i es | 25.ApH, & Flats for Rent|27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estote for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale |29--Automobiles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 21, 1961 19 own 3 "room, th grey brick bunga-('$1 CHEVROLET, in good running com-|, Eig Ji ni S monthly. a 31000 S00, 24010) Dik mangalow, 'Booty, docorated andl ranch i garage, two dition, Will sell under $100. Telephone 32--Articles for Sale |32--Articles for Sale ; EA 56134 or RA 3-3905 heated, full price $8,900. Call Mary|labdscaped, garage; Gibbons Stree. |years located. Priced RA SIEM | orion COTTAGE speetalt 24inch Danby twe- a ol os? G3 BE, 8 Sr oS SATIS So 1 Saas ELECT cor spe Zn Restior, Prince Sires En EE oun arm ot sd Bt he ater good Call RA 8.3037. 3 from Make ideal summer 1960 ENVOY statoin wagon, on Solin Lu, Das OL 5.3320. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, RE ros ¢ reivire Juree « orm ana screens Dunge|home. Telephone RA 83260, condition, low = mileage. one owner, a estimates. Chair, rentals, | apartment, vate Bath and driveway, § per cent mortgage, YOUR car as down payment! Three-| Reasonable. BUYIN disposing Cleve Simeoe North Hai By It ie tf i! FOUR-ROO! trance, TV baby. Sra elcome, $3 RA 8-6453. H i i if ! ; H ot ete. Call Elme lovely view, principal, interest and [bedroom NHA oo eval with ree|if$0 CORVAIR, automatic, radio, four| ell "CPrancne, "Go oh tural J living room. Ideal for . taxe: ; $2, down; $13,200 full room, $12,900. monthly includes|door sedan, in top shape, telephone BEB foc couple or teachers. be available taxes included; SZ000 and I i deoon, A SI070 of RA |ATS st Ove, most 0 ses 9 {September 1. Rent reasonable. RA 3 oe) 5 G.M.C. Rt Suck combi Combination, Goodrich EE - ROOM apartment, on_srwund furnished PRIVATE od] Ty a Sons Brookiin fous kitchen, 3 . phous Brooklin OL iol. __ floor, unfurnished, private ce. LARGE TREED LOT jam storms, screens, irppament Shed.(oso "IiPALA convertible, vary with ! $1,000 A bat- cilities. Apply 67 Queen Street. Po 2-bedr , lorge kitchen [3400 DOWN -- i 'Automatic, iD, power |B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- aes, hat: five-room home in Ajax taxes, with |squipped, many extras, MO 8-4844. Kelvinator = refrigerators, CHEN , heated, all and living room, full bath, [easy ow arts Oatas] i xo unit pay. | vision, Thrifty Budget RA 54543. 300 tops A aerial, private entrance. Vacast "sow. Bievinson D sirest;. Good [oon Bose, Ranior TLL 5 KX Fe Sak Jos, Sues 8 SECT tt, SHIH aT | Child RA 51953. . . lophone Ajax WH 21004 "| cash registers, RA 81830. if ih i fl B § HE : if it i i] hore 9.2095. [1040 FULL PRI Fo | Teloptiuny A% x b= i. FOUR CORNERS Available July neighbors. TEmple 9- . brick, near I or Tat GM i _ |FOR SALE -- Davidson 74 1.1081, self « contained first floor site| io low taxes. 'Torras,| 91 CHEV Belair, two doar pooh BP , hE aie nividen 74 Es ip mieh, Deut aad war Duty P- ohn Sandy, RA 5.8010. Joseph Boseo, E000 re Eel, og JF aay : HOWE & PETERS [ier rss VOTE Sasi ad as, ani Coa, Seve Mtr oles See. Mr. Kotak 8 J s " this lovely a ia, nylon top. 76 aus: electric stove, 5 years 8 Simcoe North, home and white, white : THREE-ROOM apartment, newly 86co. Realtors mat, condition. Telephone, ground electrically \ 67 King Street East g THREE-TON GMC cab and Hag central, go facilities, RA 5.7732 Plenty of extras oist DP axle, hydraulic brakes, outlet, private entrance, Sle GRENFELL ST. Wes Ei Elliott, any time, RA 5-658, Wilson i SESE sare wheel and SELLING funiture? We'll buy FURNISHED three - room re . re - Lumber Yard. 473 Ritson Road South. i At. Ughts. Children' 1 $70, RA : Two - storey frame income TRIPLEX, priced, Ae own T2235 CHEVROLET, fourdoor» ET Toor standard. | | RA 3.9180. home, centrally located, low |geaped grounds. $200 monthly fg Rx good tires, Sood sondition, Jivoushout. PAINT, interior, vi MONTHLY, two unfurnished rooms,| $13,900 FULL PRICE taxes Jn hid class condition, |come; Open for ater, Weinberger Apply 30) Cove Est of Motels. AF fay colors. an ey th bath, TV ---- use of wi two throoms. Down pay- id ju aad ele Apply 243 Cadi 6 room brick ranch bungalow ment only $2200, Call Ro- FETE BALE -- bedrooms i iv. liv AUSTIN 850, <xeellent condition, -- sh BX 37624. "apartment, [128 Sou ul in the north-west area. Lo- londe Tierney, RA 5-5207. South, Car accepted as partial down 1958 CHEVROLET coach, two - tone, gines. 74 ps mowers, e en as mew building. 35 ADDL 165 Verdun Road. RA |26--Rooms for Rent cated these 20 schools, hop Payment. BA 3.4404 or RA S354. ry peur: Tele | NEW Glide camera a and projector. cogt| Ee, Dylon A f. at i nd bus service. Care after 6 p.m. v. Wi Loa Sid, > 050 ping a ME HOMES phone _8-2752 P. 814030, 'sacrifice $99. Apply 'Mrs Glass" Ample atlsiest paring. RA Famed] Ers ise angle, room, Eu ony. Use| ries for $94.15 o month nce FOR REAL ESTATE [5 FoNriac a1 contin, Tnside waa Hewitt, Bighway 12 12 shes nora of[3-495 ame. Fg [of grounds. Reasonable rent and cen.| principal, interest and taxes. 4 apartments, good oreo, out. Telephone MO 8.5375 after § p.m.| Whitby. =D SPECIAL bachelor Avariment 10 apart: heated, self- 5-447 E, RA 50575, See it now ond make on of- sound building, gross rental, DON S SMITH '61 CORVAIR monza coupe. Has every USED parts and repairs for 2 makes eletz} I (i a went building, private, dest for Souple; FURNISHED comfortable housekeeping) fer to Dick Young RA $3,250, Price $19,000 -- . ble esta, lncding special four he 11: refrigerator, $85. RA outlet, M self room for central, Dear| 5-6588 -- Wilson Realtor. $4,000 down. nance. RA 8-1203. J RA 3-4u5. Rr North | Sencral Motors: hoa 4 Juris Vickery Real Estate YORE eon 2241. pay highest prices In the eity for #0 - BEDROOM apartment on Sim: ih, Suit business' couple. ply 12 Eigin Street East. JOHN A. J. 6 opartments, all rented, . RA 8.5228 overhauled, also now ports cable belt|TWO treadie sowing machines, 918 used furniture Pretty's Used Furniture Street North, complete with stove| 20 +3 ss $4,320. Price $25,000 Business ..... sander, and rotor. All good condition, cach. One Elna, open arm, guaraiteed, Store. | 271. 444 Simcoe Sou $ha refrigerator. Phone RA 85-6343. 9 SELF-CONTAINED three - room apart. THREE furnished rooms, central, suit B 0 L A H O O D gro: 4 . a 9 s Tigi d to $65. Also two new $70 TENTS, camp cots, sleeping bags, Tan: am. to 5 pm. ment, private i builtin cupboards | girls or gentlemen reasoiable rent. 337 with $5,000 down. RA 8-487 8 BUICK harp, +3505 oh dlscount. 163 Simcoe Street South. RA terns, picnic mie jugs, camp stoves. Best and sink, heavy A - . 3.6387. 4 3 ansmils- n Tire Store, MON THLY =~ new, modern, Wo" Adults, please. RA 3-327 ONE bright bed - sitting room | "67 ge. Jum nes 5 apartments, all forked, 8, geod sion, $295. Telephone RA 8 BATH sere owen ome Sten. a" Street. West. RA 56511. "Terms building, refrigerator, stove, washer, CENTRAL -- three - room apartment, with modern furniture in clean home. ; 67 Simcoe oppearance, gross 00. PRIV ATE S ALE 1951 DODGE pickup, oo oR. sump pumps, piping and fittings, ce. (to Suit you" ~~ goer, paved parking. RA [al ground floor, private |All conveniences, One minute to Shop-| Office Hrs. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Price $27.500. 4 "down Reasonable. Call RA 3-3991 after 5 p.m.| ment mixer, wheel barrow, roto-tiller, ONE rug 9 by 12 mushroom, never 4. lining RA 8.1345 or apply 73 Oni Ontario | ping Centre. Men only, 38 Fe: Bou- or ho i . |IDODGE, $1295 cash, Late '58 model, |lawn mowers, boat, motor, trailer, *56 od used. Cost $150, $135 or best offer. pW 1 and | Street. levard, BA 5-qust. $800. DOWN $800. payment Jr TOUS ex Brand new five-rodm bark fiyod00r sport tone color, blue metal'|car. H. Chinn, Hillside aud Park Rond RA 8.21%. bath, including TV aerial, refrigerator| FOUR-ROOM apartment, second floor, ROOM in modern home, nicely furnish. | change. Open for offer. brick bungalow with stone |lic and white, white 2300 ac- |South. Tre olen her, and stove, and free dryer, Paved drive- private entrance, near school, heav. avy ed, continuous hot water, bus stop atl uo bungalow not id, 2 % front, situated on lonscaped [tual miles, One owner, never been on GUITAR, Gibson, like new, good tone, i IE le of colors and patterns. way. RA 3.9141. re Elon RR Sa: North er ol © must board. Telephote por from Gib Sr. Full high | Duplex. years old, 2 som lot with three full-grown (VON [ONE GilEhuay ins ies sapeitiye, cise. Best offer. Telephone Regular Sic. two for $1. Circus Sire, eH -- . plete apartments, Price ~ A » RA 5- King Street West. Gunter, private path tad ehieance. con | TWO-BEDROOM Satu available| ROOM in private home, newly deco] basement, oll extras included. 900 -- terms. Wilson Real- maples ot rear. Hellywsed orth | of Whitby, suite, room suite, Kitchen suite, win- tral, near King treet. 321 Anderson Av-|July 1, furnished or unfurnished. Ap- Fated, very central, spring Halires, Good terms. Call Mr. Rat- tor. Please ask for Charles kitchen, ceramic tile on: stand. suite, % eC complete, three pairs of (dow drapes, dinnerware ot. Pracinal. enue or RA 5-7876. ply 49 Simcoe Street North or RA sul 2 Elgin Street clifffe, RA 5-6544. Rankine RA 8-6588. Resi- vanity in bathroom, mohog- |'s5 PONTIAC V-8 deluxe four-door fully et congoleum, numerous articles. |ly new. 3.2164. FURNISHED apartment Mad single 00 ova Ah oman: dence RA 8-3682. ony trimmed throughout, [CGLRECY: Telephone RA 5-0667. RA FIVE rooms of furniture. including " entrance, BEDROOM living pply : 4 FT. boat, windshield, steering, up-|frig, 21% pri ogg Tg TH 96 Centre|room aw with dinette area, kitchen refriger- |Street or phone RA 3-7814. LARGE FAMILY? section basement, CUSTOM (In the dash) Dominion Tire|10 olgtred. many extras, 25 HP Johnson odds 5 ends, Call i Bob Hopwins. RA Street. ty laundry facilities. RA 9 i fadics from $39.95. Try Di nditi Apply 37 Sa 8! lta Ll LARGE ly MSR 7 ome -- Welker 2 | (YDEN HOUSE | Loceted on 426 Mier gies py uJ mer i fed Bie a i oa living rooms with Ma | THREE -- BOOM upstairs apartment, Courtice. Buy now and save, $1800. storey brick dwelling on | , Just off Gibbons - FONTIAC Parisionne_ sonvertibis; joni, "STEFTED with 757 | LEA tarpaulins, cam P vias ern kitchen, three-plece ba unfurnished, heat and hydro supplied, |R. 8-5679. a Gliddon Ave. with gorage. $13,300.--$1500. Down Honduras maroon, radio, with rear sent Mark 20 PIED Jygo vim 5.0294. Sheets, Lemals, Sg are, i a Stage Yo was. W rE pan three QEFEST ) TE oe bene gr) Very good role, Mg : e544 eet TON IGHT RA 5-3662 Ritpbohe a iiss after 5 "|'60 TELEVISION, RCA, 18" scresh, Fircraic Fd service, parts for' all t. PARTL arge) room , » d II Mr. Sibl : # ¥ ; with base. Large upholstered c | makes. head: cord. Tent, private entrance and bain, heat: alk to South i Apply 214 Dearborn Avenue. RA as. o saier 6:30 till 9 p.m. 29--Automobiles for Sal good, body 00d, Tad, good tires, $200" 2: Ra toi. | Meagher, sing "Breet "Wot. Bk ment, prival h ki room, clean . ey A Coe and Saft eoupie ot. We . gentlemen. Tele. suit one or omol r ® |or best offer, RA 3-7635, PIANO small size, Cecilian LW pe A ood for Z in 0 Ee two at 77 Ontario Street 14 SUITE APT. BLDG. FROM $1,200 DOWN JSF YOILRSWAGON scious; uur Bus, 33 AUSTIN Healey deluxe, good cond: rors micrmation, I A F.C Ping TW o-BEDROO apartment, P] hi 1 attic room, of b 3 " o 3 ings and tollet preparations, dial living Joom, close $o GM, tus, avail] cou gourle preferred, fous four roca "and bath, [NICELY tome des. centrat, couple| 2 yrs. old, fully equipped, ll On F IA Fina Service station 160 pL. Any w a castomiiie. with corfinental | ol suit. (REVRIGERATOR. small loge prep: a Able July 1 RA Ask for fi ore And nt IPRA [or gentleman, abstainer. 45 Drew| jegsed, reasonable rents. n rarewe' Avenue and radio, Excellent condition. Reason. tion, chesterfield and two chairs, sult-| TYPING paper on sale, letier Wiss; Sree, J vate en |5-1080. © T [Street, RA 3.4304, Close to G.M. plant; sacrifice Just South of Taylor able for cash. OL 53448, able for cottage. Phone 5-399. white buy in bulk lots and trance, and ap I July 1, Can PRIVATE apartment, three rooms, BED = SITTING Fours fof girl, private} jp $890 000. For details, VOLVO Ki A yoro custom line, fordor, bodys; HP AIR conditioner, used = yer, ave, £5 1 Ib. . pkg. $1. 0, 9 Ib. pike, $300, see any time. 112 Stevenson Road North. ip. cupbotses and sink in Kitchen, everything supplied | in better home,| coll Mr. Appleby, RA 5-6544 Most. dependable. signals, Telephone RA 5-720. 21694 after & p.m SFERTA = Temp, ultra-violet ght, on Hoek from King. plece ath, bp Joavy wiring, TV out- |= Cs RA 5- or 3-3398. 08 pen ' Ee & h new, $15. "RA rooms. unfurniabed, 955 month. | 1°t. ey 5 Street East. The leader on the road end 31 BUICK, A-1 condition, 66,000 miles; ONE used » S15. 1 ly, i and h THREE or fou a. [BOOM for rent. is 24 Bruce % $6,900 track "41 Chev=olet, also Al Stodition, Apply one space heater, medium. Reasonable. | REFRIGERATOR, 4 I x eh Food mind children oot oka APR 1 Jonable. « Shildres welcome. 173 Rutson ONE very nice room, double bag, $7 . Insurance Associates Ltd. JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE Biel and facta Sch he station, b! Telephone RA 3-4825 ™ RA 5.457 419 Albert Street, Road Sou ___|weekly. Apply 100 Buchingham Avenue S----- AIR conditioner for sale, Frigidaire. ENCYCLOPEDIA (Americana) 47 vol rl or rT first |O telephone RA 8-2758, $800 down -- 8 rooms, oil FINA SERVICE 1938 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe; grey eolor,/One year old. Telephone RA 8-0243/umes with case. Practically mew, will i rg re well Avenue, Rear parking facilities; E Yor Solo heat, carries like rent. Close S M ACKO 449 Ritson S." RA 8-0921 [vith radio, Priced to sell, Cash, trade aster 6"p.m. sell half price. RA 57752. by Centre. ~ Available "July 15. tres floor apartment, 27--Real Estate for to shops, schools ond bus. . | Brock North, Whitby. MO 88001. COOK stove, Findley _condour, white me _-_ vine: | IASTOREY brick house, three Tooms| Coll ond see this one; ask REALTOR | BUYING OR SELLING SEE |i55% OLDSMOBILE, in exceniont condi VOLVO PENTA [enamel very good condition. Telephone ment, modern kitchen, private ite bath, ™v FIvEROON apartment, north of WHHL: bath, in good condition, quiet location.| for Mr. Swarbrick, RA 187 KING ST. E. rec gt be ; Street ENGINES STOVE, heavy duty, good condition, Soul Telephone RA $2217 ster 6 + me For farther | EA Sn. SI Curtis Avetuc. Sw8544.00,5-0342 TED CAM N East RA 55058, only $35. Apply 100 Buckingham Ave. - oL iid EO a iat, and" many extran| Mortgages 8 Areanpe d, Bought 5Va-room large-size bungo- TOP shape, Dodge 55, radio, Real good LARSON COMBOARD ue er te taxes, low with goroge on V2 ocre MOTORS Rumnert Going cheap. 15 Sandra Street B 0 ATS KITCHEN table, ti op with two , mew: ADELAIDE TERRACE decorated private spirance, heated. Ne dl eS A well londscaped lot just east chairs, almost new, $15. Telephone RA Children RA 34847 after 6.700 Motors, garage, large lot, all Member O.D.R.E.B, of Oshawa. This property 89 IMPALA co convertible, ivory, blue in- New modem 2 - bed conveniences. Bargain for cash or good = offers privacy ond plenty of 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA |teyior, New condition, all extras. Trade For demonstration nee trailer, with paddler eam vor! E rtment. Stove, frig, own payment, f ( £ wil y for own payment. F e rth e, cle, broodioom floor, park ADULTS SPECIAL Se i a LW Taunton at LUC AS PE ACOCK gh By ie, aga RA 3.4494 Res RA'5.5574 wi oath Billie wraiies,| MARINE STORAGE mings. oy lng apace ae, loundy Jociiten NEW TWO-BEDROOM Mitchell's Comers, Close, to school, den and fruit trees. All this body clean. Only $125. RA 5-1667. AND SUPPLY LTD. FRIGIDATRE Sar ote and ary to oly, 329 Adelaide" Ave., LARGE APARTMENTS |Four=oom furnished apartment on Realtor for $13,300. A real buy for | NAGY MOTOR SALES [iss METEOR Niagara deluxe. Ts! grooklin, Ont, OL 5-364) fon "Co Contact pole Totary, pn: e: , me: 0) M and hos- J we with a tial ear is ons in 5 88 ER MONTH I Ra Tr] © er ater | Even MS eng vee. howe otiul 2 FOOD 8 FREEZER [Torsion tee wy , sses, APARTMENTS WRITES [om oT 2h BEL VEE APPLEMILL HA Syath | Fo Mid desendoble | com nt Som. of VOT I SEER Sma BELA LAN Raggi G0 Fob Ended Modern: 'ones and twosbidh Harold Segal at RA 8628, S. D. 408 KING ST. WEST [twodcor hardie P FATT iia Sse, VE Tl. H ire- i Frey - 3 colors. Guaran at, s. wom apres, $85 ad | MODERN, LARGE | Bie in Wong" coh RA S-4ot SE (7 My Rc ri Det place in living room. Chine backup lghte, mats, excellent cond: You mey hove Wied the rest, up. Best location. Phone -- AP ARTMENTS OPEN HOUSE a om. Ne & PETERS Trade your boot on a ear 3.5018. : for Tess, 80% groceries sup- BAY carriage, £000, condition, $35 RA 8-1194 IN BEAU VALLEY tiled bathroom. Finished Rec. HOWE ow or Lise: 30--Automobiles Wanted | Plied, oll well-known pro- [LARGE size child's crib, nearly sews room, wi i | ' i ts. [3% HP outboard 3 NOW VACANT Evenings 6 till 9 9 alias slot, REALTORS hy HER TS WANTED good ued Sar, 85 os, Gusts, highest guality iio good condition. h. Telephone HA £3 a MODERN In new building, two bed- Satur doy Mires 9nd nicely landscaped yerd. 67 King St. E. Norte Conlin Rd, | Tclephone RA Sais1, ~~ ° "| the only one guaronteed by [COMBINATION propane gas and ied rooms, dining area, electri- 2 till 5:30 You Sppertunity to acquire RA 5-7732 | ort] RAS Bo 12 nes EE i reckers want Sood icici Ne enamel, two ovens. suitable for cottage lly equipped, including home, with many extras, o | cars for wrecking. est prices pa ent. for | AND 2 BEDROOM Sa I a reasonable price. Coll us -UP i ki RA 5-118 Demonstration -- no obligo- |LOEWE Opta transistor portable radi athe: a herly PRIVATE SALE for particulors, and to in- CLEAN UF WEEK Oper evenings or weekends AE E Auto Wreckers want tion. Zenith 9-6100. with FM short ar and ane ~ a spect, Phyllis Jubb, RA cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. A $99, nee. Lyiablesie APARTMENTS = Just completed five. room | 3.3240 $7,900 full price for an 8- WILLIS PRIVATE a win vey su am TV. TOWERS Street West." a . x : bark brick bungalow with i fo offered. Telepho! 15 FT. cedar strip boat, Quiet residential street | LOOKING FOR Sos Fre to oh lod NEAR ST. HEDWIGS room 275m here, Sow being MOTORS Dr Am ws ne $55 quipped, 18 HP lard stor and . 5 Ul kite MOBILE H of all sizes, nd i or appl close to transportation; SOMETHING pe i To as 1f you have o sizeable down 3 50m a Parivient Slready TAUNTON RD. EAST MOBIL Homes of all aey Prices ay AON. strgctare. with. off Serius Rowe, stoves and 'fridges. T.V. BETTER ? in bathroom, mahogany payment, this is a real bor- ES ry antl Your AUSTIN j2 tie Classifieq section. "Fara to clase chonnel antenna, all galvan- money: 'Smart rng ohare lou : od J § trimmed throughout. Sec- ari poaelity built five-toom pus Pus By ne oy Dealer - = ized, guaranteed 1 year. sulte, one only, floor sample, 808; outlet, drapes and pav Then here is your answer -- tionol basement, kitchen. Three oe find '| $173. For further informa- 50 CARS WANTED TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond [Zh 00 al essen) Segular seh30, : : R 5 St. East, RA 8-678) sale $20.88; 3-piece bedroom smite, king. immediate occupancy. 5-room | | oeated on 297 Farewell Dedronnt, © with dre tion call Rolande Tierney RA RA 5-0331 Buns New. Cor? , slightly marked, sale $84.00; new car. pa g modern opartment in nearly- pg | room Tees tiled te 5.5207. uying @ New bed baby pram, sale $19.95; floor . jor | rings, smart patterns, sale 25¢ per new Tri-Plex -- all large We have a good assortment Sell your used Cor to "Ted". OAT-MOTO foot; Bot PHONE rooms, stove, 'frig, paved $13,750--$1500 Down a htractvely decorated, 5% of Used Cars. Talk "Cash" to the New Cor BOAT TOR Jico Washable. fabrilte. am, 'one. ols, RA 5-7272 parking, washer ond dryer. RA 5.3662 stores 'and. screens. Large Dealer and "SAVE". TRAILER glear out $66; chrome kitchen suite, ~ , sal $100.00 monthiy. Call' RA fenced yard. Priced ot only | oer mae ony in. | CAR INSURANCE | TED CAMPIN MOTORS | 15° moulded plywood, fully [Coss Church Sunset on ° Foriiure after 5: A alta i ; 45 h.p. Mer- |BUILDING material -5787 . $11,900. Please call, Roy briek bungalow complete with Careful drivers are preferred RA 3-4494. Res. RA 5-5574 equipped boat; P. material, used lumber, in- RA 5-578 5-6783 W. Schatzmann | Fini, ra 5.3455, stone fireplace, cellor en | drivers and enicy a saving of Cur slectric; Mastercraft (oor a (oars an larye EALTOR , di icel $10, $15 or $25 or better heavy-duty trailer. WHITBY CLASSIFIED 101 DUNDAS ST. W. HIGHLAND AVE. londscoped, located in good | than 209% on their car in. $ALL CASH$ PHONE RA 5-4228 |[wotor Fe me, cont b sive, private. close. $0. bus "asd Ping. Tolophone RA 8-6605. WHITBY -- MO 8-3338 Yhis: five-room. brick bu residential area, Call Earle surance. Half-year payments. 3-2783, = y ng- RA 5. I oda OMPare-- For clean cars we deal up or UNDERPRICED"" alow is in beautiful condition Alien 3.7782 Col js roa Yn os 9 down. Liens paid off. $1.98. SPECIALS | ! 7%. 34--Lost & Found rom loomed livi 00 ar SEVRC_ unit Siiind 0%, Jing TAKER oun sguinegs wib sive] FOR QUICK SALE | fom nM rodioomed find $ ROOMS SCHOFIELD NICOLS MOTOR SALES | DRAPERY MATERIALReo. (bie, bus, Licebes Si. Toéosoms Tor, Chestini Hest Phoss MO 8.252 | Avply 233 Palace Street, Whithy, Tele pletely finished rec. room. Over 1100 sq. fi, of living Insurance Associates Ltd. 512 BROCK ST. N_ WHITBY PRINTS -- 3 yds. $1.00 |RA soz. HAN Sraliatie for work 1B hitme LAS, RA 4302. Oshawa. $9,0000, fully furnished, 7 4 pc. tiled bathroom. Attrae- space in this 3 ldrge bed- 360 KING ST. WEST "MO 8-8001 DRAPES, made io order, [LOST one pair of ladies Diack rim: : : 7 e i med eyegla , at Oeh. lawn, cutting, interior ane etorion FoR "B RENT: Two furnished rooms,| room house, paved drive, gar: tively decorated throughout. room home, located 10 min- RA 3-2265 Modern design, reasonable Gin Cone Earnivar on Monday May suitable for business i i - . - Bouse painting ral | couple. Avply 305 Perry Street. Tele- age, in Whitby, terms arran To inspect please call -- Jan utes from downtown, Oil SPOT CASH rates. We also carry @ com- 22nd. Whitehall 2.0763. Collect -- phone MO ged. Miller, RA 5.2993. heating, modern kitchen, HI! LTOP MOTORS PAID FOR ° Plate id of other fabrics Lost Long T haired grey, Piown OR SALE: , good ew. two De ™ I 45 9% at real savings. cat, pa 'ersian, Last se Ee La aou Hor chives. Say Fox REN: Nor Nechon. sun tote] $7,900, 7 room house in Ash- GRETA ST. i pores T= T RA 3.7827 i, 'poses Cute Shae Wht 1 4 4. y pay! Good clean cars, Trade up and Jlderson Avenue, Please ne iy NGO 8.4450. Gist, Walls vi yith' one child, Immediate possession.| burn, excellent condition, $10,900.00 only $66, including taxes. li H or down, Leins paid off. M & C DRY GOODS RA _5-4564. Ph » MO 85167 after 4 p.m. pc. bath, small barn, terms. . Call Don Howe RA 5.7733 | HO iday Specials : : LOS! th A b 74 Celina St. LOST -- light blue budgie, Southmead or Walnut Soot foe oy Eh floors, tile kitchen, oe al. $8,500, 2 storey, 6 rooms, Owner leaving country, and or RA 3-9692, DODD MOTOR SALES area, last seen at Werner's, answers to FOR RENE yoom, also Mok, large lawn, he I brick, lovely landscaped, near must sell this 6-room brick, '59 THUNDERBIRD Convert- 314 PARK RD. S. Mickey. Small girls pet. Please phone " FOUND -- Tricycle, vi vicinity of of South. " A FOR RENT: Three med apartment, t nt, One | © Mrs. Ee We" private bath and entrance. Immediate| PY: reed yord, Attractive fving New N.H.A. brick Sungolow pins new . . ro 31--Automobile Repairs $55 mead, Telephone BA 9805 STUDENTS! A super value, approxi kama indil] a Building lots, apartment sites, bathrooms. Carries for $85 located in east end of City . Co Bip Ba ony' " S18 Dying BC SERVICES [Comrie bookkeeper all sizes, all prices. o month. Taxes only $194. close to Public Separate and MERCURY Panel = Has HOUSTON'S GARAGE By Oshawa Times oD, pared, income tax returns. MO 88252. Call W. YSchatzmann, even- call = Irene. Brown. RA oil heating, 4 pc. tile bath in sleeping compartment, all-channel head, hot-dip gal- |35--Legal FOR SALE -- Continental bed, com-| ings MO 8-3253. 5.3867. " carports, fully decorated. Only 25,000 1 owner BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- vonized. Guaranteed one |r wii not be responsible For Bny Members of Oshawa and session, Please call Don holidays ... $1,295.00 MOTOR TUNE - UP AND wife heron Peggy Ann O'Reilly, on Cement Gravel FOR RENT -- $60 monthly, 3 and 4 | Y District Real Estate Board Howe RA 3-9692. ,| GENERAL REPAIRS. oF Ser Wis dats, June 1, 161, with. Driveway Gravel and Fill. area, newly po Bg facil. LLOYD REAL BUICK Le Sobre 4-dr. 67 KING ST. W. OSHAWA T.V. Gra n. O'Reilly MO 8-2660 mats, 390, 3% and $100. in > modern $550.00 DOWN PO i door Sedan | rioLESALE prices oa WAC vieizs| 361 GIBBONS STREET stoves, frig's. housekeeping ] " RA sleeping accommodations, $6 weekly, Ln BR, No. 2 highway west of Whit- with lorge garage. Nicely $1677 ible -- Fuel power equip- RA 3-9421 T.V. TOWERS S674, room, and dining room 1) LOST -- Blue budgie i vii Olive and Highland. = Tel iy mately 630 sheets of letter e A h 40-ft. tower structu ith 89833 alter 5 Woitby, or as desired. Statements pre. For further particulars, please High Schools. 3 bedrooms, extra folding seat, built- and SERVICE STATION ch oS uchiis wi GRAVEL - LOAM [Die rh mates, Hood coon eas: Available for immediate pos- local miles. Ideal for the PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. year.. debts contracted in my name by my Delivery Monday to Sat, Noon. ities' Parking, close to schools, chil LIST WITH LLOYD Sedan -- Locally owned. RA 3.7822 SUPPLY LTD dren's playground. Apply 300 High LL YOUR MOVER Low mileage, $2,495.00 - . ERIC C. BRANTON [sivet THEN CALL YO 32 Articles for Sale FUEL TENDER MO -- Automatic, radio, ra- nly at Park v, 91 ealed ten Ty ~ " car Jadios, omy at Parkway 1 a RA 8- 8180 Seale ders clearly mark Six room brick bungalow, Real Estate Limited built motor just installed. Sim RCA Victo: rvice BOATING AND In your own exclusive terr- Soke 1 Sols Sd hep 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL RA 8-4678 $1495.00 RES Yiotes KROEWLER CHESTERFIELD ge ited Pelow for_the year CAMPING itory sell ondition. | $70.00 monthly on ane mrt. WILSON RD. NORTH BO A a door -- OE eo Tos Naru] SEC TIONAL le a re, EQUIPMENT itory sell an uncondi gage. For more information, . Complete With podie ond outbonrd motor, cost price. RA 5.8063 ship School Area of South FOR RENT ally, guaranteed product fell yin Cruikshonks ot RA Attractive 3-bedroom brick bungalow in ideal location, large Tres. : 9% TA R17 BOOKCASE, SMALL DESK, Darlington will be received by Tents, all sizes, $7 - $15 per ? * hol style kitchen, storms ond screens, many extras. Just WILLYS JEEP --- Re- COFFEE TABLE, 6 x 9 AX: the undersigned up to July eek. 4 which is advertised nat- 90 LA SALLE AVE. $895.00 down, balance on 1 N.H.A. mortgage. Full price built 6-cyl. motor. Good Complete Sule of MINSTER RUG, RUG 9 14, 1961. Sleeping Bogs, Coolers, lan- anal TV ™" ena ; only $12,770.00. ; as new, 4-wheel drive. Aluminum Products i ny STAND wih (0) Stove Oil -- peck period ona VY. is is on extremely well- 1,095. Doors, dows. -- ed Stoves, 32 weekly. ond . yon dion home with a od gar- OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH CHEAPER Wii 00 Sem Oc rious Prime Ed FLOOR saps, ThCM, approx. gallonage 700 A ft vs. g A gal. per mo, £340 ond VAS per week, CALL COLLECT SN nly corned | Didnt Abedroom bungalow == 1222 5. W,, ow resdy ; low prices. We also carry | §Uj|TE WESTINGHOUSE pe Outboard tors, all sizes, pleasant in size, cwner very for occupancy. Hollywood style kitchen, mahogany cupboards 54 OLDS. Sedan -- Auto- Canada's finest Awning, REF, 21" GAS STOVE, (b) Fuel Oil -- peak period $15 and up. od RU 2-4782 ark Ergin he Mii with china cabinet in dining area. Bathroom with vanity, colored matic radio .. $195.00 Porch Railing, very reason- FILTER QUEEN VACUUM approx, gallonage 6000 Boat, 2s Water a on. offer. Phone for Bill fre, Wolk-out basement with "ovine lot. A real buy at only "54 CHEV Needs ohle pies. ALEX VAJDA CLEANER, G.E. FLOOR POL- gal. per mo. iler, . PERMARK i i : 14 with approximately 0 down, body LL ISHER, BEVERLY BOX 14' Runcbout, 25 electric Tn MARKEY MN YOUR Millor ot RA 8-5123 work ....... $150.00 RA 3.9851 SPRING and MATTRESS, (c) Stoker Coal -- 16 tons Canoes rnd Corton Yoots, | assures o family of 4 Good 2 BLOCKS FROM KING HIGHLAND AVE. "53 BUICK'S -- 3 to choose ¥ SINGLE BEDS complete, for she year, $15 per week, Living. This includes Fri- INA VERY. QUIET AREA S-foom brick and stone ranch style, double garage, beautifully from. Eoch .. $175.00 CURITY DIAPERS INGLE BOOKCASE v5.0 (d) Stove Coal -- 30 tons oy We also rent, repair and sell gidsire Freszer i - 9 rooms, $13,900 for this | londscaped, hedged, recreation room, tiled bath and vanity, "ST CHEV, 4-door' Powers SPECIAL ER mac ERS, for the year. lawnmowers, garden tillers, SCHNEIDERS' plus e508 id home with low down payment, well decorated, storms, screens, many other extras. Terrific ; $75.00 $3.98 per doz. -- Reg. 4.98 ROOM DRAPES and M. J. HOBBS, er tools, one mortgage for balance. volue ot $13,500.00 with 512% mortgage. Nothing extra to buy, free SPREAD. % ¢ WILDE RENTAL Sheds Jom Hod Elec: For more inkormation sal Ed AFTER 5:30 CALL HILLTOP MOTORS delivery. DRY s 8 p Enniskillen, Ont. ars Some and Soles | ECONOMART,"M0' 8.5361. um o : : 76 | M4 L DRY Sooo BOB HOPKINS Tel. CO 3-2608. ast, lo obligation, No down pay- Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., Dick Barriage 5-6243 Joe Moga 5-9191 Marion Drew 5-7610 > MO 8-3226 ment, RA 8-5123 101 Simcoe St. N. John Kemp 8-2392 Everett Elliott 3-9290 RA 8-6891 RA 3.7827 RA 8-3865 (Continued on Page 20) Your hors ed for the supplying of fuels