorated) MeVITIE & PRICE Tomato Juice Tuesday to bring his total since with flags, welcoming signs and 7. ¢ d bunting. Huge crowds are ex- | the walk began to 7, continued busting, Nge Sows ae ex] Insurance DIGESTIVE BIS CUITS 43: IN BROWN GRAVY (6-0Z. TIN) GOLD RIBBON (16.0Z. TIN) Siopbed i Jew miles east of here sa next day the Soviet space- Leaver Mush rooms Dog Food for The on to arrive in Toronto Man will take part in a a Embargo { EVERYTHING GUARANTEED LYONS CHICKEN NOODLE Saturday in time for the Metro- of 70,000 Cuban athletes and will CREAMETTES (7-0Z. PKG) ENVELOPE olitan Toronto Police Amateur|attend a reception in his honor ' Athletic Games, which the mar- at the presidential palace. TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario A Sou Mix athon publicizes. The following day, July 26, he| cabinet has passed a regulation ; acaroni = a ---- will visit a military hospital|forbidding granting of licences ; Ri. "G ; where soldiers wounded in theito insurance agencies controlled : ) RMC GRADS April invasion are being cared!/from outside Canada HEINZ 165.02, PKG. _ LONDON (CRY_-Defence Min, for and adress the ray. com There are nearly 2000 agen || NR 11 | | Prepared Mustard Saurkraut : . So cies in Ontario, but only a few George Drew, gnadian high LONG PARTED are expected to be affected. YORK IN TOMATO SAUCE 4 : BALLET WHITE (SINGLE ROLL) 10- among guests at a reception LISTOWEL, Ont. )cp)--After| R. B. Whitehead, superintend- 4 - 10-02. TIN) given by the United Kingdom (50 years two sisters met again| ent of insurance, said Tuesday: oh et aper Beans with Pork branch of the Royal Military|when Mrs. Helen Campbell, 84, oe want 3 be able jo put our 4H : College club of Canada. Thejof Victoria, came to help Mrs.|linger on the man who is con- SYMBOL "DD" (P min has more than 60 mem- Mary Campbell of this town trolling the agency Vitae sliectiodint you D Sous aig Of KG. OF 12) CANADA 02-07. BOTTLE) bers, all of whom attended or celebrate her 88th birthday, The Licences also will be refused TU DOMInan i B k M t h Wh t V are graduates of RMC at Kings-|iwo are widows whose husbands|to agencies of which one part Whitby untii 6 p.m. Sot, 22 July DOMINION 00 d ¢ es | e inegar ton, Ont. were not related Iner lives outside Canada.

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