THE WEATHER forecasts sunny and warmer weather for most of southern Ontario and Quebec over the weekend. The outlook bee: for | Six Oshawa employees of General Motors of Canada, Limited, have been awarded sizable rewards for the ideas they submitted to the com- pany's Suggestion Plan. Bernie Shaw of the Corvair Plant and Jack Lander of the body plant trim department topped the list with a material- saving idea which netted them an award of $2,417.60. B. Naylor of chassis inspec- tion suggested different assem- bly procedure on Chevrolet and Pontiac fenders and won him- self $1433.43. Douglas Skinner suggested that small spot- welded plates on the inside of Chevrolet fenders be eliminat- led. His idea won him $1,109.39. | A suggestion that U.S. data |be eliminated from Canadian iii Sunny and cooler. --CP Wirephoto Northern Ontario and Q WEATHER FORECAST Some Showers But Also Sunny TORONTO (CP) -- Official clearing during the day. Little forecasts issued at 5 a.m.: change in temperature. Winds Synopsis: Warm air is moving| West 1015 today, eastward from the prairie proy-| Sunday. ; Coch inces towards the Great Lakes White River region, Coc # and cold air is advancing south-|{rane: Cloudy with occasiona ward from Hudson Bay. Pres- light showers today. Cloudy to- ent indications are that the night. Partly cloudy Sunday. weekend will see a warming| Cooler. Winds north 15 today, trend in Southern Ontario while light tonight and Sunday. it will be cooler Sunday in Western James Bay region: Northern Ontario. Occasional|Cloudy and cool today. Partly light rain is occurring in North- cloudy and a little milder Sun- ern Ontario, A few showers are|day. Winds north 15 today, east {15 Sunday likely to occur in some parts of Southern Ontario tonight and| TORONTO (CP) -- Observed early Sunday but the most part (omneratures: fair weather will prevail 1 Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niag- Dawson ara, Lake Ontario regions, Victoria ..... Windsor, London, Toronto, Ham- Edmonton ilton: Increasing cloudiness to- Regina .. day, becoming cloudy tonight. Winnipeg ... 5 Variable cloudiness Sunday. Oc- Fort William ..ee0. 5 casional showers tonight and White River ...o... early Sunday. Milder, winds/'S S. Marie .. light Kapuskasing «..... Georgian Bay, Haliburton re- North Bay ...ceeee. gions: Increasing cloudiness to- Sudbury ... day, becoming cloudy with oc- Muskoka .. casional showers tonight and Windsor . early Sunday, clearing Sunday London afternoon. Milder. Winds light. Toronto .. Timagami, Algoma regions, Ottawa .. North Bay, Sudbury: Increas- Montreal .... ing cloudiness today, becoming Quebec .. cloudy with a few showers to-/HalifaX ......c.... 37 night. Cloudy Sunday morning, h v 3 Accidents Reported Two people were injured and an estimated $1,360 damage re.| Eeterborough "we sulted from three accidents re-| LTEnton «.. ported by the Oshawa Police De. |Kilaloe. .. partment, Friday night Muskoka Willen DeWolfe, 52, Min. Max. 53 ] Low tonight and | Windsor . |St. Thomas {London {Kitchener . | Wingham Hamilton -- |St. Catharines ... igh Sunday FPR 0 70 and chin when the car he was Sudb driving went out of control and(puCHLY +eeeees crashed into the wall of house|Eariton Eg CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS ger, 51, suffered a bruised ankle, knee and elbow. Damage to the car was estimated at $650. Dam- 4 t = age to the house was undeter Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth- mined. days this weekend: An estimated $500 damage re- sulted from a two-car collision Those who celebrate today are: Mrs. Freda Holyoake, on Bond street west at Prince street. One car was driven by Marion Frances Dunk, of 173 Al- bert street. The driver of the 210 Hallett Ave., Whitby: Peter Jones, 245 Glenwood Crescent; Debbie Hobbs, 298 Ridgeway Ave. other car was Harry J. King, Mrs. P. Martyn, 567 Mary of 139 Agnes street. Two cars were involved in a St., will celebrate her birth- day on Sunday. collision at Albert and Olive streets. One car was driven by Julia Moia, 625 Ritson Rd. N., will celebrate her birth- Helen Marie Lowe, of Lot 29, Concession 3, Darlington Town- ship. The driver of the other car was Nick Tymolichuk, of 277 Ballard street. Damage was] day on Monday. estimated at $210. | north 10-15/4 | | | | { | | | ber and materials, won $629.35 for Ed. Kunkel of the parts pricing department. A cheque for $702.38 went to K. MacDon- ald of the parts department for May Traffic | Six GM Workers Win Idea Cheques THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 20, 1961 3 M. Heaslip, D. Bradley, A. Tib- bits, W. Harwood, J. Kehoe, A. Sutherland, R. . Twining, H. Glen, A. Klischenko, P. Elson, R. Paul, C. Dodd, R. Cayley, D. Cockerton. Inspection: A. Gruber (4), T. Hanna (3), K. Adams, C. Cook, J. Hobbs (2), W. Lamb (3), L. Conlin, E. Cochrane, E. Lane, R. Bouckley (2), W. Simons, E. Baumgartner (2), H. Mooney, D. Rackham, E. Topple, R. Smerage, G. Graham, W. Joyce, D. Lovelock, W. Chid- ley, W. Blum, J. Barta, C. Bur- ton (2), E. Walker, W. Spratt. Chassis Plant: R. Shaw, W. Rosamond, L. Huntington, G. Currie (2), P. Tompkins, J. Neate (2), H. VanHeugten, W. Moores, E. Trenholm, L. Nagy, R. Cole, W. Kent, G. McGuigan, S. KcKnight, R. Wilkins, J. Woodward, G. Munson, T. Me- Lachlan (2), E. Greenley. Chassis Tooling: J. Graham. Body Tooling: A. Oke (2), R. Spooner, A. Schumacher, C. Boyle. Personnel: A. Moseanko, D. |Edwards, M. Bukata, M. Mush- |inski. | Material Handling: H. Morri- CHEQUE PRESENTED AT CRA CEREMONY ON FRIDAY A cheque for $175 was pre- sented Friday night to the CRA for renovations to the canteen and stage at the CRA money was presented by the members of Teensville -- a teen-age club associated with the CRA. Shown at the pre- | | night are: Richard Annis, mayor of Teensville; Kes Mer- ry, honorary mayor of Teens- of recreation and Wendell Brewster, director of recrea- tion for the CRA. {the former Olga Izyk and a son, | |Credit, a former Oshawa resi- ing to report an accident on {derson Funeral Home at 2 p.m. |griver of the other car, but he|has had Friday, May 19. dent, who died suddenly atisnnis street, April 21. McDer- Jackson's Point last Tuesday,|mott told the court he had left was held at the McIntosh-An- hic licence number w | Public | mation, call Park Superin...-|tion that we send our. refugee building on Gibb street. The ville; Edward Bind, chairman ~Oshawa Times Photo THINGS TO DO, SEE IN OSHAWA POINTS OF INTEREST Oshawa Civic Administration Bldg., 50 Centre street Oshawa Police Station, 80 [thol street west. McLaughlin Public Library, 65 Bagot street. | sentation ceremony Friday | |0CCI NEWS School Paper Off Press Soon By JO-ANN BARGE |Council members retired to the Memorial Park, on Simcoe| The final copy of our school cafeteria where refreshments street south, between Metcalf newspaper, 'The Centralite", | were served. and John streets. [will come off the press May 29. Kinsmen Memorial Stadium, Both staff and students Jove de- Arena street. voted much time to this copy Children's Arena and it should be a sell-out. This| Grade 12 ABC health class, gave| street. special edition includes a liter-|2 children's party. This event Oshawa General Hospital, 2¢/ary section, final form news,|%as under. the' guidance of Miss Alma street. and a summary of boys' and{Pellow and was the health proj- Alexandra Park, Alexandra girls' sports for the year 1960-|ect for the year. sie street |61. The price of each copy is|. Lhe majority of the girls) Municipal Airport, Stevenson's! still only 10 cents. Be sure to get|invited as their guests boys and Rd. N. your "Centralite"! |girls between the ages of 2 and] Hillsdale M anor, Hillsdale (4. The girls' gym was decor-| PE veo CONFIDENTIAL EXAMS |ated with green and white] Camp Samac, Simcoe street| This Thursday, the Grade 13 streamers and as the children] north -- just outside city limits [students began their confiden- arrived they were taken into the Darlington Provincial Park-- tial exams. These exams run gYm so they could play with east off Farewell avenue, south|from May 18 to 26. Good luck|the various toys placed there. of 401, to all exam writers! {The children then sang songs, ' 5 } ; treet played a few games, and were Oshawa Harbor, Simcoe stree STUDENTS' COUNCIL south. ithen read a story. Henry House Museum, corner| Last Thursday, May 18, the Some of the students brought of Henry street and Lakeview|final council meeting for this|live rabbits for the children to Park avenue. year was held in the library.|see. The party was brought to Lakeview P-rk, Henry street| The meeting opened with aja close as everyone went up to and Lakeview Park avenue. prayer from the ISCF member. |the cafeteria where sandwiches, TOURS, EXHIBITS, Secretary Broad read the roll|milk, cookies, and candies were LEC URES call and the minutes of the last served for lunch. This party is an annual event at CCI and always proves quite successful to both the students and invited small-fry. ASSEMBLY In the Senior Assembly last Wednesday, Mr. Judge showed films of his vacation trip to the United States last summer. The films were entitled "Way Out West with Jack Judge" and "Out West", The scenes in- cluded films of the Grand Can- yon and Yellowstone National Park. Thanks go to Mr. Judge for showing his films to us and showing us some of the beauties of our neighbor to the south. | Mr, Murphy was in charge of {the Junior Assembly. He dealt {with the topics of registration {and the upcoming exams. GOOD FOOD oN DEIALS PLATE 'LUNCH ll SNACK ROOM .... bb BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH, DINING | CHILDREN'S PARTY Last week, the girls of the] Arena, | | EVENING DINNER-- 3 up 'LANGASTER 1 COURSE HOTEL I General Motors of Canada --|meeting which were adopted. | Tour of south plant in tour| Treasurer Huzar read the train Monday through Friday treasurer's report and reported 1.30 to 4 p.m. Children under|on the Ways and Means Com-| 14 years not allowed to plant | mittee. He said that Council has| For further information, callja chance to buy school buttons| Relations Dept, RA[in the shape of a football with 5-7311. "Go,Central, Go" on them at a! Darlington Provincial Park -- price of 25 cents each. After a : { opens 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Admi.-|lengthy debate, this idea was] @® Offer the finest in rug cleaning sion -- 50c. a car or Provincial|dropped. I ® Chesterfields cleaned in your home Park licence. For further infur-| Councillor Haas made a mo-{ @ Competitive prices ® Prompt, courteous service dent -- RA 3-4341. |child a crest and pennant. This | Henry House Museum--Opens was carried. | May 20 -- Clos s Oct. 10, 2 p.m.| Councillor Ross reported on] to 5 p.m. Admission -- adults|the Grad Dance. A profit of $17| 25c.; children under 10 years, was reported. Councillor Haas 10c.; children under 10 with par- made a motion that the profits ents, free. | from the dance be put into a NOTEWORTHY EVENTS |special Grad Dance Fund for Kinsmen Carnival, w hic hluse of the committee next year. started Thursday, will continue|This was passed. all day today and Victoria Day, | 00 i PAY FOR CORSAGES May 22, and from 6 p.m, on tol Councillor Barge made a mo- For a really clean rug . . . Phone RA 5-7488 the evenings of Tuesday, Wed- - - Clinic Set suggesting that the spray paint- ing of service mufflers be dis- The May traffic clinic will be continued. held at the courtroom of the| Other awards went to the Oshawa Police Building, Tues- following: Lo , day, May 23, at 7.30 p.m. This| Accounting: D. Minnis, L.[son, G. Curtis, R. Brown, E. is the first half of the May|Guy, G. Dulyea, F. Williams, Shemilt, J. Fleming, E. Towns-| clinic. The second session will!G. McKay, R. Chapman. end, K. Tanner, K. Mossey, L.| be held on the following Tues-| Traffic: M. Dittrick. {McGriskin, R. Lee, 1. Henry, | ay. Engineering: D. Skinner, J.|E. Quinn, M. Reckzin, i The traffic clinic is held on Frank, R, Zilinsky. {Burns, G. Russell, J. Tregunna, | the last two Tuesdays of each, Purchasing: K. Kelly. 3rown, E. Monaghan, G. month. Lectures are given by| Plant Protection: J. LeBlanc, Downing, V. Larocque, R. Ime- traffic department police offic-/R. Kelly, J. Houston, B. Lack|son, J. McPhee. | ers on the rules of the road and|(2), A. Brearton (2), A. Cherry,! Standards: R. Stewart. safe driving methods. W.. Messent, W. Jowett, G.| South Plant Maintenance: L At the conclusion of each Grant, C. Beerthuizen. (Fleury, R. Westfall (2), E. Ry- monthly - clinic, the student| Trim and Hardware: J. Mor-|erson (2), D. Marr, C. Mead, | writes an exam based on the ea; B. Wood, Z. Benkowski,|N. Rivers (2), N. Sweet, K.| lectures he has heard and the|y Thajer (2), D. Zabudsky,(Brown, E. Monaghan, G.| movies he has seen during the p' Marghall I. Titterton, G.|Schmidt (2), A. Richard (2) R.| two sessions of the clinic. The|ymphrey W. Delves. |Jay, P. MAdam, G. Johnstone, | test is similar to one given ap-| "gouth ' Plant Shipping: H.|P. Moffatt (2), A. Tomchishin, plicants for driver's licences. |pi..c |A. Barge (2), L. Curry (2), A.| Body-in-White: P. Vangils, G./Boland, A. Wilson (2), J. Reil-| OBITUARIES (Breen, A. Hruska (2), E. Rus-|ly, H. Askew, E. Whalley, J.| sell (2), A. VanBelle, H. Davis, |Arnold, G. Sutherland, S. Sheri-| {R. Hill, R. Wild, T. Ptak, W.|dan, M. Cairns, G. Chamber-| JOHN YASMANICKI |Yea, F. Johnston, L. Racine, lain, W. Wielinga, E. Johnson, | The death occurred suddenly, | It li Gri 1 1 Miiphip J Irving, M as the result of a heart attack, | {Dutheil (2) F. Thajer, W. Grib-| at the family residence, 101 Rit- allan Lritica ven, L. Hoore, o Sra, D.| son road north, Friday, May 19, | 3 {Lenehan, F. Bojkovsky. of John Yasminicki. He was in| Of Queen, Jackie | North Plant Maintenance: E.| his 61st year. ROME (AP)--Italy's leading|Free, R. McMackin, A. Gray Born Dec. 24, 1900, at Mol- fashion designer says Jacquel-|(2), C. Lucas, W. Parker (2) nov, in the Ukraine, the de-|ine Kennedy should wear longer |S. Leffen, J. McMullan, B.| ceased was a son of the late|skirts and Queen Elizabeth Pankhurst, J. Tran. | Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Yasman- should shorten hers. West Plant: N. Hinds, R.| icki. A resident of Canada for| Emilio Schuberth says in the Cooper, K. Hutton, H. Lemire, | 34 years, he was married in|case of the U.S. president's wife ([R. Wetherup, H. Yarmola, W. Toronto Feb. 15, 1930, and had it's a question of knees. Harper (2), J. Clark (2), S. So-| lived in Oshawa for 11 years., As for the Queen he tactfully banski (2), M. Jackson, R. Gay, | The owner of the Stop Over made no judgment on kneecaps E. Gay, T. Tyers, G. Coppin, E. Lunch, William street and Rit-|but said only that she wears her|Drinkle, R. Moon, J. Pierson. | son road, Mr. Yasmanicki was skirts longer than fashion dic-| Stamping Plant: W. Ste-| a member of St. George's Uk- tates. {phens, F. O'Donnell, V. Hickey. | rainian Greek Catholic Church. Writing in the Italian weekly, Tool and Die: C. Zdanowski. | He is survived by his wife, magazine Oggi, Schuberth said:| North Plant: B. Dales, W.| "The first lady of America is|Fraser, M. Nearing, J. Nash| William, of Oshawa. |elegant--but she should wear |(2) E. Gibson, D. Wilson, H. Also surviving are three sis-| longer skirts. (Tarbun, A. Wakulicz (2), W. ters, Catherine, Mary and Ann| "The kneecap is always anti- Burke, J. Catton (2), F. Taylor, are three brothers, Fred, Mi- aesthetic even when--and this|S. Kelly, J. Jackson, D. Mac-| chael and Dmytro, all living in|is not the case with Mrs. Ken-|{Donald, C. Forsey, W. Solomon, | the Ukraine. nedy--one has ' beautiful legs|L. Beal. The remains are at the Arm-|such as those of Sophia Loren! Parts and Accessories: A. strong Funeral Home for mass|or Marlene Dietrich." {Reynolds, R. Cannons (2), F. in St. George's Ukrainian Greek | Preston, J. Bartlett, J. McCut- Catholic Church at 10 a.m. Mon- | cheon, E. Sweet, R. Dunlop, D. day, May 22. Rev. J. C. Perey-| CITY AND [Morris R. Mason, K. MacDon- ma will sing the mass. Inter-| |ald, R. Salway. | ment will be in St. Gregory's Cemetery. Ey DISTRICT | | FUNERAL OF p | we Students GEORGE L. GUMMOW Francis John McDermott, 4, The funeral service for or 1993 Wecker drive, was fined| = = " George L. Gummow, of POTtigig ang costs, Friday, for fail Visit Ajax h AJAX (Staff) -- For the past ith the|five days the Ajax High School its own official state ; did not report it to the police.|visit from a group of Americans. The services were conducted | He said he was frightened by Rev. M. A. Bury, minister of 2 i terment was in Oshawa Union| TO TURN SOD King Street United Church. In-| Oshawa's first citizen. Col. Cemetery. R. S. McLaughlin, will turn the The pallbearers were Newton |first sod to officially begin con- | Hodgson, Ray Greentree, Bert|struction of the proposed $1,800, Terwillegar, Bruce Terwillegar|000 composite school Phoenix Lod ge,|the school will be completed by |September, 1963. presenting JOOF and C. Gummow. which {and W. Gordon Bunker, all re-|will carry his name. It is hoped nesday, Thursday and Friday, and again all of the last day of 7. {Six students from Franklin, | Pennsylvania, have exchanged] by [places with six Ajax students|the carnival, Saturday, May 2 |who simultaneously have been WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 | visiting Franklin, Pa. | The student exchange project|bands, soloists, ensembles, |is sponsored and arranged by O'Neill CVI auditorium, 8 p.m. {the Rotary Clubs of Ajax and THURSDAY, MAY 25 O'Neill Band Music Night --| | Franklin and is in its third year. | For the first two years the stu-|Schools Festival of Music, Osh-| |dent exchange was conducted|awa Collegiate and Vocational gecret ballot for the person re- | Institute, 7.30 p.m. Annual Oshawa Public |tion that Council pay for the | corsages given to the staff mem- [bers in the reception line at the | | Grad Dance. This was passed. | A committee of three was set] up to sell the book covers when they come. Councillors Bow- {man, Gutsole and Greenfield |were elected. Treasurer Huzar is chairman. | Council members voted by| ceiving the Jaycee Cup for de-| Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF 12 King. S. E. -- RA 3-3633 Meat Specials! Tues. & Wed. with students of Oil City, Pa. The six American students are | Z i FOR THE PAST THREE years, the Ajax Rotary Club | has been sponsoring a Student | Exchange project in which six | students of the Ajax High School are exchanged for four days with six students of Franklin High School in Penn- sylvania. Pictured here are the six American students who | were chosen to make the trip to Ajax for high scholastic all in iie=i2th Grade, which is| i. the graduating year of the| | Franklin school, and were se-| i lected for their trip to Ajax for | academic achievements. They are: Peggy McDowell, Shirley Segelhorst, Judy Rodgers, Jerry| Judson, Tom Crisman and Paul Beals. The six students of the Ajax| High School, now in Franklin, | were selected by the same] method. They are: Jo-Ann Gor-| man, Andrea Walker, Margaret | Elrick, Carl Bignell, Carl Moore | and Erio Karstulovich. The visitors from Franklin are | staying at the homes of Ajax| Rotarians and will return to| Franklin on Sunday. A complete | program designed by the| Rotary Club to give the students| a true picture of this part of| Ontario. wae was FRIDAY, MAY 26 {bating in Council, and for the | Circus -- sponsored by the six persons receiving service Oshawa Shrine Club, Kinsmen medals for outstanding service Memorial Stadium; perform-|to Central. The medals and cup ances at 4:15 and 8:15 p.m. | will be awarded at Commence- SATURDAY, MAY 27 jment re reported on| Civitan Bicycle Roadeo Finals| ounct of oY por | 7 3 | the Constitutional Committee. It| Clty hell paving i Tor was felt by all committee mem. way : 4 AL pers that as much work ha winners will be, awarded tro- peep accomplished as was pos | phies. : |sible. The committee was then Circus -erformances at | dissolved. | 2.15 and 8.15 p.m. | Tulip, Show -- sponsored by EXECUTIVE THANKED Oshawa Horticultural Society, | Councillor Ross thanked Pres- E. A. Lovell School. ident Mosier, Vice - President public 6.30 to 9 p.m. {Merringer, secretary Broad, | Treasurer Huzar and Organizer | Massey, the party in power, for| making this year's Council a| | FRESH MADE COUNTRY SAUSAGE Buy 4-Ib. at Regular Price 1.00 GET 4 LBS. FREE! TENDER Ib CLUB STEAKS (Seasoned and ready to pop into the pan) Salisbury STEAK Manila Business success. | Sector Destroyed | Frozen Mosier then thanked MANILA (Reuters) -- Police dents' Council, for giving up his| FRESH MADE f Dave Wordley, made the official , ians. : Rotarian Jim Rapsey, principal : of the : as a moderator of a panel made up of the Americans. dit idl achievements. Front row, left | students are in the 12th Grade to right, are Peggy McDowall, | of the Franklin High School Shirley Segelhorst' and Judy | ang this grade, which is not | to be confused with the Cana- Rodgers; back row, left to | dian Grade 12, is the students' right, are Jerry Judson, Tom | graduating year. Crisman and Paul Beals. The --Oshawa Times Photo VEAL PATTIES 3 lbs. §1 MEATY CHICKEN WINGS 4 1bs.§1 Tuesday Only ! FREE! Buy 2-lb. Weiners At Reg. Price--79¢ GET 1 LB. FREE! Wednesday Only ! [REEL 25. 0 Bim GET 1 LB. FREE! OPEN ALL DAY NEXT WED. On Thursday of this week they|today questioned two Chinese|time and energy to help us| were taken on a conducted tour| businessmen in connection with through another school year. | of the International Business|the worst peacetime fire to hit] The meeting was adjourned Machines plant in Toronto. Orig-|the city's business district in 50 {until Sept. 7, when a "lame. inally a tour of the General|years. duck" Councl will 'be held. Motors plant had been arranged| Loss was estimated at 100,- FOUR CALLS but 'had to be cancelled. The 000,000 pesos (about $50,000,000)| The Oshawa Fire Depart- public relations department of|when the fire was put out this| ment ambulance crews answer- IBM made arrangements for the morning after raging overnight|ed four routine calls since I'ri- conducted tour with less thanifor 12 hours and razing seven|day morning. There were no one hour's notice. blocks in the crowded Binondo|fire alarms during that period At 12 noon the same day they area. lof time were the guests of the Ajax - . Rotary Club at the club's week-| y luncheon in the Ajax Com- munity Centre. Rotary president Deputy Assessment Commissioner CITY OF OSHAWA Required to be a member of The Institute of Municipal As- sessors Ontario and minimum of five years' experience, Thorough knowledge of Assessment Act, ability to supervise staff. Able to assess Industrial, Commercial and Residential prop- erties. A i. welcome on behalf of the Rotar- Following the luncheon, Ad Aj ax High School acted The end of their visit to Can- ada will come on Sunday when the students will be driven to Buffalo where they will exchange with the Ajax stu- dents, who at the same time will] have been driven to Buffalo] from Franklin, | p will be d until May 27th, 1961, by letter only, giving full details of education, experience, marital status, date available, references. | Personnel Officer, City of Oshawa, Oshawe, Ontario.