Dr. Cannon School Holds Closing Day Exercises A bright warm afternoon greeted the students and teach- ers of the Dr. C. F. Cannon school as they assembled on the front lawn of the school for closing exercises. The principal, G. Arthur Korry, welcomed the many par ents and friends who gathered as worthy and deserving stu- dents received their hard-earned bars and crests, presented on behalf of the home and school association. Following are the names of the students and the awards they won: ATHLETIC These awards were presented by James Henderson, Assistant Director of Physical Education. Boys' Seftball--John Harmon, Dan Sandford, George Cassidy, Daryl Hudgin, Peter Abramz- chuk, Joe Bryant, Tony Perzel, Graham Alchin, Billy Kusmytch, Earl Stewart, Ronnie Green- ough, Wayne Craigie, David Cranston, Harry Olech. Girls' Softball -- Susan Porter, Lynda Cairnes, Judy Mclsaac, Beverly Sandford, Bonnie Le- veque, Joyce Cousins, Lynda Pyburn, Teri Lynne Normoyle, Nora McQuoid. Senior Boys' Relay -- Stanley Wallace, John Harmon, Jean Jankowski, Dan Sandford. 1gie Trowell, Brenda Henderson, Brenda Messerschmidt, Gisela Foell, Wayne Brown, Kathy Brannigan, Brian Christie, Bob Elliott, David Riley, Gerry |Moore, Jean Jankowski, Graham Alchin. Tony Perzel Margaret Daniels, Barbara Reid, Anne Hutcheon, Ronnie Fortin, Wendy Barteaux, Carol Dainard, Brigitte Illig, Kathleen Hender- son, Timmy Hodges, Barbara Leimsner, Jimmy Brown, Mar- tin Blake, Ronald Saulnier, Brenda Larocque, Kenny Grant, Ricky Hughes, Hugh Ross, Allan Freeburn, David Burns, Diane Hulatt, Teri Lynne Normoyle, Gail Elliott, Anne Marie Key, Robert Stephenson, Ole Hvorup, Sloko Abrameczuk. Margaret Davis, Loretta Noz- dryn, Billy Kusmytch, Douglas Suppelsa, Gail Myles, Lynne Fleischauer, Maureen Lee, Ron- ald Greenough, Waultraud Hengstberger, Rudy VanHooft, Martin VanHooft, Michael Wowna, Ronny Flagel, Jennifer Umphrey, Robbie Davis, Jo- Anne Freeburn, Jimmy Free- man, Robbie Ross, Gary Fertile, Victor Nozdryn, Pat Smith, Harry Trowell, Catherine Higgs, Joyce Roxburgh, Garry Archer, Bonnie Leveque, Marlene Gray, |Gerald Wallace, Linda Winners --| Hutcheon, Sharon Smith, Brenda pe, Connie "Bremner, | ediate, Joe Krasnzj, Berndin Clark; Sen- ior, John Harmon, Charlane Shortt. SAFETY PATROL BARS Presented by William Rich- ardson, who has been in charge of this group during the past year. Awards of Merit were also presented by Mr Richardson to the patrols on behalf of the Kins- men Club. Captain, Lynda Cairnes; As- sistant Captain, Audrey Burnett; Lieutenants, Nora McQuoid, Kay Brannigan, Susan Porter; Patrols, Lynne Fleischauer, Bill Robinson, Sharon Brown, Mimi Bogoon, Renate Boricic, Patsy McGillis, Lois Hulatt, Gail Elliott, Linda Hutcheon, Heather Hurlock, Maureen Lee, Pat Smith, Karen Henderson, Teri Lynne Normoyle, John Berry, Virginia Buchanan, Gail Myles, Anna Marie Key. ATTENDANCE BARS Presented by Walter Ham, president of the Home and School Association: Dianne Saunders, Lynda Cairnes, Michael Childerhose, Jane Przednicki, Wayne Craigie, Larry Lloyd, Don Kram, Daryl Hudgin, Glenn Cairnes, Wade Shane, Larry Richards, Lillian Musy, Shirley Taylor, Judy Freeburn, Susan Grant, Gwen Wood, Maxine Annis, Janice Umphrey, David Clark, Larry Melnychuk, Stephen Alderton, Andrew Mazurek, Wynand| Groen, John Hughes, Tim Kor- | Roxburgh, Patsy Kuiken, Valerie Wood, John Reid, Billy Godfrey, Betty Johnson. |ORATORY Presented by Mr. Swain Van- |Camp, teacher at Dr. Cannon School: Susan Porter, Bonnie Ross, Joyce Branscombe, Aila Loyska, Bonnie Leveque, John Berry, Diane Brown, Mimi Bo- goon. CITIZENSHIP Presented by Rev. W. G. Lin- ley, rector of St. Peter's Angli- can Church and religious in- structor at the school. Mr. Linley remarked that "Canada needs, if anything, good citizens from coast to coast'. The fol- lowing students were elected by their fellow classmates: Norine Reid, Shirley Taylor, Sandy Garvock, Robbie Vanhooft, Linda Richards, David Riley, Wendy Barteaux, Mimi Bogoon, Beverly Sandford, Linda Hutcheon. CHOIR Presented by teachers, Mrs. Marlene Spencer and Mr. Wil- liam Richardson, who stated that "it has been a pleasure to have worked with such an en- thusiastic group," Larry Smith, Hazel Baxter, Joanne Winnacott, Gerald Wallace, Susan Brown, Donna Smithson, Bonnie Richards, Lynda Myles, Catherine Higgs, Hilda Metse- laar, Joyce Cousins, Sharon Smith, Nora McQuoid, Brian Bremner, Linda Hutcheon, Kath- een Clowes, Garry Archer, Bon- nie Leveque, Karen Henderson, Heather Hurlock, Lois Hulatt, pela, Arthur Gavas, Frances Kruger, Linda Bennet, Susan Porte: T. Valerie Davis, Werner Foell, Helmut Mayer, Ian White, Patsy McCammond, David Stockfish, Bonnie Claus, Darlene Dainard, Rosemary Hill, Cathy Moore, Darla Shane, Martin Step, Reg- COMING EVENTS FOR RENT -- Doukle house, central, vacant July. 728-37 BINGO, Bathe Li Eulalie Avenue, Thursday, 2 p.m. Euchre, Saturday and Monday, 8 p.m. NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 PM, ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL, (Albert ond Jackson Sts.) Minow $6, $12, $20 doubled or tripled $180 )ACKPOT INCLUDED Door Prize $15 WHITBY BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW WEDNESDAY, JULY 5th a] 3 Pe 53 Nos. Jackpots 36 and OU Nos. Bus leaves Oshawa Terminal BINGO AT THE AVALON-THURS. JULY 6th, 7:30 p.m. EASTVIEW PARK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC. Twen regular games $6 ond $10, Six jackpots at $40. Also share the wealth. ST. MARY'S BINGO WEDNESDAY, JULY 5th 8 P.M. AT ST, MARY'S OF THE PEOPLE AUDITORIUM EVENSON RD. N, AT MARION King street bus at door. Bus will 1) be waiting at auditorium ofter bingo is over. 16 GAMES OF $8 1 GAME EACH OF $10 $20, $30, $40 SHARE THE WEALTH $50 EXTRA-- 2 CARDS FOR 25¢ OR 10 CARDS FOR $1 ADMISSION 25¢ PER CARD Children under 16 mot edmitted, Avril Taylor, "Joyce Brans- combe, Virginia Buchanan, Jo- Anne Kobelnak, Allen Picken, Vivian Ham, Mary Burroughs, Bonnie Ross, Judy Mclsaac, Al- berta Midgley, Susan Johnson, Sharon Brown, Gail Myles, Maureen Lee, Waultraud Hengstberger, Beverly Sand- ford, Lynne Fleischauer, Pat- ricia Haber, Berndina Clark, Susan Barker, Aila Loyska, Christine Marsh, Frances Kruger, Margaret Daniels, Jo- {anne Harmon, Kathy Brannigan, Ruth Dekock, Audrey Burnett, Linda Bennett, Marlene Gray, Anne Marie Key, Teri Lynne Normoyle, Heather Hann, Janet Topham, Sylvia Thomas, Mary Vanhooft, Dianne Saunders, Norine Reid, Glenn Cairnes, Don Kram, Joe Krasnaj, Bob Elliott, David Winnacott, Gail Elliott, Stephen Clarke, Mim i Bogoon, Rod Lesage, Randy Zedic, Gail Marion, Doris Weed- mark, Brenda Roxburgh, Gra- ham Alchin, David Riley, John Berry. ACADEMIC Presented by Thomas Heath, inspector of public schools. His remarks were: 'Today, more than ever, helping yourself is very important." Garry Archer, Renate Boricic, Harry McLean, Aila Loyska, Susan Barker, Joseph Krasnaj, Shirley Taylor, Tim Korpela, Beverly Franko, John Hughes, Martin Step, Bon- nie Claus, Audrey Burnett, Mar- garet Daniels, Jean Jankowski, Frances Kruger, Gerald Moore, Tony Perzel, David Riley, Wendy Barteaux, Bonnie Bell, Margaret Oland, Linda Rosa- mond, Gilda Schroth, John Berry, Mimi Bogoon, Stephen Clark, Gail Elliott, Lois Hulatt, Teri Lynne Normoyle, Avril Taylor, Joyce Branscombe. SCHOOL CRESTS Presented to the following stu- dents who have won four or more bars, by Mrs. Eleanor) Beauchemin, teacher, and Mr. | Arthur Korry, principal. Nora McQuoid, Kay Branni-| gan, Susan Porter, Linda Huth-| eon, Maureen Lee, Pat Smith, | John Berry, Gail Myles, Norine| Reid, David Riley, Beverly Sandford, Bonnie Levesque, Aila| Loyska, Frances Kruger, Mar-| garet Daniels, Jo-Anne Harman, | Linda Bennet, Anna Marie Key, Glen Cairnes, Robert] Elliott, Stephen Clark, Dan| Sandford, Stanley Wallace, Bern-| dina Clark, Susan Barker, Jean Jankowski, Tony Perzel, Gerald Moore, Billy Kusmytch, Ronald Greenough, Judy Mclsaac. SPECIAL AWARDS The Hon. Michael Starr Track and Field Trophy was/g presented by Mr. Korry to the school field day champions,| Joseph Krasnaj and Charlane Shortt. Fanny Hislop Award present- ed by Mr, Heath in memory of a former Oshawa school teacher| to Patricia Haber and David Riley. Certificates: of Honor to stu-| dents who had won eight bars: | Gail Elliott, Teri Lynne Nor- moyle, Graham Alchin and|; Audrey Burnett and Trophy Win- ner to Mimi Bogoon who has won 10 bars. These were pre- sented by Mr. Ham. The choir brought the award- ing to a close by singing 'The Queen." When the students returned to 'their classrooms they were given a special treat by mem- bers of the Home and School Association, TEA FOR TEACHERS Following* dismissal, the la- dies of the Home and School Association, greatly assisted by the president, Mr. Ham, con- vened a tea for the teachers in the kindergarten room. Souvenirs of the school were presented to the teachers who, | for various reasons are leaving this month. Mr. Ham stated that we are sorry to see them| leave but wish them good luck| in their new undertakings. Those honored were Mrs. Eleanor Beauchemin, Mrs. Mar- jon Harrison, Miss Valerie Hawke, Miss Dorothy Caughey, Miss Beverly Stanzel and Mr. William Richardson. The presentations were made by Mrs. George Ellis, Mrs. Alex Christie and Mrs. Victor Hulatt who are on the executive of the] Dr. Cannon Home and School Association. vi | At South Closing exercises were held School with the children and teachers in assembly. Principal William Wendt spoke to the children saying he would miss them next year as he would not be there. Attendance Certificates Mrs. Robert Lewis, president of Home and School and Mrs. Elmer Ostle presented the per- fect attendance certificates to the following students: Grade 1 -- Ricky Wright, Rita Wessman. Grade 2 -- Michael Bolotenke, Lloyd Dykstra, Randy Ostle, Judy Wood, Loila Wessman, Gail Norris. Grade 3 -- Elizabeth Mesz- aros, Larry Wright, Irene Sos na, Grace Dykstra, Deborah Zakarow. Grade 4 -- Carol Ann Krag- lan, Janice Ostle, Carol Kozub. Grade 5 -- Louise Bak, Helen Biczak, Richard Lewis, Larry Scott. Junior Opportunity -- Tommy Hercia. Grade 6 -- Gary Wright, Jim Suddard, Alex Sosna, Jim Par- son, Sandra McIntyre, Stormie Dingby. Grade 7 -- Henry Fogel, Gary Gifford, Ed Wright, Terry Ostle, Bill Norton, Lucia Semenko. Grade 8 -- Irene Shlapak. John Pratt was then called upon as he was in charge of the school's safety patrol. Cons- table William Tane was unable to attend so he sent these words to the children. He thanked the patrols for the fine job that they have done this year, He also wanted to thank Mr. Wendt and his entire staff for the co-operation they had given him throughout the year. He also wished them the best for the summer months.' Honor Top Pupils Simcoe AWARDS OF MERIT lowing with their "Awards of Merit" and Mrs. Robert Lewis presented crests on behalf of the Home and School Associa-| tion Beverley Scott, Irene Shlapak, | Dora Ballan, Kathy Smith, Val-| entina Scheremet, Pamel al Lewis, Carol Ann Stevens, Linda| Gilmore, Linda Chandler, San- dra Mcintyre, Hope Robinson, Boris Nakonecnyj, Patricia Bus- iak, Andrea Waskan, Victoria Waskan, Lucille Bak. Sandra Fry, the top student in Grade 8, was presented with a certificate and a cheque from the Board of Education. Mrs.| Lewis presented Sandra Fry and George Bolotenko each with a five dollar gift certificate, the prize for the top boy and girl in Grade 8 on behalf of the Home and School Association. | CITY AND DISTRICT TWO AMBULANCE CALLS The Oshawa Fire Depart- ment reported a quiet day Tues- day. No fire alarms were turn- ed in and ambulance crews were 'only called on two routine calls. HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the Oshawa General Hospital for the week ending July 1: admis- sions. 275; births (male), 14, (female), 21; discharges, 290; newborn discharges (male), 28; (female), 20; major surgery, 44; minor surgery, 99; eye, ear, nose and throat, 56; treatment and examinations, 166; casts, Bs physiotherapy treatments, 379. | 1 (12 STUDENT MILITIA TRAINING COURSE UNDER WAY Captain Reg Gutsole, sec- ond from right is photograph- ed as he inspected new re- cruits of the student militia Tuesday. Fifty high school | is completed, in early August, students from Oshawa and | the students will be eligible district have been registered | for training to become junior for training. When the course | non - commissioned officers. The training is supervised by Major W. Clarke assisted by the regiment adjutant, Cap- tain R. Gutsole. --Oshawa Times Photo OBITUARIES Fifeshire, Scotland and was married July 31, 1926, at Kil- maurs by Kilmarnock, Ayr- shire, Scotland. REV. C. A. MALCOLM Funeral services were held in {Markham Tuesday for Rev. | Charles Alexander Malcolm, 76, retired United Church minister living in Port Stanley. He died Saturday at the Toronto West- |ern Hospital Born in Malvern, Mr. Mal- colm attended Markham High School and graduated from Trinity College in 1906. During the summer of 190, he was a circuit rider in Saskatchewan to churches in the vicinity of Crystal Springs. After his graduation from {Knox College in 1909, he served in several Northern Ontario | mining towns for a number of |years, later had pulpits in Wrox- eter, Lawrence Station, Port Whitby. He retired in 1951. His wife, the former Margaret | Hunt of Orillia, died two years ago. He leaves his daughter, Mrs. Donald A. MacRae, and three grandsons, of Toronto; a sister, Mrs. James Malcolm of Markham; and a brother, Rev. William Malcoim of Three Riv- ers, Mich. ° A resident of Oshawa for 34 years, Mrs. Smith was a mem- ber of St. Andrew's United \ Lane, Church, Ladies' Auxiliary No. auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion. { daughters, Mrs. Ken Tilling ¢ (Janet), Mrs. Don Brant (Cath-| : erine) and Miss Mary Smith; : all of Oshawa. She was prede- : Smith (Jean), June 25, 1949. Also surviving are two sis- ? ters, of Oshawa and Mrs. Jones (Jean), hree brothers, Robert, Daniel MRS. MALCOLM SMITH The death occurred at the| stroke Monday evening, of Rev. Dr. Janet Sim, beloved wife of Mal- conduct the services. Interment colm Smith, 211 James street.[will be in Mount Lawn Cem- Mrs. Smith was in her 53rd] jetery. year. | The members of the Legion A daughter of Mrs. Jane| Ladies Auxiliary will hold a Sim, of Oshawa and the late|service at the funeral home at Alexander Sim, the whim p.m. Thursday, July 6. was born Nov. 28, 1908, at Airt WILLIAM DAWES NEW WOODBINE ENTRIES Thursday, July 6, 1961 In failing health for some |time, the death occurred Tues- day at the Oshawa General Hospital of William Dawes. The |deceased, who lived at 1132 FIRST RACE | (3) "PARKSIDE", maidens, {purse $2,000, 2-year-olds, 5 fur. longs Country Guy, Rob'son, XX105 Fire ueen, NB, (A)109 King's Method, Roy, (B)119 Deacon D., NB, 112 Sauvagette, NB, (A)109 Rascality, NB, (C)119 Cartersville, Gibb, 119 Welcome Effort, NB, (B)112 Spurned, Remillard, 119 Vase, Gomez, 116 Bronze Turkey, Despirito, XX102 Charlie Folley, Gibb, (D)112 Gallant Curry, Rob'son, X107 Admiral Gano, Coy, 119 Also eligible -- Duretto, NB, (D)112; (A) R. V. Robinson and Albob Farm entry (B) G. M. Bell entry (C) iew Hulloa Farms entry (D) Fairbank Farm entry pt ODED URN -- os 14 ATE TAO (2) "LANSDOWNE," climing all $2,500, purse $1,800, 4-year- and up, 4 furlongs 1 Arigan, Despirito, X110 2 John Berry, Hale, 119 3 Babboo, NB, 117 4 Royal York, NB, 110 5 Little Wech, Olah, 115 6 Menari, Hale, 110 7 Hathaway, NB, 112 8 Swamp Fox, NB, 122 9 0. G. Whiz, Despirito, X110 10 Radford, McComb, 115 11 Electress, Robinson, X105 12 Sir Warren, NB, 117 13 Rossator, Potts, 110 n 14 Silver Slipper, NB, 105 Also eligible: Trotwood, NB, 114; Sovran Gift, NB, 110; War Doge, NB, 105; Flickamaroo, Herrison, XX103; Colonel Cowa Gomez, 114; Jed's Folly, NB, 117. | THIRD RACE [(1) "LARKSPUR", maidens, purse $1,900, 3- and 4-year-olds, one mile and 70 yards 1 Royal Tide, Coy, 108 2 Chief Scioto, Rob'son, X120 3 Byawhisker, Harrison, X98 4 Right Much, Despirito, XX118 5 Third Girl, Harrison, X105 6 White CCARPET, Rock, 110 7 Rough Reward, Hale, 108 8 Joe's enture, Griffith, XXX115 ' The Great AFL, Krohn, XXX1 10 Tenaga, Robinson, 103 FOURT HRACE (2) "THE LOMBARY" -claim- ing all $2,500, purse $1,800, 4- year-olds and up, 7 furlongs, division of second 1 Tiger Dip, Wright, 122 2 Vangas, Rock, 117 3 Moss Gal, Despirito, X105 4 Babe H., McMullen, X110 5 Compactor, Roy, 115 6 Clifton Bay, NB, 114 7 Sea Trap, Potts, 112 | 9 Introduction, NB, 122 10 Delightful Gal, Wick, 112 11 Canadian Flyer, NB, 110 12 Wardoline, NB, 112 13 Flakwin, NB, 112 in his 82nd year. The deceased was born Brooklin, the son of the late |John and Martha Dawes. He 14 Monsieur Beau, NB, 112 {was married in Toronto to the Also eligible: Wind Wave, former Emily Barton, who sur-| NB, 105; Scotch Fairie, Wick, Vives him. 112; Whspering Wind, Turcotte, | Mr. Dawes lived in Whitby XXX100; Double Spurs, NB, for 71 years, working for many Happy's First, NB, 110; Queen's years for the Whitby Malleable Gem, NB, 110. {Iron and Brass Co. FIFTH RACE He was a member of St. |John's Anglican Ch (7) "GLENWOOD" Clm all Whitby. glican Church in Port $3500, Purse $2000 Four years| surviving, in addition to his and up, One Mile and one Fur-|yite are a daughter, Margaret, long. Marshall Course 1 Early Mischief, Remillard | 2f hor oom Lynd. All thes: live 108 | 2 Too Many Cooks, Gomex, 113 3 Some Steed, Dittfach 113 4 Yola 2nd, Despirito X103 5 Ship Bottom, Adams 108 6 Estanceria, Coy 108 7 Span 0O'Gold, Harrison XX| The remains are resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, for service in the chapel, Thurs- day, July 6, at 2 p.m. Inter- ment will be in Groveside Cem- etery, Brooklin. Rev. G. Nich- Brock street south, Whitby, was| in| 27 of the UAW and the ladies'| |ont. and James Sim, all of Ayrshire, |the |Scotland and 12 grandchildren. Bowmanville, The memorial service will be| {chapel, Thursday, July 6, at 2 Stanley, Seaforth, Chatham and|oshawa General Hospital, Tues-|held at the Armstrong Funeral | p.m. [ [ | | MRS. CLARA R. DOWSON The death occurred suddenly, July 3 at her home, 43 Lamb's Bowmanville, Clara Rebecca Dowson. was in her 85th year. She was born in Kirkfield, , in 1887, the daughter of the late Edward and Liza Lytle. Besides her husband and her She was married there in 1929 { mother, she is survived by three|t0 Seward T. Dowson, who pre- {deceased her 13 years ago. The couple moved to Bow- manville in 1930, and resided and two sons, Hugh and David, there until their deaths. Mrs. Dowson was a member ceased by a daughter, Mrs. L.\of Trinity United Church, Bow- manville. Surviving are one son, Alvin, Mrs. Isabella McTaggart,|of Bowmanville and two grand- Joseph| sons. of Stouffville; ceased her a few years ago. A sister, Mabel, prede- The remains are resting at Morris Funeral Chapel, for service in the Interment will be in Bow- |day, July 4, as the result of ajHome at 2 p.m. Friday, July 7./manville Cemetery. Rev. Har- George Telford williold Turner will conduct the services. Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH Do false teeth drop, or wnbble Shey you talk, eat, eevee? t be annoyed and embarrassed a TE handicaps. FASTEETH, an alkaline (non-acid) powder to sprin- kle on your plates, keeps false teeth more firmly set. Gives confident feel- ing of security and added comfort. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feel- ing. Get FAS H today at any drug counter. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 8, 1961 3 Car Plunges Into Creek MRS. L. GALLOWAY SONLEY Correspondent UXBRIDGE ~ Three local people narrowly escaped drown- ing in the creek north of the town of Uxbridge on Sunday Bruce Lee, his wife, June, and Mrs. A. Stiner were passengers in a 1948 Buick coupe, which crashed through a guard rail and submerged almost com- pletely. The trio managed to free themselves from the car and make their way back to the road. The mishap was investigated by Constable Chilvers of the Ux- morning. bridge Police Department. wn, DOCTOR BILLS PAID NOW -- NO AGE LIMIT P s' and ot home, office and hospitel for individuols or families, avaiicble m Oshawe and ares. Past heolth no longer meons you ore rived of vitel Hi For further information end enrolment fill out coupon and meil to: MEDICAL 4 TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE co. E OSHAWA TIMES, OSHAWA, ONT. NAME .... ADDRESS | of Mrs. She, Used in the control of soil insects, (Cutworm, white grub, etc.) and onts. CONTROL: Shoke Ant & Grub Killer liberally over orea (1-b, 800 sq. ft). Repeat applications may be necessary, particularly if ants are @ problem, milk ra 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 "Garden Supplies Since 1909" ROBSON MOTORS--APPOINTMENT HARRY DICK EARL SCHAEFER - We are pleased to announce the adie of HARRY DICK and EARL SCHAEFER to our sales stoff. They bring many years of experience in the retail automotive field with them. Being residents, they are well known in the Bowman- villle-Oshawa District. 700 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 230 KING STREET WEST SEDAN. Automatic transmission, low mileage. White in color. $2199 DIAL 725-6651 108 olson will conduct the services. | SIXTH RACE (6) "German Canadian Clubs" ALW, Purse $2600 Four years and up, 6 Furlongs 1 Willow Strip, Robinson XX 103 2 Pentathlon, Fitzsimmons 114! 3 Theo Geo, Coy 115 | 4 Star Gun, Robinson, X 115 5 Ebony Black, NB 114 6 War Eagle, Gomez 117 QUINELLA BETTING SEVENTH RACE (8) "LETHBRIDGE" Clm all $2| Purse $1900 Four year olds and | up, One Mile and one 16th | 1 Von Rich, NB 114 2 Alpine Pete, Robinson X109| 3 Running Gold, Despirito X| 122 5 Top Tourn, Grasby XX 107] 6 Ella's Chop, Hale 122 7 Ann Ator, Mayo 109 8 Sandy Sugar, Gomez 122 9 Kate Kirk, NB 117 FOOD MARKET, 4 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PORTERHOUSE SIRLOIN, T-BONE RED BRAND ® A QUALITY MEATS eo JTEARS BANANAS coLoeN 2-33 YELLOW c 10 Miss Lotus, NB 114 11 Lasting Fighter, Gibb 114 LEAN MEATY BLADE TENDER LEAN SHORT RIB SHORT CUT (ist 4) PRIME RIB BONELESS PLATE POT ROAST ECONOMY 6th & 7th PRIME RIB EIGHTH RACE (8) "JASPER" Clim all $2500, | Purse $1900 Four year olds and| up One Mile and one 16th Foal-| ed in Canada, division of 7th 1 Trust Him, NB 122 2 Rube's Ace, Gibb 114 Satnie Bird, Brown 109 4 Lady Fairator, Mayo 109 5 Flying Rounders, Robinson X117 6 Sherona, Olah 117 7 Toronto Boy, Fitzsimmons | 8 Druid, NB 122 9 Rav Page, NB 122 10 Friend Willie, Adams 114 | 11 Alpine Joe, Robinson X117 | Post Time 2:15 p.m. Clear and Fast AAC x-5 Ibs, | | | XX-7 lbs, 8 Bab's Agaiy, Goodwin, 114 XXX-| 10 lbs. | 49 39 39 29 49 FRESH PORK END LOIN CELLO COTTAGE ROLL Ib 'b Ib PICNICS FRESH PORK Ib BACON MAPLE LEAF SMOKED SHOULDER MAPLE LEAF BREAKFAST GRADE "A" SMALL SIZE Loose Or In Your Container FIRST GRADE 65: BUTTER 2435¢ BROOKSIDE 24-0Z. --FEATURE-- 89: 49: 49: 43: 39 79 BREAD LEGS and BREASTS