2Avts. & Flats for Rent $12 a week, la pletely furnish 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent [HREE room flat in quiet home, pri- vate ba TV aerial, parking Adults only. 31 Albany Street. 725-3760 FURNISHED and unfurn'shed apart ment, from $85: laundry room, paved parking and balconies. MO 8-8386. IVE-ROOM deluxe "apartment, first floor, electricity. parking facilities, three rooms, second floor apartment, private entrance, heavy wiring. 725-4000. NEWLY decorated, self contained three-room apartment, private en- [trance and bathroom. 309 Colborne East (corner of Osh Boulevard). $75 FOUR-ROOM self-contained apart- ment, new stove and refrigerator, close ROOM furnished or unfurnish Een pemel aet eS , heavy ng. Also nicely furnished room. Apply 29 Charles EE eerie ee FWO-BEDROOM apartment, available , furnished or unfurnished. Apply 496 Simcoe North or 728-3945. THREE-ROOM apartment in apart ment building, jmmedial ate Josscasion, Bo children, please. 03 Wilso! Road North, nd . cond North, Apartment 3, FOUR-ROOM self-contained apartment, fh te Ie. Tools yyatet, outlef cup- boards. Telephone 728-5725. BRIGHT attractive apartment, { rooms, equipped. of washer and dryer. Parking. Rent Road East. 725-0331. phone RA 5-4569. FURNISHED basement apartment, electrically equipped, garage, reason- able for young working couple Ross- Rent|land Road East. Telephone 725-897 7. THREE rooms, self-contained, or fur- nished apartment, private bathroom, very central. Apply 218 Arthur Street. four] IM apartment, room with dinette area, kitchen, refrig- erator, stove, laundry facilities. 725- TWO-BEDROOM apartment on Simcoe St 725-6343. 9 a. to 5 p.m. NEW, beautif astefully decorated 4 room apartment (in apartment build- ing) equipped with stove, refrigerator, three-| washer, dryer. Close to shopping centre. 725-|RA 59161 = UNFURNISHED--{wo-room ap: every conveniénce, refrigerator stove, parking facilities, adults, central. 725-5380. APARTMENT three rooms, built- in| cupboards, heavy duty wiring, thre piece bath, insulated. Three blocks nat Shopping Centre. . Adults, $50. RA 56117 BOWMANVILLE -- three-room apart- ment, private three-piece bath and en- trance, large modern kitchen, heat, lights, hydro included, Immediate occu- pancy. MA 3.5798. TWO-ROOMED apartment, it, with private cated on Lansdowne drive, available bathroom, newly decorated, close to d dryer. |bus. Telephone 723-3088 or apply 275 Jus. 53.2" 105 washer ana dives, Bu JS AAAS oath, COZY two-bedroom apartment, electri eally equipped, a, vary, central, $70 month- Nd Jdutts Vacant August 1. $40, for rent, partment, and M apartment for rent, close val FOUR-ROO! to North GM on Agnes Street. Telephone 725-1168 THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, private entrance and bath, suit couple. Apply 325 Simcoe Street South. 725- $243 | or 655-4738, UNFURNISHED apartment, self-con- tained, three rooms, refrigerator, stove, Sm. ear Centre, school. Immediate occupancy, $60 monthly, 137 Rosehill Boulevard. LARGE two-bedroom apartment, lo. |to downtown. Available August 1. Tele-|gss North, fully equipped. Phone| 26--Rooms for Rent 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale [27 --Real Estate for Sale BED-SITTING room, private bath, ONE-bird acre outside city, owner broadloom, lovely patio, cooking privil- needs quick sale, $300 down, $12,500 fat eges, everything supplied. Large better, price. George stensen, la i248 home, near hospital. 725-3053. dor 725.9670 Joseph Bosco Re CXrUEIED inated 0 WS Mol tie tC v Chen N * "|large corner lot in best residential dis- trally located. Apply 79 Nassau or tele: rich, - pnd gp Sly oil "heated; ot phine_ 728-5337, able for 1, club ATTRACTIVE room, furnished or un- purposes. Presently a as Jesion $600 DOWN, five rooms, modern kit. [ room bungalow with large lot and| CORNER lot, 49 x x 150, city service, $600 garden, $10,500 full price, down payment, Telephone 725-1953. chen and bath, room, oil] heat, $75 monthly, run until paid. Phono Bill Horner 728-5123. Lloyd Real- ty ( Oshawa Ltd. Realtor. $6900 FULL 1 PRICE "with only $800, down. Eight rooms, oil heat, close to shopping, 'school, and bus. Carries like rent. Call Mr. Swarbtick: 725-6544 or -- |29--Automobiies for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 6, 1961 21 30--Automobiles Wanted {Apply 15 Burk Sireet. PRIVATE sale, two PORT Perry area, 200 acre farm, 180 [storms and screens, tile floors, conven- workable, 10 acres bush, 3 large barns, |ient to shopping centre and down town. 3 implement sheds, water in stables. !$8,900, payments to be arranged. Call Modern house, oil heated furnace. Pro-|725-2471. 52 FORD half-ton ig good, make offer, Phone 5. RA 59202. "56 OL holiday running WANTED '52 fo '54 Morris Minor, In ween 7.30 condition, Will rood pay cash. Tele phone 725-6103. |ductive land one mile from Port Perry, gis noWN, spotless owner-bullt brick $33,000 . $10,000 down. W. J. C bungalow, off Park Road South, many 725 8242. John A. Ltd., Rltr. Bein Limited, Port extra's, must be seen to be appreciat- furnished, vicinity shopping centre,/ Hall. Apply to & F. town and south GM. parking. 27 Pa cLean or W. G. Conkey, Shrataroy. Perry. 5-2881. ed, Frances Hallowell 725-4344. Joseph BOWNMANVILLE =u clap- Hoad South. 728-0429. | THREE bedroom bungalow, north Osh- IN COLUMBUS -- three unfurnished awa, oil furnace, city water, large cor- rooms, private entrance, bath, heated, ner Jo reasaiable down payment. Full heavy wiring, cupboards, sink, hot and price $6 private. Must sell. Phone cold water. Immediate occupancy. ody 70 after 7. -4734. | om itenen and bathroom, double gar- SURVEYED lakefront lots for sale on|Bosco Realtor. hard! SE ed Hy with ardtop, fully powered, equ radio. This car is in perfect condition. Private MO 85152, '59 CHEVROLET, low mileage, automa- tie, 6 del two-tone, $ALL CASH$ a y For clean cars we deal up or arranged. Private, RA 8-396. down. Liens paid e Constan Lake, Mattawa Valley area. coy 1 brick For 725-2713, with garage, now under con- age, tall shade trees, ov Fe private sandy beset, 3 $13,000, $3500 down. Call Walter Fr: manville, MA 3-3393 McQuay and Kidd FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Vickery Real Estate Leese. 728-6228 728-4879 PRIVATE SALE Brand new five-room bark brick bungalow with stone front, situated or. lanscaped lot with three full-grown maples at rear. Hollywood kitchen, ceramic tile ond vanity in bathroom, mahog- any trimmed throughout, section basement. Located on 426 Miller Just off Gibbons $13,300.--$1500. Down 725-3662 TWO light housekeeping joining bathroom, suit lady, laundry a tes, Telephone 725-1 FURNISHED is in clean, pri- vate home. Kitchen available, abstain- ers. Close to downtown. Telephone 728-8063. 27--Real § Estate for | Sale THREE. brick | oil heating, 474 Lakeview Avenue, $1. 000 down, immediate possession. 728-6397. FIVE-ROOM cottage, corner lot, 80 by 100 with good well, $800 down. Easy terms, MA 3-2685. $500 DOWN, 5 room modern brick bun- galow with garage, south east section, | immediate possession. Only $11,500. W. McAuley Realtor, Prince Street, 723-2512 or MO 8-5765. OPEN HOUSE 2 - 8 p.m. -- 1408 Oxford St., Oshawa. Only $800 down. New, modern. VICKERY REAL ESTATE OSHAWA rooms, refined quiet reasonable. Business Jo -- THREE-ROOM unfurnished t pill i Bhd ne aus wo. wobeiroon apartment, near south GM. Reasonable. stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, Park. Abstainers only. 1213 Sun Valley Court ~ facilities, central. 725-8653, 56. 0 large rooms, completely Furnish. | TWO. ROOM apartment, Iv for light housekeeping, including boards, heavy wiring. electric refrigerator and television, |3-2750 Bowmanville. use of washing machine and dryer, cen- | THREE "ROOM apartment for rent, heat tral to downtown and shopping centre./and hydro included, $65 per month Adults, $15 weekly, 725-5227. |Children welcome 728-8222 TWO-ROOM completely furnished base- |TWO apartments for rent, one four ment apartment, refrigerator, rangette.| and one three-room, with modern kitch- heat, lights, water included, use of ens private entrance. Phone 723-9214. washing machine, $13 weekly. 728-1733. FIVE-ROOM apartment, stove, refriger-| 26--Rooms for Rent 0 ing, cen | eee tray located. adults snl. $6 ® Apply | CLEAN, furnished room in quiet home, 412 Simcoe Street North, Apt. central, suit gentleman. Telephone 723- FOUR-ROOM apartment, all | ences, laundry, parking, hot water, bus at door, Apply 165 Verdun Road. RA 723-3096. built-in cup- Telephone MA {ONE room completely furnished, re- frigerator and stove, parking space. Apply 202 Albert! Street. four-; nt and ROOM in private home, "newly a MODZRY Rom, artment and | rated, very central, spring ' mattress, irre now available. |sult gentleman. 102 Elgin Street East. Phone 725-9141. |FURNISHED apartment and Single . | housekeeping rooms, private entrance, SPAETENL in mew Ae Id contrat, parking, reasonable, 96 Centre aerial, washer, dryer, at 299 Mon. | Street. trave. Open for inspection. 725-9161. |TWO THREE-ROOM apartment, bath, ground Feit level, separate entrance, parking, one s child 'welcome, between Whitby and Osh. to hospital, downtown, awa. 723-6408, | girls. 725-5228. a i TWO furnished rooms for 1 $00 MONTHLY, three-room unfurnish- near hospital. ed attractive apartment, newly decor. able for nurses, ated, laundry and parkegin facilities. | 31 Buckingham 4 Avenue 234 Dearborn Avenue. 725-2251. IROOM for rent, close to s h GM, FOUR-ROOM apartment, available July |board optional. Telephone 728-8370. {Fu 21, $70 and found, Two children wel-| FURNISHED or unfurnished room for come. Fenced in yard. Telephone rent in a clean private home, kitchen 728-3437. |available. Centrally located, parking PRIVATE apartment, three rooms, 139 Albert Street. built-in cupboards and sink in kitchen, ONE large furnished room with large three-piece bath, heavy wiring, TV out- [furnished kitchen, adults only, Apply| let, let. Apply 513 Richmond Street East. MODERN two-bedroom apartment, re- frigerator, stove, hot water included, washer, dryer, laundry tubs. 239 Mon- grays Avemte. Apartment 1. 7350191 |NICELY furnished bed . sitting room, #84 MONTHLY, new, modern two-bed-|with light housekeeping in private in new apartment home, close to Shopping Centre, pack | , refrigerator, tove, washer, ing Phone 725-0132. building, dyer, Javed parking. Telephone LARGE housekeeping room, private en- rance, main floor. Apply 218 oe om] Street or telephone 728-5253. deco- furnished light housekeeping bedroom and kitchen, built-in sink and refrigerator, close suitable for two ent, suit- Apply |620 Simcoe Street North ONE furnished room in private home, for gentleman. Apply 444 Fernhill Blvd | Telephone 723-7070. 2 ETI One and two bedroom et a in any extra's; TWO furnished rooms for light house. $109. Cal keeping. kitchen and bedroom, Park 3 as. Gower Realtor, 10 minutes from down- Call 723-7154 after 6 p.m. a d South, Jlosd or GM. ood Mn = two Jel Paia od rooms, op 8-10 a.m. ate bathroom, kitchen sin! one person or couple. 242 Elizabeth | {TWO large furnished rooms, 725-8106. with two- piece washroom, vicinity hospital, high | school, busline. Telephone 725-4678. furnished housekeeping | nk and cup- 268 TWO heated apartments, second and third floor, private entrance. 77 Bond ONE or two rooms, all conveniences Hast oF 725930, |boards. Parking. Near south GM. POUR rooms, self-contained, Surah, Malaga Rd. $3 soantment,_ porch, central Bond) yn ciean room or Tousekeering| Vv. Immediate occupancy. 728-5161. oo, TeATTaable, has ot door: close to FOUEHo0 *__ |south GM. Telephone 725.1 3, UR-ROOM apartment, available July TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, apply 359 Verdun Ri Road bedroom and kitchen with refrigerator. " - SR ETL {Parking space. Apply 156 Agnes Street. Bath parking Re Wi hr Gar, [ENGLISH family have two empty and schools. Telephone 723.71 ooms. $45 includes hydro, heat, park- Wy 7 -- | ing. 831 Ritson South. 728-2114 N new our-room apartment, ove, refrigerator, TV out. , free washer, dryer, 725-1310. 728-5034, : % : FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, newly decorated, parking space, near north GM. Apply 146 Division Street, FOUR-ROOM basement apartment, $55 month, includes heat and hydro, heavy duty wiring, cupboards in kit chen, laundry facilities. Child welcome, MO 8-4400, ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. 82 PARK ROAD N, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 8-8671 WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT: Ground floor, two bed./ROOM and board for gentlemen. Apply room apartment with fireplace, ample 201 Wal nut Street parking. Phone MO 8-2786. {puTCH woman FOR RENT: Seven room house, lo-|from 9 am. to 1 p.m. Call MO 8-3469. cated 701 Cochrane Street, heated,|FOR RENT: Four room fiat, available July 15. Apply at above ad- hath and garage Apply S85. |Street East, Whitby icons FOR RENT: Three room unfurnished FOR BEND: Three r¢ apartment, private bathroom, air con-|refrige and stove, ditioned, $65 monthly, Business couple; Appl ce Street, everything included. 422 Palaca Street, telepho 2 MO 84374. . kitchenette, stove and refrigerator, DOR ALE 7 A a | suitable for couple. Apply 305 Perry 1150 square feet, and garage solid|Street. Telephone MO 8-4470. bites, for only $13,500. Contact builder, 1548 DODGE, HI 4-9664 after 9 p.m. |ing SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary 8-2 way, new tanks Installed. Walter Ward, | Fo 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8-2563. | conven desires housework private 1427 Dundas 'm_ apartment, unfurnished. Whitby, or reasonable. Phone Whitby MO| --Three-room a ces, ground floo itable for FOR BALE or exchange, four bedroom, couple Central. Telephone' 0 _8-3532. two bathroom home in Toronto, for sim-INEW house for rent, kitchen, living flar accommodation in Whitby. BAlroom, two bedrooms. Suit couple with 1.7222 or write 227 Glendora Avenue, one child. 668-5167 after 4. Willowdale, Ontario. |FURNISHED rooms, cooking privileges STUDENTS! A super value, approxi-'if decired, all conveniences, central mately 630 sheets of letter size Midi 668-5176. r (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- ee mn ---- Jape a Primes Office, Whitby, [FOR RENT -- 00m apartment, Street West. cently decorated, immediate posses. Ji central location, reasonable rent. BOATING AND his SRS ol CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT: Two bedroom apartments, FOR RENT $90, inmodern building, stoves, refrig-| Tents, oll sizes, $7 - $15 per erators MO 8-3591, week. Sleeping Bags, Coolers, BC "SERVICES Complete bi bookkeeper terns, stoves, $2 weekly, Cabin Trailers, sleep 5 and service for small businesses, weekly, 6, $40 ond $45 per week. monthly or as desired. Statements pre. pared, income tax returns. MO 8.8252. Outboard Motors, all sizes, $15 ond up. FOR SALE Boat, 5 h.p. motor and $7,500 for an older home trailer, $35 per week, in fair condition. It has five rooms and a closed verandah. 14' Runcbout, 25 electric ond trailer, $85 weekly, Situated on a lovly lot in a good residential area. Down Canoes ond Cartop Boats, $15 per week. poyment $2,000. Mortgage We also rent, repair ond sell arranged, lawnmowers, garden tillers, W. J. MOWAT power tools. MO 8-2601 CUSTOM BUILDING WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales Renovations, additions, rec- reation rooms, structural 1415 Dundas East, Whitby MO 8-3226 landscape features. Designs No Down Payment. No obli- and estimates free. CHAS. DAWSON gation, The BEST for less, 15 cubic foot Frigidaire, 3 ICONSTRUCTION CO. LTD.! months food supply from MO 8-2104 Schneiders, approximately $16.95 per week assures GRAVEL LOAM family of 4 GOOD LIVING, Cement Gravel, ond Is your total cost for Driveway Gravel ond Fill. food and freezer. ECONOM.- Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon. lon- hs | "good transportation, sell. ment, all JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTOR L INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. OFFICE HRS. 9 AM.-9 PM. $6,900 FULL PRICE And only $800 down, carries like rent for $75.00 month. Oil heat, 8 rooms, aluminum storms and screens, close to shopping, schools and bus. Call ond see this one. Ask for Mr. Swar- brick at 725-6544 or 725-8342 DUPLEX Sacrifice price on this brand-new 9-room duplex located west of the Shopping Centre. Double glazed sliding windows, 2 four-pc. baths; asking only $3,800 down. Call Mr, Siblock, 725-6544 or 5-4362. PORT PERRY -- $7,900 9-roo brick duplex with 2V4 acres, Right on Queen St., very close to public and high school, 2 kitchens, 2 baths; sacrifice price. Call Mr. Appleby, 725-6544 or 723-3398 $40 A MONTH Is the present income from 2 rooms, leaving 3 bedrooms for the owner. Asking just $10,300 for this good brick house with garage. Down payment of only $1,500. Call Mr, Ratcliffe, 725-6654, Mortgages Arranged, Bought end Sold. Member O.D.REB. METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 NORTH WEST SECTION Extra large ranch-style bungalow, brick with stone trim, three bedrooms with good sized closet space, valance boxes, wired for dryer, large modern kitchen, oak ond tile floors. Extremely good value at a. full price of $14,000.00. WILSON ROAD SOUTH An exceptional 5)2-room, 3-bedroom bungalow, all large rooms, hot water baseboard oil heating, finished rec. room with bar ond sink, extra 2-pc. washroom, finished laundry room, and den. This is a very good buy at $13,500.00. CENTRAL PARK BLVD. NORTH Attractive 2-bedroom, 1Vi-storey, with facilities for two more bedrooms upstairs. All large rooms, well landscaped, good neighborhood, close to school, bus, shopping, automatic washer included in price. Reasonable down payment. AFTER 5:30 CALL John Kemp, 728-2392 Dick Barriage, 725-6243 Joe Maga, 725-9191 Marion Drew, 725-7610 Everett Elliott, 723-9290 J. J. VAN HERWERDEN, REALTOR 741 KING ST. E, OSHAWA 723-4471 150 Acres Farm, 10 miles from Oshowa, 135 Acres workable, 2 barns, B-room stone and stucco house. Full price $23,000 with terms 50 Acres farm, with Barn, on paved road, close to Oshawa. Asking price $12,500. Make an offer. A nice property these 50 Acres of Land near Newtonville, with stream ond beaver dam, and partly bush. 1/3 of a mile road frontage. Full price $3,500 with terms. 28 Acres of Land near Hampton. Can be bought partly. Aske ing $350 per acre, 5 Acres on Taunton road, on a corner with well and founda- tion for a greenhouse. Excellent for nursery or greenhouse business. Asking price $7,000 with terms. And we have still a number of Farms for Sale. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY -- WHITBY 10 Acres Industrial Land on Hopk Street, easily served. A bargain at $1,900 per acre for the owners must sell. We speak English, German, French nad Dutch, ns For Satisfaction and Courtesy in All Your Real Estate needs, Call: PAUL J. BOLAHOOD REAL ESTATE 228 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA 728-4171 WEEKEND SPECIALS Here are just a few of the specials we have available for your inspection this weekend, For full information call at our office. ONLY $900 DOWN ---- easy monthly payments for the bal- once. Two-bedroom brick home with large modern kitchen ond living room -- paved drive, garage, close to schools and bus. Immediate possession. NORTH-WEST AREA ---- 6-room brick home -- large separate dining room, family-size kitchen, 3 roomy bedrooms, 4-pc. tiled bath, landscaped. Listed for quick sale at only $11,500, terms. $10,700 FULL PRICE -- for this delightfully modern é-room home, Plenty of extras plus 4 bedrooms for the larger family. Easy terms. BUSINESSES! BUSINESSES! Yes, folks, we have a tremendous variety of businesses available for the wise buyer who wants a better-than-overage income and be their own boss. Variety stores, hairdressing salons we have them, If we haven't got it -- we'll get it for you. WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6588 31,000 DOWN. Six room home with oil heating, storms and screens, private drive and garage, finished "patio in rear garden. Only $10,500 full Fi Call Bob Stevenson, 728-6286, S. D. Hyman Realtor, PRIVATE SALE Just completed five-- room bark brick bungalow with stone front situated on lond- scaped lot. Hollywood Kkit- chen, ceramic tile and vanity in bathroom, mahogany trimmed throughout. Sec- tional basement. Located on 297 Farewell Ave. S. $13,750--%$1500 Down 725-3662 CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION N.H.A. RE-SALES WHITBY, ONT. $10,650 -- Your opportun- ity to obtain a+ 3-bedroom home at a price within the average-man's budget. Semi- detached, solid masonry construction, private drive, Down payments can be as low as $533 with the bal- ance on one mortgage at 6%49% interest rote. You ore invited to contact this office to arrange for an appoint- ment to inspect. Office hours -- Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION, Property Management Section, 650 Lawrence Avenue West, Toronto 19, Ontario. Phone: RUssell 1-2451, JOHN F. DEWITH Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle -- Phone 3341 100-acre farm located 9 miles from Oshawa, with stream, large L-shoped bank- barn, waterbowls, drive shed, garage, etc; 8-roomed home with running hot and cold water Price $22,000. Con- sider house for down pay- ment. DAIRY FARM, 57 acres with 6Y2 cans quota, bam with waterbowls, bulkcooler, drive shed; 8-roomed home with furnace, running water, Ask- ing $16,500, terms. 100-acre farm located 2V2 miles from Oshawa, 100° x 30' bankbarn, machine shed, stream; 7-roomed home with all modern conveniences. Partial residential zoned. Price and terms arranged. 92-acre farm, 87 acres work- able, the best of land, large L-shaped bankbarn, silo, gar- age; 8-roomed home, Running water in all buildings. Asking $16,000. Easy terms. 248-acre farm with 2 barns, 48 acres bush, remainder mostly workable; 9-roomed house, Asking $10,000. Terms. 200-acre DAIRY FARM, 140 acres workable, good bank- barn, bulkcooler, silo, drive shed, hen hcuse, etc; 8- roomed home with running water, Price $20,000. Terms. 125-acre farm near Lindsay with good hiprocfed bank bam, implement shed, hen house, etc; 8-roomed brick house. Asking . $18,000. 224-acre DAIRY FARM, with 80° x 80' loafing barn, milk- ing parlor, 50 cans bulk- cooler, extra barn, stream, 8 cans milk quota; 7-roomed home with all modern con- veniences. Asking $35,000. Terms. 147-acre highway farm with large stream, 100' x 36' bankbarn, new steel drive shed, hen house, etc; 10- roomed brick house with all modem conveniences. Price ond terms arranged, 8-roomed brick house with all modern conveniences on 5 acres. Asking $9,500. Terms. 9-roomed home on 2 acres with garage in village. Ask- ing $9,500. Low down pay- ment, GARAGE, SERVICE STA. TION, GROCERY STORE, SNACK BAR, with modern living quarters, on very busy highway in tourist centre. Over $100,000 yearly turn- over. Price and terms or- ranged. 6-roomed, almost new brick home in Bowmanville, with all modern conveniences. Garage. Price $12,500 with $3,500 down. 8-roomed home in Newcastle with all modern conveniences. All over redecorated ond painted. Asking $10,000 with $2,500 cown. 2-bedroom bungalow in New= castle with modern conven- iences. Garage. Price $6,500. IZE with ECONOMART. MO 8-5381, | ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 ! Our food plan available to oll quolfied freezer owners. AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL -- Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Ken Hann 723-7963 Dick Youna 723-7183 Frank Hunter, ONL 5-4636 or 725-2974 Donald Mountjoy, MA 3-3950 Loma Perrault. Clarke 2231 struction on Gibbons Street, two blocks north of hopping Centre, Treed BUYING OR SELLING '52 CHEVROLET radio, signal lights, A-1 running Sundition, $150 or best offer. NICOLS MOTOR SALES $15,000 oN terms, Newt i 728-6408, h Bosco Realtor 725-9870. NEAR en $10,900, five-room brick home on quiet street, oil heat, low taxes, John Sandy 725-9871 Joseph Bosco Realtor, - "BILL HORNER" LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 9 ky , DODGE, A-1 condition, signals, 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 "47 PONTIAC p parts, end and motor, good 728-2190. SPOT CASH heat- Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor AJAX $1000 DOWN, full price $7300 tw-bedroom bungalow, large kitchen, | PAID FOR Good cleon cars. Trade up radio, or » Sood 5 pts y no rust, original mile private. 621 King Street East. "RA 55555. water and sewer, e: 101_Simcoe St. N. ments. W. J, Norsis, Real Estate, Rox 728-5123 WH 23364. Call Bill Collins MO 8-8716. | 'P: or down, Leins paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES BARGAIN Specialt Only 50 for this | seven room 1% storey home, 314 PARK RD. S. ly renovated and out. Very low taxes plus only 00 down, offer! Cash buyers invited. Call Ken Hann. 725-6588 anytime. Wilson Realtor, YOUR very own business! Variety store and Fish 'n' Chip business, Plus new completely modern three bedroo attached living quarters, Well populated district assures good turnover now, but a terrific Potential for a real live-wire Stoc! PRIVATE SALE Modern high quality built 3-bedroom bungalow -- im= pressive appearance, garage, finished basement. Owner guarantees: no hidden faults. Ideally located for pleasant See it today and make your| 723-9421 : 30--Automobiles Wanted 50 CARS WANTED Buying @ New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted", Talk "Cash" to the New Car aT Tire 1956 OLDSMOBILE, stick shift, A-1 con- LOR $995. Telephone after 5 o'clock, 53 OLDSMORILE hardtop, fully equip- Ded. Am d Ppply 639 Burton Road off Bloor '53 FORD custom line, good rubber, body and Bote, excellent condition. i U living. Flexible terms. Offers and all for only $15,200. welcomed. terms. Call Ken Hann anytime, Wilson Realtor. Excellent | 725-6568. Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 '50 PONTIAC deluxe four door sedan, good reliable, one owner car. 66,000 miles. $150 25-1078. 292 HURON STREET PRIVATE sale, two bath, 2 $7,500, Brooklin 65! 133 ACRES: 100 iE and pasture; big river runs through; 7-room brick house with conveniences; 2 drive sheds; 2 brooder houses; garage; 1 tool house. This farm is good for beef cattle or cash crop. Plenty of water, good garden, raspberries and strawberries, some apple trees. All 7 buildings in A-1 condition. Apply owner, S. Hussel, RR 3 Omemee. garage. heating, -4550, rest wood LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $11,900 FULL PRICE 6-ROOM BRICK 48 PONTIAC, A-l priced. Apply '250 Oshawa Boulevard South or telephone 728-3477. '57 CHEV, station wagon, Will trade for late model half-ton Chev, pick-up truck. Telephone 728-8492. 1953 PLYMOUTH for sale, good tires. Telephone 723-7674. '58 PONTIAC two-tone Strato Chief se- dan, excellent condition. Many extras. Cash or terms. s. Telephone 655-4850. 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE - UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 100 ACRES, good bank barn, cement BUNGALOW 5 FORTIAC, 5, two-door sedan, low 67 KING ST. W. stables, frame house, full hydro, three-piece bath, hot and cold water, 30 acres bush, 30 acres working land, all seeded, - balance pasture. Near school, church, school bus, $6,500, Wilbur Clarke, RR 1, Berkeley, Ontario. Phone Markd ale 5602, EIGHT-ROOM brick home, upstairs apartment, near North GM plant. Tele- phone MA 3-2750, Bowmanville. This 3 year old home carries for $68.00 per month, in. terest ond principal with only $800.00 down, balance: on one 6% mortgage. For ap- pointment to inspect call Ed Drumm at 728-5123. 10-ROOM HOME ¥ GOOD INCOME ~ King and Ritson is the loca- tion of this trouble-free brick home with paved drive and garage. Very clean, well kept property. You can't top the terms. $1,500 down, one 6Y2% open mortgage for balance. Call Bill Millar at 728-5123. terms. 723-9286. BEAT THIS | "Buy your home by p pay- ing rent. Three-bedroom, solid brick bungalow, finished recreation room, private drive, $110, near General Mo. tors South Plant. Apply Box 13, Osh- awa Times. FIVE-ROOM brick home near new, three-bedrooms, oak and tile floors, oil heated, paved drive, well located. Ask- ing $10,900. $1000 down. Gerald Bar- row, Broker. 725-3852. $600 DOWN $7500 full price, six-room, semi-detached, close to schools and shopping. Call Douglas L. Gower, Realtor, 728-4 51. 3 728-5747. in one owner. Telephone 728: 1960 after 6 p.m. 58 AUSTIN Healey, overdrive, wire wheels, good condition. Best offer. Tele- phone 728-8315. '59 CHEVROLET low mileage auto- matic 6-cylinder deluxe radio, two tone financing _ arranged. Private 728-3496. 1952 MERCURY sedan, custom radio, two tone, in good condition. Telephone | 723-7822 32--Articles for Sale HARLEY Davidson motorcycle, A-1 con- dition, Cash deal, 723-7431. ED parts and repairs for all makes wringer type washers, % hp motors He to ry guaranteed reconditionsd wash- ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton, 3-2241, RR length wedding dress size 10 or 12 with crown and veil, crinoline, Like new. Telephone 8-3954, FURNITURE, Westinghouse refrigers- tor, stove, washer, walnut dinette table, Kaufman walnut bedroom suite, other items. Ajax, WH 2-0903. NORGE refrigerator, 8% cuble Jook: 43 inch continental ed, like new. Greenwood Street. WE pay highest SE in the city for used furniture Pretty's Used Furniture Store, 723-3271. 444 Simcoe South, ELECTRIC razor service, parts for all '53 PONTIAC, two-tone green, good condition, good motor, tires and body, $295. MO 8-5110, $205 CASH buys "53 Ch or '53 Meteor, certified roadworthy, good tires and body, $25 down $25 per month, to reliable adults. 200 Cordova Road. 725-5101, '60 CORVAIR, 700, four-door like mew, fully equipped. Telaphons 728-4929 be- tween 5 and 6 p.m '52 CHEV. ania 6, deluxe, four- door, clean inside and out, dependable condition, extras. Apply 149 Burk St. 57 CHEVROL ET sedan with new auto- Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor 728-5123 101 Simcoe Street No. PEDWELL REAL ESTATE 6-room bungalow with bath, oil fumace, lots of cup- boards, full basement, 1 acre garden with fruit trees. Close to Newcastle. $7,500. Terms. PRIVATE six-room 1% storey, brick veneer home and garage, forced air with ofl heating. Hardwood and tile floors, close to school and shopping centre, $2000 down to one mortgage. Dial 723-3952, REACH loan prospects at low cost with a dependable Oshawa Times Classified |Ad. Dial RA 3-3492 today for the low commercial rates available to you. FOR SALE $1500 down payent -- one 10-year open mortgage -- 6-room brick home selling for $3,000 below replacement cost, needs decorating. To inspect, call Bert Peyton, 728-6228. R. VICKERY, Realtor, Open Evenings. BUYING OR SELLING LLOYD CORSON D. W. WILSON, REALTOR | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | 725-6588 723-2537 We list photo Co-Op OPEN HOUSE IN BEAU VALLEY Evenings 6 till 9 Saturday Afternoons 20 5:30 New 6-room clapboard house, all conveniences, situated among trees overlooking small river, on main road. $6,500. Very easy terms. 3-bedroom house on main street of Newtonville. Good sized lot with barn. Only $3,800. 10 acres with trout stream, good building site. We have several 4-room houses with low down pay- ment. Also lots on lakes and rivers. Mortgage Loans HAROLD C. PEDWELL Real Estate and Mortgage Broker NEWCASTLE PHONE 3856 S.D. HYMAN REALTOR 39 PRINCE STREET 728-6286 GO NORTHWEST For one of the better homes at a very modest price. 3 bedrooms and a large living room. Storms ond screens Yes, it hos a carport. Fully landscaped. Proximity to all phases of schools and shop- ping. Only two years new. Sacrifice sale. Owner leav- ing for USA. Call Doug Bulied at 728-6286. NODATITE INIT A REAL BUY WHITBY MODERN DETACHED SIX-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW Large finished recreation room (bar and sink). Suitable for renting. Aluminum storms ond screens, poured cement patio at rear entrance. Land- scaped. Close to schools. 67, N.H.A. mortgage. Full price $13,500 $2,800 down, MO 8-5663 29--Automobiles for Sale '00 CHEVROLET Bel Air automatic, new condition, one owner, leaving country, ten thousand miles, $2,200, WH 2-0903. ¥ wall tives, wive wheels, continen: tal Kit, safety belts, $1,350, RA 5-05 221 College Avenue. 58 CHEVROLET four-door, standard For a brick bungalow in the country. Almost new. Fully complete with all facilities, including storms, screens and twindow. Monthly payments of only $76 which includes taxes. Call Harold Segal at 728-6286. BRAND SPANKING NEW 5V2-room brick bungalow with partial stone front. Complete with all the extras. Fabulous mahogany kitchen, with dining area. Ceramic tiled bath. Vinyl asbestos RO be sold on the a cheap. 728- 2008, WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD, EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer 725-0331 makes. Cutting heads, cords, ete. aps: 5 King Street West. i 0, a ye years od. s "relepnone 1 RA 5-5174. TENTS, camp cots, sleeping b fd terns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. "i prices in town. Dominion Tire Biorer 48 4 Bond Street West. 725-6511. "Terms to suit you." yacten cleaner repairs, makes, {eed 'rebuilt machines Estimates fos. entals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser vice, RA 8-0591 anytime, 15 EVINRUDE, take trade or sell, board motor ith tank and battery, matic t $1150 with radio and wi hitewalls, 725-0758. 51 BUICK in perfect running priced for quick sale. 723-3301. '56 MONARCH, Lucerne, fordor, in good condition, black with white lea- ther interior, automatic, power brakes, custom radio, whitewalls ete. $100 down take over payments of $600. Apply 1621 Simcoe Street North, "54 PONTIAC, grey, aden, wood condi. tion. Telephone RA 8-866 61 GMC Y4-ton truck, i 200 miles, priced right. Robinson Motors, 574 Rit son Road South, '58 PONTIAC Strato-Chief, rower steering, brakes, original owner! now being transferred. Terms RA 8.0707, '55 BUICK hardtop, automatic. Sacrifice rd Sie. Owner leaving town. Phone TWO 1950 Ford % tons, "48 Ford 1 ton, *54 Chev., 54 Ford all new paint. Mike's BA, Raglan. OL 5-3528. T 25 HP Johnson, 14 moulded 100M with Dew tri 15 EVINRUDE, take trade or sell Astrol frig., 825, 11 t. car top boat, $30, T 1961 Thistle carriage, car-bed Siasaust price $19. Lyi smooth-{ undreds of coils, regul suet price $20,88; three-piece at tractive bedroom suite, Soible dresser, bookcase bed a larg: vg gular in town. styles, © mat- 60 CHEVROLET seda 12,000 miles, automatic, perfect condition, attractive ester, Phone 723-3364. *1 CHEV., motor overhauled, good body [$189.1 0, ¢ pb price o $116; and tires, "47 Studebaker % ton, good derless floor coverings, discount $1.99; running order, 725-4935 five piece chrome suites, arborite {able 59 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, wilh custom | four Beavyduty chairs, price $29.95; two-piece sofa radio, top condition, one owner. Tele. phone 725.2550, hs newest stylings, lovely uphol 1steries, i A compartment, regular $169, 57 CONVERTIBLE, American Ford. discount price $77. Ed Wilson's Discount Thunderbird, special engine, Furniture Store, 20 Church Street. transmission, one owner, low aie perfect. Phone 725-2059. T.V. TOWERS $55 {34 STAKE truck, with hoist, A-1 condi- 40-ft. structure with alle . Best offer, WH 2.513 - CHEVROL} 00d c channel antenna, all galvane ized, guaranteed 1 year, good TT tires. Telephone 75 -71 19. '56 AUSTIN A.50 Top condition, $493, TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 Terms to suit. 725.1667, NAGY MOTOR $ALES CURITY DIAPERS SPECIAL MERCEDES - BENZ . DKW $3.98 per doz. -- Reg. 98 Sales and service. Showroom open until 9 p.m, at Nothing extra to buy, delivery, 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7132 M & C DRY GOODS i Celina St. 23-7827 VOLVO PENTA ENGINES LARSON COMBOARD BOATS For demonstration MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD. ARE Pak Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 912 Open evenings or weekends VOLVO Most dependable. The leader on the road and track. JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE 449 Ritson 5. 728.0921 CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their car in- surance, Half-year payments, Call us today and compare-- ample free parking. SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 SPECIALS ! $1.98. Yard .. 79%, DRAPERY MATERIAL---Reg. PRINTS -- 3 yds. $1.00 DRAPES, made to order. Modern design, reasonable rates. We also carry a come plete line of other fabrics at real savings. 723-7827 M & C DRY GOODS 74 Celina St, floors, Only $1,933 down. Call Glen MacKinnon at 728-6286, $1,000 DOWN For this 2-storey home in ex- cellent condition. Good resi- dential area. Needs abso- lutely no work. Simply move in. Easy terms, Call Winse Bradley aot 728-6286. $1,000 DOWN 2-storey home. Needs some painting and cleaning. Low taxes and monthly payments, Close to down town, A steal ot the price, Call Bob Steven- son at 728-6286. $$$ $ SAVINGS! In these two remaining brick bungalows, '3 bedrooms, tiled bathrooms with vonity. Large roomy kitchen with gleaming mahogany kitchen cupboards. Full asking price only $12,. 990. Coll Lome Hartford at 728-6286. COUNTRY OPPORTUNITY! Exceptional buy of a small parcel of land with an ever- flowing creek, Good secluded area for a home with a swim- ming pool and lots of water We have a good assortment of Used Cars, CAR AUCTION Every Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Buy or sell. Easy terms, Cars to be sold must be entered before 4 pm. day of sale. A few reserved bids, others will be sold to highest bid- ders. Good selection of late model cars. Trades accepted. 25 Grenfell St, RA 8-5179, WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN T.V. TOWERS $55. 40-ft. tower structure with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vanized, Guaranteed one year.. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET 728-8180 COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS STORM DOORS, WINDOWS, PRIME WINDOWS Finest Quality Very Low Price. We also carry a Canada's finest Awning, Porch Railing very reasonable price. CALL ALEX VAIDA 723-9851 FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN Guaranteed Savings on your weekly food dollar -- For appointment free of charge and without obligation. Phone BETTER USED CARS $295 CASH YOUR CHOICE '54 PONTIAC COACH '53 CHEVROLET '53 METEOR $395 CASH YOUR CHOICE '54 PONTIAC SEDAN '54 "MONARCH Refinished -- Reconditioned Custom radio in most, good tires -- Clean ond reliable -- Certified roadworthy, $25 DOWN $25 PER MONTH TO RELIABLE ADULTS "SELLING OR BUYING STEW IS WORTH TRYING" 290 CORDOVA RD. 725-1667 725-5101 MOTORS just for the pumping. Ad- joining a good thoroughfare, Easily accessable. Call Sol Hvman at 728.6284. 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723.4494: Rex 725.8574 [ea 30--Automobiles Wanted |LAKESHORE Auto BA 21m Commercial Food Club, 728-3496 Wreckers want ars hest prices paid. wrecking. Hig! (Continued on Page 22)