a eS Frit Fashioned for pool and surf, this well-cut swim suit is made of a quick-drying fabric which combines acetate and elasti- cized cotton. Made on sheath ld na 4 SWIM lines, it is a one-piece style that features a V neckline ac- cented with four frosted white buttons. --By Tracy Adrian WEED KILLERS Reading the small print is al- ways wise -- whether its on your insurance policy or on your weedkiller container. There are on the market selec. tive weedkillers and non-selec- tive ones, so the right one must be chosen for your purpose. The| selective weedkillers are use- ful for lawns. They destroy dan- delions, chickweed and plantain | without doing any damage to the| grass. For best results they| should be applied on a warm, {sunny day when the tempera. ture is above 70 degrees F. morning or evening. Care must be taken that your prize plants are not touched by the deadly solution through spray drift, and the directions for use should be most carefully followed. Sprayers should be kept for weed-killer only and should be rinsed out after use. ago I married Bob, a bachelor, {|band, a good church worker, 1|the children from their accus- : |tomed moorings: their friends, 1 |doctor. Evaporation is less rapid in the § MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Dear Mary Haworth: A year 29. I was then 33, widowed for three years, with two children. Everyone, including me, thought I was fortunate to be getting such a wonderful hus- praised for his kindness to his mother, etc., but now I am so hurt and disillusioned that I don't know where to turn. If I could, I would wait to see if time would help him adjust to marriage, but we are supposed to move across country soon and I must decide whether to go or stay. I don't like to take their grandmother (so dear to them) and put them through an- other adjustment that may only cause more heartaches for us all. Bob has temper tantrums without a moment's warning, blames others for his inadequa- cies, confronts me with ultima- tums and says the trouble with our marriage is me. He is jeal- ous of the children or anything which takes attention away from him (maybe because he's an only child) and refuses to| understand that my loving them doesn't subtract from my love for him. Our sex relationship isn't at all satisfactory, though I per- sonally don't mind too much, having accepted the fact that he's not very warmhearted. But as in all else, he blames others for this. During our first week of marriage he claimed he was incapacitated 'because the boys had put something in my drink." Now he says I don't have "the necessary appeal." My doctor says he should see a Before me, he had few girl friends, his friends being only his relatives, his parents and their friends. I have many won- derful friends and come ffom a prominent, respected family and was always said to be a fine Christian wife and mother, but these are aspects that Bob picks at and tears down. After each temper tantrum he says he is going to pack and leave, but when he gets no pro- test he ends the ordeal by say- ing he loves me. On two oc- casions he has even cried. Then all is supposed to be well--until next time. I would so much appreciate any advice you can give me. .D. UNFIT FOR MARRIAGE Dear 8.D.: In your long letter, here cut to a fragment, you say, perceptively, that you believe Bob's sex incapacity "is a psy- chological problem, as are his various other aches and pains-- something different each week: fever blisters, gum infections, Widow Married Second Time Now Faces Disillusionment indigestion, headache, itches," etc. Undoubtedly you are right. These are what we might call "neurotic alibi aspects" of a sort of love affair that Bob has with himself. They are discom- forts, self - invited (uncon- sciously), to justify his habit- ual solicitous self-centredness. His manifold neurotic symp- toms suggest that he is the "only child" of a very childish, neurotic female who felt quite martyred at having to be a mother, even once; who never has loved him in hearty, moth- ering fashion and in all sorts of indirect ways has made him pay through the nose, in atone- ment, for being her son. As a result, he is monumentally un- fit for marriage DIG FOR ANSWER Bob's attitude towards your children is neither friendly nor fatherly, helpful or forbearing. Also, he knows almost nothing of how to be a manly husband; worse yet, he isn't willing to acknowledge his ignorance and In these unfortunate ecircum- stances, the children's welfare (and right to be protected from his warped rule and worthless example) has moral priority over his unreasoning exactions as self-styled "family head." Talk to a Family Service Agency counsellor to get first hand professional guidance in assessing the question: Can you perpetuate this marriage with- out damaging the children? And if so, how? The present weight of evi unless Bob sees the light and works at reform. M.H. Mary Haworth counsels through her column, not by mail or personal interview. Write her in 'care of this newspaper. | THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW It may require extra patience to deal with problems now. Some confusing situations are possible, due to adverse plan- etary aspects but, if you take things in stride and keep plug- ging, despite setbacks, you will come through handsomely. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates some try to outgrow it. interesting prospects ahead. dence suggests that you can't,|by They are, . business and-or job Sporn. ties and chances of making suc- cessful property deals in July, October, November, December, KEEP IN TRIM and next February; opportuni- ties to travel in July, October and January, and interesting romantic situations in August, September, late October, De- cember and next March and May. Jusi a few words of admoni- tion, however: don't offset gains made during propitious periods indulging in extravagance and speculation. As you'll notice they're spaced a bit apart, and carelessness with funds in the interim could prove upsetting to the year-long budget. Also where your personal life is concerned -- and this year should prove an exceptional one--don't offset planetary ben- efits by quarreling or losing control of emotions, especially during early September and late November. Those engaged in creative pursuits will find December an excellent month in which to put over new ideas and to capitalize on imagination generally. A child born on this day will be endowed with a great love of home and surroundings, also THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 24, 1961 © Triumphant Dieter Is Still Ideal Weight After 5 Years Dieters, never doubt that you, can stay slim. For the staying power you need to lick your weight problem, bank on this{than 15 promise: Once you establish the weight level that is best for you you can live happily slim ever after. We hear so much about the overwhelming number of diet failures--the dieters who take off 10 pounds or 20, or even double that number and then turn around and put them back on. Had these dieters carried through to ideal weight, they would be ideal weight today. The joy of being slim again would ! » so rewarding that they "wouldn't go back to being fat again for an- 2 cn earth." short, the failures are among the on-again, off-again di. 'ors who never rc.:h tleir normal weight, not among those who have reduced to al weight. Let's go back five years ta May 24, 1956, for the amazing with a subtle sense of humor and a brilliant wit. sto.y of Mrs. Elizabeth Mills of Gaithersburg, 12d. On that date, In|Then she purposely this homemaker in at years. H 8 couraged her to reduce in order to lower her blood pressure. One year later, Mrs. Mills weighed 123 Jounds, Two years in my life." This being the fifth anniver- sary of the start of Mrs. Mills' reducing, I interviewed her again for I knew would want a report. s intrepid homemaker today weighs pounds. Her weight as a bride was 118 pounds, which she reached and held for a year. regained seven pounds to restore a pleas- ing roundness. Her family is so proud of her and her friends continue to compliment her. What has helped this home- maker to stay slim? "I credit regular meals with keeping my will give them through the day." Her morning mc' includes « ze juice, twa eggs, frequently scrambled, two slices of lightly-buttered toast, coffee. ' Is it difficult to keep the weight off? "Not at all. I made up my mind I never want it back." What do you do on sscial power next day I cv to diet too rigidly at a party, but I find I do not really want to overeat." . living weight down. Tell yo... dieters|concluded with, "It's wonderful to eat a good breakfast for thisito stay the right weight." with it's easy, and it's in 4 CYCLE ENGINE FORWARD AND it's fun expensive SPECIFICATIONS 24" CUT 3 CUTTING HEIGHTS RECOIL STARTER AUTOMOTIVE TYPE TRANSMISSION REVERSE GEAR MODEL "MAVERICK" 179.50 MODEL "NOMAD" EASY TERMS -- FREE DELIVERY -- LAY AWAY WITH DIFFERENTIAL YOU'LL FIND IT SO EASY with your NEW LAWNRIDER MADE IN CANADA 199.50 COMPLETE LINE OF ONLY AT DOMINION--COUNTRY CLUB FANCY RED SOCKEYE DELICIOUS GRAPE DRINK ROZEN FOOD. The Frozen Foods at DOMINION give you Befter variety with less work. . . better taste with less waste «+. better value at less cost] What's more, your family can enjoy many favourite fruits and vegetables the year 'round... fish with a 'fresh-caught' taste -- plus dozens of other everyday staples for quick whole-meal enjoyment! And remember, DOMINI ON features the greatest variety of Frozen Foods! If it's frozen, it's at DOMINION! Stock up this week at DOMINION --and savel SALMON WELCHADE JUST HEAT AND SERVE--SEACLIFF CHOICE Whole POTATOES 6 TASTY CHEEST SNACK---SWISS KNIGHT SWISS Gruyere CHEESE 3 FANCY GRADE--HALVES OR SLICED Delmonte PEACHES 2 fr Pom va --- fr Sweet Mixed or Sweet Cucumber Relish i 37 fi / \ Sm wo weno d FIRM GOLDEN YELLO RIPE BANANAS 2 n= 29: i Jar "n iy 27¢ | U.S. NO. 1 SNOWY WHITE CAULIFLOWER NO. 1 FIRM RED MINIM Tomatoes 2.x cr. I' CLEAR OUT DIRT York Pickles i Surf Detergent | KING ye) OFF PACK BUY NOW { 1.09 ; "ee w LIVID DETERGENT TREND 1 12-01. TINS oo eomond SPECIAL LIVE BETTER FO %-0Z. Ww Dde SPECIAL 32-0Z. TIN SPECIAL 20-0Z. TINS "2 SPECIAL PORTION 8-0Z. SPECIAL 20-0Z. TINS AND SAVE Y f picHMELLO LN Yr . 8-0. PKG. 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OF 6 29° STRAWBERRY--RED RASPBERRY--SEEDLESS RASPBERRY AVAILABLE ONLY AT DOMINION--BRAND NEW RICHMELLO DINNER ROLLS PKG. OF 9 25¢ EVERYTHING GUARANTEED (VALUES EFFECTIVE AT YOUR DOMINION STORE IN OSHAWA AND WHITBY UNTIL 6 P.M. SAT. MAY 27 PURE JAMS 9-0Z. JARS 97° ONLY AT DOMINION--DOMINO TOMATOES 2 37+ 28-0Z. TINS 47+ TIME FOR SPRING CHANGEOVER S.A.E. GRADES 10, 20, 30, 40 DOMINO MOTOR OIL mw 29° '5. 95° DOMINION STORES LTD.