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BOTTLE WYLER'S INSTANT ONION G53 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 3.01. CELLO PKG. BEAVER PISTACHIO NUTS G54 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase TWO CELLO PKGS. FRESH TOMATOES G55 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase ONE 3.LB. POLY BAG FRESH CARROTS G36 Coupon Expires June 14 With Coupon & Purchase 10-0X. AEROSOL TIN BRIDGEPORT BUG BOMB G6 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase VOLUME ONE "DO-IT-YOURSELF" ENCYCLOPEDIA G7 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase ONE 3.LB. POLY BAG WINESAP APPLES G57 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase ANY BUNCH DELICIOUS BANANAS GSB Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase ONE 10-LB. BAG CANADIAN NO. 1 GRADE NEW: POTATOES G59 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase ANY TWO HEADS LETTUCE G60 Coupon Expires June 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, June 7, 1961 19 Swinging To Cha-Cha, Khrushchev Happy By STANLEY JOHNSON Sukarno, who ordinarily pre- Scores of diplomats and prom- - MOSCOW (AP) -- Swaying to|fers the traditional dances of his|inent Russian guests kept time a cha-cha beat, Premier Khrus-|island nation, was a buoyantito the music with rhythmic hehev danced hand in hand with host. The party was held at the handclapping. President Sukarno Tuesday Indonesian embassy. Khrushchev grabbed Su- night at the gayest party seen The official party was out on karno's marshal's baton from in Moscow for a half - dozen the lawn when the band struck'him and conducted the orches- years. up dance tunes. tra. It was to celebrate the Indo- wp, chehev pushed President When Brezhnev and Mikoyan nesian leader's 60th birthday, y.oniq Brezhnev and First Dep- were exhausted and sat down, and before you knew it the mu ,;.o" promier Anastas Mikoyan Sukarno stood up and took Nina sic was. going 'Indonesia is, fom a card table at which Khrushchev by the hand. free, cha cha cha." And the S0- {hey were drinking orange juice| Mrs. Khrushchev danced a bit, viet premier, six years Sukar- ,,4 the two began a Caucasian then smilingly begged off and no's senior, was out there trip- ron gance called the lez ginka. sat down. ping it up with him. i a i # Khrushchev, just back from Brezhnev played the girl's Sukarno began choosing part- Tis Vienna talks with President part, holding his white linen ners from the crewd. Mikoyan Kennedy, appeared carefree and handkerchief over his head in and Brezhnev found girls and completely relaxed. the traditional gesture. began dancing too. - Br a CRE Sukarno went over and brought Khrushchev in to dance with them. | DID COSSACK DANCE Among other steps, the Soviet premier did the one which in- INTERPRETING THE NEWS Economic Fight nile ith In Cold War Now ine se ocr down from the days back in 1955 By ALAN HARVEY given an indication of the new and 1956 when he was the life Canadian Press Staff Writer emphasis in his talks Monday of every party. John Kennedy went back to|with British Prime Minister, The conversation was almost Washington from his first pres- Macmillan. All the signs are all jokes. idential tour abroad convinced that Macmillan heartily en-| For instance when Mikoyan that the free world must make dorses the idea. was danc ing the Caucasian ltresh efforts in the economic With the Vienna meetings dance, Khrushchev commented: [fight against totalitarianism. having exposed a deadlock in "You know, we had a meet- In his whirlwind circuit of East-West positions, the Allied ing of the central committee tals--from Ottawa to Paris, side now seems likely to con- about this, and the only reason Vienna and London--this young centrate on removing the eco-|Mikoyan is allowed to hold his {man in a hurry has been forti- nomic causes for dissatisfaction job is because he can dance this [fied in his belief that a new ap- in the non-aligned territories. |dance. {proach is needed to keep Rus: sia from scoring any further |bloodless advances in the un- committed countries. The summit meeting in Vi enna showed plainly that Nikita Khrushchev is in no mood for| | concessions. The Russian leader {feels events are going his way. | | Recent developments appear to support his case. While the nuclear stalemate rules out aj major war, Russia keeps the free world jittery by sponsor-| ling revolutions or disorder in | weak spots round the globe. IMONEY DISAPPEARS American counter - measures, {usually take the form of finan-| cial aid or arms. But some- times the money disappears |strangely and the men who get the guns turn out to be luke: warm soldiers. In Laos, for instance, the U.S. {shelled out more dollars per capita than to any other coun {try. But in five years a few {thousand hard - core Commu: nist rebels have advanced from [the northern hills to establish] |control of perhaps half the country. To prevent similar experi-| ences elsewhere, Kennedy wants to make sure the money goes to social projects, educa- tion and worthwhile economic | programs in the recipient state. Kennedy is believed to have © WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS CRITICIZES DEMAND TORONTO (CP) -- Kenneth Bryden, CCF member of the legislature for Toronto Wood- bine, said Tuesday a demand of the Metropolitan Toronto Home| Builders Association for depor-| tation of any immigrant worker| who might be convicted of of-| fences because of the Toronto area construction strike is an affront to all concepts of justice. He said in a statement the as- sociation comprises a number of members who had for years ig-| nored laws relating to vacations| | with pay and unemployment in- | surance. EASTERN. | hand painted, miniature CANADA' seorrs DISNEYKINS CAR | in specially marked ROAD other Parker's Tea & Coffee RACE at beautiful MOSPORT PARK BOWMANVILLE 2 free in 90's ® THRILLING RACES ® HIGH SPEED RACING CARS ® | CANADA'S TOP | RACING DRIVERS | couLecT 34 DIFFERENT DISNEY CARTOON CHARACTERS! 2 free in 10 oz. 1 free in 6 oz. These attractive full colour Disneykins make an interesting and colourful display on mantelshelf or cabinet. Children will collect and trade them enthusiastically. They'd normally sell for up to 25 cents each. HILLTOP VANTAGE POINT OFFERS PERFECT VIEW OF "wu" "| Mother Parkers 11 A.M. tea and coffee "Sponsored by the British Empire Moter Club