et hE EL B. Dneiper in Pickering Magis-|of the village. He said that he verse a truck loaded with seven to see that the way was clear] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 7, 1961 13 |trate's Court on Monday, |stopped one car length behind tons of stone as fast as alleged behind." Thomas Henry Fraser, 21, of/the truck but that suddenly itiby the Wiklesees, He, sald Jot) RR 3 Prescott, pleaded not reversed and struck his car. he reversed because he had to guilty to a charge of careless The investigating officer, make a turn onto Church Street| NEWS IN BRIEF | driving. |Constable Lawrence Watson of and was strange to the Village| A witness for the Crown, the Pickering Village Police De-| Layout. | ; , i i ~ i ; « Ghana has invited a UN SICKFRING y A Rial < .|partment, told the court that| Magistrate Dnieper informed] LONDON (CP)--Chemical in-| TUNIS (AP)--Three members| GF PICKERING (Staff) A Richer atten a Searbor damage to the car was approxi-|the accused that the car behind dustrialist Sir Clavering Fison| ¢ yo Algerian nationalist dele. Bitte Io set up telnporatily *|told His Worship that on Tues.|mately $50 and that there were'had every right to pull within/says that after a Moscow visit" talk with th |that country 0 fa nf iy : one thousandth of an inch behind he is convinced the Soviet citi-|8ation at peace talks wi ¢ tion about conditions in the homes of their: son and Mistress sister Madeline Ash- truck, loaded with seven fons of bn daughter-in-law Mr. and Mas. D. more, sister Dolly Anderson, ! hi 4 sl : May 23, at 2.40 p.m. he was] les. ¥ i i n : Ww. McQuay, RR 1, Whitby, to hoe i Mi Wilde. They wore stone, into a driving school car Proveeding west on Highway No.| In defending his own case, his truck. "Who knows, there/zen wants peace, He qugtes a) Frgnch a Bian los paing have west arses, io to en le He Fite EE a aN © Sl, Nao) Rp uo " arriage resent | The 8 wishes 4 ; i i stationery st have been closer than you? § . k 0" 2 > | M 40th year of marriage. Present The Lodge wishes to thank all|Village, was fined $50 and sostsihad to Stop pehing 3 Stalionery) car mis) Have | he couldn't re-|should have got out of the truck|your Prime Minister Macmillan'is The General, Ahmed Bou. turn over to UN trustesship.} were Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McQuay who donated and participated. | or 15 days by Magistrate Robert 20 | i | * FURNITURE & APPLIANCES = |STARRs FUI Cloris inion Mrs. J L. McQuay and family, Mrs. D. O'Hagan spent last Gait, Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Mec. Week end in Montreal when she FINED $60 ! Ralph Harris, 135 Palmerston | } A very enjoyable event oc-| Vimy Ridge LOBA No. 639 : curred on Saturday afternoon, held & most successful "Tag in June 3, when the children and Day" on Saturday, June 3, for grandchildren of Dr. and Mrs. the True Blue and Orange Or- R. W. McQuay, Whitby, met at phans. In charge were: Worthy | prescott man who backed hi can go shoot each other -- as mendjel The Reaper, and Taieb {long as they don't bring the rest Boulahrouf is The Professor. | = tte 38." SEEKS PROBE PEACE LOVERS | REBEL LABELS UNITED NATIONS (AP 1 * ¥ ct Quay and family, Kitchener, visited her father who is in Mrs. Reid Clarke and daughter St: Luke's Hospital. She also Judy, Vernon B. C. Dr. and Visited her sisters and brothers. Mrs N. J. Wiggin and family, WHITBY Also present were Mrs. Mc-| Quay's two brothers with their| wives, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Me-| Cullough, Oshawa ans Mr. and Mrs Francis McCullough, Lons- dale. Several nieces and nephews also attended. Mr. and Mrs. J, F. McCullough, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Hall, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. J. McCul- Jough, Marysville, Mr. and Mrs Clayton Hall, Plainfield, Mr, and avenue, Whitby ,was fined $50 plus costs or one month in jail for driving on June 3 while his licence was under suspension. Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in Whitby Police Court on Tuesday also finea him $10 and costs or 10 Lewis Morton, Thomas- sholm, Roslin, Selby, Mr and Mrs. D. Brown, Centreville days for having false plates on the car he.was driving, SMASHES TELEPHONES Earl McLean MacIntosh, 19, The party took the form of a of Uxbridge was given a 3, chicken barbeque. Dr. and Mrs. year suspended sentence by Ma- McQuay received several beauti- gistrate "RI bs who remarked ful gifts After spending several 'you did quite a bit of damage." weeks with her parents, sister pric Worship was describing tele- and brothers, Mrs. ( and phones which MacIntosh ripped | Judy are leaving for their home off the walls and dismantled. | in Vernon on Thursday, June 8. Macintosh pleaded guilty to three charges af attempting to steal money 8 MONTHS FOR ASSAULT John Franklin Lute, 30, of Stouffville was sentenced to ght months in the County Jail on Tuesday after pleading guilty to a che of indecent assault. He appeared before Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in Whitby Police Court STARR'S SAI YES, STARR HAS "GONE CRAZY" he bought the entire stock of a well-known Oshawa fur- niture store, and filled his warehouses to the hilt, and there is still lots more left, so, Starr Furniture and Appliances is short of room AND WILL SELL EVERYTHING AT LESS THAN DEALERS' PRICES TO GIVE YOU JUST A FEW OF OF THE RIDICULOUS BUYS: MOFFAT 30" RANGE HI-LO MATIC PICTURE OVEN WINDOW AUTOMATIC TIMER TOP PANEL CONTROL ROTISSERIE ROAST GUIDE, etc., etc. Private Robert D. Bruce, Mrs Bruce and two daughters of Petewawa were visitors on Sat- urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs., A. Bruce of Dunlop St W., parents of Private Bruce.!, Mr. and Mrs. George Cole and son Wayne, of Peterborough, were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ken neth Milless, of Dovedale drive JAILED 3 DAYS Pleading guilty to charges of Had Kitchen Fan, [Ziv while deuiaitfied. task " Bwaits Sentence accident and using false license markers cost Dalton Garth Ibbitson, 30, of 200 Law- F'ayne, 33, of Brooklin a total rence street, Whitby was Tues. ©f $150 in fines and three days| ay remanded one week for in jail. The charges arose out| he was of an accident which occurred of possessing on May 19 on Highway 401 and| the Lansing cutoff. Breakdown of the sentence handed out by Magistrate Robert B. Dneiper| in Whitby Police Court on Tues- day was:- found stolen STARR'S SALE Sgt. Gerald Robinson testified in Magistrate's Court that he found a kitchen fan installed in Ibbitson's cupboards on April 6. The fan, valued at $42, had iden Driving while his licence was tical serial number as a fan under suspension - $50 and stolen from McTeague Electric. costs or 15 days Ibbitson said in court that he purchased the fan from an un- known man in a Whitby hotel. He pleaded for a suspended . tn on the grounds that, Having false plates--$100 and the summertime was the only costs and three days in jail or season in which he could make|30 days a living. Father of five children,| Sentences on the last two Ibbitson is a painter, 'charges are to run concurrently. WHITBY SPORTS PARADE By GERRY BLAIR Failing to remain at the scene of an accident - $100 and costs and three days in jail or 30 days, Regular Price 339.00 SALE PRICE . ONLY 4 LEFT SO HURRY FOR THIS REAL "STARR" DEAL @ NO TRADE NECESSARY COMPLETE BEDROOM SUITE 54" BOOKCASE BED DOUBLE DRESSER WITH ADJUSTABLE MIRROR 4 DRAWER CHEST Finished in beautiful "American Bea- uty Walnut", a bedroom suite that will last and last, you'll be proud to own. REGULAR PRICE $239.00. SALE PRICE ATTENTION FISHERMEN AND BOAT LOVERS Never again aot this price. All aluminum. CAR TOP BOAT "TOTUM-12" Take it anywhere. Light, can't rust, can't warp, dry, strong and safe. Reg. Price $249, SALE PRICE including 5 YEAR GUARANTEE G.E. POLISHER You can't afford to wear out your knees ot this low, low price. Continental Although hockey finished some six weeks ago, Wren Blair manager-coach of the Kingston Fronte- nacs continues a busy pace. Last week, he spent three days in Boston huddling with Lynn Patrick G.M. of the Bruins on future plans for the organization. He Just returned from an EPHL meeti 1 Ottawa a day or so ago and tomorrow leaves for a Northern Ontario community and a meeting with their Minor Hockey people about a possible Boston sponsorship. Accomp- anying Wren on this trip will be Milt Schmidt, now assistant-manager of the Bruins in charge of farm systems, Following thei neeti Northern On- tario, Schmidt an vi another minor hockey association in ter: 11: Saturday and then travel on to Mon join Patrick, newly appointed Br son, Harold Cotton, chief scout, ar the Boston bre for the anuual N raft meetings 7 and Wedng¢ » Bruins who recently acq Cliff Pennington Terry Gray in a deal witl 1 Canadiens to grab at least one more young hopeful in the draft® Beautiful 'Smoothtop Mattress No Buttons, No Discomfort, Only Wonderful Restful Sleeping. Reg. 79.00 Sale Price Only COMPLETE WITH BUFFER PADS and WAX APPLICATOR While they last ONLY emainder of next Monday, Tue Wren feels that at least two players from the Frontenacs will make the Bruins this fall in : person of right winger ner and defenceman Ted Green, Wit Gra Vie nei plus possibly into the Bosto in the Bean Town roster The § one of their most disastrous years i y of the club last winter and it's Wren's years of extremely hard work by each member of the BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE organization is necessary before the once mighty | |B Bruins begin the long h back up the NHL ladder. iP aT > Being in the thick he Boston ranks and it's re- ox RE building plans g tes a busy hockey life both | ji A winter and summ » former Whitby "Dunnies" mentor, but one 2 obvi Njoys. hortly he hopes to squeeze ir six weeks vacation at his summer cottage before the | nt ing car 4 the first week in September | : TOWN AND COUNTRY . , . Tonight at the Whitby Town park, Whitby Abner's Essos entertain the Port Perry juniors, starting at 8:00 p.m. Abner's : > : opened their 1961 Sou )ntario County softball league schedule last ht in Markham, and dropped a 2 | decision. Tt 1e was tied 2 going into the 7th ! frame, when ( man unloaded a towering drive to ; centre with the bases full t6 break the deadlock. Gayman 1 called out when he missed third base while completing 1} round-tripper Brooklin iY Hillcrests host the St, Catharines Athletics on S r = day night in the Brooklin Community arena ; 7 ing at 8:45 p.m. we Hillcrests are seeking their | EN tion. They dumped the Brampton Ramblers, 10-5 g right in Brampton last Saturday night to pull even FURNITURE & APPLIANCES with the Port Credit Sailors for second spot. The Ath- : ing off the Sailors 9-3 on Monday night. BUT HURRY DOWN 3 ONLY € 1 d Green, r obtained in the draft moving shake-up 491 Ritson Rd, South FREE PARKING at least three FREE DELIVERY EASY TERMS LOW PRICES TEL. RA. 3-3343 third victory in four starts Thursday night in Port Credit since coming into the tougher Senior competi- runner-up position after knock-