KEEP IN TRIM a ------ By IDA JEAN KAIN Do your everyday movements help to keep you in shape? The other day a friend remarked that she found she was habitu- ally hoisting herself up by the aid of the chair arms, and that by so doing her hip muscles had become flabby. It is true that when routine movements are performed in- correctly, we miss out on one of the most effective means of keeping in tone. Get on the beam. See that every move you make all day, every day, serves to keep your muscles in tone and your figure in shape. The simple movement of sit- * |ting down and rising from a © [chair can be turned to good ac- count. Test to see which mus- cles you use. Choose the host's chair of the dining set. As you sit down, don't use your arms, use the "youth" muscles on the front of the thighline as you lower yourself into the chair. © |Sit well back in the chair seat, with back of hips against the ' |back of the chair. Sit in easy Bonnie son of Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Allison, Oshawa boulevard south, is nine. month-old David Lawrence. David is the grandson of Mr. DADDY'S PAL and Mrs. George Vansickle, Port Hope, and Mrs. Mary Allison, Cobourg. --Robert Aldsworth Photography Ee By ELEANOR ROSS Some people, come summer, 'take off for faraway places, swhile others find their retreat sin a vacation cottage. « If you are of the latter very sizeable group, then maybe you tare making plans. « As an old hand at packing for "that vacation cottage, we would «remind you that before packing, 'rate each item carefully. Wili it make the house more * comfortable, more convenient I and-or cozier? Will it be easy « to install and keep clean? Thanks to a host of wonderful * appliances, and with a bow also . to washable synthetic fabrics| « and plastics in handsome de- . signe and to wash - and - hang « cottons. it is easy to dress up * a cottage with taste and very + little money and make it com-| * fortable | « There are many fine tricks to 'take care of temporary up- - holstery. eid Colorful, oversize beach tow- Te els or sheets can| How To Plan Vacation Cottage With A Minimum Of Worry chairs and sofas to serve as temporary slipcovers with no cutting or sewing. They also make excellent 'bedspreads' which serve as extra covering on coolish nights. Ali are machine-washable and come fall, they can be returned to you linen closet at home. if curtains are indicated for privacy or decoration, buy some of the inexpensive and attrac. ry balance with head and chest in line with pelvic girdle. Now lean back. That's fine, but keep the control through the midsec- tion instead of collapsing in the middle. Don't "Bend" In reaching forward, move all-in - a-piece, lean forward from the base of the spine, not from the waist. By keeping your back straight and shoul- ders in line, the hip muscles are brought into the movement. Don't "bend" forward. How do you pick up some- thing from the floor? The youth- prolonging way is to have one foot a short step ahead of the other and bend at the joints . . . bend knee and thigh joints, keeping your back in a fairly straight line, hips tucked un- der. If you catch yourself swooping down, knees straight, instead of using your joints, re- have all the comforts of her home kitchen but with less work and discomfort, because these appli have detachable tive plastic, or pl - : paper draperies. These can be wiped clean, will last all sum- mer and can be discarded at the end of the season. Printed dish towels make fine cafe curtains with the use of a set of special clips. Kitchen-size terrycloth towels are just the right size to double as cafe curtains--and can also sefve as place mats or as nap- kins for cook-outs which feature such finger-foods as lobster or corn-on-the-cob. Plug - in cooking equipment gives service equivalent to a + be draped and tucked in over real range. The cottage homemaker can electrical units so that they may be safely immersed for quick washing Te prevent breakage and clat- ter, choose plastic canisters, bread boxes, salad and mixing bowis, and tableware. To avoid polishing, concen- trate on stainless steel flatware and hollow ware. Accent or area rugs will perk up a room quickly. Bathroom departments stock these in such sophisticated colors, designs and shapes that no one will know they weren't originally in- |tended for any but living or bed- rooms. _ TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS ET SPECIAL! SUMMER CASUALS 2.27 Basket weave sling pumps in leather-like "'Fabrilite'" foot cushioning foam insole. White. 1 Ideal for beach, lawn or bed- THONGS FOR THE FAMILY Children's .. 39c¢ Ladies' ..... 49¢ Men's 59¢ room. Buy now and save. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. SPECIAL! 26% OFF! SIZES3TO 9 LADIES' "CANOE" MOCCA- SINS -- Reg. 1.99. Soft 'n' comfy with fringed vamp and bead trim. Featured in white, Black, beige, red, pastel blue, 147 FP a a a dh dedi tection sensu "ICE CREAM DARLINGS" 2.99 A treat for your feet. leather Four-finger gore vamp. sole. Smart new Summer colors. 4-9, Ladies' split tapered toe. Foam rubber Sizes moccasins with SATISFACTION GUARANTEED "Charge-It"" -- No Down Payment DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST, S. PHONE 723-2294 ZELLER'S LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON'S RD. §. PHONE 723-2209 Correct Body Movements Can Keep Figure Shapely correctly, Soon this will be- come beautiful habit. If the ob- ject you are picking up is heavy using those powerful thigh muscles will help to spare your back. . Watch a seasoned actress in the theater, or on the motion picture or TV screen. Beautiful movement is an important part of her training. Not only does she move well '"'on stage," but in everyday activities, and this is one reason actresses stay re- markably young-looking. The posture rule is to keep control through the middle muscles, then shoulders can be relaxed and easy, and your head balanced, chin level. Cor- rect head carriage keeps the throatline firm and young and wards off a dowager's hump. Practice moving well and you'll stay shapely without ef- fort as well as avoid a multi- tude of aches and ailments. By the way, that familiar saying, "bent with age," is mislead- ing . . . blame faulty habits, not age. Know your forest fire danger ratings if you are camping or travelling in Ontario's forest fire district this summer is the peat the movement, bending|,qyice of Lands and Forests | Minister the Hon. J W. Spooner. |The forest fire season extends from April 1 to October 31 and the forest fire district, covering the foresicd areas of the prov- |ince, is the area north of a line drawn roughly from Arnprior on the Oitawa River tp Midland on Georgian Bay embracing all but the most southerly areas. Emphasizing the need for con- stant care with fire in the bush, T. E. Mackey, chief of the For- est Protection Branch, says: "During an average fire season, records show that there are only approximately 14 days when a fire will not spread in the bush; it may smoulder but is not like- ly to spread. But, during the remaining 200 days of the fire season, fire can spread with varying degrees of rapidity. "This is something to think about when you build a fire to boil the water for your tea in- stead of taking along a thermos bottle. It is never completely safe to use fire in any form in the bush." Fire danger ratings which travellers will see Post Fire Danger Ratings As Warning To Campers, Hikers throughout the fire district are Low, Medium, High and Ex- treme. Each has a different significance and warns of varying hazards. They are based on weather and other data which play an important part in determining the deploy- ment of the. extensive forest fire control organization oper: ated by the Department of Lands and Forests, Conditions to be expected at each of the fire danger levels and the action normally taken by the forest protection staff are: LOW DANGER ~-- Fires will start from an open flame but spread slowly As the top of this danger class is reached, fires will start in the finer fuels such as grass and spread until ex- tinguished. Lookout towers covering high hazard and special risk areas {should be manned on windy |days and uncontrolled fires should be promptly extinguish- ed. Primary towers should be manned and the regular protec- tion force should be available on call. There are more than 300 fire towers scattered across the |fire district, 80 to 100 feet high land located on high strategic posted points. MEDIUM DANGER -- Fires start readily from an open flame, burn briskly and tend to| | spread rapidly as they increase lin size. All lookout towers should be manned and the regu- lar protection force held for im- mediate action on fires report- ed. Secondary force should be on call. HIGH DANGER -- Fires start rapidly from an open flame, glowing cinders, cigaret butt, etc., spread rapidly and tend to crown in suitable fuels. The protection force should be completely mobilized and stand- by crews ready for immediate action. Reserve forces should be] on call in case of need. EXTREME DANGER -- Fires start readily from sparks, burn fiercely, crown and spot gener- |ally and are usually difficult to control during the heat of the day. Supplemental overhead |cshould be arranged for, relief crews should be available on FOR BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS A (@)} | Silt 40 King E. RA 5-015] Ee ra (call and emergency action taken| |as needed. Being familiar with the mean-| in careless or unne 'essary use of fire in the foreghs. ing of these fire danger ratings will provide valuable warning of burning conditions and bush fire hazards and, officials believe, travellers to the risks involved NEED A NEW STOVE OR 'FRIDGE? BUY 'EM WITH A LOW-COST LIFE- INSURED SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF should also alert campers and] MAKE YOUR HOME ® More Beoutif(al ® More Valuable with UNIT STEPS A SMART MODIIRN ENTRANCE You Con Be Proud Of o LAST A LIFETIME ® Built-in So Tread HAMBLY | Concre le Produc is Hwy. No. 2 tween Osh awe and Whith-y DIAL MO 8-415 9 * Terms Avoiloble * = FREE ESTIMATE - UNIT STEP NOVA SCOTIA ¢ LE C 0 | 3 | S 174 RITSON ROAD §., oni OPEN DAILY 10P.M. SPECIALS IN OUR CLOTHING & D AQUA SEAL Baby Pants" "2 ~ 65° 10 ON SALE . .. THURS., FRI, SAT., JULY 6-7-8 " FREE PARKING! © FREE CITY - WIDE DELIVERY ! RUGETTE DEPT. BABY Training Pants 5 ~ S1 - FLASHLIGHT Batieries 3 ro 29° Ballpoint Pens 5 25° Dish Cloths LARGE SIZE 2 sx 25° Bath Towels 2 LARGE SIZE 1.39 Alka-Selizer REG. 78¢ Tea Towels LINEN REG. 49¢ EACH 39° | yROZEN Fogp 7/7 BIRD'S EYE FROZEN T.V. DINNER Beef, Chicken, or Turkey REG. 65¢ SPECIAL E od ACH 97° BIRD'S EYE FROZEN FRENCH FRIES REG. 2 FOR 39¢ 2 vids 35¢ AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS RAISI 1-Ib. Cello Pkg. NS 23¢ CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK 15-0z. Tins 39¢ Rose Brand PICKLES "*: ** 16-0z. Jar 29¢ S = NO-CAL ,ssorres ow NKS sowie 19° VANIS REG. 45¢ TOILET FLUSH Large 39¢ FIRST GRADE BUTTER ws 64° CIGARETTES YOUR CHOICE 3.09 CARTON CHRISTIE'S SLICED BROOKSIDE BREAD 2% 3% LOAVES FRESH STRAWBERRIES AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES FULL STOCK OF PRESERVING SUPPLIES CERTO, JAR RINGS, ETC. GLECOFF FRESH GROUND Coffee ... 59* BAG Long or Chubby Reg. 2 for 37¢ 6 ..1.00 KOOL-AID OR FRESHIE DRINKS Good Assortment 5 x 27° CAMP PURE MAPLE SYRUP 16-0Z. JUG REG. 63c¢ 5 0 EACH WE ACCEPT WELFARE FOOD VOUCHERS WE CASH PAY AND PENSION CHEQUES Tins THESE HEINZ SAVE ON | PRODUCTS () MEATUS Cooked Ham = 88° COOKED Chicken Roll or Macaroni & Cheese Loaf 1-1b. pkgs. 4%: 1-LB. PKG. SWEET PICKLED BONELESS ¢ Roll 49° olfage holls ie PRIME RIB BONELESS AND ROLLED e Roasis of Beef = 79 LEAN MINCED Beef Hamburg 3 $1 Make Glecoff's your Headquarters for Luncheon and Cooked Meats. Over 40 kinds to choose from. FRUITand VEGETABLE Vie . ie ORANGES 69* HEAD LETTUCE 2 ..... 23° PEACHES CHOICE TASTY RIPE ol. 23¢ EASE THE HEAT WAVE WITH JUICY LEMONS "** 6/29* Swift's Premium Sale SILVERLEAF LARD *V'"™* » 19¢ JEWEL SHORTENING **'"™ , 34¢ GEM MARGARINE 4... 100 PARD DOG FOOD 1.00 Pure Whole Fish CAT FOOD 2 ,, 35¢ CORNED BEEF tv, 2.25 PREMIUM Tin 35° PREMIUM FRANKS *"'"™* .* SWIFT'S 83¢ SWEET SOUTH AFRICAN 5-LB. BAG 1-Ib. SAUSAGES SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD RINDLESS BACON ®'"'s is 59¢ Pkg. AYLMER GREEN LIMA BEANS REG. 15.0Z. TINS Pkg. 2 FOR 37¢ 2 31° 10-0Z. TINS 10 for $1 Outdoor Barbecue Items HEINZ Barbecue Sauce 3 3c HEINZ ASSORTED SIZE Mustards 29¢ 25¢ 19¢ 3l¢ HEINZ SWEET RELISH, HOT DOG RELISH HAMBURG RELISH BARBECUE RELISH 33° CHOICE Try this meal in a minui. cooked SPAGHETTI 16-0z, Jor 24-0x, Jor 6-o0x. Jars 9.02 . Jor JUNIOR FOODS HEINZ Worcestershire SAUCE 34 HEINZ WHITE VINEGAR 33 oz. Bl, J 3 1-Ib. y SR -- bie EE