Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 May 1961, p. 4

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$ THE GSMAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 20, 1981 HOME OF WEEK .- oe a? Ler oo AQ Wawa ae 5. i BED RM. 10-1116" BED RM. . 9.10«11-6 ord 44.5 | 1067 ~ 1 ol re GCTOR. Moin) BATH alr KE INTRANCL BLD RM, 10.9.0" cl avai, i -a GALLUP POLL By CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC OPINION Although many experts are talking about a recession, the, average Canadian is not affected by it to any great degree. Not| only do seven in ten families say it has not really touched them, but almost six in ten re- port business conditions where they live to be normal, or good. Compared to this smaller seg- ment, almost four in ten say they are poor. Men and women in Ontario and the West are more likely to| find local business good, than are those in. Quebec, while Maritimers are most disposed to find it poor. | To check on the way the average citizen feels about the current economy in the light of personal experience, the Gallup Poll sent its corps of interview- ers into homes across the prov- inces to ask two questions. Each family was selected in a national sample to represent all the | | a oil Poor CANADA Quebec Ontario eenrrnnn LIVING 14.9.17-7 CARPORT T{RRACL | 14.0:18-% | Sree Widmer ea ne vp tr iL HOME DESIGN NO. 445 Here's a contemporary de- The Bullding Editor, Maritimers are more likely than any other area to say that |their families have been person- ally affected by the recession, If the hearth stain is varnish, try removing with a paste type paint remover; if oil, with paste of powdered whiting and nonflammable liquid spot re- mover. DENTS IN LINOLEUM Local Business Steady Ontario Opinion Shows 'Choir Holds | Special Party | COLUMBUS -- Mother's Day homes in Canada for this study. church service allowed for the Rich, poor, and average income increase in the number of per- Canadians in proper proportions|sons in the congregation this were first asked: Sunday. Assisting Rev. R. H. "Has the present business sit- Love at the pulpit was the Gen- uation affected you and your eral Superintendent of the Sun- household in any way?" day School, Mr. Walter Beath. Yes, we No, we Those reading Scriptures were Have Have Not Nancy Simpson, John Hayes and 29% 71% Terry Cochrane. With Miss Eliz- 3 #7 labeth Hayes at the organ and Ontario 22 78 Miss Grace Webber directing, West 32 68 The Explorers sang "On Moth- Interviewers then asked: er's Day" and the choir sang "How would you describe busi- "Do You Wonder." ness conditions in this area--| The Choir's Crokinole Party NATIONAL East woul you say they are poor, held Saturday evening had an| about normal, or good?" attendance of approximately 60 The columns below show, al a people. After an hour and a Love, Mrs. Harold Davey and Mrs. A. Partridge. It was decided to have the school pic- nic behind the church this year. A film projector was purchased for the use of both schools. Plans for the upcoming bazaar were discussed and the nomi- nating committee is Mrs. John Hayes and Mrs. Don Cochrane. Port Perry Open House was held recently and those taking part from Columbus were fellowing: Joan Miller, Grade 11, made a dress for herself to model and one for Heather Mill- er to model. Kathaleen Beath, Grade 10, made the same and {her other model was her cousin, {Laurie Jean Beath. Doris Henry, 4,000th Winner For Shoemaker Gets Award INGLEWOOD, Calif. (AP) --| Jockey Willie Shoemaker rode, his 4,000th winner Friday to become the fourth man in thor-| oughbred racing history to ac-| complish the feat. The 29-year-old saddle artist] reached the figure when he won| the third race at Hollywood Park of Guaranteeya. f Shoemaker's forerunners into! the exclusive "4,000 Club" are:| Johnny Longden, who at the age of 54 recently passed the 5,500 figure; England's Sir Gor-/ don Richards, who has long| since retired with 4,870 ot his credit, and Eddie Arcaro, dean! of America's stakes winners, who is approaching the 4,708 mark. Immediately after the race Shoemaker was presented with a large, silver platter. Inscribed on it was: "To Bill Shoemaker, honoring him for his achievement in riding his 4,000th winner at Hollywood Park." The Home of Chinese Food SUMMER HOURS effective Monday, Mey 22nd TUES, WED., THURS. ~-- 4 pm. to 2 pm, SAT. -- 2 pm to 3 pm. SUNDAY -- 2 pm. to 12 midnight CLOSED EVERY MONDAY Toke Out -- Delivery -- Dining RA 8-1676 42 KING STREET WEST FRI, | |Grade 10, made two dresses as lance, how men and women re- hal i i 2liza. g hal* of crokinole Misses Eliza Iwell. Isabel Corner, Grade 9. spond in the provinces of Quebec heth Hayes, Kaye McKenzie and! and Ontario, as compared 10/Donna Hayes lie sume en-| modelled and made 2 dress for] Westerners. Mavitimers are tertainment on recorders which "Self" f more likely than citizens of any are old Shakespearean instru- PERSONALS other area to say that their fam- ments, Stark and. Yrancis Cos: Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. Chartered Accountants ilies have been personally affec- Those winning the prizes way recently attended the Sec- leq by Curent Susiness o onde were: Children, Phillip Gilroy; |ond Annual Conference on Chris- | these conditions are poor . ' high women, Lois Terwillegar; tian Vacation at Kingston. Jim | 3 2 : low women, Carol Nesbitt; high|will show, in Sunday School this | About Don't men, Rev. R. H. Love; low men, |Sunday, some pictures that they | Normal Know Douglas Scott. While the choir/took while at the conference. 45%, 5% served lunch Mr, Stanley Web-| Some of the Doubles Club] 48 5 ber extended a few words of members recently attended a) 8 4 Good 13% 9 14 15 43 appreciation to all those who /dance at Blackstock. They were | 49 helped to make the evening a the following: Mr. and Mrs. Ted | success. Proceeds for the event McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- and about half the population were $32.65. ert Hogle, Mr. and Mrs. Mur-| |describes business conditions! Th main. event for this ray Lynn and Mr, and Mrs. {where they live as poor. month's meeting was the instal- Ken Powell. | (World Copyright Reserved) ation of officers. Mrs. John Saturday evening visitors of | Miller officially installed those Mr. ad Mas. Bing 8 Gills elected. Mrs. Walter Lucyk was|W s 5. MAPLE GROVE PERSONALS re-elected as president. Vice-|SO0 and Les., Lindsay; Mr. and MAPLE GROVE presidents are Mrs, Stafford/Mrs. Howard Grills, Mr. and Cosway, Mrs. Don Cochrane: Mrs. Horace Grills and Brian, recording secretary, Mrs. J. 2Il of Brooklin. Anderson; corresponding secre. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beath| Maple sponding secretary, Mrs. Frank and boys visited Sunday evening | | Grove church was well attend- QUESTION: Is there anything ed for the special Mother's Day that can be done for linoleum service on Sunday morning, Mr. {that has suffered little round in-| Larry Beech of Toronto gave an |dentations from the thin spike|excellent address on family life Simpson; treasurer, Mrs. Grant ith Mr. Howard Beath, To- Webber; executive, Miss Ruth-| onto erford, Mr. Cohe Recent visitors of Mr. and] $. Cota, Mrs. R. HiMrs. Edward Laviolette were | Mr. and Mrs. Larry Thiverge, 135 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO @ RESIDENT PARTNERS o TELEPHONE: Oshawa RA 5.3527 Gordon W. Righl, CA, R.LA, Alox WH 2-0890 Burt R, Waters, C.A, Bowmanville ZEnith 4.3780 PARTNERS: Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.CA., MP. A, Brock Monteith, 85. Comm, A. Gordon W. Riehl, CA, R.LA. Robert W. Lightfoot, C.A, George E. Trathewey, CA, Burt R. Waters, C.A. MORTGAGE LOANS DON'T PAY HIGH FINANGE Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, Enclosed please find $1.00, for which send me Book of House Designs entitled "A New Selection of Low Cost Homes For Canadians." (Please make remittance pay- able to The Oshawa Times.) sign with many refreshing ideas. Entranceway into this | home is near the end of car port for direct access to all major areas of the house, Note splendid living - dining room with curved entrance to | hall, 'door to covered terrace, studio ceiling and floor to ceiling window. Kitchen has pullman breakfast corner with pedestal table and padded bench. Cupboard with sliding doors backs stair wall and is convenient spot for dishes. Glass blocks and vent fan back of range are practical items. High placement of awn- ing type windows in bedrooms permits comfortable furniture arrangement. There's a double bow! vanitory unit in the bath. Basement contains heating and laundry facilities. Standard Builders' blueprints costing $9.75 a set are obtain- able in Canada for this De- sign No. 445. Now available from address below a new and enlarged Book of House Designs entitled 'A New Se- lection of Low Cost Homes for Canadians," priced $1.00. Con- tains 114 de si g ns including one-storey, 1'3-storey, and Name Address FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN SCALE IN TOILET BOWL | If you wish to use a penetrat- QUESTION: We are now get- ing fastener, such as ype or ling city water and the toilet expansion bolt, first locate the| {bowls look yellow and streaked|joist. Then put an "X" of scotch| above the waterline. When we|tape and drill through into the | { previously used well water, we joist, using an electric drill {didn't notice this as much, be-|This method, properly done, will cause the water had.a large prevent the plaster from crack- amount of iron in it and looked |ing. {yellowish in spite of a water] IN . " Softener. The bow! is white| FEELING LACQUER where the water is, but there is QUESTION: About two years scale above this, ago we put red lacquer paint on Is there anything I can get to] ®UT concrete basement floor. remove the scale? I've tried a Part of the. floor has peeled off household bleach which has|nd I am interested in getting | lightened it but not removed the| the rest of and Fepainting. What split level homes, plus much Jeate. And I use a regular Se VaR Coy R Son ien id useful information on build- | Prepared bowl cleaner. kali-resists A \ |" ANSWER: Try removing the|alkali-resistant paint should be ing terms and requirements. | ..;0 with 3 solution of oxalic|used on concrete laid on the Order your copy today. Also |;.iq" anh ied with a dish mop, 8round. A rubber base paint or included in this Design Book | : , {vinyl plastic paint (one that is full information on how to arder the blueprints. | |Or a weak solution of muriatic| Fag acid. Rinse well afterwards with| breaths) is safe to use. To re-| plenty of clear water. And be move the remainder of the pres-| careful when working with|ent coating, the easiest method cither solution to avoid spatters|iS to use an electric floor sand- on hands or face. er. Or remove the paint with a A Sra paste type paint remover, fol- PAINT Tins 0 ; owing label instructions care- ENT ON: ur home is|fylly. It is a big job, however. three years old. Last summer y 2 a water pipe in an upstairs bath- TAR TIN ROOF? room broke while we were away, QUESTION: Is it practical to and our living room was thor-|put tar on a tin roof? What is oughly soaked. vour opinion of fibre glass on We used dehumidifier in the tin roofs? room and after several weeks] ANSWER: Certainly, you can | it seemed completely dry and in|put tar on a tin roof; done all | perfect condition again. Now we|the time, and with excellent re- find that the paint is peeling in|sults when applied by a com- several places and there are|petent professional. It is still some hairline cracks in the ceil- better to cover the tar with ing and on the walls. gravel or marble chips as a | Last week 1 attempted to|protection wash a wall. As it dried, the] Fibre glass, in my opinion, paint curled and dropped off in| would be even better as insula- sheets down to bare plaster. tion, although it would have to The plaster itself was chalky. he covered (or else the roof Our painter patched this wall, should never be walked on). using two coats of paint, and it looks quite good. What shall we!STAINED SANDSTONE do? Our problem is still with QUESTION: The sandstone us. mantel on our fireplace has ANSWER: Due to the pro-/some black marks left by some longed exposure to moisture andjobject having been dragged the soaking, the plaster may across it. How can these marks have deteriorated in spite of be removed? How can we re- apparently drying thoroughly/move a stain on the hearth left afterwards. Paint won't adhere | by oil or varnish? Real Estate Douglas L. Gower ® REALTOR For all your Real Estate Needs PHONE RA 8-4651 D. W. WILSON LTD. REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.6588 IF IT'S RUGS . . . CALL NU-WAY {ment ithere are just a few, try filling {the dents with matching ena heels that are so fashionable these days and so damaging to floors? ANSWER: If there are a great number of these indenta- tions in the linoleum, replace- is the only remedy. mel, using a small artist's brush. THE HOME WORKSHOP TRASH BURNER PATTERN 285 If school on May 10 with out-go-|and family were guests |The choir rendered: appropriate and Mrs. Vernon Fry and chil- ottawa; Mr. Oscar Thiverge, music. Messrs. Harry Freeman, dren enjoyed a trip to Niagara Renfrew; Mr. and Mrs. Ray] William Laird and Mel Edwards Falls on Sunday. They called on Anderson, Whitby and Miss assisted with the service. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kaye, in Wel-| julie Thornton, Oshawa. Maple Grove Home and land en route. Mrs. Idris Stacey, Oshawa, | {School Association met Mr. and Mrs Beech called Sunday on Mr. and Mrs. | Is ) at a Charles Grills. {ing president, Mrs. Robert Both- double celebration at the home Mr. and Mrs. Allan McKenzie | |well, in charge. Treasurer's re-(of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grass | port was given by Mrs. Bruce Blackstock, on Sunday, in honor|visited Niagara on Blossom Sun- McDonald and the secretary, of Mrs. E. Ashton, on Mother's day. Mrs. Bert Budai, called the roll Day and also it was the 20th! Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, and took the parent count with wedding anniversary of Mr. and Kedron, entertained the follow- Mrs. Black's room highest with Mrs. Ashton ing on Mother's Day, Mr. and 14 points. It was decided that The following received the Mrs. T. W. Scott, Mrs. H. L. each of the two schools should Sacrament of Baptism at Maple Pascoe, Mrs. Wallace Scott and hold its own picnic in June, in-|Grove Church on May 7: Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Scott and stead of combining, as in former Ruth Williamson, William Rus-| Dwayne. years. Mrs. Black voiced thanks sell Williamson, Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Shaw and and appreciation on behalf of the|Carol Williamson, Valerie Gail Mrs. H. McCulloch visited Sun-| teachers for the new blackout Williamson, Ronald Robert Wil- day with Mr. and Mrs. Walton curtains, which have been do- liamson, Shirley Diana Honder- Pascoe, Bowmanville. nated and installed by the la- brink, Sandra Janet Ralston,! Mr. and Mrs. George McCul-| dies. Mrs. Moffatt asked that a|David John Ralston. Susan|loch recently attended the silver | donation vl okey; mage to het Christine Edwards, Dou gla s wedding anniversary of Mr. and ristmas time, be Paul Shearer 4 i | 5 i i i BO ar stat ime, beibosi § , Laurie Ann Mrs. Ralph Wilbur held in Utica at the Gordon the children's use. The nominat- ing committee reported that| they were unable to fill the vari- ous offices on the executive for the coming school year. Mrs A. Allin agreed to stand for A PERMANENT SOLUTION president, but there are two vice- to the trash - burner problem is presidents to be found, as well shown here. Pattern 285 lists/as a secretary and one on the materials, gives concrete mix- executive council. ing formula, shows steps in| It was agreed that the com making reinforced base, install- mittee should have until the ing grate and keeping block con-| June picnic to fill these offices struction true. This pattern is Mrs. Bothwell introduced Mr. 50c. If you also are interested in| Ross Metcalf who showed color- making Yard Benches, Chairs,|ed slides of his recent trip to and Tables, you will want to{Scotland, England, and other order Pattern Packet No. 60 European countries, which were which is $1.75. enjoyed by all. Mothers of Mrs. Address orders to The Home Black's room served lunch Workshop Dept., The Times, The "Rookie Cooks" met al Oshawa. the home of Diane Martyn on May 4. The leaders made deco- rations of apples and cheese for itable use. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. R. Barra- ball"s home Miss Barbara Brown has ac- |cepted a teacher's position In {Bowmanville for the coming {school year | Mrs. Harry Freenan attended GARDEN HELPER Wl parTeRN Ch 423 the baptism of her great grand- son in Cobourg on Sunday. She {jaccompanied her son-in-law and ||daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Pickard of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Fry and children, Bear Valley, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dobbs and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beech and Mr. Roger Vickers, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech. Mr. Robert Brown aliended the wedding of his cousin, Mr. Charles Pilch, at Howard Park EVERYTHING YOU NEED for gardening is at hand in this cart. The lift-out box for small tools is equipped with kneeling ipad, and you will like the trash carrier for weeds. Pattern 423, {which gives actual-size cutting guides and directions, is 50c.| This pattern also is in Packet | No. 27 with the Small Tool SERRE Mrs. Norman Legerton, Don| SMALLER SHARE Mills, visited Wednesday with] HARROGATE, England (CP) Mr. and Mrs, Frank Smith and Delegates at a conference of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dowse. the Newspaper Society dis-| Miss Marie Laviolette recent- cussed the falling share of local/ly spent a weekend with Miss papers in national advertising in|Lareine Hallitt in Toronto. Britain. In the last five years| Sunday evening visitors of Mr. the percentage has dropped tojand Mrs. Charles Grills were 15 from 20 per cent. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beadle, Osh-| New improved pink Fiberglas* home insulation speeds up installation Now Fiberglas *"Comfort- Conditioned" Insulation handles with new speed and ease! Lighter than ever, and with a brand new "feel" that makes it a pleasure to work with. Paper on only one side makes for easier cutting. There are new insulating qualities, too. New Fiberglas actually springs to full thickness in the wall to fill all openings and prevent sagging. A new finer fiber process in which there are no shot or coarse fibers gives uniform thermal values. See the full line of Fiberglas Home Insulations now on display at *T.M. Regd. McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Ltd. {House and two other patterns of United Church, Toronto. Wall-to-Wall Broadloom well to this kind of surface. The ANSWER: Not knowing what Complete Line of Building Supplies RATES WHEN YOU CAN HAVE A LOW COST MORTGAGE LOAN FROM $1,600 AND UP FOR ANY PURPOSE AND AT THE LOWEST INTEREST RATES e LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS ® NO CO-SIGNERS NECESSARY CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE FREE INFORMATION Why burden yourself with high finance rates when you can obtain a low mortgage loan for any worth- while purpose on terms to suit your budget. Con- solidate your present debts and reduce your month- ly payments . . . redecorate your home, or make any other home improvements or repairs. Perhaps to pay off an existing mortgage, buy a new car. a trip overseas, or a summer cottage. You can have your money without embarrasing enquiries te friends, neighbors or employers. ALLIED INVESTMENTS Write or Phone ZE 7-6540 Guelph Anytime for day or evening appointments (NO TOLL CHARGE) Member of the Ontarie Mortgage Brokers Associstion 4 hile Zl yg ¥ MOVING TO YOUR NEW HOME SOON? Your Oshawa Times Will Be There When You Arrive ! uf i, i" ht Carpets -- Stair Runners, ete. | deteriorated plaster requires re- exactly left the black marks, eimieTest to gardeners -- all for] Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty Wheth moving into a fine new home Ay ether you are movi placement, sorry to say. CRACKED PLASTER 171 Mary St RA 8-4681 is difficult to offer a cure. How-| ever, the following may work: and family were Sunday dinner Address orders to The Home guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 110 King St. West RA 3-3481 QUESTION: Is there a fool-/if these are soot or carbon proof method for nailing pic-imarks., scrub with powdered ture hanger hooks on a plaster pumice and water, followed by wall without cracking the plas-|rinsing with clear water, and ter: I have tried putting a piece|wiping dry. of scotch tape on the wall and! Or cover the marks with a then nailing through, but theithick paste made of powdered plaster still cracks some. whiting and nonflammable liquid ANSWER: If the pictures, are|spot remover (be sure room is ... McLaughlin Heating for e FUEL OIL eo STOVE OIL ® Prompt Delivery 104 King W. RA 3.3481 {ing fasteners which adhere to|this to retard evaporation. When the wall with the new epoxy|dry, brush off and replace with type of adhesive. Many | ware stores have these kits. lappear. CAR AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY 6:30 P.M. BUY OR SELL - EASY TERMS Cars to be sold must be entered before 4:00 p.m. day of the sale. A few reserved bids . . . others will be sold te the highest bidders. GOOD SELECTION OF USED ' CARS . . . INCLUDING 1961 MODELS OSHAWA CAR AUCTION 25 GRENFELL STREET RA 8.5179 £ IT'S DIXON'S Heating Equipment DELCO by GENERAL MOTORS 313 Albert St. RA 3-4663 HARLEIGH SUPPLIES (OSHAWA) LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.3012 relatively light (25 pounds or|well ventilated while working).|¥ lighter, there are wall mount- Place a sheet of plastic over} hard-|fresh paste until the marks dis-| Workshop Dept., The Times, Oshawa ITALIAN HOTELS Italy has 17,603 hotels regis tered in 1961, compared with {16,411 last year. ro MASTER UV - PLUMBER FITTER -- (ERD CI ARN | [Boyle, Wallace Point Mr. and Mrs. E. Dobbs and family. accompanied hy Mr ONE - PIECE CONCRETE flip way WINERY AU SES 2 eo FOR YOUR NEW HOME e REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS ® NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS AND PLATFORM "YOUR FIRST STEP TO BEAUTY AND SAFSTY™ OLIVER 3-3311 --or into a different house or apartment, there is no need to miss a single issue of the SHAWA TIMES. If you notify us, or your carrier a few days bafors you move you will have the continuing benefits of the "TIMES" News, pictures, and isi services at a time when you need them most. Just call the Circulation Dept. and give the dates end addresses end we will meke sure that your Oshewe Times is at your new Home. Please make sure that your carrier boy is paid in full before you move off his route. He is in business for himself and the cost of your papers comes out of his own pocket if he cannot collect from you, \d AFTER CALLING THE MOVER -- CALL THE OSHAWA TIMES CIRCULATION DEPT. RA 3-3474 --

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