27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 28, 1961 23 PRIVATE five-room house, , with bath, WHITBY, large modern. ranch type bun- garage, two acres, at Taunton, $1,350 galow, NHA resale. Three bedrooms, down, take over payments, $60 month-|vanity, divided basement, brick nd ly. RA 88979. stone construction, near new high school, school, buses, MO 2|5.8205. HOUSE for sale, close to south General Phone RA 82 2780. [27--Real E Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale 47 ACRES, two 1 , from city lim- Two. |its, must be sold at once, bargain for| |garage, four-piece bath, {cash iii offer. Schofield Associates, large lot, Price $9,600, low down pay- 2265. Roi 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|26--Rooms for Rent THREE-ROOM _ apartment, unfurnished: | ONE- ~-BEDROOM inexpen- CLEAN large room, or housekeepitig top floor, private entrance. Auply 74 private, close to ; shop- room, reasonable, close to south 8-660: {Bus at door. Parking facilities. Tele: sive, Bond St. E. or telephone RA 5-9303. | ping. Telephone RA 8-660. y , door, oe Wan PARK Road and King, four room apart- {phone TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, with 10 MINUTES from Oshawa, 15 acres| ment, new building, refrigerator, stove, ) bath, also stove and refrigerator, very FURNISHED or unfurnished room wp land with furnished cottage FINEST North West location, at wall-oven, free laundry facilities, paved RA 5.7576. \rent in a clean privaie home, kitchen | 4 mile of trout stream on paved park Adults. RA 8-3971, - ailable, Apply 1 139 Albert Street, beautiful location for butiding, room rug brick bungalow, $1100 dOWN. | anoed. Call RA 3.7410. bi dc Bet ry dds und room apartment, , refrig- ite, two TWO unfurnished rooms. Call "RA Foad, or small Tis Suitable Jor cap wi Hah prices? Call ie Ek fr re. | 60 [ing centre. Bargain for quick ie Ciluenen, rs Pi i. Joseph Bost PRIVATE sale, two bedroom bungalow, altor. fou erator, stove, washer, dryer, TV outlet, TOO: dei RA 3 paved parking. Available July. RA frigerator, heat and water, Suitable jes re "bedroom | In "private! Schofield Associates, rip lot, a Cat Bicely Sacor. FOR REAL ESTATE OPEN HOUSE 2-8 pm. -- 1408 Oxford 51310, RA 8.5034, for bachelor apartment or downtown home. Near to downtown, garage in-| ee MODERN four room apartment "and office. See Mr. Kozak at Johnston's, cluded. RA $4708 or RA 3-4380. LANDSCAPED lot for sale, 52' x 200°, ne water and sewer paid. In excellent loca. DON S. SMITH a St.,, Oshawa. Only $800 Vickery Real Estate down. New, modem, 29--Automobiles for Sale 30--Automobiles Wanted | 56 BELAIR Chevrolel sedan, two tone, LAKES mechanically perfect, radio, heater, gaps 8 for OBE ul ons prices bic windows washers, snow tires. Can be!RA 51181 seen al 623 Sommerville. '84 BUICK stanguse, tion. Telephone '57 FORD hardtop, ve automatic, Tadio, also '57 Pontiac 6-cylinder, automatic, Originally priced at $1,495. Now only $1,150 each. Cash, trade or terms, Nicol's Motor Sales, 512 Brock Street| North (Next to Van Stokely's). '54 PONTIAC, grey, coa coach, sood condi-| tion, Ti RA 81 MONARCH | Pr i ly powered, only, driven 2,000 miles, 20 per cent dis. oil heating, apartment, us Yast, PRIVATE sale, five Tooth > ears old, newly decora Low priced home with all the extra's a Big close to GM south usually found in expensive Domes, SIX six- [plant, $12,600. Payments $o be ar- 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted", Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and SAVE' | TED CAMPIN MOTORS RA 3-4494, Res, RA 5-5574 TRVING or selling, § for quick 'satisfac. tory real estate results, phone Aurelia Kanoza, representing Olive Howe Real Estate, RA 5-1457. A paradise -- 20 acres wooded stream running through property, cottage nestled in the woods, situated off the path hunting, fishing and camp- ing 20 miles to Oshawa. $5,800. Joseph Bosco Realtor, RA 5-9870. $300 DOWN -- $65 monthly, six-room |i house, completely renovated, inside and excellent condi 5-0554. bath, including TV aerial, frig. and'g Simcoe North. = THREE rooms, f rnished or unfurnish- sove and free dryer, paved PATKINK. rio uOOM apariment on Simcoe ea Telephone RA 3.2336 tion just off King Street East in Har. Phone RA 3-914. ____|Street North. Phone RA 56343. 9 a.m. mony, five separate or Hah atelits |27--Real Estate for Sale 2nd Bus. Phone RA 56537 THREE unfurnished rooms on ground floor in quiet home near hospital, lovely | ------ ----_----------------------e------ $1000 DOWN six-room home with ofl TWO-storey brick Aa PrTITTR close heating, storms and screens, patio. to buses and schools, divided into two fireplace, refrigerator and stove, if re- quired a garage. Possession August Write Box 34, wa Times. LARGE apartments available in mod-| private drive and garage. Only $10.5000 Bciness RA 8.5228 TWO-ROOM u sink, builtin cupboards, newly decorat- piparsing. East or RA 55418. 00rs, ed. Apply 205 Bond UNFURNISHED two - room apartment, |8-3092 refrigerator Adults| stove, location. every convenience, and parking. Good only. RA 5-5380. FOUR-ROOM apartment, all at door. Apply 165 Verdun Roa 3-3096. THREE-ROOM apartment, self-contain. ed, heavy wiring, private entrance and/ bath. Suit business couple. RA 3-3266 or RA 8-6906. PRIVATE apartment, MODERN two-bedroom apartment, washer, dryer, laundry tubs. STORE for rent, floor, 1,500 sq. ft. Simcoe South, beside las. Ample ofi-street RET apartment, kitchen, three-piece bath, TV laundry facilities, parking. Apply Cadillac ¢ South Telephone RA 5-3247 THREE newly ly furnished, private bath seen to be appreciated RA 8.6115. THREE - room built-in cupboards, washing facilities, 269 Thomas Street UPPER duplex five very central, ing, garage basement new building Speedy decorated rooms, Must "basement _ sink ™ $55 monthly. FOR RENT, $50, five rooms and bait; RA 3.4847 after 6 schoo oN co TWo hot and cold water, next door, references. 3-2394, garage, Hampton SIX-ROOM and four.room apartments, pert Street. Bowman. newly decorated, location ville. Telephone RA 5.6133 Oshawa. FURNISHED central, conveniences, lights. RA 8.4386. RA 3.9180 UNFURNISHED basement living room with Murphy three-room parking, bed, mod kitchen, three-piece bathroom, bn to bus, child welcome. 129 Windsor RA 8-3985 FOUR-ROOM basement apartment, thre piece bath, separate entrance, one block pos- session. Working couple. No small chil- from shopping centre Immediate dren. RA 5. 43582 $81 MONTHLY, new, room apartment in new building, refrigerator, tove, was dryer, paved parking. Telephone 56674, FOUR-ROOM self - convenl-| ences, laundry, parking, hot water, bus| oni with dinette area, kitchen, refri "three rooms, |SIMCOE and Bloor, four-room apart built-in cupboards and sink in kitchen, three-piece bath, heavy wiring, TV out. (refrigerator, let. Apply 513 Richmond Street East. re- frigerator, stove, hot water included, ($85 MONTHLY -- modern 239 Mon- traye Avenue. Apartment 1 ,RA 5-0191.|ref and main Call RA 81904. Auto FOUR-ROOM apartment, © parking. RA Jon, "modern | NOW RENTING One and two bedroom aerial, 80 August 1, art- - Pa TWO-ROOM Adults only. apartment, outlet, Apply ment, rooms and bath, newly decorated, oil heat Av ailable July 1. RA 5.5275 also sunporch, private entrance, newly apartment, heat Children welcome. $70 monthly tmeliiy , modern two-bed- a partment "RA 26-<Rooms for Rent contained apart jern stove, refrigerator, TV.|fuil price. Centrally located. Call Bob laundry, locker, hardwood gievenson at RA 68-6206. 5. D. Hyman ainted to your liking. Cal a | Realtor. 5, or Dim M © money "maker, excellent three- partment home on Arthur Street, live t, ground A, free with an excellent investment, washer and $75 monthly. ¢14,800. Frances Hallowell, RA 35-4344. je; hone RA 5-6134 or RA 3.3905. Joseph Bosco Realtor. Te | TWO- BEDROOM 'apartment, 1ivin 3 SACRIFCE! -- ~ five-room n house in ce in Osh- %- | awa, now rented for $70 monthly, grow- erator, stove, laundry facilities. RA ing district, 610 ft. lot runs to creek, 5-2981 $1,900 down or best offer, $6,000 bal- BE n m ance. Payable at $60 per month. Pri- | TWO-BEDROOM apartment, in modern ance. . Telephone C OL 54850. "EEE RISTOW &OLSEN washer and dryer. RA 5-6176 5 Bloor | | i REALTORS RA 8-4879 PRIVATE SALE Just completed five-- room bark brick bungalow with stone front situated on land- scaped lot. Hollywood kit- chen, ceramic tile and vanity in bathroom, mahogany trimmed throughout. Sec- tional basement Located on 297 Farewell Ave. S. 101 Craydon Road, Apt ment, Iment, near South GM plant, stove and laundry facilities, decorated, $75 per month, Apply East or call RA 5-0748. VICKERY REAL ESTATE OSHAWA $12,900 FULL PRICE Six-room brick home with lovely finished rec-room. Nicely landscaped, fenced lot. With paved drive and gorage. Many extras, alumi- num storms and screens, T.V. antenna, ond patio. For full particulars, call RA 5-6588, ask for Lloyd Corson, or RA 3-2537 onytime. Wilson Realtor, Oshawe Shopping Centre. two-bed- room apartment in apartment building, rigerator and stove, modern kitchen, four-piece bathroom, near North GM $13,750--$1500 Down RA 5-3662 LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 5-4330 RA 8-5109 BY OWNER LEAVING CITY You can buy this 1Va-storey brick, on a well landscaped lot, with good garage. Attrac- tive living room, and dining room. Family kitchen, Three bedrooms, 1%2 bathrooms. WHITBY REDUCED TO $12,500.00 Lovely six-room brick bun galow, beautifully finished inside and ottractively land- | spacious yard, heat, light, $65 per month. Phone MO 85-4494 Colborne East, possession, self-contained, Many extra's Call. Gower Realtor. RA apartments scoped outside Price in- cludes aluminum storms and screens. TV cerial, private drive and vegetable and flow- $89 $109. unfurnished apartment sink, cupboards, TV aerial, $45 month ly, including heat and hydro. Suit couple : with small baby, RA 8.1029. er garden. Also fully fenced. TWO large room unfurnished apart Be sure ond see this one. To private bath, gas range, $55 inspect call: mont heat, hydro included. RA 3.2315. 730 Simcoe South Keith Lunney at RA 5-6165 Days or APARTMENT, three rooms and bath MO 8:2550 Evenings, m-- An exceptional family home, reduced to $10,900. Chil- dren will love this neighbor- hood, within sight of Dr. Phil- lip's school. Why not see this home today, before it is sold by calling Irene Brown, RA 5-3867. LARGE FAMILY EH? AND CAN'T FIND A HOME LARGE ENOUGH TO HOUSE THEM? Well, we have it ot 106 Cadillac S. Beoutiful red brick, five bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, double garage, hardtop drive. Make an ap- pointmert to see this home by calling Phyllis Jubb, RA 3-5240 Members Oshowa end Dis- trict Real Estate Board. decorated Garage available. Phone 3 apartment, z= ze [LOYD REALTY | bedroom Masson Street, Erie Cay Lumber RA 5 0122 LOOKING FOR 1 SOMETHING BETTER ? Then here is your answer -- 5-room modern apartment in Tri-Plex room stove 'frig, paved parking, washer and dryer $100.00 monthly Call RA 8-4678 or after 5:30 RA 5-6983 floor Apply Co. 33 Al LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | WARDEN CRESCENT $12,500 $12,500 5-room brick bungalow in top location for schools and Catholic Church owner leaving Ontario so he must sell Spotless condition throughout. Asking $1,500 down, 5% N.H.A. mortgage. Bill Miller ot RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd, Realtor RA 8.5123 nearly-new -- all large ARGE furnished front oi Mn bedroom, all parking space JOHN DEWITH REAL ESTATE BROKER Wonderful opportunity, one of the best, 30 miles eost of Toronto on busy highway, doing 75 to 100,000 yearly gas pumps, lunch room, con- fectionery, meats and gro¢- ery, fruits, etc. A real gold mine for someone able to handle the volume. Living quarters, Can be purchased, low down payment or house as down payment. Call Frank Hunter, RA 5.2974 or OL 5-4636, Newcastle. 3341. PRIVATE SALE Brand new five-room bark brick bungalow with stone front, situated or. lonscaped lot with three full-grown maples at rear. Hollywood kitchen, ceramic tile and vanity in bathroom, mahoge ony trimmed throughout, section basement Located on 426 Miller Just off Gibbons $13,300.--$1500. Down RA 5. A 5-3662 SCHOFIELD | separate 3-room self contained apart ments, RA 8-2016 after 6.30. SACRIFCE! Private sale, $13,900. T -4060. three-bed. room bungalow, oe. down. Full price 14 STOREY he veneer, six roo oil heated, central. Apply 15 Patricia Avenue. NINE and one half acres of land, good locations with house on it. Call after 4 ., 1192 Cedar Street. + and a half room, brick and and stone, new bungalow, will finish to suit purchaser. Call RA 8-5037 after 5 p.m. out, quist street, one mortgage, taxes. low all Bill Horner RA 8-5123 or after hours RA 82236 Lloyd Realty, Oshawa Lid., Realtor. $9800 for this white clapboard bunga- ms, | 10W, four rooms and bath, large lving room, oil heat, double lot, double gar- low taxes. age, quiet street, central, RA 3-2078. | | | IF you are a family man here Is Bi ideal family home. rooms, 'enced garden, on street, one block from public arate schools. Reasonable terms. vate. M 928 Whit, ATTRACTIVE five room house, bedrooms, garage, extra lot, ha ably priced, RA 5-1261. two to south GM. Bus service at door. Reason- ONE large furnished room with large) === furnished kitchen, padi only, Apply 620 Simcoe Street Nort SIX.room modern brick bungalow, si tached garage, choice lot. $12,600 price. $1,700 down. $70 monthly, 532148, 3 to T. J PRIVATE SALE 2 four-room furnished sume mer cottages, heavy wiring, extra lot, running water. Cedar Valley, North Oshawa. __ $1,500 eoch RA 5-7700. remainder hay. Black, Cresswell PO PRIVATE sale. a Good buy. Five room| CANADA'S newest, | brick bungalow, three years old, three economy car, bedrooms, paved drive, low down pay-| Gordini, de luxe in every way. See it Full price $12.300. 927 Bayview now ; at Van Heusen Motors, 136 King ment. Avenue, Whitby, MO 8.8275. EXCELLENT building lot, off Taunton] Road East, 1 1-3 acres, close to school [offer buy: rellatie 55 Cheyrolet, and shopping, $1.250 full price, down, easy payments, John Sandy, 5-801 0, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. RA S9870 FOR Three large bed-| Thunderbird, special engine, automatic quiet | transmission, one owner, low mileage, nd sep. | perfect, $1,495. RA 5-2959. Just like new, Only $545 s choice [ton Ford. Only $250. Also 30 acres grain, | panel, $6,000 dow balance at 3 per cent. Apply Stanley | Motor 5: |v. le, in the Town of Strathroy, Must be sold cheap. RA 8-2805 before two storey brick residence and garage, p.m. count ow at Van Heusen Motors, 136 $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIAL;STS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE - UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W, RA 3-7822 32--Articles for Sale A 51667. FIVE rooms of furniture, including re- ix cin. [Arigeratoy, gas stove, 21" Motorola TV, Baas ends. Call Bob Hopkins, RA 3 CHEVROLET, low mileage, automa- -- |tie, 6-cylinder deluxxe radio, two-tone, financing arranged. Private, RA 8-3496. '50 CHEVROLET low mileage, automa 6-cylinder deluxe radio, twi-tone, fi- nancing arranged. Private RA 8-349. '51 CONVERTIBLE American Ford, "| TRUCKS -- "54, three-quarter ton Chev, '52 half- '57 Willys 19,000. Originaj miles for only trade or terms. Nichols 512 Brock North (Next to an Stokely's) s hotest Renault Europe's a the beautiful +» $48 per month or best cash Have 55 CHEVRO ET, t or, der, motor, radio, real good condition large corner lot in best re rict, in t able for residential, club or institutional | purposes. Presently used as Hall, Apply to C. F. Enwright, McLean or W. G. Conkey, Strathroy. Legion Legion jac, $245. Cash, trade or terms. Nichol's |B. F. OPEN HOUSE IN BEAU VALLEY Evenings 6 till 9 Saturday Afternoons 2 till 5:30 BUYING OR SELLING 29--Automobiles for Sale | dis good repair, oil heated; suit.| Io or, Ti ry CONVERTIBLE 33 Chev., automatic, "als size 750 x 14, us on, radio. Handles like a dream. Only $545; {reasonable Phone RA 3-3826 hardtop, "54 Pontiac, $375 and 51 Pon- |USED tires, most all sizes, a and 1p. Goodrich Stores, RA 54543. 9 CUBIC feet Westinghouse refrigera- (tor in perfect condition, $125; Viking oo CHEVROLET--6 cylinder, & standard {electric stove, $150, all perfect condi- new Roy tires, | tion. RA 5-2674 after 6 |Motor Sales, 512 Brock North, Whitby. (Next to Van Stokely's). WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST LLOYD CORSON | D. W. WILSON, REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.6588 RA 3.2537 We | list photo ¢ Co-Op PRIVATE SALE Brand new store with mo- dern apartment above. Located awa's fastest shopping plaza's. in one of Osh- growing For Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res, RA 5-5574 6U7 KING ST. -- OSHAWA 1 | | | | Minor, "54 half-tone pick-u radio. Many other extras, Ve finance. Tania Hoc 7253142 between 4 and CABIN cruiser, 16% ft. "Seouiiel 7 ply- two speakers, wood hull, with radio, {$25 DOWN, $34 per month or best cash twin horns, trumpets, cabin and run. |offer buys outstanding '54 Ponti; r |ning lights, 12 volt battery. Sleeps two. |Chevrolet, Motors, transmissions, aut | an be seen 1304 Simcoe South. RA ferentials guaranteed. RA 5 1667. 57896 or CO 3-2715. $600 or nearest 1525 DOW? $28 per r month | or best cash | offer offer buys '53 Pontlac. Radio, good |BABY carriage, good condition; brand |tires, certified roadworthy, RA 5.1667. |new baby clothes; car radio ia good 05 CHEV's and Fords, all '33| condition. Telephone RA 8-1569. models, four to choose from, very good MAN'S . Rawleigh bicycle, in excellent transportation. Van Heusen Motors, 156 condition. May be seen at 65 Elgin King Street West. |Street East after 5 p.m. '58 TR-THREE, new paint, fires, motor SINGLE iron bed and spring, double completely overhauled. Smith's Sports wardrobe , kitchen Supertest, North Simeoe and Conlin white steel cupboards, chairs, buffet, Road. RA 8-5912. table, ironing board. RA 5-8. 54 CHEVROLET, '54 Ford, '49 Morris ELECTRIC range, Wi ry All in good In good condits e RA 3. b | gonaition, Mike's BA, Raglan, OLiver| gpg carriag "blue, ee | DADY tenda, So; both in very good con i METEEOR, i four door. x good motor | dition. Telephone RA 5-8416, and tires, sound body 'or quick sale STEEL bunk beds complete with ri 10 best offer. RA 5.7732. iw {mattresses and ladder, $26; Both good condition, g rd "40", 964 8153 55 CHRYSLER Windsor deluxe, bie radio, nz. and Shite, radio, automatic, power steering, quite good mechanically, $495. King West Motors, wor Jou like to Selling 3 vise 3. Pri A NT aie | RA HOO after 5 p.m. '5 R! nor, in 1 condition | BABY pram and bassinet; also wed. throughout, 5008. mileage, $325, 1e-| ding dress, size 9-10; study desk; elec. phone RA & hi --_|tric razor and kitchen clock. RA 58911. "48 PONTIAC parts for sale. Apply 305 305/35 MM Ziess camera 2.8, cou 1 pled light Mitchell Avenue. meter flash attachment, range finder, '5% METEOR Rideau, 9 | passenger |carrying case, $4 wagon, completely re-built, perfect con-|golf clubs with bag, almost mew, $35. ment, private entrance and bath, heat We list Photo Co-op ed, heavy duty wiring, TV cupboards. Telephone RA 8-5725 MODERN four-room apartment, N. for car. RA 101 Simcoe St. outlet and -- eh me hdd ROOM In private home, newly deco. rated, very centr spring mattress, | suit gentleman. 102 Elgin Street East. NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales and service. Showroom more information. Phone Insurance Associates Ltd. RA 5-0266 or Apply at 360 KING ST. WEST park, se ing, stove, refrigerator, free washer and dryer. sion. RA 8-3546 TWO three - room "apartments, floor, furnished come. RA 5-835 THREE-ROOM re rere apartment, oi ISHED y decor- | housekeeping rooms, RA (central, parking, reasonable. 95 Centre close to shopping centre, newly ated, 35-3777. FOR EI suit quiet couple. Phone T -- Large couple or a bachelor. Phone MO 8- u a Immediate idhid FURNISHED "single room suitable for | "ground and unfurnished, TV TWO rooms for outlet, parki ng. school age child wel Soups Close to South General Motors, two-roomed FURNISHED be: bed - ent vi central, suit business plate and refrigerator, suit single Roi rte or 8 DE 2398. jon bus route, North Simcoe. RA 8-6925. HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE RA 8-1679 "Let's go out to the Country" gentleman. Apply 41 Oshawa Boulevard | N. or telephone RA §-1239 | " | rent, sult single or at door, Telephone RA 8-673 "apartment and single private entrance, Street Only ten minutes will take you to this fine home over- looking the city with an acre of landscaped grounds. | Seven rooms beautifully laid out and decorated - ot | | -_ sitting room, | ot | BRAND NEW ONE AND TWO BEDROOM Two APARTMENTS $90 and $75 per month Quiet street, close to trons- portation, lots of parking, shade trees ond play area Includes stove, fridge, washer ond dryer. For full particu- lars call Lloyd Corson or Dick Young at RA 5-6588. WILSON REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE private home, close 0 GAT, hospita of and built-in stove and oven, broadloom, fire place, double town town, continuous hot water {3:2872 garage are amony the many extras, Call Charles Smith Days RA 8-1679, Evenings RA 8-8254. OPEN HOUSE | furnished light housekeeping | ooms, bedroom and kitchen, built-in cupboards, sink and refrigerator, close {to hospital, downtown, suitable for two | girls RA 5.5228 TWO nice rooms, lots of cupboard space, board optional. Call 100 Buck ingham Avenue, RA 8-2738 LARGE furnished room, suit one or 1408 OXFORD ST. OSHAWA SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM DIRECTIONS to Phillip Murray Ave. -- turn left to two gentlemen close to South General Motors. RA 8.43 | ATTRACTIVELY | FURNISHED ROOMS | Available in private home 82 PARK ROAD N, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. A 8-8671 | Park Rd. S. past GM | Oxford St, see signs or go Simcoe St. S. to Wentworth St. West Large Hollywood kitchens, with dining area, 16-ft. living room, with vanity, high and dry cellar with separate cold room. Forced air oll heat, sodded lawns, public and separate schools v near, bus at door, Full price $12,950 -- $800 down -- one N.H.A, WHITBY CLASSIFIED 3 bedrooms, lots of closets with bi-fold doors, 4-pc. colored bath | mortgage 'R. VICKERY REALTOR - INSURANCE! FOR SALE: Marlin .22 calibre lever FOR SALE: reasonable. | recreation room, residential area, $1,200 action rifle, like Phone MO 8.4146. APARTMENT for new rent: Modern four Thise bedroom bungalow 46 KING ST. W. -- RA 8-6228 dows, Apply 304 Chestnut Street West, | 10 34487 JOHN A.J roomed apartment, July 1. MO 82282.| FoR RENT: Two bedroom rats 7 NHA fully se for custom t and garage FOR SALE ing lots, or 1,150 square feet brick, for only HI 4.9664 after 9 p.m FURNISHED apartment, iced build. With drapes, refrigerator, stove, homes solid 8-8332. £13,500. Contact builder, Ee" self contain. |Maria Street, washer and dryer. $90 monthly Phone MO BOLAHOOD REALTOR LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE $ FOR SAL 4 bed and mattress: also chest of drawers, like new. Apply 700 Whitby, Telephone MO! ed, private entrance, suit one or two. 8.5638 505 Anderson Street, Whitby ROOM and board for gentlemen 901 Walnut Street SEFIIC tanks clean 204 Chestnut West. _Phone MO 8.2 MO 83276. ed ihe SADITALY way, new tanks Installed. Walter Ward, 563. | FIR RENT: OFFICE HRS. 9 AM. --9% PM $1,000 DOWN $1, 000 ONE late model Cros Apply automatic defrosting refri One Gurney heavy 56544 Whitby ke new $9,900. Call Mr. Ae a "Large three roomed apart. Asking just Ratcliffe, RA ment, main floor, with use of base FOR RENT: Two furnished rooms, small kitchenette, stove and ator, suitable for couple Apply Perry Street. Telephone MO 3.4470 FOR SALE or exchange two bathroom home in Toronto {lar accommodation in Whitby refriger. ment. Immediate possession. Apply 320 305 Walnut or telephone MO 8-8315 FOR RENT bedroom, © apartment for sim. Immediat RBA das We Self contained three.room | Heat and water included. | possession. Apply 610 Dun. Whitby, Apt. 1 rick and attached with Hollywood kite four READY NOW garage, on high lot hen and mahogany nice Very cupboards. a brand new home; you should see it now. To inspect call « at RA 56544 or 5-4362 1.7222 or write 227 Glendora Avenue, Willowdale, Ontario STUDENTS! A super value, ply Oshawa Times Office, 1111 Dundas Street West FOR SALE $7,500 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Nicely situated. Down ment $2,000. Balance ar- ranged W. J. MOWAT MO 8-2601 BOATING AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT $7. Tents, all week Sleepir sizes $15 per tern ss, $ Cabir viler leer nd QOutt $15 and Boot, 5 trailer, $35 per week 14' Runabout, 25 electric ond trailer, $85 weekly Canoes and Cortop $15 per week We also rent, lawnmowers, power tools WILDE RENTAL Service .and Sales 1415 Dundas East, Whitby MO 8-3226 sizes, up hp. motor and Boots repair and sell arden tillers, approxi mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- WRECKING Whitby, FOR RENT: Cabin travel tra er, with all conveniences for a pleasant, eco. nomical holiday. Please eal] MO 8.4706 for more information. '$1 Buick Dynaflow, can| 7-rcom brick; seen at Bob's Garage, Brock Street | 0 North. Telephone MO 8-210 after § p.m att basement, SERVICES Complete bookkeeper| | oudnout downstairs 5 vice for small businesses, weekly, upstairs with bath Good family room with all "built-ins" plus hly or as desired. Statements pre] onother 4-pc. bath, garoge, fireplace, asphalt drive. A real pared, Income tax returns. MO 8-8252.| f4imily home in o good area. Asking $21,900 ond open to offers; terms arranged. Call Mr. Appleby, RA 5-6544 or 3-3398. CONNAUGHT STREET one of the "better" homes, Extra bedroom and house in excellent repair. All broadloom modern kitchen, 3 nice clean bedrooms be FOR RENT -- 860 monthly, 3 and 4 room apartments, balcony. Residential | area, newly decorated, laundry facil. | {ities. Parking, close to schools, chil.| |dren's playground. Apply 300 High Street. FOR rent one and two-bedroom apart. | ments, $80, $00 and $100 in modern; | building, stoves, frig'. MO 38-3591 3 | OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS | | Avon calling women to ser. vice Whitby and Whitby Township Experience not necessary, we train you, Rep resentatives working only three days earn a good in | come | CALL COLLECT ! RA 2-4782 | 'CUSTOM BUILDING | Renovation additions reation structural landscape Designs Hen | and estimates free | CHAS. DAWSON CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD MO 8-2104 GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel | and y Monday to Sat Mortgages Arranged, Bought and Sold Member O.D.RE.B METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E DIAL RA 8-4678 RICHMOND STREET EAST A completely renovated 9 room 214 storey brick home close to shopping, buses ond schools. New modern kitchen 3 new bathrooms and five bedrooms -- income possibilities. Wonderful value at $17,500.00 KING STREET EAST your own income home six separate baths Two stove 2 s office for ap home aot a co large rooms, ideal location for refrigerators -- full Call pointment to inspect ANNES ST., WHITBY Just reduced to $11,900.00. Think of this $3,000.00 down. You can buy this lovely brick veneer 1V2 storey home on 0 quiet sidestreet -- close to schools and transportation. Nicely decorated and landscaped on a deep lot with patio. Large 23 foot living room = 3rd bedroom con be used as dining room -- large kitchen with eating area. Heats for only $85.00 per year Must be seen to be appreciated -- Call now for an appointment to in of only plus Nould $40 00 monthly? bachelor apartment transportation $15,000.00 you like live Ideal with ete st rec roo sehox features thi for onl to inspect Fill Noon Driveway Grave Delive AFTER ERIC C. BRANTON Dick. Barvage $6043 + Joe Aarion Drew 5.7610 John Kemp 8-2392 MO 8-2660 Everett Elliott 3-9290 6.30 CAI RA 3-2265 REG AKER «= Pres. BILL MCFEETERS «= Vice-Pres. $1,000 down -- large 6- room 2-storey home located on Cedar St. Very clean. Lot size 62 x 135', List price $9,000.00. $1,200 down -- large 2- storey brick with garage. Income from 3-room apart- ment $65.00 per month, Full price $9,800.00. $8,500 -- 5-room home on lot zoned Cl. Now rented for $80.00 per month, Per fect set-up for speculator. $9,500 -- low down pay- ment. S-room bungalow, 2 rooms in basement, rent for $60.00 per month. Shower ond stool in basement, Monthly poyments $85.00. $9,950.00 -- close to school on Ritson Rd. S. 6-room brick, good condition, Taxes $225.00. Oil heated. Priced to sell. $11,500 -- large 5-room bungalow, 3 bedrooms (good size), large kitchen, recre- ation room. Off King St. East DAYTIME CALL RA 3.2265 EVENINGS CALL Henry Stinson RA 5-0243 Steve Zurbg « RA 82-0569 Russ Reeve RA 5-4840 Don Stradeskl RA 8-8423 _Bill _McFeeters RA 5- 1726 'RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS $3,000 DOWN 150-acre farm with creek and good puildings 3-bedroom tastefully « } 3 with all conveniences, Hip- roof barn and new implement shed.. Full price $16,500 For information call Howard Forder at RA 8.5107 or evenings RA 8-2155 DUPLEX Four-room duplex entirely self-contained, built of brick and with double garage. Only nine years old and in a desirable north location, May be purchased with $3,000 down. For appoint ment call Hilda Ristow at RA B-5107 or RA 5.3605 evenings. COUNTRY VILLAGE 3-bedroom bungalow with oll conveniences. Vh-otre lot suitable for V.LA. with garage and small barn. Close to school and churches. Listed to sell with low down payment, For more partic ulars call Howard Forder at RA 8.5107 or evenings RA 8-2155 INCOME HOME 3 storey brick home on Elgin nt. £ 3-room apartment rented for $67.00 monthly 3 rooms for owner, Reduced to $12,500 with $1,400 down. Call Carl Olsen at RA 8-5107 or RA 5.3412 evenings OPPORTUNITY 100-acre Christmas tree form. 50,000 trees planted 10,000 to sell this year. Owner tronsferred and will sacrifice value. For informa tion coll Howerd Forder of RA 8.5107 or evenings RA 8-2155 RA 8-5107 RA 5-6165 19 ATHOL ST. W, OSHAWA 374 Wilson Road S. | HOWE & PETERS REALTORS 67 KING ST. EAST RA 5-7732 $10,900 with $1,000 DOWN Large four bedroom house in very good condition, brand new four piece bathroom, new oil furnace, low taxes, very central, please contact Rolonde Tierney RA 5-5207 In evenings. | $9,800 with $650 DOWN Also 7 room brick home in fair condition on a good size lot of 45 by 120 nearly new furnace, open fireplace, pri- vate drive and garage, fairly central, taxes $198. Worth seeing. Contact Keith Peters RA 5.4162 in evenings. DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR GLADSTONE AVE RA 8-4651 41 You make the offer, after seeing this attractive 2- storey spacious home. Cen- trally located, one mortgage for the balance. Must be seen Down payment are ranged. Coll Vie Hulatt Four - bedroom modern throughout, close to shopping and schools. This is a value that will suit, Only $9,400-- $1,300 down payment, Terms arranged. Coli Ossie Martin, We have the OK from the owner, sell at his cost -- $12,800 with $2,500 down One 6% NHA mortgage and $91.00 principal, interest and taxes. Extras: paved drive, londscaped, all storms and st¢reens, partial rec-room. Your best buy and one of Oshawa's loveliest sub- divisions in the North-east section. Call Solly Wallace. RA 8-4651 HOWE & PETERS REALTORS 67 KING ST. E RA 5-7732 SUBURBAN Only 6 miles from Oshawa, a new 56' ranch style bungo- low with attached garage, mohogany cupboards, 14' x 24' family room, 78' x 211' lot, close to school. Call Earle Allen, RA 5-7782 2 BEDROOM Ideal home for couple re quiring only 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, modern kitchen Attrac tively landscaped and dec- orated complete with ottached garage. Owner transferred, early possession, Call Don Howe, RA 3-9692. RAVINE LOT Lovely 7-room home wooded ravine lot 64' x 289' with stream at rear. Beauti- fully panelled recreation room with fireplace window. Spa- cious Sur off living room. Call Earle Allen, RA S-7782. comes on and large picture deck '54 Ford convertible, open until 9 pm. ot 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7132 Trade your boat on 6 care New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 12 Open evenings or weekends WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD, EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars. . CAR AUCTION Every Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Buy or sell. Easy terms. Cars to be sold must be entered before 4 p.m. day of sale. A few reserved bids, others will be sold to highest bid ders. Good selection of late model cars. Trades accepted. 25 Grenfell St.,, RA 8.5179. CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 209% on their car in- surance, Holf-year payments. Call us today and compare-- ample free parking SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd 360 KING ST. WEST BAA O-LLO0 USED CAR BUYS '60 Triumph Herald Solon, demonstrator, new car condi- tion, '59 Oldsmobile, outomatic, radio, dition, '59 Meteor, four door, linder, 2 tone paint '56 Volkswagen, custom radio '55 Oldsmobile, 2 door hard top, automatic, radio, a real buy '55 Chevrolet, Bel Air, V-8 outomatic, radio, a premium unit, '55 Ford, V-8, radio 55 Dodge, paint two door, A-1 con- 6 cy- automatic, sedan, two-tone fire en- gine red '54 Pontiac, sedan, new paint '54 Chevrolet, coach, new motor and transmission '53 Austin, A40 sedan '52 Ford, two door, new paint '51 Ford, good trans» portation '51 Chevrolet '49 Oldsmobile CASH sedan, two door edan, radio TRADE OR TERMS For the best deal in town see SMITHS SPORTS SUPERTEST North Rd Corner Simcoe and nlin PHONE RA 8-5912 Open Evenings and Weekends | Trailer | Park, Whitby dition, RA 85221. 480 Park Road South, MO 8-4175 after § p.m, P open "Hl 7, {HOTPOINT electric range, table top, '58 VOLKSWAGEN bus, low mileag e | good condition; rug, grey and red, on new motor, 1 rubber tired farm {9 x 614. Telephone RA 3-4147. wagon, 12.2 cubic ft. freezer frig, 8| ELECTRIC razor service, parts for all anti old Apply a Maple makes. Cutting heads, cords, ete. ove It tyme |Meagher's, 5 King Street West. RA STON Chevrolet, tow truck, {3-3425. with nearly new No. 460 Holmes Wreck- | ing Crane and all attachments, Best | offer, Phone Hamilton collect. Jackson 7.2797. TYPING paper on voy a size, | white newsprint, lots save, 4%4 Ib. pkg. $1. 0, 9 ib. pkg. $2.00, C Pp Times. TENT-trailer, "Explorer", sleeps four, extra wi , four air mattresses. Vi ond, condition, 610 Fernhill Boulev 5 OL E Super, fourd Hardtop utomatic transmission, radio, e in very, ay. Only $095. Van. Heusen Motors, 1 ng West. '53 PONTIAC deluxe Sy radio, di | PAINT, | rectional, A-1 condition, Filter. Can be [Ay ony, anyier, yo aaion, financed. 1195 Wecker Drive, off Cedar |Oghawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Street South, Chureh Street. RA 3-7624. "84 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, radio, | LUCKY you! Bargains #0 8a white walls, new paint, excellent con- | money. Tan Tl os dition, $395. RA 5-4513 |suite, one only, floor sample, S881 1953 MERCURY sedan, custom radio, Smooth top mattresses, regular $69.50, two tone, in good condition. Telephone | & 728-5747. 1953 PONTIAC sedan delivery, one owner, new paint job, very clean, never used for business purposes, $250. Call RA 8.1890, 33 DODGE stationwagon, motor, body in good condition, newly Fainten, $250. 205 Cadil 8-8748. [ HP outboard motor, almost new, a» GOOD three 1 '4g tarpaulin in rack for half ton truck, 3 00D bu or condition Apply 30 Elena Avenue. let tractor sratler $0; Fg Mereury| {ONE Lloyd carriage, $35, white; one van, x7 x n gi con- playpen $3; playpen pad $2. Tel dition, RA 83222 or apply 843 Ritson ry 54538, pate I puny South AIR © : ton Chrysler Aire 58 VAUXHALL, top condition, 12,000 temp water.cooled, 3 phase 208 package miles, radio, block heater, windshield unit, A-1. Also some small units. Phone washers, snow tires. Best offer. RA Toronto, LE 6-2880 after 7 p.m, 8-5968 - BICYCLE, boy's, 10 years up, Perfect CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor car|condition, $20. Apply 619 Somerville. id 9,9! | St res, 48 Bond Sireet, West, Ire | SROWNIE movie camera, 1 lens, Rnb endl rtibl TOR 2 light, lite bar, '4 CHEV. good running condition. |for outdoor and indoor. Used once. a Apply P. Lawrence, No. 38, Subwa) 5-1325 coverings, sm foot; 2-plece bed, washabl: clear out $66; chrome kitchen suite, ¥ piece, sale $20.95, Wilson's Furniture » 20 Church Street, em ---- | oe rd "Otek, Proc FOOD & FREEZER clean, $390. Brooklin, oL 5-388! AN PL "85 PONTIAC for sale. In wool cond You may have tried the rest, tion. Apply Fina Station, 160 Simcoe Street South or RA 3.005 | 1960 DELUXE Corvair, Be Now try the best. Eat better % | for less. 809% groceries sup= 57 PONTIAC coach, finished In tur-| plied, all well-known pro- {custom radio, safety seat belts, {matic V-8 whitewalls etc. New car con- |dition, One owner. $2 Phiemae, radio, good condition. RA quoise and white, an exceptionally i i [fine car, Only $995, Van Heusen | ucts, Jighe aulity Meats. ife-ti " | Motors, 156 King West. CHEVROLET « the only one guaranteed by wed N dwon payment, Call now for Demonstration -- no obliga- tion.. Zenith 9-6100 T.V. TOWERS $55. 40-ft, tower structure with all-channel head, hot-dip gal- vanized, Guaranteed one year.. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS STREET RA 8-8180 T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. structure with alle channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, RA 8-6781 Haoealaaning, Telephone RA 8-2752 after § 57 PLYMOUTH, tudor, hardtop, Vor] white- | walls, only $895, Van Heusen Motors, 156 King West 60 CHEV, Impala convertible, auto- 750 or best offer. Telephone RA 5.6133, '80 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, | Hondy maroon, radio with rear seat speak white walls, back-up lights. | Telephone RA 8-4983 after 5. $695 BUYS a good '86 Plymouth coach, or sedan, two to choose from. Call now. Van Heusen Motors, 156 King West, 55 PLYMOUTH coach, Savoy, blue and white, radio, excellent mechanical eon- |dition, tires like new, $445, King West Motors, _opposite Shopping Centre. 8 DODGE Suburban, Vs, two tone, four door station wagon, sptomatc, $1,250. Good condition. RA 8.1211. Eve- nings RA 5.9748. | 1656 OLDSMOBILE, western ear, beau: | titu] condition. Apply 258 Burk Street after 6 p.m. '51 CHEVROLET four-door standard 6 in good running condition, body fair condition, reasonable offer not refused. 149 Burk Street. 8 VAUXHALL Victor r Super, only 25,000 miles, lovely shape, $1100. RA 5-9 before 4. 8 METEOR customiine, four door| sedan, custom radio and signals. Top! | shape. Ready for the road. RA 8-5221.| 480 Park Road _South, s open 7 re | '6 MERCURY, tudor, hardtop, with sutomatic transmission, custom radio, whitewalls, and two-tone blue, $805. Van Complete Sule of Heusen Motor: 158 | King West. Aluminum Products Storm Doors, Windows, Prime VO LVO Windows. Fine quality, very Most dependable. low prices. We also carry The leader on the road and Canada's finest Awning, track Porch Railing, very reason JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE able price 449 Ritson S RA 8.0921 1 CALL: ALEX VAJDA 30--Automobiles Wanted RA. 3.9851 CURITY DIAPERS SPOT CASH PAID FOR SPECIAL $3.98 per doz. -- Reg. 4.98 Good clean cars. Trade st down, Leins paid off Nothing extra to buy, 'free DODD MOTOR SALES delivery. M & C DRY GOODS 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942) up 74 Celina St. RA 3-7827 | (Continued on Page 34)