Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 28 Jun 1961, p. 10

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and. subsequently cause footing Ask Bird-Watchers THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 28, 1961 LS that kee wootance. | | To Look For Swans With Purple Wings ARRANGE DISHES Dishes, glassware, silver and pots and pans should be ar- ranged according to the appli-| Keep a sharp lookout for ance instructions. The manufac-| whistling. swans with purple turer usually subjects his wares|wings! to long and thorough tests be-| The Ontario Department of fore instructions are frozen. |1ands and Forests has been Such items as heat-sensitive notified by the State of Mary- plastics and woodware should|land Game and Inland Fish not be washed in the machine.|Commission that a number of Same goes for high-gloss or col-| whistling swans have been marked with Nyanzol -- a dye-- on the upper and lower sur- faces of both wings. The dye R. Simcoe Takes New Jersey Bride A wedding of Oshawa inter- est was held in St. Nicholas Greek Catholic Church, Perth Amboy, New Jersey, recently, when Robert S. Simcoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Simcoe of Oshawa, took as his bride Mary Ann Sesterak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sesterak Jr. of Perth Amboy. The Reverend Julius Grigas- sy performed the ceremony and the bride was given in marriage by her father. Attended by five bridesmaids in blue, the bride wore a floor- length gown of silk taffeta with a Chantilly lace bodice and long sleeves. A crystal crown held Give Your Dishwasher The Care It Deserves If you think the man who defective dishwasher often has services washing machines hasito face a housewife not only troubles on the job, just listen|irate but sometimes downright to the plaintive story of the elec- belligerent. tric dishwasher service man.| Usually it is discovered that The man called in to service a|the dishwasher is blamed for things that would not have hap- Wing 420, RCAF pened had the instruction book Sponsors Dance been consulted. The service men tell us that, invariably, the Many members and guests en- joyed the annual 'Moonlight booklet or instruction sheet that came with the appliance is not Dance" on Saturday, June 24, sponsored by Wing No. 420 only not at hand, but can't be found. RCAF Association, and held in the Wing club rooms at the Osh- will appear purple under idealithe apparent durability of the. conditions. In any case, thegye. ; marked wings will look much darker than the characteristic grey plumage of young swans, Purpose of the marking proj- ect is to attempt to trace the migration of the swans winter- ing in Maryland. Success will depend upon accurate reporting of any birds seen. Observers should report to the Department, at Alymer West, Ontario, the date and locality of observation, whether the bird has immature plumage and any comments on MAKE YOUR HOME ® More Beautiful @® More Valuable with UNIT STEPS ored aluminum pieces and for lacquered metals. And don't put kitchenware with wood handles or wood parts in the washi machine; into the sink and the wash basin for them. And fine bone china should always be washed by hand." RINSES ITSELF By and large, an electric dish- washer does not require a grea' deal of attention since, for one PAINT & her shoulder-length veil roses and ivy, two orchids. the bridesmaids, and she carried a cascade of white centered with The maid of honor was Miss Loretta Palinkas, Perth Amboy; Miss Carole awa Airport. Prizes for spot dances were won by Mrs. C. Baxter, Mr, Walter Ham, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Channing, Mrs. D. Monroe and Mr. Jerry Rutherford. Seen dancing were: Mr. and thing, after doing its chore it thoroughly rinses itself. One reason for trouble is that many users disregard the rule that st r on gly alkaline deter- gents, not soap powders, should be used. The detergent, too, must be used in the amount And unless your dishwasher model has plastic-coated metal baskets, it is bust to wash highly decorated ordinary china by hand, otherwise those pretty gilt or platinum bands may be removed by abrasion. 34 KING STREET WEST WALLPAPER Arvo You Con Be Proud IN . LAST A LIFETIME Trizzino, Brooklyn, N.Y.: Miss Nancy M. and Miss: Ellen J. Sesterak, sisters of the bride. _ |The flower girl, was Miss Kathy |Kazakewitz of Rahway, New i|Jersey. With their dresses of 'blue silk organza they wore '|blue veils and blue rose hats 'land carried colonial bouquets of blue and white roses, carna- tions and pompoms. The best man was Mr. Ron- ald Simcoe, twin brother of the bridegroom. Ushering were Mr. Tony Bockowski, Perth Amboy; Mr. David Henry, Belleville, re a Md Sirs B.|stipulated in the instruction Jackson, Mr. and Mrs, J.|book. Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. H.| Too much detergent tends to Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. G. Chan-|blanket the water with so much ning, Mr. and Mrs. D. Monroe, suds that the dishes may not be Mr. and Mrs. W. Patterson, Mr. [effectively cleaned. This some- and Mrs. R. Lang, Mr. and Mrs, |times builds up a chalky deposit W. Ham, Mr. and Mrs. T.|on dinnerware that may not Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mills, jonly mar the decoration but Mr. and Mrs. A. Ferguson, Mr./may be quite difficult to re- and Mrs. B. Winn, Mr. and Mrs. (move. f W. Vince, Mr. and Mrs, R.| Pots and dishes must be Kent, all of Oshawa; Mr. and|scraped free of all insoluble Mrs. P. Thorogood, Pickering; matter before being placed in Mr. and Mrs. C. Jones and Mr. |the dishwasher trays for clean- and Mr. Roy Graham, Oshawa.|and Mrs. C. Baxter, Highland|ing. Otherwise, insoluble food To receive the guests at the|Creek. particles may lodge in the drain reception held at Bel Air . Manor, the bride's mother wore lavender silk organza with matching accessories and the bridegroom's mother, beige silk organza with beige accessories. Each had a corsage of white gardenias. For travelling on their honey- moon, the bride wore a beige silk dress with matching acces- sories and a mink stole. The . __. |honeymoon was spent at Miami ily Sonaertel o = child, Beach, Florida and in the sou- jous, oh 10 aye 5 nte|thern United States and Mr. oks of his own. Most parenisiang Mrs, Simcoe are making] can find a place in the family|ioir home in Oshawa | budget for buying books and| : subscribing to some children's magazines. | GIFT TO ICELAND It's also wonderful when par-| OSLO (Reuters) -- Norway's ents, too, read during the sum-|parliament has approved a e ° J mer, when the whole family 3 ily grant of about $150,000 to the Gaskion, (QU Teads every day. How, can in-|Jeelandic people as token of] pen 4 rem a or h hot 10 Norway's gratitude for assist. New Salon-Tested Home Permanent ivate daily reading habits inance during the war. It will be| Cartas Clean Cid 3 ees ing Built-In Shampoo! No shampooing before or after waving! No mixing! No " odor! Guaran- teed to take. Guaranteed to last. $2.50 HAMBLY a Products UNIT SER AVA Fad od Whithy DIAL MO 8-4159 From time to time, your dish- washer may need a special cleaning. The trays and parts which the instruction sheet notes as removable should be removed. Then wipe the interior with a damp cloth, using a mild cleaning powder, if desired. With care and reference to the manufacturer's instruction sheet, your electric dishwasher should give excellent, uninter- rupted service. PROFESSIONAL ADVICE AND COLOR SCHEMES PHONE RA 3-7351 FREE ESTIMATE ER § "DADDY'S WEE LASSIE granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson, Osh- awa, and Mr. Peter Landeen, Pefferlaw. Photo by Hornsby Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson, RR 1, Brooklin, is Deborah Ann, one year old. Deborah is the "CHILD GUIDANCE Plan Summer Program To Spur Daily Reading By G. CLEVELAND MYERS Thanks to the stimulation of many teachers and librarians, some children read many books in summer. Some private sec- ondary schools require each pu- pil to read certain books during summer and to stand ready in September to be tested on them. But, unfortunately, despite so many hours and days on hand, the average child reads very little in summer. Let me propose a program for summer reading. Map out with your elementary school child a daily reading program for summer. A few hours in the afternoon, when a quiet period is desirable, is a good reading time for most children. Parents who fail to inspire their children to read daily in summer might well require them to do so. ALL SMART GIRLS SAY NO! NO! NO! Our Lease Is Up On July 30th And We . . . MUST VACATE Entire Stock of Infants' and Children's Wear . . . SACRIFICE PRICES! Don't Miss This Tremendous Clearout ! SPRING COATS vice CONTS 10 only. Reg. 26.98. SACRIFICE | " 3 o EN COTTON GIRLS' 280% ORLON CARDIGANS DRESSES Reg. 12.98. SACRIFICE 4-14. Reg. 5.98. SACRIFICE ... RICHARD HUDNUT their growing children? And it j i A used for reforestation in Ice- usually is a matter of goodijand and for development 2 |cultural relations between the| |two countries. | habits cultivated by parents who plan wisely for the most whole- some amusement and education of their children. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. I read to our children, four and six, together. They quarrel] over which one may choose the story. Then one may talk or be inattentive while I read the other child's favorite. A. Why not read to one child while Dad reads to the other? Each will then listen to his own story, even if you parents are sitting in the same room. FOR BEAUTIFUL ~ PORTRAITS 28 KING ST. EAST GIRLS" WOVEN COTTON DRESSES GIRLS' ORLON PULLOVERS & CARDIGANS All sizes! All colors! Sacrifice Va price or less ALL TO GO FOR El OPEN EVENINGS HELPS BOTH Where there is a child under| seven or eight, an older child should often read to him. This is not only good for quieting and entertaining the younger and preparing him for success at school, but also has value to the reading child, giving him more ease of verbal expression. Best of all, it makes him a better reader. Perhaps there's no bet- ter way for a poor reader to gain good reading skill. It's wonderful when the teen- age boy or girl gets groups of young children together and reads to them, especially in the summer. And what an oppor- tunity teen-agers, have in sum- mer to read many books! What else could they do that would contribute more to their intel lectual self - improvement and later success at school? Go with your school-age chil- dren to your local public library and encourage them in selecting books to take home to read. Also take your pre-school child there. Let him choose books from the pictures or after Jou have read brief portions to {40 King Eg RA 5-0151 7-14. Reg. 6.98. SACRIFICE bebobdob dL bb bhdeda bs Dali Bad} Vo PRE CEEE RESGE'S iE 1 "dl PLAN NOW FOR THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND! INFANTS' DRESSES GIRLS' AND BOYS' SLIPPERS Reg. to 2.98. SACRIFICE ...... BOYS' 100% ORLON CARDIGANS BOYS' ORLON SHAG & BULKY caroicans 2 §) Reg. 4.98. SACRIFICE GIRLS' AND BOYS' SUEDE SETS 5.00 1.99 GIRLS' AND BOYS' Suede JODHPURS and OVERALLS Values to 5.98. SACRIFICE 4-6x. Reg. 2.98. SACRIFICE VARIOUS CHOICES If there is no public library near your home, a bookmobile may come by. Also, you might drive with your children to a more remote nuhlic library. Again, go with your children to] the best local bookstore, where an attendant can guide you on| selection of the best books. | GIRLS' GIRLS' BOXER SLIMS SKORTS 119 Ss 149 OUSES GIRLS' SUMMER COTTON PYJAMAS AND GOWNS Sizes 2-14. Reg. to 4.98 2-3x. Reg. 1.98. SACRIFICE ... Ladies' BATHING SUITS 12 styles to choose from 3.98 & 5.95 BATHING CAPS White and 59° * 88° colors SIZES 1-3X. 1 98 ' CHILDREN'S BATHING SUITS "a 1.98&2.98 8-14 BOY'S BATHING TRUNKS roex 79°t01.59 TO 6X 2- end 3-pe. sets. Reg. to 14.98. All to go for ... Kusio-Dzurun Nuptials Held The marriage of Anna Dzu-| run and Stanley Kosio, both of] Oshawa, was solemnized recent- ly at St. Hedwig's Roman Cath- olic Church. The bride is the| daughter of Mrs. Joseph Dzu- run of Poland and the late Mr. Dzurun and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jan Kusio of Poland. The Reverend Felix Kwiat- kowski officiated. The bride who was attended by Miss Renata Startek as maid-of-honor wore a full length gown of nylon net over satin. The lace bodice was de- signed with lily-point sleeves and a scalloped neckline studded with sequins. Lace inserts en- hanced the fully-gathered skirt. A pearl and sequin studded crown held her short veil edg- ed with lace and she carried a cascade of white carnations. Miss Startek was in blue ny- lon over taffeta featuring a draped shirred neckline and a fully-gathered skirt. She wore white accessories and carried pink and white carnations. Mr. Heromin Slawecki acted as best man. A reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew| Startek. The newly wedded pair! will live in Oshawa. [ REG. TO 3.98 SACRIFICE PRICE Girls' Cotton and Terylene GIRLS' COTTON SLIP NYLON CRINOLINES SACRIFICE 2.4 y, Pink and Blue, some with hoops. 199 2 00 Reg. to 3.98. SACRIFICE, V2 PRICE n SHORTS, SKORTS, SLIMS, PEDAL PUSHERS All Summer Wear Reduced at Sacrifice Prices 10 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-1531 Size 3-14, Reg. to 2.98. SACRIFICE 6. .mo - 18 mon. Reg. 2.98. SPECIAL 2 for . . Skirts! Skirts! 10-14x. Reg. to 9.98. ALL TO GO FOR ... | THONGS The most comfortable shoe ever. Children's Ladies Men's 39¢ 49¢ 59¢ BEACH Bj Goily patterned bags white, black, blue ap rubber lining to stop ture ok |® BEACH BALLS | | swim RiNGs D 25 & 49 79: & 98 0 2 STORES TO SERVE Y, DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA §, LETTUCE 2 NEW BIG 25° HEADS GRASS SEED FOR YOUR LAWNS FULL SUPPLY CHARCOAL FOR YOUR BARBEQUE Briquettes sac 45° nc 95° We eccept WELFARE FOOD VOUCHERS, Stretch your food vouchers end your feed Dollars ot GLECOFF'S, FREE DELIVERY vessessnee ty Jlotg fen NO PULLING | If a tuft appears above the | surface of a carpet, snip it off, but don't pull it out.

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