20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, Mey 33, 196) Gorilla Not Mad -Just Neurotic By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Topics this week: Gorillas, mosquitoes and a star atlas. GORILLA LORE Gorillas lead a peaceful so- elal life and beat their chest not in threat but just to let out emotional tension. They sleep 15 hours a day, spend five more eating and hike about half a mile daily In search of food Most popular ideas about orillas are in error, reports eorge Schaller, University of Wisconsin zoologist who spent 18 months in close observa- tion of gorillas in The Congo. These largest primates de- pend primarily on facial ex- pressions and gestures to com- municate among themselves, and use only a few sounds. They pout when sad. MOSQUITO BAIT Entomologists are experi- menting to learn why mos- quitoes bother some people, but not others, and just what attracts mosquitoes, Answers aren't simple, but if found could lead to more ef- fective repellents, or insect cides. Mosquitoes vary in their preferences. One group, aedes aegypti, prefers body areas, while another, aedes taenior- hynchus, is lured more to the face than the hands, U.S. de- partment of agriculture ex- perimenters found. STAR ATLAS Using special sensing equip- ment, astronomers are pres paring a new type of star atlas charting the infra-red or heat radiation of known stars. One purpose of the project is to determine the relation between a star's visible radia. tion and its infra-red radia- tion, which can be useful in developing systems for space navigation. Eastman Kodak company is preparing the at- las. SEA DRIFTERS Oceanographers long have used corked pop bottles, bal- lasted with wire to make them sink, to trace currents along the ocean bottom, Ultimately many are caught by fisher- men's dredges, or are washed ashore. Now the bottles are being will be found and returned be- cause of their yellow - and- fewer will break, says the Woods Hole (Mass.) Oceano- graphic Institution. KEYS TO IRVANCD §S) | | | | replaced by brightly colored | plastic drifters, shaped like | mushrooms. They're expected | to be more sensitive to slow | currents, and more probably | orange color, and the fact that | IN[0183A1S)50Y 8 INN 7 Gerber Meat Dinners CHOOSE 3 OR 4-SEATER FOAM SOFA AND C * TRADE-IN NOW - Use your present Furniture os a down payment on your new purchases! CHOOSE FROM 6 LOVELY DECORATOR COLORS! A SPECIAL PURCHASE . . . makes this saving possible. Choose the size suite that 3 suits your needs. The 3-seater sofa is 72" wide, and the 4-seater sofa is 90" wide. Both have a new thin-arm styling, accented by off-the-floor design. Deluxe features 95 include reversible foam seat cushions and spring-cushioned backs for added comfort, tapered legs accented with Brass ferrules. Choose from new shades of Brown, Blue, Natural, Tangerine, Turquoise or Beige in rich decorator fabrics. Buy now... you'll save $50 on each size. As little as 10.75 a month delivers to your home! 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