Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Jul 1961, p. 13

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| ways Matthew, Converted Publican "As Jesus passed forth . . . He saw 2 man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and He saith him, Follow Me. And he arose and followed Him."--Matthew 9 unto "And Levi (Matthew) made him a great feast in his own house: and there was a great company of publi- cans and of others (sinners) that sat down with them.""--Luke 5:29, Phi ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 10:14; Luke 5:27.32. TP ATE Ee Ci at i _r E Apostles By R. BARCLAY WARREN The Gospel message has, {through the centuries, often {been distorted by its friends. {Paul had preached -Jesus | Christ in the province of Galatio {and many had believed. He {visited these churches again. Then some came from Jeru- salem teaching the need of cir- cumcision and other observ- ances of the Mosaic law in order, Later 12 disciples and "gave them power When the Pharisees criticized Christ for associating with these sinners, He answered, "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.""--Matthew 9:11-12, against unclean spirits , , , GOLDEN to salvation. Some of the Gala- tians were influenced. Paul, deeply disturbed by the news, wrote a letter to the churches. Of the false teachers he said, "I would they were even cut off which trouble you". His conndence in the Gospel Christ called together officially and to heal.""--Matthew 10:1. TEXT--Luke 5:28. BIBLE LESSON Tax Collector Then Disciple By N. SPEER JONES The lesson today first depicts Christ's calling of Matthew to become one of His 12 disciples.| The time ascribed to this event] is the summer of A.D. 28, less than two years before Christ's] crucifixion. It is often forgotten that Christ's entire ministry lasted| only a little over three years.| He did not begin to call His| disciples officially until May of} 28, and He apparently calied some, such as Simon Peter, An- from one sought-after to one shunned. DEMANDED MORE The Roman government de-| manded more and more, the] people became less and less Hi able to pay, and the taxes which could not be collected from the people had to be paid out of the collector's own pocket. As the collectors sought to escape into other professions, they were "frozen" in their jobs by the desperate government-- GOLDEN TEXT *'He forsook all, and rose up and followed Him."--Luke 5:28. drew, James and John, before Matthew. According to Alexander Whyte (in Peloubet's Select Notes), Jesus had long known Matthew. ! By this time He and His wid- owed mother had moved from Nazareth to Capernaum, where Matthew was publican, or tax- collector, To him, Whyte sug- gests, Christ had often given His carpenter's wages to settle ac- counts of the poor neighbors. PUBLICAN DEFINED This occupation of Matthew is worth pausing over. Much later, British usage of the term "'pub- lican" means a tavern-keeper. In Christ's day, however, it meant one who collected the taxes in the Roman Empire. In our day the occupation is not despised; then, it was, and with good reason. It was the practice of the Roman government to farm out, the dubious privilege of collect-| ing the taxes to the highest bid-/and Mark refer to Matthew as| ders. These men then paid the/l#vi, which perhaps was his government out of their ownname before he became a di-| pocket and set about re-imburs-|sciple. ing themselves by collecting] from their constituents -- often with quite a profit. In the earlier Empire days, in Matthew's time, these posts, went chiefly to men of the up- per middle class--the 'smart businessmen" of the day. Later, as the wars and ex- travagances of the far-flung em-| pire impoverished the exchequer the job of tax-collector changed thus breaking the back of the valuable and enterprising mid- THE GOLDEN TEXT 44 dle class, and heralding the be-| BS ginning of the serfdom of the! Middle Ages. Matthew, as a publican of his time, would have been more despised than most, as he was a Jew and looked upon as a traitor for taxes from his people. He would also have been bet- ter educated than most of Christ's disciples. The ease with which he wielded a pen soon made him virtually the Lord's scribe, faithfully and discrimi-| natingly recording the com-| plexities of Christ's teachings. The text from Matthew 9: 10/ is illumined by the account of] the same event by Luke (5: 29-/ collecting Roman! | Calling of Matthew 'He forsook all, and rose up and followed Him.""--Luke 5:28 MARKED PAID LONDON (CP) -- A Chelsea LONG ROUTE OXFORD, England (CP)-- 39), who makes it plain that the Three Oxford University under-|jazz club has devised a method feast of the *'publicans and sin- ners" took place at Matthew's house; these were probably Matthew's friends. Both Luke graduates have left on a trip to|of weeding out Peking, following the route| Paying customers are dabbed taken in the 13th century by the Venetian traveller, Marco Polo. paint as they go in. gate-crashers. on the hand with fluorescent WOODS LORE __ tion Woodcraft is the theme of heaven, preach any other gospel he had preached to them is evi- denced in the statement, "But QUETICO, Ont. (CP)--Opera- though we, or an angel from a two-week course in wilderness unto you than that which we survival for boys and girls 11 + 20 | " 110 16 years old, being operated be accursed. "3 'at the conference and training centre in this Rainy River dis- trict this summer. The courses conclude Aug. 4. BOUNCING MISSILES Ricochet batteries were intro- duced in 1688 when projectiles were fired so as to rebound into have preached unto you, let him ! Paul gave two illustrations of his own repulsing of legalism. On a visit to Jerusalem, some insisted that Titus, should be circumcised. Paul's a Greek,|. . By Alfred re Faith's Fr eedom | Theme ing with the Gentiles, fearing these, separated from the Gen- tiles. Others were influenced by his example, even Paul's co- worker, Barnabas. Paul with- stood Peter to the face, for he was to be blamed. He and those who acted with him, walked not according to the truth of the gospel. If we are saved by trusting in Jesus Christ, then it is not by any works that we may do. Pau! was grieved that some of the Galatians were being tempted to stray from the simplicity of the gospel and put some trust in the works of the law, He urged, "Stand fast therefore in the lib- erty wherewith Christ i tangled again with the yoke of bondage". | If any one thinks that Paul's emphasis on freedom in Christ, was opening the door for sinful living, let him read the fifth chapter. 'Use not liberty for an, occasion to the flesh , , . The works of the flesh are . , . adul- comment is, "To whom we save, place by subjection, no, not for| an hour; that the truth of thel gospel might continue with! vou'. Another time some came] to Antioch from James in Jeru-| a besieged town salem. Peter who had been eal-| 17 ERIE ST, Diol 5-3872 REV, W, A. McMILLAN, Pastor 10 AAM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES (9:45 AM, FOR NEW BRANCH ON ROSSLAND RD, WEST) 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP 7 P.M. --FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR You ere always welcome at the friendly ehurch 'ef the "LIGHT AND LIFE HOUR", Listen every Sunday at 9:00 CHML Harr em, -- ttor Carvary BarTisT CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS Affiliated with the Fellowship ot Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canade PASTOR: REV. W. NIVEN AITKEN 9:45 AM --BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 AM.--STUDIES WN PHILIPPIANS 7:00 P.M.--GREAT STORIES FROM THE BIBLE "THE RIGHT FOUNDATION" BROADCAST OVER CKLB Tonight, 7:00 P.M.--Open-Air Witness, Port Perry Wed., 7:45 P.M.--Prayer and Bible Study Pastor Winter HILLSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 1351 CEDAR STREET 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 10:00 A.M.--Morning Worship Speaker: Pastor E. Winter WELCOME, IN THE NAME OF THE - LORD Matthew 9:13 is a rebuke to the critical Pharisees, who, liv-| ing by the letter of the Jewish| law, considered as polluting all contact with those who did wrong by their standards. Jesus takes the Pharisees' word for it that they are 'righteous,' but subtly indicates that they may be no more perfect than the sinners they criticize, as they lack mercy and understanding. Warned Against Destructive Talk Bv R. BARCLAY WARREN Words, words, words -- 30,000 a day. They tell us that is our daily average. And how impor- tant they are, for good or ill! Words may encourage, cheer, heal, or they may dishearten, sadden, wound. Paul wrote to the Colossians, (4:6) "Let your speech be al- with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every main. To the Ephesians he said, (4:29) "Let no corrupt commu- nication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hear- ers." The only one who tully ob- served this idea was Jesus Christ. He spoke as never man spoke. Many of His words are preserved in the Holy Scrip: tures. They have been trans- lated into over 1,100 languages They have been spoken, sung and printed, millions of times. How gracious they are to all who heed! The seasoning of our words with salt suggests preserving from corruption as well as say- ing something worthwhile, some- thing tasty. Such talk will be, not only with gracefulness, but with grace. It will minister grace to the hearers; it will build them up. We are warned many times against evil speaking. "An hypo- crite with his mouth destroyeih his neighbor." Proverbs 11.9 Sme try to satisfy their pride by speaking evil of others. Two things are bad for the heart; running up stairs and running down people. But in the latter, the heart is already bad: "for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." When we speak evil of others we reveal the defilement of ou: own heart. We are telling on ourselves. These weekly articles usually bring us back to the great truth of the Saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have all sin ned and come short of the glory) of God. Christ Jesus has come into the world to save sinners "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and lo cleanse us from THE Christian and Missionary Alliance Richmond St. E, at Codilloe ~-- Rev, C. V, Freemon, Postor 9:45 AM. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--REV. ARNOLD COOK MISSIONARY TO COLOMBIA 7:00 P.M.--The Pastor will preach on -- "WHAT CHRIST MEANS TO ME" Wed, 8 pm. ----Mid-week Meeting. all unrighteousness." The cure for corrupt speech is a pure heart. Then, when sod's love has dispelled the pride, the malice, and the un- clean, we will speak with grace. In a world where there are many temptations to sin, we will need to keep a guard on our lips. ! Let us also remember that to listen to evil, is to encourage the speaking of #. "H any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body." James 3:2. f REDUCED HEIGHT GUILDFORD, England (CP) When council of this Surrey town decided to build an 11- storey building some people feared it would spoil the pic turesque appearance of the] cobble-stoned main street. The ministry of housing now has ruled that one storey should be removed from the plans, so the building cannot be seen from the town centre. | UPTON, England (CP)--Si-, lencers will be fitted to the fans on poultry houses in this Nor-| folk community, to reduce the hum which has been annoying, neighbors. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH CENTRE AND BAGOT STREETS REV. CLINTON D, CROSS, BA, L.Th, SUNDAY, JULY 16 -- TRINITY & 9:30 AM --HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 AM.--MORNING PRAYER 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER Preacher at Morning and Evening Prayers: Rev C. D. Wilson CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH MARY AND HILLCROFT STREETS RECTOR: THE VEN. H. D. CLEVERDON -- PHONE RA 5.5795 8:00 A HOLY TRINITY CHURCH CORNER COURT AND BARRIE STREETS, AND BLOCK EAST OF ALBERT REV. H. G. D, RICHEY, L.Th, 9.00 AM. --SUNG EUCHARIST SERMON ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE INCUMBENT: THE REV. R, A. SHARP -- RA 5.7064 8:00 AM. ond 11:00 AM NO EVENING SERVICES UNTIL SEPTEMBER ST. MARK'S CHURCH STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE REV. A. WOOLCOCK -- RA B-305% 9:15 AM. --= 11:00 AM No Evening Service until September Nursery Facilities at 11:00 AM. Service Telephone RA 8.2426 Pastor: REV. G. A. CARROLL 10:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 1 EVERYONE WELCOME BLOOR ST. MISSION Base Line School Bloor St. East at Harmony Rd. 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP You ere eordially invited to these Services where @ warm '| welcome ewaits you. bath parts of Canada at made us free, and be not en- pense. YHA GPRAWA TIMED, PETEMSEY, Jury 19, 199) they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God". The Christian refrains from these, not to save himself by doing so, but, being Christ's, he (has crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts and is walk- ing in the Spirit. He has free- dom from the desire to sin. LAX PRACTICE NOPTINGHAM, England (CP) A court here was told that one of three youths who took a car away for a joy ride had pur- chased a duplicate car key at a garage. Beware of any who would in- troduce legalism in the gospel. If you trust in something you can do to save you, then Christ's Hebron Christian death for you is in vain. We are saved by faith in Him. LABOR SURPLUS ATIKOKAN, Ont. (CP)--Since the northwestern Ontario com- munity of Atikokan was desig- nated under new federal legis- | lation as one of the labor sur-| plus areas, 29 families have ap-| plied for transportation to other) public ex- | One block north of highway 2 en {| Thickson Rd. end you I} church! Reformed Church ses the Church of the "Back te God Hour" every Sundey, 3 p.m, CKLB. Services, Sunday, July 16 10:00 AM. Rev. K. Hort of Peterborough 7:00 P.M. Mr. C. L. Bisschop HARMONY WESTMOUNT | UNITED CHURCH | FLOYD ST. AT GIBBONS UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A, BD, Minister tery... fornication . , . NRUed] Moth mt oud oor Mower © Ry revellings, and such like REV. FRANK H. WARD, BA, MORNING BYNG AVENUE 11:00 AM. WORSHIP | PENTECOSTAL MORNING WORSHIP AT 10:00 AM. CHURCH Nursery Cora during this services. [14 LEARTY 'WELCOME TO ALL Albert Street United Church REV. ALBERT E., LARKE, Minister MRS. BRUCE SEARLE, Organist end Choir-Leader 11 AM. -- THE MINISTER, THE REV. ALBERT E. LARKE WILL PREACH NO SUNDAY SCHOOL UNTIL SEPTEMBER St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A., D.D. Organist end Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES, A.T.CM. 11:00 A.M. ST. ANDREWS AND SIMCOE ST. CONGREGATIONS WILL WORSHIP TOGETHER AT ST, ANDREW'S DR. G. TELFORD WILL PREACH 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Beginners and Primary Classes. GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH BAHAI'S BELIEVE . . . Baha'U'llah has ennounced thot the foundation of ons is one: that oneness is Truth and Truth is oneness joes not admit of plurality." His Holiness aims thot religion must be in accord with f it does not so conform it is superstition," "Furthermore He pr science and reasc For further information please write: 29 GLADSTONE -- PHONE RA 5-7578 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE RST CHURCH ----- 64 COLBORNE ST, EAST Mother Church, The First Church ef Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, Branch of The SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 AM. SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. -- SUBJECT: LTEE"" Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes testimonials of healing through Christian Science. Tuesday and Thursday, 2:00 p.m, to 4:30 p.m. EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS -------- wi sweoe st. PENTECOST AL 245 Simcoe St. S. Pastor: REV, R. A. BOMBAY -- RA 3-4477 CHURCH DR. CHARLES RATZ DEAN OF EDUCATION, E.P.B.C. SUNDAY AT 11 AM. AND 7 P.M. Tues, 7:30 PM - Youth CA. Wed., 8:00 P.M - Prayer and Praise Fri, 8.00 P.M. -- Men's Proyer VISITORS WELCOME "He sets forth the principle for this day that religion must be || the cause of unity, harmony and agreement among mankind. if it be the couse of discord and hostility, if it leads to sepor- ation and creates conflict, the absence of religion would be || preferable in the world." | Cromwell Ave. & Highway 401 Rev. Carl A. Kartechener SUNDAY SERVICES EARLY SERVICE 9:30 AM, SECOND SERVICE 11 AM, 9:30 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL "THIS IS THE LIFE" REGULARLY ON TELEVISION é TO SERVE GOD! SUNDAY -- 11 AM, AND 7 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES CITADEL SONGSTERS IN CHARGE ZF MN SUNDAY SCHOOL 3:15 PM. || Band Program in Lakeview Pk. TUES, 2:30 P.M, HOME LEAGUE Wednesday, 8 pm. PRAYER AND PRAISE CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH REV, WARREN G. DICKSON, B.A, MINISTER Mr. R. K, Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster 10:00 A M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--"STEPHEN -- A FULL MAN" " (Acts 6:8), EVERYBODY WELCOME SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World en its heart. MINISTER: REV, JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A, Director of Music: Mr, R. G. Geen, LT.CM. 11:00 AM.--JOINT SERVICE WITH ST. ANDREW'S e During the month of July, Simcoe Street congregation will worship with St. Andrew's eongregation in St. Andrew's Church. Dr. George Telford will ba in charge. Sunday School will close for July and August. Church Vaction School, July 4-14, St. Andrew's Church. King Street Mnited Ghureh Summer Preacher: MR, RUSSELL CROSSLEY, B.A, Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist YOUTH DEPARTMENT BABY CRECHE, NURSERY AND 10:00 AM. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 AM. 11:00 AM.--"OLD STORIES RETOLD" MEETING Major and Mrs. M. Rankin Corps Officers 133 Simcoe South Part 2 -- THE SOWER, THE SEED AND THE SOIL" : | MR. RUSSELL CROSSLEY, B.A. Read: Mark 4: 1.9 Solo: "Entreat Me Not te Leave Thea" (Gouned Soloist: Mrs. R. Moses ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH KNOX SIMCOE ST. NORTH (Four blocks from King) The Rev. Robert B. Milroy, MA. Minister Mr. David Jenkins, Musical Director SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETS AT THE CHURCH HOUR 11:00 AM "WE PICK AND CHOOSE" NO EVENING SERVICE THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH UNTIL SEPT. 17th - A Hearty Weicoma Awaits Yeu IN CANADA ST. PAUL'S ST. LUKE'S Meeting now in our new port- KING ST, E, & WILSON able church, corner of Nipigon Rav. Derek Allen, BA, TCD, and Rossland Rd. W +t Rest Meier aot REV. KENNETH J. MATTHEWS. a Wetter Organist and Choir Master 10:00 AM, MORNING SERVICES DURING WORSHIP JULY and AUGUST Topic: 10:00 AM ST. PAUL'S MORNING WORSHIP PRAYERS" NURSERY CLASS Yeu are cordialiy invited A WELCOME AWAITS YOU king sT. PENTECOSTAL cHurcH 611 KING ST. WEST Rev. J. M. MacKnight--Pastor RA 5-1661 Residence Church RA 8-5371 rive-In Church Drive- SHOPPING CENTRE AT LOBLAWS OSHAW 7:00 P.M. v s Testimonies Congregational Singing REV. JAMES MacKNIGHT, Preaching A Service for the Entire Family SIMCOE STREET N. AT Organist: Mr, J. R, 7:00 P.M.--EVEN SERVICE AM.- AMPLIFIED TO YOUR CAR SUNDAY SCHOOL For Transportat 725-0318 JING WORSHIP SUNDAY NIGHT EVANGELISM 9.45 Minister: Rev, H. A. Mellow, B.A, "COMBINED SUMMER SERVICES 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP IN NORTHMINSTER UNITED Northminster United Church| First Baptist Church HORTOP AT GLENWOOD Rev. N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A, Minister H. Philp, Musical Director ROSSLAND ROAD | Robertson Mr. ING WORSHIP IN FIRST BAPTIST REV. N. FRANK SWACKHAMMER, Minister In Charge for July BIBLE SCHOOL IN FIRST BAPTIST--9:45 A.M. NURSERY AND JUNIOR CHURCH--11:00 AM.

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