Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Jun 1961, p. 2

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9 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 21, 1961 y Frank Costello LR: fe hn pt Coyne S Shadow Cast Finishes Sentence Murder Bill 3 i Tale Seteyne A Senator Arthur Roebuck (L-- NEW YORK (AP) -- Rack- Read For Ontario) said the bill appears i Pro osals |eteer Frank Costello finished to drop a former provision in nn u ge |serving an income tax evasion the Criminal Code enabling a { i jury to find an accused guilty of sentence Tuesday, but his trou- Second Time nslanghter in IGlling a oniid By DON HANRIGHT | government policy. The Bank of conclusions are also erroneous." bles with the law were far from or concealing the body of a Canadian Press Staff Writer Canada governor might agree wy Coyne's proposals were over. OTTAWA (CP) -- The Senate|child. OTTAWA (CP) -- Never has|With some points in the budget, | contained in a Feb, 15 memor-| The 67-year - old underworld|8ave second reading--approval| He suggested that the commit- he nseen Piesence of o te man bl, hg I he dasie Klemens andum to the government, figure was simply transferred Tues tay a pov Re question Jetorn legal offi. budget. ' 3 minister said. {which he released Monday. Hei from federal to state custody t0|of murder and prescribing dif- Threaded through Finance Mr. Fleming repeated the|said that Mr. Fleming had * not serve a brief sentence for con-|ferent penalties for each. Minister Fleming's entire government's intention to legis-|found time" to discuss the pro- tempt of court. | The bill, already approved byl] Small roYD budget address Tuesday night|/late Mr. Coyne's removal, not-|posals with him. When he serves that, he faces|the Commons, would reservell Homes were the ideas of James E. ing the 'almost incredible re-| The minister told reporters t.qeral action to deport him to the gallows for 'planned and de- ARE Coyne--some of them incorpor- |fusal of Mr. Coyne to resign theiryesday night Mr. Coyne had 8 [liberate" capital murder. It Bi TY ated in government policy, but Post at the government's behest. never asked for such a discus. aly: {would substitute the sentence of 9 v AL most of them rejected. The governor himself was not! sion. The sentence on the four-year-|life imprisonment for all other Business / {old contempt finding amounts to|types which are to be called AT RA 8.5123 10 days. Inon-capital % The underlying difference be-| --"-- capital murder tween Mr, Coyne's ideas and! Seldom did Mr. Fleming miss in the Commons to hear the bea , an opportunity in his 4.000. budget speech. He was about DISAGREED ON DEFICITS word speech to dispute the 400 miles away in Stratford, g ro Ont, Coyne theories. The speech's OP |government policy were in the gly Summation: This hudget REJECTS SPEECH {field of taxation and deficits. | ne er at one ne were simply not A reporter offered to show| «A deficit does not merely by ; " The central bank governor im Mr. Fleming's budget ad-jts existence make an import- had warned against oy defi. ATES: ant contribution to employment cit financing, against large fed-| NO; I don't want to read it,"|and 'economic growth," Mr.| eral cash borrowing and Mr. Coyne answered. "I don't Coyne had said. Mr. Fleming | against any tax cuts. In fact Want to have anything to do|said the budget proposes to use| he sought a temporary increase With it." a big deficit "as a means of| in personal and corporation in-| Mr. Fleming hinted at a press| stimulating the economy." come tax rates, | conference Tuesday night at the, MR, Coyne had advocated new Mr. Fleming chose a peace-| Possibility of a return to an ar-|taxes and higher taxes in Tuxury| time record deficit of $650,000, bitrarily-set back of Canada in- goods and on personal and cor-| 000 for 1961-62--a deficit which, |terest rate, as a signal to banks poration ncomes, adopted | with non-budgetary cash needs,|and investors of the central "without apology and forth- will mean nearly $1,000,000,000 bank's monetary policies. At rightly justified as part of the lin federal borrowing. He lead present the central bank rate is|cost of a full-employment pol- {the line on general tax rates, "floating," Mr. Fleming said. civ." {and even reduced a few, | Mr. Coyne, in his last annual] Mr. Fleming made no funda. i ARR report, opposed any return to mental change in personal an [DISAGREE AGAIN id federal the former system of setting the corporation income tax rates. [oorrowing vould an 1d. Tederal| rate--fixed by the bank before He also left unchanged the taxes {borrowing would drive up inter- the floating rate was adopted in/on cigarets and liquor--except - - IG Value-Packed Days -- Wed. to Sat. SAVE 24; CASH AT SPROULE'S HEINZ TOMATO JUICE yo 8 "x 1.00 TINS ° SAVE 16c CASH AT SPROULE'S ALLENS DRINK APPLE, GRAPE 48.0Z. 1 00 : ORANGE TINS ® SAVE 23c CASH AT SPROULE'S 1 CLARK'S BEANS IN CLUB SAUCE 7 15-0Z. 1 WITH PORK TINS EE | government is trying to encour! nos l age a ion, food : : " a 2 reduction [reiterated that Mr. Coyne had|will make production of "king ONLY MR. K. COULD GIVE IT eras on mor commn eed thet, Mc pn Rnd 1, me, Mae, 2, "Co fund to purchase United States ernment and the bank's board, nomically possible. Pushinka, daughter of Rus- |The dog, with its own passport, | Khrushchev to President Ken- |dollars and thus bring the Ca.|luesday night he added that the sian space dog Strelka, is the | arrived Tuesday as a gift | nedy and his family. |nadian dollar to a discount. |governor also has lost the confi- newest White House canine. | from Soviet Premier Nikita | --(AP Wirephoto) | But Mr. Fleming saw Mr.|dence of the financial commun-| | Coynes statements as being infit%: dth t bel a | . "fundamental conflict" with An e government believed] |Father Aided ' "EA est rates, Mr. Fleming said the November, 1956. for a technical change in the In his speech, Mr. Fleming excise tax on cigarets - which - » SPECIAL SALE! This is by far the most attractive buy offered anywhere in Canada on full stereo, quality built tope-recorders. These German-made units are built in the finest tradi- tion for the fullest en joyment of full stereo tape recording. These sets have been re- tailing for 339.00. We have just 47 sets left and are sacrificing them for the fontastically low price 229 00 a Tew a hd Complete with 2 micro- phones, empty reel and 7" tape, Full guarantee. Hurry down to » | =e that a substantial deficit could Election Guesses |. c.:: ion Rr han Wife's Suicide ~~ Commission |! Come ed been preaching MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- A |doctrine." | utier Setbac pi Sp fn 202) To Check Our | |admitted in court Tuesday that FILLED 1600 WORDS 'vet he encouraged his 18-year - old| Jus . r. Fleming's direct refer OTTAWA (CP) -- Speculation that he was still engaged then wife to poi ply Sop | Financial State ences to Mr. Coyne--they filled on an sary federal general elec- in getting the baby budget her a glass of water to help her 0 1,600 words in a special section tion received a setback in Fi-through Parliament, and the/swallow a bottle of pills, then| OTTAWA (CP)--The govern-|in his speech--were balanced by flaice M i Bi ster Fleming's new one came just six months|gat beside her until he was sure Ment will appoint a royal com-|the indirect references, in which u get esiéy night. later. she was dead. mission i make 2 broad exam- he, referred Jo Suggestions in| rr rae) 0 theing gor A yA ol Ly vhert 4. Duciiarme, 31 year: re leis) doubt that many of en Mei rabies. and he promise' of To. Saourer ultel 0x monic ops Ted without emotion as District nour Tuesday night. "| At one point he said that "in dueing the value of the Cana- now. Mr. Diefenbaker is known ome ora Re oa Sod He indicated in his budget some quarters" it was believed dian dollar in the United States|to favor the idea of opening cherme's oath March 27 speech the government hopes toma jor structural maladjust-| money market. : parliamentary sessions in late "5 tot 1d Judse Roy Teceive the commission's report/ments in the economy were to| Politically, however, Conserv-| autumn, which would make an.| Ducharme to udge MOY well before 1964, when the Bank|blame for disappointing ] : rn a i > > : s produc- ative campaigners agreed that|other budget a possibility for Proctor the account was true,|, i i rels { : | 8 ) : : Act is to undergo its regular 10- tion levels, unemployment and the main vote-getting value of December. and pleaded guilty to a charge|, , 10 iay the balance-of-payments deficit the new budget will require, ppp Fleming told reporters pe/of aiding and abetting a sui- It will be the first such ma-| It was a thinly veiled refer. sogie time Ee was! 1S counting on "quite a substan cide, yijeh unjer V soonsin 1aw 550 stu since 1933. ence to Mr. Coyne, who often RADIO tial upturn in the economy" as 1s punishable Dy a Drison term" whe oommission's terms of (has referred to these "struc: freed from foreign exchangel, yesylt of Tuesday night's/of up to 10 years. Judge Proc-| ro one ang its make-up will tural" faults. coritrol after the Second World yy, gget, with a "minimal effect" |tor ordered a pre-sentence in-|p "no oq jatar. "The: analysis' which supports 637 SIMCOE ST. S. War and rose to a premium, Ca- ivi |vestigati nadians pond oy Rave been) h the cost of living. fyestigation, | Mr. Fleming said the com-|these proposals is in my judg- Corner Simcoe & Bloor proud of the strength of their | mission will delve into all as-|ment basically wrong,' said] KELLOGG'S CEREALS moe voters dont recopnze| WEATHER FORECAST [ot ef mame, Suing, wept Me. eM frm > CORN FLAKES OR 4 1 00 'K' CEREAL : FOR LJ that a dollar below par bene- | He sketched its terms of ref- fits wheat farmers, the big pulp, erence this way: and paper industry and the raw : | - "The financing of the Cana-| CORRECTION RE: OSHAWA LIONS CLUS | Ld QUALITY MEATS Ld ou Y gain !dian economy will be one of the ' » OSHAWA B'NAI B'RITH || " SAVE 26c CASH AT SPROULE'S KLEENEX TISSUES 4x" 1.00 SAVE 26c CASH AT SPROULE'S CHOICE 6 20-02. 1 00 ks QUALITY TINS ° o SAVE 16c CASH AT SPROULE"S % TH material producers in mining " "Bi nie? 3 + Doss SPROULE'S BEEF is Red Brand Beef -- Canada's Finest Grade te and similar industries. {major areas of study. NO. DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLE DONOR RETAIL VALUE | Assure Quality, Flavor and Tenderness, Thus, say Conservative stra- | "Such broa ics = 3 i TR oo [nnd Sehr of oer | Ae pf Se re PRIME RIB ROAST 1b. 65° means) Chance Of Rain [eres ahah) SEES Bi i et Sao) ps rave government sources management of the public debt, Bere on Rare Master Feeds 2 SWIFT'S. PREMIUM -- Sweet Pick TINDER: YOUNG ed said the budget should really be| Official forecasts issued at 5|cloudiness with a few scattered|Will be included in the terms] = rig df ig Wo 150 | Cottage Rolls ib. 49¢c Beef Liver ib. 44 ; Cc regarded as the third stage of a/2.M.:. showers tonight and Thursday.|of reference. I 91 Case 200 Sitto Salt Miniatures Sifto Sait Co. long-term buildup, started 15 Synopsis: Cool temperatures| Little change in temperature. "The commission will be] 10--1 Case 200 Sifto Salt Miniatures Sifto Salt Co. : | SWIFT'S PREMIUM MEATY, FLAVORFUL rT Yh . atnlv. y Sf ricting fi 11-1 Cose 200 Sifto Salt Miniatures Sifto Salt Co. . . 1-1b - months ago, to put Conserva.|2nd variable amounts of cloud| Hamilton: Mainly cloudy to- asked to study existing finan-f} },7y C0 pog Food Master Feed: / ~Ib. c c tive ey pr elfoot arg|are generally reported across day and Thursday. A few show-|cial institutions, such as the} 13-- Blue ae Satchel nl sp A Goods ...... 3. | Franks Cello Pkg. 49 Veal Patties 1b. 59 set the stage for the next gen-| Ontario this morning. Neverthe- ers beginning this morning and chartered banks, the Bank of || 14--25 Quart Milk Tokens Beaton's Dairy FI eral election. 3 |less overcast skies and showers|continuing tonight. Little/Canada, and other institutions|| 33° Quart Milk Tokens Buatowe Dairy... sereere Bs In the so-called baby budget 2re reported at various pointsichange in temperature. Winds|that perform banking and cre-|| 17--1 Pair Fur Trim Slippers West End Shoe Store ....... 229 fl STOCK UP last December, Mr "Fleming| along the north shore of Lake! north to northeast 1;-20. dit functions, and the various tat Aluwinum. tava Chair Fegmund Werner LH, to wes} . "a 9 ' . i H 3 " - : : -- en. 0 5 ON o! -- moved to encourage more Ca.|Ontario and in the Niagara Pe-| Northern Lake Huron, Geor-|acts of Parliament which govern || 36 oT Aue Cur Coasters Gen. Motors of Con. 'Itt, -.'8. ; \ FOR THE COTTAGE nadians to invest their money Minsula. A distance Sia Bay regions, North Bay, their activities. 21-1 Man's Wallet ¥ Gen. Motors of San, Red... i J in Canada, and to discourage|into Tennessee this morning will| Sudbury: Becoming cloudy with] "The commission will also be] 22--1 Chrome Canister Set (4 pes.) The B, F. Goodrich Store ... Co J LH 7 i values the big borrowers. 'such as ma |move into Virginia Thursday|a few showers this morning. |asked fo consider ways and|| 2° ™ Mews Shope Eddy's Shoe Store Sa on the oustanding dollar day icipalities, f i to the morning. While the storm cen-|Variable cloudiness Thursday. pa > i % 3 . : i oy ar pr en 0 the tre will stay well south of the|Little change in temperature. a gi fo. i te Je ALL PROCEEDS OF THIS AUCTION FOR LOCAL CHARI | i Save 25e CASH WALI Zee SSN > Most government projects an- Great Lakes, cloud along its|Winds light. tions." | J . nounced in last November's| northern edge will dominate the| White River, Algoma, Coch-| ; PRE i Rena ie v yi | PINEAPPLE Jams & Jellies throne speech at the opening of|Weather at many points inirane, western James Bay re-| | Era : 20- 9-oz. the current parliamentary ses-|Southern Ontario today and|gions, Sault Ste. Marie; Varia- i a i 5 Tin 1.00 Jars 1.00 sion and contained in the baby| Thursday. The accompanying|ble cloudiness today and Thurs. | SAVE 10c CASH -- SOLO budget were of a long-range na-|Showers will persist in the Nia-/day. A few showers today. Con- ) % ; SAVE 16c CASH ture. 2 gara Peninsula and at many tinuing cool. Winds light. id ¥ . CHAMPION MARGARINE Tuesday night's budget propo-| Points near the vicinity of Lake| Marine forecasts valid until ik RL 1 DOG FOOD hb sals comprised the third instal. Ontario and Lake Erie 11 a.m. Thursday: } i Pkgs 1.00 ment of these measures, quali- Southern Lake Huron, western, Lake Huron, Georgian Bay:| 15-01. 1 00 'SAVE 5c CASH . fied sources said, lake Erie regions, Windsor, Winds southwest at 15 knots.| ros Election fever has been run- London: Sunny with cloudy pe- Cloudy with a few eiogh to- ; TO I HE PUBL i 3 / i : SAVE. 20c--Asmorted Jie FANCY QUALITY i i si y sa. riods today. Mainly sunny and day be i a . ; . y | 3 HE gh y gig Ry roming partly cloify OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL AND ONLY TRUE DISCOUNT HOUSE ' § Chocolate Bars | CREAM CORN tives won three of four byelec-| Warmer on Thursday. Windsinight. Diefenbaker has been careful in| light tonight. Lig Winds north to northeast at 10 . . 4 20-0x. his public speeches and Com.| Eastern Lake Erie, eastern|knots increasing to 20 knots this| (0p N TILL 6 P.M. & 2: 4 12 for 1.00 5 Tins 1.00 tions May 29. Prime Minister/northerly 15 today, becoming, Lakes Erie and Ontario: | mons remarks to give no great|l:ake Ontario, Niagara regions: evening. Cloudy with showers to- TILL 9 P.M. i od \ GOLD SEAL RED & WH support to this fever--but not to Cloudy today and Thursday. day and Thursday. TILL 6 PM LY = . ig Lis A ED & WHITE quash it, either. Showers ending Thursday morn- Forecast temperatures 8 i "M. f 3 Fe Tuna Fish 4 MILK The situation, as summed up|ing. Little change in tempera-| Tow tonight, high Thursday: | , ¢ 3 Save 11¢ Cosh Spaghetti by one party strategist, is wg|ture. Winds north to northeast/ Windsor .... we 45 7 | 3 1 7 : : ) g 15-02 Tall general election this year if nec-|10:20- . |St; Thomas ....... 4 G.S.W. GOOD HEALTH LN ] 3 ; 1 Min " essary, but not necessarily al Weg ™m Lake Ontario region, London ... : i WASTE RECEPTA SANI-CANS sy i Tins .00 Tins 1.00 7 Tiny 1.00 general election this year." Torgfito: Mainly cloudy today Wingham . . i CLES Vp Special Bo Off B f the Week Asked why the new budget|a@nd( Thursday. Chance of show-| Hamilton ... : h5 [8 With built-in push-button Oxium Sanitizer to kill odors and | } pecia nus er uy 0 e wee wasn't presented last March, | £48 fe today and Jonight. Lit 3t Catharines .... 4 5 reduce ls Ri MogicClase tirame iid and _Fpun-ecated GARDEN HOSE 3 J FAMOUS CANNON STURDY ALUMINUM hi deral budget p.| the c nge in temperature. Toronto van 49 : 8.91 vay J Loh be | 3 ' bio 3 Jini ry Fleming Winds n ino Jorthesst 15. - Peterborough 3 55 8 AT THE DISCOUNT HOUSE-- 6.99 30 1. Rous 1.25 BATH TOWELS LAWN CHAIR | rton Xegion: Sunny with Trenton . . 4 i i i 10d reeriers Tuesday night] coudy periods today. Variable Killaloe .. : © He Public ud Glam ud pair 1.09 4.69 os a ROGERS MAJESTIC All Transistor 4 PORTABLE RADIOS LOUNGE COTS |N\ THE CASH SAVINGS MAKES IT WORTH YOUR nd veguior broadest. Beige feathers 4-position models that retail locally for WHILE TO SHOP AND SAVE AT SPROU LES > y 3 to be tha world's best portable. | 12.95. Green, Blue or Red. SAVE 19c CASH -- BURNS 79.95. 23 Fa FIFE 3-18. 4.0Z. The Ce are scons vous WHOLE CHICKEN 1.00 . 1 his Week... ScouNy HOUSE 65.00 ALWAYS 8.97 kL L L L TIN [J] Lp mis Eh yy A SAVE 17c CASH -- RED AND WHITE | sAvE 6c CASH TENTS KODACHROME 8 mm ..... 3.40 IQ JELLY POWDERS | EXTRA ,\". Ce 85¢ | Size KODACHROME Mark 2 | 10x J2 Cottage Type Tem 40 2 25 ASA 14, 1.00 SAVE 5c CASH -- DEL MONTE 9 x 12 Cottage Window Tent ANSCOCHROME a CASH -- a FRUIT COCKTAIL ith floor. . 20 ASA .... 2. QUIK 2 Tins 1.00 20-o0z. 1.00 9x18 Cottegaire Porch Tent Chocolate -- Strawberry -- Banana Tins with leatherette floor : ---- BARBECUES Aphis Aiilaaaetibie of BERR GL UL 1 BANANAS : . . : BR A Conga from 350 | YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD STORE | 4 ALL YOUR CAMPING NEEDS AT WHOLESALE PRICES | « / >) + JOSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE { © stom centre? rrsmmiisenituinsss 8 990 ALBERT ST. (Between Gibb & Olive) PHONE 728-0311 WEATHER WILL CONTINUE _ --. INA MOS Aoosssssdad

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