18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, May 24, 1961 WHITBY AND DISTRICT | Invasion Social Evening Is Planned By St. Margaret's All Saints' Anglican Church St. Margaret's Guild held its bi- monthly and last meeting of the season on Thursday in the church hall. The president, Mrs. F. Jollymore, opened the meet- ing with the member's prayer. Various reports were read and approved. During the business meeting final arrangements were made for the "Social Evening" of May 26 to be held at the church hall. Rev. S. Armstrong will act as Master of Ceremonies. Mr. Bustard will provide entertain- ment. All miembers of the Guild and their husbands cordially invited to attend. On Wednesday, June 14, the members of the Guild and children are invited to at- tend an afternoon tea at the rectory. The following are the Plan Anniversary | By ROBERT BERRELLEZ At Almonds Church Mother's Day was observed a Havana prison, bitter and on Sunday, May 13, at Almonds weeping. United Church with a large at-| "If we ever overthrow Fidel, tendance. Rev. A. F. Bamford we'll shoot the invaders as trait- occupied the pulpit and spoke ors" he declared. "They de- on "Family Day." The choiristroyed our counter-revolution- sang "Mother's Day Prayer." |ary organization by not telling The Sacrament of Baptism ys they were coming." was held and the following par-| Thus did one of Premier Fidel ents presented their children for|castro's enemies vent his anger baptism: Ronald Samuel, son of| ">" hand of rebel invaders Mr. and Mrs. Herman Huxter;| op, came to save Cuba and, in Madaleine Mercer,Beverley Annie view of many underground Mercer and Alexander Edward ire, bhetra i" cere bil Mercer, children of Mr. and| i 5 y Mrs. A. E. Mercer; Kathleen 846s: Neil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.| MASS ROUNDUP J. Neil of Toronto, granddaugh-| pany underground members ter of we Jate Mis Damion were caught in the mass round- (a rnol ied an 3 up of Cubans in mid-April, im- rne Tran received the OLeI"|,,qqiately after the pre-invasion ing. | : , Sunday school anniversary ombing of the country's main will be held on Sunday, May 27, at the 11 a.m. morning worship at Almonds Church. Guest speaker for the Sunday school will be Mrs. R. Gulliver of flannelgraph talk. All parents and their children are requested to be present. {when I left Cuba last Friday. Brooklin, she will present a Farce Angers Cubans (airfields. The prisoner, a 22- NEW YORK (AP)--A leader Year-old Cuban and former stu-\vance word of an attack, he|counter revolutionaries. of the Cuban underground is indent at a Texas university, was saiu chances would have been|said the group included one man a top-ranking officer in one of the many underground anti- Castro factions. Chagrin swept the under- ground after the detention of an estimated 250,000 people at the height of the invasion scare. I was among those thousands and spent 25 days in two prisons un- til my release May 12. Thou- sands were still imprisoned TE NY ESS YN Yew invasion was coming," the un-lcash and equipment," the im- derground leader said. "It now prisoned underground leader seems every American newspa- (told me. "Hundreds of us could per man knew the exact day|also lose our lives if Fidel de- and hour. But why weren't we|cides to start executions again." told? While at La Cabana prison, Asked if he felt an invasion prisoners told me executions would have succeeded if the|ceased April 18 after the firing underground had received ad- squads cut down seven accused They good with a larger invading executed by mistake. force, The underground leader who The invasion, early on the|talicd with me was arrested a morning of April 17, came two|month before the April invasion. days after Castro's huge "revo-|He bitterly blamed an anti-Cas- lutionary defence corps" started tro radio station for his arrest. a mass detention of all persons The station, on Swan Island, has get out of Cuba clandestinely," he said. "That tipped off G-2 (intelligence) and I was finally trapped." Radio Swan was considered so discredited by the Castro| government that its newcasts were often played back to the {public in Havana. | That the anti-Castro groups represented a big and well equipped force became appar- ent to me during my detention in the Havana prisons, : But if they were well organ- ized, it was also evident that Castro's count e r-intelligence suspected of being even indif-|had close links with the U.S. ferent to the revolutionary Central Intelligence Agency. cause. The detentions were trig- | gered by the air attack of Apr BROADCAST TIP "We weren't told when the 15. | "This station paid tribute to) "We lost millions of dollars inim e by name for helping exiles was a remarkably well distrib- uted force. In La Cabana, two major fights broke out early in May involving what other pris- oners said were G-2 agents pos- BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00 SHOW STARTS AT 9:00 ing as prisoners. conveners for the bake table sale for the June tea: Mrs. W. Bennett, Mrs. Wardman and Mrs. Forrester. The meeting adjourned and Rev. S. Armstrong presided over the election of officers as follows: president, Mrs. A. Mc- Allister, vice - president; Mrs. J. Hensinger, secretary; Mrs. L. Tuton, treasurer; Mrs. D. Denyer, program, Mrs. B. Bus- tard; projects, Mrs. D. Fry; phone, Mrs. H. Coiley; nursery, Mrs. H. Brown. Lunch was served by the so- cial committee. A special cake was served in honor of Mrs. W. Hall and Mrs. F. Mighton who are establishing residence out of town. The group will resume their activities in the fall. Left Accident, Is Fined $30, Loses Licence Meine Staal, 22, of RR 3, Osh- awa, was Tuesday fined $50 and costs or one month for failing to remain at the scene of an ac- cident. In addition, Magistrate | F. S. Ebbs, presiding in Whitby | police court, suspended his li-| cence for three months. | PC Ernest Stoneman, of the Whitby Police Department, said | that on May 6 he had investi-| gated an accident at Byron and Dundas St. and found that a car owned by William McGinnis, of Blackwater, had suffered $60 damage but the other yehicle| involved had left the scene. ! He said that he obtained a I-| cence number from another wit-| ness and a check revealed that | it belonged to Staal. He said that he found Stall's car in a) ditch near his home and the ac-| cused admitted being the oper-| ator at the time of the accident. WHITBY A moving and honest story of young men in action "ALL THE YOUNG MEN" Starring ALAN SIDNEY LADD POITIER Tomeosron "ABBOT & COSTELLO" PLUS "UNDER "MEET THE MUMMY" TEN FLAGS" IT TOOK YEARS TO MAKE...IT COST 12000000 ..AT WILL BE REMEMBERED FOREVER! rue ALAMO "7 TECHNICOLOR® JOHN WAYNE / RICHARD WIDMARK / LAURENCE HARVEY FRANKIE pATRICK WAYNE / LINDA CRISTAL owe AVALON joan osrien/ cL wits /== RICHARD BOONE SELTASED THRU UNITED ARTISTS | We CHILDREN $1.00 Anytime 35¢ DAY-BY-DAY TO TEST ACT The Lord's Day Act will face| a test in Whitby police court on June 27 when three men will appear charged with an offence under the act. Charged with providing a musical perform-| ance to which admission was charged after 6 p.m. on Sunday are Chris Antonopulos, Fred An-| tonopulos and Louis Rispolle, of| the Rainbow Room of the Rouge| Hill Restaurant. Macdonald Attacks PC Afternoon 1:30 - 5:10 - T5¢ AFTER-SCHOOL MATINEES Evening 8:30 DAILY AT 4:30 P.M. why |; ALL ABOUT A SCRAMBLED EGGHEAD, FLUBBER (the GOO that Flew) and FLYING FLIWERS! >, Eq . AAS AAS 1Y . Plofesoy FRED WaMURRAY NANCY OLSON.» KEENAN WYNN - TOMMY KIRK NS Crime Probe | TORONTO (CP) -- Donald C. | MacDonald, Ontario CCF| leader, said Tuesday night the) government's demand that op-| position parties turn over any | cvidence of organized crime 2 FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE FEATURE: 2:05-4:30-6:55-9:20 that they possess can only be taken as a political dodge. He said in a statement that the reaction of Premier Frost's government to any possible em- barrassing situation has been to try to cover it up. "When it served their pur- pose, they have deliberately blocked the submission of ev- idence that would have proven their guilt," he added. Mr. MacDonald said Liberal Leader John Wintermeyer has fumbled the crime issue by lim- "iting his activities to periodic statements calling for establish- ment of a royal commission to investigate organized crime and gambling. He said Attorney-General Ro- berts was "playing Tory poli- tics" with the repeated asser- tion that any information on crime should be given to the police. Mr. MacDonald said the at- torney - general had at least Kirk DoucLas Kim Novak ERNIE Kovacs BarsarARuSH Strangers When We Meet WALTER MATTHAU VIRGINIA BRUCE KENT SMITH HELEN GALLAGHER | a SK Most Talked-Of BABY ELEPHANT HUSTRIE'S HOLLYwoop YROCKETS nN a Sensationg| Hoy Comal tke) CLYDE BROS. "World's Greatest' Brought To Oshawa By... ie OSHAWA SHRINE CLUB!" (Proceeds In Aid Of Crippled Children) ' SEE! The 3 Canadian BEARS In Their Act! SEE ! The World Famous ROYAL HUNGARIANS In Their JUGGLER ACT! 2 DAYS! FRI « SAT.! MAY 26-27 TWO SHOWS DAILY! Friday, May 26 - 4:15 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. Saturday, May 27 - 2:15 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. 2Y; Pole Act T In a Sensat THE CORONAS' ire Act --. The Laws of on a Slende HOURS of THRILLS Laughter and Fun!! -- at the -- KINSMEN MEMORIAL STADIUM ional Hj h Defying Grayity r Wire! some, if not all, the informa- J tion on which the CCF leader |¢ has based his contention that leaders of organized crime sometimes operated with the co- operation of persons in high places. "The attorney-general was in- formed of efforts by persons in high places to influence the | courts when gamblers were on trial, and he did nothing about it," said Mr. MacDonaid. "He did nothing, because to have proceeded further would SOMERSET MAUGHAM'S Torrid Tale of the South Seas Lud Throbs on the Screen "Wiss Sadie Thompson" "wr HAYWORTH have been profoundly embarras- RITA < "ay [TR CTY sing to the Tory party, includ- AA L '*! FERRER ing people in high places," he added. EU HE < 4 WHIZ KIDS SEE ! o Sempke's Chimps he Flying Pierces : and ® The Amaz I Ellio ADVANCE TICKET SALE NOW ON! Adults 1.50 Children 75: -- Tickets on Sale at -- tt's Grill, 7 Simcoe St. North And From All Members Of The Oshawa Shrine Club b.