26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 31, 1961 = J A dh dB Bhd i Ow 'Gamblers 'Aided' Only Two Years Left Officer Testifies For Uranium Boom Town URANIUM CITY, Sask. (CP) |yellow powder produced by the TAR An Se" A et BS Gb A hd |triet's uraninm mines have {sealed their Shafts, paid hefty {severance wages to employees and closed their books. Once - busy mine sites of Cay- zor Athabaska, Rix-Athabasca, Lorado, Black Bay and Lake Cinch look as though everyone 'Tough Tests 'For Licences TORONTO (CP) -- Fees for Unable to keep their tongues off Crown-owned Eldorado Mining left at a five o'clock whistle and TORONTO (CP) -- A young of evidence he would show ; co o'tooth. the 3,000 people of and Refining Company and the never came back. It cost less to provincial police constable, who! Const. Scott was paid a total of driver instruction permits will leave some heavy machinery be- be doubled and qualifications # are Robert J. Wright, 28, a for- served as a double agent, testi- fied at a Supreme Court trial Tuesday that he had been told some OPP gambling squad of- ficers were protecting betting houses in four Ontario cities. Const. George Scott was the first witness in the trial of three men charged with conspiring to bribe a police officer. The three mer OPP constable, Joseph P. McDermott, 40, of Port Credit, ! and Vincent Feeley, 37, of Tor- 'onto. Const. Scott at one time | posed, on OPP orders, as a cor- (rupt police officer willing to (take bribes. { During this time, he said, { Wright told him other gambling| squad members were protecting | betting houses in St. Catharines, | | Thorold, Niagara Falls and Fort {|Erie, all in the Niagara Penin- | sula. | He said Wright told him *'one {or maybe two' members of the! agreed to anything yet. Uranium City often mention independent Gunnar Mines Lim- During the hearing jurors and *'mid-1963. ; ited, : > spectators strained to hear BY that date there is expected The two companies pay 73 per voices on a tape recording {0 be no ready market for the cent of the taxes levied in the played by Const. Scott. Only barrels of uranium - bearing 1000-square - mile area char- portions of the recording were -- tered as the Municipal Corpora- audible. Const. Scott identified Catharines, Thorold, Niagara tion of Uranium City and Dis- one voice as that of Wright. The falls and Fort Erie establish- trict. They are the only major voice said "I got the money" ments were all just belting CRPloyers. when Const. Scott asked him if rooms and not full - scale gam-| But shrinking market require- s : 8: his gambling contacts had ing houses. ments have snatched the imme- A . } Const. Scott said that on Feb. diate future from both mines Const. Scott said that at one 24, 1960, Wright told him "there anc. they may shut down by avers Jeeliog vin ¥ right the were good grounds to suspect mid-1963. Hiri S inpe Vin Pigs $100 there was someone other than «gome people came into this iis" under the table myself giving information 10 with their eyes open. They The policeman said he was ganiblers" and that payoffs vlanned and made a quick kill- paid to tip Wright as to the were going to someone else on pianneq al tow 4 Wil times of raids on either of two/the gambling squad Ing, > Says lown manager Le "lubs and as to OPP policy re. s ACRE cd liam S. Seaman. "Those who clubs s to OPP policy r . .. Wright said there was ; ionq0 ¢ o their i t garding the clubs. at least one and maybe two in- 1 cndec to recover thel Ag He said the clubs were theiformants," Const. Scott said. ment over a long term will be Vets Club in Cooksville, Ont., : and the New Ramsay Club. MENTIONED 'THIEVES' The boom town of Uranium Both clubs were given code| At one point in the hearing, City was born in 1952 during the names for use during tip - off Const. Scott said Wright had re- most concentrated staking rush on raids and for other informa-| ferred to "the thieves." He said in Saskatchewan's history. When tion. : 25 ; under questioning that he under- 1953 ended, 21,000 claims had Const. Scott said Wright ic!d <tand this to be a nickname for heen staked--most in the Mar- $1,000 intended as bribes. broker. if the mines shut down." | hind than to freight it out, for the permit will be stricter The economic jolt of the mine after today, the department of Slosings ) el Ded kuock 25 ol [transport announced Tuesday. ja 5 3 { 3 i i lof business and wounded the Th e dep artment said permits Imunicipal corporation's finance. | Will cost $2, while the charge Unofficial estimates of the for the first examination for an lifetime of Gunnar are about 30/0perator's or chauffeur's licence months, including one year of Will be increased to $3 from $1. stockpiling after current con-|A vision test will be required tracts are fulfilled. The stock- before the instruction permit is piling plan indicates hope for 8ranted. renewal contracts for uranium A department official said a {or peaceful purposes about written examination of knowl- 970. edge of rules of the road and So a : ;sign recognition will be simple [EXPANDING PLANT but that a stiffer written test Eldorado mine manager J. M. and actual road test will be (Don) Douglas says the Crown given before an operator's or company may be forced ba Shut | chauifeur's licence is granted. own between and 1440, He said the department has "By 1970," he says, "Eldorado increased the fees because the {could reopen in a new markelineyw system of driver examina. climate and we'll be prepared {ion is more expensive to oper {te do just that." ate The company's confidence is being expressed in construction lof a second hydro-electric plant, of nearly four pounds of uran- |oPP gambling squad were tak- him the Cooksville club was dy- McDermott and Feeley. ium from each ton of material ing bribes to tip clubs of pend-jing "a slow death" because After repeated reference 10 just north of Lake Athabasca, t ew machinery and sink- treated: ing raids. : large floating crap games in 'the thieves during Const. apout 450 miles north of Pris ion of ie of hy ind fen an-| Uranium City fathers, who Const. Scott said he was alsojadjacent Toronto were drawing Scott's testimony, John Brooke, ajpert her 2.00 . han a can't afford to take the long- {told that the New Ramsay Club|all the potential business. |conusel for McDermott, ob-"~ Ta Eh do jother 2,000 feet to more than a term view 'of nine official |at Niagara Falls, Ont., was con-| Wright told him, Scott said, jected. { By 1956 the municipality was mile. ATRL VIEW One Oia 8, Ses {trolled by "a man named Nic-| there were plans to open a gam-| Mr. Justice W. F. Spence incorporated, including all op-| Despite high transportation M€ - Blo abyss pe d by th loletti" fronting for "a member|ing house in St. Catharines but ruled against him, saying that erating mines and the mine costs, annual personnel turnover basse 3 AS od A e of the Mafia," a syndicate with|that this fell through because "the thieves" was the reference|townsites at Eldorado and Gun- of more than 70 per cent and jcorporauon's 32,500, ebt, Sicilian background believed to|the New Ramsay Club was pull- Const. Scott said was used by nar. Within two years the dis- other peculiarly northern prob-| They fear that unless the {control much of the organized|ing in all the peninsula business| Wright in conversation and that/trict was established as a ma- lems, Eldorado and Gunnar mines can obtain enough con- {crime in North America today.|and a new club would not at-it would be wrong to use any- jor world producer of uranium. have remained this long in com- tracts to stay in operation Uran- Special Prosecutor G or do njtract the proper clientele. thing else. Yet in the last 18 months petitive production partly be- ium City will become a ghost Ford said that in his summary' He said he understood the St.! The trial continues today. more than a dozen of the dis-|cause of a high recovery rate'town. that Britain has a passive : ' Tuesday for the annual conven: | attitude towards the United The problem facing the Mac- tion of the Ontario Chief Con- i : millan government is to con- : : ] States' position of pOWer, OFii;,.. the American public that|Stables' Association which be- 1 gre Seseuts 3 is one Prime only a small minority of Britons|gins today. i: er Be an oppose the U.S. Polaris sub-| The 250 delegates to the three-| are trying to dispel. marine base in Scotland and day convention will be ad-| The Conservative government that the anti-H-bomb marchers, & @ é ; : ® ® ® is known to be concerned byldo not represent the true spirit dressed by Ontario Attorney-| the flood of publicity and anti-!of Britain General Kelso Roberts, Toronto] American sentiment surround-| Official sources say Dr, Police Chief James Mackey, ing such headline-getting events Charies Hill, head of the gov. RCMP Com mis sioner C. W. as the demonstrations af Holy ernment's public relations set- Harvison and experts in police Loch, Scotland. up, has been assigned the job WOrk. The most recent platform for of countering any harmful ef- Traffic resolutions, a report| a more general British point of fects on U.S. opinion. on training committees and the| view has been provided by an, Seen from London, it does not proposed le gis lation on the| American, James Reston, in-|appear that many responsible/@malgamation of municipal po-| ternationally - known correspon- (Britons take comfort from U.S. |lice forces within a county will| dent for the New York Times. sorrows. Most thoughtful people be discussed Wednesday. t Reaction in the British pressiare reconciled to the lesser role] On Thursday, delegates will to Reston's comment that the|that their country now plays in discuss uniform reporting of British resent America's rise to|world affairs. If anything, anti- traffic offences and burglaries world dominance and take ajAmericanism seems to have and the forwarding of these re-!| secret delight in seeing America |declined. ports to insurance adjusters. | make mistakes has been imme-| Macmillan has long since con- Mr. Roberts will address the | diate and scathing. iceded the obvious fact that|convention in the afternoon. The sharpest rebuke comesithat there are but two major| 8 from William Connor, who powers. When the Kennedy- writes fn the left-wing Daily {Khrushchev meeting was ar-| under the name Cassandra. |ranged, Macmillan gave Ken- | Reston, he writes, is 'looking at |nedy his blessing and became | us in a cracked mirror." the first British leader to count | Referring to the correspon- himself out of a "summit" con- dent's remark that Washington ference since Winston Churchill | believes the British "enjoy our backed the first eight years| mistakes in Cuba," Cassandra ago. says: 1 "Lord God of the nation under | the Union Jack that has done| Plan Big Survey a Suez, does this man really] think that we laugh about On Canadian Rock! tin and Beaverlodge lakes areaiay a cost of $3,000,000, installa- AMBASSADOR VISITS TORONTO Dr. Eugene Buresch, Aus- | esch received his appoint- | most of the 60,000 Austrians trian ambassador to Canada, | ment to Canada the couple has | who came to Canada during and Mrs. Buresch visited To- | made extensive tours of Can- | the German occupation of ronto Monday. Since Dr. Bur- | ada and are planning to see | Austria and since the war. INTERPRETING THE NEWS | Police Chiefs Britain Attacks | Annual Meet | Anti-U.S. Feeling [Bi North Bay a lice officials from cities, munic-| ipalities and townships through-| out the province assembled] By ROD CURRIE Mr. Reston is not as good a re- Canadian Press Staff Writer porter as we had supposed . , ."" The feeling in some quarters ynoRITY ONLY SALUTE LIV {0)' (137:1)] 1:00 yoUR NEWS TIMES CARRIER is Learning To Becomes A BUSINESS MAN Your Help Will Be Appreciated / Envoy Sherwood Station Wagon UWhitewall tires optional at extra cost) 000 d MN d ROAD [} Envoy's famous Econo-Power four-cylinder engine gives you all the pep and power you need, when you need it! Envoy takes grades easily, holds the road In a way others can't match ..and LOAD withallthe cargo youneed! A cottage- ful of gear...or the luggage for a happy-go-lucky vacation trip... fits readily into your Envoy Sherwood Station Wagon. i 5 with happy people! B MAN There's room for five See it...Try it... Buy it! See Your Envoy Dealer! 12610 ANOTHER GENERAL MOTORS VALUE MANUFACTURED FOR GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS OF CANADA, LIMITED, BY VAUXHALL MOTORS, LIMITED, LUTON, ENGLAND. PARTS AND SERVICE FROM COAST TO COAST. Cuba?' Says the respected Yorkshire! OTTAWA (CP) -- The biggest | field push yet is planned this | "We can only suppose that -- -- broad picture and interpreta- tion of Canadian geology. t The geological survey of Can- Carpen ers ada is placing 102 parties in the field--up' 15 from last year--and - more than 400 scientists, stu- Quit Work dents and other hands. a noe and afoot, they'll range th C from the arctic islands to each Wi emen {of the 10 provinces. : i Ontario will get nine parties. TORONTO (CP)--The United] Main projects include the Brotherhood of Carpenters and| completion of a co - operative] Joiners of America (CLC) 10-|project between Ontario and the! not to take part in further sub- jcal 'mapping in the Patricia) way concrete pouring here un-|gistrict of Northwestern Onta-| til satisfactory safety precau- rq. | tions are taken. Two men were killed Friday when a framework holding wet concrete collapsed. surer of the union's district big adults to relax in council, said contractors could | Envoy's luxurious in- pour concrete without carpen-| ters. But his men would not more glamour than make required inspections until | you'll find in any other present supports were strength- car in the Envoy class! » TO BE Students Herd TORONTO (CP) -- Rustlers | have cut into the growing herd of a 19 - year - Ontario Ag-! ricultural Colleg® student who made his start by winning the price of a heifer at a Canadian ble three years ago. . William Patterson, son of C. F. (Pat) Patterson, referee-in-| HE CONSOLIDATED AT ALLIED chief for the Ontario Hockey Association, spent his prize mo-| ney for a black Aberdeen An-| WITH A MORTGAGE LOAN gus heifer and had planned to college. came ns) ALUED INVESTMENTS | ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD lued at $1,000, was found slaugh- ; tered on the family farm near | Norval, stlers clubbed the ani] CALL ZE 7-6540 (GUELPH) NO TOLL CHARGE mal and attempted unsuccess- FOR A DAY OR EVENING APPOINTMENT Member of the Ontario Mortgage Brokers A 140 BOND STREET WEST, OSHAWA HARRY DONALD LIMITED WHITBY, ONTARIO Post: summer to draw together a By pack mule, helicopter, ca- day ordered its men Tuesday federal government -- geolog- | Angus Smith, secretary - trea- terior... more comfort, Rustlers Hit National Exhibition calf scram- OF... build his herd while attending | fully to bleed her. They left | after having cut away the right | hip. 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