Bt Bp Te Miss Manuel was presented HOUSEHOLD HINT wash, it is soft and tarnish will with an electric refrigerator, a| Never polish a gold lining in{come off with gentle rubbing toaster, and other gifts. Mrs.|a piece of silver. Made of gold'and a soft cloth. PERSONALS Jack Shortt was hostess at a Mr. Fred Harris is on a motor|the Golden Jubilee Chapter, miscellaneous shower. Mrs. Don- trip to Sault Ste. Marie, Nipi-{IODE, and Mrs. Michael Starr, ald Blacker arranged a miscel- gon, Port Arthur and Fort Wil- Honorary Vice-Regent, will re-|laneous shower at her home in liam, returning this weekend. |ceive with the hostess, Mrs. J.|Toronto. The Seventh Day Ad- ! i E. Rundle, at the Holiday Tea|ventist Church entertained at a Teas, birthday parties, wed-(to be held this week at the home|miscellaneous shower convened ding anniversaries, coming and|of Mrs. Rundle, Simcoe street by Miss Judy Morgan and Mar- goings of guests and your own|north, gery Villeneuve. holiday plans are always of in- terest in this column. Write,| Miss Brenda Hazel Manuel Messrs. Henry Salter of Trail, ia : telephone or visit the social de-/whose marriage to Mr, Norman : J RV o , i : British Columbia, and Wilson i / 1 partment with your item' off Adolphe Eyman took place in hs iy news for which there is nolGrace Lutheran Church on Sat- Salter, Vineland, Ontario, spent a ; Lf8 i charge. Telephone RA 3-3474. |yrday afternoon, June 17, was Fathets Dey with Their father, iff i 1 Mr. W. J. Salter, King stree! ) Mr, and Ms. J. A. Aldwinckle geil Pag 0 "Ey. east. Susan and Tom Salter ac- 31433 D | SN E Y K ] | ho) spent the weekend with Sgt. and 4 ompanied their father, Mr. M Cli S Aldwinckle at man and the ladies of St.|C ' Pp » . 2 free in. 90 | kG : he ve Mary's Ukrainian Church, Osh-|Wilson Salter and enjoyed the ir : Chinon and ol be, ening awa, arranged a shower wheniday with their grandfather: ean Festival at Stratford this week. Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Crone of ¢ |0Oshawa were among the guests at the buffet dinner given by the board of governors prior to the opening performance of the Shakespearean. Festival for 1961 at Stratford. Here is proof of seen presenting life member- Rlozence McMahen and Miss ships to three charter mem- aud Bassett. } bers, Mrs. W. W. Park, Miss Bassett. ues Photo | LIGBNIOT McEvers Feted Bride-Elect Wi : i in tire design and quality control Miss Eleanor Delores Me- Evers, whose marriage to Mr. Edward Joseph Bibeau will take place in St. Gertrude's {Roman Sathelie Spreh on id urday, June 24, has been enier- i 1 ial events. ; ONO] NTT 00000000008006800000000000 ored the future bride with a | | kitchen and pantry shower held - at the home of Mrs. Joyce Dial #4 3.3474 Fraser, Cartier street, Oshawa. Miss Dorothy James, Miss Joan Thexton, Miss Gloria Moss, con- FRE RRS SR sat Miss Evelyn Moore, incom- | and Miss Mary Lee, retiring ing president (extreme left) | president (extreme right) are Oshawa, District Soroptimists Annual Installation Dinner Miss Evelyn Moore was in-ber-Credit Valleys; president stalled as president of the Sorop-| Phyllis Braund, Peterborough; timist Club of Oshawa and Dis-|president Marion Atford, Scar-| trict at its annual installation borough; Gladys Comrie, first| dinner held last week at the vice-president, Brampton; past Hotel Genosha. _ |president Gladys Bachette, The other officers are: Vice-(North York: Evelyn president, Mrs. W. H. Bestwick; | yro000 . Osh-| Jo Aldwinckle, recording secretary, Miss Ma-| ' : deline Kelly; corresponding sec-| Musical entertainment was| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 20, 1961 7 Miss president-elect, Women's Editor retary, Miss Sally Parker; trea- surer, Mrs. Matthew Gould- burn; directors: Mrs. R. J. W. Mackie, Miss Grace Winnell, Mrs. Donald Black, Mrs. Paul Wysotski. Previous to the instllation, the president, Miss Mary Lee, an- nounced that the Oshawa and District Club had bestowed life memberships on three charter members, Mrs. W. W. Park, Miss Maud Bassett and Miss Florence McMahen to honor their outstanding service to the Oshawa Club and as a token of the high regard the Club has for them. Mrs. Olive Petley, first char- ter president, spoke of the early days of the club, the service and good fellowship which had pro- vided such a wonderful founda- tion for growth. Corsages of red roses were pinned on them by the president-elect, Evelyn Moore. | Soroptimists from the Eastern) Canada Region were guests.| Beautiful floral decorations and| table favors carried out in the| mism and installed the offic-| purchased Miss|ers for the coming year. |provided by Mrs. W. H. Best: | wick, accompanied at the piano {by Miss Ida Arnott. | The retiring president ex- {pressed her thanks to the Club {members and officers for their unfailing help and enthusiasm, mentioning particularly two of} A : : the retiring members of the| Mrs. K. H. Braithwaite open- | Board, Mrs. W. W. Jackson and|€d the June meeting of the Wom- Mrs. Olive Petley who have en's Welfare League and thank- | served faithfully for many years. ed the members for their co- Dr. Helen Manchester in a|Operation with the Crippled short address congratulated the Children's Penny Sale. Miss Club on its activities in local|Grace Burns read the minutes. lareas of service and in the Re-| Mrs. C. M. Elliott reporting | gion, and reminded those pres-{for the welfare committee ask- lent of their responsibilities asjed for children's camp clothes |Soroptimists and of the oppor-|and stated that many articles of {tunities gained from their mem-|used clothing were distributed [bership of an International Ser-|during May and June, Groceries vice Club Organization. Dr. Man-|were issued and prescriptions chester lit the flame of Soropti- filled; issued meal tickets and school books for ichildren; paid rent for family Miss Evelyn Moore in accept-|(to be repaid) and paid part ing the responsibilities of presi- hydro account and fuel oil for dent paid high tribute to the|family. Mrs. H. P. Millen read example set by her predecessor, the property and maintanance Miss Mary Lee and Miss Made-| report. Mrs. W- H., T. More- Children's Camp Clothes Required At Simcoe Hall vened the shower and a buffet luncheon was served. Miss Barbara Hall, maid, held a miscellaneous shower at the home of her mother, Mrs. R. N. Hall, Sim- coe street south, Oshawa. Vari- lems, building management, ju-lous games were played with venile delinquency, serving the/Mrs. Shirley Norman and Miss unserved boy, swimming, arts and community service, rooms, group methods, staff problems, Brenda Flegg crafts,| Assisting in serving were Mrs. game s|R. Hall and Miss Lenora Ward. work- winning prizes. A personal and miscellaneous ing with the community chest,|shower was given by Miss Mar- staff training, economy in op-|jon Bibeau, Cedar street, Ajax, eration, and board-staff rela-\gister of the prospective bride- tionship. In addition a meeting groom. Serving were Mrs. Ro- was held for the eight Canadian|jand Bibeau and Mrs. Raymond delegates. Thanks were sent for the fol- lowing donations: Clothing, col- gramaphone lectors' stamps, Bibeau of Whitby. A presentation was made of a vacuum cleaner in a hassock from the future bride's co-work- records, tricycles, wagon books, ers at the UAW hall. magazines, bedding, dishes, stove, furniture, play and sport equipment, other useful items. STATISTICS used Christmas cards, cash donations and many timist colors of yellow and|line Kelly, on behalf of the Jase P aded a gay ne to the board who have served with occasion. Miss Lee, presented her with an Head table guests at the din- inscribed gift as a token of its at which t, Miss| affection and regard. Stars Tee, presided, were Past Governor Eastern Canada re- : gion, Dr. Helen Manchester; and friends were entertained at president, Elsie Goltz, Toronto: [a social hour at the home of president Viola McMath, Hum-|Miss Madeline Kelly. | house stated that the Salva- ition Army had entertained the {Golden Age Club at dinner and evening entertainment. The an- nual picnic for the Senior Citi- At the close of the meetingizens and Golden Age Clubs members of the Oshawa Club|will be held on Wednesday, June [21 at Cobourg. | Some of the pupils attending {piano classes will be taking the |Royal Conservatory examina- |tions. Mrs. Godfrey is planning {a recital about the middle of {June. The pre-school deaf and hard of hearing plan to extend to three days a week when {school re-opens in September. | The Nursery School term end- | ed June 16. Registrations are be- |ing received for the September term. The play-school and Cow- an Park will be open from July 14 to August 25. The out-of-doors with children, 60; with adults, 39. May -- Attendance, 5,330 (in-|soft butter with 1 tablespoon) crease of 1,663 over last year); |prepared mustard. Spread on visits to homes, 95; interviews|toast triangles. Place under the interviews!|broiler for toasting and serve with children, 62; with adults, 42. April -- Attendance, 5,634 (in- crease of 938 over last year); visits to homes, 60; interviews ent spread suggested by food interviews |gpecialists at Macdonald Insti- After the wedding rehearsal the bridal party will be enter- tained at the home of the pros- pective bridegroom's parents in Ajax. s TASTY BITES Here is a delightfully differ- tute, Guelph. Combine }3 cup piping hot . with soup or salad. brides: | Firestone NATION-WIDE S\N GUARANTEE GUARANTEED against Defects Firestone carefully Inspects every fire to make sure it meets their critical standards of quality control. That's why we are able to give this written guarantee against defects in workmanship and materials for the life of the original tread, with no time or mileage limitations, Every Firestone passenger tire is covered by this Nation-wide 3-way Guarantee «+ « honoured by over 60,000 dealers across Canada and the United States GUARANTEED Advanced tire-bullding methods make Fire. stone tires the toughest, strongest and most dependable that you can buy, We guarantee it in writing. Any Firestone tire damaged by normal road hazards (except repairable p ) will be repaired free or replaced, pro-rated on tread wear, GUARANTEED Finest Quality available in that price range. Firestone's half century of leadership in tire design and engineering pays off in extra quality fea= tures which give you better performance, greater safety and extra milage, BUTYLAIRE 36 Month ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE SAFETY CHAMPION NYLON DELUXE CHAMPION NYLON "500" 24 Month 27 Month ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE CHAMPION NYLON 15 Month 21 Month ROAD HAZARD GUARANTIS ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE activities in these two areas will replace the regular pro- 12 Month EXCHANGE VOWS Married recently at St. | of Oshawa and the bridegroom Andrew's United Church were | js the son of Mr. and Mrs. SE ir, Ns BLES | Nis Ban of Man ¢ | Grove. he bride is the daughter of Me. and Mrs. Cecil Lockwood | --Photo by Garnet Belfry GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES McLAURIN CIRCLE |each of the three foreign mis- A McLauren Mission| sion stations. The need for more Circle met recently at the home missionaries in India. (Only 13 of Mrs. Walter Sewell, Elgin evangelistic missionaries are street west, with 22 members|there now) . . . the present. ? pray for missionaries 2nd Sens a . bel bers of the Foreign Mission on president Mes. Mebe Board to be divinely guided in id wh rayer. The any plans which may be made ed - the oper Wg : for the furtherance of the gos- Be showed life mem pel in the lowlands of Bolivia. rs. Joyc "I. . . And the crisis in the bership pins in gold and silver: | Angola Field with the urgent and it was agreed that these need for prayer for missionar- should be given more pu Y-lies and the native Christians A life membership is to be pre-i¢..0 need to ence in Los Angeles. Over 700 gram. The Simcoe Hall Play School is for children up to 12 years of age, while the Cowan Park program is designed for the older children. Through the {generosity of Oshawa citizens, Simcoe Hall received a num- ber of admission tickets to the circus, enabling many children to attend. Mr. Harold McNeill, Director {of Simcoe Hall reported on the {activities stating that on Monday land Tuesday afternoon Simcoe {Hall library is open to children {living in this area. Mr. William Smith, chairman of the Youth Committee of the Westmount Kiwanis Club, has indicated that the Club is planning to {sponsor the Boys' Junior Fish {and Games Club again this com- ing year. The Kiwanians took {the boys to Lake Simcoe on a fishing trip, Saturday, May 6. The Boys' Basketball League Iplayed 140 league and exhibi- {tion games. The assistance of |The Oshawa Times and Radio | Station CKLB in publishing the | Thanks were expressed tp the| the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Tis 15 FON This happy young man is Mark William, son of Mr. and games is very much appreciat-| Mrs. James Keigan, Baldwin ed. | street. Mark, one-year-old, is NOU 0 0000 UBBU00000000b00000003b0000000000000000000¢ ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE William Gamble, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. James Keigan | Sr., Sydney Mines, Nova Sco- | tia. --Picture by Hornsby {Y's Men's Club, the Jr. Cham- ber of Commerce, the Referee's | Association and the many oth- |ers who so ably assisted with the games throughout the sea- SOCIAL NOTICES NEW! son. From May 13 to 18, Mr. Mec- Neill attended the Boys' Clubs of Canada and America Confer- MARRIAGE {marriage of their daughter !delegates from Canada and the virgia to Mr. Ross Lorne Har United States were present. 3 . th in the following: guidance, pub-|\whithy United Church on Fri-| administration, | gay June 16, 1961 with the Rev-| lic relations, program planning, board prob-\erend John Smith officiating. ENGAGEMENT joined in a silent while refreshments everyone auction Mr. and Mrs, Frank Rooks of {Whitby wish to announce the r| Children ris, son of Mrs. Samuel Harris| SRE 3 i Clinics and workshops were of Whitby and the late Mr, Har- held and workshops were held|yis The marriage took place in| A Grip-Tight Cap to protect Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ward of] North Brock Texaco SERVICE STATION 414 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-2092 <Q) ZOLTAN and NICK'S FINA SERVICE STATION 160 Simcoe St. S. et Lloyd OSHAWA RA 8-0051 GLEN EYRES TEXACO SERVICE STATION 380 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA RA 8-0142 BESTWAY MOTORS TEXACO SERVICE 209 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY MO 8-4792 Q POP'S TEXACO SERVICE STATION 461 PARK RD. SOUTH OSHAWA RA 8-2622 COOPER'S TEXACO SERVICE STATIONS 56 Bruce St. 410 Ritson Rd. RA 3-9632 RA 5-8033 OSHAWA PADDY'S TEXACO SERVICE STATION 218 KING ST, E. Bowmanville MA 3-3432 Q CY PREECE GARAGE WHITE ROSE SERVICE 110 VERDUN ROAD OSHAWA RA 5.9251 JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE Fina Service 449 RITSON RD, §. OSHAWA RA 8-0921 WEARN TEXACO SERVICE STATION ENNISKILLEN, ONTARIO CO 3-2521 <Q SOUTH END TEXACO SERVICE STATION 506 RITSON RD. §. OSHAWA RA 3-9784 HOUSTON TEXACO SERVICE STATION 67 KING ST. W. OSHAWA RA 3.7822 J. MONTGOMERY TEXACO PRODUCTS Baseline & Pickering Beach Rd. 'DUNCAN'S TEXACO SERVICE STATION KING ST. E. at Darlington Ron Silver's Texaco SERVICE STATION 85 RITSON RD. §. Q served by Mrs. Mur-|Oshawa wish to announce the AJAX WH 2-3820 OSHAWA RA 8-2871 sented to the president in the| The worship service was led Vert being near future. by Mrs. Sidney parrot; the The Fellowship Weektnd Con- | meditation was on the subject ference at McMas 5 hold. Oy of Prayer, Supplication and was announced o 4 wl To Dedication. A hymn was sung tember 8, 9 and 19. Bpeale an ith Mrs. George Bowers at inglude Inissionastes x Can. |the_piano, followed by prayer Sa. Dr. H. §. Hillyer, General "MT Walter Sewenl. Secretary . Treasurer of the elegates to the convention Canadian Baptist Foreign Mis| Fore Mrs. Charles Taylor and fon Board, will be the speaker)' rs. Frank McLellan, who each 3 ray service gave reports. The theme of the at the Ta) report was|convention was "stand fast, read by Miss Edna Greenfield, | Work diligently, and pray. The and the White Cross' report by|cmphasis being on the great Mrs. Edgar Alward. Mrs. Don- need for prayer. ald Rice gave the Link and Vis. Mrs. Joyce closed the meet- jtor Highlights. She touched onling with a poetic prayer, and ray Eaton's Group. [engagement of their daughter, ASTRA GROUP (Claire Nadine, to Mr. Kenneth The final meeting before the Henning, son of Mrs. Clarence summer adjournment of the Henning of Oshawa and the late | in 3 TABLET 39¢ | Astra Group WA of Simcoe Mr. Henning. The marriage will United Church was recently|take place on Saturday, July 29, held at the home of Mrs. Ken- 1961, at 12 o'clock noon at St. neth Cowan. |Gertrude's Roman Catholic Mrs. Howard Toaze's group Church. had charge of the evening's program. A tour of Henry House ;nade for the second annual Museum Was conducted by Mrs [Strawberry Tea on Thursday,! Norman Gower after which the] 3 . : members adjourned to Mrs, [3150 it was decided to hold a Cowan's home for the business! Nearly New Sale in September. meeting. Following the business meet- | Final arrangements were ing, a pot luck supper was held. Onty-- DRUGS 28 King St. E. RA 3.4621 OPEN EVENINGS OSHAWA RA 8-2021 _ McLELLAN TIRE AND BATTERY LTD. White Rose Service Station Corner of Bond & Prince Sts, OSHAWA RA 5-1021 A) DON DOWN TEXACO SERVICE STATION Corner of Simcoe&Colbourne Sts. OSHAWA RA 3-7032 CLINT"S TEXACO WENTWORTH STS. CORNER OF CEDAR AND OSHAWA RA 5-5811 C. F. FOOTE SHELL SERVICE STATION 97 KING ST. E. OSHAWA RA 5.7421 Q@ BUD VIRTUE TEXACO SERVICE STATION 1487 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 8-1167 RA 5-6566 FIRESTONES STORES 190 KING ST. EAST