Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 May 1961, p. 16

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FIR I EE = THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE ---- || 6--Auction 1 CLASSIFIED AD RATES " 1 remake Help Wanted 5 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY [lig S| from ne. rire emer sa INSERTIONS 375 413 shire Sows, A.C. 45 Tractor, |FOR BALE B |MATUR! It not paid within I days the New Holland Baler, AC. mene toni Pog Topi reer) bo Pg A metinely, '19 to Charge rote will apply. Combine, Forage Harvester, heavy work, live out, five days workly: 19R44 or RA RA 82102 after 7. Accountants Building Trades (Gardening and Supplies Insurance . Plumbing and Heating Above rates ozzt only to original full line of up to date Imple- FOR SALE -- Top soll by the 108d. ALISTATE Auto Insurance, Save up|PLUMBING and heating pipes, fit-|| orders for consecutive ments, the property of Allan |BUILDING for ae, 12 feet by 20 feet, RELIABLE woman ¢r couple for prt MONTEITH, RIEHL, and CERAMIC, | plastic wall tile, Wood-|go, ia] rates for truckers Power lawn ' tings, fixtures, new used, Insertions ordered of suitable for sum: in-(time care of chi MONTEITH, RA 53-3527, I floor coverings. Free esti- DPIC! F068 ToC TREK a, fold load: io 3 ber cent, ix months AR igi Bg oe fei] ir 4 later" date ccratitte o new ore : herman, bo - = nil mies, ind unin mee cotiage, 1 ane ke of children, ne ashanee service phone RA 5.8597. "S38" work guaranteed. RA 8.0850. Simcoe Street North, Ajax, WH mates. Work g ling, Telephone MO 85268 or WH 4 clalty. Installations at reasonable rates. ALL types butlding repatrs, roofing, | 20543, ind ti Information and estimates free any type Protessional and Business listings Road No. 1, just East of re Tent, Lake $40 Exp EY $08 GiANCT'S © Dotaric Ae: avestroughing, chimneys. fireplaces, CEDAR Trees for hedges, white birch Lawn Mowers of plumbing. Dial RA $4241, J. Foley. (| 7.50 per 'month Tos 3 fines Li Younten, on Monday, May Jeekly. safe bathing, Tianing Water water, of handling full set of books. Weiss ctor y Si09) hard maple, guaranteed. MA 3-5981. RA . Terms Cash, séle ardwood in, lification vice. May. - ' 5 8 qualifications, experience, 384 Bond nid Strut Wests RA 5.0007. 3.2608, HAVE your lawn mower precision dha Rug--Upholstery Service |i month. nifiol letter abbrevioti ot 12:30 o'clock Sharp, |Phote RA i ons on Tienes CERAMIC tile, bathrooms, sto pened. Free pick up and delivery. RA = CEDAR trees for hedges, white Direh, CHESTERFIELDS re.upholstered and SUMMER cottage Hr & Hh ge pr dy une hard, R fises or Ded Hits > 5-4360. iki sp bg Ty Srey Gy Harvey Pascoe, clerk, Ted |jaxe, all somvetience ; somvieay tor .| WANTED Immediately, aTLiiable a ante, 3 Simeze D. Sisson on 3-2531. Bip, batt prices. ** {RA 3.2695. E SHARPEN AND RENT rial for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, All Classified Advertisements Jackson, Port Perry, Auc- |[nished.T | housekeeper, live in. be fond of awa. nal 2 wi 75 Charles Street. RA 3-721 oneer. ro To- 71. |GARDENS plowed and nd cultivated, rea: 9 o |] must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- LOVELY trout dy ii Jeng. % 6. Edmond Burrows, CA. RA 8-25 Joug local 2 mney eleatior, Chirk |somable. Ts sonable. Telephone RA 8-415 ALMOST EVERYTHING CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-|| fore publication except Births, - ot for family, © ronto, MElrose 3-1391. FALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and |neys and repaired, gas am-- covered like new. Get the best for less|| Memoriams Cards of Thonks which || 7--Trailers E. Werry, CO 3-2766, = loo Bos Jartiime, Tie gHierivons, uum ti- "HAVE tractor, will travel", gardens J Accountants and auditors. shalled, furnaces vaceuinsd, Free es ble A Coll-- at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simecos|| will be occeptez until 9 am. Maid, BA 3B. Ipames, Cig Keasona Give Us A Co South. Call RA 88451 for free estimate. | Deadine for Lost ond Found and ||BOX trailer, 6 x 4 tet, in excellont|1 1--Articles for Rent AOUSEKEEFER for 3 girls, ages 7, 3 and 1 . Telephone rates. 4 con pply » while mother works. Friedlander, B. Com., CPA. He BD i. ro ne oa Eas and ahs Roto-ilied and S TA N S CHESTERVIELDS Ieulll, Ticovered. fancalian Daily 8 - 830 fur > fe ition. Absly o Ttickwn Eva N, RA 30608 after 5 a att ---- new, ly pay more r ral YTHIN for sm or too smal Estimates free. made ready for spring planting and re reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. | REGULATION: trailers, service and" accessories. 3] JICKROOM EQUIPMENT Fy T. PE and Eomaan, Certl- {too big a Sus Public Accounts, 172 King MO 88003 or RA 56937. [secains. RA 3.8505. RNER KI BURK STS. |Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholste: o] East Oshawa, Ontario. RA|gooy ng repairs of al" kinds, Sew | ROTO-TILLING lawns and gardens, re. CORN KONG 3 Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial R The 'Othewa Ses Moti [ee WE 23401 FOR RENT OR FOR SALE INVOICE TYPIST roofing app All work guaranteed, sonable rates experienced. 'Telephone 5.0311. aspen submitted otherwise thon in || TRAVEL trailer, 1#°, Jate model, in Hospital beds, wheel chairs, REQUIRED = E. DEWAR and Co., |Free "RA 84782. {MO_3.3879 : Money to Loan writing, nor for more than one perfect Condition. Sleeps 5. $790. Tele Invalid walkei i By Ajax Manufact i and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bite 11 On| GENERAL woodworking, frames, sash, LOAM, manure, sod, sand and gravel, y Yo Rugs and Upholstered Furni- incorrect insertion of any adver }IPTORe alkers, bedsides, y anufacturer, typing Sario Street, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 8-2221| 0 0 0% 0 ur nd home wood sup. reasonable rates. Telephone RA 8-666. WE HAVE clients' monies available wu 9 tly cl d tisement, mor beyond the price || WANTED TO RENT -- 10 x 36 frailer.| commodes, crutches and accuracy essential and appli- it plies. Made and cut to order. RA 5-1273 IVE WwW AY for loans on' first and second mortgages re "SEGER'S charged for a single insertion of Apply Newcastle Traller Court, On- tones, also roll-away beds. conts should have a good . and also purchase of mortgages an the advertise t in which now Architects DR aud also parchase of musigages aud the cdwilisment in uhich enor a LE se Mei ais Phare [Nd Sicksoom Rentals, k ; ledge of figures. Pleas- Ee BRN oi. DRIVEWAYS GR AVEL ac 3 King Street East, Oshawa, RA RUG & UPHOLSTERY to classify advertising according to {sleeps four, good Phone RA ant work ing Sn itior, God . 3. S its own classification, 8-5557. $ re- unlisted telephone RA 8-2831, G First-class ermendiip. pe money to loan on first mort- Professional ee: at lower n the cate st diapiey gh 12--Articles Wanted liable girl. Write Box 801, . 3 y " Auto Parts | Ajorantsec: Loam, Sand and Ea5e. MIoTIUALe S00 apiecten J sue prices. er vd my init 9--Summer Properties {Two oe ucks for dispensing potato to Oshawa Times. FO body and mechanical repairs UNITED Fill. Digl-- Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- RA 5-7488 that in which the actual error for Sale or Rent {be equipped, Forward prices and full | 17--Male Help Wanted Martians Garage, 290 Cordova Road. | 0 to reproduce olf advertisin matter ESTABLISHED private ~ summer de. ("formation as to year, ete. to Ed. DE! rg eit) PAVING CO. RA 5.5279 RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS produce 0 matter [10 ent, Rice "Lake: os 2235 McGregor Avenue. Fori [DESK clerk required for steady might re SESERN TRE = Gane RA 8.4801 ! gorrect y ut assumes no gtd ity only. Cottage built. Finaneing no prob. * (William, Ontario. i Write stating experience and qual- x MONEY T0 | CLEANED i any lnaccuracles in. ony. Som: jlem. $2,000. Equipped playground. For COINS -- Canadian silver dollars, ications fo Box 645, Oshawa Times, 5 | o d Jraine | teed, automotive parts and accesso- i wil ries. treet West, Oshawa, a brochure, W, M. Trewin, eller | pay $15 and for 1 cert: MAN and wife for el fo poe, 1 Kine Sir bays to serve you." Dressmaking | LOAM - GRAVEL Professional Cleaning. therein. Street, Peterborough. type 1947. Also wanted *1%38 "and fois, tenance of office rey and pr ,c |DRESSMAKING and aiterations on TOP SOIL LO AN Home or Plant. THREE bedroom furnished cottage, Telephone RA 85207 Spariient Sock. In Obtvwa Sas be d NICK'S er TO eat sessouable | SAND, FILL, Membe f the Nati I Lake inside tollet, lovely wor artmen rin ZONA SERviCE pies: RA pall | LOTS LEVELLED Montes for off types of mort. | Institute of Rug Cleaming. | NEW BUSINESS ged Jo pia Perron. Reason | || CASH JFOR SCRAP !1 Sie 20 oun hires: APs de AT CHEMONG LAKE -- ({hree-bed Box 916, Oshawa Tim ITRACTOR, LOADER WORK | gages; for first and second LWAY a , . BUY -- 160 SIMCOE 3 FURRIER Resco obte Rates rertgages on oll types of rest | OWAY -- RA 8-4681 | Unlisted Numbers |mom tamished conse tr sai. isi dn pg BATTERIES, |) experienced, with good setae General Repairs on all mokes and DRESSMAKER ease 2156 | estate including vacant lands; |Surveyors window. Lovely view. Good fishing and 5" i) [fre ences only need apply. Write Box 914, of cars. Factory - traine | DIAL RA 5- short term mortgage for |SoNEvAN AND FLEISCHMAN On . op swimming, $500 down. OLiver LL M. "ERetneEk day. Sahawa mes. Volkswagen mechanics. New, Alterations, Remodelling. | builders; first ond second [tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue. BERNIE'S BALSAM LAKE -- two - bedroom & a NS oe IRMACISY fe Sequited, Apply 907 Sim- RA 8-0051 Low Prices. | HOLLAND NURSERIES mortgages and agreements (Printing, 12 Bloor Street East. RA 53633 APPLIANCE SERVICE po Bg Tefrigerator, Tangenie; wood RADY SOTOHER, ervedescol Tall - 333 Le Bloor St. E. |starting salary, Bassin' Food Matron WE STREET LANDSCAPING for sale purchased. Apply |B. FLIM and Trollope, Ontario Land 5-2373 for more information. 22 ROWE § and SC : Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue East.| 48 SIMCOE NORTH (Reon) |1wor and fhe - bedroom re Afax § forse : HIS - Must MeGIBBON 3 sd Ay Seat o| 3.4697. G. T. HORTON and Associates, On- vice depot for Phiico, Moffat, fishing, pike, plekarel and bass, $30, be bigh rchool iy married, 23-38, fw morigages ee Gibb landscape designing, 'main- | Mortgages Whitby, MO 83091, Ajax 725. Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. RA 5.1 179 with excellent beach and ied Tot. AND FEATHER TICKS "LET'S look in the Want Ads!" That's RICHARD H. DONALD. BA, Barrister, 199 GERRARD RD. sold. Agreements of sale bought and Ay AREYS, BOYCRYN and ar SODDING FIRST and second mortgages, arrang-|liott Avenue. RA Bris TFred). |WE In permanent waving. 5-2214, Mrs. Wright. (collect) "3 Boze ed. W. Schatzmann, Mortgage Broker, TELEVISION -- car radio, radio re. Luclenne Beauty Buivay 20% Simcoe CAMPING ground free on Buckhon Boys Boys Boys 1] r Ten Phones: Office RA 51177; Res. A . 4604 or Whitby, MO 82761; RA| evening lessons. | agreements purchased and sold. Hen. tronic Service Centre, 81 King We st,|permanents $8.50, RA 82301. za reem rchased and sold. Hen- AUTO WRECKING CO. Clients funds available for first MORTGAGE loans, pe Osh- | and June. Phone Brighton 353, PO Bo: Parts for sale, also scrap iron Summer Vacation of Ontario Mort. | East. RA 3-2269. NHA and private A complete garden service, North, Oshawa. Phone RA 5- Apply 4:30 Weekdays y ial Clean Hina. Now i ti to kill ture controls set up, King Special Cleaning and rolling. Now is the time MORTGAGE day. Check the best buys now. BALA MUSKOKA SELF-EMPLOYMENT on & full time or tors, ete, 7% Offer good till June 1st 8-8035, sofe sandy beach, home cook- [Consolidated industrigs, Box 24- REQUIRED K. Pharmacal Corp.| Water, Mortgage loans available. (Corner of Celina) Erie Sista, Sous CREED'S 51 KING ST. E. RA 3-3993 T.V. and RADIO possession. nee, H + E. RA 3- LV. an ighway 12 Vanished away with Soca- | MOTEL ond COTTAGE UNITS [HA 35s Tia nomic oul Homer, 35° For appointment, call Eas, Cuba Oshawa. O san. (Toronto) Finest on continent. OL 5-3570 Catering to a fun-loving (chip store, wonderful Eoasibilitien, eo Barristers M. Swartz, 26%5 King Street [JF : 0 : n_ cottage: RA 8-6706 RA 5-7442 East, Oshawa. Telephone RA Phoue RA_5oael, Your factory authorized ser- re Ee re Sxcehont WANTED EARN $25 . your day off. ents' funds available for i . > th Driving School | For satisfactory service, tario Land Surveyors, Professional En- ast $40 weekly, RA 5-43 For BA sass 506. C Charles C. gu Set Nora | 9 des gineering, 306 Dundas Street West,| G.E., Westinghouse, etc. LITILE LAKE -- two-bedroom cottage, SCRAP IRON, POULTRY rl A. Suttons 'Times. ar stedo, LEARN TO DRIVE tenance, sodding. MORTGAGES arranged, bought and ITV « Radio Repairs Phone ATlantic 2-4591 after 5. Ythat almost eves 5215 Simcoe -- he they're going to Call ry? yo yh Oshawa Driving School | a ne Ta AT A ns Erie 5 T--Women's Column |iront cotage, tworiece EB ® RA 3 3043 RAS. 3374 ANE a beer veniences. Season or monthly. - - ers. MAN, Humphreys, Qc; S. S. Boychyn, BA: Instructors licenced by the Street » 101 Dundas W. MO 8-3338 All K d and |Street South. RA 3.9411 . . v. Province of Ontario. Day and TOP SOIL, MANURE FIRST aol second maoigsses--Baic {formed by quanified technician: Eiew.| SPECIALS cod waves" $5.50 Theat a Aso eottags and boats for 'Tent. SHAW 16 Yeors or Over | Pag §35202. Money to loan. -0091 Phone mick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King) |RA_8-3211. {3% Pine Avenue. RA 55963, COTTAGES Presquile Park, Claudor FACK SILVERMAN, barrister and soli- | OL 5-3049 Street East. RA 3.723 | | 3 Villa, three-bedroom housekeeping eot- For After School & . TV 2--Personal M Want cars for wrecki Sores 31 King Street East. RA Fur Storage . awa, Whitby, Afax, Pickering and vicin. | SPRING NE es To PO Tox ne 39870 Brooklin ity. Residential, acreage, apartments, TUNE UP FRER Tom 2nd doatd tor Youn, Ini 08 | and metals, etc. bought. Open JORN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Soticds FURS COME OUT fe rokers land - ing, as companion to & woman living|OOTTAGE, furnished, Presauille Point.| Saturday all doy. Phone. NEAT AND RELIABLE tor and Notary Public, 18% King LIKE NEW WITH HARDSAND LANDSCAPING |Securities Limited, 112 Simece Street | alone. Write Box 906, Oshawa Times. |Deeded land. Apply Box 327, Colborne, RA 5.2 | h 3568. All tubes checked, front |TRAGTORS AND IMPLEMENTS fo) Cniaro: 5-2311 89 BLOORE. SO ages arFan I d t leaned, pic- A swoce v_ sonsr--ss. pierger| PICKWICK CLEANERS) cleanup, fertling, * power fare controls set up, | |oFarm Michiers® tn Ge Wasi Ads tn LEN-DAVE LODGE [13--Business Opportunities| 1, *onranio ar. ond o Street East. RA 8.2381. Res., YU sna. Summer Storage Special crab grass ond chickweed. * Res., YU r : ¢ 3 LADY would like ride to Eglinton ; part-time basis. Ni GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solid . Seednig, sodding, : ALL FOR $3.75 [LADY iam Whithy, Children Free ate bo Dial RA Yims Readence phones, a tock JE, Tuy Money Available approximately oa Whi, arg Main lodge, sleeping cabins, $30,000 category. Wete or ae ovals FOREMAN Ti Lo Groat BA 'BCL. RA 85633 RA 5.1] 721 Payments to suit Professional Technicians TOBACCO elimuator ~ Scientific guar-| ed meals, water sports, dan- Louisville, I prsiedi Rne AB u ta E ine 1 ; : SALPH JONES, BA, snd THOMAS H. CRESCENT FURRIERS Your Budget WILLIAMS ELECTRONICS A or sar Addiction, cing, hot and cold running DEAVIY iis, all d gauipment, Education, grade 12, with GREER, Associate Barristers and 22 BRUCE STREET 1218 SIMCOE N. RA 5-2905 piled. Write C. W, K. Pharmacar Corn. Write Box 15 Bala, [1000 % ean be Senile or ow. Fl experience on set-up of gitors, 130 King Street East, RA 86246. BEVERWYCK ALLIED INVESTMENTS (Ltd Box 88, Station B, Hamilton, On-| Ontario. RA 8.3641 evenings, RA S005 "| assembly tools, supervision rrister, Soli- OMPANY SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT : STORE sultable for coln laundry, retai| ©! female employees, and the BOWMAN, DAVID L, Ba ter, Soll ALL FURS STORED IN GARDENS C IT -- DAY OR NIGHT PAIGNTON HOUSE store, or service store, etc, situated on| ability to make assembly srorSRE UNWANTED HAIR SEAT pascesson. Com an "penn | fixtures ond igs. Age' 25: BUSSELL J, MURPHY, BA, LLY. VAULT. ; i and Sollctior, mA King Street 3 Only 3 miles north of Whithy Mare: Onilarie Marigage CALL RA 8-5286 Pelo. Saco-Pelo is different. LAKE ROSSEAU « MUSKOKA |Realtor. FARE E Ta. re. 2 A iio. All Work Guaranteed It does not dissolve or re« i A FOR RENT -- Snack bar or fish AJAX WH 2-2480 AME, " 7 SHINERIZING Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub. Nursing Services | OSHAWA move hair from the surface, clientele, Rates you con |Per month. Telephone RA 8 He, The Commereial Building, 235 King Costom For Clacrn MO 8-4735 PETER PAN NURSERY al or ball ELECTRONICS but penetrates and retards afford, $50 fo $85 weekly |REASONABLE--beauty por "ho TIME STUDY Owner re West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking day, 3% to 5.30. Simcoe North, . rowth of unwanted hair. Phir Mn REPAIRS AND RE-STYLING See us for your garden sup- |8-2604 BA | OF pore calla Tor your service. Offer fy Lab. Ltd. S, 679 including 21 delicious meals. of ness. Wews Box 912, Ee Times, MAN JOSEPH ¥ MANGAN, MANGAN, QC, Barrister, RA 5 3321 plies. Landscape Service OIVIDURL it under "Business Services" in Classi- 1 Complete operation. Nine- : g pri - s. ; care for each person in| Gronville, Vancouver 2, B.C. plete ' ope! A Chcest Fast, Oshawa, RA 4282 : y Sutnybras. of Oshawa. Reg. N. muper.|Ge sly 7 417 Dial RA 33462 now for hole golf course. Write for | APARTMENT BUILDINGS | For electronic component Sry 5 Gardening and Supplies WE EMPLOY Yised, lnquiries 3 INSTITUTE OF Enjored folder, ene. Port TWO Tanuisciuring company, f T. SALMERS, B.A. barrister, = arling, ger 5- 3 nd full ticul a CEDAR trees or hedges (etc), any THE NEFDY Optometrists | SAMSON HYPNOSIS experience 1 og Ro past eltor, oe 53741; Residence, RA Nor: size, guaranteed to grow. For free esti. ; : = Office, ce, RA 3-42 mates, phone 612 Clarke or MA 33935.| Help them by calling Sanseng 2 C. B. TUGK. Bi =o, 0p Donte ies! | V TOWERS NOW OPEN DAILY WIGASSAN LODGE 5 SUITES EACH awa Times, "DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister (Free delivery, Oshaw Bowmanville, Bros Landscaping and re Swnd Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Whitby, Ajax and distr ; €aping go -10 P.M. Well rented. itor, 3 Eg Se Lao Wai x and dening service. Lowest pose Bank or 74 Burk Street. nvalids ef On Loke Rosseau, Muskoka; WANTED -- CLASS A hone |GARDENS and lawns rotiotilled and, amined at home. Dial RA 5-4587. i RA 8-8180 n ONTARIO ST, OSHAWA informal; all sports, includ- WHITBY LICENSED MECHANIC Telep dence. RA 8-53 RA 8.5373. |levelled. Average $3.00. Grass, hedges| sible rates. RICE oes *GREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and|cut. RA 5.7887 before 9 a.m. and after | yr CHARD BLACK i" RA 8-0171 ing water skiing, 18-hole - Optometry, the examination of eyes, 9 9 " eon MURDOCA, Barristers, Solicitors, No-|§ pm. Glen Mur, 414 Park Road RA 8-3755 omic eases; 135 Simin" Non OSHAWA T.V. W. P. Mittler, Director gol; "second helpings"; Very youd eeneftion, Vlogs Reus, nd tary Public Bank of Commerce Blag., South. After 8 p.m. Colborne. Evenings b: int i B Simcoe Sireet North ha Fai: oR |MULLIGAN'S Landscaping, roto-till- ayy, Tyenings by PPO men 361 GIBBONS ST Peter Pon: Packoge for. <hil- C. W. Cochrane, Toronto Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort " - - gages arranged. i Picts garden and lawn services. OL Spring Clean-Up Painting and Decorating | Soo. THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Sot WE AIM to please. Holo tiling or FOR painting and paperhanging, in. SPECIALIZING IN orn: 136 KING ST. W., OSHAWA Street East. Phone RA 3.1763. RONATD $3.10 $4. Call after 5 p.m. RA 3.9533. | Landscape designing. ne MANNING ¥_SWARTZ and LANDSCAPING service, _roto-tlling, Nursery Stock g NTING and vaperhanging. 3. ANTENNA INSULATION | Oshawo, June 6th and 7th, STURGEON LAKE BUILDINGS EXPERIENCED taties. Money to loan. Henry Block, t st, 3-4697. [too small. Reasonable. Telephone MO N nd a ti rf 26% King Street East, RA I MO Bate OSHAWA I G and fecorating windows] Fron Estimates these dates for appointment. Fishing, beach, abundant Fraser, QC; G oughing, sodding, top sof 'om. . n. Dept. 21, Wi oh, Joins, potainy, to) hg IT I ------ ELECTROLYSIS pe Ds Yo ugsen HUdson 5.1 136 BILL D DiASoMoT2 Shor ana "Notary Fulci King] WE, AY To pene Weiolilng rl LLL Serr pm na sat, om om) SAMSON TOWERS | Nemaroof superfluous hair | 4 A RIACK LODGE APARTMENT L. SWARTZ, 'Barristers, Solicitors, No- bigeye Lode PL aba IR san: i . : el p jobs and 1 tting. No J | n oa |LEN & LOU S TY. Phone Genosha Hotel on : ba A 0 OIL BURNER 'Residence, Dial RA 3-4029. removed and cleaned. Telephone RA RA 5.7844 home cooked meals, Special 5 SUITES EACH SERVICE MAN | 83-0512. r for children. Hi - Boats CROSS TOWN HOME PAINTING and decorating, by trades. LEY SACHIN ASH i Bh cabing, | Dunford, Well rented, Telephone and SOD SUPPLY man, interior, exterior. Free estimates. Ontari v : KAWARTHA fran, tote GET THAT CLEAR HOMES, OFFICES, ete. nigrie WHITBY i "yu plind. RIAA, «| aa ois emt wo. | LANDSCAPING PICTURE NCW | Sooo heirs Dipwing | __ Prone 25.24 Wo ors | i | cut frech daily, sod for truck: i DODD & SOUTER CALL TE 9-1864 : d Cr d Crimi i I mb | ers in the field. Special con- Complete Garden Service PAINTING & DECORATING Use a CHANNELMASTER Free Estimates SANDY BAY COTTAGES C. WwW. Cochrane, HARRY O'PERRY LTD. | io ty Rentals. Con tractor rates. RA 8-6366 CONTRACTORS ANTENNA attached to a EASY-GLIDE toct -- Don Grills, 216 RA 5-8504 Pointing, Popethangl STARLIGHT TOWER end INTERIOR WALL WASHING 2- and 3-bedroom Cottages, Toronto Rogers St., Poreroro, Phone {Hairdressing a nting aperhanging an LOCAL MAN REQUIRED Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, | You'll have the best, DUNBARTON furnished, with inside flush HUdson 5-1136 RI ide 2-1296. Sea, oe Painting. verside E. R. KNOWLTON (SPECIAL ermaserr waves WI 107 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY GET THAT CLEAR 3--Pets & Livestock beach, good fishing and safe (14--Employment Wanted my firm in this area. The toilets, on beautiful sand | need a representative for opening in this area may Bookkeeping LANDSCAPING SERVICE |Edvards Beauty Farlor, 5 Celina DAYS MO 8-5231 PICTURE NOW! BATHING, tri feeln bathing. Write R. McCrack -- 2 h 3 . » trimming, de- fleeing, Joae: ing. Write R, McCracken, a oe piping ephone RA 3-7633 for NIGHTS RA 5-7426 u ; d ing. Waubena Kennels, RA 56321. | R.R. 4, Hastings oF "5 ' TA sd Wont) wil be worth up to $8,000 for wi e tim or Spring |GusTOM pr distinct - se a new aluminized picture |P ED brown ies P N R quiet street. Telephone RA 5-1227. e right mon. Con L SCHAPELHCUMAN clean-up! Rolling, fertilizing, |cutting 0g shying RA 32913. Ravel's Personal Service tube installed by expert TV BS eis old, 865, male or female. RA HONE £0 RELIABLE woman will give day cars| Moke short auto trips? Full COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING Street for, baby, five-day week. Telephone RA| or part-time work. Con you repairs. Top soil and sod. Hairstyling Studio, 11 Bond PETER PAN I: Nursery, sil or bal. technicians, and you'll have I" C 7 SERVICE, INCOME TAX | call on City, Town and RETURNS. | RA 5-6047 Instruction 8.2604. call us for service: Must sell. Telephone RA 53-3974. ROSSEAU, ONTARIO ATTENT! ON! d Be > | ' 4 pare: to start ot once West. drs. 430 to 8.30.30 Simcoe Norn RA| the finest Modest prices -- [siAMESE wens or peared eck.) Kawandag Lodge call on City," 7 re you pre- FOR SALE -- three | black and white Vid PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, TRY OUR T.R.1. | x 8, © ; Gall , FP ie: 686 OSLER STREET sit Our N 16 years' experience, by interview only. BAR B OUED CHICKEN are, TELEVISION Telephone OL 83531, Roy Brown, Rag. od i Bi Bruins. EUROPEAN EXPERTS B17 London, ig Ba RA '5-9953 | GARDEN CENTRE mnie Chicken plote, halt chicken ns 85.00 weekly ond' up. - | AT 1259 SIMCOE NORTH (Insurance with french fries, fish and RA 8-6781 pis (minal Shetland sheep dog pup-| American Plan. Write for LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES |18--Male or Female Help Building Trades 1,000 #t. North of A&P Store chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, Ray Tda. Phone Bethany 2Rit. | folders. An AAA, ATRO re- H oo Wanted ALL TYPES of home repairs and re | GARDEN SUP. AUTO INSURANCE milk shakes. TV--Rentals BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready for| 30rt. use ming, 3 Weedwerc SAL pe RT oe Re Oe ey ™, UPPLIES If you are a coreful driver MODERN GRILL training, talking strain. Apply Mrs.| SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT pal fags, rurniture clean |} ousehold item. Telephone RA" 8.3301 Lg es res esl __STONE SUPPLIES you may save $10, $15 or | WE DELIVER -- RA 5-3887 PORTABLE TYPE Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. ing. Office floors = window for further information. LILLEY'S Floor Service, Hardwood] --HOUSE PLANTS $25 on your car insurance or 4--Market Basket CARIBOU LODGE Cleaning, lakd. sanded. finished, cleaned, We Also Handle better than 20%. Preferred THE HOUSE THAT TV.'s POR = wd mai G3, Luke Koshagowigameg, FREE ESTIMATES "Courtive High School 1e- ih A ,HS° Swimming Pool Construction | drivers enjoy the lowest rate JACK BUILT" BY WE Ib. bag. Small sive seed: $1.35 buihel Haliburton quires for Semtember, a in Ontario through this of« " ve EK OR MONTH Delivered, Oshawa district. MA 3.2266 : » CALL MR. STEVE - 9-12 AM. Tecaher or Teachers to han. J. W. MacARTHUR OSHAWA fice. Holt-year- 'payments Fults, vegelables, all beef Also Radios, Record Players, [Ma 3.254. aw: % "| Light housskasping cabins, die the Vocal ond Instro. FLOOR AND WALL Call us today and compare amburgs, ot dogs, meats, and Sun Lamps, Showers, flus toi ots, recrea. RA 8-4181 mental music. The subject CERAMIC OR PLASTIC GARDEN SERVICE |--cmple free parking groceries, toys, ov acd, MEAGHE< § 5--Farmers Column tion, Lodge fects, even- ea uj TILE OR YARD GOODS at 1259 SIMCOE NORTH SCHOFIEL D RA 82561 © | _SKINGW RA 3-3428 [RO Tey ro Markaares 100g rea ™80 Summer. |16--Female Help Wanted hare then ne Tsacler giv- Eves Estimotes | RA 3-3222 INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. | WE'RE ALWAYS OPEN Well Drilli Digai Ceotiecty: "ak hour, seven-day service."| hill Ave, Toronto 5. [EXPERIENCED hair Sryliats, male or oe periods each Siyiions Work Guaranteed. Open Evenings Till 9 360 King St. West RA 3-2265 7 DAYS ng-Ligging DEAD farm stock picked up promplly. for fabulous new Whitby saton ope teacher for the School Bond W. WARD Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrope. Lic. 115. FOR.A REAL VACATION (soon, rary by Ken" MO| ,.4 Glee Club will be re- . or COW. mabere § quired. RA 8-3991 743 ALBERT R B REED & SONS CYR'S RESTAURANT HORSE or cow manure for sale, also to the Db, NOW OPEN WELL DIGGING BY [soe twowneel traer. Teeohons BA| c|pc EB DUDE RANCH Applications. should be CLIFF BROWN FISH AND CHIPS | spperp MACHINE Tsai ives rorabock ring, sng, | |MMEDIATE | fonicators should, be set SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE v-35, asparagus roots, available for im Elora, Ontario. For informa- GRAVEL & SAND FLORISTS FOR THREE GENERATIONS | TAKEOUT ORDERS | 'WHITEY, ONTARIO |meise dives. ss so hound. 50 rifle range, orchery, excl POSITION BS Somes A Good Place To Eat MO 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 BLACK LOAM Caledon hills Vice Principal, Bowmanville, 333 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. FARMERS' NEEDS Wiite Yor brochure FOR MA 3-7095. Evergreens, flowering shrubs, climbers. Tea Ros 3, ial - P.O. BOX 329 Prompt Delivery es, specio RA 8-439 CIRCLE B DUDE RANCH FULLY EXPERIENCED |29--Room and Board Caledon, Ont. - t 79¢c. Climbi s, 99¢; and garden lilies, tube be- CALF SCOURS PREVENTATIVE 2 : RA 8 8951 ] 4 imbing roses c; and garden lilies, tuberous be. Plumbing Heating TED VEENHOF MASTITIS TREATMENTS RR aieda 's7R3 BC OKKEEPER FURNISHED Swastaite hatte tom, fn ponies, gladiolus, dahlias, cannes. Specialists in petunia plants [ALL plumbing and heating supplies. REFRIGERATED INJECTABLES tion. Gentlemen preferred. Apply S58 k Burk Street or RA 8-8380. DECORATING (35 varieties). Over 100 vorieties other annuals, geraniums, | Lid pling. fete sid chitnee: WELL DIGGING Now available ot WIANCKO HOUSE FULLY EXPERIENCED "A HOME away from home", TV, SHORT'S PHARMACY SPARROW LAKE, SECRETARY [Comers. 'Parking 'weekis "or montigs bedding plants, patio and window boxes, fertilizers and seeds Clean-outs and deepen PREFABRICATED 4 . i ing. LOW ALL IDAY HOMES BEATTY APPLIANCES COMPRESSOR WORK. BROOKLIN MUSKOKA, ONTARIO room for 1216 cars. 07 Albert Street. ROOM and board or room om only, STYLEMASTER COTTAGES ; : Barn, equipment, pumps, n Mon, Wed, & Fil : ; Good sturting wilory, plessont' 1 an a UTILITY BUILDINGS For quality plants. grown. in. Oshews visit REEDS NEW ESSO RA 8-3864 i convenince. ii Ba Bugs od working conditions, fringe Seven. miner walk to Sour Soars ner You will be glod you called. A ofl br hn . benefits. Positions * + |bospital. Apply 240 Division. RDEN C L J c urners, hot water ond If I f d- + . Rat its. Positions "open o re a AJAX REPAIR AND G ENTRE AT OUR GREENHOUSES. forced air furnaces, bathroom hon Te i Slr | 6--Auction pop A Day itn an established manufacturing IG am parts and service in the for-rent columns of [FOR _AUCTIONERING at its best,| megs included. Special rates plant in Ajox, Ont. ice™ in Classifies. Turn to it now. TRUCTION LTD. fixtures, h ee TARTNER THE OSHAWA TIMES that's [ E.T. Seeney. Telephone RA 88481 | 4 "(jie "An ATRO re- ly Box 913 ROOM and board, newly decorated * 110 King Street Ecst, Oshawa 163 BLOOR STREE PLUMBING AND HEATING where they are 100 CAR buyars watch "Autos for Sale" in Apply: 00d beds and food. Lu sth . room sort. Write M. R. Wiancke i au mches packed RA 8-5103 R I WEST ORONO 1782 Day er Night houses, oportmentsl Chmiisd SL RA 341 ts yl m8 for folder, OSHAWA TIMES daseed ring H om ng

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