Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 May 1961, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 5, 1961 Fi THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [E& Hb? 1--Women' s Column. 9--Summer Properties 17--Male Help Wanted 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent In permanent waving) for Sale or Rent RELIABLE men interested in selling. privATE = three.room apartment, Salon, 29% Simcoe - ; you'll make big profits with our fast|fyrnished. stove, refrigerator, extension |Street South. RA 3-9411 HONEY HARBOR -- Blue Water camp selling line of household and farm prod- phone. continuous hot water, $15 week - and cabins, housekeeping cabins with ucts. Commission, bonus. trial period.|jy near hospital and bus. RA 52400. | SPECIALS cold wav. $5.50, heat! jall conveniences, excellent swimming no risk. Familex Products, Dept. M.7- permanents $8.50. Page Hairdressing. for children, recreation room for guest 1600 Delorimie Montreal. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, in modern 3% Pine Avenue RA v3 RA 3.6639. ~~ -- REAL Estate salesmen urgently re- EC Hove 2-Personal | LING, 0, TL 6k Ele "amh Petre, Remar. "{s34 ¥leshone WA SHI ences woo . -- : : < ree s Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies J {Insurance i -- | CLASSIFIED AD RATES mon cinity ay, Tired: Apply 43 Swe two men at once, full or part run apartment, private on ROB CLAD crs ontario Accounting CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, wood: GARDE? Ro to - yois. Reasonable AUTO INSURANCE | 25 words. or "less ADVERTISER aves 10 Santas any THREE a oom, turdighed cottage, Aime, no sales Birt hie | Washing facies. Telephone iogpe bayion. N | esti t Telephone RA 5-9 v x Service Complete bookkeeping service.|working, all floor coverings. Free esti rates. ep) Cash Charge | truck between Uxoridge and any of treed lot, near Peterborough. Reason- [kins Products, RA 82383 after 5 p.m, [RA 37534 184 Bond Street West, RA 5.0397. Res. males. Work guaranteed. RA 8-0850 WELL rotted manure for sale. Tele- If you are a careful driver 3 CONSECUTIVE the following: Oshawa, Port: Perry, able. WH 2-5063 DRIVING .nstructor with late model MODERN furnished four room apart. RA 3-7605. -- |LILLEY'S Floor Service, Hardwood Phone RA 88052. ~~ you may save $10, $15 or INSERTIONS 225 2.48 Whitby, Pickering, Ajax, Brooklin, or| orton mp tor standard car, full or part-time. Oshawa|ment. near bus, south GM; refrigera- MONTEITH, "RIEHL. and floors laid, sanded, finished, cleaned. FoR SALE -- Top soil by the load $25 on your car insurance or 6 CONSECUTIVE jany point between. This is a golden op-| 8 Re, o in Driving School. RA 0091. tor, range, private entrance and bath. MONTE ™, lished. RA 3-9073. k 9 y : ¢ portunity for any person making this|/sale, all conveniences, six years old Available now. RA 5.9641 after 5. Chartered Accountants, RA 5.3527. | waxed and polished : i rates for tuekers. Power jawn better than 20%. Preferred 'INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 | Golly trip. Write Box 732, Oshawa terrific sand beach, Lake Papineau. EARN $25 - $30 on your day off. Must Ajax, WHivoUn local chimoey cleaner. Chim. .cs 0%; sod delivered, laid, field load | © ol Cr ve lovast tote It riot poid within 7 days the < | Times. Terms if desired. Teiephone RA S-4241. be high school graduate. married. 2335, WIDOW would like to share apartment 29250 - neys built ad repaired, gas linings in yf, i in Ontario through this of- Charge rote. will apply. FREE and board for woman, in|TWO-, and three - bed | ment. write: BOX pri Ep expenses. "relephone RA 3-175 after § HE. DEWAR pr Co., Accountants stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- gr ill el gavden f Half Above rates apply only to original | comfortable country home, in Picker- electric lights, refrigerators, excellent -- (p.m. and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg, 11 On-imates. RA 13-2097 - - HAVE tractor, wi Save Re jens ice, ail-year payments. orders for consecutive insertions. | ing, as companion to a woman living fishing, pike, pickerel and bass, $30, DESK clerk required for steady night HOE Tero tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 82221 goo "and repairs of all kinds, mew ple | RC WO, oe Call us today and compare Subsequent insertions ordered at a | alone. Write Box 906, Oshawa Times. |540 weekly. RA 5-4328, Norrie sluling axperienes 3d Sus lerator- any oom apartment. serif WILSON and BURROWS. Chartered roofing. applied. All work guaranteed ample 'free parking. later date constitute a new original lirg CTORS AND IMPLEMENTS d -- (monthly. Telephone MO 8.2398. GARDENS and 1awns roto-tilled and ~ °|11--Articles for Rent ta Sham Street South, Free estimates. RA 8-4 y x 2 | order t ---Articies Tor e A nd. FD. Winon. CA, MINOR Tevaivy made. to buals_ at Fea. mide ready for spring planting and SCHOFIELD Professional and Business listings [| MelP vou make better profits offered in 18--Male or Female Help |Two-BEDROOM apartments, stove rer On imond Burrows, CA. RA 8:3371. | sonable cost, Telephone RA 81816 from "ceding. Dial RA 58985 INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. |[ $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. | gay. Check the best buys now. Wanted ({igerator, TV anienna "broadioom, G. Edmond ir . ie ROTO-TILLING lawns and gardens, re 360 King St. West RA 3.206 Both. oaditional he. $160 pur y SICKROOM EQUIPMENT |from $95 up. Telephone HA 8-5660. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and : : i grave Somable rates experienced. Telephone ° y 4 month. LADY would like ride to Eglinton and F FOR SALE 0 men or women for canvassing, UTILITIES paid, Three-room unfurnish Co., Accountants and auditors. Licens- L Axp J roofing, dar an avel, VO 8.3870 L rv Each initial letter abbreviation, | Laird vicinity from Whithy, arriving FOR RENT O O Telephone RA 8-109] ed apartment, private bath and. am ed Trustee in Bankruptcy, 68 Kg or too small. Estimates free. GOOD fop soil. any auantity. E. M. -awn Mowers § ond c wign, figure, counts oi iq LafRiptimately 2% gm bm 9 Hospital beds, wheel chairs, SALES HELP wanted to handle stain.| ance ample parking, heavy d ut Street East, Oshawa; . 6 MO 8.8003 or RA 56937. Freek, RR 2, Whitby, OL 5.3006 LAWN mower sharpening and repairs|| %©:2. Box charge 15¢ additional ------ invalid alkers. bedsides less steel cookware, sewing machines, 3's," on Oshawa Boulevard South. RA GARDENS plowed and cultivated, rea 10 Power mowers, bicycles, outboard All Classified Advertisements o a nvalid = w 5 vacuum cleaners. Melmae dishes, If in. BRANDS 8-4154. motors. Rosedale Marine, RA 5-8063 must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- INSTITUTE OF | * commodes, crutches and | (erested. write PO Box 411, Oshawa. |MODERN one - bedroom "apartment, & T. WOPKINS and Company, Cerll- (Cg page sonable. Telephone RA h - . | < J ore ublication except Births, Tt | i. fied Public Accounts, 172 King 9 - - I, HAVE your lawn mower precision' shar || aaioriomes Cords of i | HYPNOSIS | canes, also roll-away beds. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper required | Murphy bed, refrigerator, stove, wasie > ' G uc LOAM, manure, sod, sand and gravel, oms Thanks which i 4 > East Oshawa, Ontario. RA MOVING and trucking, reasonable Telephone RA 8.6656. pened. Free pick up and delivery. RA Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals, for automobile dealership, typing re.|n% iment. 15 Apply 498 Simcoe North, yates. Also plastering and cement fin. reasonable rates 3 ned 3 will accepted until 9 a.m / no )l | Apartment 16 ishing, sidewalks ete. RA 5.7786 CARPET 208: Tawas vottotilled audi! Deadline for Lost and Found and | NOW OPEN DAILY RA 5-1644 Wired, Write Bos 747 Oshawa Times | oo vate bath. Architect: levelled. Average $3.00. Grass, hedges L Concellations 8:30 am. Office 4-10 PM THREE toons Bhd bath, quiet . : . A i - . a) , ies, o ' rchitects Dressmaking cut RA 57807 before 8 am. and atter Money to Loan Hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8 12. 11 ONTARIO ST. OSHAWA | 12--Articles Wanted 20--Room and Board : pensioner. Abstainers, Near bus. Shop. MAYER and BRZOZOWICZ, Areh-| oo contol = =n Lo Glen Munro, 414 Park Road ¢pyENTSR money to loan on first mort-| REGULATIONS-- N= WILL PAY good cash price for pair ROOM and board for two girls. Large ping Centre. Telephone RA 8-5243. Eng., The Times Bidg., Oshawa, Ont. DRESSMARING and alterations on gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale The Oshawe Times will not be RA 8 0171 of used water skils and tow rope. Must Sunny room with twin beds. Apply 381/FOQUR-ROOM apartment, heated, sens. New unlisted telephone RA. 8-2881 ladies Ppl . CEDAR trees for hedges, white birch, purchased i HA mortgage arranged respcnsible for errors in advertise W. P. Mini D be in' zood Ask for 'Dave' Colborne Street East rate entrance, and bathroom, Ve BD GARDENS -- hard maple -- guaranteed, MA 3.5981. Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur.(f (oot CO SFT 0 GCUET IS v stir, orecior COlfax 5 ROOM and board for two gentlemen, duty wiring, vicinity King and Wilson 2695 doch RA 3-265 phe - i or more than one ARG sieamer trunk in good condi. French cooking. 'lunches packed. hal ample parking. Telephone days RA Auto Parts FURRIER GRAVEL for sale, on Highway No. 2, WE HAVE clients' monies available|| correc on of wry saver fy EF JS MACHINE WASH [HARGE sty block from bus, Parking. 490 Bloor |8-6279 4d ms a Newtonville. Phone Clarke 3632, New- for loans on first and second mortgages | tisement, price East. RA 3-476 THRE - relink KENT'S WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran Newlo i and also purchase of mortzases and} ob rorg Ae gf ; of Jef E-ROOM apartment, refrigera. teed, automotive parts and accesso) qn] DRESSMAKER tonite. Ontario x0, buschnse of Morgares.smdi} charged fe uisertion of YOUR WALLS WANTED ct ot 1 Bande gull SlUbY. yond oy poard newly decorated, sor ad dre Pend Aly Si Rar: vies. 145 King Street West, Oshawa, King Street East, Oshawa. RA | occurs. And also reserve the right HOMES, OFF ICE etc y . good beds and food. Lunches packed if chell Avenue RA 8:1607-0.9. "Five bays fo serve you." , srotions modellin New 943 Hh hi ced curate. No Dripping desired. Rossland and Simcoe area, | Two.BEDROON om New Alterstions, Reme delling GARDEN "CENTRE 4 I class ty Sais Hsing \g according to is 7) CTE o. Ne ping WANTED fparking. Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue. |p gino A eAlartnent. iy oi ZOLTAN and NICK'S ? u In the case of display advertise- ROOM and hoard or room only, newly Shopping Centre, newly decorated. TV - | 22 ROWE STREET AT 1259 SIMCOE NORTH MONEY T0 menis The Times will not be held Free Estimates SCRAP IRON. POULTRY decorated, good home cooking, central, |antenna, Children welcome, RA 8.6795, 4 . \ A R N, J R FINA SERVICE Afi A sin GR ig aad EASY-GLIDE seven minutes' walk to four corners of mg ATED gy : I yO RA 8-6706 1,000 ft. North of A&P Store that in which the actual error | INTERIOR WALL WASHING AND FEATHER TICKS hospital. Apply 240 Division BEATED nein spnima Co., 135 Simcoe Street North; F Friedlander B. Com CPA at 5 occupies. The publishers endeavour 4 BED-SITTING room, private bath, aerial, private bathroom and entrance, General Repairs on all makes Driving School --GARDEN SUPPLIES LOAN to reproduce ell advertising matter DUNBARTON I. TURNER broadloom, picture windows, every- Parking, Rossland - Simcoe area. Ap. ; 8 hepolus © troined --STONE SUPPLIES correctly but essumes no liahility 3 Vets EB Li K RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 thing supplied, privileges, near hospi-|Ply 708 Carnegie Avenue Volkswagen mechon s LEARN TO DRIVE --HOUSE PLANTS Moni or all types of mort 4 i i Bln sid ivestoc bi ial. to share with girl; belter home.|spACIOUS private unfurnished Dass: Volkswagen mechanics. hi ! St' therein, pds] IRISH setter pups, registered. Phone (collect) ) 4 ment apartment, washing facilities and RA 8-005] at the We Also Handle gag tang Second sh Mrs Gibson, Pickering WH 2.5817 "A HOME away from home", TV,|drapes, completely self-contained Cail Swimmir al o ructio mortgages on all types of real -- - - So A 1 ¢ I) lunches. Men only. 3 minutes to Four. evenings, RA 5.7928 Borrint Oshawa Driving School Swimming Pool Construction estate including vacant lands alesis: Tite Bix, Werky wid CASH FOR SCRAP !! Corners Parking weekly or monthly; yxFyRNISHED arristers he " WE BUY room for 1 cars, 97 ert Street short term mortgage for 3-3446 pi B : diiniidthorndunarioly BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Instructors licenced by the OSHAWA builder first ond second NEW BUSINESS PUREBRED brown miniature poodles,! STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, 22 ST S & G ped. newly decorated. parking , quiet Sol Notary Publle, 361 Kink province of Ontario. Day end GARDEN SERVICE | wortgages ond: dgresments fot five weeks old, $65, male or female, RA PAPER, RAGS, Ete. --=3l0re Space GTAQES district. Colborne Street. Telephone RA Street Fast. RA 32381. Res., YU 5 a ges © Unlisted Numbers #2 Open. All. Doy. Soturdiay SIX stores for rent or lease in New |. Plaza, Simcoe Street South. Suit any! NEW modern two bedroom apartment, essor | in d. Kelly, Barristers, Solici t 1259 SIMCOE NORTH f ; urchased. Appl EN ge TRG RA 8-0091 e SIMCOE NO Swar King Street BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready fori AM. GREENBERG & SONS business. Heasonable remy Teluphnre In 1ew. ADarimuet haikime: ron sa BS oti im coe 2A ) wa ¢ g St training, talking strain. Apply Mrs Jess . refrigerator stove, washer, dryer, ip : . 4 Dial RA 3.2278. Residence phones 5 : st Oshewo. 'Te ephone. RA Broad F114 Elgin Street mast D RA ;. M. Gr BA. Sc., RA 5.3368; Ter r i hia ' A i - o_o ---- pr paved parking. One block to Shopping nee V Keily, PA, BCL. RA sss12. Fur Storage ------ 4 69 BERNIE'S SIAMESE kittens of pedigreed stock, RA 3-7333 308 Bloor 5t. E fone Roars Py Eo Fy Centre. RA 8.5282. RETR, scire Barmsers and Sat. FURS COME OUT So rin Choon Up | Mortgages APPLIANCE SERVICE. | smth vic. Sexi fain cessananie. | saw || a GREER, Associate Barristers and Soll J Aj : J _- citors. 130 King Street East, RA 83-6246 p g P MORTGAG ES arranged bought and 68 SIMCOE NORTH (Rear) 5 F c i france, Tv aerial, all conveniences, suit Morigage loans available LIKE NEW WITH i Asreements of sale bousht and Your fagtory authorized ser. _S--Farmers Column AUTO WRECKING CO. OFFICE SPACE [workin couple. RA 22000 aiter 3 p.m: GROUND floor three-room unfurnished ister ] Fertilizing, Power Rolling 3 . ROWMAN, DAVID L.. Bafrister, Soli ? y sold, Company and private monies. RA vice depot for Philco, Moffat DEAD farm stock picked up promy W. n fc citor, 3% Simcoe South. RA 35-9592 PICKWICK CLEANERS Landscape designing 5-6544. John A, J. Bolahood Ltd GE. Wi * "Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3 Vonts cars for wrecking ! ) 3 apartment, private entrance, $65 in- fy tir , ts for so iso scr 0 0) Residence, RA 8.0264 Special Cleaning and Nursery Stock FIRST and second mortgages, arrang Westinghouse, 81% Margwill Fur Farm, Iyrone Lie 13 Pr fot Sake, she scrap fron F R RENT Sime Soin A Maw { ; i second a imcoe Sou McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Summer Storage Special td. W. Schatzmann, Mortgage Broker, RA 5-1179 TWREETEAROLD brows ang whits| 3nd metals, ste, bought. Open four Clients' funds available for D Whitby Professional Bldg., MO 83338 13 hands. Telephone RA 3.7038 Saturday all day. Phone . TWO four-room self-contained apart " } ial A3 45 OSHAWA : # ' Y Passenger elevator service. nt mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North a 3 FIRST 0d second morizores Bake after 5 p.m 9 ments, furnished or_unfurnished. One Ee mr | 434 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH (agreements purchased and sod. Hen. Plumbing Heating RA 5.2317 89 BLOOR E. [ New building. Centiglly lo-- [is svatiable imuseiiiesr, Ap viy sis Edgar F. Bastedo, QC A ---------- n and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King PLUMBING i heating. piF tit 7--Trailers cated in downtown area. dial RA B-3945 \ MP FS, BOYCHYN and pL Street East. RA 3.7232 A * and i ipes, Hi ' ae: e rent, L now \ - = Li ait CHYN aug' | ! OSHAWA FUR RIERS gs. fixtures, new and used, chang. WOLIDAY (railer. heater, tank, sieeps' 13--Business Opportunities Moderole e a030} NEW modern twobedroom apartment, MORTGAGE ioans, Bowmanville, Osh. | from septic tank to sewer a spe. four. Hitch and lights can he arran avaiiable, in apartment building, refrigerator, v an, Te BL RTGAG %, ge i - #5 - ~ 11.8: 315 King Street CAN RE-STYLE YOUR LANDSCAPING awa, Whithy, Ajax, Pickering and vicin- cialty. Installations at reasonable rates. ed. Book now for vacation use. Phone SOFT ice cream aig All Fes stove, washer, dryer. paved parking. 82 W A. Hi most new, v 1 : ty. Residential, acreage, apartments, [nf tion and estimates free on any RA 3.7602 . Park East. Phones: Office RA 51177: Res.| EUR TO NEXT FALL'S business. Members of Ontario Mort. type of plumbing. Dial RA SAL J ply Envoy Restaurant. 522 Ritson Road THE TIMES nt. RA 3.9212 RA 34601 of Whithss M10 027 ol: RA STYLE AT LOW Complete Garden Service age Brokers Association, Summerland Foros WANTED TO RENT -- 10 x 36 trailer. soutr MODERN tearoom sre 55203. Mo -- Securities Limited, 112 Simcoe Street -- 4 - Apply Newcastle Traller Court, Onl ypay--o "Simene Str sub lease, stove and refrigerator. Tele. JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solicl SUMMER RATES. RA 8-636 North, Oshawa. Phone RA 5-3568, THREE - Jace, pithy, svip Dumps, fiarie South, mrabie. Ion TV reais Serer BUILDING phone RA 5.6791, 18) 9 doi pressure syste ks ou . band coc aibmitamis a montecas tor and notary public, 18% King Street CALL RA 8.8322 6 Et ra on, Lanka, MOlOrS, UL FOR SALE -- one. Meliinnix Uraller, lov outlet phmber, Sle. on mba THREE-ROOM basement apartment, Fast. RA 3-2269. NHA and private ed do. ------------ . sleeps four, good condition. Phone RA RA 3.9243 after 6.30 kitchen cupboards, sink, hree-piece mortgages arranged or come t BC inZs of all. kinds, 'H. Chitin, 'corner fo Contact T. L. WILSON hower-ba eavy wirin itable on En et Erle | pevepwye |, VORICAGE rd Vi BT SIN : APARTMENT BUILDINGS Phone RA 3-3474 [ie uti sy 1 Cobar 2 Money Available BEATTY APPLIANCES COOK'S TWO ree Gv OE ST five-room apartment, [private entrance and bath, fully equip- pri ce vw, CRESCENT FURRIERS GARDENS Bath, eBuipment. pumps. | TRAILER SALES WAREHOUSE Ri rist d Solicit d Notary Pub 2 « 2 Bar The Commercial Building, 286 King 22 BRUCE STREET i Payments to suit ESSO Hwy. 2, Courtice 5 SUITES EACH able for girls or working couple, Apply West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking (Corner of Celina Hi ighway 12 Your Budget VACATIO TRAVEL 356 Cadillac South, Wesi, Os " FURS STORED IN Only 3 miles north of Whitby 9 oil bumers, hot water and ON or Well rented. (THREE Toon Gren SEacimenk PH P. MANGAN, Barri oy ED QS forced air furnaces, bathroom ' R = ais newly decorated, built-in cupboards, osrra Ns to loan. office 1 CREED'S OL 5. 3570. ALLIED INVESTMENTS fixtures, parts ond service. Self contained Deluxe and WHITBY F R {children welcomed, $50 a month includ King Street East, Oshawa, RA 2.8212 STORAGE VAUL TS COMPANY PARTNER Compacts, new and used. \ 4 7 ing lights ang water. Apply 230 Bloor ery good condition reet Wes Residence, RA §- -3405. Te ID 1a Open nings and holidays. 4 ---- - Torontc MO 8-4735 Seine PLUMBING AND HEATING pen evenings an y iid SEH oo ; 3 , Soli | 51 KING ST. E. RA 3.3993 } D i NICE X m also ; MERE, WA Serie Bo ? ORONO 1782 Day or Night RA 8-0887 C. W. Cothrane, Toronto | Located 'on C.P.R. |[Sic% messin the + trae J Simcoe Street North nest on continent See us for your garden sup- Member Ontario Mortgage Since South: TV nutlel when imcoe s . Solicitor, Notary Public, 523 Simcoe oop ioc' yin pF ¢ NG Nursing Servi CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt. recovered for Sale or Rent North A 82891, Res. RA 82765 REPAIRS AND RE-STYLING AN N | ursing services "i a i Mos ol NOt " : HOLL D NURSERIES Lke new. Why, pay inure! Of rales io oroiohed. Prarie Poi 14--Employment Wanted dence, RA 8-3373 Gardening and Supplies IN BOWMANVILLE -- Private home i APARTMENTS CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and gaND fawn mower. aise lawn mow For sotisfoctory service, for the aged, pension rates. Write 115 UPHOLSTERY at its best for less. We MARJACK LODGE | EUROPEAN EXPERTS unlimited load LA SALLE COURT Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. Ing ploughing, sodding, top soil Com 199 GERRARD RD Sunnybrae, of Oshawa Reg. N . | CO ® " Fishin b h bundant ( ; fet i E . r " super- TERFIELDS re-upholstered and a, eac abundan Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort Fess garden and lawn services. Ol J vised. Inquiries invited, reasonable ed Free estimates. See our mate home cooked meals. Special House painting, woodwork APPLY or RA 8- 6485 Office R53 741; Residence, RA 5-5542 / ; 2 rl im Office, 'SHINERIZING" plies Londscape Ser Brokers Association r, stove, refrigerator optional she ™ = ri i PETER N NURS -- - Satisfaction guar p DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister RA 5-332] and LANDSCAPING PE RPA SURSERY "all or half are reasonable, Satisfaction gua anteed. | COTTAGE raed, res quille Paint. Conc rete base-- MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- ino gon, Telephone RA 8.6879 andscape designing main ¢/0 Canadian Statesman, PO Box 190, specialize in chesterfields, re.covered TELEPHONE 3 . rranged ate: 5.233 i . gages a - ates. RA 5-2330 i for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, "© =" 0 0 8 PLE repoir. Russ, Forniture clean, MANNING FF, SWARTZ and RONALD ..q qiciiict TOP SOIL. M at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe Phone 25-R24 King Street East, RA 34697. or RA 8-008 Phone arpined at nome. Dial RA S497, me WIANCKO HOUSE CALL MR. STEVE - 9-12 AM 23--Wanted to Rent APARTMENTS i ow plums, red maples otch pines, i i i Bookkeeping scotch pines Brooklin ) Evenings by appointment MUSKOKA, ONTARIO church and bus. RA 8-0863 before 9 p.m.| Quiet residential street, | 2 4 p Rug--Upholstery Service 9--Summer Properties b . RICHARD H. DONALD. BA Barrister, Custom Fur aning ug p y Pp HUdson 5-1136 tracks in Oshawa month. Adults only "RA $1203 1 & 2 BEDROOM and Solicitor, 26% King Street Fast Simcoe North, RA Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholster Telephone: Business RA 3.2201. Resi s . RA 5.7442 8-2604 oo Co, Jo Bond Street West. Dial RA Ontario A T T E N T | 0 N o 5-01 tary Public Bank of Commerce Bldg., . - ha Bowmanville, Ontario re-modelled, repaired. Free estimates TURGEON LAK : : 5 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-346; T. K. MULLIGAN'S - Landscaping, rototill- tenance, sodding INDIVIDUAL care for each person in 2% terms. RA 35-3604 STURGEON L , LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES carrying capacity. RA 5-3815 THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli- CEDAR trees or hedges (etc.), any 75 Charles Street. RA 3-721 A F C : citer and Notary Public, 26%. Ring ae Ea oY Bo, Sn, SODDING Optomenists CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re. <ccPing cabins Dunford, ing. Office floors - window TL WILSON MODERN Street East. Phone RA 83-1763 a ar vake, Lite delivery: covered like new. Get the best for less Ontario cleaning. itby, H. TUCK. RO, Optometrist. Please i | 1. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No ANURE na accounts at downtown Dominion gq, en Call RA 8-6451 for a free esti podod FREE ESTIMATES THE OSHAWA TIMES 1 AND 2 BEDROOM taries Money to loan. Henry Block, MANURE for sale. Telephone RA 8.0753 dank or 4 Burk Street. Invalids ex: mate . 4 30a sidence, Dial RA 3-4029 NURSERY nS ¥ 4 F. RICHARD BLACK --- Doctor of - emer e-- . . cedars, Fok pysamid awd xobe OL 5 3049 Optometry, the examination of eyes, RUGS & CHESTERFIEL DS | REFINED widow wishes two clean un lenses. 136 Simcoe Norin at CLEANED SPARROW LAKE RA 8-4181 furnished rooms, quiet home, near RC also inside door complete. 126 Fernhil Professional Cleaning. L. SCHAPELHCUMAN CROSS TOWN HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Painti 4D : Home or Plant \ Yornily Hotel with: axcellent 16--Female Help Wanted 24--Houses for Rent close to transportation; stoves - A complete Garden. ainting an ecorating Members of - the. Notional recreational : fozilities." Over EXPERIENCED middle age cook for SEVEN-ROOM house, all conveniences, SOD SUPPLY complete Jo cen service A-1 PAINTING and paperhanging. J os Clog Vrs ae: PEM small adult family. No heavy work, live | centrally located, af 103 Mill Street, and 'fridges. T.V. outlet, clean-t fertilizing, power Jensen. RA. 31651 Institute of Rug Cleaning mid Ju e to Labor Day. Rates in. RA 39194 or write Box 750 Oshawa Reasonable rent. Apply 349 Frontenac A-1 rolled fertilized sod rolling. Now is the time to kill |S pyy 10 For painting and paper NU-WAY -- RA 8-4681 $35.00 to $45.00 per week, (Times. Aveniie rei ape ss drapes ond paved porking. cut fresh daily, sod for truck- rab grass ond chickweed hanging call G. Goulding, 204 Church meals included. Special rates y ANTED -- Capable Ly for, house, THREE - bedroom house, on Church . 2F ald & on S i #4 hire 97 fc ildrer . 3 5 ceper in motherless home mi Street, Immed ; 686 OSLER STREET ers in the field. Special con Seednig, sodding, nursery Street. RA Surveyors childien ATRO re- | Po veniences. Will be. lreased ay Sooel RA Son WcEUpARey, | Tele PHONE tractor rates stock PAINTING and decorating for the -- ; Write Wiancko lone of famliy. E. Skakie, Sunderland, - RA 5-9953 cheapest and best. Also storm windows DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On for folder Ontario. Phone 73 SIX - ROOM three - bedroom | bunga-| py og 559 RA $.5787 RA 5-8504 RA 5-172) removed and cleaned. Telephone RA tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue i A er low. broadloom, basement occupied, | 5-7272 -- 578 2 rr 8-0512 printing, 12 Bloor Street East, RA 5.5632 HOUSEREERING wanted, reliable per. immediate occupancy. Bus service at; = - rT c son, 20-45 years, who likes children Building Trades OSHAWA PAINTING and decorating, by trades. HM. FLIM and Trollope, Ontario Land WIGASSAN LODGE Ab a I 8302. Children welcome. Telephone RA BRIGHT MODERN -- " " 2! nan, interior, exterior, Free estimates. Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue East weekly. Write Box 847 Osh Times R M ALL types building repairs, roofing, DRIVEWAY ma inte Se Te, 218 A i ) vee ite hawa Tim SPF ONE BEDROO avestroughing, chimnes, fireplaces ACME HAULAGE [rads ~ Ry Ld 688) On Lake Rosseau, Muskoka; TELEPHONE solicitors, part time and venience a . APARTMENTS sidewalks, stoops. RA 8.0394. Gordon GRAVEL LTD G. T. HORTON and Associates, On informal; all sports, includ- full time. Telephone Whitehall 2.4514, preferred. Phone OL 5.3914 noon or| 4 ry : | A io Land Surve Professional FE t DODD & SOUTER NS 306 ada 'Street West ing water skiing 18-hole |EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. capable evenings | Furnished, and unfurnished, CERAMIC tile, bathrooms store " - AG =n ool seal | ", 2 . % " : fronts, no commercial or seconds used [ 4 end GRAVEL STONE PAINTING & DECORATING |Whithy, MO 85091, Ajax 728 3 f pete nd | elpings : of Banding full set of ha ite stat SIX room house, Loi heating, immediate balconies, laundry room fell Rest workmanship, best prices. COlfax am, Sand. on CONTRACTORS : : eter Pan Package for chil- expected to Box 709 Oshawa Times. y at Tolentino yp seen: | ties, excellent location, from 3.25 Fill. Dial-- LO A M Pa Popetha TV - Radio Repairs dren. Dept. 21, Wigwosson per eral Motors plant. Telephone RA 3.7043.) ¢8¢.00 ... phone inting nging 1 SIAR RY GIRLS -- required for fine assembly ALL TYPES of home repairs and re Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, FOR AUCTIONERING at its best Lodge, 215 Victoria St, 'lwork soldering and: wring, experience SIX room modern bungalow, four piece MO 8-8386 modeling, recreation rooms, roofing RA 5-5279 RA 3-3528 I teed Fron esti Sp Painting try. E. T. Seeney. Telephone RA 8-391 Toront on electronic components necessary. ajo 8.2913 Vorkmanship guarantee -------- -- pray ' q 5 E hit bin pts oa 8 Ly 2413 TS ry DIO 2 d All Xperience Rir pp = mates. RA 3.2413 107 BYRON WHITBY RAL te onan. A Opportunity for advancement, grou p RESIDENTIAL district, executive type APARTMENTS door. i i makes 1 57 E SAND, gravel. top soi Reasonable: E. R. KNOWLTON Hairdressing DAYS. MO 8.5 inakes. Tompson Electronics. 1 FOR A REAL VACATION benefits, etc. Apply to Stark Electronic €ight-room house, bus stop at price. For fast service, call 728-2990 CUSTOM permanents. distinctive hair ( R 2 hich = Instruments Ltd., Ajax, Ontario Telephone RA 8-8786. Modern one- and two-bed- u t . rvek': CAR buyers watch "Autos for Sale" in ~ RE 9 -- LANDSCAPING SERVICE put ting. Sax, Bp um, Huyeks Classified. Dial RA 3.3402 to place an Come to the FISR from vour own boat this year. SEVEN-ROOM brick house, large J w 'Mac ARTHUR Now ih i Se We ! ""! Personal Service £0 10' reach: them CIRCLE: B DUDE RANCH (Find it in the Classified section today. Kitchen and basement, four-piece bath,| room apartments, $85 end ow is . time fo ing - ovely garden with trees, clean, quiet B i Ph D WAL clean-up! oil li PETER PAN Day Nu i] half sreabae central district, close to school and up. Best location. ONG == ice ro oo Jerid "9: Instruction dav 5.3010 5.30 581 Simeoe North. RA SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT | Horseback riding, swimming, DO YOU LIKE shopping, Phone MO 83219. p LAIIL ! i n 8 2604 ne a c c ---- a tH PRIVATE teicher student sonmasiior. | 2004 IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! rifle range, archery, excellent MEETING PEOPLE? SIX-ROOM house with garage in resi- RA 8-1 194 RA 5. 6047 6 years' experience, by interview only. MOST people are honest as "Lost" T.V. and RADIO supervision. In the beautiful H dential area, close to schools, immedi- | _ Act now. RA 5-1054 Classified ads prove. Try one when vou Caledon hills | ate possession. Call Ed, Drumm, RA Guarantesd LE = LILIAN MAE MARSH, dance educator, | 03%, 50Mething you want back. Dial RA CALL RA 8-5286 Write for brochure | Are you interested in Be miioys. Realty, [Oshawa 'Lit, ADELAIDE TERRACE danci school, ballet, tap, bat n, BE r a 1 rl i - . LOAM - GRAVEL ire Sh Ra Di All Work Guaranteed CIRCLE B DUDE RANCH | working with a CONGeN- FIVE-ROOM house in Columbus, gar-| New, modern, two-bedroom Saturday. Masonic Temple, RA 3.725 TRY: OUR OSHAWA R.R. 1, Caledon, Ont, | ial staff, writing and sell. den space. hot and cold water, eup-| oo /ihent oll conveniences, SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL Insurance hoards, close to school. oads, IEF BR WN BAR B-OQUED CHICKEN ELECTRONICS Phone Caledon 57R3 | ing advertising copy for Te ek Toe, #wod. roads refrigerator, stove, enlenie, CO . Chicken plate, half chicken z ; -. FOUR-ROOM insul brick. Good base-| loundry facilities, parking Cl LOTS LEVELLED ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up with: fre fries. ish and SANDY BAY COTTAGES | a long established Osh ment. Close to Tur Etat jo area. Reasonable . Adults GRAVEL & SAND TRACTOR, LOADER WORK ia, ber cent, ais, months to pay ie pth SAMSON ON RICE LAKE awa firm? Waienses' $80 per month. Vacant now.| only. Apply 329 Adeloide BLACK LOAM Ressonabie Rotey hl 2 MODERN GRILL T V TOWERS 2- and 3-bedraom Cottages, This is a bright future for | TWO-BEDROOM house, dining room |e: W. Apartment 2. 8 Y " N GRILL . irnish } i ameon ' and sitting room, kitchenette, take over | DIAL RA 5-21 56 Sa Gardening and Supplies --. | WE DELIVER -- RA 5-3887 : ote sg a lush of 25-40 gi Sg hid oo house. sublet Basement apariment, rea: | MODERN APARTMENT Prompt. Delivery - IES RA 8-8180 ! eautitu san x 9 sonable rent. RA 3-44° 4 630 SIMCOE ST. N beach, good fishing and safe cotion preferred. Some typ- RESIDENTIAL district, executive type on RA 8- 8951 { CYR'S: RESTAURANT bathing. Write R. McCracken, ing essential, eight-room house, bus stop at door. Modern 2-bedroom apart- Heil] R. B. REED & SONS NOW OPEN | OSHAWA TV. RRR. 4, Hastings, or 2 WRITE BOX 838 Teleplione RA 8-8786. | men Si sanveniences, reve DRIVEWAYS FISH AND Cisse. 361 GIBBONS ST PHONESOSR TS | Comme Tice doe Ar porking area. Close 10. bus otkmonship : Ie R E : : way ose to ing and opping en. 5 % A N nly. f A Guaronieed : Reasonable Prices FLORISTS FOR THREE GENERATIONS | "\'Good piace To Ear SPECIALIZING IN LEN-DAVE LODGE | Siro fol dels, ot pre. Zoioheny A rm Bhan hingidh in NITED 333 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | SAMSON TOWERS | BAA VUSKOKA oS EXperienc ---- 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent| 778 HORTOP " PAVING CO Evergreens, flowering shrubs, climbers. Tea Roses, special i RA 8- 4391 : ANTENNA INSULATION | ir ooze; slesping. cabin, | WOMEN Ro AT etn S| LANSDOWNE AND RA 8.4801 : at 79c. Climbing roses, 99¢; and gorden lilies, tuberous be- "THE HOUSE THAT LEN & LOU'S T.V. ed meals, water sports, dan- 5 p.m So 5 WILSON RD. NORTH ing, hot and cold running | If you are in need of THREER0OM apartment, unfurnished, T mias, gladiolus, dahlias, cc .. Specialists in petunia plant JACK Free Estimates Ter. WV | ! sivate bath, sink, built-in cupboards. | Ee DECORATING 8 peciy Pema pan 1 | Cie BUILT" = RA 5.7844 water, Write Box 15 Bala, 1 hie Sean "esmmaras | TVA/CY BEDROOM Over 100 varieties other annuals, geraniums, Fruits, vegetables, "all beef Ontario money and can work only (35 varie L . oN v e. TV 2 ALTERATIONS * | hamburgs, hot dogs, meats, illing Digg; re four "rooms, hath. iden] for. bachelor toys Well Drilling-Digging a few hours a day. Servic. [teachers or. tures, So ronitan aes APARTMENT LOWCOET sEACATED | bea slots ate ond wrt woe, ts ond sen | cell rm Fy Co (Well Bibag Digging | (yo) oe Shh Pe $105 close to everything, Telephone 743 ALBERT First-class WA HALLIDAY HOMES "RA n » Sahil AS a = Ji ape RA 8.2 561 W. WARD OSCE \ mn an A von territor PARTLY furnished three (la room | STYLEMASTER COTTAGES a : . a , WE'RE ALWAYS f ROSSEAU, ONTARIO 9 A apis) Youn) UTILITY BUILDINGS ali ts grown in® Oshowa i NEV : yay: OPEN WELL DIGGING BY Don Gallinger, prop. Former near your home is your i€f Walk'(o South Generai Motors | oo. Hig. washer ond 2 Il be g # in - NHL wl ht 19) $ goa Suit couple or two gentlemen, Tele. | Vv ng., You will be glad you called GARDEN CENTRE AT OUR GREENHOUSES AYS op MACHINE D4 Player *Baston Bruins ; phone RA 58439 ie "| dryer, bamboo curtains AJAX REPAIR AND Plumbing Heal: SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE $56.00 weekly ond up. | answer. Act now. Call THREE "room apartment, apartment, throughout, parking, 18' liv- CONSTRUCTION LTD umbing Heating WHITBY, ONTARIO American Plan. Write for building; TV outlet, stove. fridge, $80| in, room, modern kitchen S / i ALL plumbing and heating supplies MO 8-2563 -- MO 8.3809 folders. An AAA, ATRO re- LE 6-0627. Collect foi [Monthly Telephone RA 5.8215 563 'Lansdowne Drive. Call 110 King Stree! Eau, Oshawa ; 63 BLOOR STREET WEST ig ind 352 Hara R. Stark, 204 CHESTNUT ST, W. sort FOUR . ROOM upstair apartment, pri D " Hazl th, To H RA 8-5103 9 y Boring, heating ahd engineer ye ' vate bath, children welcome. 315 Rit-| az'ell, = .loronto, u ing, 255 Simcoe Ktrest South P.O. BOX 329 : SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT more information, |san Road North 9-7986.

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