Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 25 May 1961, p. 40

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I 3 25---Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|27--Real Estate for Sale j27 Real Estate for Sale [27--Rea! Estate for Sale --Real Estate for Sale . d East, 80° by 200° PRIVATE sale -- five-room brick bun-{SEVEN room THREE - room apartment, private en-|spARTMENT in new apartment build. [LOT for sale, 48° x 103' sewage and LOT on Taunton Roa 4 en. trance, all conveniences. Apply 592 iy four rooms and bath, stove and|water. Telephone RA 5-3907. [Full Price my a BB be pe ily, Drew Street. refrigerator, TV aerial, washer, Ser $100 DOWN -- $7,100 full price, $75|8.5123. Fk a N.|TWO - room art|Clase to Shopping Centre. RA SOI6L( ii, two acres of land, six room|Realtor. est cash offer. Full price, $13,500. RA |APARTMENT, ine, ove, ™v acral, bungalow, Javed Pu to the door, a EIGHT-ROOM house, large lot, fruit 3-9800 after 6. four rooms, bath, ideal for bachelor|conveniences. Call Ozzie Martin, trees and garden, decorated in an LIDAY trailer, for rent, sleeps [teachers or nurses, $65 monthly. 335/8-4651 or RA 5.1215. Dougas L. Gower, out: garage, close to school. RA 3-3989, var A i hitch and lights arranged. Re- $11.900 easy terms, Jones Real Estate. Mary. RA 5038. Regltor 1d, serve now for one or more weeks' va- Ra' 5.6412. . 9% ACRES of land, good location, witht soar. cory wre n Road, Xi cation. RA 3.7692, $75 MONTHLY, three-bedroom brick : t., $2,400, city water, ready large storage area and parking|house, Call after 4 p.m. 1192 Cedar immediately; half cash, easy terms.|BOWMANVILLE -- modern (hree-bed. SEVEN-BOOM brick coodiian, 'mew o Torna and ba dining room. Street, Weinberger Realtor, RA 85145, evenings room brick bungalow, near ar. nowpital,| CS | sopdition, i 8 La ale Av:|S1430 John Sandy, = pe 7244 'Must on age lor Salle gg tranatereg, Me Bosco Realtor. RA 5-9870. totalling frontage, | once. Asking $13,500. is NEA mort. | Ue. Ld .|gage. Call Walter Frank, McQuay and PRICED to sell we tifa) FOUR-ROOM frame four-piece | bath, oil doe alum. Nx walk-out: low taxes. $500 down. MODERN brick bungalow, garage, four,led drive, Wilson Road near gn FOU R- room unt duty wiring, A bath, Boated dune 1 RA 54131, private entrance, large fenedd 3 yard, DELUXE upper duplex, central, tWo|scaped, attached garage, Seco ed, Tand- Te 3 peter, fo = EA S007) tor, a th ie: or Write a ob as awh Bone cetion Tod $7500 CUTE as a button! ing, fhady | garden, refined couple, rea. 297. FOR REAL ESTATE wn Be RL SATISFACTION lovely acre lo. Reduced for paiek [opm st oc etm] KEN HANN [Fe all So 'elephone | E , furnished or unfu - ick sie sar, avo an ot avo. pie yy AREENTRG ) rop| PRIVATE SALE North, cl to hospital, Pre A now. f-contal three. Bus. RA 5-6588 ose rivate en- A US, +.icinnns of 0 cl Dbl AILABLE ". Sel tained " LIne 7963 2-storey, three-bedroom home In good condition, large din- trance, bathroom, 1 phone RA 5-5433 or RA 5.2267, FOR REAL ESTATE ing and living room, recently rent to adult family or i couple. Li UR-ROOM, self-contained apartment, DON S. SMITH decorated. Spacious kitchen, 8-2675. FO! APARTMENT -- two , Uving|nariington Boulevard South, private finished recreation room and Mgr. Vickery Real Estate her extras, Garage, with RA B8-6228 bedrooms. room, kitchen and bath, unfurnished,|p.ih business couple | preferred. sd paved drive. Situated on fully RA B-4879 stove If desired, business couple prefer- parking. landscaped lot, 42 x 150, SIX-ROOM HOUSE FOUR - | clous, all plied, $85 TW Xoam apastment, very spa modern, kitchen and conveniences, heat and hydro sup- own garage. Available June T MO 8-4037, entrance, APARTMENT ~ four rooms, private refrigerator, stove, built-in furnis| or unfurnished, FIVE-ROOM apartment, two bedrooms, ground floor, all conveniences, Avail. apartment oe June 1. 19 Park Road North. heating, 5.2997, all ec, yo RA S805, TV an- 3 Business ..... garage 'Whitby, P pe downstairs, two . bedroom feats, 372 Mouth. BA apartment, central, two children wel- RA (COMPLETELY furnished two - 100m | ine" reasonable ~ rent, private en. woods. Phone MO 8-836, PRIVATE, fiveroom brick bungalow, with recreation room, six per cent inter est, $500 down. Phone RA 8-4380. BUILDING lots 106 x 150 feet, Only a few left, next to Camp Samac in built. residential area. Now sell $1050 each with $400 down. Call 8, Macko Realtor, | RA 8 8-4661. $6,500 FULL PRICE, $800 il b buy uy this cozy four-room bungalow. 333 Pine A nue, Now vacant. Call §, Macko, Real. tor. RA 8.4661. SIX-ROOM brick bungalow with at tached garage, situated on a large lot just off Garrard Road North. Modern | conveniences. Nice view, close to school. - Suburban living. Very reasonable buy at J12.600. Substantial down payment Call 8. Macko, Realtor. RA Eel building, three-room |THREE-ROOM ay apartment, pr private en- {trance and bath, stove, refrigerator, TV antenna, avaliable June 15. No children. p ¥ RA 3-3240 RA 5-2993 RA 5-3867 RA 5-3454 RA 5-4430 washer and dryer, $80 re Member of Oshawa end District Real Estate Board, L. S. SNELGROVE REALTORS RA 5-8761 RA 3-9810 43 PARK RD. SOUTH ATTENTION BUILDERS 24 fully serviced lots with prepaid services, priced from $2,500, builders terms. Chadburn St., 189 x 26414 ft., three parcels to be sold, single or complete. residential street, and outlet, reason. 75-acre farm, near Newton MODEL HOME 5% rooms, modem. brick Nonquon Rd., 50 x 165 ft. bungalow completely fin- $1,000 down. ished with rec-room walk- out bosement. Located in Wilson Rd. N., 85 x 184 ft, North Section. N.H.A., mort- $1,000 down. goge. Can now be bought | ion 10 tots, 66 x 168 st sec- tion. Apply 55 Burk a, or RA 8-8380, ONE large ' furnished "furnished housekeeping room, sink and cupboards, suit one or two b_persons, 206 Marquette Street. ROOM and board for gentleman, two twe minutes from Four Coruers, Apply 24 Charles Street, CLEAN furnished room, with kitchen, in quiet home, central. Suit gentleman, Telephone RA 3.9225, FURNISHED light housekeeping room on Beverly is bus stop at door. Telephone RA 8. BEDSITTING room, frig and stove also bedroom with cooking facilities, both newly decorated. Parking, near north GM. Call RA 3.7917. ONE double room, Tarnished a or r unfur- RA 3078 unable for lady. Tel MODERN LARGE APARTMENTS In new building, Central, Special rates for adults. APPLY BOX 822 OSHAWA TIMES FREE RENT 1 MONTH BWMANVILLE -- Heated, modern three rooms, kitchen- ette, bathroom, washer, dryer, $60. MA 3.5996, Apt. 4. Apply 63 King West. Also store for rent, Her of Waity. OL THREE ROOM i en SPECIAL bachelor apartment in apart: Lied, onion) meri. 'Phone. dary, ment building, private, | ideal for oul RA 5- -1113; evenings, RA \ 5-1569. i jon June 1. RA TAREE ROOM apm apartment, close to school. For appoints ment coll RA 5-0555, apartment with sink and cupboards,({rinc. Telephone RA 3.7027 3 FOR: SALE e FARTLY furnished three (Iarge) room Bane TA 8.3504," ing facilities. Tel. oy 6.BEDROOM apartment, unfurnish- edroom, toh bungalow, apartment, with bath upstairs, ed, private bathroom and entrance. eramic tile ol eat, a | TWOR 00M unfurnished apartment, |e. port, parking, $60 monthly. Tele-| $1,200 down payment to Tele: sink. built-in cupboards, newly deco. phone 728-2391. fi ra Bond East, RA 5.5418 after ist N.H.A. mortgage at THREE room apariment, sink, ecup.|oP:™ THREE ROOM { apariment, private bath, 6%. Lower down payment boards, semi-private entrance, share NEW modern two-bedroom apartment, tc Possession. Telephone RA 56106 or] @rronged if necessary, Near bath. Stove and fridge optional. 841|in apartment Jullding, Teirigeratol, RA 3.7534 shopping, bus service and pe LS RA "Ek Stove, Sather, South, RAS 5.3212 INE EWLY decorated To Sa m Gienished! schools. Private, RA 8-1295. and cupboards, heavy wiring, share FURNISHED _ three room basemen rong RA regia 8 rag gy Jcilities. Vacan May central, Phone RA 3.9600 after 6. . THREE a roomed. Apartment, private PH AIR STREET FOUR - room upstairs apartment, pri- GROUND floor, three-room unfurnish- [2am Topo Oo! 0): EAs COURTICE vate Bath, nS iidren welcome, 515 Rit- ed Apsutnitat, private ifn 3= = rm son Roa ort! cludes hea vdro, 2315. LARGE two-roomed furnished' apart.|> mcoe Street South. LANSDOWNE AND Lovely ronch bungalow with BEAU VALLEY ment in Oshawa. Very central, Tele. ONE- and two-bedroom a) apartments, WILSON RD. NORTH garage, on large lot, re- . phone MO 8-238. avaliable in modern bulding. stove and in af SPR 6 P.M. Till Dark APARTMENT 101 Craydon Road, Eo with sunken . living - room, vate Sune 0. ear shopping cen THREE. ROOM self-contained apart- TWO BEDROOM large dining room and family. We are on the move 6 tre, Adults. $70 monthly. 212 Stevenson ment, with bath, heavy wiring, $50 RTMENT size kitchen, for someone Join the March to Souths ew mobi su, evite, ore omit' wer] APA who wents a nice home in | FASHIONABLE LIVING ATTRACTIVE 'apartment | three (large Cr ow. the suburbs. Asking price » an -- central, "Telephone 1 RA _S-4581. $105 3i2, Dog -- oo a: Something New to See gina iy 3 ul rticulars, © r. : partment Sink, i. suitable for 7 Stove and frig., washer and Elliott-- Each fe You Some to couple. Close to 3 month. | ya TTT dryer, bamboo curtains eau Valle! ys tus byarp. 24 FOURROOH Spice, Eo Cubert throughout, parking, 18' liv- RA 8-0581 or RA 5-6588 y TREY com Conti SE Street, fae immediately. May be| ing room, modern kitchen, Exclusive Agents June 1. Phone MA 3-3100 collect. S561 ' sayome. 563 Lonsdowne Drive. Call WILSON TWO large roomed apartment, private | INREE-ROOM ground floor apartment,| Hazlett, Toronto, HU SCHOFIELD ' duty [21 conveniences, parking, garden, bus 9.7986 REALTOR 4 anes toni ined, heavy |at door, available June 1. RA 5-5746. . Insurance Associates Ltd, able rent. RA 3.3211 or RA 5.2539. | PRIVATE three-room apartment, , fur NICE Ti nished, stove, refrigerator, extension MODERN 1 Be, tyson fey I 50 PEOPLE CAN'T BE WRONG a elevison r $100 RITSON Road near King unfurnished 1 AND 2 BEDROOM ¥ monthly. Adults only, RA four-room a: room flats, sinks, Tv Sutlet, newly decorated. APARTMENTS 550 00-DOW E - t, private . -- Fe FE Sgat Lu Crk Las Jos Jie. U8 £80 : oot e for usiness cou 3 couple, or widow. Abstainers only, 137 1 & 2 BEDROOM Quiet § room mck homes, 110350 372.50 per marth pln taver, juron. THREE ROOM apartment, part partly | Jor. APARTMENTS close to transportation; stoves id | top quslity Sonstruction, second to none. 800 gal- nl , or unfurn 3 ards c en, ns il, equivalent to one year's su A e 1 od serial. 356 Cadillac LA SALLE COURT 'fridges. T.V. limited number of customers, y PPY: Sven owey © APARTMENT, {hres rooms, ground JeLLRHONG drapes and paved parking » J . fe rn rans RA 53815 LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. 212 Ritson 'Road South. or RA 8-6485 PHONE REALTOR FUR th RA 8-5123, RA 8-5124, RA 8-5125 June 15, also three-room A -- . rd: Coat bns. 'po, iee;room ui BRIGHT MODERN RA 5.7272 -- RA 5.5787 101 SIMCOE ST. N Close to Shopping Centre. RA 5-3777, ONE BEDROOM 26--Rooms for Rent . : THREE unfurnished rooms, builtin APARTMENTS cupboards in kitchen. Vacant now. Ap LIGHT housekeeping room, Ww TWO BEDROOM apusimeit i vu| LUmished, and unfurnished, |e Teeptone RA $1sL A P RECIATE ille, with small barn, 6 Apartment, in apa balconies, laundry room facili- ville, with smal m, 6- Bet Dhding. Sewly dry faction ties, excellent a from roomed home, including Jove and Jerigerator, Child welcome. 0 re A F A Pachinen nd some cattle, a -8386 rice $11,000 with terms. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres os i SATISFIED CUSTOMER ~~ | vey oom. ng concern with all cattle ond equipment, large Modern one- and two-bed- If you are planning 'to build or buy a new home, L-shaped bankbarn, drive with only $1,615 down. | 4g "ey'Go0 ach room apartments, $85 and consult us. We specialize in custom built homes and shed she, Pulkcacler, ere; Aryl ine: Pome. Ra 90 x 150 #t. up. Best location. Phone = have some good East End and North End locations. oll eT co A --n CENTRAL PARK NORTH Yous water, Price $33,000. ro, - / RA 8-1194 JAM Also suitable for income. Nace farm, on Hohway, {on oy. Len P id a) MODERN APARTMENT Beam ort Hope: (5203 bork. | 6 Torge rooms. 2. bathrooms, 630 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3-71 22 shed, etc; 8-roomed brick 2-piece each. This home has a large modern kitchen, fin- Be sure to call us this weekend and see our t vari listings. Here are a few:-- ee: variety of Port Perry, Queen St. $1,000. Near Ajax, 110 x 200 ft. $1,900. Prestonvale Rd, & acres, raspberries, stra' es, apple trees, about 1,500 Christmas trees. $400 DOWN 5-room brick bungalow, min- utes from si sehosis gnd shopping, newly orated, Pierson windows, forced air- oil heating, divided base- ment, ceramic tile bath, many other extras, full price only $12,300. Hurry for this one, it won't last. Call Frank McCann, RA 5-8761, or evenings RA 8-8921. Cal Sid Martyn RA 3-9810 sD Frank McCann RA 5-8761 Modern 2.bedroom apart ment, all conveniences. Stove ond 'frig, fully automatic; parking area, Close to bus stop. Adults only. For infor- mation, apply--- 778 HORTOP house with all modern con- veniences, Price $30,000. Terms. 10-acre form, located 8 miles from Oshawa with small bam; 4-roomed cement block home with oil fumace. Price $6,500 with $500 down, 125-ocre farm near Lindsay with 60° x 40' bankbam, drive shed, hen house, etc; 8-roomed brick house, heavy wired. Asking $18,000, Terms. 224-acre DAIRY FARM near Cobourg with 80' x 80' loaf- ing bam, milking parlor, 50 cans bulkcooler, extra L- shoped bonkbarn, 8 cons milk quota; 8-roomed home with modern conveniences, Asking $35,000, Terms. 150-acre farm, west Port Hope with 2 barns, stream, hen house, etc; 7-roomed new home with modern con- veniences, Asking $22,000, Terms. 92-acre farm, 87 acres work able, the best land, large L- shaped bankbarn, drive shed, garage, silo, etc; 8- roomed house, running water, Price $16, 000. Terms, 100-acre farm on paved road, L-shaped bankbarn, garage, drive shed, etc; 7- roomed house with modern conveniences, Price $11,500, Terms. 100-acre farm, located 2V2 miles from wa, partly residential zoned, 100 x 30° bankbarn, machine shed; 8- roomed home with all mod- ern conveniences, Price and terms arranged. 6-roomed, new, brick bun- galow, near wa, beauti- ful fireplace, - wall-to-wall broadloom, built-in valance, etc. Excellent home, Asking $15,900. Terms. GARAGE ('A" licenced), SNACK BAR, GROCERY STORE with modern bunga- low on very busy highway, tourist centre. Large turn- over. Price and terms ar- ished rec-room. Oil heated, aluminum storms ond screens; double garage. Just the home to be proud of. Im- mediate possession, BEAUTIFUL VIEW Va-acre londscaped lot with this large 6-room custom- built ronch-type * bungalow with attached garage. Fire- place and finished rec-room and extra washroom, Ken- dalwood area. Can now be bought at on amazingly good price. Must be sold, owner has other interests, Phone RA 8-4661, Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. S.D. HYMAN REALTOR RA 8-6286 CHEEP ! CHEEP! $7,800 full price. Living at its finest! Let me show you this fine bungalow on one acre of lond. Fresh air ond economy living can easily be yours. Coll Doug Bullied at RA 8-6286. NORTH EAST! 2 Year old brick bungalow in @ "Picture Post Card Set- ting". Harmony road north, Close to schools, transporta- tion and churches, 6% in- terest and a low monthly payments. You can have the one of the most attractive homes in Oshawa by calling Doug Bullied at RA 8-6286. "NORTH WEST" Brick bungalow with a walk- out basement, Owner leaving City. All reasonable offers will be presented. A real bargain with a 6% mortgage. Call Bob Stevenson at RA 8-6286. INCOME PROPERTY Separate entrances and sep- LARGE SH room, light house. |keeping, refrigerator, sink, close down. Sot, i] girl. 475 King Street East. 5- FURNISHED single bedroom in pri. vate home, near King and Ritson road, parking available, continuous hot water, abstainers anly. RA 5.1365 or 31 Rowe Street. LARGE furnished front bedroom with light ping, bath off Suitable Jop two ladies, also smaller le for one lady, Phone RA RIDGEWAY -- 3 BEDROOMS A first-class home ot only $10,000. Attractive lorge lot -- large rooms throughout -- all the extras, 5 0575. FOR SALE: Private, four - year - old|FOR RENT: Two bedroom apartment, | brick bungalow, near publie and sep- ground floor, ith garage and Garden, ROOM in private home, very central, NEW HAIRDRESSING SALON arate schools, three la $75 » MO 8. continuous hot water, spring mattress, Spen fireplace, fenced MO | oR SALE: Mus at sell by J an. i Six Suit seatieman, Apply 102 Elgin Street 30 dave olice and your own busines. room ick home, finished basement,| -- +l ation -- good clientele, FOR RENT: Two roomed apartment,|[Paved drive, many extras, near all ATTRACTIVE furnished housekeeping @ heated, self contained, central location. schools. Owner leaving province, Any room, ground floor, parking available. Apply Art's Clothing Store, 125 Brock offer considered. Anytime after 6 p.m. |Apply 27 Park Road South, King Street South, Whitby. 4 714 Dunlop Street West, Whitby, area, i LE _-- TWO unfurnished rooms, large bright| FIVE rooms with bath, ground fioor, Fer ae, Fy ty on Mel Sal iT a eB 5 cupboards, par i ace. Dundas Ping 50 ree rooms wi ath up- Street. Telephone MO 38-4903, Street East, MO 8.5188, MAM) stairs. RA 8- 3243, FOR RENT: Three roomed apartment, EXPERT en, ry gardens and FURNISHED room, twin beds, use of centrally located, newly decorated. lawns. Don't call unless you want the |Private kitchen, refrigerator, suit one or Available July 1. Telephone MO 8-2775 best. Call Dick, MO 8-2614. two persons, close to King - Park Road. after 6 p.m. WHITBY coin Taundry, 106 Bros "Stre 57 Montrave Avenue after 6. FO! , SALE: Fir Five room brick bungalow |South. Special for one week only, treet FURNISHED housekeeping room, re. you sal lot with garage, close to all|15 cents, dry 10 cents, This ad for free (rigerator and laundry facilities. Apply schools Low down payment. Telephone | Wash. |63 Greta Street. MO 8-3794, BC SERVICES. © Complete 'bookkeeping | LARGE furnished housekeeping room, service for small businesses, weekly, |close to North GM and hospital, stores I me ed. Walter Ward, | monthly oF as desired, Statements pre.|and bus at door. Telephone RA 56841. 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8-2563. pared, income tax returns, MO 88252. CLEAN furnished housekeeping room, ---- FOR RENT -- Large nicely furnished or bedroom, for rent, Suitable for one | pe SALE i one sacket. heater, one room suit one or two people, centrally Or two. Call RA 5.2872 STE Dundes" West: Whitby, "located, meals optional. Telephone MOONE furnished room, suitable for sin gle | ly 12 Dundas West, WHI): -- DE a ------a--aa |girl, or working couple, light house- OR SALE -- Manure for lawns, gar- FOR SALE -- five HP outboard motor, keeping; garage if desired; close to ns, and also lawn cutting, le- | Pipe cutters and threaders, paint spray- town and shopping centre. RA 8-0297. one MO 84514. - Various te tractor, stove, 34 HP motor, PARTLY furnished room and kitchen DENTS! A super value, Approxi-| ious Items. MO 8.4797. for single person. in quiet district, Wately 630 sheets of letter size typing NT Completely furnished |Close to North General Motors and per (news print) for only $1.00. Ap-|apartment with heavy duty stove, pri- Hospital. $12 weekly, Telephone RA| Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, vate entrance, lights and water in.|8-4245. Dundas Street West, cluded, $85 monty. Yeo rrly 1121 Dundas FURNISHED h R RENT -- Three room apartment, Street East. MO 83652. ~~ |gentleman, close to north GM, hospital, tric stove, cheerfully decorated, FOR RENT -- ° apart. stores and bus. No drinkers, please. Ap- to school. 233 Palace Street, Whit- ment, with heat, lights ip iol Close ply 12 Elgin Street East. or phone RA 5-4302, Oshawa. to school and bus. child welcome. [SINGLE room, furnished, use of Kitch. | RENT, $45, three room |en and washing machine, central loca- ment, self-contained. 200 Brock FOR SALE -- 1955 Buick convertible, tion. near north GM. Telephone RA t South for appointment, OL 35-4471. (and 1958 Edsel hardtop, excellent con. |5-8150. EE room apartment with private | 31tion. MO 85740 or MO 8-491. TWO - ROOM furnished apartment, available June 1. Telephone MO ROTO tilling, lawns and Jardens; res. rea-|Stove, refrigerator, near hospital, St.. sonable rates, experienced. MO 8-3870. Gregory's Church, Sowgtawn, } two or FOR RENT -- $65 a Y and 4] ce ills tuay shale R room apartments, balcony, Residential|2$ COLBORNE Street West, hy dou- area, newly decorated, laundry facil-|ble room and small single, cooking op- ities. Parking, close to schools, chil. Sonal, business gentleman preferred Server. playground. Apply 300 High|RA 3-4935 garden, A real money-maker-- Only $1,700 down, FRONTENAC STREET 5-room neorly-new brick bungalow -- close to G.M. ond shop- ping orea, Asking price $14,300. SEE THIS ONE Rosemere St. -- very select 5-room brick bungalow -- north- west area. Asking price $14,400, WESTMOUNT STREET Close to shopping centre -- 7 rooms with garage -- extra wide drive. Could be used as duplex, Asking price $12,900. Wilson Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 After Hours Please Call: Dick Young--RA 3-7183 Charlie Rankine--RA 8-3682 Lloyd Corson--RA 3-2537 Wes Elliott--RA 8-0581 Ken Hann--RA 3.7963 BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE HOWE & PETERS YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REALTORS RA 5-7732 67 KING ST. E. EXTREME VALUE Unbelievable but true, for only $1,677 down payment you can be the proud owner of this new 3 bedroom brick bungalow with carport. Comes completely decorated, 4 pc. ceramic tile bath, storms and screens, close to schools and {Lopping, Selling for only $13,695. Call Keith Peters RA 5-41 THORNTON'S GARDENS 62 acres of fertile garden land with 300' of frontage, small oa Ar sa AL, | Kidd, Realtors, MA 33393, PRIVATE SALE Six rooms and bath, Summer [Pha Ly 9 uminum throughout, new furnace. LOTS FOR SALE SCHOFIELD terms. 118 BARRIE AVE. OWNERS SPEC'S. 360 KING ST. WEST AFTER 5 N.H.A, LOANS RA 3-2265 BY PUBLIC 9 BUILDING LOTS HIGH SCHOOL CONNAUGHT STREET FOR SALE $14,500 14 yeors old -- E P POLLARD with garage, located in an : . ay area of fine homes, Close to Joy, Sve. mi For details apply: COURTICE every city convenience, 21° |e 0 a fone # J. A. CAMERON RA 8.5579 long living room, good-size [be a TW or cmraten, large 1812 KING STREET EAST apt MO 3535. y - A LUCAS PEACOCK will toke back a 10-year LLOYD REALTY on roo this home, call Steve Zurba, THEN CALL YOUR Mover | RA 54330 RAB-5109 | ory) AToRs DREAM LA SALLE AVE. CADILLAC AVE. $10,900--412 N.H.A. 5-ROOM BRICK Eight-room brick, garage. A lovely S - 3 . ly S-roomed brick WIH GARAGE Eighro drive. Two natural bungalow all in immaculate room by finishing off un- Five bedrooms, with walk-in Just off Central Park Blvd, stairs. Interior expertly de- closets, Ideal for @ lorge N., first time offered for corated throughout. Land- family. sole. Carries for $63.00 per scaping os well. Moderately McLAUGHLIN BLVD. month, Henry Stinson, call suit. Phone for Bill Millar at I RA 8.5123 i wh rat y LSON ROAD AREA | fireplace. ull-size rs old, 1Vi- 4 DOWN $700 DOWN bi B08 ry 18-ft. family oe Oe on a pti bathroom and unpoatch. oll heated: room 1}3 storey with room, with two-piece pow- landscaped lot with trees: and aren Sapment, farage, appro, and down. Good location, Full bedrooms, with bathroom, prised of living room, la price $8,300. Act quickly on second floor. New or. kitchen, ond Sige uy Bill Horner ot RA nace. Garage. both downstairs and 2 A FOR REAL ESTATE Phyllis Jubb ... SR Completed OLIVE HOWE Central, now bei ted Irene Brown price 310,900 ony 5%% n ' nn rente "ee . for $140 per fons Hurry Roy Flintoff ... I Igoge.S. 41 al pay Mr. Aurelia Kanoza Io se "is ein eid Lucas Peacock . . terest and taxes. Call Bill RA 5-1457 5.1726 Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., S. MACKO List Co-op Through This Realtor Office. Beautiful new Bie som bun- RA 8-5123 " galow, bar rick, stone 101 SIMCOE ST. N RA 8-4661 front, situated on landscaped isin FIVE BEDROOMS lot with three full grown Owner-bullt family home on Ceramic bathroom with van- Eulalie, next to park. Storey- ov, Hollyweed Kitchen, ma- ogany trim throughout, sece REALTOR AND GENERAL good-size rooms, spotless con- tioned basement, INSURANCE dition, oak trim. Nice mod- ern family kitchen, living, just off Gibbons, Immediate Newcastle -- Phone 3341 | dining and 2 bedrooms possession, 68-ocre farm, located 1 mile second floor, Oil heated, RA 5-3662 dite! Tone; thor d | Lom ond, sereeny Zune JOHN A. J 2 ape garage. this only bd bankbom; 6-roomed bunga- $12,800 -- $2,000 down low. Price ond . terms ar- : Realtor Ltd. Insurance 167 Simcoe S. Office Hrs. 9 am. to 9 p.m. NO. 2 HIGHWAY garage, at Courtice. 5 years old, V4 ocre lond, Asking only $10,500 and open to offer. Call now to i 3-3398. RAVINE LOT $1,500 down will buy this charming S-room brick bun fireplace; good location, Must sell now! Are you look ing for a buy? To see this one now, call Mr. Siblock, We Speak Slavic Longauges Member O.D.R.E.B. 29--Automobiles for Sale 1956 VOLKSWAGEN window van, good South. Phone RA 8-0051 iss '57 PONTIAC two - door automate, radio. This is a real hasuty, ] Nicols Mo- tors Ltd. (Whitby) MO 8-800 $200, RA 5-4263. '60 FORD V8 fordor, soft tutone blue and white finish, i car, immaculate Low taxes. $9,800, easy HOMES BUILT TO Insurance Associates Ltd. BUS SERVICE lorge 6-room 2-storey home CENTRAL PARK BLVD, COLBORNE Ontario, situated on 8 separate dining area, 3 fom- Vendor LIST WITH LLOYD REALTOR evenings, RA B-0569. Easily converted to seven fireplaces. Full dining room. condition inside ond out, priced and down payment to evenings, RA 5-0243, Seven-room, two-storey brick. double garage. Hardwood up der room, Three good-sized enclosed patio. Home is com- |Rd. N. Call RA 6.2584. J. St. Thomas. $11,500 DUPLEX $11,500 Jon Miller .... rec-room in basement. List Call Ed Drumm at ra 85123, Ychstien, svenings, RA PRIVATE SALE REALTOR Maples ot rear. Features: JOHN F. DEWITH ond-half, modern, with 8 Located at 426 Miller Street, down; 3 nice bedrooms on from Oshawa, partial resi- payment, Call" "Steve" BOLAHOOD Macko., 4-room stone front, attached nspect, Mr. Appleby, RA 5-6544 or galow with beautiful stone RA 5.6544, condition, Terms, 160 Simcoe '58 PLYMOUTH sedan, blue 0 white, jasias hd out, $1695 . Seaway Motors, '59 VAUXHALL i, very clean in- side and out. Will consider older car as trade. Financing can be arranged. LSEN|z RISTOW & 0 » CHEVROLET LSeiain, two tone, » ry ni , rom REALTORS alscs Like gow. 15 Sandra Street West, FOUR BEDROOMS 1955 MONARCH two tone green, power steering, power brakes, automatic, all $738 down payment, one Ber working order. Asking $700. RA mortgage at 634%. Large, Hollywood _ kitchen, divided |e whey radio sais 'hor seeing basement ready for recre- ung condition, $900. Telephone MO otion room, One only, ready ads for occupancy, located in 56 PONTIAC two-tone hardtop, Good Harmony. Call Paul Ristow [Se aba 850 Stmoeon most. "A at RA 8-5107 or RA 5-8152 LA SABYAN MOTOR > SALES LTD. "bedroom brick bungalow, 3 2 rick. bngalow STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN acres of land, located 4 i Oshawa. List SALES and SERVICE 9,150, fal Sea 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH at $9,100. For full partic. : OSHAWA, ONT. Riss, Solj Conf Qlstn ot RA Tel. RAndolph 3-3461 8-5107 or evenings RA BUYING OR SELLING SEE 5-3412, FOR. Ren? TED CAMPIN MOTORS Neat, five-room, oil heated brick bungalow near bus and 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) school. Available immed- RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5-5574 iately, Coll Paul Ristow at RA 8-5107 or RA 5-8152 CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred evenings, drivers and enjoy a saving of BLOOR ST. EAST $10, $15 or $25 or better 10-year-old, 4-bedroom home in good condition throughout. than 20% on their car in- surance, Half-year payments, Large lot. A real nice home Call us today and compare--= groom for | FOR RENT s, car top boats, tors, comping equipment, t box ond cabin trailers, in and skill saws, cement ers, paint sprayers, lawn ers, mowers, ders, gar- tillers etc. R SALE and used lawn mowers, llers, boats, motors and ilers, tents, box ond cabin psc lH room with breakfast, bus. FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom |iness man preferred, abstainer, Call apartments, #70, $90, and $100, in mod- RA 5- 1862 for more ps particulars. ern_bulldi rent, gentlemen ing, stove, fridges. MO 8-359]. |GINGLE room for r lonly, cooking piivileges if desired. Ap- SUPERMARKET IN YOUR [ply 135 Celina Stre HOME. $16.95 per week ONE bright large a room, ossures a family of 4 Good Living. This includes 17 cu- Fettigerator and stove, parking space. ly 202 Albert Street. : + A lh for a large family, Listed at $10,500 with terms. For more information call Carl ATTRACTIVELY ailers. WANTED ts, motors and trailers, to sold on consignment, WILDE RENTAL Service and Cales 1415 Dundas East Whitby MO 8-3226 GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel iveway Gravel and Fill. very Monday to Sat. Noon. RIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 bic foot Freezer by ROY, CSA. i i Pn 3 months' food by SCHNEIDERS' plus. $2 250 bon- us cheque from Hydro Elec- tric. Live modern, call: ECONOMART, MO 8-5381. No obligation, No down pay- ment. FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. 82 Park Road North. Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. RA 8-8671 COLD WAVE SPECIAL FROM $7.00 Includes style cut, shampoo ond set. Last chance before we open our fabulous uptown salon. "Coiffures by Ken" MO 8-5124 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS in Private Home 82 PARK RD. NORTH Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. RA 8-8678 RA 3-9692. green house, raspberries and fruit trees, 5 room brick bungalow in immaculate condition with finished recreation room and large garage. Contact Earle Allen RA 5-7782. MARY STREET Come and see this buy, it's a good one! Large 2 storey brick with garage, oil heating, spacious centrally located, This home is in good condition, owner will accept reasonable terms with low down payment, Call Don Howe FAIRLAWN ST. 3 bedroom brick bungalow located in north end close to public, separate and high school area, Owner has been transferred con living room, large bedrooms, give early possession. Take time to fully investigate, Call Rolande Tierney RA 55207. ranged, RESTAURANT as a going concern with modern living quorters on No. 12 Highway. Price and terms arranged. 5-roomed, new, bungalow with oil furnace, 4-piece bath, kitchen cupboards, run ning hot and cold water, hardwood and tile floors, Asking $8,000. Terms ar- ranged. Frank Hunter, RA 5-2974 Donald Mountjoy, MA 3-3950 Lorne A, Perrault, Clarke 2231 arate meters. Hot water oil heating. Quiet residential area. Close to schools ond shopping. Excellent value at only $1,500 DOWN. Call Bob Stevenson at RA 8-6286. "RESTAURANT" Well established business .in excellent location. Complete with all equipment in excel- lent condition. Modern build- ing. Annual turnover in excess of $80,000. For an immediate inspection call Lorne Hartford at RA Olsen at RA 8-5107 or even- ings RA 5.3412, PREFERRED INCOME Well located duplex with fireplace, both units rented. Built. in choice residential area before restrictive by- law. Owner will hold large mortgage, Call Paul Ristow at RA 8-5107 or RA 5-8152 evenings. RA 5-6165 -- RA 8-5107 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA led & VOR] FIELD bonis ORIEL Ltd, 360 KING ST. WEST RA 3-2265 Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 12 Open evenings or weekends (Continued on Page 27)

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