SOCIAL NOTICES a 5 A & k {. i, WEDDING PRINCIPALS and Mrs. Gerald Shangraw and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. (Jay) Crouse, all of Oshawa. --Photo by Garnet Belfry Married recently at North- minster United Church were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Addi- son Crouse. Formerly Miss Carolyn Ann Shangraw, the bride is the daughter of Mr. Week of Exciting Events For Nurses About To Graduate ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bray of Port Perry announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Marilyn Mabel, to Mr. Allan Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fri Bailey of Blackstock. The marriage is to take place in Port Perry United Church on Saturday, June 24, at 4.30 p.m. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Alice Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Williams of Port Perry, to Robert W. Matthews, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Matthews of Osh- awa. The wedding will take place at St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry, on Satur- day, June 24, at 3 p.m. ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Smykal announce the engagement of their daughter, Frances Yvonne, to Mr. Robert Evan Reynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Reynolds, all of Oshawa. The marriage will take place on Saturday, June 24, at 3 p.m. in St. Andrew's United Church. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Newnham of Prince Albert, Ontario, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Vera Ellen, to Mr. Edward Lemual Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Davis of Whitby, Ontario. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, June 24, 1961, at Prince Albert. RECEPTION Mrs. Effie Goyne will receive her relatives and friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langmaid, Solina, on Sunday, June 4, 1961, from 2.30 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. on the occasion of her 75th birthday. St. Gertrude's CWL Holds Supper For Membership The annual membership sup- per of the St. Gertrude's Cath- olic Women's League was held recently in the parish hall, The head table guests were the Rev- erend John Myers, pastor of St. Gertrude's, the Right Reverend Monsignor F. K. Lee, DP, who is Chaplain of Ontario Hospital in Whitby, and the Reverend Edward Nugent, CSP of St. Ann's Parish, Boston, Mass., who was a former classmate of Monsignor Lee and was present at his investiture. Also present was Mrs. J. A. Aldwinckle, Women's Editor of The Oshawa Times. From St. George's Ukrainian Parish, Mrs. M. Mal- achowski, president of the Women's Auxiliary, Mrs. Paul Wysotski, altar convener and Mrs. E. P, Hrycanuk, president of the junior ladies group. From Whitby: Mrs. L. Ruest, who is Girl Guide convener for Ontario County South Region. From the Ontario County South Region Catholic Women's League, the chairman, Mrs. E. Spraggs, and the secretary, Miss Verda Packer. Following the supper the Di- rector, the Reverend John Myers, welcomed the guests and members and congratulated Monsignor Lee on behalf of all present on his investiture as domestic prelate to Pope John XXIII, Father Myers thanked all the members for their sup- port in the past and turned the meeting over to the president, Mrs. W. R. Branch, who re- minded the members to keep the fall bazaar in mind during the summer holidays and begin plans for same. She also asked the members to bear in mind borough drive, was hostess to the Laurel Group on Monday. Mark conducted a short busi- made for the garden tea to be held at Stonehaven, the home of Mr. and Mrs. bazaar table were brought in Joon) Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 31, 1961 7 PERSONALS Mr. William Kellar was mas-, Mrs. George Morgan, Bess-| he president, Mrs. Randolph ness meeting and plans were G. N. Irwin at| Whitby. Contributions for the by members and Mrs. Ewart Nichol and Mrs. A. J. Park- hill assisted the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Mur-| COOKING LAMB | There are three basic cookery| methods to use in preparing | lamb as in cooking other meats. | Dry heat. This method includes roasting, broiling and parboiling. Moist heat. Moist heat cookery | includes braising and cooking in| liquid (such as stews). Frying.| visited their cousins, the Misses ter of ceremonies at the Slessor- Bessie and Frances Farewell, Devlin wedding reception in St.| Simcoe street north, over the Gregory's Auditorium on Satur- day. | weekend. Teas, birthday parties, wed- ding anniversaries, coming and goings of guests and your own holiday plans are always of in- terest in this column. Write, telephone or visit the social de- partment with your items of news for which there is no charge. Telephone RA 3-3474. At the Oshawa General Hos- pitai Alumnae Association grad- uation banquet at which the class of 1936 celebraied its sil- ver anniversary, all the mem- bers of the class were present except Mrs, Marvin Wellman ton, The Kingsway, Toronto, (nee Mary Fletcher) who is at present in Florida. Present were Mrs, Joseph Anderson (Mazo Anderson), Oshawa; Mrs. Harold Mosier (Ruth Bickle), Oshawa; Mrs. Doug- las Dunning (Eleanor Blaker), Belleville; Mrs. George Hunk- ing (Mabel Hunter), Oshawa; Mrs. Oren King (Margaret Ir- vin) Seneca Falls, N.Y.; Mrs. Kitchener Mann (Flora Lee- per), Niagara Falls; Mrs. | « Horizontal or Vertical Aluminum Siding for new homes and all modernization. Coated in a variety of hannerioys colours b add lasting boguty to your home. Eliminates painting . . . washes clean . . . deflects heat . . . insulates , . . SAVES ITS OWN COST! Free Estimates © Expert Installation LES EVENISS SALES 15 Prince St. RA 5-4632 Evenings RA 3-2707 © SATISFACTION GUARANTEED e BRIDE-TO-BE Saturday, June 24, is the date set for the wedding of Miss Alice Williams and Mr, Robert W. Matthews. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Williams of Port Perry and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Matthews of Osh awa. The wedding will take place at St. John's Presby- terian Church, Port Perry. the need of a piano and if any- one has any information for a good used one to kindly contact the president. Mrs. Branch thanked Mrs. Frank Neil for her wonderful Shirley Fielding Feted Bride-Elect Lamb may be panfried op{eRinald Scame (Evelyn Mac. iddle fri illan) Toronto; Mrs. Lucien op 6 isles, i In Some b frit, Michaud (Ruth _ Richardson) g gro mb Irli-| Brampton; Mrs. Walter Zintel ters, deep-fat fried. (Priscilla Tongue} Cuyahoga |Falls, Ohio. Mrs. Dunning was For the twenty-four nurses who will graduate on Friday evening from Oshawa General Hospital School of Nursing, this week will be forever remember- ed for its round of excitement and social activities. Last Saturday the class was entertained at a banquet and dance at Jubilee Pavilion by the Alumnae Association. On Sun- day the Baccalaureate service was held at St. George's Memor- fal Church, followed by a re- ception in McLaughlin Hall for the nurses and their friends given by the Women's Auxiliary who also gave the class a lunch- at 8 pm. in the O'Neill Col- legiate, and the address to the class will be made by Mrs. T. J. Grosart, BA, MA, head of the Moderns Department at Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate. Following the graduation which includes the presentation of diplomas and proficiency prizes, the graduates and their families and friends will gather in the hospital cafeteria where light refreshments will be served. During this week of festivity relief nurses have assisted the staff at the hospital to ensure an uninterrupted routine. eon last week at The Guild Inn, Last night the Intermediate Class of the School of Nursing enteratined the graduating class at McLaughlin Hall and tomor- row the head nurses will enter- tain the students and their mo- thers at a tea at McLaughlin Hall. The guests will be receiv- ed by Mrs. Mary Telford, di- YWCA Plans Annual Day Camp The Oshawa YWCA is cur- rently the scene of bustling activity as preparations for the annual Day Camp get underway. rector; Mrs. Mildred Gulliver, associate director of Nursing/The camp, for girls 8:12 years Miss Shirley Marie Tielding whose marriage to Mr. George Albert Gudgean takes place on Friday, June 2, in St. George's Memorial Church has been hon- ored at pre-nuptial cvents. Mrs. Sidney Hornc entertain- ed at a miscellaneous shower at her home on Centre street. Mrs. Edward Jeffrey and Mrs. William Wilson were co- hostesses at a neighborhood shower at the home of Mrs. Wil- son on Centre street. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the 22nd Scout Troop held a miscel- laneous shower at the home of Mrs. William Barker. Miss Fielding and Mr. Gud- geon were guests of honor at a dinner party given by Miss Kay Good at her home in Brantford. The girls of the office staff of Duplate Canada Limited enter- taind at a dinner and presenta- St. Gertrude's when the mem- job on convening the member- ship supper. Mrs. James Noonan, who is in charge of en- tertainment, introduced the] deriul work, members of the parish to con- an overnight guest of Mrs. An- tinue in their support of this derson, Mrs. Zintel is a guest ifor a few days of Mrs. Mosier. "Marley Page" quartette from the Sweet Adelines, who enter- tained with some old time songs. In closing, Father Myers once again stressed that the Catholic Women's League exists for a twofold purpose. First and most important, to further the spiri-| { tual character of each individual| } member. This is done through prayer, corporate reception of Holy Communion once a month, days of recollection, activities which promote personal sacri- fice and so on. Secondly to as- sist the pastor in the many prob- lems which he is faced with in caring for the parish. Money- making projects play only a small part in this job. Of far greater value was the help and support given by the CWL to A i TALK ABOUT DELICIOUS FLAVOR! Delicate, sunny- sweet Blue Bonnet Margarine makes just about everything taste better. Good for little people ...It's nutritious b Ws all bl ALL-VEGETABLE on. The Ladies' Auxiliary of Storie Park A ion held i a bers took a census of the par- =~ SPORTSWEAR Ltd. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE YOUR LAST CHANCE -- TO SAVE MANY DOLLARS! TOMORROW me "FRIDAY == of age, will this year run from July 4-21, 4 days a week. Regis- tration will take place at the Y on Thursday and Friday of this week, June 2 and 3. As the maximum number to be enrolled is 125, the camp director, Mrs. Mary Johnson, and her assistant Miss Ursula Stroeter, advise that girls of this age group who wish to register, come early to be sure they will be able to participate in the fun-filled three weeks of outdoor activity. Selection has just been com- pleted of the more than 20 teen- age girls who will lend their camp-craft, sports, story-telling, drama, and other skills to the leadership of the camp program. Miss Caroline Storie of Osh- awa is to be camp assistant and will give special attention to the| camp music and sing-songs, always a popular feature. It is hoped that swimming, another part of day-camp activity long a favorite with campers every- where, will be returned to the| agenda this year with the open- Service, and Miss Gladys Hill, associate director of Nursing Education. Mrs. Eric Dean, president of the Alumnae Association and Mrs. W. D. Bulmer, night su- supervisor will pour tea. following head nurses will assist in serving: Miss Bertha Clark, Miss Audrey McClelland, Miss Phyllis Crawforth, Miss Pat- ricia Bray, Miss Dorothy Sheets, Miss Dorothy Redpath. The same evening, the girls will entertain their fathers at dinner at the Hotel Genosha. The graduation exercises on Friday, June 2, will commence laneous shower. Mrs. George Bell acted as hostess. Mrs. Earle Fielding enter- ish, look after the altars, tend the religious article shop and all the other activities of this na- MARG Blue Bonnet ARINE ture. tained for her daughter at a Father Myers urged all the trousseau tea. She was assisted in receiving by Mrs. George Gudgeon and the bride-elect. Following the rehearsal this evening the bridal party will be entertained at the home of Mrs. | George Gudegon, Hillside av- enue. | HOUSEHOLD HINT If your children argue about which toy belongs to whom, mark their belongings with nail ERWINNE"S PRE-SUMMER SALE! polish, using a different color for each child. ing of the Rotary Swimming | Special Savings for "Early Bird" Shoppers! Pool across the street from the | An Indian theme is being | drawn up to be used as a back- | ground for all parts of the day | camp program including the parents night which closes the camp. Y.W.C.AA: DAY CAMP JULY 4 to 21 GIRLS AGE 8 Fee $4.00 plus $1.00 "Y" Membership REGISTRATION 2 TO 5 P.M. THURSDAY, JUNE 1st Y-W.C.A. BRIDE-ELECT cotton mate pleated -- FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd 199 CENTRE ST. OSHAWA for. Si | TO 12 YEARS I Theengagementis an- nounced today of Miss Fran- cis Yvonne Smykal and Mr, Robert Evan Reynolds. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Smykal and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Reynolds, all of Oshawa. The marriage will take place on Saturday, June 24, in St. Andrew's Unit. ed Church, JORDAN HOWARD'S Draperies. Open every evening exce; CUSTOMER 120 ARLINGTON AVE. (2nd Street South of Rossland off Simcoe St. North) QUALITY SPRING PLANTS REDUCED TO CLEAR 'COTTON SETS Reg. to 10.5 Famous Sleeveless or match them. So cool, so smart, so easy to care 4.99 2-Piece SHEATH DRESSES Reg. to 14.95. By leading Canadian maker. Colorful and tasteful prints on white backgrounds. All sizes. 3.99 BERMUDA SHORTS 10.95 By "Sabre Slim Jims", All So makers 2-pe, sets of fine prints, tops ond hing unpressed skirts, Mix them Reg. wool plaid shorts, finely tailored, smart, so trim. All sizes. 4.99 zes 10-20, FLORISTS Such Savings on SUMMER SPORTWEAR!! BLOUSES By leading makers pt Saturday and Sunday Crisp, cool cotton in SI - PARKING P, seve less and Short Sleeve styles. Tuck-in ond over blouse styles in Drip-Dry cotton, Harding Brian - Twist CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES FREE ESTIMATES 926 Simcoe St. N. RA 5-3144 A Moderately priced value. Ideal for medium traffic oreas in your home. Available in 9 decorative tones of Beige , . o Mushroom . . . Cinnamon . . « Turquoise . . Dial RA 8-1641, Measurements and Estimates Free ideal for business, play and school, Wide choice of white and colorful prints, Sizes 12 - 20. Now Available at CHERNEY'S sturdy broadioom woven rom oll-wool hard twist yarn. for good 2.98 | SKIRTS [| Stim Jims Rey. to S98 By famous makers. nforized cottons Reg. to 6.95 in solids, stripes, plaids, etc. Sizes 10-20. 2.99 SHORTS By National makers. Sum- mer Shorts of cool, Sanfor- ized fabrics. All sizes. 1.69 - 2.59 - 2.98 All first quality by famous Colorful floral and fancy prints, glazed cotton in makers. new unpressed pleat styles. Matching belts. Ideal for all occasions. So easy to care for. Sizes 12-20. 3.98 ond 12' widths . . Rose , . . Spice. ERWINNE'S SPECIALTY SHOP 11 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY RA 3-7421 SATURDAY ALL SPRING INTO SUMMER STOCK ON SALE UP TO AND LESS THAN GENUINE REDUCTIONS TO CLEAR ON .. SUITS - COATS -- DRESSES --- SWEATERS - BLOUSES - SKIRTS -- CO-ORDINATES -- SLIMS - SHIRTS AT REDUCED PRICES-ALL SALES FINAL PLEASE . . ..A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE TOMORROW AND SATURDAY LAST 2 DAYS OF OUR LUCKY DRAW CONTEST COME IN AND MAKE A PURCHASE YOU CAN WIN $25.00, $50.00, $75.00 CASH LUCKY DRAW BEING MADE 8:45 FRIDAY NIGHT Arriving daily! New Summer Dresses, Sportswear of all kinds and Bathing Suits, including Jantzen. New, smart, perky. You'll love them, come in and see. SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE