TO BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH in King Street United Church. The bride-to-be is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor T. Colbourne of Oshawa and the The engagement is an- nounced today of Miss Gloria Dale Colbourne and Mr. Rich- ard Davies who plan to be married on Saturday, June 17, prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Davies of Maple Grove. --Photo by Mary's Studio Northminster WMS Family Party Colorful costumes, happy faces and smart uniforms were in ev- idence at Northminster's WMS family party recently. The mis- sion band, under the leadership of Mrs. Ray Wildblood, Mrs. J. C. Rundle and Mrs. Earl Moore presented dramatically a true picture of world friends, as they, in costumes of many lands, formed a circle around the "globe" in the centre of the plat- form. The children together re- peated their Mission Band Pur- pose and Prayer. As the theme song, "Around the World" was played, each child in turn pre- sented a gift box at the foot of the globe. Preceding and fol- lowing the gift-box presentation, verses of the theme song were sung. Mrs. Wildblood outlined the year's work, saying that their aim had been to stress giving and sharing. She also drew at- tention to a table of display items, including an interesting World Friendship scrap-book. Mrs. Ralph Wescott, explorer leader, introduced Mrs. Ray Branton and Mrs. Harold Cor- nish, her assistants, and told of| the aim and program of her group. She then led in the recit- | All Committees Show Activity Peonies Resent Being Uprooted Peonies are truly 'perennial' ing of the Explorer Purpose. The girls acted a scene in an Afri- can village showing a teacher with bible pictures and stories and a class of avid listeners. The CGIT, with Mrs. Harold »|Hawkshaw as leader, presented a worship service showing how TO BE MARRIED A wedding of interest will take place at Grace United Church, St. Thomas, Ontario, next Saturday when Edythe Ann Phinney will become the bride of Gerald W. Flemming. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Phin- ney, RCAF Station, Clinton AT ST. THOMAS formerly of Ajax, and grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bur E. Phinney, Windsor aven- ue, Ajax. Miss Phinney is a graduate of the St. Thomas- Elgin General Hospital School of Nursing. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Flemming, St. Thomas. Mary Kingsland Feted Bride-Elect Miss Mary Evelyn Kingsland whose marriage to Mr. John {Proutt took place this afternoon {fin St. Paul's Presbyterian] Church, has been entertained at several pre-nuptial events. Mrs. Ross Spicer, Athol street east, held a miscellaneous show- er, assisted by Mrs. Daniel Willoughby. | Miss Marlene Stire, Ritson] road south, was hostess at a miscellaneous shower, assisted by Mrs. M. C. Stire. Serving were Miss Rosemary Stire, Miss Cheryl Mason and Miss Margarette Whitman. ! The fellow workers of the] bride-elect arranged a personal| shower at the home of Mrs. Clinton Hall, RR 2, Oshawa.| Mrs. Hall was assisted by Miss) Betty Foxton. | Mrs. Walter Marshall, Ux-| bridge, entertained at a pantry shower assisted by Mrs. Gorden| Sieffert. Serving were Mrs. Ed- ward Kingsland, Mrs. Viola] Driscoll, Miss Joan Kingsland, ! Miss Nancy Marshall and Miss Heather Marshall. | From the staff of the Ruddy Electric Company the future bride received a pair of gold-| colored chenille bedspreads and| THE LOOK! THE SPIRIT! it's UP-BEAT EXPRESSION for you. . . in our Jr. Terrace a bedroom mat, also a pink] chenille bath mat. Following the rehearsal last evening, the bridal party was entertained at the home of the| future bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kingsland, Athol street east. | [ | At OGH Auxiliary Meeting Mrs. R. W. Bassett presided were being considered by the|perennials and it pays to leave| pig on and older people can be _| Hospital Board and the execu-them where fhey are. They|jesus' helpers, -- sharing what FIGURE-LINE oneer, at the May meeting of the Wo tive was empowered to make don't like to be divided men's Auxiliary of the Oshawa seneral Hospital, which was well attended. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. E. J. decisions on matters |arise during the summer months. d On June 19 the Auxiliary is 'planning an afternoon tea which | while Mrs. C. M. Elliott gave yy pe held at the home of Mrs the treasurer's report E. J. Umphrey in honor of Miss The meeting was informed|Bernice Hawke, who is retiring wat the Maytime Dance heldlin the near future as head diet- recently under the convenershipijtian of the hospital. The regular of Mrs. E. A. Stone, was a Very| june meeting is, therefore, being successful event, both socially|gomitted. and financially. Mrs. N. W. McAlpine and Mrs. Plans have been completed to/F. C. Malloy, who were intro- ontertain the Graduating Nurses|duced by Mrs. James McCansh, at the Guild of All Arts at Junch-/were heartily welcomed as new eon on May 23, and mcmbersimembers, while Mrs. Mervyn vishing to attend were asked to/Cryderman was welcomed as a notify Mrs. Clare Elliott of the|visitor. Training School Committee by| Following May 1ce George's Church on Sunday|siding at the tea table. adjournment a 18. The Baccalureate Ser-\pleasant social hour was enjoy-| will take place in St|ed, Mrs. L. W. McConkey pre-only two inches when re-plant- aro 7. lyears old. | If peonies are old veterans| and need -dividing, her's now: Dig about the second week in| September. laround the roots and let the {clump dry for a few hours, so {that the roots can become les brittle. Separate the clump where the root connections are weak or| use é& |separate by cutting; sharp knife and be sure tha each new piece has three or| four healthy buds. Cut away all hollow roots. Cover the buds to a depth o ling. A and they have with others and show- which! oved and should not be divid-| ed when they are less than 10] Shake off the soil} damaged or ing God's love by their own liv- ing. The hymn, "Let the Beauty| lof Jesus be Seen in Me" and| prayer by Mrs. Hawkshaw closed the service. Mrs. H. A. Mellow, on behalf |of the afternoon and evening| |auxiliaries, welcomed all pres- ent, including mothers and fath- ¢/ers of members of the younger "lgroups. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur | Wright were also welcomed and Mr. Wright, chairman of the ,| christian education committee, t| expressed his appreciation of the program as well as thanks to the various leaders who work diligently throughout the year with the Mission Band, Explor- (ers and CGIT. '| Under the convenorship of Humphreys, refresh- |ments were served by the WMS, r evening, May 28, followed byl---- refreshments in McLaughlin Hall, the graduation exercises to 8 he held in the O'Neill Collegiate suditorium on Friday evening, tune 2, at 8 p.m., to which all & auxiliary members are invited | 2 Mrs. J. G. Carter had an ex-| = ~ellent report on Gift Shop ac- & tivities. She stated that the shop & = would reach its fourth birthday is this month, and that each year) of operation has shown a mark- +d advance over the previous one. Mrs. Carter expressed her| thanks to the entire member-| ship for their never failing co-| & operation. | The gift cart service will be discontinued during the months of July and August, but regular shop hours will be maintained throughout the summer. | Mr. George Jewell will be in charge of the staffing of the shop until the end of June, and she or Mrs. Carter would be pleased to hear from any of the members who could devote any ? time to this important branch of | auxiliary work. Mrs. Bassett was pleased to announce that Mrs. L. W. Mec- Conkey would be general con-| vener for the Festival of Gifts| in November, with Mrs. W. W.| sii: Baldwin as co-convener. Pre- liminary plans were already under way, and many of the members have volunteered to| ~ This family treasure is De- assist in the various depart. borah Ann, daughter of Mr. ments. | and Mrs. Marvin Colvin, The conveners of standing O00 TRVHCUNC OF Ny ig Rg ie and Mrs. Edward Colvin, ow] Il depart| oo awa and Mr. and Mrs. ments functioning efficiently \ GRANDPA'S LITTLE GIRL U. M. Bullock, Orono, and great-granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Colvin and Mr. and Mrs. George Wig- | gans, all of Oshawa. | --Photo by Ireland assisted by the CGIT. | SMOOTH CONTROL | Since women at the end of {the last century began to take| part in active sports, founda- tion garment designs have been| {rapidly revolutionizing. Pantie| girdles, which in the last five| years have become a must in Jo Aidwinckle, A correctly fitted bra holds Women's Editor the centre of the bustline on a Dial RA 3-3474 line half way between the top of| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Mey 20, 1961 7 the shoulder and the elbow. Bea McNevin Becomes Bride In Evening Ceremony | In a candle-light, double-ring ceremony recently, Beatrice Ann McNevin became the bride of Donald Harry Wilson in Al- bert Street United Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNevin and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson, all of Oshawa. The Reverend S. C. H. Atkin- son performed the ceremony. Mrs. Bruce Searle played the| wedding music and Mrs. John| Wedding| "The "0 Perfect Foote Prayer" Love". The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. She wore a full-length gown of white bro- caded satin with a hoop skirt, round neckline and lily-point sleeves. Streamers from a large bustle bow fell from the back waist. A crown of seed sang and {pearls held her shoulder-length [brief shorts, varying through! {lengths for Bermuda and Jamai- {ca shorts to knee length pantie {girdles to wear with slims. The |pantie girdles, originally de- signed as light garments for slim figures are now being! veil of tulle illusion and she carried a cascade of yellow] roses and stephanotis. Miss Gwenna Sloan was maid of honor and Miss Anne MNc- Nevin, bridesmaid. They were gowned identically in FOR BEAUTIFUL' PORTRAITS peau de soie over taffeta. Their] street-length dresses were styl-| ed with Fgh skirts, pleated bod-| ices with square necklines and| p shoulder bows. They ofp 410 King £. RA 50151 white velvet and tulle ban-| deaux, white accessories and| carried cascades of white chry- gm santhemums, sprayed with} coral. i: \ Mr. Gerald Pearce was best|}y man and Mr. Ray Harrison and/{¥* Orange Temple, Bruce street. To receive the bride's mother|{y, wore navy blue silk and the|h. ono® °f first Suolity bridegroom's 'mother chose ay w) shantung ensemble in deepln® BROADLOOM & pink. Each had white acces-|: sories and a corsage of carna- tions. | For their honeymoon trip to| points west and the United {4 States, the bride wore a beige] Come in soon and see them When you choose from our wide ¥ | suit, accented with mink, and white accessories. The couple will make their home in Toronto. Out of town guests were pre ent from Scarborough, alle beige picture hat and brown| Bow-|! A Harleigh Supplies < Wm (Oshawa Ltd.) | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE RA %-3012 FASAS " ») coralland New York City. manville, Whitby, Manchester made as well with firmer con-| struction devices for the more mature figure. IN COMFORT Mrs. E. J. Rundle reported for the Evening Chapter, out- ning their activities and plans or future undertakings. PERSONALS FOR SPRING |Come in and make the Dr. Locke comfort test, Discover foot com= The meeting was informed) A very successful en's Auxiliary of Holy : irr Night of| William Prescott. Miss Marlene styles and colors fresh as Spring. that alterations to the Gift Shep cards sponsored by the Wom-|Dalby was hostess at a cup and Cross saucer shower. She was assist- UNDERCOVER STORY Roman Catholic Church wasled by her mother, Mrs. Lloyd fort you never thought possible... LOW COST STORAGE CALL RA 5-3555 AND WE PICK UP YOUR FURS - CLOTHES held in the parish hall recent- Dalby. Mrs. John Woodman More than 80 per cent of Ca-|ly. Prize winners for euchre and Mrs. Milton Kellar were nadian women don't know what (were Mrs. M. Knapp, Clotilda|co-hostesses at a personal show- they need or how to buy their Quinn, Mrs. Frank Caughlin, foundation garments according Mrs. L. Prcvast and Mrs. R. to the Foundation Garment|Crook, Mr. D. Murchison, Mr Council of Canada. Many women|L. Pelow, Mr. Setve Coe and ill ask for a specific garment|Mr. Patrick McGary. Bridge <olely because a friend said it Prizes were awarded to Mrs. vas comfortable for her, dis- | E- Worona, Mrs. Kenneth Mec- regarding their differences in| Rae, Miss Anne Kennelly, Mrs. figure type, skin tone, ward- H. McAdam, Alleda Hill, Mrs. i i . i . George Xing vobe needs and all the things a|C. Keith, Mrs . > cood fitter takes into account, Marion Knible, Marie Melny- i 4 1C Gen- t. chuk and Mrs. N Brady Tis Jos up the new) for fn eral draw prizes were won by she has the right foundations. Mrs. A. Neil, Mr, H. Cardinal, TODGES AND |i fais ison Me. acs SOCIETIES |ell, Patricia Dixon, Mrs. Agnes VITGORY LODGE LOBA Hartford, Mrs. Josie Lack, The regular meeting of Vic- Miss E. Macchi, Mrs. J. J. Cal- lahan, Mrs. E. J. Clarke, Mrs. tory Lodge No. 583 LOBA was held recently in the Orange Dannie Longuer, Mrs. J. Rou- | stan, Ursula Hradeski, Mrs. R. |A. Rose, Mrs. D. Mitchel, lemple with Worthy Mistress Sister Elva Van Slyke presiding assisted by Worthy Deputy Mis- [Thomas Hobbs, Mr. David Dil- lon, Mrs. Isobel Mowat, Mrs D. Logan, Gena Poole, Mrs. Dick Walker, Mrs. J. H. Lyons, S. Devlin and Miss B. Robinson. Door prize winners Mrs. C. tress Sister Mildred Carnochan. Gig ag Bg ogy The meeting opened with act- Keppel. ing chaplain Sister Ann Derry| n absence of Sister Isabell Rob-| Miss Noreen Homes whose erts reading the scripture and marriage to Mr. Richard Wina- offering a prayer. cott took place this afternoon The flags were presented by|in King Street United Church Acting Sisters Donalda Stronglhas been entertained at pre- and Ann Foote. nuptial events. Her co-workers Sister Mildred Carnochan at Oshawa Engineering Com-| gave the sick report and Sister pany held a miscellaneous Elda Howard reported on af-[shower at the home of Mrs. | ternoon bingo's. {John Graine, Eastmount, Mrs Sister Mildred Carnochan was| Michael Winacott entertained the winner of evening draw do- relatives at her home on Evan- nated by Sister Mary Glazier. |geline drive. She was assisted| The next meeting will be held|in serving by her daughter, May 24 at 8 p.m. Miss Joanne Winacott and Mrs. ler held at the former's home. | Miss Maureen Allison Coul- ter, whose marriage to Mr. {Gerald Robert Pierson place this afternoon bridge United Church, Lindsay, has been honored at several {showers. A paper shower and presentation was held at the home of Mrs. W. W. Cowan, {Adelaide street east and a pan-| |try-shelf and presentation show- jer took place at the home of (Mrs. E. M. Yourth, Bessbor- {ough drive. Miss Sheila Manuel |and. Miss Ruth Brown were co- hostesses at a miscellaneous {shower at Miss Manuel's home {for classmates from Oshawa |General Hospital. A kitchen {shower was held at the home |of Mrs. Norman Ridgely, |Grandview street south. Mrs. {John Coulter held a trousseau {tea for her daughter last Sat- |urday. Receiving, Mrs. Coul- ter wore a green printed silk sheath dress and Mrs. Harold {Pierson, assisting, was in beige land turquoise. Teas, birthday parties, wed- ding anniversaries, coming and goings of guests and your own holiday plans are always of in- terest in this column. Write, telephone or visit the social de- partment with your items of news for which there is no charge. Telephone RA 3-3474. Mr. Ray Dudley, Faculty Teacher of the University of Bloomington, Indiana, spent Mother's Day weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. 'Dudley, Courtice. took! 4 in Cam- Priced at 19.95 Ask about Dr. Locke's famous "5-point-fit"" As advertised in McCALL'S and TODAY'S HEALTH Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded Open Friday Nights Until 9 p.m. 18 Simcoe S. RA 5-1833 1 R' EXPERT GLAZING CLEANING REPAIRING AU GILLARD 92 WOLFE ST. BONDED pick-up and deliveries MOTH-PROOF LTS CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. OSHAWA RA 5-3555 25¢ Per cloth garment Is all our storage plan costs you. This stores and insures each gar- ment for ten dollars. Extra insurance 2% of valuation. THIS OFFER FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY at We dress teens in style that means... you've shopped with rareness fromour... Jr. Terrace Meet Mr. Lee . . . and for your shopping pleasure you may open NOW , . . at our store in the PLAZA A JOHN NORTHWAY CHARGE ACCOUNT So easy to open, so convenient to use Northway GSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE