23--Wanted to Rent [25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 26--Rooms for Rent 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, June 9, 1961 17 WMale Help Wanted te salesman wanted atipg, - Apply 3 Prince 28 Prince , RA 32512 ® XO 5.5765. GAS ISLAND ATTENDANT With service station experi. nce required. Soles-minded Yung man with pleasing « Personality. Opportunity for edvancement. Apply for ap- pointment by phone to: MR. FERTILE Riter 5, MA 3.2575. WANTED: three bedroom home 1. Will take one year lease. State all pariicelars 1a teply to Buz 2, Oshawa es. 24--Houses for Rent SIX room house, oll heated, Bot water tank, tank, mmedinte poss possession, At Bloor pit bedroom Boa ,on Simcoe ert Na Noth, ofl heated, garage, Phone HOUSE, our large rooms and bath. full basement, on heated. Tele- phone WH 2-5327. SIX-ROOM bungalow for rent, on 506 Avenue, near Wilson Road South, three bedrooms, near schools and buses. RA 5-4097. i? taller fof the summer. Call private en- South, rea. ROOMS for rent, or room and board. Apply 573 Olive Avenue or RA 3-3589. |FOUR-ROOM self-contained apartment, FOUR-ROOM apartment, Darlington Boulevard Private trance, TV outlet, baby FOUR 'bath, 8-4295. washer dryer, T outlet, parking area, near Shopping centre, Available July 1. RA 8-368! PARTLY furnished three ro To "min FOUR large rooms, mewly decorated, ator, floor, Rg bath, parking, P A eg RE FOUR room apatiment, stove, refriger-|very central, at Brock "Street East. Telephone RA 5-3727 ONE furnished ers in private home, central, garage included. Male or female, Call RA 88706 or RA 3-4380. with bath utes walk to South Genera] Motors. Suit couple or two gentlemen. Tele phone RA 5-8439, hte and Sous. tor. 68 Wayne Street. RA 5-3938. FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms including kitchen and one bedroom, twin beds, suitable for two gentlemen or couple, Park Road South. Ten mis. TWO-ROOM private or un. Apply 88 MODERN two - bed: utes or GM. tied after 6 re at, 4 Street for s for young men, lectrically Sie washer atd dryer fee. Apply Apt. THREE room flat in quiet home, pri L213 bathe TV aerial, parking. Adults TWO - BEDROOM on Sim- only. Eh Albany Street. 5-3760. coe Street North, gomplete, with. stove | THREE-ROOM apartment with private and refrigerator. Phone RA 56343. 9 path, builtin kitchen North end location. on. Reasonale. Tele- phone RA 8-6380. ONE large furnished room with large furnished kitchen, adults only, Apply re. 620 Simcoe Street North. a.m. to 5 p.m. frigerator and stove, Private RA 3-2842. reasonable rooms, quite Sentral, Street or Tele- FURNISHED a and single SEVEN-ROOM house on Rossland Road West.. Large lawn and garden. Tele- phone RA 8-2693, HOUSE -- three rooms, heavy duty 3 RA 3-7205 for more FIRESTONE STORES 190 KING ST. E. RA 66 partm housekeeping room, a T -ROOM Senteal, parking. Reasonable, 96 Centre ed. Apply 539 Albert Breet or firs phone RA 8-6070. ent. Apply 3 [Queen Phone RA 5 THREE ms, utilities and THREE-ROOM LARGE housek: , frig, sin- Sle one tained, heavy duty ing, private en- cou. eeping room, beds, private bathroom, for phone, 2 vo weekly. Telephone RA 5-2400, trance and bath. Will sul Apply 219 Ritson SEVEN-ROOM brick house, large |kitchen and basement, four-piece bath, lovely garden with trees, clean, quiet central district, close to school and Phone MO 8-3219. four bedrooms, room, for rent RA 57697 after 12. YOUNG MAN for OFFICE WORK SIX.-ROOM bungalow, kitchen, living ple. RA 3-3266 or RA 6006, ONE bachelor apartment, with refrig- erator and stove, TV wiring, laundry facilities. Telephone RA 5-3652. FWOBEDROOM apartment, ivanable July 1, lose to ply 1% Simcoe Street North or RA A couple "or bache- | 8-3945. Roal South, THREE - room partment, with bath, TV aerial, 295 Street, Available June 26. Telephone RA 5-235 or RA 5-0040. THREE-ROOM fully pri IN AJAX Must be able to take dicta- ox E bedroom gungalow, two miles west yo Whitby garage, $85 mi Referen Possession June 15. CL 0530 Toronto. "|LARGE furnished bedroom and kitchen, refrigerator and sink, central, 51 Col- borne East. BRIGHT furnished bedroom in quiet home, very central, continuous hot water. RA 5-0393. SINGLE rooms for rent, single beds, suit ladies or gentlemen, very central. ao [DY 66 Warren Avenue, Duplate. lor, 553 Howard Street, side door. TORO, Targe arg: $84 MONTHLY --- mew, modern, two-| ment, private bath and entrance, spat. bedroom apartment, in new apartment ing, Sloe to downtown, adults, $65. 8 tion, type letters ond have tome bookkeeping knowledge. State age, qualifications and salory required, to box 6, Oshawa Times. DISTRICT MANAGER FOR WANTED one tenant in divided farm house, Sopyenietiess s, self . contained. 5-667 0 8-3715 or MO 8-4842, FIVE- So mew modern bungalow for he sale or rent, at 1165 Ritson South. Ap- ply 251 Annis Street RA 5-9240. FOUR - room house, micoly kept, cou. ple preferred. Very close to town, modern Call RA 80529. EIGHT-ROOMED house, newly decor- ated, handy to schools, town and bus, large fenced yard, oil Heated, Suitable for two families, RA 8-09 ATTRACTIVFLY alia "Sousieen ing room, in private home, ground | floor, parking available. Apply 27 Park Road South. King Street area, close shopping centre and downtown. oa ment and bathroom, very central, cou- LARGE front room with single beds, suit one or two persons, breakfast op- tional. Apply 74 Oshawa Blvd. South. RA 8-0852. e, washer, RA 8-036! ayers paved parking. RA APARTMENS . water, ating, good location, laundry, park- ing, id at door. RA 3-3096, 165 Verdun Roa . | THREE-ROOM self-contained N four-room apartment, in- cluding TV aerial, stove and refriger- ator and free dryer, paved driveway. Telephone RA 3-9141, THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, near South GM $60 per month. Apply 269 Thomas § Street. th four rooms, apart- in.| UNFUR apartment, heavy duty wiring, close to south GM, $60 monthly plus hydro. RA 3-9742. APARTMENTS, one and two bedrooms, new building, ing and built-in stove. RA 8-3634. ple with children only. Heat, hydro cluded, $55 monthly. 8-6666. NEWLY decorated, self-contained two- bedroom apartment, upper duplex, stove and refrigerator, parking, Apply 111 Rit- son Road North. ry pho! PRIVATE apartment three rooms Ee upper apartment, pri- oe ese" Shopping Centre, Adults. $10 Yate entrance, bathroom, kitchen, two LARGE housekeeping room, private en. Marion Drew, 5-7610; John Kemp 8-2392; Everett Elliott 3-9290 -127--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 KING ST. E. Dial RA 8-4678 ANNES ST., WHITBY Just reduced to $11,900, Think of this for only $3,000.00 down. You can buy this lovely brick veneer 1%2 storey home on a quiet side street -- close to schools and transportation, Nicely decorated and landscaped on a deep lot with patio. Large 23- foot living room -- 3rd bedroom con be used as dini Joon --!arge kitchen with eating area. Heats for only $85. year. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call now for an Frid ment to inspect, MILTON STREET 3 bedroom brick ranch bungalow in ideal location priced ot $12,500.00 for quick sale with $2,500.00 down, storms, screens, decorated and landscaped, wired for dryer. GIBBONS STREET 1% year old -- 5%2 room ranch bungalow with carport -- good sized rooms, storms, screens, storm doors, large china cabinet off kitchen, wired for dryer, patio etc. A quality hom¢ at only $15,500.00. Call this office for appointment to inspect. AFTER 5:30 CALL Dick Barriage, 5-6243; Joe Maga 5-9191; trance, main floor. 218 Celina. "Telephone RA 8-5253, TWO-ROOM apartment, one bedroom, fully furnished, reasonable rent. Apply 302 Jarvis Street. FURNISHED light housekeeping room. Newly decorated, parking available. Apply 194 Division or telephone RA 3.7917. TWO rooms -- kitchen and bedroom, furnished, central, suit business lady. Apply 214 Dearborn Avenue, RA 8-8397. ONE clean and comfortably furnished light housekeeping room at 77 Ontario Street. monthly, 212 Stevenson South, arge rooms and attic, newly LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LOVELY NEW 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE Three bedrooms, two bath rooms, full basement, hard- wood floors, bright and quiet garden, central, One block from school and shopping. MO 8-8669 Whitby Wanted for Oshawa and District Must have ot least on year's THREE ah errr he Colborne Street, RA 8-4166. and five-roomed apartments Se -- partly furnished if desired, heavy duty (ONE scll.contained apartment, oon 0ut | wiring, oil heated, newly decorated. | [POMS ore child welcome. Telephone Central. Telephone RA 8.0933. 8 FOUR-ROOM apartment, private en- pork - room apartment, all conven. iences, private entrance, patio, $65 trance. neap school, heavy Quty wiring, monthly, including heat and hydro. Ap. 189 189 Wayne. RA 5.7754. |ply 321 'Anderson Avenue, RA 5-7876. {BASEMENT apartment furnished, bed. THREE ROOM apartment with bulltin Ubi roum and kitchen, sink and cup- wiring, TV outlet, parking, share bath. {heards, Hest Boith M and hospital. Dial RA 3-9128. -- h--------------eiant second APARTMENT three rooms unfurnish- selling experience and be be- tween oges of 25 and 45. Wonderful opportunity for personal producer who wishes to develop agency for aggres- sive Conadion Company in this area, Management over- riding, commission, bonus and other benefits. Our present Ontario . organization have been advised of this opport- unity. APPLY BOX 4 18--Male or Female Help Wanted ¥omin eruise assistant required on 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent! TWO-ROOM unfurnished apartment, private bath, electric stove, $10 weekly includes utilities, heat. Suit one or two people. =A 3.7797. priva MODE. steel sink, hiro dy three- piece bath. Suitable for two business people. Telephone RA 3-9557. THREE - room apartment, private en. trance, all conveniences. Drew Street, ONE- and two-bedroom apartments, available in modern building, stove and refrigerator supplied, MO 8-3092 after 101 Craydon Road, Whitby. FOR RENT: Whitby, new split level, seven rooms, rec room, 3 bedrooms, ex: tra washroom, suitable two families. Vacant. $110 monthly, Apply A and on | Grocery, 146 Nassau Street, Oshawa. Apply 592 R hree - arti Rl A A or in each, adults only. Telephone Cy small child welcome, North Oshawa $68 3511 between © and 5, Monday to Fri.| monthly. RA 86876. day {BASEMENT "apartment, {built in cupboards, private bathroom APARTMENT in new apartment build- {ing, four rooms and bath, stove and|and_entranco, Heated. RA 8-4052. refrigerator, TV aerial, washer, dryer, |MODERN four-room apartment, t, three rooms, frig, RA 59161. stove, washer, dryer, Tv outlet, paved Close to Shopping Centre. (parking. Ravine Road. RA 51310, RA UPPER duplex five rooms and bath very central, newly decorated, oil heat-| Call THREE-ROOM spaifment, stove, refrig- gration cupboards, sink, Fhate bath. 517 asin. ar] THREE- ROOM apartment, private bat th, 14 k Bosd South) of SUB: i free parking, washing facilities, immed. | THREE furnished rooms light jate possession. Telephone RA 5-6106 or | housekeeping. Parking, semi-private en- RA 3-7534. trance. RA 8-2480 or RA 8-1584, FURNISHED basement apartment at| TWO- -ROOM furnished apartment, con- Hampton, newly decorated, built-in|veniences, heat, lights included, Park- cupboards, tile floor; sink, $60 monthly, ing, $60 monthly. Telephone RA 8-4386 includes heat and hydro, COlfax 3-2192.|0r 115 Agnes Street. garage. Available July 1 5-5275. ing, THREE large room unfurnished self. THREE- ROOM apartment, private en- apartment, modern conven-| trance, all conveniences, heavy wiring, ter sunshine cruise. Younger travel. rg person. Opportunity learn tour eon- also enjoy unique fractional holiday. Qualifications, photograph. te Box 8, Oshawa Times. COOK wanted for Camp Samac for summer months, Telephone RA 85-0762 o RA 37831 20--Room and Board POR young men in friendly home, good meals, TV lounge, central to hospital 5 Sovmows, 51 Colborne East. RA SPACIOUS one-bedroom private entrance, parking space, TV outlet, heavy duty wiring, new kitchen, |" Share bathroom, $55 monthly. R. 4257. THREE room apartment, private bath, modern kitchen, stove and refrigerator | © 8-2916 after 6 p.m, 3%-ROOM apartment, ground floor, |P month, Small child welcome. RA LARGE two-roomed apartment in ay awa, very central, ait business couple. Telephone MO 8-23 FURNISHED hE room, suitable Ti for two, near Pedlars. Apply 862 Simcoe Street South. MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Quiet residential street close to transportation; stoves and 'fridges, T.V. outlet, drapes and paved parking. PHONE RA 5-7272 RA 5-5787 WHITBY CLASSIFIED ROOM and board or room only, newly decorated, good home cooking, sauial, minutes' walk to four corners ¢! tal. Apply 240 Division. ROOM and board, newly decorated, beds Lunches packed if L an ford and Simcoe Srea, parking. Apply 708 Carnegie Avenu WO gentlemen or girls TH to hare, single beds, three meals a day, Ys sultry, clean home, $16 per week. a = rent or room and board. Apply 573 Olive Ave or telephone RA 3 h PONTIAC Inn is now opened under new [Rasageient, I90m and board [ $.9957, Pontiac Inn. 22--Store Space & Garages BOWMANVILLE office space, three modernized, steam-heated offices, lights supplied, walk-in vault in one. Apply Specialty Paper Products, Limited, in Bowmanville. 23--Wanted to Rent THREE - BEDROOM house in Rossland Road district, east of Simcoe Street. Please reply to Box 100, Oshawa Post Difice. apartment, A|THREE - ROOM apartment, Very central. Telephone RA self-contained, heated, central, vB if iences, five minutes from downtown, (heated, central, parking. Flue days, $70 monthly. Telephone RA 5-4344. RA 5.1113; evenings, RA 5-1569. private THREE- -ROOM apartment in new home, bath, entrance, TV aerial, refrigerator, Private . -bath, modern kitchen, laundry stove, suitable for business couple, eld- facilities RA 3-3937. erly couple, or widow. Abstainers only. | MODERN two bedroom apartment, |137_ Huron. |main floor, all eonveniences, close to {FURNISHED two room apartment, |Shopping centre, $100. RA 5-0191, RA parking, central, heat, |8- lights, Child weicome. $60. RA 8-4386, ONE-BEDROOM spariment, Inexpen- RA 3-9180. sive, private, close to bus and shop- ROOM in modern home, nigely furnish. (Ping. Telephone RA 8-605. ed, continuous hot water, bus stop at/ | THREE room apartment, unfurnished, door, wih or without board. Telephone heavy duty pa sink and cupboards, RA 8-47 parking facilities, eR shopping, 237 $60 SoNTRLY = clean, three, 00m Nassau Street. RA 8-3 apartment, heavy wiring, and si STOR a Kitchen, stare bath, TV outlet. Dial RA STORE for Tent, bi remem 39. Simeoe South, beside Speedy Auto TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and Glass. Ample off-street parking. RA kitchen, with a refrigerator, built-in 8-129. cupboards and sink. All conveniences. SPECIAL bachelor apartment in apart Apply 887 Ritson Road . ment private, ideal for couple, MODERN four-roomed apartment, suit|stove and refrigertor included. TV couple, stove, refrigerator, free use of |outiel, parking, immediate possession. washer and dryer, Immediate posses-| RA 3-4245. sion. Telephone e RA 8-356. TWO-bedroom apartment, electrically LOVELY two bedroom THE new- equipped, in modern apartment build. ly decorated, in mew apartment build. ing, west end. $95 P, month. Contact ing, near shopping centre, electrically Mr. Doug Sullied, . D. Hyman Real- equipped, child welcome, parking. RA tor RA 8-6286 8-6795. ADELAIDE TERRACE THREE room, ground floor apart: ment, unfurnished, front and back ei bn are cisint! Solon 35%) New modern 2 - bedroom 5-9101. apartment, Stove, frig, TV outlet, broadloom floor, park- ing space, laundry facilities. Adults only, available July 1. MODERN five room bungalow, near schools, immediate possession or will Apply 329 Adelaide Ave., Apt, 2. sell with low down payment of only $400. Call Irwin Cruickshank, RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty, Oshawa, Ltd. FIVE rooms, ground "floor, sh share with lady, near' bus and shopping; also three rooms, bath, upstairs. Newly dec- orated. RA 8-5243. MODERN large two-room apartment, main floor, private entrance, refriger- ator, stove and sink, cupboards, T.V., telephone outlets central. RA 8.3149, FOUR room apartment, , reasonable rent. Children welcome. Apply at 173 Ritson Road South. MODERN, LARGE APARTMENTS NOW VACANT In new building, two bed- FOR RENT: Clean, apartment, consists of a room, bathroom, kitchen, self contained bed sitting nicely fur- FOR SALE: Three bedroom bungalow, basement and recreation room, location. Apply 304 APARTMENT, furnished bed sitting room, kitchen, private bath, TV aerial, garage, heat, light, and water; laundry \l Lady rooms, dining area, electri. cally equipped, including washer and dryer free. Apply nished. Suit 5 lady, T MO 8-3795, fic FOR RENT: Five room Size, Bk Street North. Rent $75 monthly. Pos- session July 1. Apply 117 "Euclid Street, MO 8-3122. FOR RENT: Three rooms, unfurnished, newly decorated, oil heated. Immediate possession. Adults vrefe stain. ers. Telephone MO 8-2918. RANCH style house for rent, three bed- rooms, reasonable. Also mew modern two bedroom apartment. Both available July 1. Telephone MO 8-5645, .|NEW House for rent, Kitchen, room, two bedrooms; for couple one child. Telephone MO 8-2655. FOR SALE: Floor model rangette, Pp THREE room apartment for rent, vate bath and entrance. Telephone 8-5674. room, dining room, kitchen an bath, two bedrooms and garage. Drapes and kitchen stove included. $85 per month, on a one year lease. Call MO 8-4004. POR RENT: Apartment in duplex, large living id R RENT -- Three-room apartment ern stove and kia By 233 Pal- moe Street, Whitby. Phone RA 85-4302 Othawa, FOUR-ROOM apartment for rent, cen: acious yard. Heat, (2) Der month. Phone living with Apt. 1 or 4, 213 Montrave MODERN 2-bedroom apartment on 15 GIBBONS SREET Adults or with children over 12. Available July 1st, Apply: 21 GIBBONS STREET NORTHWAY APARTMENTS 630 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-7055. FURNISHED and unfurnished apart. ment, from $85; laundry room, paved parking and balconies, MO 8-8386. FIVE room irnished | unfurnished first floor apartment, heated, electric, hot and cold water supplied, living and dining rooms paneled, dining room beam ceil ing, two fireplaces, heated garage, at bus stop, King Street East. Also three room unfurnished, heated, hot and cold water supplied, second floor, Both available July 1, For appointment tele- phone RA 5-5373. |THREE room apartment in apartment building. Apply Apt. 3, 103 Wilson Road North. No children please. PRIVATE four room, main floor apart- ment for rent. TV outlet and parking at 111 Mary Street. RA 8-477 SIX-ROOM modern bungalow, near hools, jmmefiste Rossession. Apply 305 Rosed ale Drive. looks new, two purmers, Sen Teal = age. Asking 8-4576. sat ome jacket heater, one THREE room apartment with private A 2a one kitchen = |bath and laundry facilities, modern kit- Ay 712 Dundas West, Whitby, _ |cten. I MO ly 2-2 PTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary Show fanky inraied. Water ward, U1 {SS00m, ApaTiment, sae one 204 Chestnut West. Ppone ) 2563, iy. Hot wate heating. Availabe ow. STUDENTS! A super Vv approxi ighway No. 2 close to Ajax. MO mately 630 sheets of eter Vi lag 0 8-3804. per (news print) hip A P| MEN and woman wanted, days or eve- = Oshawa as Olfice, Whitby. | ings for part time employment. Apply 1 Dundas Street 106 Brock Street South GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel Driveway Gravel ond Fill. Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon. ERIC C. BRANTON FOR RENT -- $60 i, room apartments, bal A Residential area, newly decorated, laundry facil ities. Parking, close to schools, chil. tes 3 playground. Apply 300 High FOR rent one and two-bedroom apart. ments, $80, $80 and $100 in odes building, stoves, frig's. MO 8-3591 Modern 2-bedroom apart- ments, stove, 'frig, fully auto- matic. Parking area. For information apply-- 778 HORTOP APARTMENTS Modern one- and two-bed- room opartments, $85 and up. Best location, Phone == RA 8-1194 26--Rooms for Rent ONE furnished housekeeping room, re- frigerator and laundry facilities. Tele. LANSDOWNE AND WILSON RD. NORTH TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT $105 Stove ond frig., washer and dryer, bamboo curtains throughout, parking, 18' liv- ing room, modern kitchen, 563 Lansdowne Drive. Call Gower Real Estate, RA 8-4651. MO 8-2660 BOATING AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents, all sizes, $7 - $15 per EXPERT roto-tilling for Se and lawns. Don't call unless you want the best. Call Dick, MO 8-2614. BC SERVICES. C Complete service for small businesses, monthly or as desired. Statem eEaents pre- pared, Income tax returns, MO 8-8252. GOING FISHING? Check Classifica- tion 32 for real buys in used fishing gear. You'll be amazed at the bar- gains. phone RA 3-7800. TWO unfurnished rooms and kitchen. ette, sink, cupboards and stove, private, close to downtown and shopping centre. Vacant. Abstainers, Apply 51 Nassau Street. SEVERAL clean furnished bedrooms, private entrance, parking facilities, $6 weekly, Men only. Telephone RA 8-5204 between 7 and 9. LARGE fully equipped housekeeping room, suit one girl, central, Phone RA 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT TELEPHONE RA 5-3815 or RA 8-6485 FOR sale: five room brick on large lot with garage, close to all schools, Low down payment. Telephone MO 8-3794. ROOM and board for two men, share room, single beds, lunches packed. Telephone MO 8-2500. eek. ab Bags, Coolers, lon- terns, stoves, $2 weekly. Cabin Trailers, sleep 5 ond 6, $40 and $45 per week. Qutboard Motors, all sizes, $15 ond up. 5-7922 or apply 58 Nassau Street, TWO large furnished rooms, stove and frig., shady and cool, $55 per month 552 Simcoe South, RA 5-3206. light oh diel Street, bus stop at pli RA WHITBY 109 CRAYDON ROAD Modern, spotless building. Boat, 5 h.p. motor and trailer, $35 per week. 14' Runabout, 25 electric "and trailer, $85 weekly. Cances and Cartop Boats, $15 per week, We also rent, repair and sell lownmowers, garden tillers, power tools. z "WILDE RENTAL Service ond Sales 1415 Dundas East, Whitby x MO 8-3226 SUPERMARKET IN YOUR HOME. $16.95 per week assures a family of 4 Good Living. This includes 17 cu- bic foot Freezer by ROY, CS.A. approjed. a 3 months' food by SCHNEIDERS' FE 250 bon- us cheque from Hydro Elec- tric. Live modern, call: ECONOMART, MO 8-5381. No obligation, No down pay- ment. 8-6890 for more information. THREE large rooms, heavy duty wir- ing, close to school, on good paved Joad, reasonable rent. RA 5.6052 after p.m. ONE or two furnished housekeeping rooms. Apply 107 Fernhill Blvd. after 5 p.m. RA 5-4373. BED sitting room for girl, private bath, broadloom, cooking privileges. Every- thing supplied, in better home, hospital. Telephone RA 5 3093. FURNISHED bed sitting room, kitchen- ette, large closet, linens and kitchen Supplied, al conveniences, separate en. rance. Suitable for two, girls preferred, RA , Blrls pi Laundry facilities, parking, ample storage. Electrically equipped ond T.V. outlets. 1 bedroom 2 bedroom 2 bedroom furnished To inspect see caretaker in Apt. 1, or CHARTERED TRUST TORONTO Mr, Melvin -- WA 2-6135 ATTRACTIVELY 'FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, 82 PARK ROAD N. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. CATERING BUSINESS FOR SALE CATERING BUSINESS FOR SALE -- Included ore 5 trucks, 4 friges, 5 oven units, ice cube machine, os well as many other items. Full price $26,500. Excellent returns, 3-PLEX -- Almost new, beautifully built nd in a nice loca ton. Call Olive Howe Realtor, Whitby MO 8-5853. Drastic reductions in houses in Whitby -- Buy Now. We have people who will trade income homes for a small form-- _ For Dihava listings ond homes for sale, call Aurelio Konoza, = Whitby and surrounding districts, call our solestaff, Audrey Moore or Mildred Bilida, : OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 130 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-5853 HANDY? NEW N.H.A. BUNGALOW $595 DOWN ALLOWANCE OF $200 IF YOU DO YOUR OWN DECORATING AND SODDING. Materials supplied and $395. will be your full down payment. Ne second mortgage. $70 monthly. Full price $12,2 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. RA 5-1186 RA 8-8671 27--Real Estate for Sale SIX-ROOM home, central location, priced to sell at $9500 with $1000 down Owner will hold one mortgage for bal- ance at $70 monthly, Very low taxes. Call Irwin Cruikshanks at RA 8.5123. Lloyd Realty Oshawa Ltd. BUILDING lot, Taunton Road, 49 x 150 ft., $2,400, city water, ready to build immediately; half cash, easy terms. Weinberger Realtor, RA 8-5145, evenings RA 3 3-7244. OPEN HOUSE IN BEAU VALLEY Evenings 6 till 9 Saturday Afternoons 2 till 5:30 LOOKING FOR SOMETHING BETTER? Then here is your answer -- 5-room modern apartment in nearly-new Tri-Plex -- all large rooms, stove, 'frig, paved parking, washer and dryer. $100.00 monthly. Call RA 8-4678 or after 5:30 RA 5-6983. J. A. WILLOUGHBY and SONS, REALTORS 50 ACRE FARM Near Highway 7 -- 20 miles from Toronto -- level pro- ductive soil -- good barn -- DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR LTD. 41 GLADSTONE AVE. RA 8-4651 Seeing is believing and extras to boot, prices -- $13,350 end up. NLH.A. financing, as low os $1,200 down, open for in- spection from 6:30 to 8:30 every evening. Week-ends 1:30 +0 4:30. Meet us at our Models, Taylor and Farewell Ave. Sales- man on site. FOR BUYING POWER CALL DOUG GOWER You are invited to see the 1961 Coldell Homes Whitby Estates Proudly presents 8 different Model Homes, 3 and 4 bedroom, solid brick construction, on paved road with concrete sidewalks. Example:-the CEDAR A single 6-room bungalow with built-in garage, fully decorated, plaster walls with cornices and valance boxes in living room, hollywood kitchen with fan, bathroom with built-in vanity and colored fixtures, storms and screens. DOWN PAYMENT $993 One N.H.A. Mortgage only carrying for $79.64 MONTHLY FULL PRICE $13,780 SUMMER POSSESSION No open ditches in this generously planned and so conveniently located Subdivision with new. school, shopping and bus line. Paved roads, curbs, sidewalks, street lights, storm ond sanitary sewers in and paid for! Hwy. No. 2, 850 yds. east of Brock St., Whitby H. D. BIRK, BROKER AM 1.8520 MO 8-8734 designed for Grace & Space and so conveniently located in -- BRAEMOR GARDENS Stephenson's Rd. N., and Annapolis Avenue 40' x 50°, and pond. Anxious to sell. ONE ACRE WITH MODERN HOME 2 miles from Oshawa -- this well located property -- 6 room house has all conven- iences, oil furnace, bathroom, fireplace, and many extras. Due to ill health -- owner must sell. Price $16,000 with good terms. HOME AND 8 ACRES Near Blackstock, on paved road, 8 roomed brick house, barn and garage -- school bus passes door. See this! at only $10,000, with easy terms. For further particulars Contact Mervin Bird, Brooklin, Phone OL 5-3159 LYLIA M. McBRIEN REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 2 Lots Braemor Gardens--3$50 a foot Save $500 SAVE $300 $600 on fully serviced LOTS in exclusive Rossland Manor 60 foot lots -- $55.00 a foot -- Save $300 Wooded Los -- $60.00 a foot -- Save $600 RALPH S. JONES-RA 8-6246 Limited number left -- for information call: BROOKLIN, ONT. OLIVER 5-4971 BOX 22 5.Roomed Bungalow, plus 2 unfinished rooms in attic, All conveniences, Insul-bric, Gar- age. Large lot with small fruits, Nicely landscaped, Low taxes. $9,000.00 with good down payment, Solid brick 2 storey, 4 bed- rooms. Large lot running down to creek at rear of property. Hot water heating, Could be converted to Duplex, Extra kitchen now instolled on 2nd floor, $15,000.00 with sub- stantial down payment, DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR 41 GLADSTONE AVE. RA 8-4651 Fich and chips, forced to sell, Only $3.500 down and bal- ance in reasonable monthly payments. New shopping cen- tre, Going concern for right party. Gas station and stock. $5,000 down or best offer. Good lease large gallonage, central loca- tion. Other interest reason for selling. Launderette, nearly finished and ready to go. Leased to reliable tenants at $200 per month, Location on Simcoe South $19,500 full price and the terms to be arranged. Check this for a real invest- ment, Call Ossie Martin RA 5-6165 anvtime or RA 8-4651 APPROX. $1,200 DOWN PAYMENT Joseph BOSCO REALTOR RA 5-9870 ROSMERE STREET AND FERNHILL BLVD. "THE FUTURAMA" deluxe model by Wallis Construction. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with 1050 sq. ft. living space. CHECK THESE FEATURES: Ristow & Olsen REALTORS FOR FAMILY FREEDOM CONSIDER This four-bedroom brick home with all conveniences, attached garage ond a small barn. Owner has beautifully landscaped this property consisting of 512 acres of excellent garden soil. Listed ot $12,500 with reasonable terms, For information coll Howard Forder at RA 8-5107 or evenings RA 8-2155, GRANDVIEW GARDENS Custom-built 6-room bungalow with attached garage, spacious living room with fireplace and broadloom, Large fenced lot, patio, lovely recreation room, nicely decorated throughout, Listed ot $19,800 with terms. For details call Carl Olsen ot RA 8-5107 or evenings RA 5-3412, IT'S DIFFERENT From the low, unusual profile of its exterior to the large double windowed living room with floor to ceiling stone fireplace, this North End ranch has luxury appeal. Floor area where you want it, rooms where they should be. Six rooms, attached gar- age, completed recreation room and extra powder room. Offered at $24,900 with terms. Call Paul Ristow ot RA 8-5107 or RA 5-8152 evenings. HENRY ST. -- WHITBY MUST BE SOLD! Take advantage of this opportunity to own aon ottractive home reduced considerably below its original cost. This is on unusual plon with five and a half rooms, beautifully landscaped, treed and fenced yard. Down payment is not im- portant. See ond be convinced. Call Hilda Ristow at RA 8-5107 or RA 5-3605 evenings. PIG AND POULTRY BUSINESS AND EQUIPMENT New steel buildings, 10,000 bird capacity, gas heating and ofl heating lines throughout all buildings. Bulk feed bins and litter carrier, automatic waters, feeders and brooders. Loafing barn for 20 brood sows, also farrowing bam. 10 acres of valu oble land on the edge of prosperous village. To investigate this property's potential call Howard Forder at RA 8-5107 or evenings RA 8-2155. FURNISHED COTTAGE For rent or for sale -- two bedrooms, fireplace, bath, pressure system. Located at Thickson's Point, five minutes from Oshawa. Call Paul Ristow ot RA 8-5107 or RA 5-8152 evenings. COURTICE RD. N. S.rcom stone bungalow 5 years old, fireplace, large fot. A real buy at $8,900 with $1,000 down, For more information call Carl Olsen at RA 8- 5107 or evenings RA 5-3412, 8 MILES FROM OSHAWA 140 acre farm, 40 acres spring crop, 18 acres fall wheot, Pur- chaser to have crop. Large home with bathroom. Bam 40 x 70 with milking machine. This farm priced for immediate sale. For information call Howard Forder at RA 8-5107 or evenings RAB-2155. RA 5-6165 RA 8-5107 19 ATHOL ST. W., OSHAWA / 1. Vanity in bathroom with 11. Built-in bookcase. twin sinks, 5 12. Plumb in basement 2. Double steel for a) stool. kitchen 3. Coloured bothroom fix» 13. Divided basement. tures. 14. Fruit cellar with door. 15. Wired for dryer. 4, Glass divider . 16. Steel frame basement windows. 5. 2 ft. by 4 ft. mirror in bathroom. 6. Tiled bathroom, Clay brick. 7. Inlaid linoleum in front 2 ft. overhang. hall. Partial stone front. Aluminum storm doors. Iron railing. Sodded front lawn. Pierson windows. sinks in in bath- 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, 23. 8. Arborite counter tops. 9. Natural cup- boards. 10. Pull down dining room light fixture. $13,900 FULL PRICE stained REPRESENTATIVES RUSNOR CONSTRUCTION LTD. GIVES YOU MORE HOUSE FOR YOUR MONEY! ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE ELSE IN OSHAWA AREA CAN YOU BUY THESE HANDCRAFT HOMES FOR $800.00 DOWN, TO ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE, AND $100.00 MONTHLY, PRINCI- PAL, INTEREST AND TAXES. If you are looking for a new house . . . a good house . . . in a proven area--then you cannot make a better buy than at RUSNOR. Feature for feature, dollar for dollar, you cannot make a better housing deal in Oshawa. SEE IT FOR YOURSELF THIS WEEKEND OPEN DAILY FROM 12 NOON DIRECTIONS: PARK ROAD SOUTH TO PHILIP MURRAY AVE, TURN LEFT ON OXFORD STREET. RUSNOR CONSTRUCTION LTD. Newt Hodgson John Candy George Christensen Frances Hallowell Joseph Bosco (Continued on Pagp 18)