i Newspaper Advertising Most Populer {| CHICAGO -- Neyspapers con- { tinue to be the advertisirg med- ium most used by super mark- ets, a survey of the men bership {of Super Market Institute, 'representing more than 16.000 i retail food outlets, has revealed. | Virtually all (97 per cent) of the SMI members responding to a survey conducted by Curt i Kornblau, research director of the trade association, reported they advertised in newspapers. Some 90 per cent of the super market companies spent more "I money with newspapers than in any other medium; 81 per cent spent more on newspapers "TORO Why BIG TOW JOB its | after section will be added, Nearly at the end of journey, the tug Graham Ste- | providing a new ship for the wart pulls the 550-foot mid- | ore-carrying fleet of the M, A, | section of a lake freighter | Hannah Company. The Mont- | through the Welland Canal to- | real tug was aided in the ward Lorain, Ohio, from Ham- | trans-Atlantic trip by a sis- burg, Germany, where it was | ter, the Helen McAllister. | built. At Lorain the bow and --(CP Wirephoto) Angola May Be Another Congo WINDSOR (CP)--Baptist mis- real said the convention must an on all other media com. tions subcommittes engineer: ned, and 52 per ceni spent more than three-quarters of their total advertising budget on newspapers. The current survey showed that 62 per cent of the super market companies used radio, 60 per cent printed and distrib uted handbills and 32 per cent advertised on television. Three years ago, when this subject was last investigated by SMI's research" division, 96 per cent th | bi Vote Money es Be ; sa ble Seana For Seaway sent work rate, | Keith. Wilson, director of the WASHINGTON (AP) -- The pission, urged the subcommit- ciation asked the United States] (50,000 for navigation and har- neers said could be efficiently bor improvement projects in the used in the fiscal year starting of the companies used news- Great Lakes area. July 1. papers, 58 per cent radio, 49 The request included a plea per cent handbill§ and circu- for $19,100,000 to continue deep-| lars and 27 per cent television, jeniug and imptoving the Sreal T-------- -- . {Lakes connecting channels to . Moi tod FUR AUCTION match depths of the St. Law- Royce Flying Bedstend, which Some 320,000 mink and 50,000 rence Scaway. made aviation history as the blue fox pelts were offered at N. R. Danielen, president of first jet aircraft with vertical the Oslo international fur auc- the association, told a House take-off is to be placed in a tions in March. of Representatives appropria- London museum. SPECIAL CRAFT LONDON (CP) -- The Rolls- In test...after test...after test Seagram's New brand Rated Best Before introducing Seagram's 5 Star, Seagram tested" this great new brand of rye whisky from coast to coast against the three leading brands in its price class... and Canadians liked the taste of 5 Star best. Next time try Seagram's great new . "1 Mv, 3 . ! ehpecial Canadian brand with the Five Stars on the bottle, Soy Whirkgs AOSIP BE STAGRAM € SONS UNITED *Tested under the official supervision of a& leading Research Organization, J] hadestimated the channels| Michigan State Waterways Com-| Great Lakes-St. Lawrence AssO- 0, 1 increase the channel funds | Congress Thursday to vote $24,- 10 $27,000,000, the amount engi-| Mr. COURTICE COURTICE -- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bailey and Mr. James Reid of Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Reid of Belleville were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cowle had s guests for the anniversary and Mrs. Wes. Down and sons Paul and Scott. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Down and sons Larry and Rodger. Mr. and Mrs. H. Vetzal and daughters THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June 9, 1961 13 Marilyn and David joined their parents and grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adams to help them celebrate their fourty- sec- ond wedding anniversary. Congratulations to Mary Lou Danbrook who successfully pas- sed her cosmetology examina- tions held in Toronto. The Friendship Group of Courtice United Church WA held its June meeting in the form of a dinner, at the Manchester Barbeque. An informal meeting those who would bake or help with the catering for the wed- ding on June 24. At the close of the meeting a lovely birthday cake was placed on the table. Mrs. Wm. McKnight and Mrs. F. Chumbley were the honored ladies for both had birthdays on this date. Mrs. J. Osborne was the one who donated it, and with her usual thoughtfulness made the outing a complete success. The next meeting will be held in September and you will be Pamela, Debbie and Lynda. Mr. was held to arrange for the col- and Mrs. Carl Downs and Mr. [lection of bake goods for the notified at what date and where and Mrs. Carl Adams, Patricia, anniversary luncheon and to list'it will be held. 1959 BUICK HDTP. A sparkling, like-new coupe complete with power steering ond brakes, auto- motic, radio, whitewalls, etc, NOW ONLY $2395 1957 BUICK 4-DOOR This sharp sedan is fully equipped with radio, dynaflow, power steering ond brakes, electric window, 6-woy seat, and many more plus features, PRICED TO SELL $845 Take The RIGHT STEP TO SAVINGS during Ontario Motor Sales 38 VEARS FAIR DEALING GAR IS YOUR NOW ! GUARANTEE FOR THE BEST CHOICE . . . CHOOSE FROM THE LARGEST SELECTION AT ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 BOND WEST LIMITED RA 5-6507 DEAL YOUR OLD clean with a TORO! Mow your lawn and pick up the clippings at the essary. The bag and chute are actually a part of the : design not an attachment sionaries warned Thursday that offer more financial support in| ®8 it is on ordinary rotary is likely to be more of a world tion's 420 member churches are! without the bag, clippings headache than The Congo has located in the strongly Roman| @re dispersed evenly over Dr. Edgar J. Bailey of West-| "we Bapti wee this revolutionary ro. 4 ptists must reasses I mount, Que, told the Ontario our position in Quebec and de. itary mower today, [ LJ tha: many missionaries have|(y continue the work of evan-' 8s. Cow, hl left the country because of dan-|gelizing ule iy evan ot your FREE Sy h to self-rule. Twenty .- four mission- ot tt wb : : aries--some with families--are Po: it with financial aid as well | "We should face the realities] He said two ministers in the | A W. RUNDLE of Angola." Dr. Bailey said, "the |Grandc Ligne mission field are | Gard c arden Centre Dr. Bailey said the foreign|for ministers in Ontario. | missions board should consider | the country. : A census completed in April, | OSHAWA, ONTARIO Some 700 Baptist clergymen, 1961, placed Yugoslavia's popu- | RA 5-1764 tended the four - day annual of 1,500,000 over 1953. meeting which ended Thursday. | ---------- Davies of Yorkminister Baptist Church, Toronto, was 'elected ! Other executives include Rev. | Roy C. Cook, Chatham, vice- MUST HELP IN QUEBEC Rev. H. C. Wilkinson of Mont- CANADA'S at . beautiful BOWMANVILLE HIGH SPEED RACING CARS RACING DRIVERS \4 HILLTOP VANTAGE PERFECT VIEW OF TRACK 11 AM. Sponsored by the British q 4 35 same time~-no raking nec» *"Wind-Tunnel"'t housing, the tiny African state of Angola Quebec. About 25 of the conven-| mowers. When mowing been. Catholic province. your lawn. Come in and ana Quebec Baptist Convention|cide whether we want seriously| Teiclusior mark of Tors UN er from A i i i N ger m Angolans impatient for "It we do then we must sup- Yoro booklet. y working in the country. . as prayers." | violence is extreme at times." |Paid $500 less than the minimum 1015 KING ST. EAST a porary ab ment - of | DEADLY LIGHTNING laymen and their wives at- lation at 18,500,000, an increase| * In final sessions Dr. Emlyn president. president. LJ THRILLING RACES ® ® CANADA'S TOP POINT OFFERS Empire Motor Club When life's got you down O'Keefe Ale will perk you up! O'Keefe Ale's ability to perk you up comes' from the careful way O'Keefe brewmasters make it. They bring in hops from the west to add to the lively current of taste running through every bottle of O'Keefe Ale. And they ageit in Rhu (rhymes with brew) cellars to mellow it. So perk yourself up. Say OK for O'Keefe and get the natural flavour of pure ale, Photograph taken in the Pacific Ocean, near Acapulco, Mexico,