Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 May 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY It's all right to plan for retire- ment but don't practice for it on company time, The Osha Times WEATHER REPORT Thundery, humid weather today will give way to lower temper- atures Tuesday. Sunny and warm. VOL. 90--NO. 113 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MAY 15, 1961 Autherizsg Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy ized es Second Class Mail Department, Ottawa TWENTY-TWO PAGES SUMMER ARRIVES AT SAMAC stages of their summer pro gram, are working toward their second 'eye' -- a badge of proficiency in the Cubs. Camp Samac, in North Osh- Cubs of the 16th Oshawa pack cool off in the creek at Camp Samac during the hot- test weekend of the year. The boys, taking part in the early U.S. Agrees To Join Laos Peace Talks GENEVA (AP) -- The United scribed as "Laotian delegates." reluctantly agreed today|This phraseology avoids indicat- to take part in an international/ing whether they represent any conference on Laos after Pres-|government of the Southeast] nt Kennedy approved an{Asian kingdom. { American concession that de-| i peme | liberately left the status of the American : agreement hi 2b Laotian delegates vague. tend the conference on this basis| The conference, which was to} V3S ZIven reluctantly by Secre- | have opened three days ago, | tay of State Dean Rusk after now is expected to go through| at least a formal opening cere- mony tonight or Tuesday. Kennedy. The formal U.S. position still The problem that has held up is that the royal government of| the meeting has been deciding|Premier Boun Oum is the sole who would speak for Laos in|g0vernment of Laos. But Amer- negotiations on its political fu-|ican delegates said they are ture. Three rival Laotian dele-|Willing to sit in on the confer- gations are here. ence of 14 countries in which the The United States originally other two factions participate on took the position that the only|™ ------ Laotians who should be allowed| C ] representatives of the pro-West- ern government of Premier Boun Oum. consultations with President|down on a question of repre-|oyents in Laos. In the western support for the Nationalists. an Vessel Kennedy May Meet With K. | 2 WASHINGTON (CP) -- Pres- level, Kennedy was confronted ident Kennedy, besieged by an|by one crisis after another. |army of diplomatic troubles,| Now, U.S. authorities say, the {may meet with Soviet Premier big issue centres on the future |Khrushchev in a few weeks in of the nuclear test ban talks at| lan informal summit meeting Geneva, bogged down by | 2 aimed at preventing a break-|{sharp East-West split on how| {down of East-West relations. [the ban is to be administered. Reports that both sides are Britain and the United States| |exploring the possibilities of say Russia demands a veto| {holding such a meeting in some|power which would cripple an [neutral centre other than-Gen- effective control. | |eva are circulating e, in New| Kennedy is described as want-| © York and Palm Beach, Fla., ing to meet with Khrushchev in| where the president has been|a last hope of getting the Soviet| on holiday since Thursday. He|leader to revise his position. flies to Ottawa Tuesday for his - | en US. Pledges Kennedy's apparent willingness | awa, offers some of the best to meet with the Soviet leader| | facilities for scout and cub |may indicate a reversal of the f training in North America president's foreign policy posi- {temper the surprise move by suggesting the initiative for the meeting came from Moscow, For Chi | tion. | | --Oshawa Times Photo. All through his presidential or na p= = - -- campaign and after he took of-| TAIPEI, Formosa (AP) fice last January, Kennedy Vice-President Lyndon B. John-| maintained he would not toler- son today gave Nationalist Chi-|# ate a situation such as con- nese Ficsident Chiang Kai-shek fronted former president Eis-la new pledge of U.S. support enhower in Paris a year ago and economic aid and assurance when the summit conference that the Kennedy administration collapsed following the U-2 spy|has no intention of recognizing plane episode. Communist China. Kennedy argued that before| Johnson, on behalf of Presi- there could be any new summit dent Kennedy, assured Chiang's meeting fruitful negotiations had| Nationalists that the United to be conducted on lower levels. States stands by them "today, Things haven't worked out too/tomorrow and every day: fo well for Kennedy. | come." While U.S. authorities tried to the basis of the British-French compromise. Informants said the Kennedy i capital murder. MEASURE TO CHANGE DEATH PENALTY LAW Some Murderers Would Not Hang OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern-| charge could not be tried again ment moved today to restrict/for non-capital murder for the the use of the death penalty in|same death. murder cases to those of calcu-| The government's legislation lated murder or those com-|follows several years of inter- mitted during a crime of vio-| mittent Commons debate on the lence. {question of whether to abolish The proposal, set out in a 80V-| capital punishment. ernment bill introduced in the, Several years ago a Senate Commons by Justice Minister|committee recommended reten- Fulton, showed the governmenttion of the death penalty, but has decided against an outright|suggested that hanging be re- abolition of the death penalty|placed by the gas chamber or for murder. |the electric chair. The bill provides no change, Since the Progressive Conser- in the present method of execu. valive government took office tion--by hanging. almost four years ago, it has sas {dealt with 48 cases of persons The measure divides murder| sentenced to death for murder-- cases jo capital" and "non-| 5 automatic sentence on cone capital" murder. | viction. In 38 of these cases the _ It provides a mandatory life government commuted the sen- imprisonment sentence for those|tence to life imprisonment. Ten convicted of non-capital murder, | persons have been hanged. and also for juveniles under the| The new legislation sets out age of 18 who are convicted of | two types of "capital murder" {--where it is "planned and de- To be convicted of capital|liberate" or where death oc- murder, the suspect must be|curred as the result of a crime specifically charged with that of violence, incl.ding kidnap- offence. A person who is ac-|ping, robbery, arson, piracy and quitted on a capital murder jailbreak. - " ---------- | In crimes of violence, how {ever, only the person who ac- | tually committed the act of mur- |der or counselled the doing of lit would be guilty of capital | murder, Toronto Man Few Enter Strike-Shut Ship Yard administration felt it Was more! Congress has accused the! Chiang told a press confer important to test the sincerity gennedy team of badly bun-|ence he and Johnson had agreed of Premier Khrushchev's pro-|gjine the Cuban invasion a-lon a joint statement containing] fessed willingness to agree to altempt. American allies in South-|these assurances from Ken: neutral policy for Laos than 10| east Asia are wondering about nedy: allow the proceedings to break|ipeir future in the wake of 1. A pledge of continued U.S. MISS FESTIVAL French Mediterranean resort of Juan-les-Pins last week. --AP Wirephoto Jocelyne Lacour being selected at the | Shapely waves after "Miss Festival 1961" Stamp Supporters Write To Dief OTTAWA (CP)--In a brief to;stamps, and the 1,626,000 con- sentation. {hemisphere friendly countries] 2. The United States has no Agreement had been reached are split on the merits of U.S. intention of recognizing the Pei- Sunday by the big powers on a|policy in the Caribbean. ping regime. {formula to seat all three rival| During the first three months| 3. The United States will con- Laotian groups as observers. |of his office, Kennedy was asked tinue to oppose Red China's bid They would have been desig-|often whether he would meet for a seat in the United Nations | nated as representatives of their| Khrushchev. Each time he said] 4. The United States wil {own political factions but not as!/he had no such meeting in mind. abide by its mutual defence representatives of Laos. But instead of obtaining Mos-|treaty commitments with the pe -|cow agreement to conduct dip-| Nationalists. lomatic negotiations on a lower| 5. The United States will step --lup assistance to Nationalist {program. today challenged as '"'abusive|iums. [China's economic development Prime Minister D i e f e nbaker,| sumer involvements that have the supporters of trading stamps| resulted in redemption of prem- SAINT JOHN, NB. (CP) -- |The strike-bound Saint John Shipbuilding and Dry Dock {Company received little early response this morning to an ad-|¢o,0t of Canada dismissed an |vertisement for 2,000 workers 10 apnea] today by Louis Baldwin |get the plant into production. Fisher, 25, of Toronto against a l The company had announced | murder conviction for the knife- [the plant would open at 8 am. /S1ayi ng " 2 i atborongh i fy woman June 10, A | despite a strike of more than Fisher, scheduled to be 1,000 of its employees which has hanged June 27 for the murder been in progress almost ajof Mrs. Margaret Bennett, 31, month. {previously lost an appeal However, other than the office {ito Court on viction in the om and management Which re-| decision, As a result of this split ported as usual, few Workers judgment Fisher had a right to (were seen passing through the/make a further appeal to the | gates. Supreme Court of Canada. 'On Murder Rap L fe Loses Appeal © OTTAWA (CP)--The Supreme allegations" the opposite view| The brief recommended that presented to the government in a committee of economists and March by the Retail Merchants statisticians study the question. The communists insisted that the Communist-led Pathet Lao Held By Court 'Bomb Threat Tributes Paid rebels and their self-style neu tralist allies under Prince Sou- vanna Phouma--recognized by the Reds as the legal premier of Laos--should be the spokes- men for Laos QUEBEC (CP) -- the Cuban (freighter Fundador was mark- ing time in Quebec harbor to- day, awaiting a decision on what is to be done about its APPROVE COMPROMISE cargo of machinery and parts. A new compromise formula The cargo was seized under a workd out by British Foreign court order issued at the request Secretary Lord Home andlof a Toronto firm, Univaire French Foreign Minister Maur- Sales Corporation, when the ice Couve de Murville appeared ship arrived here Saturday on this morning to have the ap, yovace from Montreal to Ha- proval of all concerned vana. le Jormate ould Siow alll Lawyers for the corporation three rival Laotian delegallonS c,iq the move was taken he- into the conference room i ob- cause the firm had not been Jervers but void Josey! ag paid for about $500,000 worth of il ue rel : merchandise sold to Cuba. Instead, it was reported by They said the ship's captain, British sources, they will be de-'Cesar Valdes Almanza, and his Goering Told JERUSALEM (AP) -- An| Reporting on his interrogation American judge testified today of top Nazi officials after their that Hermann Goering and For- arrest, Musmanno told the ¢ign Minister Joachim von Rib- court: ; bentrop told him Adolf Eich- "Goering said he was not mann was a main cog in the aware that the program of Jew Nazi program to exterminate ish extermination had reached Europe's Jews. these reported proportions. The Justice Michael no of the Pennsylvania Supreme Hitler, Bormann, Goebbels, Hey- Court told the Eichmann trialldrich and Eichmann." court the defendant even car ppgENTED EICHMANN ried his program into the allied' sckeq if anyone else men- prisoner of war camps tioned Eichmann, th judge re- Musmanno testified on the ba- plied: sis of information he collected! "Yes, Ribbentrop said he re- as a judge at the Nurenbergi rented very much Eichmann's war crimes trials and as an in-jinterference in his ministry of terrogator for the U.S. Navyiforeign affairs. He said also he during the first Nurenberg trial'was very sorry that Hitler had in 1945-1946, put so much authority into Eich- mann--into the program of Jew: CITY EMERGENCY isk extermination PHONE NUMBERS Former Gestapo Chiel Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Musmanno con- tinued, "said the persons who POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 ran the Jewish extermination program were 'Hitler, Bormann, Himmler, Kaltenbrunner; Hey- |arich and Eichmann." Musmanno said Hans Fran Court Of Eichmanns Work crew are free. But the ship would be unable to sai! until the cargo is either discharged or| paid for. The ship is operated] by the Cuban government The corporation is owed| money for merchandise ordered by the Banco de Comercio Ex- terior de Cuba, a Cuban com- mercial bank, and Intercom Sales Corporation of Nassau, Bahamas, its lawyers said, Negotiations were under way through the Cuban commercial attache in Montreal, about get-| ung money from Cuba. It the] money was not forthcoming, the cargo would be discharged kere. | SPORTSMAN DIES T. P. (Tommy) Gorman, long-time sports promoter and former National Hockey League coach, .died in an Ottawa hospital early Monday after a lengthy illness. The Ottawa - born sports impres- ario, who managed seven NHL Stanley Cup teams, would have been 75 on June 9. --CP Wirephoto Nazi governor general of Po-| Red Warning land, *'decided to wade in blood] ne longer" and complained = On Test Ban Himmler. The judge said Frank was referred '""to Eichmann." DEFENCE OBJECTS GENEVA (Reuters)--The So- | Defence lawyer Robert Serva- walk out of the three-power nu A. Musman- persons most responsible were|tius objected to Musmanno as|clear test ban conference and d a witness, contending that a|resume testing if France or any judge could not testify on gues-|other Western power carried out tions he had decided himself in!further nuclear explosions. a trial. "This witness was not in Ger-|Soviet delegate to the dead. many at the time." the lawyer| locked negotiations, charged at many he | i's SASS P Inited said. "He is not a Jew a loday's session thal oe nd not| yates and Britain had encour- concerned. He ac i is ria fore his testimony is not accept Fara muclear ests and hed . wo ote ePt-\henefited from resulting infor- able, . . mation. Dr. Servatius said he under- If the French or any other stood that Judge Musmanno NATO power continued nuclear would also testify Nazi officials| weapon tests, the West would could have avoided carrying out|be wholly 'responsible for the orders from above, He said this| collapse of the conference here, is a question to be decided by Tsarapkin said. the court rather than by a wit-| Both Western delegates de- ness. nied that either of their govern- . . ments had provided any advice Eichmann contends that he qr help to fhe French or had pi carried out orders and received any information as a could not do otherwise. result of the French tests. Ld | For Liberty Fam. viet Union today threatened to bama Semyon Tsarapkin, the chief Association of Canada. The 54-page brief, presented NEW YORK (AP) -- Police by Gerald Trottier of Ottawa, headquarters put harbor, bomb and waterfront detective units on alert early today after re- ceiving a report that the Statue {of Liberty "will be blown up in {four hours." The report, telephoned by an {unknewn male voice to The Daily News and relayed to po- lice headquarters, came at rias Company Limited, J. P. Peaudry, president of Beaudry Groceterias, Montreal, and Jack Lippett, owner of the Rideau View I1.G.A. Store of Ottawa, recommended that the govern- ment bring its 1905 stamp leg- islation "into step with modern merchandising methods." The case for trading stamps At 5 am. the police an-|is supported, the brief said, by nounced they had searched the/%,519 independent retailers who statute and surrounding Liberty cprate only one store each, 234 Island and found nothing. The Canadian companies who sup- alert was called off. plied the goods redeemed with o Racists Burn 'Freedom' Bus ANNISTON, Ala. (AP)--A bus|of about 200 white persons |was destroyed by a fire bomb|milled around one bus. Mem- and several members of a Ne- bers of the crowd smashed supervisor of Loblaw Grocete-| If such a study supports the! tid that trading stamps are a| T G Cc legitimate form of sales promo- i] |tion, the g o ve r n ment should oO ary oop er |amend "'outdated restrictions| |with respect to place of redemp-| HOLLYWOOD (AP) Thejour best friend," penned the |tion, and property in redemp- body of Gary Cooper lay in a movie critic of the Tokyo Shim- {tion merchandise." mortualy Siapel way as he hap, | islation (world paid tribute to his great-| . : oy com ess BE Twas A syMBo, i |for premiums in the store where|, Rosary will be recited tonight| The Washington Post said in I for the" 60-year-old star, who|an editorial (Cooper) came to | b iin lost his fight with cancer Sat./be a symbol of the vigor, cour- IS BEST JUDGE rday. On Tuesday his friends/age and heroism in American The brief argued that thc among the waning ranks of|life. . . . It is greatly to his {consumer was the best judge of Hollywood greats will file into/credit that his private life did merchandise and merchandizing|the Church of the Good Shep- not mock the screen image, as yv Hills for the|s0 Irequently happens in Holly- wood. {methods and that free competi- herd in Beverl tion between users and non-us-| funeral. lers of trading stamps was to| The shock of his passing was, The Times of London devoted the shoppers financial advant-|not lessened by the fact that it|800 words to Cooper, calling him age. had been known for a month "the all-American hero." It stated there was no proof|that he was dying. As the news| "In the naturally shifting and |that th f st b .(swept around the world, it|changing realm of screen repu- t e use of stamps by re-| Wrii : il : evoked words of appreciation tations, he was one of the really tallers results in a proportion | : » : oR for the lanky Montanan who|few perennial stars," The Times ate rise in the cost of merchan-| Te: . Badd 3 ee i 4 | personified the American hero. said. "His place will be difficult dise. Although trading stamps] Pope John cabled a message|to fill." cost She retailer between two of sorrow to Cooper's widow| The Cannes Film Festival in and three per cent of his saleslang daughter. The British| France lost its gaiety with news {volume, it brought an average Broadcasting Corporation tele- of Cooper's death. "The entire {increase in volume of 27 pericast a 15-minute tribute to the|festival is in mourning," said |cent. actor, "We feel like we've lostian official, rc and white group of "free- some bus windows with bars } riders" were brutally|and lengths of pipe. The driver headed for Birm g {dom {beaten Sunday as they sought to bring their test of color bar-|ingham but six miles outside 3 riers in bus stations into Ala-| Anniston the bus had a flat tire A crowd of white men who had ay to continue their swing|it. |through Dixie, which started in Washington 11 days ago. been a soft drink bottle contain- All told, 13 persons were iNg gasoline was thrown taken to hospitals Sunday--12| through a window of the bus. (for smoke inhalation suffered I {when some one in a crowd of/moned by a passing motorist, angry white men threw a fire|fired pistols into the air to dis- Members, however, vowed to- followed in cars sought to board # A fire bomb--believed to have § Highway patrolmen, sum- | bomb into a stalled bus outside Perse the crowd. The passen- § Anniston, and one for head cuts|gers got off before the bus was suffered at the hands of white|destroyed by flames. men using pipes for clubs at a| Dr. Walter Bergman, 61, a Birmingham bus station. former Michigan State Univer- No arrests were made in(Sily professor and a member of either Anniston or Birmingham |the CORE group, said about The "freedom riders'--eight eight or 10 white men boarded white persons and eight Ne-| the other bus in Atlanta. groes--are members of the Con-| He said they beat several gress of Racial Equality. They| members of the group, includ- are riding two buses through/ing himself, at Anniston. At 'the south to test racial segre. Birmingham, two members of § | zation. the CORE group, a Negro and i a white man, were beaten when SMASH WINDOWS |they headed for the white wait- | At Anniston an angry erowd ing room.

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