18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 7, 196) Port Perry Public School | 0 E/ -en A hl - ee ( ) SH. \ W \ Te Order Opens at 8:45 am. Gives Results Of Exams |§E8% "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded" im PORT PERRY -- Following is, Grade 4 to Grade 5: Bathie, Grade 1 to Grade 2: the promotion report from the Rhonda; Bourgeois, Charlene; Ballard, Denna; Ballard, GPENM TONIGHT FR ID AY UNTIL 9 Port Perry Public School. Buchner, Ruth Ann; Chaney, Donna; Donnelly, Jo-Anne; | Names are arranged alphabeti- Sydney; Geer, Brenda; Gray, Espie, Linda; Garvey, Debbie; cally. !Susan; Hoggard, Marilynn; |Hall, Julie; Rice, Sylvia; Short, Grade 8 to High School: Irvine, Darlene; Jackson, Jo-|Victoria; Reader, Sharalyn. Badour, Betty; Beare, Lynne; anne; Jefford, Elizabeth; Ken-| Archer, Steven; Cochrane, Bruton, Lynda; Chapman, Shar-|dell, Rhonda; Manns, Mary Cal; Crozier, Bobby; De Shane, ron; Cook, Marie; Cooper, Ger-|Jane; Nelson, Mary; Taylor, |Neil; Hull, Paul; McDuff, aldine; Dagenais, Judith; Dow-| Deborah; Thomas, Darla; Larry; Taylor, Robert; Vader, | i ¥ son, Shirley; Dymond, Beverley; | Vokins, Sherrin; Walsh, Judy; Maurice; Vokins, Ronnie; Wake- Hockin, Shirley; Jefford, Cathe-|Warren, Nancy: Williams, Jan-/ford, Kim; Williams, Laurie; i | | rine; Kandel, Lynda; Leahy,|ice. | Young, Bobby. K a r en: MacMaster, Susanne; | Ballinger, Norman; Birkett,/ Miss Donna Johnson, teacher. | Mairs, Dianne; Mark, Karen;|Wayne; Bruton, Robert; Car-| Grade 1 to Grade 2: Mumford, Jennifer; Read, Mar-|negie, Stephen; De Shane, Rob-| Carnegie, Karen; Enge, San-| garet; Summers, Lois; Vernon, ert; Emmerson, Larry; How-|dra; Enge, Sonya; Forder, " IE ® y Marianne. sam, Glen; Kendell, Morgan; | Rhonda; Leahy, Patti; Mark, i . 5 i." - Adderley, Terrance; Ballard, MacDuff, Clayton; Mark, fori; McMaster, Debbie; Neil- aN Ralph; Dowson, Christopher; | Larry; McLean, David; McNab,|son, Maryetta; Podres, Mar- : iy Jemmett, John; Lee, Robert; Brian; Michie, Kenneth; Moase,|jene; Short, Beverly; Sweet- " 5 a Sere : MacMaster, James; Mulligan, Roger; Saunders, Barry; Short,iman Brenda; Wakeford, y i we David; Murray, David} Jick Dennis; Smith, Donald; Taylor,|ponna; Willoughby, Pam. A iB. is / ard, Roger; Powell, Graham; Billy. : . iq. : / 1 & 4 {a Stephens, Rodger. Mr. J. L. Taylor, teacher. ple, Da Dagenais| 4 7 i 5 i pr AT 1 Siar - a R. H. Cornish, principal; Mrs.| Grade 4 to Grade 5: Bassent,| : pid ey' k Emma Hunter, part time|/Grace; Brown, Betty; Davis, | Allan; 3 Hall, Ricky; Hillier, | neh '|Steven; Jefford, Peter; Jeffrey, teacher. Josephine; De Nure, Peggy; | Billie: McNenly, Ronnie; Grade 8 to High School: | Durham, Janice; Forder, Anna; |o 0 po vas "Redman Ror Cook, Carolyn; Harris, Linda; (Gardiner, Susan; Gardner, TY She A cg Wa Keeler, Virginia; Michie, Dar- Kathy; Godley, Debbie; King, Ne jy % hg lene; Nixon, Ruth; Porter, Ann; | Christina; Levech, Eva; McGill | Pauli; Vader, Gordon; Waller, Snoddon, Gloria; Quan, France; |Joan; Quan, Renee; Robertson, GaIFY. Beliey. teacher : y - A : Cotton Terry Cloth Quan, Joanne; Gray, Jim; | Heather; Sebben, Ann; Short, Heayn, Paul; Hubbard, Pa u I; | Diane; Stephens, Heather; | Kindergarten to Grade 1: ah 4 . Irvine, David; McLeod, Nor-|Thompson, Alilee; Willoughby, Beare, Donna; Cook, Lynn; Com 7 T-Sh $ E { d man; Pascoe, Ivan; Porter, | Beth; Wren, Patricia. Diamond, Elizabeth; Espie, ; . . irts rom ng an David; Raines, John; Saunders,| Beare, Ricky; De Juan, Dianne; Gardiner, Heather; Wayne; Stephens, Richard. {Rualph; De 'Nure, Chris; Dur- Heayn, Victoria; Kight, Bonnie; | es . Much below usual price ! Grade 7 to Grade 8: ham, Karl; Durham, Keith; Leroux, Lucy; Luke, Victoria; Cooper, Janel; Mepeay, Shar-[Franssen, Jackie; Hiozan, Jon-\MacGregor, Cheryl; MacMaster, Handsome imports for after-swim, beach and casual on; Porter, Norma; Sonley, athon; Jeffrey, Ronnie; Kenny, Betty Jayne; McNeill, Deborah; ; ear. Thick a thirsty t - Leanne; Farmer, Teddy; Hub-| Scott; Mark, Bill; McNeil, Tom; Michie, Margot; Neille, Kim- wear Phie oe ; sty jerry Sloth generously propor bard, David; Williams, Grant. |Michie, John; Pollard, David; berly; Pargeter, Donna; Price, | : bat De e British manner. Neatly rib- S. A. Cawker, teaher. Prowice. Ralph; Tripp, Billie; |Orene; Rice, Linda; Tripp, 3 e i Show ee: and short sleeves. White in sizes small, Grade 7 to Grade 8: yakeford, an. |Susan; Vokens, Christine; Wiley, % "9 medium ana large. Carnegie, Connie; Carnochan, Mrs. Ruth Foster, teacher. 2 Susan. | 4 : ; Dorothy; Hall, Dianne; Harris, Grade 3 to Grade .4: Baird, . 4 ; A j Sandra; Jefford, Linda; Kenny,|Janet, Ballard, Lea-Anne; | p B28: Lau Sod, Robert; | he EATON July Sheila; McNeill, Susan; Moore, Brown, Linda; Griffen, Debra; canochan Gordon; Diamond, | 8 Sal h ® Judy; Nelson, Catherine; Rice, Healey, Faye; Hillier, Barbara; | yp bool Donnelly. Michael: || Ed «i ale. each , ,.. Christina; Shaw, Crystal; Tay- Kennedy, Karen; Kenny, Anne; |p con. Wayne, Evans Ron. | lor, Barbara; Wallace, Carol. Mumford, Susan; Murray, | io Gray, Donn: Harris, Dan- | Armstrong, Thomas; Cowie- Karen; Pickard, Linda; Rider,| ..' y i Tanst ; a ; son, Robert: Durham. David; Heather; Thomas, Mary Lou; |: «ackson, avid; Lomson,; i , : Whi C b d C Edenborough, Robert; Hatchin-| Wallace, Judy; Walsh, Barbara; Dennis; an, aondall, Lith 2 HE ite om e otton ski, Fernando; Kendell, Trevor; Webster, Brenda. LN ott. Neil McNab James: . ' 7" "y McDermott, John; McDonald,|] Beare, Dean; Clark, Neil; Les : rie Ani z U d h S d Peter; McNenly, Donald; Rown- Diamond, Julian; Gray, David; MeNelll Don a la Murrey: ¢ SU naers irts! econdas |! tree, Wayne; Ryba, Richard; Irvine, Kenny; Kent, John; |Z 8 T1 © 5 Rk ney, Aad ; : Sebben, Stewart; Short, Alvin; McDermott, Paul; McDonald, | ephens, lover; ougaton, 1 Nationall «known line ! Terrett, Willard. Roy; McLaughlin, Murray; |Shermang; Von Camp, William; § | : ww g i y $ A. MacPariane, teacher, Moore. Jum; Phinney, Ronald;/ G Jobin, teacher. i 1 Well-made undershirts in a favourite T-shirt style 'with : , Larry; § , Alan; : J non-sag" crew neck. The leading maker has classed Baird, Sharon; Brown, Short, Ronald; Sweetman, Glen; ci En J ne o : ; > Diane; Cawker, Bonnie; Collins, |Taylor, Paul; Williams, Jody; Eo ha : ¥ them as "Seconds", but the hard-to-find imperfections Joyce; Forder, Gale; Garvey, Williams, Teddy. School Year va Siw shouldn't effect their wearability. Sizes small (34-36), Frances; Gray, Shirley; Harris,| Mrs. Alpha Samells, teacher. eo ¢ ; : medium (38-40), large (42-44), extra large (46). Sharon; Healey, Patsy; Mac-| Grade 3 to Grace 4: ine Donald, Wh MacGregor, Beadle, Sandra; Cook, gil | E d d LL ynne; Milne, Lois; Peterman, Ann; Cox, Diane; Dowson, Jan- : ' Lyme; Poster, Sumice Rennie, ice; Fenton, Sharon; Gray, S n e & : SATON July Marlyn; Stein, Risa; Summers, Deanne; Hlozan, Janet; Luke, " : ka % i ' Eleanor; Thompson, J ean; Kathryn; McNenly, Norma,| ENNISKILLEN -- The end is \i Tripp, Linda; Webster, Bar-/Robertson, Beth; Snoddonm, Of June has brought to a close g Bi bara; Beare, Dale; Beare, Bill; Elaine. another school year with the i : - EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 228 PHONE 725.7373 Brunton, Timothy; Cox, Wayne; | Archer, Vernon; Armstrong, last few weeks crowded with oie . Dawson, Grant; Edenborough, Ross; Dagenais, Donald; events. The examinations which Ross; Enge, Rodney; Hillier, Elford, Robert; Geer, G len n; (are unpopular with both teach- Raymond; Kent, Riehard;|Gibson, George; Hoggard, ers and students, as one group Knight, Brian; Mark, Lonny; Royce; Marshall, Wayne; Men-| Work into the wee small hours Taylor, Ronnie; Wallis, Robert; |sies, Gregory; Newman, John; [setting and making exam papers Whitter, Steven. Zie liam: land the oth i jr . Ce tar, | pm, a SO Re rt as 1 SPECIAL OFFER from Elizabeth Arden Grade 6 to Grade 7: Denise] Mrs. Thelma M. Beare, desired promotion certificates. Quan, Monica Taylor. {teacher. The year book came off the Nora ? (1 Danny Cawker, Barry Elford,| Grade 2 to Grade 3: press during the last week of kd B L U i R A n" T RI E Bill Farmer, Scott Rollo, Ronald| Bathie, Reva, Beare, Sharon; |g It y S v x J J 1; | school. is up to the high War, John Vernon, Ricky|Carnegie, Charlotte; Samegls, standard of the preceeding years . i Janet; Cook, Leanne; De Nure,|and is a credit to the Editor- ls Uh Rei Te I I Lt 1 Sean ; FLOWER MIST COLOGNE DUSTING POWDER rapeqe Martha Larnegie, son Nancy; Emmerson, Col-|social editor, Betty Jane Werry; Use lavishly for coolness. A refreshing after-bath treat. Nancy Dymond, Lynda Heayn,|leen; Fenton, Brenda; Hadley, sports editor, Terry Cox; art ' 4-0z. Reg. 2.50 i Cathy Jeffrey, Susan Mulligan,|Gayie: Hall, Mary Margaret; |aditor, Muriel Griffin: humorll | / ; Sociol h Reg. 2.50. Special, box . vesecces lun june Murray, Ruth Reader, Harris, Wendy; Jeffery, Deb-leditor, Marie Draper; Literary|| + ; a doi Lyn > ort, Wenda Walsh, Jo- pie. Jeffery, Sylvia; Kendell, editor. George Leadbeater, Jun-|| | . vo -0z. Reg. 4.00 anne Shaw. ronwen; Luke, Louise; Mac-/ior room editor, Betty Wright: Special, each 5 " FRAGRANCE SET s B ' Bill Hall, Reginald Manns, waster, Mary Lynne; Pana-|cover design, by Charles Ashton, a ffl FLOWER MIST COLOGNE with atomizer 2? 50 Perfume Mist plus a purse falcon of Blue 5 00 casine . . Us Larry McNenly, Carl Prentice,|paker Diane: Parkinson, Nor-| : 3 y ' s 4 , |All pupils of the Sr. room con-| i i Ken Premice, David Read. Img: Prentice, Joanne; Read, tributed articles: which To Reg. 3.50. Special, each ........ ' Grass Perfume. 8.50 value, Special, set . py FR ing 6: |Connie; Rice, Miriam; Smits, |teresting, humorous and most! y Lo i 10 4 gg .,. Baker,| Marianne: Sonley, Kathy; Stein, entertaining reading material. ; . eid Se a. Fee |Freida: Warren, Linda. The school picnic was cele- CL \ Ee et con pty EO Th 8 ¥\ \ || HAZEL BISHOP ULTRAMATIC LIPSTICK Moore, Linda: Ptolemy Clare. (chan, David; Coles, Billy; bus. Several car loads left the % Rice, Georgia: Sebben. Eliza. Cooper, John; Goode, Gregory: |school grounds at 10 am. 2 A beth: Sonley, Sherilyn: Sweet. Hall, Ted: McDonald, Lloyd; | Swimming was first on the { Discontinued style cases to clear! man, Sharon: Tanton, Judy; [McLean, Brian; Murray, John; | agenda upon arrival at the Taylor, Priscilla; T tt, | Nelson, Charles; Vernon, Peter; |park. A beautiful summer day Taylor erTett, | i tsperger. Don. made this an enjoyable tres: / A smooth creamy lipstick . . . a deep pink shade to be worn with summer pastel shades, Ballard, Ricky; Buchner,/ Nancy MacMillan, teacher. Races were the second item / { buy one or more at this much below usual price. David; Chapman, Howard; Grade 2 to Grade 3: with the winners as follows: Cook, Ian; Durham, Donald;| Brown, Gena; Carnochan, Girls, 6-8 years--Joyce Green- 4 or 7B 2 4 ; A / Hayden, Robert; MacMaster, Donna; De Nure, Leslie; ley; Boys 6-8 years--Dale Griffin 5 i \ EATON July John; McGowan, Gordon; Pod-|De Jong, Mary Ann; McLean,| Girls 9-11 years--Ruth Peth- fl & : "ERY Sale, each .. e or for PS res, Ronald; Porter, Jamie; Carol; Raines, Janet; Rider, |ick; Boys 9-11--James Robson ; Raines, Ralph; Rice, Terry; Penny; Wakeford, Joanne. Girls 12 and over -- Marie Z ' Snoddon, Harold; Stephens, Rus-! Geer, Garry; McGill, Rodney; Draper; Boys 12 and over--Law- ; : ; EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212 PHONE 725.7373 sell. 2 Taylor, Neil: Whitter, Ronnie; rence Wright f i br ei Wo : - Mrs. Andrey N.T.oa deacher \Wron I chic! gh school givis--Laura Grif-| Tz 5 : -- Hi fin; High school boys--David Lodge Holds BE we een] Soffa! fC. ol 2] CLEARANCE OF BEDSPREADS! Three-legged race--Wendy Cox land Marie Draper; Bob Thomp- - 3 ; FF \ T «f= i / i ! Regular Meet wo md Garg Gm] FF ru NWAE | Eadie 1/3 off Rozular Price! 6.95 lo 15,35 Yang ; Bd Thrifty homemakers will be quick to take advantage of this special low price in bedspreads. ne Beckett and Terry Cox x Wor BROOKLIN -- The Regular "Parkwood" home of Colonel jade race--Ms. E. McNair i ; ; 3 Choose one or more for cottage and home; homespun, cotton chenille or heirloom in the group. meeting of Kinoven Rebekah R. S. McLaughlin, Oshawa, on The tabl WW Hh on. OE { % Sizes to fit single or double beds. Lodge, No. 353 was held on Monday evening, July 10 from! ables literally groaned ? Tuesday evening, June 2, in the 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. with their load of delicious food [ 1 TOOF Hall, Bagot street Brook-| The Estate superintendent, i Juuch me. which included J ] EATON July ® fo » 5 . ne A lin. Mr. Blore and his staff will Sal 5 Ory 4 aan ale, each .. ... Vice Grand Sister lleen/meet members of Brooklin, |S" gtoup soon cleared the ! 4 plates. As Ss ar " Thompswn presided, assisted by| Agincourt and other Societies atte, As both weachers ae , EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 436 PHONE 725.7373 Sister Grace Bradley, Past Noble! front of main gate on Simcoe their pupils with farewell gifts = Grand street at E:45 p.m. You will begeaytitully worded rea: ol the absence of Noble Grand|3ui%ed proush fhe | Various| ere vead by Belly Jare Werry iy Sister Jean Disney, Vice Grand| ; : "If : : : ; Sifter dean Disney, ¥ s Grand portunity to view the extraordin. or Mrs. Draper and Heather MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE ! MANUFACTURER A CLEARANCE : ary formal grounds. Sister Dea : Extend Griffin for Mrs. Calnan who is ial welcome to guests of the : : ¥ retiring from the teachin ro- / p evening. Rebekah Sisters from Piease nots: This tour is for fession also. Betty Wright pre. (H | L EXTERIOR PAINT 0 Dorcas Rebekah Lodge No. gg members of Horticultural SoC-|canted Mrs. Draper with a sBalan | of Havelock. Sister Grace ity only. Those wishing to lovely Chenille bedspread from FLOWER BORDER PRINT MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE ! MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE ! Bradley reporting on behalf of(2tiend. phone names to Mrs.\ihe Sr "room and Pet m : > |Arthur Elliott, OL 5-3844 im- SI. root eter Bahr, ' : i vi . ; : 5 im-{ a -- ' ? a ea Seita mediately. Those driving cars|pe. Mrs. Calnan 4 cosy yellow IN SUMMER S MooD! Stock f i it gs ok pony [Ogive Your homed ers Sister Della Mediately. Those driving cars|blanket from the Jr. room. Both tock up for your exterior painting needs new look for Summer, do come see our Jones; Past Noble Grand, now Pl Sport; :__|teachers expressed their appre- Polished cotton sun-dress with a full whirl- around the house or cottage helps to wide selecti f | All home from hospital, steadily TRUCK KILLS 7 ciation. Mrs, Draper gave the ing skirt, square neckline cut glamour- ls P i-tri [90 OF wal \Daper. papers LS > C protect and preserve the outside surfaces, semi-trimmed, some plastic coated for improving. GALLUP, NM. (AP)--A 35. Dine pupils of Grade 8 their ous h ) JALLUP, NM. (AP)--A 35- : : usly low in back, wide shoulder straps, i : Hi NSiiter Helen Batten. past yearald mother 803 Der. tix promotion _cerificates---all _be- SE ops, 2 'ake advantage of this offer to save -- washability. A good selection of pat- Noble , pres con-ismall children were killed|!N® Successful, y Jane Wer-| Brn p 5 both mon ! mi m a Bris aa oreall Ci { dren were Elegy ee Wins, flower border print on_grounds of gold, oh mor 2Y and exterior surfaces! terns for every room in home or cottage. Business. sessioas of vy Re-{truck was hit broadside. by 4|Leowna Ferguson, Muriel Grif. ue or lilac. Sizes 9 to 15. ours include green, red or grey. 10 single rolls per bundle. Shop early bekah Assembly held in To-'heavy grain truck. The victims|fin, Charles Ashton, George ronto, June 12 to 14 inclusive. were identified as Mrs. Elsie|l.eadbeater, Terry Cox and Neil for best selection. Sister Velma Ross, Past Noble Smith, 35, of Ft. Wingate Sta.|Y€0. The class each received EACH ° EATON July 29 Grand Scholar to the Assembly|tion, N.M., and her children, |@ graduation pin from the Serv- Sale, gal. ..... ° EATON July RQ Sessions, presented the full re-|Cecilia, 6, Richard, 5, Edward|ice Club. Betty Jane Werry and : Sale, bundle .. ® ort of all social t Lee, 4, W |Marie Drape yards! p events held anda Ann, 3, Loretta, | aper received awards EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 241 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE 725.7373 during the three day sessions. 2, and Vi ee, siy s. (also from the S > Club fi 2 : y Ss sions Virgil Lee, six months. Ve the ab ros PHONE RA 725.7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 274 PHONE 725.7373 TOUR OF PARKWOOD ESTATE PICKING OKRA ages in Grade 8, which were Members of Brooklin Horticul- Okra pods are picked when § ; 's Robs : . : VE : : $ 4 p presented by Mrs. Robson , y DAA . tural Society are cordially in- about half - grown, before the After an hour of free time and i Store Hours: 9.30 iF vited to participate in a tour of seeds have hardened, from late a second swim period the group i RE Ren EP i " 4 2 id i the beautiful eleven acre estate August to early October. ireturned home. SS . 1