THOUGHT FOR TODAY Life is not a cup to be drained-- it's a measure to be filled. dhe Osha Tones WEATHER REPORT Warm sunny weather is expect- ed to continue for the next few days. Price Not Over VOL. 90--NO. 150 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, J Authorized as Second Class Mail TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES Post Office a UNE 28, 1961 a 10 Cents Per Copy Old Man Beaten To Death HULL, Que. (CP) -- An el- derly garage owner was found Provincial police sent out a &° call to all police units in east- & beaten to death early today, his ern Canada to search for the skull crushed by an axe and the missing car. body tossed into the basement A motorist who stopped for gasoline discovered the interior of the garage in a shambles and telephoned police. Provincial constable Glen Murray discov- ered Desjardins' body, a blood- smeared axe lying a few feet away. of his garage at Ironside, three miles north of this capital area Adrien Desjardins, 65-year-old bachelor, apparently was slain in the kitchen of his adjoining home by a killer who looted the place and escaped in Desjar- dins' car. De Gaulle Pushes For Algiers Peace PARIS (AP) -- A stepped-up drive by President de Gaulle for a quick end to the seven- year Algerian war was under way today. It includes Police said Desjardins is be- : lieved to have kept a large sum of money in the building but they could find' no trace of it. "It looks like a clear case of rebbery and murder," constable Murray reported. Investigators said they believe the killer was known fo Desjar- dins. The garage owner kept two watchdogs chained outside the rear of the building and resi- dents in the area said the ani- mals made no noise during the night A neighbor, Mrs. Mary Car- riere, said Desjardins spent most of Tuesday working on a summer cottage a nearby lake. He returned home around | nine o'clock Tuesday night and was seen shortly after closing bringing French divisions back from the North African territory to the conti- nent, resuming suspended talks 2 at Kasi EUROPEAN CONTESTANTS with rebel leaders and a "up the service station Three aspirants for the title | New York. Left to right are: | Simone Darot. The girls leave newed threat to partition Al-|-- - of Miss Universe get together | Miss England, Arlette Dob- | today for Miami where the ria into Edropesn and ee on the roof of the Hotel Del- son; Miss Germany, Marlene finals will be held for Miss em sectors if negotiations fai M B t 7 a, WW 1 Miss F' " Universe. --(CP wirephoto) monico during a stopover in Schmidt, and Miss France, n se. I again idall beaten : ng oe -- Ra Tor nk ER dt i bis De Gaulle's aim, according to informed sources, is to break the Algerian impasse in three months -- one way or another-- in order to make French forces available by fall for the loom- ing crisis in Berlin The bulk of France's armed In Montreal 'Gang Victim' MONTREAL 'ODD BIRD HAS TIN ROOF BLUES TAMPA, Fla. (AP)--Bird watchers have the rare op- Farm Tractors Block Port (CP) -- Michel forces, an estimated 500.000 Listorti, his face mashed to pulp, portunity of observing a men, is tied down in Algeria. what appeared to be a gang- crazy, mixed up woodpecker Their absence has weakened |a0d -revenge beating, under- who dislikes wood but just PARIS (Reuters) -- Farmers|River Orb, police intervened f the North Atlantic Treaty Or- y ent an emergency operation Joves metal roofs, sealed off the channel port of|avert a battle between farmer ganization defence in late Tuesday night. Seems this disoriented | (ajajs with hundreds of tractors and hundreds of angry tourist siti Se bird prefers to pit his bill against the metal roof of the Joseph Canto home instead Western Europe. The 56 - year - old night club De Gaulle disclosed his new owner was in satisfactory condi-| onstrations broke out in the| Algerian drive at a garden tion today and police said they north of France and the wine-|{for 34 hours. 4 al will question him as sooh as he of the nice soft trees which | growing south. Tractors barred the main Party returned from a two-week Italian Jewish woman to a con-| Palace Tueoday might. In an ets enough strength to talk. abound in the area. The roadblocks, set up after|Paris-Nimes road near Nimes visit to Peking today and called : 21] centration camp despite BS io bo, Iaform the I informal discussion with report- Listorti was one of three men passengers on the night ferry'and virtually isolated the town foi the establishment of diplo- oug as 1 [tests by Italy's fascist regime. pag been sent to a concentra ers, said he had issued orders charged last year for the wreck- {from Dover had left for Paris, of Bethune, in the industrial matic'~rélations between Red The court was silent as the gon camp." for the return of one division ing of the Chez Paree night club t were removed two hours later north. China and Japan. ; former: SS lieutenant colonel A V from Algeria. Without fixinglon downtown Stanley Street! aC an S and the farmers headed for the, With farmer's organizations, The group, headed by ic Stand For {told in his own words the tragic er dates, he added he would order Tuesday night, he staggered others back as well. A French|into a rooming house in central division is about 15,000 men. Montreal and collapsed town hall to lodge protests in central France taking part against government agricultural demonstrations in the farm re policy. cause serious disruption of tour- ist traffic in southern France, To Enter Berlin Talk oobi art LONDON (CP) -- Britain is day night in a battle for control! willing to negotiate with the So-|of the railroad line at the wine| . . Claim To Kuwait rsh CAIRO (Reuters) -- Most of nition' of your homeland," he lan said Tuesday. : T » We'll Sign the Arab bloc today appeared!told the crowd This was the first official indi- lined up in opposition to Iraq's' The state-controlled Baghdad cation by Britain that she would Berlin Pact' Mr. K. Warns Brittany over potato prices. claim to Kuwait radio claimed "a wave of ter-'enter negotiations over the Ber- UNITY The United Arab Republic ror has been unleashed by im-|lin issue since the conference of Tuesday night announced its op-/Perialist agents in Kuwait" foreign ministers on Berlin position in a statement saying/against pro-Kassem elements. ended in deadlock in 1959 it could support Iraq's move In Beirut, the deputy ruler off Macmillan told Parliament he only if it was "a complete ex- Kuwait and former security would like to '"'see us back' to pression of the will of the Arab| chief, Sheik Abdullah Mubarak, the position of two years ago people based on freedom of headed back for the sheikdom|yhen there seemed a chance of situation is so serious Congres with powers fo mobilize th ity The federation's executiv fhdlee." Tuesday after talks with theifriendly negotiations with the oypoy (Reuters) -- Nikita] Moscow has spurned all friend] The oil - rich Persian Gulf Jecretaty-general of the Arablggyiet Union over this problem. Khrushchev warned today that|gestures by the United State sheikdom also has received «€ague. Abdul Khalek Has. «But they must be negolia-| pia would not submit fo in-|and has accelerated a drive fo tions, not asking us to submit to blackmail," the prime minister backing from Saudi Arabia, Jor- S0Una dan, Tran and Lebanese news. Spokesman for the league council in Cairo said the council timidation and a German peace World domination. treaty would be signed, Moscow The government should ac apers. accused the Russians ia ? : p Kuwait. ful Sheik _ Sir plans to meet in emergency ses.| added. He Sccused an artificial | ¥adio reported, immediately, the union leader n uwait, ruling Sheik Sir to discuss of manufacturing : "There will be no blockade of said, to arouse the America |sion soon problems arising from Iraq's claim Kuwait's 2.400 - man garrison boistered by Brush troops . "its p whose withdrawal after Kuwait|ernment's view that Britain and crisis for the purpose of gaining their ends. Macmillan reiterated the gov- Abdullah as-Salim As-Sabah re- peated Tuesday his determina- Won io resisl Tiag : a flag - waving demonstrators West mier said. "West Berlin will{ternational crisis and * have fren sammunieations with .gthen our country's capacity fo everybody. But the freedom of 3k gathered in front of his palace. gained inde , seek her allies have no intention of ati : ' g pendence last week her allies : ._|communications must be settled : "If things develop for the was cancelled following Iraq's|abandoning their obligations in|po 2 treaty with the German Katanga Will oe Allah forbid, then you move. Four British frigates lie preservation of the freedom of Democratic Republic" (East S I d d are the protectors and ammu-'in the Persian Gulf the people of West Berlin Germany). SO TES ---- ~ Khrushchev spoke to a Soviet: tay n epen ent Vietnamese "friendship meet- ing" in the Kremlin attended by visiting North Vietnamese Pre- mier Pham Van Dong and his delegation, - Soviet government and party members, and more than 2,000 Moscow workers. Navy Blamed For Texas Tower Tragedy WASHINGTON (AP)--A Sen- . . ate report today criticized the navy and the designers and By Firefi builders of the radar "Texas Tower" that collapsed in a bliz- ST zard and carried all hands--28/yowf Congo (Reuters) Presiden Mayors, Reeves Rap 'Truth Squad' Scheme LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The squad proposal in a preface to reeves association and similar president of the Ontario Mayors his address, and said his depart- groups will be asked for opin- and Reeves Association spoke ment will probably seek the ions on the need for local au- out Tuesday night against gov-lopinion of the assoeiation's ex- tonomy, on conflict of interest ernment 'truth squads" which ecutive on it. and on equalization of land might rove the province to in ics value assessment, vestigate the affairs of mun MAY INDICATE During business sessions del- palities La er in his speech egates approved 'a resolution Municipal Afairs Minister that while municipal scandals| hat he municipalities lobby Warrender earlier had told del- have occurred in only five or|ipei. provincial representatives egates to the association's con- Six of Ontario's 900 municipali-}in"alectoral groups to convince vention that his department is|ties. these few incidents havelipom that all primary and sec- considering forming roving in-{indicated to some extent that), io. Conool costs should be spection squads "to drop in on|political mordlity in Ontario| 40" 5 provincial responsibil- : any municipality at any time to| was at a low ebb ity men--4to their deaths. see how you are conducting] He did not indicate whether "Approval was given a resolu The report--which added that vour business." the roving squads had been pro- tion seeking an amendment to the air force must also shoulder Mayor Garnet Newkirk ofjposed because of this, or the Municipal Franchise Exits share of the blame--referred Chatham, association president,|whether they would specifically|tension Act to give those now t0 "buckpassing" and - '"'the said he did not think elected|seek evidence of corruption entitled only to vote for mayor hodge-podge of indecision." representatives would appreci-| Mayor Newkirk said electediand aldermen the vote for 4 2 : Ny "a truth squad m ov in gjrepresentatives have not shown|school board members and pub-/and waves were clearly miscal- Hredimentened | Commity o swiftly through the province concern at evidence of malad-|lic utilities commissioners, and'culated, the report said. Gambo, 110 miles northwest o "l know the representatives ministration in a few munici-|on all matters except financial. The 5,000-ton steel structure. would not like to be regarded as|palities because they know most! questions and bylaws. perched like a giant three- criminals. They do not feel they elected officials are honest The convention adopted a res- legged stool in open sea 80 miles off the New Jersey coast,| However, Mr. Peters said are criminals." He said there must be more| olution requesting establishment The minister made the roving respect for elected represent-lof a special commission to in-| gank last Jan. 15 during gale|Seven evacuated communitie along Bonavista Bay, 120 mile {atives, and added: "Good peo-|quire into "the effectiveness of winds and waves CITY EMERGENCY independent of The Congo. "The government and I wil never retreat," two months poldville. he said wfoundland firefighters, thei pour of rain, prepared today fo! any surprises the province's for est fires might throw at them Deputy Resources Ministe hand and firefighters were pre pared to put up a stiff fight. ple are not going to seek mu-|our educational policies particu- Earlier thi th. ii nicipal office and stay in it ifilarly in secondary education." -apier ms. moma, the. airy C or ' iam ated for at least two mo S they are going to be slandered."| The resolution was concerned Juice o rde red Col. William} ooo officials were ioe says RCMP who "are expected to > EASTERN WESTERNER PHONE NUMBERS During his address Mr. War-|that secondary schools did not| iii > stand court martial, TU Co remain under con. ™ a ke arrests shortly. The| render said his department re-iprepare those not going on to|Charged with being derelict in trol RCMP also is inquiring into the] Japanese Prime Minister | Force Base about 60 miles , sionary, presented the Texas pects local autonomy and has|{university to enter directly into|duty in connection with the no intention of forcing its atten-| business or industry ; tragedy. Banks was in command tions on unwilling municipali- An Ottawa proposal for pen- of the Boston air defence centre {up at Glovertown sions for municipal councillors|and the tower was part of its wis rejected as impractical. radar network. > POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 | A co-ordinating gentre was se 15 miles from os {Gambo and 35 miles from Trin He said the mayors and| today as renewed peasant dem- and truck drivers at a road- : block which had been in place Member group » [volt were the most widespread with Premier Chou En-lai dur- The farm revolt continued 0|since the movement started in ing its visit, an unofficial mis- Labor Would Give JFK More Power HOUSE, Pa. (AP)-- national defence in all possible| job," AFL-CIO leaders say the world emergencies." should arm President Kennedy president, said he personally economy "to meet any eventual-|fyyther and resume full nuclear council said in a statement that 3erlin," the Soviet Pre- people to the gravity of the in- not elaborate on the standby "stren- powers recommended for Ken- Moise Tshombe today declared |Katanga Province will remain the Katanga -- (leader told a press conference council, In talking with report- four days after his return from ers afterward Hall said his un- imprisonment by the central government at Leo- tion on the ground that it is un- Rain Welcomed JOHN'S, Nild. (CP) -- track of the supply needs of spirits lifted by a steady down- The terrific forces of winds Stuart Peters said Tuesday the; here, had tons of equipment on!lately." lity on Bonavista Bay to keep peared. JFK SPEAKS ON 'Nothing Can Change Position' WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi- around the word "crisis' in ref- dent Kennedy said today that erence to the city. nothing Russia does can affect, And, saying Khrushchev had f the West's rights in Berlin. He threatened to sign a peace told a press conference the{reaty with the Communist re- crisis over Berlin is 'Soviet gime in East Germany, he used ff manufactured." |quotation marks again around Kennedy said the Western al-\ peace treaty. lies formed alliances after the In Japanese TOKYO (AP) Torrential rains pounding central Japan for the fourth straight day brought devastation and death to a widespread area today. Eighty-eight persons were re- orted killed, 86 missing and 136 Khrushchev has said this oie! in the downpour which Second World War that are ,.ig end Allied rights in West began Saturday and has contin- Wholly Sstencive a nate Hie | Berlin. ued with little interruption. In- warmed in-a statement at hisi®.; io clear that suche press conference: "The Soviets would make a grave mistake if they supposed| that allied unity and determina-| tion can be undermined by| in 'response to a question, threats or fresh aggressive acts. | Kennedy said no plan for partial "There is peace in Germany mobilization has been placed and in Berlin. If it is disturbed | lateral action cannot affect these rights, which stem from the surrender of Nazi Ger- many," Kennedy declared. |termittent rain was forecast for {the rest of the week. Thousands w ere evacuated| from the lower reaches of the flooded Tenryu River, 100 miles west of Tokyo, as gates were opened in two of Japan's largest ams ty dangerousl : ; A before him so far but various Sam asp y J yl it will be a direct Soviet re-|groups are considering the prob- oni br 0 were dis- sponsibility. {lem created by Berlin, and "of : In his statement on Berlin, | course we will be considering a Kennedy put quotation marksiwhole variety of measures." Eichmann Story Brings Laughter JERUSALEM (Reuters) ---- A spite persistent appeals by the hushed courtroom burst into Italian government, the Italian laughter today as Adolf Eich-|fascist party and even the Nazi mann characterized himself as|foreign ministry. a mere clerk unable to do any-! «it was all in vain" Eich. thing about the. transfer of anmann said, "and a rupted and streets and fields flooded or buried by landslides over a vast area stretching from Sendai in the northeast to Hiro- shima in the west. Parts of the major cities of Kobe, Osaka, Nagoya and Tokyo were af-| fected. | 'Recognize China Jap Group Urges HONG KONG (AP)--A five- from Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic| 0 S S Co RESS JEK MEETS P ,|Utsunomiya of the Diet foreign : ; !story of the Italian woman iden- ./relations committee, conferred! ! tified only at Kotsi. But laughter erupted among the spectators -- including for- mer concentration camp prison- REGINA (CP)~--Premier T. C. ers--when he said: Douglas announced today that, "I myself did not order the | he will allow his name to stand transfer of the Jewess Kotzi to [for the national leadership of a concentration camp. . , . I {the New Party {only transmitted orders." | He said he would not cam-| This was in keeping with paign for the leadership. "I|Eichmann's steadfast theme in| have always said the job should his testimony, now in its second | seek the man, not the man the week | that he was a mere cog he told a press confer-jn the machinery of Nazi bu.| |reaucracy. 'Laos Strongman | Leaves For U.S.A. GENEVA (Reuters) -- Gen. | Phoumi Nosavan, strongman de- |fence minister and deputy pre- | mier in the government of Laos, {left here by air today for twe |days of talks with State Secre- tary Dean Rusk in Washington, Nosavan left the l4-country Laotian conference a day after American delegate Averell Har. riman himself returned to Wash- ington for consultations. Prince Boun Oum, premier of the Laotian government who delegated Nosavan to go to 'New Party sion. | ence. Mr. Douglas said: "It seems to me that the issues at stake] The former head of the Ges- today are so vital to the people|t8P0's Jewish department, who of Saskatchewan, whose cause 1(is charged with complicity in have championed for over athe killing of 6,000,000 Jews, de-| Washington, earlier left by air quarter of a century, that I must|scribed how the woman was|for Luang Prabang, the royal do everything I can to ensure|transferred to a concentration|Laotian capital, to report to that the U.S. has no way of|ine successful launching of the/camp from the ghetto in Riga, King Savang Vatthana on plans Knowing whetlier t {New Party." (Latvia, and refused release de-|for a coalition government. he Russians" are observing it. | +1| DIDN'T ELABORATE s| The AFL-CIO foreign policy n| resolution adopted Tuesday did S| * George Meany, AFL CIO € wants the United States to go testing. He said the present test ban| is a gentlemen's agreement and| { e y Si rl ri nedy. include {well as e | powers. One d e v el 0 p ment Tuesday came with the arrival here of President Paul Hall of the Sea- farers Union, who promised "a hell of a fight" in court to try to block an 80-day Taft-Hartley law injunction to end the U.S. maritime strike. Hall came here to confer | with members of the executive Presumably they conomic mobiliz would| ation t ion plans to oppose an injunc- necessary. AL, | ghters r firefighters and evacuees. The fire, although contained r by a light drizzle, was still burn- - ing a "lot of forest," Mr. Peters ./said, and the threat was still r quite real. He added: "We've made a net f{gain today and that's something flwe haven't been able to. do .. Earlier Tuesday, Mr. Peters announced a magisterial inquiry would be held into the fires, ¢| many of which are believed to . have been the work of arsonists. He said names of suspects had been turned over to' the Ss from here, would remain evacu possibility of equipment sabo- t tage. During the weekend straps n from portable pumps being used -iin the Hare Bay area disap: Hayato lkeda, wearing a tex- as (10-gallon) hat tries on a pair of cowboy boots present- | | ed to-him along with the hat | on hm arrival at Travis Air North of San Francisco today for a refueling stop enroute to Honolulu. Dr. W. H. Jack- son, Jr., (right) Aboline, Tex., Southern Baptist mis- gear and declared the premier an honorary citizen of Texas for Gov. Price Daniel of the Lone Star state. ~(AP. Wirephoto)