Ra RR A Y4 TYWE COMAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 4, TY®1 EE Se Z7 Real Estee For Sale CEN 27 --Real Estate for Sete 27--Real Estate for Sale 29--Automobiles for Sale 29--Automobiles for Sale PRIVATE sale, five room bungalow, 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) years old, newly decorated, aluminum storms, screens, close to GM south plant, $12,600. Payments to be ar ranged, Call RA 3-7410. BEAT THIS! Buy your home by pa: ing rent, Three- 2-bedroom, solid rick TWO-storey brick house, garage, Sloe to buses and schools, divided into t separate 3-room self contained apart- |p ments. RA 8-2016 after 6.30, FOR sale, in the Town of Strathroy, two storey brick residence and garage, large corner lot in best dis- NINE and one half acres of land, good oP location, with house on it. Call after , 1192 Cedar Street. 4|ning order, $165. 51 Morris minor, Jour.door, good run- 728-4004. n NIE American Ford, "51 CHEVROLET coupe, new cond! THREE-BEDROOM brick of heating, 474 Lakeview Avenue, 37:00 down, 728-63 7.00 p.m. a GOOD trucks! ition, radio, good tires, terrific buy. 723-7519 after J "i ton F 5 |crinoline 32 Articles for Sale USED parts and repairs a makes of wringer i¥he washass, hp motors $8 guar; pik a Paddy's Market, Hamp Ton, co Sa, .|BALUERINA length wedding dress size | 0 or 12 with erown veil, hoop 32--Articles for B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Kelvinator Thrifty Budget Plan, COTTAGE ix sero General wringer washer. r. Good a b trie cheap. G the brand new bed. LEAVIN country, Sale Tires, three two carpets, = ld Fri good Fopalz, 00 IL heated; sul m with large | gong van, 14" x 7 x 7', $400; "51 Ritson Road South. For 8-3954. 25--Apts. & Flats Jor Rent 27--Real Estate for Sale arsizhed $300 DOWN -- $65 monthly, private drive, $110, near General I Mo. ses. Presently, a Or as Legion urpo: Hall, Apply to ONE large furnished roo furnished kitchen, adults only, Pros 620 Simcoe Street North. |tors South plant. Apply Box 13, Oshawa {Times, McLean or W, 6 Coley, RR house, completely renovated, inside and one motisage, low 8-5123 or Lioya Realty, | out, quiet street, taxes. Call Bill Horner after hours RA 8.2236 -{Oshawa Ltd, Realtor. .|CORNER lot, 49 x 150, city service, $600 down payment. Telephone 725- 1953. apartment, $12 a week, la- ine or entire, complies fursiah- Apply 15 Colborne Street THREE-ROOM furnished or or ed, clean apartment, sink and cup- boards in kitchen, heavy wiring. Also nicely furnished room. Apply 29 Charles Street. FWO-BEDROOM apartment, immediately, furnished or unfurnished. Apply 496 Simcoe North or 728-3945. available OPEN HOUSE 2 - 8 pm, -- 1408 Oxford St., Oshawa. Only $800 down. New, modern, VICKERY A ESTATE OSH THREE-ROOM t in apart: building, immediate possession, no children, please. Apply 103 Wilson Road North, J teri 3 FOUR-ROOM self-contained apartment, entrance and bath, heated, vy duty wiring, a outlet and cup- boards. 128-5725. BRIGHT i apartment, fous rooms, bath, electrically equipped. Use of washer and dryer. Pacing, Rent moderate. Taunton Road East. 725-0331. IDEAL location on Ey w Drive, fu Toom, heated apartment. ii hig pod cupancy, large lawn, place for garden, $55 monthly. 723-9341 between 6-8 a.m.; 67 p.m. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, living th dinette area, kitchen, refrig- stove, laundry facilities. 725- room with piety 2981. COZY two-bedroom apartment, electri. uipped, v¢ central, $70 month- Sally equip only. Vacant * August 1 , three- 725- Ay APARTMENT --- t, $40, FOUR. ROOM apartment for rent, close to North GM on Agnes Street. Telephone 725-1168, 0 ments for rent, one four- 4) a room, with modern kitch- ens, private entrance. Phone 723-9214. UNFURNISHED apartment, self- con- tained, thre» rooms, refrigerator, stove. Small children welcome, near Shopping Centre, school. Immediate occupancy, $60 monthly. 137 Rosehill Boulevard. ATTRACTIVE two - room furnished | apartment, suitable for two girls or couple. No children, please. Parking] facilities. Apply 195 Albert Street. THREE-ROOM apartment with private bath, Bulli kitchen cupboard, refrig- and stove. Private entrance. Telephone RA 3.2842. for rent, Ti $300 DOWN 6-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW Basement Apartment Rented FULL PRICE $12,950 This 6-room brick bungalow is approximately 4 years old. All conveniences at your doorstep. THIS ONE WON'T LAST! CALL 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. PRIVATE SALE Just completed five-- room bark brick bungalow with stone front situated on land- scaped lot. Hollywood kit- chen, ceramic tile and vanity in bathroom, mahogany trimmed throughout. Sec- tional basement. 26--Rooms for Rent ONE room completely furnished, re- frigerator and" stove, parking space. Apply 202 Albert Street. ROOM in private home, newly S55 rated, very central, spring mattre suit gentleman. 102 Elgin Street East. FURNISHED apartment and single housekeeping rooms, private entrance, central, parking, reasonable. 96 Centre Street. FURNISHED .bed - sitting room, n, hot- plate and refrigerator, uit single ads, on bus route, North . RA 8-692! TWO furnished light es rooms, bedroom and kitchen, built-in cupboards, sink and refrigerator, close to Joupitali Sowntows, suitable for two | girls, 725-52: TWO nice rooms, lots of cupboard space, board optional. Call 100 Buck- ingham Avenue, RA 8-2758. : TWO furnished rooms for rent, suit able for nurses, near hospital. Apply ES Avenue. ROOM for rent, close to south GM, board optional. Telephone 728-8370. Located on 297 Farewell Ave. S $13,750--%$1500 Down 725-3662 PRIVATE SALE Brand new five-room bark brick bungalow with stone front, situated or. lanscaped lot with three full-grown maples at rear. Hollywood kitchen, ceramic tile and vanity in bathroom, machog- any trimmed throughout, section basement, Located on 426 Miller Just off Gibbons $13,300.--$1500. Down 725-3662 FURNISHED or unfurnished room for rent in a clean private home, Riches available. Centrally located, parking. 139 Albert Street. furnished room in priva fox geniieman. Aon Apply " erabil home. Sen sr room, private bath pale Large pov} a near hospital. 725-3053. UNFURNISHED self-contained room kitchen, facilities, cen- trally located. Apply 79 Nassau or tele- | phine 728-5337 ATTRACTIVE room, furnished or un | vicinity centre, | town and south GM. PASE. bd Park | Road South, 728-0429. FURNISHED Pedros m, hot water yea around, central, gentleman, abstaine 86 weekly. 723-9815 or 73 Gladston 'Avenue. Two housekee rooms, bedroom and kitchen with refrigerator. Parking space. Apply 156 Agnes Street. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. 82 PARK ROAD N. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 28-8671 27--Real Estate for Sale FIVE and a half room, brick and stone, new bungalow, will finish to suit purchaser. Call RA 8-5037 after f p.m. CENTRAL MORTGAGE TWO. garage, four-piece bath, large lot. Price $9,600, ment. 36 Rossl | BUYING or sell atist I tory real estate results, il yin: Kanoza, representing Olive Howe Real TT |Estate, RA 5-1457. FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Mgr. Vickery Real Estate 728-6228 728-4879 TRI-PLEX TWO-YEAR-OLD BLDG. Three large, two-bedroom apartments frigs, washers and dryers. Excellent location, all rented. Will consider trade for good house, 725-3412 oil heating, low iowa pay- W. Schatzmann REALTOR 101 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY MO 8-3338 $8,850 full price ' for this marvelous 6 room bungalow in Whitby, large serviced lot, aluminum storms and screens, school bus service nearby. Terms arranged. "A bargain if you've ever seen one." Business Ashburn, large 7 room house, 4-pc. bath, small barn, lo- cated on paved road. $7,- 900 full price, easy monthly payments. Commercial Building excel- lent condition, 5 apartments all rented, monthly income $350. One block from 4 cor- ners in Whitby. $32,000 with terms, Call W. Schatzmann, evenings MO 8-3253. L. S.SNELGROVE CO. LTD. 725-8761 43 PARK RD. S. 723-9810 LOW DOWN PAYMENTS 6Y2% mortgage for balance, 7-room brick, cen- Stoves, $700 down, tral. $900.00 down, Central Park North, 6 rooms, 2 floors. $950 down, 5V2-room split level entrance, stone faced, reation room. $1,000 down, new 6-room bungalow, sodded lawn, to be dec- orated in purchaser's choice of colors. $1,200, 6é-room brick, immaculate condition, garage, central. $1,500 down, nearly new, 5-room brick, large garage and lot. $1,500 down, beautiful 5-room rug brick, should be seen. $1,850 down, S5-room brick, oil heated, fireplace, full price $9,400. $300 down, building lots, $1,000 full price. $600 down, 6 acres level land. $250 down, 50 x 133) ft. lot, central, Bowmanville. $4,500 full price, 15 acres, well treed, terms, Please call Frank McCann 725-8761, 723-9810 OR Res. 728-8921 SUMMER HOLIDAY SPECIALS SUMMER BREEZES -- new 5-room summer cottage on excellent, safe, sandy beach. Asking only $4,200 -- excellent terms. Ex- tra beach frontage available at very low cash. OWNER TRANSFERRED leaving this one-owner N.H.A. 42% resale on Hortop Street, This compact bungalow is located on lovely londscaped 51 x 157 lot -- paved drive. Listed ot $11,600. For appointent to inspect call today. COTTAGE TIME -- here's a dandy -- 5 large rooms with oll conveniences. Extra large treed lot -- private beach -- double garage -- boat house. All the furniture included -- this must be sold, SUBURBAN LIVING -- Only $13,300 for this large &-room ronch bungalow with attached garage, 312 acres, excellent lond on the outskirts of Oshawa. Panelled living and dining rooms. rec- AND HOUSING CORPORATION N.H.A. RE-SALES WHITBY, ONT. $10,650 -- Your opportun- ity to obtain a 3-bedroom home at a price within the averoge-man's budget, Semi- detached, solid masonry construction, private drive. Down payments can be as low as $533 with the bal- ance on one mortgage at 6% % interest rate. You are invited to contact this office to arronge for an appoint- ment to inspect, Office hours -- Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION, Property Management Section, 650 Lawrence Avenue West, Toronto 19, Ontario Phone: RUssell 1-2451, WHITBY LESTE »o1 Walnut St Street. FOR SALE: 7 NHA fully serviced buil lots, or for custom built homes 1,150 square feet, and garage HI 4-9664 after 9 p.m. SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8.2563 ee FOR SALE or exchange, four bedroom, flar accommodation in Whitby. BA 1.7222 Willowdale, Ontario. A super value, ie SAIL ir STUDENTS! ately 630 paper news print) for only $100 Ap Oshawa Times Office, Whitby 11 Dundas Street West, BOATING AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents, oll sizes, $7 - $15 per week. Sleeping Bags, Coolers, terns, stoves, $2 weekly Cabin Trailers, sleep 5 and 6, $40 and $45 per week. Outboard Motors, all sizes, $15 ond up. Boat, 5 h.p. motor trailer, $35 per week. 14° Runabout, 25 electric and trailer, $85 weekly. Conoes and Cartop Boats, $15 per week. We @lso rent, repair and sell lawnmowers, garden tillers, power tools. WILDE RENTAL Service ond Sales 1415 Dundas East, Whitby | MO 8-3226 = i} No Down Payment. No obli- gation, The BEST for less. 15 cubic foot Frigidaire, 3 months food supply from Schneiders, approximately $16.95 per week | ossures family of 4 goo0 LVInG, nd is r total cost for Ny ECONOM- JIZE with ECONOMART. MO 8-5381. Our food plan available to oi qualified freezer owners, "approxi lan- and if Kilehenetie 4. | suit able for couple Street solid [FOR rent: brick, for only $13,500. Contact builder, you rent 32 cluding (heat, DAY care way, new tanks installed Walter yard own home, 198 DODGE, ing two bathroom home in Toronto, for sim- g 9u,q or write 227 Glendora Avenue, FOR RENT--Three-room apartment, all | conveniences, 1 couple eets of letter size typing NEW house for one child. 668-5 FURNISHED rooms, cooking privileges 668-5176. ROOM to rent: able for lady or gentlemen. {able rent {Immediate possession. Tel, |FOR RENT -- Four-room apartment, |recently decorated, | sion, central location, | Telephone MO 28-2408 | FOR RENT: Two bedroom apartments, |$90, lerators MO _B-3591. |For RENT: Self contained three-room- |ed apartment. Heat and water included. {Immediate possession. das West, Whitby. Apt. |For RENT: |all conveniences for © |nomical holiday BC SERVICES service for small businas {monthly or as dest | pared, CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. and Apply Telephone MO 8-4470 refvigerior, | 305 Perry| Three room apartment in. 20 Walnut Street hydro and hot water), for small children in my trained nurse. MO 8-5973 reasonable. Phone Whitby MO | ble for | MO 8-3532. | kitchen, living it couple with Central. Telephone re room, two bedrc f desired, all conveniences, central. Centrally located. Suit. Reason- Abstainer, MO 82429. Board optional immediate posses. reasonable rent.) inmodern building, stoves, refrig- Apply 610 Dun- 1 Cabin travel trailer, with a pleasant, eco Please call MO 8-4706 | or more information. Complete bookkeeper | + weekly, | ments pre. . MO 8.8252 CUSTOM BUILDING Renovations, cdditions, reation rooms, landscape features and estimates free, CHAS. DAWSON red income tax retur rec- structural Designs MO 8-2104 GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel and Fill, Delivery Monday to Sat, Noon. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 food transportation, sell.| WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6588 AFTER HOURS PLEASE SALL Dick Young 723-7183 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Ken Honn 723-1963 SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. 360 KING ST. WEST RA 3-2265 Reg Aker Bill McFeeters Pres. Vice Pres. APPLE HILL AREA New home -- list price $13,850 -- 5 room brick with carport. Very modern hollywood kitchen, 3 good size bedrooms, tiled bath with vanity. Garwood furnace, $1,258 down -- balance N.H.A. mortgage. OFF KING STREET EAST $11,500 -- large 5 room bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 2 are a very nice size, large kitchen, Recreation room, oil heated, land- scaped and decorated. ROSSLAND ROAD WEST Terrific buy in a large ranch bungalow with attached garage. Hollywood kitchen, extra large dining area, beautifully finished rec room, owner leaving city. GRIERSON AVENUE Fine looking brick home in a desirable location, featuring large living room with fireplace and built- in bookcase. Large modern kitchen. 4 bedroome h bi HUONG CZ pCl on ram Tioor, "Attached garage, hedged and landscaped, Asking $16,000 =-- terms, DAYTIME CALL RA 3-2265 EVENINGS CALL: 725-1726 Steve Zurba 728-8423 Henry Stinson tun secOnu nicely Bill McFeeters .. Don _Strodeski 728-0569 725-0243 For Satisfaction and Courtesy in All Your Real Estate needs, Call: PAUL J BOLAHOOD REAL ESTATE 228 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA 728-4171 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 COUNTRY LIVING Just outside city limits -- large 6-room ranch on 106' by 167' landscaped lot, house in immaculate shape with storms, screens, broadloomed living room, vanity in bath, recreation room, etc., etc, close to schools and church, Phone for appointment to inspect this gem, Asking only $14,500.00. DREW STREET 4-bedroom 1)3-storey home in very good shape, all large rooms, well landscaped, paved drive, aluminum storms, screens, doors. Could easily be sublet, Asking only $10, 500 with $2500.00 down. HIGHLAND AVE. 6-room brick and stone ranch, double garage, beautifully land- scoped, hedged, recreation room, tiled bath and vanity, well edcorated, storms, screens and many other extras. Terrific value at $13,500 with 52% mortgage, AFTER 5:30 CALL: Joe Maga 725-9191 Mcrion Drew 725-7610 John Kemp 728-2392 Everett Elliott 723-9290 FIVE-ROOM cottage, corner lot, 80 by 100 with good well, $800 down. Easy | Sou! terms, MA 3-2685, let tractor trailer, $450; *54 Mercury van, 14' x 7° x 7°, $500. All in good con- dition. RA 83222 or apply 843 Ritson Motor Sales, id Brock North (Next to Van Stokely's CANADA'S "enart" Europe's hotest Like. new. elephone RAL oom suite, Apply 295 FURNITURE, West tor, stove, washer, walnut dinette table, Kaufman walnut bedroom suite, other |S items. Ajax, 57 PONTIAC, two-door sedan, low one owner. PRIVATE sale, brick bungalow, nearly' new, 10 84275, $11,900 low down payment. MO 8-8275. FIVE-ROOM brick home near ne: 14 Telephone 728-1960 after 6 p.m. the EY a Dany See it DOW at Van Heusen Motors, 156 King, NORGE refrigerator, 8% Sable 4 foot; 42 inch continental bed, like new. Apply, co. 22 Street. on typewriters, F S38 save You ianey, of Ashburn. '59 CHEVROLET low mileage auto- matic 6-cylinder deluxe radio, two tone ing arranged. Private 728-3496, three-bedrooms, oak and tile floors, oil heated, paved drive, well located. ing $10,900. $1000 down. Gerald Bar- row, Broker, 725-3852, Ask-|"49 MERCURY picku; p, good running| condition, $125 cash. Phone MO 8-8745 after 6 p.m. $600 DOWN $7500 full orice, six-room, semi-detached, close schools and shopping. Call ok os L. Gower, Realtor. 728-4651, 60 CHEVROLET Bel Air automatic,| new condition, one owner, leaving country, ten thousand miles, $2,200. WH 2-0903. PRIVATE room 1% storey, brick veneer home and garage, forced air with oil heating. Hardwood and tile floors, close to school and shopping centre, $2000 down to one mortgage. Dial 723-3952, USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS BUYING OR SELLING LLOYD CORSON D. W. WILSON, REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6588 723-2537 We i '56 OLDSMOBILE Super, four-door, hardto) radio, CONVERTIBLE "53 Chev., automatic, radio. Handles like a dream. Only $545; hardtop, '54 Pontiac, $375 and '51 Pon- tiac, $245. Cash, trade or terms. Nichol's Motor Sales, 512 Brook North, (Next to Van Stokely's) $205 -- CHEV's ol Fors all "53 models, four to choose from, very good transportation. Yan Heusen Motors, 156 King Street West. '58 TR-THREE, new paint, tires, motor completely overhauled. Smith's immaculate in every way. Only $995, Van Heusen Motors, 156 King West. '54 PONTIAC two-door hardiop, radio, white walls, Bow Jo excellent con- dition, $395. RA 1952 MERCURY se a custom radio, two tone, in good condition. Telephone 728-5747. 1955 PONTIAC sedan delivery, one owner, new paint job, very clean, never|,s used for business purposes, $250. Call North Simcoe and Conlin Road. RA 8-5912. Whitby. THANG boat trailer, heavy Sports| Meagher' WE pay highest prices in the eity for used Trai ars Pretty's Used Furniture Stace. 720 3871. $4 Simcoe Sout , 16- oot, new condition. AS put: oL AS29640. tact fact 10 Prince Street. LIMED oak dining Toom furniture four hairs, table and buffet with Marproof finish, good $50, RA 59233, 1&FT, FIBREGLASS on plywood oak "| traming boat, 30° deep; | hardware, $200, 49 HARLEY-DAVIDSON, mis Make offer, CTRIC razor service, parts for all ELE ra: » PA oo -- WASHER, semi-automatic, 2) old, $75. e RA 5-5174. rnin a " |FIVE room spect any *|time. So going abroad. oo North. rth. Apartment 2, 725 praia boul STN 56 METEOR Rideau, wagon, completely rel ut, perfect coa- dition, RA 85221. 480 Park open "til 7. $695 BUYS a good '56 Plymouth coach, or sedan, two to choose from, can Bow. Van Heusen Motors, 156 King W 58 VAUXHALL Victor | Super, 25,000 miles, lovely shape, $1100. 5-9158 before 4. 3 RA Road South, | TENTS, camp cots, sleeping hags, fri "Terms WALNUT dining suite, GE refrigera- tir, Beal walnut A real , $88, OL 53714. st '43 HARLEY Davidson motorcycle 48, good condition, low mileage. suits, size 40, 42, 17 inch 17 inch console TV, fn very 725-8986. TWO men's postsble i! . tty desk, bookcase, two 723.2580 after § p.m. chests rocking chair, lawn chairs and table. Call MArket 3-3155. 53 PONTIAC, two-tone green, good condition, good motor, tires and body, $295. 1 MO 8-5110, $205 CASH buys '53 Chevrolet or '53 Meteor, Settifieg gro dworty, good tires and bod $25 per month, to reliable i, "2% Cordova Road. 725-5101, '60 CORVAIR, 700, four-door like new, fully equipped. Telephone 728-4929 be- tween 5 and 6 p.m 52 CHEV. rT 6, deluxe, 1 four- '58 » body in good condition, newly "Ee s $250. 205 Cadillac South, RA 8-8748. CUSTOM (In the dash) transistor car radios from $39.95. Try Dominion Tire' Stores, 48 Bond Street West, '54 CHERVOLET coach, black, six cyl- inder, standard transmission, radio, clean, $390. Brooklin, OL 5: 57 PONTIAC coach, i? CABIN cruiser custom built, two years, $900 with extras. 124 Wilso ad South. n| WASHING machine, Thor ABT crib, carriage cheap, in fair Ave, and a i Datiinetis, 725-5946. Thor model, good condition, $25. Telephone 725-6361. OFFICE, store, butcher, restaurant ecquipment, New, used, buy, sell, service, Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brook: lin, NEW and used lawn mowers, tillers and engines, 74 Barrie avenue, BED, double, continental, reasonable. Tel 728.0552. LIKE new, factory built, pack trailer, with 9 x 9 cabin tent. RA |}, canvas. Prompt service, +. |5-8330 in fw an exceptionally Van Heusen quoise and white, fine car. Only o Motors, 156 King West. door, clean inside and ou condition, extras. Apply Tio Burk St. '57 CHEVROLET sedan with new auto- $1150 with radio and |, OPEN HOUSE IN BEAU VALLEY Evenings 6 till 9 Saturday Afternoons 2 till 5:30 DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR RA 8-4651 Colonial style clopboard, with 2 3 room self contained apartments. Double attached gorage. Close to schools, shopping and bus service, Full price $13,900 with $3,000 down. Call Sally Wallace. Sacrifice, as owner leaving for the States. Harmony Heights. 3 bedroom brick bungalow, paved drive, land- scoped. Only $12,900 with $2,700 down. $92 Principal, Interest and taxes. For more information call Vie Hulatt, V.LA. fve room clapboard all conveniences, paved road, double garage, close to city limits. Call Doug Gower $12,700 with low down pay- ment, 3 bedroom brick bune galow with fully londscaped. One mort- gage for the balance. See then buy, ask for Mary Clarke. HOWE & PETERS REALTORS 67 KING ST. E. 725-7732 $650. OR OFFER for a down payment and $9,- 800 full price with easy mon- thly payments will get you established in a 7 room brick home with nearly new fur- nace, large modern kitchen, open fireplace, hardwood and tile floors, garage, . private drive and centrally located. Call Joe Crawford 725-7732. HIGHLAND AVE. Low down payment, immacu- late brick home, newly decor- ated in oils, open fireplace, 4-pc, bath, oil heating, gar- age, nicely landscaped, Ask- ing $11,500. Call Keith Peters 725-4162, JAMES STREET 3 bedroom bungalow with basement apartment in spot- less condition, large ultra- modern kitchen, 4-pe. bath. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Easy terms _ Earle. Allen 725- 7782. LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR 725-4330 728-5109 PRICE REDUCED TO $12,900. on this seven-rcom, two- storey brick. Large living room, with natural fireplace. Full-sized dining room, pan- elled family room, with two- piece powder room. Three good-sized bedrooms, and three-piece bathroom on sec- ond floor. Garoge. Forced hot air oil heating. In excel- lent condition. Just off Sim- coe St. N,, 2 block from Dr. Phillip's, School. For particulars, and to inspect, please call Irene Brown, 725-3867. COSY FOR A COUPLE Two - bedroom, five - room brick bungalow, located on a quiet residential! street, but within walking distance of downtown. Terms to suit purchaser. The owner will carry the mortgage. Call Roy Flintoff, 725-3454 for an appointment to inspect HIGHLAND AVE. An exceptional fine bunga- low, artistically decorated. Living room and hall broad- loomed, three bedrooms, recreation room with bar. Aluminum storms and screens, and a four-piece tiled bath- room. All in beautiful condi- tion and ready to move in, Priced aot $11,900 with a 52% mortgage. Make an appointment. today by call- ing Jon Miller, 725-2993 Members Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. Dick Barrioge 725-6243 matic tr whitewalls, 725-0758, = 51 BUICK in perfect running condition, priced for quick sale. Telephone 723-3301. "56 MONARCH, Lucerne, fordor, good condition, black with white lea- ther interior, automatic, power brakes, custom radio, whitewalls etc. $100 down take over payments of $600. Apply 1621 Simcoe Street North, '54 PONTIAC, grey, coach, good condi- tion, Telephone RA 8-8669. 61 GMC Yo-ton truck, only 200 miles, priced right. Robinson Motors, 574 Rit. son Road South. '59 PLYMOUTH Fury, four-door hard. top, lots of equipment, very clean, Robinson Motors, 574 Ritson Road South, '36 DODGE, A-1 condition, radio, heat- er directional signals, good tires, defin- itely no rust, original mileage 52,000, private. 621 King Street East. RA 5-5555. hl .|wagon, 12.2 cubic ft. '57 PLYMOUTH, tudor, hardtop, with custom radio, safety seat belts, white- walls, only $995, Van Heusen Motors, 156 King West, '53 METEOR customline, four door sedan, custom radio and signals. Top shape. Reddy for the road. RA 8-5221. WHOLESALE price: RCA Victor awa. TYPING paper on white newsprint, buy in save, 4% 1b. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib pkg. $2.00 Ciredlation Department, Oshawa Times PAINT, interior. exterior, $2.95 gallon. service sale, letter size, bulk | 480 Park Road South, , open til 7, | "56 MERCURY, tudor, hardtop, with (automatic transmission, custom radio, whitewalls, and two-tone blue, $895. Van Heusen Motors, 156 King West. white wall tires, wire wheels, continen. tal kit, safety belts, $1,350. RA 5-0585 221 College Avenue. '58 VOLKSWAGEN b bus, | Tow 1 All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss Oshawa Hardware and Electric, Church Street. 723-7624, ATR conditioners, 5 ton Chrysler Air- |temp water.cooled, 3 phase 208 package MGA COUPE, ;, 1958, 20,000 ie , radio, unit, A-1. Also some small units. Phone Toronto, LE 6-2880 after 7 p.m, .|BUYING or disposing of used f furnl.| ture appliances ete. Call Elmer, ve |years experience. COlfax 3-2204. on new motor, 1 rubber tired farm freezer frig, 8 months old. Apply Bert Whyte, Maple Grove d, Bowmanville. 58 CHEVROLET four-door, standard transmission, in good condition. Must be sold on the weekend, cheap. 728-2805. "54 BUICK standard shift, ve very good condition, $445, or best offer. Apply 248 Tresane Street. '58 PONTIAC Strato- Chief, power steering, brakes, original owner now being transferred. Terms aavilable. RA 8.0707. 5 BUICK hardtop, automatic. Sacrifice | uid offer. Owner leaving town. Phon 723-7857. 51 CHEVROLET two-door "hardtop, | sun visor, custom radio, fender skirts, new car condition. Apply 1239 Meadow | vale Street. 52 FORD hall ton pick-up, Tr running good, make offer, Phone between 7.30- 5. RA 59202, '56 OLDSMOBILE holiday four-door hardtop, fully powered, equipped with radio. This car is in perfect condition, Private MO 85152 "57 FORD hardtop, vi "automatic, radio, also '57 Pontiac 6-cylinder, automatic. | Originally priced at $1,495, Now only $1,150 each. Cash, trade or terms, Nicol's Motor Sales, 512 Brock Street North (Next to Van Stokely's). '58 VAUXHALL, top condition, 12,000 miles, radio, block heater, windshield washers, snow tires. Best offer. RA 8-5968. 61 MONARCH | hardtop, | fully powered, only driven 2,000 miles, 20 per cent dis- |count. Now at Van Heusen Motors, 156 King West '59 CHEVROLET, low 1 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want rs for wrecking. Highest prices paid e RA 5-118 1. ® | wANTED 52 to '54 Morris Minor. In rood condition, Will pay cash. Tele-| | Phone 725-6103 SAL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES | S512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Leins paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 most all sizes, ow tires, oodrich Stores, 725-4543, |= B. F. Goodri T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guoranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. Eost, 728-6781 on RAC Victor car radios, only at Parkway TV, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your Juthorized| "| Rentals, lots and $3 and AWNINGS, , table rentals, tee Fox. 412 Simcoe North. |FacovH "cleaner repairs, al all makes, 8, teed rebuilt machines Estimates free, sh- | Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser vice. RA 8-0591 anytime. BATH sets, over, pressure piping and fittings, sump pu ment mixer, wheel barrow, roto- lawn mowers, boat, motor, trailer, "86 car, H. Chinn, Hillside and Park Road South. IFT. CABIN cruiser, water skis, Me Jackets, $450 or best offer. EH MOVING -- Large broadioom rug, grey, fwashing machine, two . plece cherry chesterfield, hostess chair, lum- |ber, numerous articles, suitable for cottage. Telephone 7. FOR 8 SALE--Spring- Ai! couch in perfect condition, $15, 'White enamel kitchen cabinet, a Brg doors, ne 723-4435, --e starter 14-18, Yakeherd hid strip boat, teenee trailer, tarp, all controls. Ready to go, Fo sg 9 Masson. 08 white enamel hom tubs, (Hy small white kitchen table, $3; feather mattress, $3. portable Smith Corona typewriter, $35, good condition. RA TWO single beds or sale, reasonable, Telephone 728-8441. 480 Albert t Street. CURITY DIAPERS SPECIAL $3.98 per doz. -- Reg. 4.98 Nothing extra to buy, free delivery. M & C DRY GOODS 74 Celina St. 723-7827 CHILD'S crib, springfilied plastic mat tress, matching ward; excellent Sondtion. Apply after 6 p.m. 136 Wil son Oshawa. pil on peed plywood boat, steer ing, windshield, upholstered, '57 25 hp Johnston motor, good condition, $400. Call 723-9579 or 37 Sandra Street West. ONE baby crib spring and mattress, roxatone color, reasonably - priced. Telephone 728-6119. Mt. 9° PRAM boat, for Shing, VOLVO PENTA ENGINES LARSON COMBOARD BOATS For demonstration MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD: Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 tic, 6-cylinder deluxxe radio, two-tone, financing arranged. Private, RA 8-3496, NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales and service, Showroom open until 9 p.m. at 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7132 Trade your boat on a car---- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. R. A 8-591 ___Open evenings or v weekends VOLVO Most dependable. The leader on the road and track. JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 CAR INSURANCE" Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their car in- surance. Half-year payments, a A toda ample free parking. SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST 723-2265 | 30-- Automobiles Wanted 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted". Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and 'SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 728-4494 725-5574 Res. bunt. ing or a good mooring oars and pins, $30, Telephone Tos 7001, 58 AUSTIN Healey, overdrive, wheels, good condition. Best offer. phone 728-8315. PACE ship with Mark 25 Mercury, con trols, windshield, a Telephone 723-2953 or 791 Stone Street. SIX-PIECE dinette suite, including buffet, deep freeze, Jetrigoraton , large freezer chest, good condition. Apply 7 Mary Street, Ajax or WH wire + Teles stration, Telephone 728-4683. SPECIALS! ! $1.98. 79¢c. SRABERY MATERIAL Ro. PRINTS -- 3 yds. $1.00 DRAPES, made to order. Modern design, reasonable rates. We also carry a com- plete line of other fabrics at real savings. 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 723-7827 M & C DRY GOODS 74 Celina St. Lost & Found WOULD finder of of lost at Vin Belle G on Faraday, June 29 please Fane 7 ie ] Money urgently needed. 35--Legal I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my wife on or after this date without my consent, ~--James W. Peebles NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS T.V. TOWERS $55. 40-ft. tower structure with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vanized, Guaranteed one 32--Articles for Sale "49 PONTIAC car radio and small RCA Victor radio, $10 Sachs large baby crib, $15. __Dial 728-48 RECORD player, ps Fre "1004, half- price; treadle sewing machine, $18; sewing machine cabinet, regular $96, reduced to $64. "Easy" electric ironer, 27-inch roll, $85. Elna Sewing Machine, 165 Simcoe South 723-2391. SOLITAIRE diamond ring, size 5, make offer. Telephone 723-7011 between 9 and 6. Monday to Wednesday. 9 CUBIC feet Westinghouse reirigers. tor bi Defies Sohdition, $125; Viking Slee ric stove, $150, all perfect condi. tion, RA 5-2674 after 6 p.m. 9 condition. May be seen at 65 EI Street East after 5 p.m on 35 MM Ziess camera 28 coupled light meter flash attachment, range finder, carrying case, $45; also left handed golf clubs with bag, 2 most new, $35. MO 8-4175 after 6 pm WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD, EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer 725-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars. CAR AUCTION Every Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Buy or sell. Easy terms. Cars to be sold must be entered before 4 p.m. day of sale. A few reserved bids, others will be sold to highest bid- ders, Good selection of late model cars. Trades accepted. 25 Grenfell St, RA 8-5179. WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD, EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-0331 We have a good assortment _of Used Cars BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) We List Photo Co-op 723-4494; Res. 725-5574 THREE rooms of new $299, over 35 items. This includes ches. terfield, dresser, chiffonier, bed, kit. chen suite, mattress, step table, coffee table, hassock, lamp, upholstered chair etc. Pay only $25 down. Barons' Home Furnishings, . 424 Simcoe South. 'YCLES, $39.95. Tents, boats, "furniture only BICYCLES, mo- tors and trailers, new and used. Do. Saimion Tire Store, 40 Bond Street West. TENTS, tarpaulins, camp cots, ground sheets, Jonials, Rie) i Hardware, 8 Church Street, 7264, ONE flat si lywood by boat, 9 4 long. Telephone RA 5.9130 Sim DOUBLE bed, dish o: cabinet, wa washing machine, 22 blinds, all widths and lent hs. 217 Church Street or RA \uwioigh bicycle, In excellent | year.. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET 728-8180 IN THE ESTATE OF HAZEL CLEMO PHILLIPS All persons having claims against the Estate of HAZEL CLEMO PHILLIPS, late of the Town of Whitby, County of Ontario, Housewife, who died on or about the 5th day of February, 1961, at the Town of Whitby, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of Au- gust, 1961, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims which the undersigned shall COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS STORM DOORS, WINDOWS, PRIME WINDOWS Einpst Oualitv Veru | ow Price We Qiso carry a Coniagd's finest Awning, Porch Railing very reasonable price. CALL ALEX VAJDA 723-9851 then have notice. DATED at Toronto, the 20th day of June, 1961. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION and Frank St. onto, Executors, By "Messrs. Birks, Langdon, McComiskey ond Maclatchy, their Solici- tors, herein, MUST SELL LEAVING COUNTRY Kodak Showtime Projector, (400-ft. reel), $59; Reming- ton portable typewriter, (with case), $49; Living room drapes, (8 widths), $69:; Dining room drapes, (4 widths), $39. Apply-- 735 TENNYSON AVE. or Phone 723-7051 FR TUM WITH $3.00 GAS AT THE HILLTOP GAS OPEN 9 A. SNACK BARo Midnight KING ST. W. AT CITY LIMITS EE BLER M. till Midnight pen7 P.M. till CHARLOTTE TALKS TALKS AND TALKS FORT MACLE OD, Alta. (CP)--Mayor Charlotte Whit- ton of Otttawa, a compulsive speaker, had a field day dur- ing the holiday weekend when she was guest of honor at the Fort Macleod Claresholm Stampede. : She spoke at luncheons, of- ficial openings and dedica- tions and was made an Indian princess. _ Samples of her speech-mak- ing: After seeing that she had been listed on a program as Mrs. Whitton, she told her au- dience: "I have received five honorary degrees, but if I must have this one I would like to earn it." Speaking at the opening of a stock show, she observed: "I think I'll borrow some of these animals to teach the Ot- tawa council something about the patient endurance of my voice." On women's rights: "More than 2,000 years before Christ, women had an equality that has never been equalled in this civilization." 10-HOUR MOVIE LONDON (CP) -- Christopher Fry, British poet - playwright who wrote "The Lady's Not For Burning" and "Venus Ob- served," will write the screen play for the Italian movie "The Bible." It will span both Old and New Testaments, and will run probably for 10 hours.