Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 5 Jun 1961, p. 14

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te A Sp og Ea a | [#5] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE 7--Trailers 9--Summer rties |16--Female Help Wanted CLASSIFIED AD RATES EVERYTHING for oman 3nd args for Sale or TE om BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |e: = pire Sema ae WOMAN required NSERTIONS ~~ 378 413 |New box traler, & x ¥, reversible 1 ov {sw §OUGOG = Fiverasm Toke. while 'mother. worls dufing. the. dave I# not void within 7 days the fjeabla trates. is ae" haogs front cottage, two-piece bath, other con. feom and board, monthly wage, very rge rate wl glass, sleeps three, veniences. or monthly. housework Accountants Cartage Gardening and Supplies Lawn Mowers Personal Service Above rates apply only to original | for road. RA vo. S314, Mrs, Wright. 2308. . NAMENTAL rgreens, shrubs, FETER PAN Nursery ani or half day,|| orders for insert 9--S: Properties SUMMER coitage for sais -- Lakefront GinLs ly work, MONTEITH, NONTEFIH. BIEL; ind JOHN'S Moving 23d Siorats. Ouiens: sen: pesmues, parenmuat ing cholcs| WE SHARPEN AND RENT [830 to 5.30. Simcoe North. RA 82604. || Subtequen iions Srowed of 8 mine pho cottage on Lake Scugos, let 6 x 10 | sidering and 'Wiring experience gn elec: 135" Simcoe Street North, Ajax, WH equipped and insured. Phone RA 8.3661. Collected cedars for hedges 83. 35¢, ALMOST EVERYTHING order. ot batiroom, at Ee ea Sow 2.085%. D Pn : Highway, south side, two miles west of Give Us A Call EAT BETTER--FOR LESS oy lapel ang Sudness alin FOUR-BEDROOM. iakefront home for|tached garage. Furnished. fle. Stark Electronic Instruments A ressmaking Brooklin, Onta ive Us a p month + || private panelling, . BOB CLANCY'S Ontario : Each additional line $1.60 per lipaved drive, storms and double -- east of LOAM, manure, ra sand hh Sone: S T A N ' S conveniently-- pri ved ¢ sd ors 40d Sor ble glazing. COTTAGE - wanted to rent, ce. Complete = Bond Street West, RA 3 akon. Res, J[EESNARING a wasrations - tr . i ave Reds The Homarket Way | och hittel i abbreviation, | gage. Phone RA 8-5809. Box 735, Oshawa Times. HOUSEWIVES price. RA 8-8666. "HA actor, ravel", a rr sed BORROWS. Ch 2 BTS, omer Shin, "ooh oe| CORNER KING & BURK STS. | 90% Groceries delivered tof werd SS nS velopment. Rice" Lake, frontage lots ILUNI-tY fece' 'ar® Fiekaring' Bosch: 4 WILSON Accountants, 34 Simcoe gtrtet South rates. Telephone RA 8. your home. Lowest prices ever only, Cottage built. Financing Bo prob. (Co. 10" "ne winterised easily. Phone MO Idle hours make dollars = id F. D. Wilson, CA, . -32 ; O Edmend Burrows. | CA. RA 83st. FURRIER MULLIGAN'S a Toto-tilling, y weat you cut with a fork, must ebieghon m an. the "ey a iy | lem: $2:000, Equipped ed piavaround, ello |8-8257. when you use this time ploughing, sodding, top soll. Complete h 4 io : HE DEWAR R ana Co. shceoun tants) and DRESSMAKER [farien ana iawn services. oL 469. | Money to Loan 100% guaranteed, Hind || Memoriams, Cards ef Thanks whieh THREE-BEDROOM coliage ior salt: - yopresenting farlo Street, Oahaw, Ontario, TA 8.2221 GARDENS aud lawns | Roto-tilled edn (CLIENTS money ta loan on first mort. Suniel an i yes, order in i TO ai duty 3. oot, it. - . 3 i | e, Tass, es arte gree: it sale § -- y -- " e for June able. TALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER und New, Alteratiors, Remodelling. out: RA 5.7807. Glen Munro, 618 Park | oasnescs Sa A agreement of po ing Po Ib, z Freezer Dom 8° 5, Sorunday 81% tonvenieees, 81 venue OF | AGE. furnished. Presquille Point, AVON "Co., Accountants auditors, Licensed Road South. [e Fraser, Drynan and Mur- s : id Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street ET n at lowest ever. No deposit, TION! Deeded | Eats Oshawa; B. L. Vile, CA; F. 22 ROWE STRE CERAMIC _ le, used. fo lifetime warranty. $20 from RE Fie will not be owe rly I RL aliens | Ontario. COSMETICS Friedlander, B. Comm. RA 8-6706 Bert workomanitin, best pees Colfax | FIFTY to five thousand dollars. Any! ' Hydro in June. responsible for errors In advertise lisiching, pike, pickerel and bass, $30, SUMMER cottage * ST. HOPKINS and Ci Cert. 3.2531, worthwhile purpose, lowest rates, fast ments submitted otherwise than in |/s40 weekly. RA 5-4328. three bedrooms, stone fireplace, screen: yo Lo pou If you fe service Finanace, 29% Sim- i pig HO Weekly: ed inside 100 . fied Public Accountants. 172 'Kin ¢ Driving School GARDENS and lawns Roto-tilled and coe Street South. RA 8.6283. HOMARKET Pe riety Vrs han_on8 | CAKE SIMCOE -- lot. RA =2162| are interested, call Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA and BE fish. foot 85-3509. 0 RIVE ps es JE spring WE HAVE clients' monies available FOOD & FREEZER CO. cheroed. Mig bwvend Erie i ac good Hep Ses § 3am RU 9 4782 Architects LEARN TO D and also wirchase of mortgages: and| Showroom -- order office advertisement in which error | OFillia, Fairview 52017, nished cottage, garage and boat house. - e at the ' agreements of sale. Louis §. Hyman, 123 Brock N., Whitby po And also reserve the right Safe beach. RA 3.2782 or J. Dolley, 40 . h., ri Merriton, Information EAT PER Uer Nik: Oshawa Driving School DRIVEWAY Edd alley Bihan | SREB pie rior [ata (Collec for moe New unlisted telephone RA 8-288 In the cose of display advertire- iner's Bay. A family re- Instructors licenced by the GRAVEL Mortgages RA 3-7468 ments The limes will not be held At Miner's Bay I ere FOR SALE RCAF i i " --l1 le f tha sort, sondy beach, wo Auto Parts Province of Ontario. Day and FIRST and second mort - |Plumbing Heating pn hich The: aan Aor skiing, organized activities, 'E OPPORTUNITIES EXIST FOR body and mechanical repairs try| evening lessons. Loam, Sand and ed. W. Schaizmamn, Mortgage Broker, ALE, plumbing and heating supplies, || occupies. The publishers endeavour good food, rates from SEVERN RIVER IN THE A ® Cordova Real! RA 8-0091 Fill, Diol 10i Dundas W. MO 83338 Phone' RA 5.3521, Harold R. 6 tark,| 10 reprcduce all advertising matter || $3400 Special children | NEW THREE - BEDROOM tly but es no liabili " KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guarsn RA 5.5279 FIRST and second mortgages. aie 112 "a mens Steeet Sout "2 | "ony." inaccuracies cin any form || rates. R. J. Wood, phone | COTTAGE, winterized, all ROYAL CANADIAN "feed, automotive parts and accessor. Fur Storage |agreem urchased and sold, ons | ING sod Bhatia ey it | of advertisement are contained || Coboconk 148 R4. conveniences, inside bath- AIR FORCE TE ---- HOLLAND NURSERIES [Street East. RA $7288 re ER El tll iin PAIGNTON HOUSE re fra Oumawo, Phone | FOR SKILLED AND Barristers LIKE NEW WITH and LANDSCAPING MORTGAGES arranged, bought and | cay, RA 5-6134. UNSKILLED AIRWOMEN sold. Agreements of sale bought and ,ie.' Information and a re free : sold. Company and private monies. RA of bing. Dial RA MOTEL ond COTTAGE UNITS JoserH RE EH PICKWICK CLEANERS RA 5-7442 5-654. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd. jon any ie plumbing. Dial ty EW BUSINESS LAKE ROSSEAU - MUSKOKA |12----Articles Wanted Applicants must be 18 16. 29 "King Street East, Oshawa. RA 88232. Special Cleaning and For satisfactory service, |MORTGAGE loans, Bowmanville, Osh- nliste umbers ; : years of oge, single, Con- Residence, RA 5-3405. Summer Storage Special landscape designing, main- aa, iY hax, Pickering 25d viel: BEATTY APPLIANCES Catering to a fun-loving WANTED adian Citizen or other British MANNING F. SWARTZ and EONILD Dial RA 3-4832 tenance, sodding. business. Members of Ontario Mort Born, equipment; 'pumps cligmele. Para con subject and have a minimum . SW. , Barristers, i ly ' ir ee i taries. Money fo loan. Heney Block. 434 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH 199 GERRARD RD. [E80 fies" Thmited, 113. Simcoe Street ESSO hy rR i By RE ees eslt SCRAP IRON, POULTRY of grade 9 education. Bie Dial RA 34029. {Rorth, Oshawa, Phone RA 53569, U U AND FEATHE Benefits include good pay, oil burners, hot water and Complete operation, Nine- DONALD BLAKE DODDS, | CRESCENT FURRIERS OSHAWA forced air furnaces, bathroom N Jas Ng Wo hole - golf course. Write for I. TURNER free uniforms, dental and and Solicitor, 26 Kibg Sirnet Rast | 22 BRUCE STREET ACME HAULAGE | MONIES FOR fixtures, parts and service. ox RA 8-4401 re colored folder. Phone Port RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 medical care, 30 days on- hn Fo (Corner of Celina) LTD. | MORTGAGES PARTNER Ahh Carling, ROger 5-3155. lect) nual leave ond on excellent FETs FRASER PRYNAN ma PLUMBING AND HEATING We buy, «ll. exchange used (collect pension plan. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and ALL FURS STORED IN i i i i furniture, washers, TV, radios BY bt bh I Bg CREED'S GRAVEL -- STONE Monies Svalictis ry RONG L782 Duy or Na and so forth at prices to top CEDAR ISLE LODGE 11 CASH FOR SCRAP!!! For further details, visit the $ Simcoe Street North, RA 3.3446; T. K. ioTigog A {Ru -- Upholstery Service anyone in the city, TRENT RIVER, ONT, Ww MOBILE RECRUITING UNIT Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. STORAGE VAULTS without bonus, 9 P ry E BUY Dynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort-| (Toronto) ! RA 3.3528 Monies also available on | CHE STERFIELDS and 3 miles off Highway No. 7 STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, OSHAWA ARMOURIES gages arranged. Finest on continent, Second Mortgages. |re-styled. Free estimates. See our mate-| ]..Women's Column on Highway No. 30. 2- and on Ey RAGS, Etc. J 7, NOON 6 1 for g. Dalton U ' une /, to p.m. RUSSELL L. MURPHY, BA. LLB, "SHINERIZING"" | Mortgages and Agreements Jal Jor Tes Street. RA 3.7212, 4.-bedroom cottages with re- Open All Day Saturd reet | J wishin ils Bd 3 SPECIALS id waves 85.50, heat : Rg Ontario. RA $3971. | Custom Fur Cleaning CALL for Sale purchased. CHESTERFIELDS rebullt, Fecovered,|permanents $3.50, Page Hairdressing.| frigerators, rangettes. Lodge M. GREENBERG & SONS JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB,| REPAIRS AND RE-STYLING (GRANT FOR SOD M. F. SWARTZ, like new. Why pav more? Our rates (396 Pice Avenue. RA 55363. oe na edly Fig LTD. ATTENTION 11 Barrist d Solicitor and Notary Pub. 3 Pp, 1 ! : ) RA 3-7333 308 Bloor St, E, Jie. The Commercial Building, 286 King | RA 5-3321 Short trm and Builder' Mort- gw A Totreet Wort Bh RA 2--P toilets. Dancing, good fish- ea" o, Outatio. Client parking DELIVERED OR LAID 50311. TRANSPORTATION required, Oshawa| ing, cedar strip boats, motors. | A a oges at reasonable rates, requ sha 9 P y available, PN |Gard g and Suppl 999 CHESTERFIELDS and oid chairs re. '0 Toronto, Eglinton or 401 area. Mon- Phone RA 5.6812 or SHAW H BOWMAN, DAVID L. Barrister, Finest quality, reasonable rates. 262 King St. East, covered like new. Get the best for less Jay to Friday. Telephone RA 5-2030. gitor, 3% Simeoe South, RA 8562. CEDAR wes or dre yo, esth.| Oshawa, Ontario, at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe| FREE room ana board for woman, in Havelock 764-3661 AUTO WRECKING CO. E E M Residence, RA 8-0264. mates, phone 612 Clave or MA 3.305. TELEPHONE MO 8-3015 RA 3-4697 South, Call RA 8-6451 for free estimate. comfortable country home, in Picker- Want cars for wrecking. arn extra oney McG "BASTEDO, Barristers, . ing, to a woman living . iar funds available tor gr hig Bowmasvile, Registered under Mortgage Rugs and Upholstered Furni- alone, Write Box 906, Oshawa Times. WIANC KO HQUSE Parts for sale, also scrap iron for part time, first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street Ni | ROTOTILLING | ! Brokers' Registration Act. ture expertly cleaned. and metals, etc. bought. Open . RA 53366 Charles C. MeGibbon, ac; ROTO-TILLING lawns and fardens. Tv BEVERWYCK SEGER' INSTITUTE OF SPARROW LAKE, Saturday all day. Phone. full time, day, R'S ; ECHOES 5, SoA WE Fees ro water tn| GARDENS MORTGAGE | wesurasrer | \GWYGEQURILY | a omy of rk mater |i BLOORE._| evening, or week- North. RA 82891. Res. RA 82765. (Ensciat rates for truckers. Power lawn) CLEANERS A family fiotel with excellent 13--Business Opportunities end atthe ling, sod delivered, laid, field load- Highway 12 H Professional cleaning at lower 4.10 PM recreational facilities. Open BUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and WILL ing Telephone MO 83368 or WH| Only 3 miles north of Whitby Money Available Prete ing 11 ONTARI Sy SsHAwA mid-June to Labor Day. Rates |COMMERCIAL property, 200 King 1G. yn, BA . . 35.00 to $45.00 k, Street West, 19 rooms, four bathrooms. A&W DRIVE-IN wk Has, LL; 3 Ring Steet LL RDSAND LANDSCAPING OL 5-3570 Payments 16 sult aida RA 8-017] mess nuded Speco! ates (R531 song eg 1327 Si St. N A 5.4604 or Whithy, MO 8781; RA| A complete gorden service, MO 8-4735 Your Budget WHY TAKE CHANCES W. P. Mittler, Director for children. An ATRO re- [Gamma ior bargats, #700, pis imcoe St. N. ALLIED INVESTMENTS | WITH YOUR VALUABLE RUGS so, Wilts: M. R. Wisncke lo "hot "yous gn bunsces with Married or single; ged 18 JACK SILVERMAN, barrister aod soll. | rolling, Now Is the time to kill | See us for your garden sup- COMPANY RUGS AND FURNITURE | SEWING MACHINE |_for folder. 10 10: Must bp reat Te Ops eitor. Clients funds available for first] s lies. Landsco Service mortgages. 31 King Street East. RA| crab grass ond chickweed. P! pe . When you con have them awa Times, Pr a Seal, pong, nursery ii STKING STE. RA 3.3993 | profeionclly ciconed Ly a BR RVI? mn, FOR A REAL VACATION osutwa _ Shi ited Bak Po sperisnce required. 'AB: se pre' A Moe, Vist Ou Ney Member Ontario Mortgage member of the National In- WE DON'T SELL Come to the Et aaace| ply In -person. fo above: ad Offics RA 53741; Residence RA 53542 RA 5-172] GARDEN CENTRE Brokers Association Stuer Stearn. 20 Hove your present machine |CIRCLE B DUDE RANCH gai BURR ERLE dress, between 7 ond 9 p.m. : . ; niqu uct ""Cup'n « JOHN 2S AMERON: Darnmm, Sou at 1259 SIMCOE NORTH [Nursing Services NU-WAY -- RA 8-468) repaired at reasonable rates, Horseback riding, swimming, |world wide acceptance, all rights re-|17--Male Help Wanted East. RA 3.2269. NHA and private 1,000 ft. North of A&P Store |iNDIVIDD 7 PHONE RA 8-254 rifle range, archery, excellent |served. offer active oppor- IVIDUAL care for each person ge, v, tunity to reliable, sober man with mortgages arranged, GARDEN SUPPLIES in Sumnybrae, of Oshawa. Res, N. wu Surveyors supervision. In the beautiful gmail investment. (Minimum $3.00). BEMABLE. a Fine of AS MR TT | Caledon hills. "Seltzer, C. 'and ry ny --STONE SUPPLIES nats, 5A sa AD TL EISCHMAN: oh. 2 Prt atories Lids SL Oxford Streets To. Shree Jui Es Aa). Rar, V9) yas TOP SOIL --HOUSE PLANTS Optometrists LAL a rr, Dmmercial hive. ELECTROLYSIS ER Yt ru Le hd ot Fie rt and Kelly, ' : Printing, 12 Bout Street Fast. RA 5551 flex Products tors, ete, 7% Simcoe Street South. MANU RE We also Handle ¥. RICHARD BLACK Doctor ot Ero and Tevllope: ntact Lang Removal of superfluous hair RR."Y. 'Caledon. Ont GOING INTO THE = Dial RA 3227. Residence phones, Swimming Pool Construction |Optometry, the examination of eyes, Phons RA 5-688. Marie Murduff will be in Phone Caledon 57R3 me Apply 3 pluman a a G Sc.. RA 53368; Ter. : 5 shes v. Kelly, PAs BCL. ma 3382 Phone OLiver 5-3049 OSHAWA Borne. Bening by Toe North at Col |G. ¥. HORTON and Associates, On-| Oshawa, June 6th and 7th, COIN-OPERATED or MO 8-5765 RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H. 34191. tarlo Land Surveyors, Professional En-| Phone Genosha Hotel on LAUNDRY gineering, 306 Dundas Street West, HOUSEKEEPING . iors 130 King Srest East, mA 6438 SAND - GRAVEL {GARDEN SERVICE |C, & T00K 56. oviomeirisrPiesss Whitby, M0. $301. As 15 fitss Jans = Soro: CABINS STORE BUSINESS? MANAGER FOR ortgage loans availa . THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli- ot 1259 SIMCOE NORTH Banker 74 Burk Diet RA Sass |TV - Radio Repairs 3--Pets & Livestock ON LAKE HURON You're Wise--But Be Sure SMALL OFFICE citor and Notary Public. 26% King] Topsoil, stone and' fill. RA 3-3222 TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, all BEAUTIFUL Sheianc sheepdog pup-| Families, $32-$45 Weekly. of the Distributor's Compete Age 40.55, with knowledge Street East, Phone RA 8.1763. : Open Evenings Till 9 Painting and Decorating makes. Thompson Electronics, 157 fies (runiature Fifi Raynstord.| Singles, $22. Sand beach, Tr I . laden Yok. of bookkeeping and sales ucks ond loader for hire Elliott Avenue, RA 3.9702 (Fred) |Rea Phone Bethasy R11 good' swimming, ideal for Program Before You Buy! RA 5.5202. Money to loan, clean-up, fertilizing, power Bookkeeping PAINTING and decorating for the |=s :- id ; promotion. Give full partic- RA 3-3162 GRAVEL LOAM [cheapest and best. Also orn, widont mre 1 wrk Susraniecd snd per. FOR SALE -- female Beagle somal children. Golf, theaters, | AGK THESE QUESTIONS? | ulors for L. SCHAPELHCUMAN AND 8.0512. Ea rere cz] formed by qualified technicians, Elec. (Yer, 2 i er reg ancing close. G. Hazel- Docs the ditributor hova bats BOX 848, OSHAWA TIMES PAINTING. Free estimates. Clean RA 83211. PUREBRED Boxer pups, reasonable. -- . anced laundry store equip- COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING CROSS TOWN MANURE Morne sn sag: ASK tor ANUS iy YoU do Tf yours = do if fhe Call MO 34m. CARIBOU LODGE ment or iz he selling you un. | | OPPORTUNITIES EXIST SERVICE, INCOME TAX PHONE AT PANTING sad ; RETURNS SOD SUPPLY oh ot aa. J. ind arcing sot noc tne at AR or $1 Shay Beet | LO (Eh oowioemea. | equipment? Doss he inven- 686 OSLER STREET A-1 rolled fertilized sod, RA 5-496] FOR painting § and vaperhanging, in - ing Material. Classification B| ile: BATHING. trimming, de floeing board-| Light housekeeping - cabins, tory spare parts: n plan ROYAL CANADIAN tronic Service Centre, 81 King We st,|®d. Telaphone Vr 5.2635, wood, R. R. 1, Bayfield, Ont. easy way by checking "Building IMaté- KITTENS 64 weeks old, trained and tried, makeshift, home-type IN THE terior and your store based on his own ut fresh daily, sod for truck ing. Waubena Kennels, RA 5-631. h flush toilet ea- : RA 5-9953 o in the field. Special cone Jaan. PUREBRED brown LX ature poodies, : oe us, f yjate. rac a experience? What has been AIR FORCE Building Trades tractor rotes E.R KNOWLTON DODD & SOUTER T V. TOWERS five Sraeks old, $65, male or female. RA a Te A The Suttess fu hes FOR SKILLED AND sonable rates. 480 Si - i i NR MT RA 5-8504 LANDSCAPING SERVICE | PAINTING & DECORATING training, talking. strain. Aves Mre.| hill Ave, Toronto 5. UNSKILLED MEN modeling, recreation *ooms, roofing CONTRACTORS Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. Workmanship guaranteed. Fres est: GRANDVIEW Now is the time for Spring Painting, Paperhanging RA 8-8180 POODLES for sale, miniatures and PIONEER VILLAGE igs, ond Sdvettising? ol or Applications must be single, leon-up! : thio Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, toys, stud service available. MArket ? Canadian Citizens or other TOUR local chimney Cleaner. Chim: SOD SUPPLIES bil Bling Jestiizina, Spray Painting. OSHAWA T.V. [5s sowmanviie. ON ganization that has planned | British Subjects ond have ® stalled, Jagauss eevaiord" rw seb We specialize in Ae) furl. ; : 107 BYRON ST. 3. 3ey 361 GIBBONS ST. 4--Market Basket BUCKHORN LAKE { 2nd heloed bulld over, 13. minimure & Grote 8 adued. mates. ize: ie SO! rompt - 4 3 app! CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, wood-| liveries for Oshawa ps Dis. RA 5-6047 NIGHTS RA 5.7426 ATTENTION freezer owners. Orders| Camping grounds, cottages, Laundromat stores through- for trade training must be at taken now for freshly cut agparagus. boats for ent Sandy safe i Xing, all verh Free esti. o P A N 3 . ! ' ot the United States and 7 Jerking, o § coverings Five oa trict. Field loading for truck- S ECI LIZING | 8-4606 least 17 years of mates. Insurance Personal Service Wholesale prices. Phone MO beach, excellent. fishing, 50 d special i after 6. : Canada. We finance up to not t 29, I L. AND H. roofing, tar and gravel, oS special rates for con ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up CHARIS garmenis resentative of SAMSON TOWERS tested drinking water. RA 90%. You owe it to yourself ar. an 21 Shied Ni bs * - 100 big or 00. small. Eetimates free RA 8-811 persona servios Tour Rome, el rt re. Footton -- 1300) ANTENNA INSULATION |_S--Farmers Column 22301, 1o compare our complete pro- years of age will be consid- EE ce mA ; LEN & LOU'S T.V. [Pine shee timp cote | MARJACK LODGE | Sevan, Write or phone for Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Lic. 115. Top fob wie LOAM-GRAVEL AUTO INSURANCE CYR'S RESTAURANT Free Estimates oF money for dead ana aimvied| OS 1 URGEON LAKE | YOU CAN BE SURE IF IT'S ig ue Ri 43 nia urs Sut d| SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL | you mov sove S10 $15 or NOW OPEN RA 5.7844 (collect "at hour, sevenday servicer Fishing, beach, abundant WESTINGHOUSE... AND| Medical care, 30 days annuat Free estimates RA 8-4782. : h $25 on your car insur GET more calls for your service, Offer] home cooked meals. Special ' eave and an excellent pen- Fol Tom our ow Voit This Seis. LOTS, LEVELLED Sr hou 20% pate on FISH AND CHIPS SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT *|® under "Business Services" in Classl.| rates for children. House- |YHEN YOU'RE WORKING| sion plan. Find it in the Classified section today. TRACTOR, LOADER WORK| drivers enjoy the lowest rate TAKE-OUT ORDERS IT -- DAY OR NIGHT ig Svery day. Dial RA 3-3492 now for| keeping cabins. Dunford, WITH ALD For full details, visit the i rio thr is of T.V. and RADIO Ontario. a Reasonable Rates in Oraario, Wisugh this of A Good Place to Eat = Phone. 25-R24 ALD. CANADA MOBILE RECRUITING UNIT CLIFF BROWN DIAL RA 5-2156 yar paymams, RA 8-4391 CALL RA 8-5286 | Al types of ribber belting --. LCANADA LTD. Oshawa Armouries GRAVEL & SAND OSHAWA Bi, LOBEL LET US MACHINE WASH ok ucrenteed paired within 24 hours. Rem- | KAWANDAG LODGE | Rexdale, Toronto), Onterie June 7, Noon to 6 p.m. BLACK LOAM INSURANCE HOR|ID LTD YOUR WALLS ELECTRONICS pond BB 4 ROSSEAU, ONTARIO RO Sra 20--Room and Board HOME LANDSCAPING : HOMES, OFFICES, ete. Phone RAndelph 8-1558. Don Gallinger, prop. Former |14----Employment Wanted |5oom ana board or room oly. 360 King St. West RA 3.2265 " ine. Prompt. Delivery Landscaped designing, sod- : CaN aa ™™ | GET THAT CLEAR | Snowden ndusticl Rubber | NHL paver orton Brine Ee" ie, Core Cl ern ms gi RA 8-895] ding, seeding, weed killing, |kawn Mowers CALL TE 9-1864 PICTURE NOW and Plastics Limited, 91 Bruce ey. rash, res lon, i Pe Mii WE Free Estimates Bruce Street, Oshawa." . board, plete Gordan + ervice, POWER Lawn Mowers Wharsened ing {IDE folders, An AAA, ATRO re- HONEST, wherget lad, tli 3 Boon a ae, Dewly DRIVEWAYS matory. Ravetale Morne RA tons | INTERIOR WALL WASHING | Use o CHANNELMASTER. | 7--Trailers sort. WAS indo, Su wm siphons ened Rowing a2 ono ace ; RA 8-6366 AVE your Towa Sower Precision shay DUNBARTON ANTENNA attached to o |3i-700T "51 Giendsie-- sparking sosai| SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT |RA'ses parking. Apply 708 Carnegie. Avene. First-class Workmanship OSHAWA pened. Free pick up and RA STARLIGHT TOWER and [tion, uniravelled, TV, phone. accesso LADY i experience requires pari-| LOON and board fo Guaranteed - Reasonable Prices - TRY OUR you'll have the best. ries, $1,650 cash or terms. MO 8.8624. LEN-DAVE LODGE time housework. Telephone RA 8.3150. [[Fendly home, BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN TT BALA MUSKOKA RA S900 > > > T -k- GET THAT CLEA COOK'S SELL FOR LESS UN/TED R. B. REED & SONS Chicken plate, half chicken PICTURE NC LEAR Children Free DECORATING ROOM or room and board, comfortable PAVING CO. a nicken ! 13' Glendette Compact, | Moin lodge seeping cabin, ALTERATIONS home. teiepione bo 85s. : " Ee FR haa Sas x fe sandy beach, home cook« TWO ganliemen or girls willie 'a chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, Use a new aluminized pict , New 5 30 ) i LOW-COST PREFABRICATED |share, single beds, three meals a days RA 8-480! FLORISTS F v i a Tl ily % tube installed by expert Tv | 15° Glendette, used $1095 pid big gle gli HALLIDAY HOMES TV, laundry, clean' home, $16 per week. T MOVE S FOR THREE GENERATIONS MODERN GRILL technicians, and you'll hove | 13, Glendette. used $1150 | cio. hel Sad cold turning STYLEMASTER COTTAGES DONT io) ; WE DELIVER--RA 53887 | the finest.' Modest prices -- | 16' Glérdetrs, now, Ontario "| yo UTILITY BUILDINGS 122 Store Space & Garages call us for service: uxe : ou wi a colled, | t¥ 4 WMANVIL! MODERNIZE - REDECORATE Evergreens, flowering shrubs, climbers. Tea Roses, special LITTLE BUCKAROO TRI 0 TELEV'SION 16 Glandetts, Hew, $1550 PIONEER CAMPS -- MUS- AJAX REPAI AND BOWMAN LE office spa porn Lhies INSIDE OUR OUT at 79¢. Climbi 99¢; and ili KOKA: PORT SYDNEY -- 2 | CONSTRUCT ION LTD. [supplied walkin vault in' one. Apply YOU WILL BE GLAD : ming rosey, 99¢i ond garden ilies, Whtrous be. RANCH 171 BOND STREET EAST | Cook's Troiler Soles & Parts, separate camps, boys ond | 110 King Street East, Oshawa ren og Proguctt. Timid, YOU CALL gonies, gladiolus, dahlias, cannes. Specialists in petunia plants TRAIL RIDING RA 8.6781 Hwy. No. 2, girls ages 9 to 18. Tent RA 8-5103 SIX stores for rent or Tease in in New : i ot il ion. i Si Suit 110 King St. East, Oshawa (35 varieties). Over 100 varieties other annuals, geraniums, RIDING INSTRUCTION 3 roiles Eoet Oshawa Sccsodetion hia 16--Female Help Wanted Brass iy pou rent. b Telephone AJAX REPAIR bedding plants, patio and window boxes, fertilizers and seeds. ADULTS AND CHILDREN Well Drilling-Digging Well Drilling-Digging cludes trail riding ($1.50 A 1a I waited, For imterview, call h ), sailing, boating, ind CONSTRUCTION LTD. 210s oW. DAlLY W. WARD ii a cove Sows rr KW or ML STORE SR Ton For quality plants grown in Oshaws visit REED'S NEW GO-KARTS WELL DIGGING BY TED VEENHOF ered wagon and canoe Hips, | piu, gotten, Sop. crafts and hobbies. Space (hotel, cotfes 3 d Home, Summer __ Cottage, MACHINE WELL DIGGING | still avaliable August 16-30 saaias| TOR RENT Garage we can supply: Fac- GARDEN CENTRE AT OUR GREENHOUSES. PICNICS, AND. PRIVATE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE ot hob rote Hw $63.00, PAB ar a gn: tory Engineered Stylemoster : WHITBY. ONTARIO Clean-outs and deepening, Further information: Pioneer |Telephone MO 88532. AT BOND ST. E. Buildings. Many plans to Information -- RA 5.2737 MO 8.2563 -- MO 8-3809 COMPRESSOR WORK, Camps, 20 St. Mary St, |RELIABLE and trustworthy girl for choose fiom. Move in next 163 BLOOR STREET WEST « HARMONY RD. NORTH, 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. RA 8.3884 Toronto 5 -- Phone WA [rd Fecshone Claremont 16. Please RA 5-5214

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