1961-62 EXECUTIVE OF WHITBY KINSMEN CLUB | Jeffrev | tor), Herb Walton (director), | George Carr (director), Max returns of the day. The 1961-62 Club executive is ready for the new Kinsmen season of activities: Elected pres.), Howard (pres.), Jim Gartshore (2nd vice-pres.); back row (left to right) Howard Souter(diree- front row (left to right) (1st were Jack pres.), Robertson vice- Murray Silver (past WHITBY And DISTRICT Present Letters To Dundas St. Athletes The pupils of Dundas Street Public School have held their annual June Field Day at the school. Following the races and other events, school letters were presented to the winners in the different age groups by Dundas Street School Winners of School Letters *'D"' Boys: 5 - year - old, Tommy Mesher and Douglas Blanchard; 6-year-old, John Bronsema, Rob- ert Grant, Timmy Peleshok. 7-year-old, David Heron; 8 vear-old, Wayne Conners; 9- vear-old, Peter Etmanski and Henry Heerschop; 10-year-old, Casey DeJong 11-year-old, Terry Sutherland, 12-year-old, Don Boychyn; 13- year-old Peter Corby; 14 and over, David Pridie. Girls: 5 - year - old, Deborah Allan; 6-year-old, Anne Simp- son; 7-year-old, Gaynor Coutts: 8-year-old, Kathy Deeks; 9-vear- old, Laurie English 10-year-old, Ruth Edwards; 11- year-old, Dorothy Dair; 12-year- old, Pat Nichols; 13-year-old, Ann Bronsema. 6-YEAR-OLD BOYS Dash -- Bobby Richards, Rob- eit Grant, Timmy Peleshok. Skipping race -- John Bron- sema, Matthew Madden, Timmy Peleshok. Sack race -- Robert Grant, John Bronsema, Timmy Pele- shok. Ball Throw -- Robert Grant, Timmy Peleshok, David Miller. Bean Bag -- John Bronsema, Matthew Madden, Billy Stacy. Kick the Shoe -- Timmy Pele- shok. Raymond Crowder, Jim- my Twining. 7-YEAR-OLD BOYS Dash -- David Heron, Terry Shearer, Herbie DeJong Skipping Race -- Bruce Pad- dick, David Heron, Ronnie Weatherupp Sack Race -- David Heron, Biily Bennett, Terry Shearer Bai Throw -- Moore Lean Bag Throw DeJong. Donald Harycell, Alan Lord Shue Kick David Heron, Sidney Heimstra, Alan Lord. 38-YEAR-OLD BOYS 30-yard dash -- Wayne Con- nets, Graham Arnold, Wayne Blanchard. a - yard Blanchard, Terry ners. High Jump -- Wayne Conners, Graham Arnold, Terry Lee. dash -- Wayne Kenny Running Broad Jump~--Wayne qj.k Brian Conners. Terry Miller, McKay. Standing Broad Jump -- Gra- kam Arnold, Wayne Conners, Terry Lee Ball Throw -- Wayne Conners, kenny Twining, Terry Miller 38-YEAR-OLD BOYS 30-yard dash -- Henry Heer schop, John VanDenHewel, Peter Etmanski 25-yard dash -- Henry Heer- schop, John and Gary Twining, mansk) High Jump -- Peter Etmanski, Peter Et- the |[Etmanski, Home and School Association of Joseph Stacy. Charlie Mitchell, Dennis Darling, David gyychyn, David Horton, Herbie Twining, Miller and Wayne Con- VanDenHewel Henry Heerschop, Robbie Mec Phee Running Broad Jump Allen, Connie Mcllwain, Debbie 'ng (boys) Tommy -- Peter Mesier, Douglas Blanchard, Etmanski, Henry Heerschop, Donald Simpson John VanDenHewel Bunny Hop (girls) -- Kathryn Standing Broad Jump -- Peter Sherman, Connie Mcllwain, Henry Heerschop, Debra Allen; (boys) -- Dale Batten, Doug! as Blanchard Etman- Davi¢ Brooks Bobbie Running Race (girls) --Deb- bie lnglish, Debra Allen, Deb- | Simpson FESA NS " orah Ball; (boys) Harold 10-YEAR-OLD BOYS Movre, Douglas Blanchard, : 30-yard dash = David Lane, Norman Lord Kees Schipper, Casey DeJong. Sean Bae Head (gir 75-yard dash -- Kees Schip- Bean Bags on Head (girls) -- hil : poh Gai! Crosson, Debbie English, per, Greg. McConnell, Casey . Delong 7 Marilyn Boake. (boys)--Jimmy Tigh: Jump David Nimigon, Neil Crowder, Michael ' . Jobin Kelly Dilling, Paul Gale 7 5 Abit Running Broad Jump -- Casey _Bean Bag Throw i o Kathryn Sherman, Deborah DeJong, Randell Sutherland, 5° . cio us Greg, McConnell Fosketl, Connie Mecllwain; Standing Broad Tump--Casey (boys) -- Peter Van den Heuvel, DeJong, Kees Schipper, David Norman Lord, Neil ( rowder INichols. Ilopping on one foot (girls) -- : ' Kathryn Sherman, Debbie Eng- Softball Throw -- Casey De. lish, Gail Crosson; (boys) . Jong, Greg McConnell, Douglas |, yo Mesher, Peter Van den Brown. Heuvel, Norman Lord. 11-YEAR-OLD BOYS Hippity-hop (girls) -- Debra 75-yard dash -- Wayne Rob- Allen, Karen Dair, Kathryn ertson, Terry Sutherland, Bobby Sherman. Rodd Skipping Ropes--Debra Allen, 50-yard dash -- Terry Suther- Debbie English, Connie Mec- land, Wayne Robertson, Bobby Ilwain. Rodd. | High Jump -- Terry Suther-|Sturgess, Donald Simpson, land, John Staples, Mike Bryan. my Nimigon Running Broad Jump--Terry| Peanut Race Christine |Sutherland, Bobby Rodd, Peter Elliott, Deborah Deeks, Anna- Pritie. Broad A Marie Fryer standing Broad Jump -- Peter g.yEAR.OLD GIRLS | eid, Bobby Rodd, Mike p,q Susan Rll Throw -- Nancy Clarke, Sallyanne Milian. son, Como. 12.YEAR-OLD BOYS 100-yard dash -- Don Boychyn, Kathy David Horton, David Pavinsky. man. 75-yard dash -- Don Boychyn, Ball David Horton, David Pavinsky. High Jump John Gale, David Horton, Glen Powell. Running Broad Jump--David Pavinsky, John Gale, Tony De- son, Patti King, Nancy Rowell, Jong 7-YEAR-OLD GIRLS Standing Broad Jump -- Don Bail , Henry Throw -- Peter Heerschop, Lane, (girls) -- Jim- Billy Simp- Stoneman Sack Race -- Ann Simpson, Andrews, Throw -- Bean Bag Patti King, Jo-Ann Seager. Tony [nor Coutts, Ruth McIver Skipping Race DeJong -- ilop Step and Jump - Boychyn, Tony DeJong, Steven Brown. Feleshok. Rr Mon ; re " uth Mclvor, Lynne Paterson. 13: EAR-OLD BOYS . Ball Throw -- Virginia Lane, _ 10-yard dash -- Peter Corby, Gaynor Coutts, Arlene Harrison John Darling, Colin Brown. | Bean Bag Throw 75-yard dash -- Peter Corby, McPherson, Ruth John Darling, Colin Brown. Wanda Craig. High Jump -- Peter Corby, Craig Rivers, Leslie Paddick. Running Broad Jump -- Geof. English Cartwright, John Darling, Colin g yEAR.OLD GIRLS Lrown Mclvor, Stoneman, Cliff Gordon (sec), Cec Thomas (treasurer), Clarence Hewson (bulletin editor), Running Broad -- Ruth Ed- wards, Patsy Mclean, Barbara Ross Standing Broad Ross, Karen Collier ver Ball Throw -- Barbara Ross, nedy 11-YEAR-OLD GIRLS 75 Yard Dash -- Judy Eng- lish, Shannon Law, Sharon Meh- ring 30 Yard Dash -- Dorothy Dair, Judy English, Shannon Law. High Jump -- Dorothy Dair, Judy English, Sharon Mehring. Running Broad -- Helen Cor- bett, Dorothy Dair, Sharon Meh- ring Standing Broad -- Helen Cor- bett, Dorothy Dair, Ronda Gost- lin Ball Throw -- Helen Corbett, Nancy Molyneaux, Ronda Gost- lin 12-YEAR-OLD GIRLS 50 Yard Dash -- Pat Nichols Sandra Jones, Sue English 75 Yard Dash -- Pat Nichols, Sandra Jones, Sue English. High Jump -- Ethel McKeag Pat Nichols, Ellen McLean Running Broad -- Pat Nichols, Sandra Fowler, Ethel McKeag. Standing Broad -- Ellen Mec- Lean, Sandra Jones, Ethel Mc- Keag Hop, Step and Jump -- Ethel McKeag, Pat Nichols, Ellen Mc- Lean 13-YEAR-OLD GIRLS 50 Yard Dash -- Ann sema, Linda Majcher, Heerschop. 75 Yard Dash -- sema, Linda Majcher, Heerschop. High Jump -- Ann Bronsema, Bonnie Byng, Linda Majcher Running Broad Jump--Linda Majcher, Ann Bronsema, Donna Barbara Lois Bow- Ruth Edwards, 3arbara Ken- Bron Jane Ann Bron- Jane Sack Race (boys) -- Douglas .. | Hop, Step and Jump -- Ann Bronsema, Bonnie Byng, Cyndy Dilling. | A | {June 10, Ison, Geary, attended the Gud-'13 Newmarket at Varcoe's | % 7 | = | | Hampson (director and parks chairman) --Oshawa Times Photo Guides, Brownies Meet At Dinner The guides and Brownies of St. John The Evangelist Church finished the vear with a Mother and Daughter banquet held af St. John's Hall with Mrs. A. J. Miller as. convener, assisted by Mrs. E. Samanski, Mrs. M. MacDonald, Mrs. P. Burtinsky, Mrs. L. Bedard Mrs. D. O'Hagan, Mrs. P. Roberts, Mrs. D. Newman and Mrs. P. King. The head table guests were Father L. J. Austin, Pastor, visiting priest Father Elliot CP, Mrs. G. Carter president of CWIL, Mrs. E. Pritchard badge secretary for Whitby Girl Guides, Mrs. W. Allan, Captain, Mrs. D. Mowat Brownie Leader, Miss Gail McDonald Brownie Leader, Mrs. M. Silver Brownie assistant, Miss K. Kahn Guide Lieutenant, Mrs. Fox Camp Con- vener for Ontario. The hall was beautifully dec- orated by the guides with camp decorations on each table, Mrs. | Miller introduced Mrs. Fox who addressed the group briefly and showed slides on the new camp Adelaide at Haliburton. She ac- companied these with her com- mentaries. Mrs. K. Kaiser thanked the guest speaker. Father Austin spoke briefly. Mrs. G. Carter presented Mrs. Allan Guide Captain with six silver Guide spoons in appre-| ciation of her very fine work with the Third Guide Company. Mrs. Allan presented her own daughter Bonnie Allan with her| All Round Cord, and Miss Wilma McDonnell with her first class badge. Mrs. Miller thanked all the mothers for attending the ban- quet. Mrs. Allan presented Mrs. Miller with a gift in appreciation {for her work on the banquet, 1 3 ga LY % Skipping Race -- Sallyanne |' Terry Sutherland, John aijian Carol Ingram, Susan 8 Susan Stone- Ann Simpson, Carol Ingram, Susan Stoneman. Ann Simpson, Kick the Shoe -- Ann Simp- Dash -- Lynne Paterson, Gay- | # ps Gaynor |§ Don | Coutts, Lynne McPherson, Helen § Sack Race -- Gaynor Coutts, : Lynne | Kick the Shoe -- Sandra Nim- igon, Barbara Corbett, Patty-Jo High Jump -- Beverly Bow- Standing Broad Jump -- Peter man, Wendy Sutherland, Susan | Corby, Colin Brown, Leslie Pad-| Grant and Kathy Deeks (tie). Running Broad Corby, Leslie Paddick, Bruce Wendy Sutherland. Trinkwan. Standing Broad SENIOK BOYS Weatherup. Kathy 100-yard dash -- David Pridie, Wendy Wilde Ted Molyneaux Softball Throw 73-yard dash -- David Pridie, Wilde, Hopkins, led Molyneaux Wallace, Dati... Rathy Desk High J a d P M-Yar ash - athy Deeks, Ted yD David Pridie Wendy Sutherland, Wendy Mar- R * 1 ir? chant Monning Broad Jump -- Ted 25.Yard Dash -- Wendy Mar. Hop, Step.and Juinp - David chant, Kathy Deeks, Wendy {Pridie. Ted Molyneaux Suthetiand ENTER A 7 ux. 9-YEAR-OLD GIRLS y GARTE! 25-Yard Dash -- Laurie Eng- Walking Race (girls)--Debra ish Joan Corbett. Crystal Pele- Deeks, Wendy Cathy Mary shok. BROCK tering WHITBY ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ve FRANK BORSHIN Saturday Matinee aot 1:30 They left their studies to look for steadies! METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER sramay 50-Yard Dash Maureen Richards, Joan Corbett, Joanne Smith. High Jump -- Crystal Pele- shok, Elizabeth Town and Jo- anne Smith (tie), Janet Robert- son Running Broad --- Laurie Eng lish, Crystal Peleshok, Maureen Richards Standing Broad---Laurie Eng- |lish, Joan Corbett, Maureen | Richards Softball Throw --- Maureen |Richards, Janet! Robertson {Florence Vander Meulin. 10-YEAR-OLD GIRLS | 75 Yard Dash -- Ruth Ed |wards, Barbara Ross, Gail Meh- ring 50 Yard Dash Ross, Gail Mehring Shows at 7 and 9 P.M. A UTLAPE PRODUCTION Barbara nt stoning + BONNIE. FRANCIS Patsy Me AND . SPORT . CARTOON . SCENIC Lean High Jump -- Ruth Edwards | Judith Ann Pinch, Mary Moly- jneaux. . Barbara | . Susan Hop, Step and Jump -- Peter Grant, Barbara Weatherup, SHOWS WINNING FORM Wendy Williams, aged of 123 Raglan street, Whithy shows the form that won her the softball throw event at the Field Day of Hillcrest Public Schoolon Wednesday The entire school participated in the many events and were | aided by the Home and School | Association of the school Wendy threw the softball a distance of 90 feet. She is a Grade 5 student at the school --Oshawa Times Photo PELICAN"S COUSIN The cormorant is a large wa- terfowl belonging to a species allied to the pelican. PAPER By Whitby Boy Scouts | SATURDAY, JUNE 10th, 1961 | THIS WILL BE THE LAST PAPER DRIVE UNTIL SEPTEMBER GET ALL YOUR PAPERS OUT EARLY! - I --. wy 1 (DODD & SOUTER § PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. §., WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.I.L. Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Decorating Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Wall Murels DRIVE WHITBY PERSONALS Benevolent Rebekah Lodge No. 12 5 holding 2 JWRiNage sale and home baking sale on x : Friday evening and Saturday The league -- Barrie and Dis- morning, June 9 and 10, at the trict Ladies Softball -- has en-| IOOF Hall. Brock St. §.. with/tries from Newmarket, Stouff- BBE 3n nis ville, Whitby and Barrie. Mrs. L. Plaskitt in charge. as- Vil hithy 3 i sisted by Miss Dorothy Wicket, All Stouffville and Whitby home games are scheduled for| The Almonds Womer's As- 8.15 p.m. Newmarket tilts go at sociation received an invitation 7.00 p.m. and the Barrie games, to attend the Audley bazaar and except with Stouffville and Whit- tea to be held on Satruday, by. are at 8.30 p.m. The following is the schedule: Ladies Softball Whitby gals are getting into a! new softball league this year, re-| ports Ruby Partington, manager of The Merchants. Mrs. John Gudgeon and her JUNE geon-Fielding wedding which 14 Whitby at. Stouffville took place in St. George's Me- 15 Stouffville at Newmarket morial Church, Oshawa. Stouffville at WHITBY 21 Hillcrest at Stouffville Mr. and Mrs. J. Lowry, of 22 Varcoe's at Newmarket Toronto, spent a day at the Whitby at Hillcrest home of their daughter and 27 Stouffville at Varcoe's son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hillcrest AT WHITBY Harris, 104 Mary St., E. 28 Newmarket at Stouffville Donna daughter of Mr, and | 29 Varcoe's at Hillcrest | Mrs. P. J. Metheral, is cele- JULY i brating her 16th birthday today. 4 Newmarket at Hillcrest Her school companions of An- Stouffville at WHITBY derson St. High School and, 5 Varcoe's at Stouffville friends wish her many happy' 6 Whithy at Varcoe's Hillcrest at Newmarket | 1 5 7 p ille < Mr and Mrs. Lewis Pritchard. 1 Stoufville 21 Silla Lewis, Louise and Elizabe 13 Hillcrest at' Varcoe's Pritchard attended the McAvoy- Whitby at Newmarket Pritchard wedding which took Hameed Mey el ERE: Ce , 18 Newmarket at Varcoe's place in St. Gertrude S Roman 19 Whitby at Stouffville Catholic Church, Oshawa 20 Stouffville at Newmarket Mr. Mrs. Maurice Rought- _ Whitby at Hillcrest oy a Me pry LB of 25 Newmarket AT WHITBY Guelph, were weekend guests 26 Hillcrest at Stouffville at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 2a arcoe's at Newmarket. David Miller, of Churchill iE Avenue, report on the recent State Con. | vention held in Niagara Falls, | Miss Doreen Minnis, Brock ontario, which was attended by| St., N., is convalescing at her Grand Knight and Mrs. Smyth! home after undergoing surgery and Deputy Grand Knight Sa-| at the Scarborough General Hos- manski and Mrs. Samanski. pital. Her friends wish her a The meeting closed with| | Release Schedule |___ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 9, 1961 § 21 to 81.90 and base metals 1.30 to 191.75. The final volume was 12,657,000 shares compared with 2,180,000 Wednesday. Mart Moderate On Thursday sues mses oe TORONTO (CP) -- The stock lative mines. Con-Key turned market was down during mod-'over more than 340,000 shares erate trading Thursday in late - day trading and ad- Steel Company, Dominion vanced Foundries and Steel, Atlas and' Among seniors, losses were Burlington ail dropped heavily, heavy. Hudson Bay Mining and and Imperial Oil was also down. Smelting lost more than a point, UNION JACK The national banners of Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland were combined' in 1801 to form the On the exchange index, indus- while Falconbridge, Consoli- trials fell 1.31 to 578.38, golds dated Mining and Smelting, |Q t and Noranda had frac- WHITBY | tional losses. : In light gold trading, Mcln- tyre Porcupine, Giant Yellow- DAY-BY-DAY knife and Kerr Addison all fell, while Hollinger was up 4 to CHAMBER HOST Wh. A group of directors of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce and E. C. Nokes, field repre- sentative of the Canadian Cham- ber of Commerce were hosted this week at dinner at the Union Jack, flag of the United Soruce Villa Hotel by president Kingdom. of the Whitby chamber, Gordon |------ Richards. Following dinner, ! problems of chamber organiza- tion were discussed informally. | WHITE NEWSPRINT 4Y2-1b. pkg. -- | approximately 630 | sheets for -- $1.00 CHAS. A. BRADLEY || "tn. oro AND SONS LTD. 9-Ib. pkgs. PAINTING & PARR Es DECORATING ' Brooklin OL 5-4441 INNER OFFICE MEMOS, ETC. West Hill AT 2-0961 or visit our . . . Paint | On Sale at . . . WHITBY OFFICE & & Wallpaper Store 6731 Kingston Rd. CIRCULATION West Hill DEPT. FREE ESTIMATES ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS ON PAGE 4 Oshawa Times speedy recovery. prayer by Grand Knight. The] mm---- ------ ~~ next session will be held June 21. Whitby Knights | Make Plans For Berry Festival | Brother F. Madigin, chair- man of the "Strawberry Festi- val" to be held July 6. 7 and 8. gave a complete report on, the progress fo date at the) semi - monthly meeting of the| Whitby Knights of Columbus! Council 4895. Grand Knight James Smyth conducted the meeting held in the parish hall Wednesday, June 7 with some 35 members in attendance. Brother Harry Bax ter, general program chairman, reported on the recent '"'Polish| = Night" social. Grand Knight "= Smith congratulated brother| Baxter on the excellent work) done to make this event so successful both socially and financially. The report on the sess ow iy rae sou ee eoowee on ao ocvsve: TAN LJ GREEN CHARCOAL (ON & "A 8 sale of the "'Columbian Tour" tickets was given by brother I..! Bedard. Deputy Grand Knight ¥d Samanski gave a very concise ¢, CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. COIFFURES BY 104 DUNDAS ST. WEST SUNDAY, JUNE llth, 1961 2-4 P.M. Treat yourself to a new, up-to-the-minute hair-cut custom styled just for you by our expert coiffure Artists . , . A head-spin of swirling curls . . . sleek or fluff, whatever you prefer our creative stylists will design the perfect summer style for you . . , beautiful from any angle FOR APPOINTMENT DIAL MO 8-5124 The antite decar and art work of the Salen wat eraatad by Donald Davenport of Ney York City YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND... The Official Opening OF OUR FABULOUS NEW SALON 104A PIINRAS STW, 2 LEADING STYLISTS . . . KEN and LLOYD. Also AGNES, our attractive manicurist. COIFFURES BY WHITBY A ----