WHITBY and DISTRICT Manager: Lloyd Robertson Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 i HONOR RETIRING HOSPITAL SUP hall on Tuesday afternoon. Nearly 200 doctors, nurses and civil service staff attended the farewell party. Dr. Lynch and his wife were presented with various presents from Retiring after nearly five years as superintendent at the Ontario Hospital, Dr. D. O. Lynch was honored at a party in the hospital's recreation ET ANS 25 3 Avast DANS ees SALAS Sete RABY 4. damage had been done to the Magistrate C. W. Guest levied $465 in fines in dispensing jus- tice in 24 traffic and liquor violations in Whitby Magis trate's Court, Tuesday. A charge of careless driving against Byron Eugene Harries of Islington was dismissed when he testified that an insect in his eye had impaired his vision before a collision on Highway 401 on May 4. A charge of failing to report an accident against Paul Law- son Burley of Toronto was dis- missed when the accused stated that although his car had rolled over on slippery highway 7 on April 3 he did not believe $100 vehicle. David W. Valyear of Scarboro was fined $35 and costs for over- loading his vehicle. The truck was registered to carry 12,000 AL, organizations at the hospital. After a summer holiday, Dr. RINTENDENT C2 fetes pounds and was found to be| carrying 19,400 Ibs. on June 15. Moses Norton of RR 1 Good- wood was fined $25 and costs when he was found guilty of careless driving on Brock Rd., on June 10. Norton said he pull- ed out to pass another car and lost control of his vehicle which] fore coming to a stop. | Defective brakes cost Gordon H. Breeze of RR 3 Chatsworth, | club; Dr. assistant superintendent; T. A. Sweet, Dr. Lynch and his wife will return | D. O. Lynch and his wife; |ont.. a $10 fine. His brakes] to live in Whitby, Shown are | Fred Ing, president of the (L.-R.): Oscar Moore, presi- | Civil Service Association. | pair on highway 401 on Mav 12.| dent of the Quarter Century --Oshawa Times Photo | pay] Raymond Graham, 18, of | Wilfully Struck Gate, Executive Fine A Scarboro Township business|when Lindal drove his car into, man, convicted of wilfully dam-|the gate. | aging a gate by driving into it [car was quite close to him and| was Tuesday fined $300 and|scared him when it hit the gate.| .costs or 60 days and minutes| - Gates said that Lindal could| later fined an additional $10 and| not get his car through the gate! costs for illegally parking in|and just left it there and picked| front of that gate. Skuli Walter|yp the fishing gear in his car| Lindal appeared before Magis- and said he was going fishing. | trate R. B. Dnieper in Whitby! Brian Corcoran, 16, who was police court. with Gates at the gate, said Thomas Newman, of Picker-|that he saw Gates walk towards ing Township, told the court that|the gate as if to open it and property along the lake shore at/then saw Lindal's car ram the Dunbarton Shores is private|gate, t property and the entrance to the| ~ Sgt. R. Bodley, of the Pick-! area is blocked off with a locked |ering Township Police Depart- gate, each of the owners beyond | ment, said there were at least the gate being provided with a|three signs in the area indicat-| key. Lindal, he said, did not|ing that this was on private own property on the Shores and property. He said that he ar-| therefore had no right to the|rived to find the car still at the|surprised there was no other gaid. road which led to the Shores. gate. He said that an emergency The wire gate leading to the|yehicle could not have used the property, said, had n| road. smashed on the night of April +29 to the extent of about $35. FIT OF TEMPER Edward Gates, 15, of Dunbar-| PC Cyril Cooper, who accom- ton Shores, said that a private panied the Sgt, said that he party was being held at the|suggested to Lindal that the in- Shores on that night and he had cident may have been caused been stationed at the gate with|partially by a fit of temper and| a key to allow the guests to|the accused agreed that it might) enter. { have. NOT A GUEST | In his own defence, Lindal At 10 p.m., he said, Lindal said that he had fished on the appeared in his car and asked Shores side on many occasions admittance but said that he was and on this occasion was taking not going to the party. After his three sons and another boy some argument, he said, he|fishing. He said that he was an- agreed to let him through and noyed at the boy's refusal to let| was about to open the gate him pass and, driving his wife's| he was, at first considering what | length of time he would send him to jail and then decided on a fine of $300, which he said, would be paid today (Tuesday). d $300 car, put the car in drive in- He said that Lindal's stead of reverse as he intended.[by council Monday requesting He said that he thought the boy was going to open the gate to- wards him and he intended to move the car back out of the way. His Worship told the accused | that he disbelieved him when he| suggested that this was an acci- dent, and that he believed the Crown witnesses, whose testi- mony had the ring of truth in it. | Speaking of penalty, Acting Crown Attorney Arleigh Hill- man said that Lindal had placed| the life of the boy, Gates, in| jeopardy by running into the] gate while he was attempting to| open it. | His Worship said that he was| charge laid. He told Lindal that| Answering a charge that he left his car parked in a private driveway, contrary to a Picker:| ing Township bylaw, Lindal said that it seemed the proper thing| B do to leave the vehicle there prompted a after an accident until the police arrived. | He was fined $10 and costs or| two days on this count but Mag-| istrate Dnieper told him '"You| would make a good counsel, Mr. | Lindal, but the facts were! against you." | |ing jacket, green and white ac-| Carolyn Wed In All Saints All Saints' Anglican Church, decorated with standards of white and yellow chrysanthe- mums, was the scene of a very pretty wedding at 3 p.m. on Sat- urday, June 24, when Carolyn Cormack corsage. On their return Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald will establish resi- dence at 119 Centre St. N., | Whitby. |John Fowler, Bowmanville, | Sydney, Nova Scotia, Kingston, |cousin of the bride. The brides- Bowmanville, Oshawa, London, | maids' gowns were alike in tur. Toronto, Hamilton, Burlington, |quoise silk faille sheaths and|Grand Bend and Ottawa. tiered overskirts featured bateau necklines and were] ATOMIC CENTRE Out of town guests were from | cessories and a white gardenia red to RR 4 Uxbridge was in Whitby court on three liquor law viola- tions after 10 bottles of beer were found in a car driven by him on highway 47 on June 12. He was found guilty on all three charges and was fined $25 for consuming liquor while a minor, $15 for having liquor in a place other thauPrivate residence and $10 for the possession of liquor. A charge of crossing the boulevard between divided high- way 401 against Gordon Denby of Scarboro was dismissed by Magistrate Guest because of in- sufficient evidence. Frederick D. Ree of Toronto was fined $15 and costs when he was found guilty of speeding at highways 7 and 12 on June 3. He was traveiling at 42 mph in a 30 mph zone. Robert C. James of 1510 Sim- coe St. S.,, Oshawa was fined $15 and costs for failing to have a front marker light on his trac- tor trailer on No. 2 County Rd., on May 19. George Taylor, of Toronto, was fined $25 and costs or five days when he was found guilty of failing to yield the right of way at a T intersection on the skidded a total of 232 feet be- Fifth Concession in Pickering] Township on June 7. John Ross Jack, of West Hill, was fined $15 and costs or three days when he was found guilty were found to be in need of re-|{of having only cne headlight on| highway 12 on June 6. William Watkinson, 18, of Sea- Deputation Asks Township To Take Over Street A deputation from the Meadowbrook subdivision ap- peared before Township of Whit- Ernest H. Waltham, 723 Green street, Whitby, who told the court that "rum always hits him pretty hard," was Tuesday that council take over the sub-|jailed for 15 days for driving division roads. {while intoxicated. He pleaded Headed by Alan Muir, the|Suilty to the charge before group urged council to make a Magistrate R. B. Dnieper in decision soon since they were| Whitby police court. Rum Hit Too Hard, Is Jailed 15 Days advice. Drink in your own liv- you can hold and no one will bother you." After meting out the 15-day sentence, His Worship told PC Stoneman to advise Waltham's employers what had happened in court. " PC Ernest Stc of the becomin Eg, perturbed about Whitby Police Department, said heavy traffic. . i that he had been on foot patrol Reeve Heber Down called the| when he saw Waltham stop his request "very reasonable since|oar on Byron street at Dundas it is a good road. : street at 11.50 a.m. June 23. He "It is important that it isisaid that Waltham stopped too taken over and is good busi-llong at the intersection, then ness to oil it," said Deputy-|pulled his car across the street reeve John Goodwin. 1 : {to a hotel parking lot. Mr. Muir asked council when| The officer said that he in- storm sewers would be installed. | vestigated and found Waltham The sum of $150 for sewers had| intoxicated. been paid when the subdivider's] PC Stoneman explained that agreement was drawn up, he|waltham had gone to work in Sunderland that morning but LAWN Levy $465 In Fines In 24 Traffic Cases Here of driving without an operator' licence and of drinking whil at highways 12 and 69 on Jun how to drive. tried to get the baseball gam rolled over. Joseph Peter Starr, bright, was given two years pro- bation when he was found guilty under age. The charges were laid when he knocked down five fence posts and admitted drink- ing eight or nine pints of beer 23. A charge of careless driv- ing was dismissed by Magis- trate Guest when it was appar- ent that the youth didn't know Donald Ray Snell, of Fairport Beach, was fined $25 and costs when he was found guilty of careless driving on Highway 401 on May 16. Snell said he had on his car radio when he hit the soft shoulder of the road and of 201 oy THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 28, 1961 3 Seek Permit For Discount Store In Township Frank McCameond of 1038 s|King street east, appeared be- e|fore Whitby Township Council on Monday night to sketch plans for a proposed discount store on Highway 2. Council previously referred e/McCamond's request for re- zoning to Planning Board. He wants the property to be chang- ed from a residential rating to local commercial. When queried by township councillors Monday, McCamond said he was going to renovate an old barn on the property. It would be fixed up to look presentable, he said. A discount house enterprise is a psychological business, he he said. Something different is needed to get the whole popu- lation talking about the busi ness, he added. e Annis St., was fined $50 and] costs or 10 days when he was found guilty of failing to stop for a stop sign at the 401 - Whitby interchange. Ray Poloz of 329 Simcoe St. The barn would be painted ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS ON PAGE 4 bY and a paved parking area would be installed. Tents on the surrounding property would be erected to hold seasonal merchandise, he said. New stock would be on display. Councillor John Dryden asked McCamond if he would be will- ing to tear down the barn if the property was rezoned to commercial. McCamond said he would if he had to. A quonset house might be an alternative, said McCamond. _ Council told McCamond they would let him know what their decision would be. DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.L.L. Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Decorating Contractors Gyptex, Paperhonging Full Wall Murals S., Oshawa, was fined $35 and costs for overloading his truck to the extent of 15,500 lbs. on May 15 on Thornton Rd. He was carrying 35,500 lbs. in his truck registered for 20,000 lbs. Charles Rogers of RR No. 1, Pickering was given a one year suspended sentence by Magis- trate Guest when he plead- 115 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY Just North of the Four Corners OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. | CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY, JULY 1st operator's licence and failing to report an accident on May 20, on County Rd., No. 4. He had driven his brother's car off an embankment completely wreck: ing the vehicle. SLICED COOKED HAM .. 89°) | ed guilty to driving without anl| ing room and drink as much as] RUMP ROAST SOFTBALL TONITE ! RIB STEAKS | SIRLOIN or WING HY . | STEAK or ROAST §9¢ RIB ROAST BEEF ** * Fresh Cut From Government Inspected Beef 1s. w. 49° FRESH | | | BULK WIENERS 100 4 FRESH MOWERS || ou? zon || | HAMBURG STEAK : hm . of voneiess MEALED -- WHOLE or HALF porn' 3 .M. a ¢ wis $F Suen | rain. § { COTTAGE BOLLS . 45 Deputy-reeve Goodwin told pecause of a rain did not have them that it was a policy that two years must pass before storm sewers can be installed. Roads Superintendent M. Ross said the Meadowbrook sub- division roads were in good con- dition. Work can start as long as the rest of subdivider's agree- ment is in order, he said. Meadowbrook representatives long discussion when they balked paying a fee to have chloride placed on the road. | They said that other co-ops did not pay it in the past. Several councillors said they had. Council moved that the Mea- dowbrook request that council take over the roads be "refer- the Roads Comittee with power to act and should be finalized this week." to work and came home via Port Perry where beer and rum had been purchased. | "When I get into rum it always hits me pretty hard," | Waltham told the court. | "Why don't i home?" asked Magistrate Dnieper. "I'll give you some | WHITE | NEWSPRINT | 4V2-1b. pkg. approximately 630 | sheets for -- $1.00 | Also Available in l 9-1b. pkgs. IDEAL FOR TYPING PADS, CARBON COPIES |i INNER OFFICE | GOOD WALKER AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP)--The first and fittest man returning after a 100-mile hike by New Zealand soldiers with full equip- ment was a Maori sergeant with flat feet. Sgt. Percy Retimans did the distance in 37 hours 37 minutes. "Flat feet is a condi- tion common to many pure MEMOS, ETC. On Sale at . WHITBY OFFICE & | CIRCULATION | DEPT. | Oshawa Times DODD & SOUTER PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE HAVE OVER 69 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE PAINTING & DECORATING FIELD AS ADVERTISED IN THE PERFECT HOME MAGAZINE FULL LINES OF |sleeveless. Maid of honor dress-| MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet|Polynesians,"" said an army | Am Srmack, daugier of Mi led similarly in a deeper tur-|Union has signed an agreement pln pg | | PAINTS Whitby, became the bride of | duoise blue with matching ac-|to deliver natural uranium and | Pt : ra Nene Tiamald. Whithy |CESSOries. They carried cas- equipment for establishing an | HR R a Co. wo Mo Loi a Tina eusathenrt atomic. study cenire al Gadia | GRANT DODD HOWARD SOUTER TMPORTED WALLPAPERS MacDonald, Sydney, Nova Sco-|"%%%% [ra ---- Tl BS Ben uma | AA ~n tia. y | Dr. Charles Ferguson, Cam. | | CLARENGE Ror En si IANA AAAA Anew MEAKINS BRUSHES and ROLLERS Rev. Stanley Armstrong oft bridge Bay, Northwest Toh . I Modern WALL PLAQUES RESILACRETE CONCRETE HARDENER ciated a on an Mis, tories, ected 8 Vitam snet | Family Monuments IMPERIAL ESSO AGENT 3 and WATER-PROOF SURFACE FILLER ary Elizabeth Weldon accom-|__ =~ ; 3 are : | AA ad wn AAS panied at the organ for the sing- grove and Mr. Robert orm ROR . ing of the 23rd Psalm and O|3°": Of Hamilton, Mr, James (Vd wishes to welcome all his customers and ¢| e Perfect Love, sung by the con. | Lawler, Whi: and Mr. James: I . ; INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING & gregation. Wepdon, of Osliava, cousins of, A Created To I P friends to the Imperial Esso Booth at the § DECORATING The bride, i i | > | Individual | . . : vier father, whe a white sik For the reception. held at Riauirevents RK Whitby Agriculture and Industrial Trade | ® PAINTING, PAPERHANGING of, oy i elaide House, Oshawa, the] ! . Tp mother of the bride received the | STAFFORD BROS. Fair. ® FULL WALL MURALS pliques of Swiss organdy about guests wearing a pure silk) LTD. aiteckline and hemline, The Ey ve i MONUMENTS An invitation is also extended to visit our re- . GYPTEX, SPRAY PAINTING 11 skirt ight|W SS0T1es id : full skirt flowed from a straight| CPS LC She was as] 318 DUNDAS EAST modelled plant at 916 Brock St. ® WATER-PROOFING INSIDE & OUT in the back. A Swiss organdy|Sisted by the bridegroom's MO 8-3552 ® FREE ESTIMATES o coronet held her fingertip illu- mother who chose a beige lace sion veil. She carried a white|Sheath dress with matching Bible arrangement of white gar-|jacket, beige accessories and a denias and trailing green ivy. |cOrsage of deep pink roses. Nan! Cet Fort, a Ma ra Nov. Bria | % HOLIDAY SPECIAL % bridesmaids were Mrs. Frank tates the bride wore « melon) {JF . PIECE CONCRETE | OUTSIDE WHITE 4.99 A GALLON i 2 | EVENING SHOWS AT 7 and 9:05 BROCK FEATURE STARTS AT 7 and 9:25 | LCL The Premium Paint At Regular Prices! ® OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. © DODD & SOUTER PAINT AND WALLPAPER STORE MO 8-5231 107 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY ONE BLOCK WEST OF 4 CORNERS THEN SOUTH "SENSATIONAL, and | mean sensational!" "Ww =New York Daily News lip MHEDUNTELELNVERY GAUL SYS e FOR YOUR NEW HOME © REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS ® NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS AND PLATFORM OLIVER 3-3311 SMITH HARDWARE 368 WILSON RD. S. RA 8-2451 Full Line GRP Dealer, OSHAWA Corrigan Paint and Wallpaper AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA -- WH 2-1660 Full Line [CCILY Dealer, AJAX ADULT ENTERTAINMENT