18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 7, 1961 GEORGE MANSFIELD IS SHOWN GIVING SOME TIPS TO PUPILS Touring Tennis Pro Will Give Lessons © SPARKLING FRESHNESS » At OTC On Friday Junior tennis enthusiasts of sored by the CLTA and berta. He is to visit this area ® FROZEN FOODS © i iv opsi- of Canada, again in August. % : } SA Linh My lh FN Company Last year Mansfield covered EMPLOYEES' DISCOUNT SPECIALI Chicken - Turkey - Beef - Beafsteak and Kidney is w fr George ae 38 cities and towns in Ontario, ® I ® i ge Ro Lawn EXPERIENCED TUTOR Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatche- Wi $ % eal es 1.02. ¢ ; ' a Mansfield, now a well-known wan, Alberta, Nova Scotia and PKGS, Tennis Association touring pro 12.FL 2 oz. TINS 75: at the Oshawa Tennis Club. figure in local tennis circles, Newfoundland. Altogether more A series of free clinics for jun- is giving free instruction to jun- than 4,000 juvenile and junior EMPLOYEES' DISCOUNT SPECIAL! Secld-Sweet Concentrated EMPLOYEES' DISCOUNT SPECIAL! EXTRA STAMPS LOBLAWS jors and a special clinic for in- ior tennis players across Can- players took advantage of the structors will be held here ada for the sixth consecutive opportunity to have profession- ® under Mansfield's direction, on season. This year his tour is al instruction free of charge. ran oy uice Friday. June 9. His visit here,/taking him through some 44 Results of the junior tennis NACH 290. under the auspicies of the Can- towns in Western, Central, East- player development program AVAILABLE IN MOST LOBLAW MARKETS adian Junior Sports Develop- ern and Northern Ontario: Man- first organized in 1948 under the ment Program is jointly spon- itoba, Saskatchewan and Al- leadership of Harry Marpole, ---- -- ith ne are already becoming apparent EMPLOYEES' DISCOUNT SPECIAL! KITCHEN PRIDE : 2 >. S level for some time: Australia RAISIN PIE L. Haisell and Edgar Graham. James and Beverley Sutherland ¢ Novice Boys 50 yard dash --! Intermediate boys running and the United States have had Charles Randall, Paul McGee high jump--Hans Rodenburgh, junior development programs in REGULAR 45¢ SPECIAL s and David Pentland. Jimmy Peel and Stephen Rich- operation for many years, and . PRICE PRICE Novice girls 50 yard dash -- mond. |constantly have a crop of] EXTRA STAMPS EMPLOYEES' DISCOUNT SPECIAL ! GARDEN FRESH PROM FLORIDA! No. 1 GRADE! TOP QUALITY! LARGE SIZE 49. i cons i EMPLOYEES' DISCOUNT SPECIAL ! FIRST OF THE SEASONI FROM CALIFORNIAI No. 1 GRADE! FULL FLAVOURED! BEAUTY a 39 | EMPLOYEES' DISCOUNT SPECIAL ! : NEW CROP FROM SUNNY CALIFORNIAI Ne. 1 GRADE! SWEET SALMON FLESH! TASTY CANTALOUPES EMPLOYEES' DISCOUNT SPECIAL! RADISH | GREEN ONIONS |in improved play among young Queen Elizabeth [eam =e With oupon & Puichase As play has improved, events FL. Ak . at the Canadian Junior Tennis JOHNSON'S { Championships, held every year DEEP JLo8 C 00 1 ay {in Ottawa, have been expanded cite A teed |s0 that they now provide an an- 11 Coupon Expires June Following are the results of Senior girls ball throw-- Mar- meat Ipeetng. al Wideh 5 ery the annual school games held garet Powell," Gail Gordon and oh isi fla hg i 2) I 28 i at Queen Elizabeth Public Mary Taylor. Chan monstrate his skill. School recently. Junior boys running broad| But results of the attention Officials for the event were: jump--Tommy Wilton, Paul Me- now being paid to Canadian| Mrs. Helen Herron, Mrs.|Govern and Jonathan Pearce. |iuniors, he says, will not be| Frances Hendren, Miss Elsie| Junior girls running broad . : | McCullough, Richard Moses, H. jump--Phyllis Johnston, Linda|3PParent at the internatioual EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 1&FL. OZ. TIN SIX MONTHS UQUID FLOOR WAX G1 Coupon Expires June 14 3 BUNCHES 15 3 BUNCHES 15 Amy Greeley, Marsha Stewart| Intermediate girls running young players on the way up to} and Laura Hoskin. |broad jump -- Janice Wilton, |take over from the reigning] Bantam boys 60 yard dash -- Cathy Kelemen and Diane Mor- champions. i k in. i Re iS, Bubble Cook Senior boys running high PICTURE BRIGHTER Bantam girls 60 yard dash --|ilump--Eddie Williams, Larry "However our junior tennis | | picture is definitely brighten. | ten|Strank and Gary West. mel bi Sock: Barsaret Scholten Senior Girls running high ng. says the veteran instrue- | Tun bape 73 vad gash -- Jump Prancine West and Mary [Deal fo consider | of Can-| Raul Muss, Wayne Taggart| Taylor. ada's Davis Cup teams were an an e. ; ae Junior girls 75 yard dash -- McBain, Tom White, Douglas are Bh he aon a Lynn Branton, Lynda Kelemen Heard and Jim Tomlinson. 2nd Frank W. M ry a Hopkins Brian White, Michael West, Greg T8%¢ ¥. eiatosh, Winni- Intermedi ove 85 varq Clement and Ted Taylor. 3rd Pes~born president of Pepsi- mediate boys 85 yard Cola, points out that by sup- Yi _|Jonathan Pearce, Wayne Tag- i iui HE and Blarien Toehmoe™ | gart, Karl Milburn and Michael/POrting Junior sports activities ary dS Ricky 4 | Baker. his company Sudeavors to i ntermediate girls 85 yar 5 . courage amateur athletics an dash -- Janice Wilton, Elizabeth Webi & girs Jeny Sans 1, serve the national community. Mills and Susan Wetherup. Aen On, ait sae | "Mrough an interest § i stone, Linda James and Suzanne rough an interest in sport Senior boys 100 yard dash -- williams 2. Diane Madsen, |and respect for good sports Erwin Hunking, Eddie Williams Brenda Woods, Corry Roden. manship, our Canadian young and Garry West. burgh and Cheryl Milburn. people can prepare themselves Senior girls 100 yard dash -- Intermediate boys relay teams [or Citizenship," he says. Francine West and Edith], Paul Hoskin, Jim Peel, Ron| SRS Knapp. {Masterson and Peter Louws., WILL APPEAL PENALTY Bantam boys ball throw -- 3. Bob Stewart, Stephen Rich. MIDLAND, Tex. (AP) -- Bal Kerry Taggart, Donald Wagar mond, Hans Rodenburgh and Wininger, fined and suspended and Robbie: Cook. Dennis Morin. 3. John Cook, by the Professional Golfers As-| Bantam girls ball throw-- Jim Watt, Gary West and Terry sociation because he played in Betty Johnstone, Eva Hillock Woods. last weekend's Odessa Pro-Ama-| and Kathy Ward. Intermediate girls relay teams teur, said Monday he will ask| Junior boys ball throw -- --1. Nancy Richmond, Heather modification of the penalty, | Paddy Greeley, Brian White Strank, Janice Wilton and Mar-| Joe Black, PGA tournament | and Tommy Wilton. garet Mills. 2. Linda Balan, Bev-|supervisor, announced from Junior girls ball throw -- erly Dean, Diane Morin and Jen- Memphis that Wininger had Suzanne Williams, Carol Hop- nette Morin. been warned, along. with other| kine and Sandra Corby. Senior boys relay teams--I1.|players, not to compete in the Intermediate boys ball throw-- Erwin Hunking, Eddie Williams,|Odessa tournament, which con- Jimmy Peel, Wayne Adams and Larry Strank and Billy Robin. flicted with the Memphis Open. Ron Masterson. son. 2. Gary West, Larry Sta-/The association fined Wininger| Intermediate girls ball throw-- cey, Allan Milburn and Allan $500 and suspended him for six| Brenda: Milburn, Vicki Brown Hunking. | months. ! and Cathy Kelemen. Senjor girls relay--1. Fran-| Wininger said he will write a Senior boys ball throw--Ed- cine West, Mary Taylor, Janice letter to the executive board' | die Williams, Erwin Hunking Wilton, Edith Knapp and Cathy|asking for consideration on my and Allan Milburn. Kelemen. lease." Junior boys relay teams--Gary ASK YOUR AGENT ABOUT... @ Scenic-Dome rail travel BW All-inclusive fares (including meals, berth, etc.) Wm Group discount fares 8 Overseas Steamship services B Great Lakes ond Alaska cruises Wm Hotels ond resorts across Canada BW Airline service across Canada-linking 5 continents BW Mediterranean Cruise --1962 Information and reservations from H. G. DAVIDSON, 11% King Street East Telephone RA 3-2224 The World's Most Complete Transportation System RAILWAYS « STEAMSMIPS « AIRLINES « MOTELS o COMMUNICATIONS + EXPRESS + TRUCKING » PMGGYBACK y ? ~ With Coupon & Purchase 2FL. OL. PLASTIC TUBE BRONITAN CREAM G11 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 1-LB. PACKAGE McCORMICK'S SNACKERS G13 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 4 GAL. ANY FLAVOUR TASTY TREAT ICE CREAM G14 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 32-FL. OZ. TIN WELCHADE GRAPE DRINK G15 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase §-0Z, PACKAGE LIGHT OR BROWN RY-KING CRISPBREAD G16 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase TWO 18-FL. OZ. TINS FANCY ASSORTED AYLMER PEAS G17 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 48-FL. OX. TIN HAWAIIAN PUNCH G18 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 2-LB. BAG FROZEN HONEY GOLD FANCY KERNEL CORN G18 Coupon Explres June 14 200000000 000000000 00000000 EMPLOYEES' DISCOUNT SPECIAL! HOSTESS ASSORTED CRISPY ICE WAFERS 1014-02. PRG. 2 5 ¢ EMPLOYEES' DISCOUNT SPECIAL! WESTON'S ABUNDANT SUPPLY! TOP QUALITY! GARDEN FRESH SALAD ITEMS Always Available at Your Leblaw Market! Serve Nutritious Salads Daily! EMPLOYEES' DISCOUNT SPECIAL! ASSORTED sé-BiscuIT c PACKAGE EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 24-FL. OZ, JAR WETHEY'S PURE Orange Marmalade G20 Coupon Expires June 14 0000000000000 0000 000000000000 000 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupen & Purchase TWO 1-LB. PKGS. JEWEL SHORTENING G21 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 12 OUNCE CARTON PLAIN OR CINNAMON HONEY BUTTER G22 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase TWO 1-LB. PKGS. SOLO REGULAR MARGARINE G23 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 12.0%. TIN HEREFORD ROAST LAMB G24 Coupon Expires June 14 EMPLOYEES' DISCOUNT SPECIAL! EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 2 OUNCE JAR YUBAN INSTANT COFFEE G25 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 1-LB. TIN NESTLE'S CHOCOLATE DRINK G26 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase é OUNCE PACKAGE 5 FRITO CORN CHIPS G27 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 24-FL, OI JAR MERRIE ENGLAND With Pectin STRAWBERRY JAM G28 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 11.0Z. PACKAGE STOUFFER FROZEN CHICKEN ap WELSH NOODLES "™ RAREBIT G29 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 3-FL. OZ. BOTTLE NUGGET ALL PURPOSE WHITE SHOE CLEANER G30 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase TWO 10-FL. OZ. TINS HEINZ TOMATO SOUP G31 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase ANY ONE PIECE TANGY OLD WHITE LOBLAWS CHEESE G32 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase $-0Z. PACKAGE Plain-Pimento-Variety Pack LOBLAWS CHEESE SLICES G33 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 20.FL. OZ. TIN WETHEY'S RAISIN PIE FILLING G34 Coupon Expires June 14 VANITY WHITE PURITAN EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 15-FL. OF. TIN LIBBY"S FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL G35 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 8-FL. OZ. BTL. HELLMANN'S FRENCH DRESSING G36 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 15-0. TIN JET BON AMI G37 Coupon Expires June 14 EXTRA STAMPS With Coupon & Purchase 7-0. PACKAGE BORDEN"S INSTANT WHIPPED POTATOES G38 Coupon Expires June 14 With Coupon & Purchase 12 PAD PACKAGE BRILLO SOAP PADS G39 Coupon Expires June 14