29--Automobiles for Sale |30--Automobiles Wanted MGA COUPE, 1958, 20,000 miles, radio, HARLEY Davidson motorcycle, A-1 eon- lite wall tires, wire wheels, continen.|dition, Cash deal. T 723-7431. Tal Kit, safety b belts, $1,350, RA 35-0585. 221 College Avenue. 59 CHEVROLET, iow mileage, automa-| tic, two-tone, financing arranged. Private, RA 8-3496, xe| COUNTRY living, Jet a or io 52 CHEVROLET radio, signal lights, and shopping, Jot 100° x 200°, six-room bungalow, tak Bs room, fire-/A.1 running condition, $150 or best offer. i ta 725-5529. piace, SUI SioFms aud sores ||"47 PONTIAC parts, transmission, rear na og motor, good condition. 'Phone. 27--Real Estate for Sale FaVE room alow with lage lot and garden, $10,500 price, Apply 175 Burk Street. SURVEYED sale on Constan Lake, lakefront lots for , Mattawa Yano) s area. 27--Real Estate for Sale DOWN, five rooms. modern Othe) $800. DOY 27 --Real Estate for Sale 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 7, 1961 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent fWO-ROOM apartment, $12 a week, la- furnish- Kit. Promotions BAER = At Cartwright ELECTRIC razor service, parts for all kes. Cutting heads, cords, BLACKSTOCK -- June pro-|Lagacy, Jean; Meagh ER ri Cay | Lague inguin, aki ' im, Gordon; Grade | 10 Grade 3 « Ajams A A nn; 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent |" TWO rooms, kitchen with Hes or and od. ADDY 15 Colborne Street East. Parking space. Apply 156 Agnes Street. THREE-ROOM furnished or unfurnish- ENGLISH family have two empty clean apartment, rf and cup-|{rooms. $45 includes hydro, Heat, park- wards in kitchen, heavy vig 3 Also|ing. 831 Ritson South. 728-21 ex Twmshed room, Apply 29 Chaties THREE room fiat in quiet home, eee | vate bath, ae: pa IWO-BEDROOM Apartment, available | gply, 31 Albany Street. 725- Apply 496 Simcoe North A 728-3945. FURNISHED basement apartment,| THREE ROOM apartment in apart: ccirically equipped, garage, reason. Sond able for young working couple, Ross. go children. please. Avply 103 Wilson land Road East. Telephone 725-8977. "Road North, Apartm: THREE rooms, self-contained, or fur- BRIGHT attractive HL four nished . rooms, bath, very central. Apply Sis obs Street. "of washer and dry er. Parking. Rent moderate. Taunton Road East. 725-0331. | TWO-BEDROOM apartment, living, For $6900 L PRICE $800 wo Tov 7 rooms, ol h Es horn Mr, 'Swarbrck. Gasssis or or | ohn A. J. Bl d Ltd PRIVATE SALE Brand new five-room bark brick bungalow with stone front, situated or. lanscaped lot with three full-grown maples at rear. Hollywood kitchen, ceromic tile ond vanity in bathroom, a any trimmed roughout, section basement. Located on 426 Miller Just off Gibbons $13,300.--$1500. Down 725-3662 PETER KOWAL REALTOR Ls RES. me, pri- oy ts W. J. Norris Real al Eatate Bill Collins, MO Lane; REDUCED to $11,900 for quick sale, $1,000 down, three-bedroom brick Bow-| house, decorated, aluminum storms and screens, recreation room, close to schools and transportation. 305 Palmer. | South. 5:58 Avenue, Whitby. Private. CUSTOM (In the dash) transistor car DUPLEX, modern, nine-room brick, radios from $39.95. Try Dominion Tire| five rooms and bath down, four rooms |Stores, 48 Bond Street West. th up. Private entrance, Jarage, [53 FORD custom line, good rubber, [only $14,500 with $2,200 down. W. body and motor, excellent Auley, Realtor, 28 Prince Street, 723. Telephone 725-7203 oe ohio, 50 PONTIAC i four door sedan, 2512 of or MO 8.5765. CORNER lot, 49 x 150, city service, $600(good reliable, one owner car, 66,000 miles. $150. Telephone 725-1078, down payment. Telephone 725-1953, om bungalow, 48 PONTIAC, A-1 condition, reasonably | priced. Apply 250 Oshawa Boulevard South or telephone 728-3477. i 57 CHEV. Ration wagon. Will trade for late model Chev, pick-up truck. Telephone 728-8492. 59 PLYMOUTH Fury, four-door hard. lots of equipment, very clean. inson Motors, 574 Ritson Road $3500 down. Wi Fra manville, MA 3-3393 McQuay Dorrell, Heather; Downey, Richard; Gallant, Billy; Gray, Sharon; Gilbank, David, Gunter, Richard; Hodge, John; Jackson, '| Larry; Jamieson, Lloyd; Kerel, Elizabeth; A Krockenstoel, Stanley; Lagacy, R ; MacDonald, Dorothy; 825. 111 ear top boat, $30, Majeoltn, Barry; Mappin, Ricky; town. | Laughlin, Neil; Mountjoy, pi Scott, Wayne; Shortridge, Wil- liam; Thompson, Debby; - $1,000 DOWN, Six room home with ofl |heating, storms and screens, private| drive and garage, finished patio in garden. Only $10,500 full Ko Call Bob Stevenson, 728-6286, Hyman Realtor, EE-BEDROOM brick bungalow, 2 heating, 474 Lakeview Avenue, $1,000 down, 728-6397. FIVE-ROOM Sowell 100 with good wel terms. MA 3-2685. $500 DOWN, 5 room modern brick "bun- low with garage, south east section, fmmediate Only $11.90. W. W.| 725-6343. 9 am. to 5 p.m. NEW, Joom apartment (in apartment build- ing with stove, refr iy Sryer. Close to centre. {RA 5 -9161 UNFURNISHED --two-room partment, every stove, parking facilities, aduits, central. 725-5380. | TWO-BEDROOM apartment on Simcoe Street room with dinette area, kitchen, refiig- North, fully equipped, Phone Srutat, stove, laundry facilities. 725- 3981. y plywood boat with accessories, new trailer. Call 723-3635. anne; Wolfe, John; Novem, El eanor. Mrs. Dorothy Venning FRIVATE sale, two bedroom bungalow, corner lot, 80 by|storms screens, tile ficoss, conven- $800 down. Easy lent to shopping centre and down town, 30.900, PATEIeHts to be arranged. Can 725-24 1. $900 2, spotless owner-built brick bungalow, off Park Road South, many 15 EVINRUDE, Astrol ol frig. 723-7877. Vacant August 1. in town. 1961 Thistle carriage, car-bed myles, discount _ price $19.95; smooth- of coils, -FOUR-ROOM apartment for rent, close very top mat- regular 3800 ~to North GM on Agnes Street. T 725-1168. THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, private entrance and bath, suit couple, Apply 325 Simcoe Street South. 725-3243 or 655-4738. BOWMANVILLE -- three-room apart- ment, private three-piece bath and en- trance, large modern kitchen, Heat, lights, hydro included. Immediate occu- pancy. MA 3-5798 UNFURNISHED apartment, self-con- TWO-ROOMED apartment, with private Datsun, newly decorated, close to 23-3088 or apply 275 Immediate " occupancy, {Oshawa Blvd. * South. Sg ae . _|THREE-R ROOM unfurnished basement LARGE two-bedroom apartment, lo. {apartment, near south GM. Reasonable. cal on Lansdowne drive, available Abstainers only. 1213 Sun Valley Court Aug. 1, stove, frig., washer and dryer. 725-1356. . 725-3412. TWO-ROOM apartment, builtin cup- tod #79 AND UP - one and re boards, heavy wiring, Telephone MA with drapes, 32750 Bowmanville, stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, park- | rHRFE.RGOM apartment for rent, heat ing facilities, central. 725-8633. land hydro included, $65 per month. TWO large rooms, 'completely furnish {Children welcome 728-8222, ed for light housekeeping, Including | ou ™ oor el™ sor ont electric refrigerator and television, | and b_ aparime room, with modern kitch- use of washing machine and dryer, cen-| ng Lrivate entrance. Phone 723-9214. tral to downtown and shopping centre. Adults, $15 weekly 725- 5227. APARTMENT for rent, four rooms and th, forced air heating, centrally lo- FIVE-ROOM apartment, stove, refriger- 0°10 0 793.215 ator, hot water, washer, parking, cen- eated. Telephone 723.2155, trally located, adults only, 3. Apply ONE-BEDROOM modern apartment, 412 Simcoe Street North, Apt. | washer, dryer, refrigerator, stove and TV outlet, Wentworth Street, $75 month- FOUR-ROOM apartment, all Gonven. ly.. Ample parking. Telephone 725-1424. ences, laundry, parking, hot Water, bus) d Apply 165 Verdun Roa | Tasome 0 . 26--Rooms for Rent and | BED- SITTING , three rooms, Teluigeraors stove. | Small Centre, school. $60 hly. 137 one four- four-room apartment "room, private bath, bath including TV aerial, refrigerator broadloom, lovely patio, cooking privil- and stove, free dryer, now available. eges, everything supplied. Large better Phone 723-9141. {home, near hospital. 725-3053. APARTMENT, in new apartment build-| UNFURNISHED self-contained room Ing, four rooms and bath, stove, frig, with kitchen, parking facilities, cen- TV aerial, washer, dryer, at 299 Mon- | trally located. Apply 79 Nassau or tele- trave. Open for inspection. 725-9161. |phine 728-5337. - THREE-ROOM apartment, bath, ground | ATTRACTIVE room, furnished or un- level, separate entrance, parking, one furnished, vicinity shopping centre, shild welcome, between Whitby and Osh- town and south GM. parking. 27 Park ~ awa. Reasonable. 728-6408. Road South, 728-0429. | #0 MONTHLY, three-room unfurnish- [IN COLUMBUS -- three unfurnished ed attractive apartment, newly decor-|rooms, private entrance, bath, heated, | ated, laundry and parkein factities. heavy wiring, cupboards, sink, hot and | 84 Dearborn Avenue. 725-225 cold water, Immediate occupancy. | FOUR-ROOM apartment, ir July | 655-4734 81, $70 and found, Two children wel- ONE room completely furnished, re- some. Fenced in yard. Telephone frigerator and stove, parking space. 728-4437. Apply 202 Albert Street. PRIVATE apartment, three rooms, FURNISHED apartment and "single | built-in cupboards and sink in kitchen, housekeeping rooms, private entrance, three-piece bath, heavy wiring, TV out- central, parking, reasonable. 96 Centre let, let. Apply 513 Richmond Street East. Street. MODERN two-bedroom apartment, re-| Two furnished rooms for rent, suif- frigerator, stove, hot water included,|aple for nurses, near hospital. Apply washer, dryer, laundry tubs. 239 Mon-|3; Buckingham Avenue. traye Avenue. Apartment 1, 725-0191. rm rey ox and up, modern one or tWo-|hoard optional. Telephone 728-8370. bedroom apartments, new apartment building, refrigerator, tove, washer, | FURNISHED or unfurnished room for fryer, paved parking. Telephone RA |rent in a clean private home, kitchen 25-6674. MODERN | & IROOM for rent, available. Centrally located, parking. ~-- |139 Albert Street. ow wv NG One and wo bedroom | ONE large furnished room with large August 1, self-contained. Many extra's. furnished kitchen, adults only, Apply $89 - $109. Call Gower Realtor, |620 Simcoe Street North. 728-4651. 5 P 3 i . MODERN -- two unfurnished rooms, | 27--Real state for dale EY Es Daas Wie pg for one person or couple, 242 Elizabeth 2 - 8 pm. -- 1408 Oxford Street. 725-8106. TWO heated 3 apartments, s, second and St, Oshawa. Only $800 down. New, modern, third floor, private entrance. 77 Bond VICKERY REAL 'ESTATE East or 725-9303, . FOUR rooms, self-contained, unfurnish- ed apartment, porch, central. Bond East, close to Simcoe Street, $75 month- ly. Immediate occupancy. 728-5161. FOUR-ROOM apartment, available July 8, $65 a month. T 7 20 or | OSHAWA apply 359 Verdun Road. | THREE-ROOM apartment with prion BUYING OR SELLING bath, parking facilities, near south G 1" i" buses and schools. . Telephone 723.7101, | | BILL HORN ER MODERN Dewly decorated four.room| LIST WITH LLOYD Parte » we, refrigerator, out. free washer, dryer, 725-1310. THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. FOURBOOM unfurnished apartment, | Realtor newly Ssnorated, paring Mpite, Hear 101 Simcoe St. N. sorth GM. Apply 146 Division Street. 728-51 TWO large furnished rooms, with two-| 8 23 plece washroom, vicinity hospital, high school, busline, Telephone 725-4678 ONE or two furnished housekeeping | PRIVATE SALE rooms, all conveniences, sink and cup- | boards. Parking, Near south . Malaga Rd. Just completed five-- room SELF contained three room apartment,| bork brick bungalow with piivate Bath: & buds Supboards det | stone front situated on land- . avy duty wiring, outlet. | > a vod sgn Bon SR EI ic ti nd vani THREE room basement apartment, i ' heavy duty wiring, sink, cupboards, In bathroom, mahogany trimmed throughout. Sec- tional basement. Located on 297 Farewell "Ave, S. $13,750--%$1500 Down 725-3662 laundry facilities, close to south GM. | Telephone 723-9742 LARGE clean room or housekeepny! room, reasonable, bus at door, close to south GM. Telephone 725-1238. FIVE-ROOM deluxe apartment, first floor, electricity, parking facilities, | three rooms, second floor apartment, | private entrance, heavy wiring. 725-4000, WHITBY CLASSIFIED ed. FOR SALE or.ex 50, four bedroom, vo bathroom home in 1610iito, a {lar accommodation in Whithy. R RENT: Ground floor parking. Phone MO 8-2786. FOR SALE: 7 NHA fully serviced build ing lots, or for custom built homes.| WER 1,150 square feet, and garage solid FOR RENT: Three room unfurnished brick, for only $13,500. Contact builder, apartment, private bathroom, air con- HI 4-96 4-9664 after 9 p.m. {4% tioned, $65 monthly, Business couple; ------ rything included, 325 Pal. St SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary MO 8.4374 8 Palace Steet way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West Phone MO 8.2563, CARETAKER, apply in writing to Whit- by Detachment, Ontario Provineial FOR RENT: Three room apartment, Police, refrigerator and stove, unfurnished. Apply 233 Palace Street, Whitby, telephone Ee. super value, approxi mately 630 Mok of letter size ili paper (news print) for only $1.00 A ply Oshawa Times Office, 1111 Dundas Street West, BOATING AND [ CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents, all sizes, $7 - $15 per week. Sleeping Bags, Coolers, terns, stoves, $2 weekly. Cabin Trailers, sleep 5 and 6, $40 ond $45 per week. Outboard Motors, oll sizes, $15 ond up. Boat, 5 h.p. motor trailer, $35 per week. 14' Runabout, 25 electric and trailer, $85 weekly. Cances and Cartop Boats, $15 per week. We also rent, repair and sell lawnmowers, garden tillers, power tools. WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundes East, Whitby MO 552% CHAS. DAWSON No Down Payment. No obli- [CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. gation. The BEST for less. MO 8-210 4 15 cubic foot Frigidaire, 3 - 4 | months food supply from Séhneiders, approximately GRAVEL * LOAM Cement Gravel, $16.95 per week assures fomily of 4 GOOD LIVING, Driveway Gravel and Fill. Delivery Monday to Sat, Noon, ond is your total cost for food and freezer. ECONOM- ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 Ww illowd: ale, Ontario. 1301 Henry Street, Whitby. Ap- plications must be received by July 15, or 1961. WOULD baby sit day or night, ex. perienced high school girl. Call MO 8-2503 for information, Whitby, ROOM and board for gentlemen. Apply 901 Walnut Street. |FOR RENT: "Four room flat, |bath 'and garage. Street East, Whitby NEW house for rent, kitchen, living \room, two bedrooms. Suit couple with {one child. 668-5167 after 4. | | FURNISHED rooms, cooking privileges |if desired, all conveniences, central. | 668-5176, | FOR RENT: Two bedroom apartments, $90, inmodern building, stoves, refrig- |erators MO 8-3591. |BC SERVICES Complete bookkeeper |service for small businesses, weekly, {monthly or as desired. Statements pre. pared, income tax returns. MO 8-8252. FOR RENT -102 "Brock Street South, ground floor space of 1,600 sq. ft. with vault, 22-foot frontage. Prime location for store or office. Apply Bank of Mont- real, Whitby. FOR RENT: Unfurnished, self-contain- ed. modern basement, three piece bath, suit two girls, reasonable, 306 Arthur Street, Whitby. MO 8.8033. CUSTOM BUILDING Renovations, odditions, rec- reation rooms, structural landscape features. Designs and estimates free, _ private Apply 1427 Dundas lan- and 1IZE with ECONOMART. MO 8-5381, Our food plon available to McAuley Realtor, 28 Prince 723-2512 or MO & 8-5765. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2453 or MA 3-5868 treet. extra's, must be seen to be appreciat- ed. Frances Hallowell 725-4344. Joseph 1958 PLYMOUTH for sale, good tires. | Telephone 723-7674. discount price Sao three-piece te, double dresser, Bosco Realtor. EQUE won at the Sin ou Centre for a down payment on a new home. Make an offer. 728-1222 after six. FARMS, acreage and good selection. Call W. tor, 28 Prince Street, REDUCED TO $14,500 Attractive six-room brick bungalow on Euclid Street -- aluminum storms and screens, T.V. ontenna and basement exit to patio, well decorated and beautifully-kept home with lawn, garden and pri- vate drive. To inspect, call Keith Lunney ot 728-5107 days or MO 8-2650 evenings. 100 Acres Farm ot Enniskil- len. 6-room frame house with bathroom. Lorge barn with waterbowls ond hydro. Imple- ment shed. Goroge. Hen- house. Choice sandy loam. 11 ocres bush. Asking only $19,500.00. Terms. 49V2 Acres Farm on Hwy. 401 just east of Oshawa. 8-room stone house with all conveniences, Good barn. Small stream. . Other build- ings. Ideal for a model farm. Price and terms arranged. 10-room fumished cottage at West Beach. $3,000.00, Restaurant and living quar- ters on Hwy. 2 east of New- castle, close to Government Park. Very good potential. lots. s. We have a DieAuley Real- 723-2512 or MO BARGAIN special! Only 5m for this seven room 1% storey hom '58 PONTIAC two-tone Strato Chief se- dan, excellent condition. Many extras. Cash or terms, Telephone 655-4850. ly renovated and pis Ronit through- out. Very low taxes plus only $1,500 See lay and make your '57 PONTIAC, mileage, in Telephone 728-1960 after 6 p.m. two-door sedan, low in good condition, one owner. attri Cath yi invited. Call Ken|; Hann. 725-6588 anytime, Wilson Realtor, YOUR UR very own business! Variety pl '58 AUSTIN Healey, overdrive, wire Best offer. Tele- Lo wheels, good condition. hone 72-8; 315. bookcase bed and gh chest, $189. 00, ¢ discount price $116; 6x 9 bor- derless floor cov , discount $1.99; five piece chrome suites, arborite table and four heavy-duty pride $29.95; two-piece sofa bed suite, beading hon regular $169, discount price $77. Ed Wilson's Discount Furniture Store, 20 Church Street, store and Fish "n' Chip plus new completely modern three bedroom attached living quarters, Well populated district assures good turnover now, but a terrific potential for a real live-wire Sf and all for only $15,200. - Excellent terms. Call Ken Hann anytime, 725-6588. Wilson Realtor. PRIVATE sale, two bedroom bungalow, wiree-plece bath, oil heating, garage. $7,500. Brooklin 655-4550, 133 ACRES: 100 workable; rest wood and pasture; big river runs through; 7-room brick house with Sonyeniences; 2 drive sheds; 2 brooder houses; garage; 1 tool house, This farm is oy for beef cattle or cash crop. Plenty of water, good garden, raspberries and strawberries, ome apple trees. All I: 1952 MERCURY sedan, custom ri two tone, in good condition. Telephone 728-5747. a mot --C-------- '80 CORVAIR, 700, four-door like new, fully equipped. Telephone 728-4920 be- tween 5 and 6 pm. 52 CHEV. door, clean inside and out, denendable condition, extras, Apply 149 Burk St. "57 CHEVROLET sedan "with new auto. matic transmission. $1150 with radio and whitewalls '51 BUICK in Perfect TH running condition, priced 723-3301. '59 CHEVROLET low mileage auto- matic 6-cylinder deluxe radio, two tone nancing arranged. Private 728-3496. radio, "standard 6, deluxe, four- 725-0758 for quick sale. Telephone d Apply owner, Asking $12,000.00 with terms. FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Vickery Real Estate 728-6228 728-4879 PRIVATE SALE Modem high quality built 3-bedroom bungalow -- im- pressive appearance, garage, finished basement. Owner guarantees: no hidden faults. Ideally located for pleasant living. Flexible terms. Offers welcomed. 292 HURON STREET BUYING OR SELLING LLOYD CORSON D. W. WILSON, REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6588 723-2537 We list photo Co-Op OPEN HOUSE IN BEAU VALLEY Evenings 6 till 9 Saturday Afternoons 2 till 5:30 A REAL BUY WHITBY MODERN DETACHED SIX-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW Large finished recreation room (bar and sink). Suitable for renting. Aluminum storms and screens, poured cement patio at rear entrance. Land- scoped. Close to schools. 67. N.H.A. mortgage. Full price $13,500 -- $2,800 down. 2 building lots at Curv-Inn near Newcastle. Priced at $2,000 each, We have many other listings Business ...... for your inspection. Also we have a number of buyers for farms, Please coll for your require- ments. C. > Soper i . Barton .. | Salesmen: . MA 3-2624 MA 3-3098 HOWE & PETERS REALTORS 67 King St. E. 725-7732 NEW PRICE 10 acres of good sandy loam, 6-room brick house with new fumace and well, 2-storey hen house, large tractor, rotor tiller, raspberry and strow- berry plants, 5 miles from Oshawa. Call Earle Allen, 725-7782 or 725-7732. KAWARTHA ST. 5-room, 3-bedroom brick bun- gaolow about 7 years old, beautiful condition through- out, nicely londscaped lot, garage. Asking $11,600 with easy terms. Call Joe Craw- ford, 725-7732. CENTRAL PARK 6-room brick with 3 lorge bedrooms, dining room, paved drive, low monthly payments of $66.00 including taxes, 442% mortgage. Call Don Howe, 725-7732 or 723- 9692. OVERLOOKING GOLF COURSE Beautiful secluded location for this 6-room brick home, modern kitchen, hardwood, and tile floors, garage, nicely landscaped lot. Asking $10,- 950.00 with $1,500 down ond balance on one open mortgage at 612%. Call Keith Peters, 725-4162. MO 8-5663 1.7222 or write 227 Glendora Avenue, OPEN HOUSE 60 CENTRAL PARK BLVD. NORTH OFF ROSSLAND ROAD EAST 6-room ranch style bungalow 6% N.H.A. resale with many extra features, over 1,100 square feet of floor area, must be sold this week-end as owner has pur- chased property out of town. Open all week-end from 7 p.m. Friday, Salesman (Bill Horner) on site, Lloyd Pealty (Oshawa) Limited, Realtor, 728-5123, For Satisfaction and Courtesy in All Your Real Estate needs, Call: PALL J, BOLAHOOD REAL ESTATE 228 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA 728-4171 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 COUNTRY LIVING 6-room bungalow just outside city limits on beautifully land- scaped lot 78' x 215'. All cenveniences, semi-circular crushed limestone drive. Large kitchen with extra dining area. Priced at $13,900.00 with $3,000.00 down. Call now for oppoint- ment to inspect, GIBBONS STREET 1V2-year-old -- 5V2-room ranch bungalow with carport -- good sized rooms, storms, screens, storm doors, large china cabinet off kitchen, wired for dryer, patio, etc. A quality nome at only $15,500. 00 with down payment to be arranged. Call this office now to inspect. $1500 DOWN RICHMOND ST. E. $1500 DOWN 6-room, 1Ya-storey, all large rooms, well decorated, awnings, storm ond screens, garage, extra stool in basement, close to schools, bus and shopping. An excellent buy ot only $13, 500.00. Balance on Ist mortgage. Payments to be arranged. AFTER 5:30 CALL Everett Elliott 723-9290 John Kemp 728-2392 Dick Barrioge 725-6243 oll qualified freezer owners. Jos Moga 725-9191 Marion Drew 725-7610 S. Ry gy . 3 Omemee, EIGHT-ROOM brick home, upstairs| apartment, near North GM plant, Tele- phone MA 3-2750, Bowmanville. LOT, 70 by 220, located in Jones sub- division, just east of city limits, $1,000, terms. 723-9286, $600 DOWN $7500 full price, six-room, semi-detached, close to schools and| d pi Realtor. 728-4651. REACH loan prospects at low cost with | a dependable Oshawa Times Classified commercial rates available to you. "$1 GMC %-ton truck, only 200 miles, shopping. Call Douglas L. Gower, 723 TWO 1950 Ford % tons, '48 Ford 1 ton, ton, '54 Chev., 54 Ford all new paint. Mike's Ad. Dial RA 3-3492 today for the Tow | " |'60 CHEVROLET sedan, | '57 TWO door hardtop Pontiac, radio, low mileage, one owner. In good con- ition. $1,300. Telephone 725-5239, "54 PONTIAC, grey, coach, good condi- ion, n. Telephone | RA 18-8669. es riced right. Robinson Motors, 574 Rit. son Road South, "55 BUICK hardtop, automatic. Sacrifice ToL offer. Owner leaving town. Phone » Raglan. OL 5- -3528. 12,000 miles, © 29--Automobiles for Sale 58 VOLKSWAGEN; in good condition. Apply Fina Service Station, 160 Simcoe | Street South, 728-0051. CLEARING! '60 Pontiac Laurentian, one owner, 11,000 original miles, $2,195; '58 Pontiac Strato-Chief, sharp, $1,345; '57 Chevrolet BelAir, top value $1,095; '57 Volkswagen, radio, $695; '54 Mon- arch, fully equipped, clean, $269; '52 Buick convertible, fully. powered, $189, Many more to choose from. Cash, trade}, or terms. Wellman Motors, 725-7981. 58 VAUXHALL, top condition, 12,000 miles, radio, block heater, windshield | washers, snow tires. Best offer. 728-5968. | - $250 FOR a '54 Plymouth sedan, good | condition, Telephone 728-8109 or 218 Cadillac Avenue South, = 58 CHEVROLET "four-door, good a pi r, standard Mus be sold on the et, cheap. 728-2805. VOLVO Most dependable. The leader on the road and ic, perfect condition, attractive olor, Phone _ 723. 3364. 51 CHEV. .» motor 'overhauled, good body nd tires, "47 Studebaker % ton, good running order. 725-4935. "59 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, with custom radio, top Sondition, one owner. Tele. hone 725-2550. American Ford- 57 C CONVERTIBLE, Thunderbird, special engine, automatic transmission, one owner, low mileage, perfect. Phone 725-2959, "54 STAKE truck, with hoist, A-1 condi: tion. Best offer. WH 2-513 54 CHEVROLET, good i new tires, Telephone 725-7119. '56 AUSTIN A-50 Top por ry $495, {Terms to suit. 725-1667. NAGY MOTOR $ALES 5: MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales and service. Showroom open until 9 p.m. at 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7132 track. JAKE #2 °'LL'S GAR/ ~F INA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 912 Open evenings or weekends than 20% on their car in- surance, Half-year payments. 30--Automobiles Wanted Call us today and compare-- |L ample free parking. SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 Ci AKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA 5.1181. BUSINESS men willing to take over balance of payments on a low mileage modium small car, from private owner only. to make any further payments on one. Someone who would prefer not all 728-4232, Oshawa, after 1 p.m. WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 BALLERINA length wedding dress size 10 or 12 with crown and veil, hoop jtilize. Like new. Telephone RA SPECIALS ! $1.98. Yard 79%¢. DRAPERY MATERIAL--Reg. PRINTS 3 yds. $1.00 DRAPES, made to order. Modern design, reasonable rates. We also carry a com- plete line of other fabrics at real savings. 723-7827 M & C DRY GOODS 74 Celina St. T.V. TOWERS $55. 40-ft. tower structure with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vonized. Guaranteed one year.. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET 728-8180 COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS STORM DOORS, WINDOWS, PRIME WINDOWS Finest Quality Very Low Price. We also carry a Canada's finest Awning, Porch Railing very reasonable price. CALL ALEX VAJDA 723-9851 19-FT. CABIN cruiser, at-| chishin, Stephen; Trewin, e; Turner, Janet; Warren, Larry; Watson, John; Wheeler, Mich- ael; Williams, Janice; William- son, Sharon; Wilson, Grade 2 to Grade 3 -- selstine, Floyd; Churchill, i et; Collins, Bruce; Crawford, est, Wayne; Forest, Wendy; Frew, Valerie; Gallant, Dona; Gilbanks, Helen; Hart, Judith; Douglas. Mrs. Phyllis Mitchell, teacher, Janice; Duncan, Judith; For- rick, Wayne; Lee, Brian; Leod, Leonard; Moore, ares Pascoe, Michael; Quackenbush, John; Rohrer, Brenda; Rook, Shirley; Stinson, Nancy; Sup- ple, Christine; Swain, Robert; 32--Articles for Sale , Barry; Warren, Elaine; Warren, Jeanette; Wilkins Teddy; Wotten, Norma. Mrs. BATH sets, sump pumps, piping and fuiings, ce ment mixer, wheel barrow. roto- car. H, Chinn, ark Road South. MOVING -- Large broadloom rug, grey, {washing machine two . piece cherry cheste chair, lum- numerous articles, suitable for 725-5018. cottage. Ti ing, windshield, upholstered, Johnston motor, good condition, $450. Call 723-9579 or 37 Sandra Street West. at. 9 PRAM boat, for fishing, hunt. ing or good mooring boat, oars and pins, "530, Telephone 725-7581. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, Hb- eral trade-in allowance. Free de stration. Telephone 728-4683. THREE rooms of furniture for sale, chesterfield suite, new condition, 645 Oxford $900 or trade for smaller boat. Apply 124 Wilson Road South, FOR SALE --- Moffat gas automatic top 3 nomics room and in first class condi- High School between 8-12 a.m. and 1. p.m. at Whitby, $125. W. D. Sec., Whitby District High Board, OLiver 5-3349, REFRIGERATOR, $39; continental bed, $20; rangette, $10; chesterfield, 240 Ritson Road South after 6.30 p.m. lawn mowers, boat, motor, trailer, "56 Hillside and P 14-FT. MOULDED plywood boat, steer- 57 25 hp! .|Buschlen, range, 4 years old, fully automatic gues, one ts in home eco- tion; may be seen at Henry Stree! ify School , $103. FOR SALE ~-- 13-t. boat, cessorie: 8-4650. with con. trols, 22 HP, Schott, complete with ac. s, good condition. Phone MO Rl suite, ideal for cottage. THREE - PIECE velour chesterfield Telephone 725- FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN Guaranteed Savings on your weekly food dollar -- For appointment free of charge and without obligation, Phone Commercial Food Club, 728-3496 32--Articles for Sale TWO soft drink coolers, excellent con- industrial plant canteen. Apply Stark Sales C Ajax Phone Ajax, WH 2-2120, THREE Single phase oe SK trans- formers 25 KVA - 2300 HV 115 oblique 230 LV 60 2.304 'reasonably priced for quick sale. Phone Ajax, WH 2.2120 or|'® AX: with 9 x & cabin 5-8330 pucBE player. dual party 1004, half- price; treadle sewing machine, sewing machine cabinet, re reduced to $64. "Easy" electric ironer, 27-inch roll, $85, Elna Sewing Machine, 165 Simcoe South 728-239) BICYCLES, tors and $18; wis: 556. Malcolm, Vernon; McLa $39.95. ye boats, mo- Jainjon ire Store, PRA 725-6511. sheets, Church Street, TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, ground ' rentals, Oshawa Hardware, 8 pL OFFICE, store, Margaret Mountjoy, teacher Grade 3 to Grade 4, 4 -- Forest, Denise; Bn Glenn; Mountjoy, Linda; Por- rill, Kathleen; Swain, Donna; Turner, Lorraine; ne Jen, Carol; Wright, Donald Grade 4 to Grade 5 -- Ar cher, Robert; Argue, Allan; Ashton, Dennis; Bonnetta, Guy: Scot; Carnaglan Russel; Gordon, Dianne; Hart, Gail; Hopkins, Wayne; Mairs, Robert; Mappin, Paul; Mal- colm, Mark; Redmond, Ron- mon. | ald; Romeril, Dennis; Rohrer, Douglas; Rohrer, Gary; Sav- inac, Harry, Sharpe, Pauline; Westinghouse range and ror raior, Shemilt, Harry; Stinson, Betty Lou; Williamson, Douglas; Wolfe, Bryan. Mrs. Shirley Turner, teacher. Grade 4 to Grade 5, Room § -- Hopkins, Bonnie; Taylor, Di- anne; Thompson, Bill; Wotten, Carol. Grade 5 to Grade § -- Archer, Sharon; Arscott, Nancy; Ash- ton, Doris; Bonnetta, Gail; Brown, Beverley; Bautt, Albert; Butt, Linda; Campbell, Karen; Downey, George; Earle, Ellen; Earle, Gwen; Edgerton, Donna; Fallis, Linda; Frayer, Frances: Hicks, George; Horton, Joan; Kinnunen Toino; Larmer, John; Mackie, Virginia; Mac- Donald, Rose Ann; MacLeod, Bonnie;. Malcolm, Bonnie; Grade 6 to Grade 7 -- Adame, Marilyn; bute! equipment. New, used, ers sell, trade service. Bill Hamilton, dition, available because of dismantling |lin_ Ashburn, Brook: LIKE new, factory built, pack trailer, tent, Telephone RA SMART shoppers exceptional fur- find Bure Days der = one Furnishings" netta, Glen; Dunsmoor, Brian; Forest, Carole; Frew, Nancy; Gatchell, Patsy (recommend- 7ar.| €d); Gatchell, Georgina (recom- mended); Gibson, Kenneth; Gray, Donald; Hicks, Betty; apply Stark Electronics Sales, Ajax, KITCHEN suite, baby carriage and playpen. Apply 299 Avenue HEAVY duty Singer upholstery sewing machine; also 21 inch Motorola T and 8 cubic foot rot rigerator. Excellent con. dition. 725-9528. HOME free Trocye with roast and steaks for sale, best offer. 725-2074. 16 BP Mercury outboard motor, '57 model, perfect condition. Also hydro- plane boat. Telephone ° WHOLESALE prices on RAC Vie ctor car radios, only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcoe Street Noith. Your authorized RCA Victor service depot from Osh- awa, TENG paper on sile, letter size, hite buy bulk lots and 725-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars. '59 CHEVROLET IMPALA SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Leins paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 CONVERTBILE $2295 Bini ann warranty spark. fing 'white == red vinyl in- terior automatic trans- mission -- power steering-- push-button radio new whitewall tires -- in show- 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell vour used Car to "Ted". ew Gar Dealer ond "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 room condition, 31--Automobile Repairs MARION AUTO 25 Grenfell 728-5179 day or night CAR AUCTION Every Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Buy or sell. Easy terms. Cars HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIAL.STS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE - UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 to be sold must be entered before 4 p.m. day of sale. A few reserved bids, others will be sold to highest bid- ders. Good selection of late model cars. Trades accepted. 25 Grenfell St, RA 8-5179, BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN 32--Articles for Sale WE pay highest prices 1 in the "elty f for used furniture Pretty's Used Furniture 3.3 Store, 723-3271, 3271, 444 Simcoe South, T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft, structure with all channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond bison 4% Ib. pkg. %1005 Do. pkg. $2.00. Circulation Department, Oshawa Times. PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street. 723-7624. LADY'S grey tailored coat, practically new, size 36. Telephone 723-2645. AIR conditioners, 5 ton Chrysler Air. temp water.cooled, 3 phase 208 package unit, A-1. Also some small units. Phone Toronto, LE 6-2880 after 7 p.m, BUYING or disposing of used furnl- HILLTOP RENTAL SERVICE Complete line of tents, sleep- ing bags, comp cots, air mat- tresses, coolers, lanterns and outboard motors. Reason- rates. Reserve now. 728-6891 FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less. 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freeer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No dwon payment. Call now for Demonstration -- no obliga- tion. Zenith 9-6100. ture appliances etc. Call Elmer, 30 years experience. COlfax 3-2204. LARGE baby crib, blond maple, ad- justable, spring-filled mattress, $20; like new, 725-2959. DOUBLE pickup Gibson Spanish elec- tric ar arch top guitar, te telephone 725-1348, 34--Lost & Found LOST -- from. 119 Annes Street, snewars tn name Tu budgie, last week LOST -- Diack, white and brown female beagle Sound. Enniskillen. Re- wal FOR sale, 23 electric range, $50; RCA radio, $8; Trilight floor lamp, $5; elec- tric iron, $4; step table, $4; stepladder, $3, Telephone MO 8-4655. LOST -- Lawn Boy mower, two weeks ago. Serial 602653. Phone 725-6013, number Reward. IS your cash register equipped wi sales tax button? If not call Bill Hemi: FOUND, male Collie, Sack: vicinity of | Courtice. Telephone 723.3: ton, Ashburn, NEW folding lawn or camp chair, one 35--Legal 8-2335, offer, 655-3712. consent, Robert Gourlie, Uxbridge, ra third off regular price. Telephone MO ON 3nd after this date, July 5. Ja, 1961, PHILCO air conditioner, cost $385 new, sible for any debts contracted "in my last year. Will take half price or best mame by anyone other than yaa} ourlie, will not cif, thout my wri 7% HP Evinrude, cruise tank, good T 725-2208. I will not be responsible for any Sebls ONE dining room table (round), four chairs; one bedroom wardrobe in my name by anyone and or after this date, July 8, 1961, without my written consent. Elmer Guy. with sliding glass doors. Apply 213 Abert Street or phone RA 3.7857 after p.m. RUG, 9 x 12, Harding, turquoise, hardly used. Telephone 723-765: CHICO -alr EH suitable for home or small Stare, slightly used, like new. Call 725-3 NEW Admiral high fidelity and radio set, mahogan; , For ther details (nh 728-8674. WESTINGHOUSE 24" range, four- Con-o-rad burners, excellent condition. Telephone 655-4430, St. East, 728-6781 MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494; Res. 725-5574 BUICK CENTURY CONVERTIBLE CURITY DIAPERS SPECIAL $3.98 per doz. -- Reg. 4.98 Nothing extra to buy, free delivery. M & C DRY GOODS 74 Celina St. 723-7827 B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, bat- He Tenders to supply NO. 5 Bunker Fuel Qil to the Whitby District High Schools for the 1961-62 season will be received till July 15th; lowest or any tender not necessar- ily acepted. W. D. Tom- on, Sec., Box 179, Whit- y. vision. Thrifty Budget | Plan, SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, ete. For top cash offer tact 19 Prince Street, Phone T2813 FIVE rooms of furniture, inspect any time. Owner going abroad. 412 Simcoe North. Apartment 2, 725-7752. 43 HARLEY Davidson motorcycle 45, in very good condition, low mileage. 725-8986. $1895 Fully equipped including power windows and six-way power seat -- five new tires -- one-owner -- thirty-day warranty. MARION AUTO 25 Grenfell 728-5179 day or night VOLVO PENTA ENGINES LARSON COMBOARD BOATS For demonstration « MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 NEW and used lawn mowers, tillers and engines, 74 Barrie avenue. BED, double, continental, Telephone 728-0552. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals, Cleve Fox. 412 Simcoe North. 18-FT. CABIN cruiser, water skiis, four Ne Jackets, $450 or best offer. 723. reasonable. USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. B. F. Goodrich Stores, 725-4543. 59) EVINRUDE Lark 35, electric starter 14-ft. Lakefield cedar strip boat, teenee NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the Estate of Edwin Perry McGregor who died at the Village of West Hill, in the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario, on February 1, 1961 are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 25th day of July, 1961. DATED at Toronto this 20th day of June, 1961. WHITE, BRISTOL, BECK & PHIPPS, Barristers and Solicitors, 335 Bay Street, trailer, tarp, all controls. Ready to go. For cash » 920 Masson, Toronto 1, Ontario. Holroyd, Edith; Hubbard, Gaye; Kinnunen, Aina; Kyte, Bob; Lavery, Heather; Mac- Leod, Jo-Ann; Malcolm, Den- ise; Mappin, 'Bernice; Perigoe, Marilyn; Quackenbush, Bob; Quackenbush, Murray; Red- mond, Garry; Redmond; Rob- ert; Rohrer, Linda; Rohrer, Warren; Ross, Bill; Sharpe, Sheila; Vanderberg, Jack; Wat. son, Bill; Wotten, Joan. Mrs. Dorothy Henry, teacher. Grade 7 to Grade 8 -- First Class Honors: Carnaghan, James; Carnaghan, Margaret; Downey, Dorothy; Lansing, Joan; Larmer, Sharon; Mackie, David; Martyn, Ronnie; Saun- ders, Donald; Swain, Judy; Tomchishin, Sheila. 2nd Class Honors: Archibald, Elizabeth; Bradburn, Betty; Forest, France; Grace, Ralph; Metcalf, Douglas; Schwartz, Nadia; Sharpe, Barbara; She- milt, Mavis; Swain, Ralph; Van- derberg, Ludureena; Wotten, Patricia. Pass Standing: Argue, Mar- Donald; "Duivestyn, Pina; For- est, Cheryl; Hubbard, Terry; McKee, Maxine; Minshall, Ron- nie; Stephenson, Alice, Suggitt, Joan; Taylor, Fred. Grant Campbell, teacher. Grade 7 to Grade 8 -- Brad. burn; Roy; Cochrane, Judy; Dorrell, Nancy; Kinnunen, Pirr- ko; McLaughlin, Denis; Mont. joy, Brian; Swain, Helen; Thompson, Elizabeth; Tomchi- \gned: | chin, Marlene; Trewin, Lloyd; Wright, Lorna, Grade 8 to Grade 9 -- Ballin gal, David; Boutt, Joan; Boutt, Norma; DeJong, Shirley; Fir- lit, Eleanor; Frew, David; Kyte, Lynda; MacLeod, Glen- na; Malcolm, Brenda; Malcolm, Wayne; McKee, Leah; Mec- Laughlin, Donald; Mountjoy, Ray; Passant, Mary; Quacken- bush, James; Rohrer, Kenneth; Staniland, Nancy; Turnbull, June; Turnbull, Patricia, Wot- ten, David. Neil Bailey, teacher. Nab Suspect In Robbery TORONTO (CP)--A lone gun- man robbed a central Toronto bank of about $1,000 Thursday and police picked up a suspect a few blocks away soon after- ward. The tall, husky holdup man fled into a nearby subway sta- tion when bank clerk Colin Bar low chased him, firing one shot. Scores of police searched sta. tions and trains along the sub- way line before picking up the suspect a few blocks north of | the bank, a Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce branch at. Yonge St. and Pleasant Bly,