Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 28 Jun 1961, p. 23

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 28, 1961 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 14--Employment Wanted for Sale or Rent EXPERIENCED variety store man- ager, desires managing sales position HOUSEKEEPING Plains on Trent n t line. Age 36, single, 10 M. Stone, Box 1129 piri eal it ' [Carleton Place, Ont. 483. willy god Phone RA Ba (CLERK-TYPIST diversified experience, COTTAGF. for rent on Rice Lake, two|desires steady position. RA 3-2008. bedrooms, electricity, refrigerator, boat, 16--Female Help W July | 8 8 to 22. Phone R RA 55563. BAPTISTE 1 LAKE -- cottages for rent HAIRDRESSER required w with ellen. tele, Apply Edward's Beauty Parlor, 5 in July. Two bedrooms, cold gelina Street, awa, or call RA 3. OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Monday te F: Sel Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 BU rma S---- , FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and Li Licensed 9--Summer Properties 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, close to shopping centre, newly decorate ed, suit quiet couple. Phone RA RA 5-3777, THREE-ROOM unfurnished basement apartment, near south GM. Reasonable, RA S158 only. 1213 Sun Valley Court 5--Farmers Column TOP MONEY for dead and disabled farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, collect. 24-hour, seven-day service. DEAD farm stock picked up p Phone collect, Hampton, COlax 3.2721. Margwill Fur Farm, «Tyrone. Lie. 115. TRACTOR -- Empire garden tractor with plow, cultivator and grader blade, all in excellent condition. Wil} cheap for cash. OL 5-3013 NESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Plumbing Heating d|ALL and heating supplies. Phone RA 5.3521, Harold R. Stark, Lid. plumbing, heating and engineer- ing, 255 Simcoe Street South. BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, equipment, pumps, THREE = na OOM basement apa apart; large wind all con veniences, nh Hn TV an. tenna, paved parking. RA \ 3-7886. ONE four-room apartm room apartment, heat and cluded. Telephone RA 85385. sad |Gardening and Supplies GARDENS and lawns 1 levelled, average $3.00, grass, HE cut. RA 5.7887, Glen Munro, 414 Park |Road South. Driving School LEARN TO DRIVE at the OSHAWA DRIVING SCHOOL Stondard -- automatic cars Instructors licenced by the Police Commission. Day end evening lessons, RA 8-0091 hot water, inside toilet. RA 53158 after 5! p.m. |35-FOOT "New Moon" house trailer, LAKE DALRYMPLE -- cottage avall- |fully equipped, new condition. Will sac-|able, July 8 to 15 August 19 .Septem- |ricfice for cash. 113 Harmony Road | ber 2. Dial RA 5-1241 | North. FIVE-ROOM cottage |cABIN -- camping and utility ALL, Lake. Will sell 75. (for rent. Reserve your traller now for foot lake frontage. Terms. Mostly cash. 'a pleasant economical holiday. Bar-|RA 5.4541. | gains in new and used trailers. Monty" s S South at Gibb, RA COTTACES, refrigerators, Ea Simeoe South at Gi boats, $30, running water, vacancies up - July 22 and August 19 on. Write STURDY luggage trailer, converts to rs Calvin Hughes, Picton, Ontario, camper, sleeps four. Apply 845 Grier-| RR son Street. RA 3-4097 | PAUDASH "LAKE, CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge one na ---- --a-- Rodro go Th RENCE saleslady in ladies ---- ready-to-wear. No other need y Two furnished room apartment, suits suite se Jayve - Modde Dresses, 77 King a [able for lady pensioner or one person, on | East. Apply 204 Bond Street West or tele sale, hone WAITRESS for dining room and on? elo R a Sal housework. ABPIY Box 35. Gia FOUR-ROOM "aps met, pH private ene 4 |trance and hath, heavy duty wis r pew school, Wilson Road. Tel [phone "RA. 55850." 498 Dunkirk, a" MODERNIZED throughout, choice of - two or three bedroom apartment, fur. SHORT order ok jor midnight shift. | nj hed, L :! SHOR 1 RAS: he cluding refrigerator and stove, 3 CONSECUTIVE East, Oshawa: 3 Friedlander, B. Comm. CPA. S. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certl fied Public Accountants. 172 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 5-3509. 225 248 INSERTIONS 375 4.03 " M not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent Insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original order for |Insurance {ALLSTATE Aute Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, six months to pi For personal service at your home, call RA 5-7413. AUTO INSURANCE TEPERTAILE girl for modern home, sleep in, all modern electrical appli- ances. ances. Must like children. RA 5-1873. BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service. 184 Bond Street West. RA 50397. Res. RA 3-7605. oil burners, hot water and forced air furnaces, bathroom fixtures, parts and service. PARTNER WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA: G. Edmond Burrow CA. RA 82571. HE AR and Co. and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bidg., 11 on tario Street, Oshaw tario. RA 8-222! MERCURY SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Modern ducl equipped cars. Gov't. Licenced instructors If you are a careful driver you may save $10, $15 or $25 on your car insurance or better than 209%. Preferred drivers enjoy the lowest rate in Ontario through this ofe PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night Rug--Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS re upholstery and| re-styled. Free estimates. See our mate- Professionol and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily Each odditional line $1.60 per month, Each Initial letter abbreviation, $ ond c¢ sign, figure. counts as © a" ti TILTING boat trailer, heavy duty, 16-|o, , Dew condition. "x 8 Americ Apply P. Lawrence. Trailer Park, Whitby electric re! f , running Telephone OL | -- Write F. Grant, RR 3, Bancroft, 5-063. |Ontario. RA 5 tratler, § good "condi- | LAKE Simcoe, | No. 58 Sub-|gaje. NEAT ha for aay housework 1 to 5/ preda, ROOM a partment, p.m. 6 p.m. at 359 Mary Stinurses or Wi close wale lor for = ted for adult|#nd hospital, all conveniences, fure two-bedroom cottage for Price $3500. Cash or terms. Call 728-1283 after 4.30. {couple in small home, five days a!Dished or unfurnished. Reasonable RA { week, live out. Must be reliable. Ap | |8-1131. After 6, RA 5.1423. x Oshawa Times. [vou ROOM Toraisned apartment om Day or Evening appointments. IAL RA 5-4773 Wa by Geo. B. Rutherford. | MERCURY TAXI Gardening and Supplies BACK-FILLING GRAVEL Lots levelled, front end loader with truck avoiloble at rea- sonable rate. word. Box charge 15¢ additional. All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 pm. the day be- fore publication except Births, Memoriams Cords of Thanks which will be accepted until 9 am, Deadline for Lost end Found and Concellations 8:30 am. Office Hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12. || MONTEITH, ot RIEHL, na Co., Chartered Accountants, RA 5-3527, 135 Simcoe Street North, Ajax, wi 2-0890. 10 X #8 FOUR rooms and bath, living | ATTRACTIVE Lal Lakeshore "cottages and| {room carpeted, $4,000. Telephone MO lois, Steenburg Lake Row, hydro, 5-77: 8-4070 terms mrs. Matthews HOME 'made Sao traher, , All Biywood, RICE Lake near a: two | AVON REPRESENTATIVE ) feet long, 7 feet wide, 5 ee: » furnished cottages for rent, electric re-| frigerators. Telephone MO 84282. | CALLING ON YOU? Perhaps this is an open ter- | glass windows. $175. Call RA 8.8059. [HUNTSVILLE area, three oom ritory. If you would like to bedroom cottage, private, hydro, supplement your income and inside modern conveniences, fireplace, boat, fishing. | have 15 to 20 hours to de- vote - [AY ailable July 8th on. Phone RA 5-8585. CALL RU 2-4782 Beaver |" (collect) for more information. refrig. |17--Male Help Wanted fishing O'Neill, laundry facilities, TV antenna, com- i -------- metal men. aie. |Pletely private, $75, Madison Apart. FIRST class sheet metal men, also | treet P {eavestroughers, must be first class i RA 8 3 South, For men. Apply Campbell Bros., Roofing nde Odom ~|and Sheet Metal Harwood Avenue, FOUR-ROOM |Ajax. WH 2-300, {trance, and ba ET Pp e | LARGE retail organization in Oshawa |'c¢ any time. 112 Stevenson Road North, requires 'appliance service man. Ex. «| One block from King. ttm |perienced in repair of automatic wash- {TWo- BEDROOM apartment, all eon. ers, dryers, wringer washers, electric| Yeniences, on Cromwell Avenue, near {and gas ranges. Must have car. Reply (Shopping Centre. Available July 18. stating previous experience, age and |C ildren welcome. RA 8-4733 {salary expected to: Box 35, Oshawa |g rial for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, RA 3.7212. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re. covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe South, Call RA 8.6451 for a free esti: mate CHESTERFIELDS re-built, recovered, like néw. Why pay more? Our rates {are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed, | a ain Mattresses re- Oshawa Upholstery sharpened "and |Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA and outhoard 5-0311. | Agnes Street, near North GM and hose {pital, all conveniences. Private ene trance and bath, Telephone R A 5-1168. TWO three - room apartment se, |and third floors, stove ne refrigera. {ior in each, aduits only. Telephone RA 2 -2511 between 9 and 5, Monday to Fri- ay NEW, beautiful, tastefully decorated 4 {room apartment (in apartment build. ing) equipred with stove, refrigerator, | washer, Srver. Close to shopping centre, |R -9161 |TWo- -ROOM furnished apartment, con- |veniences, heat, lights Included, Park. Joe $60 monthly. Telephone RA 8-438¢ fice Half-year payments. Call us today ond compare --ample free parking. SCHOFIELD INSURANCE. ASSOCIATES LTD. 360 King St. West RA 3-2265 Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- teed. automotive parts and accesso- ries. 145 King Street West, Oshawa. RA 8-1607-8-9. "Five bays to serve you." 9--Summer Properties for Sale or Rent HOUSEKEEPING cottages on Lake, electricity, running water, erators, good swimming and Tamworth 40RB-1 James Erinsville THREE-BEDROOM cottage for rent, | $25 'weekly. RA 81201 { COTTAGES built specification on your lot. Reasonable Fxpert workman. ship. C. W. Cox, Fenelon Falls 9. COTTAGE on Lake Chemong, near Peterborough, hydro and inside toflet, $45 weekly, July 1 to 31 available WHitehall 2-5063 COTTAGE -- on Trent | Peterborough, accommodates four or| five, all city conveniences, excellent swimming and fishing. $50 per week| Times will not be e tor errors in advertise bmitted otherwise thon in writing r than one correct inserti any adver isement, nor beyond the price charged for a single mnsertion of the odvertisement in which error An d also reserve the right i ertising according to ation use of display advertise Times will not be held for more spoce than which the act error The publishers endeavour juce oll advertising matter correctly but assumes no liability of advertisement ore contained It any .inaoccuracles in ary form therein. Lawn Mowers POWER lawn mowers repaired; also bicycles, motors. Rosedale Marine. RA WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING Give Us A Call- STAN'S | CORNER KING & BURK STS. | RA 3-3224 {Money to Loan Is CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort. S4Iveyors gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale H. FLIM {purchased. NHA mortgage arranged. Surveyors Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- Phone RA 5-688 doch. DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue.| printing, i2 Bloor Street East. RA 5.5632 (TV - Radio Repairs WANT a better job? It may be waitin under "Help Wanted" in the Classified section today. Look now |TV RADIO, car radio repairs, | makes. Thompson Electronics, 57 | Elliott Avenue, RA 3.9792 (Fred.) Barristers BOWMAN, DAVID L., citor, 3% Simcoe South, Residence, RA 8-0264 McGIBBON and BASTEDO, "Barristers, | Solicitors. Clients' funds available for | ) Simeoe Street North. | Ch ip, MeGibbon, Bastedo, Q( BOYCHYN and HILL- Solicitors; R. K| OL 5-4746 8; 361 King Street FOR THE BEST Office RA $1177; Res, IN STONE WORK MO 8.2761; Patios, Steps, Sidewalks, etc. Coll us ot-- OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE RA 3-3222 222 NEW WINDSOR HOTEL On "Lake Muskoka in Bala. $40.00 weekly and up. Rec- reation at Hotel or nearby, one block from Dunn's Dance Pavilion. Variety on menu, smorgasbord on weekends. Phone 762-3315 _Or write direct, for mo n of re WHY TAKE CHANCES WITH YOUR VALUABLE RUGS AND FURNITURE When you can them professionally cleaned by a member of the National In- stitute of Rug Cleaners. 20 years experience NU-WAY Barrister, Soll. | RA 5.9592. | a or 115 Agnes Street. NICE five-room apartment, do downtown, oH to RA 5-3566 G Edgar F. HUMPHREYS, , Barristers, have ble LITTLE BUCKEROO Hillman, East. Phones RA 5-4604 or Whitby, 5 203 Money to loan. S §. HYMAN, ac, "Barrister, Soll- eitor, Notary. Alger Building, 37 King Street East, 3A 3.4943. Mortgage mon- eys a JOHN A STEER: Barrister, Sollel- tor and Notary Public, 1815 King Street East, RA 3.2269. NHA and private mortgages arranged { JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Solicitor, Money to loan. King Street East, Oshawa Residence, RA 35-3405 MANNING F. SWARTZ and RON IL L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, N tarles. Money to loan. Henry Bloc 26% King Street East, RA 3-69 Residence, Dial RA 3-4029. DONALD BLAKE "DODDS, "Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Street East Telephone: Business RA 3.2201. Resi- dence, RA 8 3 CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- RA 8-468] River, near | RANCH includes Peterborough boat and motor. | For details, telephone RA 3.2658 DAY CAMP LAKE DALRYMPLE--cottage for sale 5 DAYS WEEKLY |or rent, five rooms, inside conveni ences, safe sandy beach, hydro, boat, July and August |good fishing. Telephone RA 5.1561 $15. Per Week Information RA 5-2737 COTTAGE for sale, Muskoka distriet; 12--Articles Wanted sleeps six, Phone between 9 a.m Trollope, Ontario Land "and 1 2,6 Adelaide Avenue East.| NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers ground floor apart. 3% rooms, heated, central, ime ED at once, Experienced mes at [mediate possession. Child welcome. {cutter for part-time work, some eve.|Teléphone RA 5.0831. nings and weekends. Please write full| Appr 7 particulars regarding experience, ete., |APPLE HILL disirict, moe modern spacioia to Box No. 25, Oshawa Times. __|ing, TV outlet, private bath, use of $100 "weekly and up. No competition, Washer drver, bus service, RA _5-7789. Write John Rudin Co., 22 West Madison | THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, 11 CASH FOR SCRAP 11 {Street, Chicago 2, Tiiinols |heavy wiring, cupboards and sink. Alse WE BUY three-room furnished apartment. Ap- 2 Hungry Men ply 29 Charles Dial lal RA 3-9128, STEEL, METAL, BATTERIES, THREE - ROOM basement PAPER, RAGS, etc {heavy duty wiring, laundry facilities, * Open All Day Saturda Large direct sales organiza- tion requires 2 men/ with cars for food promotion. $90 On MORTGAGE | | Money Available Payments to suit GRAVEL -- STONE Your Budget LOAM | ALLIED INVESTMENTS | RA 3-3528 | COMPANY | SPRAYING S51 KING ST. E. OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD y a LE |p.m. MO 8-3416 after 5. MO 8-4102 STURGEON LAKE -- Pleasant Pt. lake front, three bedrooms, all conveniences, July, Open for inspection or write Pol- lock, RR 6, Pleasant Point, Lindsay FOUR-ROOM cottage for {rymple Lake, safe h {ed, good fishing | Whitby ROCKLA VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING W. Next to Western Tire RA 8-440] We buy, sell, exchange used furniture, washers, TV, radios > forth at prices to top rent at Dal h, boat includ. | Telepho MO 8-229 SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT Pie IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 Camp, boys, girls, years imming pool crafts, 30 driving. Peterborough area. Write Mre: IJ. Burns, 220 Johnston Avenue, Willow Ontario or phone close to south GM, $60 monthly plus al M. GREENBERG & SONS hydro. RA 3.9742 FIVE-ROOM f, all conveni- LTD ences, heat, hydro, hot water included. |Apply Princess Grill, 17 Prince Street {or phone RA 5-0015, * RA 3-3993 a tario Mortgage { and tary Public, Bank of Commerce a 3 s Simcoe Street North, RA 3.3446; T. K Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC: G. K. Drynan, G L. Murdoch, NHA mort. | Member On Hedges, evergreens, trees, | Large Selection of PERENNIALS VAN BELLE GARDENS | HIGHWAY NO. 2 MA 3.5757 | BOWMANVILLE ~ MURPHY, BA. LLB. 6 King Street] RA 8.2971 RUSSELL | Barrister and Solicitor, East, Oshawa, Ontario, | NALD, SA and Solicitor and ft ub: lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking available, Z. T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solici- | tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North.| Office RA 5-3741; Residence RA 3.5542.) THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli- citor and Notary Public. 26% King Street East. Phone RA 8-1763. eet "East E. R. KNOWLTON | EALPY JONES. BA ad THOMAE B.| | ANDSCAPING SERVICE| citors, 130 King Street East, RA 8.6246, Mortgage loans availab) BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, A Barviswer, | Solicitor, Notary Public, 36% King| Street East. RA 8.2381, Res, YU 52127 Now is the time for Spring clean-up! Rolling, fertilizing, repairs. Top soil ond sod. Brokers Association MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies availcble Mortgages at 7% withe Monies on First per annum Mortgages on Agreements for Sale purchased. M. F. SWARTZ, Short trm and Builder' Mort goges at reasonable rate 26%; King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 3-46%7 Mortgage tered under All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA 8-8180 OSHAWA T.V. 361 GIBBONS ST. ???2 WHY Beca ser fast ficient , exper use we give rea . some day save money 4 ° . ef- ence anyone in the city. Well Drilling-Digging W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO" 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. 20 P.O 329 | GERALD FULTON | WELL DRILLING AND DIGGING dale, MARJACK LOCGE STURGEON LAKE beach ked mea childrer cabins Fishing bundant home rates keeping Ontari PHONE HALIBURTON PINE RIDGE At Miner's Bay. A family re- sort beach, water skiing organized activities, good food, rates from $36. Special children rates. R.-J. Wood, phone Coboconk Is. Special House. Dunsford, Lele for 25.R sandy od, BA 1.0536 = | RA 3.7333 WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3.2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron ond metals, etc, bought, Open Saturday all day. Phone [RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. 308 Bloor St. E. week salary or commission. Appointments supplied. Com- pany benefits. Rapid advance- ment. APPLY IN PERSON - ribbon ---- THREE-ROO) artment with private bath, built-in kitchen cupboard, refrige erator and stove. Private entrance, Telephone RA 2. THREE-ROOM apartment with private bath, built-in kitchen cupboards and sink. Phone RA 8.6605, MR. McSWEEN, en mm APARTMENTS, $75 monthly, stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer, broad. TOWER INDUSTRIES 548 KING ST. W RAS. asaPes, parking, downtown. Call bp --------------m-- EM 3.7398 NEWLY "decorated three . room apart. ment, with private bath, 26 Faribanks Street. Telephone RA 5-8655. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, availalbe July 1, furnished or unfurnished. Apply 496 Simcoe North or RA 8-3945. FOUR-ROOM apartment, stove, refrig- |erator, washer and dryer, TV outlet, [paring space, 5 1" RA Shonping Centre, vy L. R {lable Ju NISHED and praia apart. ARE YOU INTERESTED in establishing yourself in a sell- ing career, with a long-estab- lished Oshawa industry. This is not a door-to-door or night calling job, but a position with a bright future, If en- | 13--Business Opportu thusiasm and initiative are applied in the right propor- tions. |THREE room flat in "quiet home, pris |F | ment, from $85; laundry room, paved {parking and 'balconies. MO 8.8386. 148 R4 " i 8 GROCERY business. Good established golng concern, showing a nice profit, PIONEER VILLAGE located in north end residential area. Price includes inventory and equip- ON |ment. Present owner wil] give a good BUCKHORN LAKE {lease or sell outright, For information call: Charles Smith, Harry Millen Real Comping > [Estate RA 8.1679 | boats for h, exce Brokers' Registration Act GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solicl- tors, etc.. 74 Simcoe Street South, RA 3.2278. Residence phones, | . Greer, BA, Sc,, RA 35-3363; Ter. | ence V Kelly, PA, BCL. RA 8-5832.| RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, 51% Simcoe | North. RA 8:2891. Res. RA 8.2765 under co we guarantee to obtain water or there will be no charge. Phone Hampton CO 3-2790 2--Personal isi | ELECTROLYSIS of Drive In Service ontract, [vate bath, TV aerial, parking. Adults WRITE BOX 71 8 |only. 31 Albany Street. RA 5-3760. OSHAWA TIMES y modern apartment, giving background, age, pre- NEW modern two bedroom in new apartment building, decorated, vious selling experience. High School education essential efrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, oa! paring One block to shopping Centre, |RA 8-5282 |18--Male or Female Help Want Huron anted THREE room apartment, main floor, $10 A WEEK could be yours if you [stove and refrigerator, builtin cup- can work 20 hours a week, have a car [boar s, three piece bath. RA 5-3938. ji ou can fallow directions. Write Box TH E-ROOM lower duplex apart RA 5-6047 GRANDVIEW SOD SUPPLIES We specialize in A-1 feril- ized field sod. Prompt de- liveries for Oshawa and Dis arrang trict. Field loading for truck- W. Schatzmann, Broker, Dundas W. MO 8-333 ers ond special rates for eon- | ons Moving tracts FIRST and second mortgages. S- Repa RA 8-8111 , Barris TRIO TE ELEVISION Hick nd enmick, F rri ters, 31 King CROSS TOWN JA SOD SUPPLY RA 8-678) A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut fresh daily, sod for truck- ers=in the field. Special con= tractor" rates RA 5-8504 LOAM-GRAVEL SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS, LEVELLED TRACTOR, LOADER WORK Reasonable Rates DIAL RA 5- 2156 Mortgages PRIVATE person has on first mortgages onl Write Box 26, Oshawa $12,000 FIRST mortgage mone loan current rates Times % to chee $2.50 1 and for Tubes tuner, best pict A TOWER? TRY US! 4 pane Hoy] ! ss up glo ed, set clear re ttages, fe hing, RA 000 commercial ground monthly; five anytime MO -- Ir AE, three rooms, private en- trance, bath, in quiet home. Suit. |able for widow, business couple. Stove, Eig supplied. On bus line. Apply 137 FOR SALY small service business, | {part or full time. Telephone Ajax, WH | |2-6232 between 6.7 p.m | CLASS SIXTEEN COMPANION help "for eiderly la y. w=====| References required. Write Box 38, Osh. | | KAWANDAG LODGE 1° Times [TEENAGER as mother's helper, Ross. ROSSEAU, ONTARIO rent Sand cent, Ol lent fi drinking water Bookkeeping i. SCHAPELHOUMAN| COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET RA 5-9953 Building Trades CHIMNEYS, new and rebuilt. Side walks, stoops, and roofing. Work guste anteed OL 5-306] after 6 p.m PLASTERING other repair work RA 3-487 IF YOU are thinking of raising your house and installing a basement, credit terms can be arranged. Telephone RA 8-6327 CERAMIC FIRST and second ed 10 mortgages Mortgage £0 superfluous hair, Murduff Rem M Osha Ph rie be in 19th will 18th Hotel dates for appointment mer Nursing Services AST wa, Ju INDIVIDUAL in Sunnybrae, pervised, rates, RA and care for one Genosha on of Oshawa Inquiries invited, 53-2330. each person Reg. N. su reasonable! SPECIALIZING IN LADIES SAMSON TOWERS Avoid 'embarrassment! AH Op r Messe | | NTENNA INSULATION | cotton sanitary napkins used | LEN & LOU'S TV. leading hospitals (not ble stores), mailed every four weeks (plain | Estimates | 5-7844 these Optometrists TUCK, AGENT RO, - MUS --- 2 and PIONEER CAMPS - KOKA: PORT SYDNEY separate ps, boys to 18 Re patching and ree estimates stucco, done F amined at home. Dial RA § F. RICHARD BLACK Optometry, the ontact rne ° in avai to 9 Tent ident in 50 girls ages dation medic taff cludes trail riding ($1 hour extra), sailing, boat water Fre lenses TS Evenings by RA comm 00 x 50c quality SANITARY vou. SUBSCRIBE TO appo Or apr e al Program Sample bo FREE BELT DAY PO-NI Box 52 Adelaide Street TORONTO, Ont 3--Pets_ & Livestock Nit ile, wood plastic wa prom ground floor flat, Inathroom Raasonable. Talaphons 18-2900 | THREE - BEDROOM house In Rossland Road district, east of Simcoe Street, Please reply to Box 100, Oshawa Post| | Office. [FURNISHED bachelor apartment - |close vicinity of Oshawa Genera] Hos. [pital Write Box 27, Oshawa Times |26--Houses for Rent SIX-ROOM house, oll heated, hot water, reasonable rent to small family Apply 42 Bloor RA 5-908; Paintina and Decorating Al PAINTING Jensen, RA 5 31 PAINTING, ¥ reasonable Lean, RA DON'T delay unbeliev: abl mates Work guaranteed, RA 8.08% XAXKXXXKLX KX X XH XN if and papernanging, after 5 p.r 3K 2 XR NIN XE repairs, roofing, EB mneys, fireplaces, RA 80394. Gordon bullding \ chi | © ered wag | erafts ond | still available August P.O RE rate of Further informatior | Comps, 30 St Toronto 2-4188 sidewalks, a Distributors, hobbies May L. and HM. ROOFING, far and gravel, | asphalt shingles and repairs. No fe too big or too small, Estimates free OSHAWA i HOME LANDSCAPING FoR saiiing ssi saperisnsing. is | MO 88003 or RA 56937 exterior call \ Horn. | Landscaped designing, sod- RA o Shri { oeal chimney cleaner. Van ding, seeding, weed killing, |PAINTING and repaired, g2s linings furnaces vacuumed, Free esl. complete garden service. Sielior, work PHONE but RA 8-6366 ALL TY PES of carpentry work cement hi OSHAWA GRAVEL LOAM AND MANURE PHONE RA 5-4967 HARDSAND LANDSCAPING A complete garden service, clean-up, fertilizing, power rolling, Now is the time to kill crab grass end chick- weed. Seeding, sodding, nur- Chicken ¢ sery stock | with french RA 5-1721 a shakes a any MODERN ELIVER LITTLE BUCKARQO RANCH ree estimates Ask for clean work, | Mac CI Pleoivioiototolofoloit, $63.00 Pioneer Mary St Phone WA special 2 XX KX 3 3 xx sic = lg pert 5 G talk AR budgie, blue, 85: Roller singers, $4; twelve breeding flight cage. 36 Rossland Road and de r gua brick sidi ing DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Pe tw om a , and BUY A NEW SET NOW WITH A est end Oshawa, on large lot, | 3-2187 LOW.COST LIFE-INSURED USE O.T. WANT ADS PHONE RA 3-3492 CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND BLACK LOAM Prompt Deli RA 8-8951 DRIVEWAYS First-class Workmanship Guaranteed - Reasonable Prices UNITED PAVING CO. RA 8-4801 ONE Cocker Spaniel for sale. Apply Dr | Webster's Animal Hospital between 9.3 p.m BOXER pups tor Sale. Reasonable. after six SIX-ROOM Sours. a and four-room apart ment, furnished or unfurnished, ga. rage, near hospital, ti 561 Grier son Street, RA 5.9. SIX-ROOM Fon broadioom, | b ment occupied, $100 monthly, heat, hydro Included. Immediate occupancy. Near s M. B " Call Painting yerhanging Gypte Murals, FOUR Spray nting x | very - | black 107 B {hande, DAYS \O ings, NIGHTS RA water tern brake saddle horses, all quiet, grey mare, 6 years old, mare, 8; bay zelding, 7 14.2 Paloming gelding, white mark. also one western saddle and Len Staff, Janetville, Lindsay 7 STURGEON LAKE | | BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES NEW EXECUTIVE SUMMER HOMES, Mortgages Srrarged with well known pany.. Prices suit your needs large waterfront registered private with a "Florida" unusual and beautiful ir Kawartha lakes sand large shade canal ot rear of lots with dock or boathouse lot Dancing, ing, cedar strip boc ts 7 | Phone RA 5.6812 or _H elock 7 764-3661 51367 | CoE _-- BE Svasteis wanted for "heating | |ences, heavy wiring, Sole, CHRIS, NHL player "Boston Bruins." / ' company. Salary and commission. Tele- |paved parking. Phone days, 5 3 NHL slayer "fo 2 | WELL ESTABLISHED 0 ! |ROOM and board for gentlemen, sin. | : 3 gle beds Lunches packed. 353 Adelaide | SEE YOUR TRAVEL LA SALLE COURT INSURANCE AGENCY ier: privileges, parking facilities TELEPHONE d Tel A 8-279 IN OSHAWA close to downtown. elephone RA 8 RA 5.2082 | |23--Wanted to Rent WRITE APARTMENTS AD SIMCOE NORTH DUA 4B - information apply-- k 778 HORTOP | SALESMEN ---- SALESWOMEN outlet, broadloom floor, park« ing space, loundry facilities. on Highway No. 30. 2- and 4.bedroom cottages with re- HARDY VARE ST ORES are invited to submit in De od fish FOR RENT , motors te Nationally Advertised BER. Upper and Lower aport NINA SEWING MACHINES phone MO 8.5846. evenings, RA 5.1569 or RA 3-491 American Plan Write for & frmrican Pan. Write for COMPANY 20--Room and Board 1 & 2 BEDROOM WISHES | West, RA 8.1 | ROOM and =e Tor | two gentlemen, | | NORTH OSHAWA, room and board,| RA 5-3815 Will continue with double bed, in quiet home, no shift| or RA 8-6485 Present Owner as manager or flat, with RA Modern 2-bedroom apart- OSHAWA TIMES ments, stove, 'frig, fully auto- { ADELAIDE TERRACE ; | i NO MORE TV | West CEDAR ISLE LODGE APPLIANCE STORE New modern 2 « bedroom REPAIR BILLS! JGHBRED Chihuahua pups, TRENT RIVER, ONT, | DRY GOODS STORES Adults only, available July 1, Apply 329 Adelaide Ave., frigerators, rangettes. Lodge facilities, Hot and cold run- | | quiries for the purpose of ac- quiring the franchise for ments at 105 Agnes Street, If-contained, heated, for Oshawa and surrounding oe nie territory 8; IN Of could sublet. "Phon Me FIVE-ROOM two - storey house, > oil heated, heavy duty wiring, TV outlet, garage, artly furnished Available July 8, Fairleigh Avenue. | MODERN three-bedroom brick house, all conveniences, central te schools, [Rasta Avaliable July 15. Call 34 bridle 3242983 |KERRY BLUE Terrier pup blood lines, bred for beauty Ana dis position, Three males availab | weeks old. Call ll Brooklin OL 5- i, BOARDING kennels, new modern | proof kennels, spacious runs. Telephone {Pickering WHitehall 2-1237 BATHING, trimming, de-flseing, board. | ing. Waubena Kennels. RA 56321, | ~|BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs |Board, 114 Elgin Street East | GERMAN Shepherd puppies for sale, | registered, at White Hart Kennels, Plek- ering, WH 2.405 WANTED spayed male 5.30 p.m REGISTERED Brittany Spaniel pup, three months old, excellent hunting and field trial breed Call COlfax 3-2296 4--Market Basket FRESH ploked Blas stock 110 Bl land Road district f d. Ph RA " |ai _T Paulie: prevents ons a_ Times. | ment, private entrance, all conveni Don Gallinger, prop. F sort APARTMENTS TO BUY AN home cooked meals, lunches packed, workers, diets catered fo. Telephone All replies confidential NORTHWAY matic. Parking area... For | DEALER OR AGENT apartment. Stove, frig, TV b ks 50. Ti one | fa 0, ht weeks old, $50. Relepivurs | 3 miles oft Highway No, 7 | GIFT STORES Apt, 2 ning showers, flush World Famous, First Rated, 5.7426 water supplied, shared cellar. Puppies. Best| Lower 5 rooms and bath $85.00 per month. Upper 4 rooms and bath $75.00 per month, HARRIS, HARRIS AND WALLACE OSHAWA -- RA 5.3568 Evenings RA 3-9484 MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Quiet street close to transportation; stoves and 'fridges. T.V. outlet, drapes and paved parking [Personal Service PETER PAN Nursery, all or half day, B30 30 Simeos North. RA 8.2604 CHARIS garments, representat of | Oshawa. Mrs. K. Wootton, 1300 Wecker Drive, Oshawa en Writs Ontario Representative, E. Taylor 1402 Beckworth Ave London, Ont or THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Well Drilling-Digging TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Clean-outs and COMPRESSOF Jas ve trust ---- terms Built SIMCOE STREET [1dentia district, two-storey brick, six {and one-half rooms, plus rec. room and sunroom, convenient to schools and |¢hurches, bus stop, $130 per month Vacant July 1 R 5.4521, | FIVE-ROOM bungalow, {three miles east of Oshawa {house east of Cherry Grove 3.9012 after 6. and 1 RY OUF BAR-B- QUED CHICKEN to on Bernina Corporation, 3445 Park Ave, Montreal, Que |14--Employment Wanted |EMPLOYMENT wanted -- Duteh 1 lady |desires housework by the day. Mon. | THREE-ROOM furnished day aturday Tele lephone MO 08-5939 {centrally located, bus at | ~ |LADY with sewing machine wants ing ahd laundry Jasiities work at rh any type. Call RA 5.7 | after 5 o'clock lot subdivisio motif new | n | | fries, me the THIGhway | 2, | iene Apply first Motel. RA milk afe natural beautiful 40' wide sheltered for for after HOLLAND NURSERIES and LANDSCAPING RA 5-7442 For satisfactory service, R landscape designing, main- Swim Pool oder tencnce, sodding, spraying. ¥ hg 199 GARRARD RD SODDING TOP SOIL MANURE 3 Phone OLiver 5-304 9 If i 32 FISH from your own boat this yas BROOKLIN 171s 1 In the Classified section today. good childless home cat. Call MO 8.5782 beach, "apartment, door, Park. Near school shopping. Telephone R. 5-6608. 5 | FOUR-ROOM house, three-piece bath, private, with driveway, fenced in gar. den, heavy duty wiring, gas flow furnace, anténna, Apply 9 Edward St, | Ajax | deepening WORK _RA 8.3864 A COMPLETE re SEPTIC TANK SERVICE GEORGE HARDING PHONE MO 8-3566 WE [ trees, to Cartage Jo S Moving and Btorags. Os Whitby Reasunable rates. Fully) equipped and insured. Phone RA 83661 ------------------------ each [CLEAN reliable woman desires house | good references, experienced | Telephone, RA 8.4033 summer home y 7 - un y |SIX-ROOM furnished house, available walls, full DECORAT ING |July 15. Phone RA 3-4882 evenings, 7 to | | kitchens, lace | 8 p.m. | | QUALITY ence thes drilled dern mplete with eve built T iding SSS boibhinh® strawberries. Telephone is int Apply Mr. Fred Trewin Ontario Dre smaking residential DRESSMAKING and alterations on and children's wear, reasonable FURRIER | and DRESSMAKER New, Alterations, Remodelling Low Price 22 ROWE STREET RA 8-6706 stock plumbing, Informa off tion Harmon ---------------- mc firey | 5--Farmers Column interior decorating ALTERATIONS |NEW house, three rooms, no ¢ LOW.-2OST PREFABRICATED For further r information, 461 Bloor East. HALLIDAY < |SIX-ROOM n new bungalow, garage, ofl STYI ALL STER HOMES i | heated. RA ha 671 Olive Avenue. ii > 3 ive-room | dup! oDILITY BUILDINGS aati roma ou Subiex AIA P04 id {East End, garage optional. RA 8.8836 x J N after 6 p.m | 5 CONS STRUCTION L10 |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent ing Stre ast, awe RA 8-5103 plus dial telephone with pri-® | "All types of rubber belting vate or 2-party line { and hose for belts re- paired within 24 hours. Rem- LOCATION nants at 50" | Bobcavgeon farm belt p Hw Done {Plumbing Heating PLUMBING |tings, fixtures, new and Ing from septic tank tc Installations se sale and heating pipes, Want-Ads Don't $45.00 B-1458 entrance wd Rubber n and Plastics Limited, 91 Bruce Bruce Street, Oshawa," PHONE RA 5-7272 RA 5-5787 |e alty {rates | 1 | It industria afternogn, in weeks ends, cludin ao - ng |THREE-ROOM ground floor apartment, 67 Albert Street. | Cost-They Pay

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