Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 10 Jun 1961, p. 3

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dr he fl A has A} rain Ein at Hy THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 10, 1961 CAPSULE NEWS Jetliner Sets Flight Record MONTREAL (CP)--The Brit-mers went to Buckingham Pal- ish Overseas Airways Corpora-'ace to receive the Queen's tion announced that one of its thanks for his vigilance since he Boeing 707 jetliners on the Tor-'joined the palace police in 1937, onto-Montreal-London run Fri- day flew the Atlantic in two TRAFFIC HIT Rolls Six Times Driver Killed It is believed the car rolled six times on the travelled por- tion of the road then came to rest on its side in the north- bound lane. The dead man was found ly- ing on the road, a few feet north of where the vehicle came to rest. He carried no identifi- mit. Police are still attempting to check ownership of the per- COMING EVENTS BINGO CONNAUGHT coronation | PARK OPENING ORANGE TEMPLE | ¢ Oth sobs, tome: SAT., JUNE 10 VA : i 7:30 P.M. Merry-Go-Round.. Park Membership on Sale 20 Gomes -- $8 Share the Wealth Free Treats with Junior Membership Cards 4--3$40 Jackpots to go. 1--$150 Jackpot to go. CLAREMONT (Staff) -- Po- lice are witholding the name, pending positive identification, of a man killed about a mile south of here, when a car re- ported stolen, rolled six times on the travelled portion of the road at 5.30 a.m. today. The vehicle involved was re- ported stolen from the home of Stephen Wideman, RR Clare- NEARLY NEW Kedron SHOP Supper mont, early today. Mr. Wide- man lives about a half-mile north of the scene of the acci- dent, at the Pickering Township 8th Concession and Brock road CLOSED STAFF COUNTRY STYLE at the church HOLIDAYS SECOND ANNUAL Wed., June 14 ut 4 p.m. Adults $1.25--Children .65 STRAWBERRY ATTENTION PLEASE TEA THURS., JUNE 22nd THE ANNUAL 2PM DECORATION DAY the auspices of Beethoven Log A 165, 1LO.O.F., will be held in Simcoe St. United Church Memorial Hall Auspices of the Astra Group Adults 50¢; Children 25¢ under intersection. Police said the driver, appar- ently successfully negotiated an "S" turn at the Brock road -- 8th Concession intersection then lost control of the vehicle at the south end of the turn. He was presumed to be alone in the vehicle at the time of the accident. mit, Constable Arnold Summers, of the Whitby detachment, On- tario Provincial Police, is con- ducting the investigation. FOG LOCALIZED Toronto was completely free of the fog which shrouded the Oshawa district this morning. Motorists from Toronto reported they did not enter the fog until they reached Ajax. GROVESIDE CEMETERY RUMMANGE . SALE C.R.A. BUILDING MONDAY, JUNE 12th at 1:30 p.m. Tenth Parents Committee Rigi, SUNDAY AFTERNOON June 11th, 1961 at 2:30 NEARLY NEW SHOP CLOSING SALE USE O.T. WANT ADS PHONE RA 3-3492 THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 2709 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S, 690 King E. BINGO EVERY MONDAY, 8 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING ST. E. AT FAREWELL 54 NUMBERS $100.00 JACKPOT CONSOLATION $20 20 GAMES -- 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH ADMISSION CARDS 50 CENTS GOOD PARKING -- EXTRA BUS SERVICE CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED Monster Bingo 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH SATURDAY, JUNE 10th AT 8:00 P.M. | ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS 2 EXTRA GAMES AT $25 $100 SPECIAL--TICKETS 25¢c or 5 for $1.00 CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMHTED Mayor Opens New Lounge Cutting a broad blue ribbon across the large picture win- dow, overlooking the Municipal Airport, Her Worship Mayor Christine Thomas Friday even- ing officially opened the lounge, recreation room and coffee shop of Ontario County Flying Club in No. 1 Hangar. Received by President Gor- don Coulter and Mrs. Coulter, the 150 guests proceeded to the lounge onthe upper level where the short formal opening cere- mony took place, following which refreshments were serv- d Present among the guests were representatives from city council, the chamber of com- merce, the customs depart- ment, the planning board, the industrial commission, and var- ious branches of industry in Oshawa. Alex G. Storie, one of the founders of the club and its first president, was an honored guest, with Mrs. Storie. Others present included Dr. and Mrs. O. G. Mills; Ald. E. F. Bastedo; T. Kelso Creigh- ton, QC, and Mrs. Creighton; T. D. Thomas, MLA; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Coulter; gl. and Mrs. Walter Branch, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Storie, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garrison, Doug las Fisher, City Clerk Roy L. Barrand; City Solicitor E. G. McNeely; Ald. Finlay Dafoe; Ald. and Mrs. A. Walker; Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wandless, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evans and oth- ers. .|nesses for the crown, and one Acquit Accused Armed Robbery COBOURG An Oshawa man, James Lawrence Hutchi- son, 34, charged with the March 23 armed robbery of the To- ronto - Dominion Bank, at Bethany, was acquitted Friday, when he appeared here before United Counties Judge M. A. Miller for sentence, at the Gen- eral Sessions of the Peace. Judge Miller acquitted the ac- cused on evidence by five wit- for the defence. Oshawa Law- yer Russell Murphy defended the accused. Robert French, 24, of Oshawa, who pleaded guilty to the charge earlier in Coboutg Magistrate's Court, was sentenced to nine months definite and three months indefinite in the Ontario Reformatory by Magitsrate R. B. Baxter. French was called as a wit- ness by the Crown. After the Crown had completed its evi- dence, Defence Counsel Murphy recalled French to the stand. "Yes, I robbed the bank and a man was with me, but it was not Hutchison," said French. He went on to give full evidence but refused to implicate Hutchi- son. Of the witnesses for the Crown, only one, Mervin Wrighlty, a bank teller, claimed to have seen the robber's face. He admitted under evidence that he could only see the lower part of the hold-up man's face. Judge Miller said the Crown witnesses appeared to be reluc- tant, and that they might be trying to protect one of their own number. KINSMEN BINGO 20-$20 GAMES $150 Jackpot--$20 each line plus $50 Full Card 5 $30 Games; 2--$250 Jackpots JACKPOT NUMBERS 56 and 52 TEAM 1 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION -- TUESDAY, JUNE 13th WEATHER FORECAST Forecasts issued by the Tor-| onto weather office at 5 a.m.| EDT: Synopsis: While thick fog| blanketed many areas across| Southern Ontario during the night, cooler air was pushing southward across the north country. The fog is expected to lift slowly during the morning. Cooler air should reach the lower lakes this evening, bring- ing some cloud with it.' Sunday should be mainly sunny across the province. Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Ni- agara, Lake Ontario regions, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Windsor: Sunny with cloudy periods today and Sunday. A little cooler Sunday. Light winds. Georgian Bay, Haliburton re- gions, North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy with sunny periods, clearing this afternoon. Sunday WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE SUPER BINCO MONDAY, JUNE 12 $100.00 DOOR PRIZES | JACKPOT NOS. 52-56 | 2_$500 JACKPOTS JF WON IN $52 NOS. OR LESS (IF NOT THEN GAME IS REGULAR $250 JACKPOT (Nos. 52-56)--(Consolation $25) 1--$300 JACKPOT NOS. OR LESS ($150 Consolation, Must Go) 20 GAMES AT $40 # WON/IN 17 NOS. OR LESS ($20 Consolation) |S GAMES AT $30 "RED BARN IF WON IN EXTRA BUSES "THE ADMISSION 1.00 NEW ADMISSION weper GIVES YOU FREE CHANCE ON DOOR PRIZES| mainly sunny. A little cooler. Winds light, except north 15 this afternoon. White River, Cochrane, Ti- magami, Algoma regions, Sault Ste Marie: Sunny with a few cloudy periods today and Sun- day, cooler. Winds northerly 15, becoming light tonight. Marine forecasts valid until 11 m. Sunday: Lake Huron, Georgian Bay: Winds west 15 knots, shifting to north 20 this afternoon and east 10 to 15 tonight. Parly cloudy, clearing this afternoon. Lake Ontario, Lake Erie: Wind variable 10 knots becom- Sunny, Cooler Sunday Picture ernoon and shifting to northeast 15 tonight. Partly cloudy. Forecast temperatures Low tonight and gk Sunday: (Windsor .. St. Thomas London ... St. Catharines Toronto Peterborough Trenton . Kapuskasing . White River . Moosonee .. §.S. Marie .. TORONTO (CP) -- Observed temperatures: Dawson ...cenvees -- Victoria .. Edmonton London Toronto Montreal ..... Quebec Signalman Gary Henry of Oshawa, explains one of the radio receivers in use by No. 57 Canadian Signal Unit in the Congo iv Lt. Asefa Redada, ETHIOPIAN SIGNALLER VISITS CANADIANS a signals officer with the Eth- ipian contingent 'visiting the Canadian unit. The receiver is the "Tape Relay" room at United Nations Headquar- ters in Leopoldville. It is from this room that messages are sent by radio teletype to and from the six detachments of the Canadian Unit located deep in the Congo interior. (National Defence Photo) Foghound Plane Lands At Airport The fact that the Oshawa Municipal Airport is often clear when Toronto fields are closed by weather conditions again came to the fore Friday nighi when a plane landed here without difficulty. A two-engine DeHavilland Dover, owned by Federal Equipment of Canada Limited, was returning to Toronto from Montreal when the pilot was informed by the Toronto traf- fic control that the weather there was too bad even for in- strument landings. At the time the plane was over Port Pery with two pilots and two passengers aboard. The pilot called the Oshawa Airport on his radio and was assured that while conditions were not good they were good enough for a landing. S. Cowley of the Ontario County Flying Club turned on the field lights and the plane landed without difficulty at 10 .m. The airport staff had a rental service auto waiting for the party and they conitnued their journey to Toronto without de- CITY AND DISTRICT ROTARY SPEAKER A. Arthur Robertson, princi- pal of Variety Village, will be the speaker at Monday's meeting of the Rotary Club of Oshawa. Murray Macleod, chairman of the club's crippled children's committee, will also report on the committee's ac- tivites during the past year. DRUNK FINED Joseph Albert Hickey, 39, of 125 Celina street, was fined $10 or five days in jail, by Magis- trate F. S. Ebbs, Thursday, when He was found guilty of being drunk in a public place, June 7. TWO CHARGES Fred Connaghan, 26, of 200 King street west, was fined $10 or 10 days on each of two charges, by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs, Thursday. He pleaded guilty to being drunk in a public place, and he pleaded guilty to having wine in a place other than his home. FAILED TO REMAIN Walter Halik, 58, of 220 Gibb street, was fined $50 or 10 days Friday, for failing to remain at the scene of an accident on Eulalie avenue, May 21. Magis- trate F. S. Ebbs did not sus- pend the accused's license. Halik had been charged after a col- lision involving $22.70 damage. $10 FINE George Doble, 41, of 149 Al- bert street, was fined $10 or five days, Friday, for being drunk in a public place, June 8. He appeared before Magis- trate F. S. Ebbs. ing southwest 15 to 25 this aft- her family and was known for her charitable work grandchildren and five great- in the community. W. Kantores (Joan), Hill, Mainds, land and A. Roseblade, of Man- chester, England. OBITUARIES MRS. RALPH CUTHBERT In failing health for six months, Annie E. Mainds, be- loved wife of Ralph Cuthbert, 218 Albert street, died at the Oshawa General Hospital Thursday, June 8. She was in her 63rd year. Born in Manchester, Eng: land, the deceased wasa daugh- ter of the late James and Mary A. Mainds. She came to Can- ada 352years ago and was mar- ried in Oshawa in 1930. A resi- dent of Chatham, Ont. for a short time she had lived in Osh-| awa for 32 years. | An adherent of St. Andrew's| United Church, Mrs. Cuthbert] was devoted to her home and| widely Besides her husband she is| survived by a daughter, Mrs. of West| and three grandchildren. Also surviving are three sis- ters, Alice, Helen and Jessie,|Oshawa. Rev. R. M. McMullin all of Manchester, England and five brothers, Colin and Harry Mainds, of Oshawa; David and Alexander Mainds and Jimmy of Manchester, Eng- The funeral service will be held at the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Mon- day, June 12. Interment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev. Dr. George Telford, Min: ister of St. Church, will conduct the ser- Andrew's United vices. MRS. MINA L. WILSON The death occurred at Toron- to Western Hospital, Friday, June 9, following a three-week illness of Mrs. Mina Lillian Wilson, beloved wife of Thomas Wilson, 627 Montrave avenue, Oshawa. The deceased was in her 43rd year. Borr. at Oshawa, the former Mina Lillian Craggs, she was a daughter of Gordon and May Craggs. She was married at Oshawa in 1937. Mrs. Wilson was a member of the ladies' auxiliary of Unit 42, Canadian Corps; the Storie Park Ladies' Auxiliary, Rob- son Leather, Local 205 Ladies' Auxiliary. In addition, she was a member of Simcoe Street United Church and an Ex- plorer Group leader at that Church. She is survived by her hus- ban, her parents, a daughter, Mrs. W. Allen (Patricia) and two sons, Norman and Ray- mond, all of Oshawa and four brothers, Keith, of Whitby, Dean, Gerald and John, all of Oshawa. The remains are at the Ger- row Funeral Chapel, King streel west, for service in the Chape:, Monday, June 12, at 2 p.m. Interment will follow in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev. J. K. Moffat, minister of Sim- coe Street United Church will conduct the services. MRS. VIOLA WESCOTT The death occurred at her home, RR 1, Foxboro, Monday, June 5, of Viola White, widow of Elam J. Wescott. She had been sick for several months, A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry White, the de- ceased was born in Rawdon Township and had lived in Sid- ney Township, Brooklin and Oshawa prior to moving to the Foxboro district five years ago. She was a member of Wall- bridge United Church and was an active member of the women's missionary society and the Women's Christian Temper- hours, 59 minutes, possibly the fastest-ever commercial cross- ing. Piloted by Capt. Guy Wat- son, the airliner flew 1,902 miles from the coast of Newfoundland to the coast of Ireland at an average speed of 637 miles-an-| hour, the airline said. LEAVES ISLAND HYDRA ISLAND (Reuters)-- Jacqueline Kennedy sailed from this sunny Greek Island Friday night after a day in which she had joined local inhabitants in native dances, dined on Greek food and won the hearts of some 2,000 islanders. The wife of the American president is on a tour of Greek islands. STUDENTS PROTEST MONTEVIDEO (AP) -- Adlai Stevenson got a friendly recep- tion from Uruguayan officials Friday while left-wing students staged a mass meeting to pro- test United States Cuban pol- icy. Stevenson, U.S. chief dele- gate to the United Nations, is attempting to line up support for Kennedy's "alliance for pro- gress' aimed at combatting the spread of Communism by rais- ing economic standards in the Western Hemisphere. THANKED BY QUEEN LONDON (Reuters)--The man who for the last eight years has been bodyguard to Prince Charles, 12 - year - old son of Queen Elizabeth and heir to the British throne, retired Friday. Police Const. Reginald G. Sum- ance Union. Mrs. Wescott is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Massey (Elsie), of Foxboro and |Mrs. Fred Ashby, RR 2, Belle- THINGS TO DO, SEE IN OSHAWA |ville; a son, Ralph, of Oshawa. She was predeceased by a son, Arthur, in 1932. Algo surviving are a brother, Ernest White, of Stirling; eight |grandchildren. The funeral service was held |at the Weaver Funeral Home, Trenton, at 2.46 p.m. Wednes- |day, June 7, followed by inter- ment in Mount Lawn Cemetery, conducted the services. The pallbearers were Donald Sharp, Ernest Sharp, Selbourne Sharp, Douglas McNevin, Ted Ashby and John Dancey. FUNERAL OF MRS. JAMES WOOLLEY The memorial services for POINTS OF INTEREST Oshawa Civic Administration Bldg., 50 Centre street. Oshawa Police Station, 80 Athol street west. McLaughlin Public Library, 65 Bagot street. Memorial Park, on Simcoe street south, between Metcalf and John streets. Kinsmen Memorial Stadium, Arena street. Children's street. Arena, Arena AIR LONDON (Reuters)--Air traf. fic across the Atlantic has been badly affected by the re nt trade recession and a refe.ence by President Kennedy to the United States foreign shortage, the British Overseas Airways Corporation said in a staff news letter Friday. It said the expected boom in jet travel this summer has not material ized. Many large jets are fly- ing the ocean with only half their seats occupied. FORGET OWN WAY WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres. ident Fulbert Youlou of the Re- public of The Congo (former French colony) advised Amer- icans Friday to forget their own standards when dealing with Af- rica. He said "You must cease to think of Africa in terms of free enterprise and the Amer- ican way of life. It is not cer- tain that what is good for the richest country on earth is good for thé poorest continent." SET 'SUMMIT' DATE BELGRADE (Reuters) -- The official Yugoslav news agency Tanjug reported Friday night that a "summit" conference of uncommitted nations will be held in Yugoslavia Sept. 1. The agency was quoting a dispatch from Cairo, where representa- tives of 21 countries have been meeting to decide the date and place of the conference. 8 MISSING TOKYO (AP)--The U.S. Air Force reported today that one of its big *C-133 turboprop cargo planes with eight men aboard is missing en route to Midway Island. SUSPENDS INSPECTO NEW YORK (AP) -- Mayor Robert Wagner announced Fri- day the suspension of 32 school construction inspectors in a snowballing scandal over pay- offs by contractors. Investiga- tion Commissioner Louis I. Kap- lan told the mayor he had un- covered 47 incidents. of board of education employees accepting Christmas liquor, gift certifi- cates and similar items from contractors whose work they were supposed to supervise. Oshawa General Hospital, 24 Alma street. Alexandra Park, Alexandra street. Municipal Airport, Stevenson road north. Hillsdale Manor, Hillsdale avenue. Camp Baines, Sti er had Mrs. James Wooley who died at the Cedars Nursing Home Wednesday, June 7, inlits. her 78th year was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Fri- day, June 9, at 2 p.m. a, a Joith = Just vue east off Farewell avenue, south of 401. Osh Rev. M. A. Bury the services. Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Pallbearers were Fred Wool- ley, Gary Porteous, Wayne Por- teous, Walter Solomon, Wilfred Hare and Mervil Hare. Sr. Citizens Plan Club Formation of an Oshawa Sen- ior Citizens Club, to be in full operation by fall, is anticipated by 33 senior citizens, who met in Union Hall, Bond street east, Friday afternoon. Should the club be founded, it will operate completely separ ate from the Oshawa Golden Age Club and the Welfare De- partment. Any retired Oshawa resident, over the age of 60 years, will be invited to be- come a member. Jack Smith, a Patricia av- enue retired citizen, chaired Friday afternoon's meeting. During the afternoon, it was south. Henry House Museum, corner of Henry street and Lakeview Park avenue. Lakeview Park, Henry street and Lakeview Park avenue. TOURS, EXHIBITS LECTURES General Motors of Canada -- Tour of south plant in tour train Monday through Friday -- 1:30 to 4 p.m. Children under 14 years not alowed into plant. For further information, Public Relations Dept., 5-7311. Darlington Provincial Park -- open 8 am. to 11 p.m. Admis- sion -- 50 cents a car or Pro- vincial Park licence. For further information, call Park Superin- tendent -- RA 3-4341. Henry House Museum -- open 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Admission -- adults 25 cents; children under, 10 years, 10 cents; children un- der 10 with parents free. NOTEWORTHY EVENTS Wednesday, June 14 -- Annual School Games -- Oshawa Public School's track meet -- 1:15 p.m. --. Alexandra Park, Darlingson Provincial Park | NOON SPECIALS PLATE LUNCH SNACK ROOM .... BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH, DINING ROOM Vane DINNER-- course .... HOTEL LANCASTER PRIVATE SALE BROOKLIN Modern Suit young executive. All Ranch Style bungalow. electric, 3 bedrooms, garden end shrubs. near school ond library. Quiet neighbour- hood. $13,200 Call OL 5-4895 decided to hold a card party, in Union Hall, next Friday at 2 p.m. A spokesman for the 33 in at- tendance said this morning that it is hoped an active club for senior citizens may be formed by next Fall. According to the spokesman, interest in the formation of a senior citizens club will be in- dicated by the number who at- tend next Friday's card party and other activities anticipated for ths month. Local 222 is donating its hall for the meetings. [ WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY i Wednesday, June 14th, 8 p.m. Bus es Oshawa Terminal -- 25¢ Return SPECIAL GAME OF $200 (Must Go) $20 h horizontal line -- $100 a full card $25 ADDED EACH WEEK, NOW WORTH $150. {IF WON IN 52 NUMBERS Bus leaves 4 Comers 7:30 p.m. ot $30 -- 20 Gomes at $20 $29 JACKPOT GAMES . 53; 2nd--No. 57; $30 Consolation Vi TIE 4 * SUNDAY SUNNY BUT COOLER Shop in Air-Conditioned CANADA'S FIRST NAME IN FORMAL RENTALS onal @ 15 Formal & Business Suit Styles ® A Complete Line of Accessories. @ Children's Siam 2 te Men's BLACK'S:= 74 Simcoe N. RA 3.3611 "The House of Styles for Men & Boys" BUEHLERS s Tender EAT'N TRUE -TRIMBEEF | 12 KING E. -- RA 3-3633 Meat Specials! ie Mon. & Tues. Tender Blade Steaks lh. 49¢ Tender Club Steaks Ih. 59¢ Meaty Pork Hocks 41bs. 1.00 Skinless Wieners 2 lbs. 79¢c Wing Steak 1h. 69c

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