18--Male or Female Help a Wanted PERSONS to work full or part-time "at a profitable business. For interview, telephone M MO 8-8743. ARE you unemployed? "Have you ever tried door to door selling? Household [101 24--Houses for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 27--Real Estate forSale borne, Phore RA 5-1 RESIDENTIAL Aton Siveutive 1ype cight-room house, Ping stop at Telephone RA 8-87 items have good appeal. Dial RA 8-5888 for details. SALES HELP wanted to handle stain. less steel cookware, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, Melmac dishes. If in terested, write PO Box 411, Oshawa, 20--Room and Board TIAL re 'ight-room house, bus stop at door. LA two single rooms, furnished. Telephone RA 88786 SEVEN-ROOM brick house, central district, close to school |shopping. Phone Mo 83219. SE at 172 Colborne Street East, | also apartment, Soruer 1 Division and Col- large [kitchen and basement, four-piece bath, lovely garden with trees, clean, let an $11,500 ~ SIX-room, 1%-storey brick, Greta Street, stool and shower in base- ment, wired for dryer, good garage. RA 8.0463 for appointment, Terms ar- ranged THREE-ROOM apartment, tor and stove, heated, Apply 201 Mit chell Avenue. TWO-BEDROOM MODERN fou bath, including TV aerial, refrigerator, stove and dryer, Available May 15. RA 3.9141 WHITBY = Private, four-year-old brick bungalow, near public and separate three large bedrooms, open fireplace, fenced garden. MO 8.4928. APARTMENT, four rooms, water. heating, good location, laundry, park- Centre, newly decoral antenna, Children welcome. RA 8-6795. HEATED three-room apartment, re- frigerator, stove, sink, cupboards, TV aerial, private and entr: home, 2% storey, three two will carry, Low down payment or will take good ear. RA 39180. in Dew iped, near WILL TAKE your older home in trade ted, TV|for new five-room brick i, King King Dirge East. Jones Real te, 10-ROOM duplex, $13,200 buys this four- five-room parking, Rossland - Simcoe area. Ap- ply 708 Carnegie Avenue, ~old duplex, two separate apartments, two four-piece baths sepa- 26--Rooms for Rent 74 COLBORNE Street West, large dou- ROOM and board for two girls, Large|SIX - ROOM three - bedroom bunga- ing, bus at door. RA 3-309. 165 Ver-|yic room and small single, cooking op- sunny room with twin beds, Apply 381llow. br basement tee at] Road tional, J t East. ibid FETT Coibvinie Stivet Fas door. Children welcome. Telephone RA TMENTS -- two room, 8$55;|RA 3-4935 ROOM and board or room only. Apply|s%0%, 296 Verdun Road or phone RA 8.1244. - room, $60, King Street West Radio centre, R three Hydro ROOM and board for two gentlemen, French cooking, lunches packed, half block from bus. Parking. 490 Bloor East. RA 8-4763. ROOM and room and board, single or double room, 15 Maple Street, across street from employment office. ROOM and board, newly decorated, good beds and food. Lunches packed if desired. Rossland and Simcoe area, parking, Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue. ROOM and board or room only, newly decorated, good home cooking. central, seven minutes' walk to four corners or hospital, Apply 240 Division ROOM and board Br gentlemen, good meals, lunches packed, central. Tele. {Apply 145 Albert Street. phone BA $2780 $105 DUPLEX -- 549 Lansdowne Drive BED.SITTING room, private bath, (at Wilson Road North, two - bedroom i! picture every: apartment on main floor, 18° living thing supplied, privileges, near hospi- tal, to share with girl; better home. Phone RA 5-3093, 25--Aph. & Flats for Rent Telephone RA UNFURNISHED three - suit two adults, 197 Oshawa Blvd. South, RA 57414. TWO-BEDROOM apartment on Simcoe|ed apartment, newly decorated, heat- Street North, fully equipped. Tele. phone RA 56343 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. room apart. ment, $65 monthly includes heat, hydro, ROOM a prival ance, all conveniences, heyy ne heated, central, parking. hone day: RA 5.1113; evenings, | RA 1565, UNFURNISHED three-room self-con. RITSON ROAD [hear King, unfurnished and flats, sink: cupboards, "Tv tne oil heat. Joseph Bosco Real altor, RA 59870, WIDOW with modern bungalow has room for rent, ___|eouple, cooking privileges. WH 2 suitable for lady or -6685. | FURNISHED apartments and single rooms in apartment house with private Reasonable, e. Telephone RA 8-3952. NEW modern two-bedroom apartment, SELF-CONTAINED, three-room apart sink and built-in cupboards in kitchen, immediate pos. ment, private bath, session. Apply 513 Richmond East. THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, private bath, sink, built-in cupboards. in apartment building, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, paved parking. 82 Park Road South, RA 5.3212, APARTMENTS--two bedrooms, refrig erator and stoves, TV antenna. Ava "|able now. Telephone RA 8-5660. room, huge kitchen with balcony over- looking garden, tiled bathroom, washer dryer, stove, refrigerator, EAR , or cal 22--Store Space & Garages fa, RUssell 3-1723 or evenings, RUssell 7-9387, 3005 Bathurst Street, To. SIX stores for rent or lease in New| ronto, Frank *|sive, private, close to us and. shop- privileges, 96 Centre Street. rate meters, paved drive. Situated close to rea. Call Dick Yi RA 5-6588 or RA 3.7183 anytime, Wi Realtor. N.H.A. RESALE Three-bedroom brick bunge- 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale $1500 DOWN, full price 12700, nice $18,500 -- SIX-ROOM brick house, two looking five-room mode: master extra " 3 i fo wiichen. aice Ul done. |5% oe ey: al ne. 'cen! . Ti is an ex- +P , North end. RA 8- North mediate Call 8. Macko, Realtor, RA 8-4661, Road | S3T DING lot, Taunton Road, A LIE al 180 ACRES, 10-roomed house, barn,(Weinberger Realtor, RA 8-5145, evenings | a garage, 90 ores of valuable|RA 3.7244. river. trade) yy ATDSTONE bungalow, oll heated, 2% brick, taxes, with or Without i Eg oy and|7 ft., $2,400, city water, ready to build If cash, easy terms, low dow ry low 765 Rowena Street. gg county road, high school bus at low, 4 years old, North- West area, backing on Nipi- gon Park. Carries $89.00 per, month, principal, interest, taxes, Aluminum doors, storms, screens,' RA 8-6030 TWO - ROOM furnished apartment, stove, refrigerator, near hospital, St. Gregory's Church, three girls may share, RA 5-0238. downtown, two or -|ONE bright large housekeeping room, "| refrigerator and stove, parking space. Apply 202 Albert Street, ~-- |LARGE, bright furnished housekeeping room with studio couch, large Sloset; refrigerator, Close A hospital and ping. Telephone RA |THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, close to bus and South General Motors, 269 Thomas Street. Telephone RA 8-5233. ONE and two-bedroom available in modern building, after 5. 101 Craydon Road, Whitby. Plaza, Simcoe Street South, Rl ANY | REE ROOM apartment, private en. RA 56344. trance and bath, immediate posses. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT THREE-ROOM, _ self-contained apart: APARTMENTS fworoom.three-room DL a ry A ; | ment, and bathroom, | yers Sol, {or four-room in mew building. Laundry | Tene" u py Passenger elevator service. Couple with children only. Heat, hydro g,.(lities, stove, refrigerator, 68 Wayn = a -- New building Centrally lo. [included, $55 monthly. RA 8-666. Street. 2 *|PARK ood - King Street area. af catea in 'downtown area. (WHKEE : "Taom DE LL BRIGHT clean ground foor apart. |ground 'floor, parking available. Apply ath, » a + men! ree rooms with stove, immed. a 8-0429. Moderate rent. Leases now io "0 ot couple, adults only. ApPIY {ate possession, business or elderly cou- 27 Park Road South, RA 18-0420. available. 31 Albany. RA 5-376 ple preferred. RA 88823 mornings | LARGE dean Yoon Somiorable APARTH trig, stove, TV aerial, evenings oul. ---- half Mid fo downtown: Board if de- THE TIMES four rooms, bath, ideal for bachelor ONE bedroom modern apartment, in sired. Apply 203 King Street East. teachers or nurses, $65 monthly. 335 5partment building, refrigerator and - BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 WAREHOUSE 5-6106, RA 3-7534, SPACIOUS four-room apartment, heat- ed, including private bath and Kitchen parking space. 490 Ritson Road South, RA 8-3663 |Mary. RA 5-0369 |SUNNY, two-room furnished apartment, |eact end, private bath, quiet, near bus, {after 6 [FURNISHED basement apartment, (central, refrigerator, heavy wiring, sep- 5. arate entrance, parking, | couple. |gentleman, RA 3.9128. | PARTLY furnished three (large) room |apartment, with bath upstairs, 10 min | South Genera) utes walk to Suit couple or aig gentlemen. Tele | FOR RENT phone RA 5843 Located on C.P.R. tracks in Oshawa Concrete base- unlimited load carrying capacity. APPLY T. L. WILSON THE OSHAWA TIMES 23--Wanted to Rent HOUSE wanted. Private, Price up $11,000. Down $3,000. Outskirts of A awa preferred. Box 940 Oshawa Times. LOCATE the right truck for your par ticular job quickly in today's Classified, | THREE. ROOM apartment, furnished or sion, Washing facilities, Telephone RA Motors. | 4 washer, dryer, end. Phone RA 56176 B_exept | weekend, TWO - | bedroom apartment, pr private en. 3 General Motors. Child welcome. {Road South. Telephone RA 8-6406 stove, washing faci ities, $85 monthly, ONE Telephone RA 8-3963 TWO large Selves apartment. in new | [s10 weekly. Abstainers only. RA 5.4283 apartment building, near shopping cen. [ROOM for gentleman. use of kitchen, including au- central, 1 or TWO single rooms in quiet home, |tre, electrically equipped, {tomatic washer-dryer, Apply Apt. 213 Montrave., iwater. Telephone RA 5-5184. 215.ROOM furnished apartment, tiled {floors, TV outlet, washing facilities, stove, refrigerator, private | entrance, pi ng. Telephone RA 5-4555 | THRE E-R( apartment, unfurnished, | unfurnished, $65 monthly includes heat, private entrance and bath, suit couple, |lights, water. Apply 296 Verdun Road Phone RA 8-1244 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, in modern apartment building, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, paved parking, North | end. Telephone RA 5.6176 except week- end THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, semi-private entrance, parking. Tele- | phone RA 8-2489 or RA 8-1584, THREE room apartment, apartment building, TV outlet, stove, fridge, $80 monthly Telephone RA 5-8215. ¥ modern two bedroom apartment, "new apartmnet building, decorated refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, |paved parking. One block to Shopping Centre. RA 8.5282. |THREE-ROOM apartment, sink and| cupboards in kitchen, heavy duty wir. ing, parking facilities, suitable for couple, near Ritson School. RA 5.3812, NICE one-bedroom also a two-bedroom apartment, Madison Apartments, Simcoe South, TV outlet, washer, dry- to er» stove, refrigerator opti , $80 monthly, Adults only. RA 8 THREE-ROOM, self-contained | ment with bath, heavy wiring, monthly, suit cot I» in 8 come, Available May 1. Apply 33 Col. a for Sait ; cision, ome East. RA 7142. to rent -- clean works ----- about 400 square feet, Oshawa district. FIVE: -ROOM apartment on ground, Telephone RA 3-3334, ASSISTANT bank manager three - bedroom home, requires in the north end. please reply giving particulars to va Box 832, Oshawa Times. 24--Houses for Rent all conveniences, oil, | forced alr heang. Phone after 4. FOUR . ROOM u stove, RA 5 apartm te bath, children welcome. 515 {son Road North, [ATTRACTIVE apartment, | pap ---- rooms, with private bath, stove and THREE . bedroom house, on Church refrigerator optional, laundry facili- Street. Immediate occupancy. Tele- ties. RA 35-4381. phone RA 5-3968 FOUR-BEDROOM house with all con- veniences, garage and oil heat. Just out o city on paved road, Available June . RA 3.3764 Street. CUSTOM built home in exclusive TWO-BEDROOM apartment, living residential area. Owner transferred be- room with dinette area and kitchen, fore he could move in. Ranch style bun- refrigerator. stove, laundry facilities, galow, attached garage, fireplace, Hol- lywood kitchen, three rear bedrooms, four-piece bath, immediate posses- sion, Will sell or lease $138.50 month- ly. Write Rox 635 Oshawa Times. COZY five-room bungalow, oil heat. ing, fenced in yard, Myers Street, close'® to Ritson Road. Phone RA 5.7572, FOUR-ROOM house, Bonnie Brae Point, Oshawa. Lake. RA 5-3827, |THREE-ROOM basement aps apartment, kitchen cupboards, sink, three-piece shower-bath, heavy wiring. Suitable for couples, Central, Apply 210 Chadburn Apply . 1055 Ravine Road. THREE-ROOM apartment, bath. frigerator, stove. newly decorated, pri- vate entrance, downtown. RA 5-3352 or apply 39 Simcoe North, Apartment 3 NEW modern two-bedroom apartment, close to Shopping Centre, refrigerator, stove, washer and dryer, TV antenna, parking. Available June 1. Phone RA re. WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT -- Three roomed apartment! with refrigerator and stove, private bath, newly decorated. Apply 610 Dun- das Street West, Apt FOR SALE -- Modern fiveplex "apart. ment, excellent location. Apply Wm. Middicton. 605 Green Street, Apt. Whitby, MO 8.3762 : DRESSMAKING --- Suits, coats and dresses; rations and slip covers. A perfect is guaranteed, Mrs. Toms, MO 82372 WILL look after small children in my own home while parents work, experi- enced children's' nurse, reasonable rates. Westview Heights district. MO 8-5973 FOR RENT -- Two-bedroom apart. ment. A; ply 1032 Brock Street South, for more information. Telephone MO 8-2261, Whitby, FOR SALE -- Bungalow $10,000 full oil heating, Owner MO Three bedrooms, 's, garage, corner lot. SPRING ¢ cleanup, roto-tilling, plough ing etc. Telephone MO 8.8306 i three room apartment: also one w0-room apartment, $45 monthly, now. On Highway No. 2 close MO 8.3804 SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary way. new tanks installed. Walter Ward 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8-2563 FOR RENT Apartment. Large bright living, kitchen and bedroom, un- furnished. heat, hydro hot water in- cluded, Convenient location. Parking ly. monthly or as desired. Statements space. Telephone MO 8-518 prepared. Income tax returns. MO ROTO tilling, lawns and gardens, rea. 8-8252 sonable rates, experienced. MO 8-3870. SACRIFCE! Must sell by June 1, six- FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom room brick home. Finished basement, apartments, $70, $90, and $100, in mod. Paved drive. Many extras. Near all ern building, stove, fridges. MO 8-3591, NEAR St. John's Parish and school, five room brick bungalow, In spotless condition, 5 per cent NHA mortgage Must be sold as owner is going into business. To inspéct call Henry Spy. kerman, at Llovd Realty Oshawa Ltd. Realtor. RA 85123 GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel and Fill, Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 R SALE New and used lawn mowers, ROTARY MOWER TUNE-UP tillers, boats, motors ond Sharpened, oil changed, air Yrodlers, tents, box and cabin filters cleoned, adjust car- trailers. buretor and controls. Cleon WANTED and adjust spark plugs and points. oil wheels. $4.50 (parts extra). WILDE RENTAL SERVICE SALES 1415 Dundas East, Whitby 2. FOR RENT -- Heated apartment, with FOR SALE -- Manure for lawns, gar- {dens, and also lawn cutting, Tele. {phone MO 8.4514, ROOM and board in new home, good meals, reasonable, Telephone MO 8.5973. washer and dryer, TV outlet, Plenty of parking s;ace, Available immediately Telephone MO 8.2786, FOR RENT -- four-room self-contain- ed apartment, private bath, two bed- rooms, $65 per month includes heat. Available June 1. MO 8-3944 GARDENS roto tilled. Telephone MO 8-2139. ROOM and Board for | gentlemen. home cooked meals, lunches packed. Central. Telephone MO 8.2240, GARDENS tilled, smal] or large. Wilde Rental Service and Sales, Whitby, MO 8-3226 FOR RENT -- Main floor, modern two- bedroom duplex, TV outlet, dryer, stor- age space in basement, heated garage. Central location. Telephone MO 8-8373. AVAILABLE 1st July, three bedroom bungalow, gas heated. Rent $75 per month to good tenant. Aoplv Geo. Brad- ford a. 11 King Street West, Toronto. EM FOUR-ROOM basement apartment, monthly, includes heat, hydro, built-in cupboards, heavy duty wiring, TV an- tenna. Child welcome. MO 8.4400. BC SERVICES -- Complete bookkeep- ing service for small businesses, week. $53 schools. Owner leaving province, any reasonable offer accepted, MO 8.2625, STUDENTS! A super value, approxi. mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, 1111 Dundas Street West. FOR RENT Canoes, cor top boats, motors, camping equipment, boat box and cabin trailers, chain and skill saws, cement mixers, paint sprayers, lawn rollers, mowers, seeders, gar- den tillers etc. $50 SPACIOUS three-room apartment, pri- One child wel. vate ment, I Ils three large Iv no children. Apply 325 Simcoe Street |Souht, RA 5-3243. FOUR large rooms, mewly decorated, |ground floor, private bath, parking, {laundry facilities, stove and refriger- ator. 288 Hillside Avenue. RA 13-7088. |TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, sell- | contained, new stainless steel sink, stove, refrigerator, private entrance, |close to down town. Telephone RA FURNISHED basement apartment, Taunton Road near Hampton, Newly, | decorated, $60 monthly includes heat-| (ing and hydro. Suit young couple. CO at Park Road North. All services paid, nt 3. 2192. |good location. For more information | FURNIS |call Mr. Siblock, RA 5.6544 or 5-4362, |apartment, , sepa bath and en. John A. J. Bolahood Ltd, Ritr, trance, Adults, reasonable, Telephone JR FIG AitéP 3 330: OPEN TO OFFER TWO four-room self-contained apart. Pg hg or Sninnivhed, One THREE - BEDROOM BRICK is available immediately prly 2.0 (Sm move Street North, Apartment 8 or| BUNGALOW, large living fatal RA 8-3945, room, dinette, tiled bath- | FOUR room, self-contained Sparimient, room, 'paved driveway. private bath, two bedroom: month includes heat. 'Avaliable idhg 1 entrance, ample parking. Avail. able middle of May, Apply 762 King Street East. RA i318. ih FU b. apartment, all conveniences, including |three-piece bath, heavy duty range, television set, use of washer and dryer, 13 onthly, Highland Avenue, RA (TWO-ROOM apartment, furnished, pri- vate bathroom and entrance, TV out. {let, near hospital, suit nurse or couple. | Telephone RA 3.2104 after 4. THREE-ROOM apartment in bus! building block, with stove, central, Inolithly. Telephone RA 5.4277 or RA 5 FULLY fun ST Fs bed- room, kitchenette, suitable for two bus- apartments, stove "land refrigerator supplied. MO 8-3092 TWO-BEDROOM apartment in modern| apartment building, refrigerator, stove, paved parking. North trance and driveway, 10 minutes from oie or Park phone, Telephone RA 5.2400 A 55228. room, iness' girls, central. Telephone RA 5-5207. BE RT THREE rooms, with cupboards, heavy duty wiring, hall, near Shopping Centre, |Apply 164 Grenfell Street. FURNISHED bedroom for gentleman, hot water. RA 3-9577. 209 Bond East. THREE furnished rooms, near + hospital {and bus line, suit business couple, gentlemen, extension tele- |LARGE room. suitable for one or two furnished PRIVATE SALE Beautiful new five-room bun- galow, bark brick, stone front, situated on landscaped lot with three full grown Maples at rear. Features: Ceramic bathroom with vane ity, Hollywood kitchen, ma- hogany trim throughout, sec- tioned basement. Located at 426 Miller Street, just off Gibbons, Immediote possession, RA 5-3662 in quiet home, very central. Plenty of | HARMONY ment needed. th 8. Macko Realtor, RA 8-4661. Tk 4 x 107', 1 water. Telephone RA 5.3907. RA 5-5930 for particulars. Private sale. CENTRAL location, south of King on|ance. Immediate possession. Call Blvd. Six spacious rooms, im-|Macko, Realtor, RA 8-4661, Full price $13,500, LOT, 70 x 220, NHA Autioal, Jt off Taunton Road East, $ 3 price $14,550, easy terms on the bal- CORNER lot, 82' by 185, at at Courtice, good fire: 29. Automobiles for Sale 49 x 150|finance or take trade. RA extras, s,|dard Sides car in trade THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 10, 1961 27 {32--Articles for Sale 1961 TRIUMPH sports coupe, two tone |TYP) paint, washers, new car warranty, will 85912, '56 METEOR four-door sedan, This car runs and Jooks a new one. $895, Seaway Motors, Whitby, 54 FORD four-door sedan, new Ly job, new tires, Al mechanically, $545 Seaway M '55 PLYM( and black, V8, ING paper on sale, letter white elie. og buy in bulk lots a save, 4'5 Ib, pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib, pkg. 52. 00, Circulation Department, Oshawa Times, , just re-condi- $50. Telephone MO- ormation, . [LINCOLN 300 amp a= elder, motor 3.2919. Call anytime. 1957 FORD Tudor, good cond shift, $1,000 wo Whitby, MO 8-333 driven, mounted on trailer, Hogs og em ----- with cables, $415. Telephone RA 37772, the Ask for Ted. new motor, on RA ONE Telsyjoraton, 3 cuble feet, in good , $50. One single bed, $10. Ap- King 0 Greta Street. ke| WONDERLAND of knowledge encycio- CHESTERFIELD suite with slip cove FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Mgr. Vickery Real Estate RA 8-6228 RA 8-4879 Business Res. iuivvness FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, two years 0) basement, $13,500, Central Park South. PRIVATE 6% room home on King Street East, attached garage, stone! |fireplace, open stalrway, room and many other extras, $17,900; with substantial down payment, RA' PRIVATE SALE Six rooms and bath, Summer R. VICKERY REALTOR -- INSURANCE VILLAGE Opposite Donevan High School Yamony Rd. South CASH--TRADE--TERMS OPEN HOUSE DAILY JOHN A. J, BOLAHOOD LTD. REALTOR INSURANCE |retrigerator ard washing facilities. rd {rly 63 Greta Street. _Apply 145 Albert Street. n- [tral, abstainers. Apply 45 Drew St. RA TV |THREE unfurnished rooms, immedi. |outlet, built-in cupboards, hot and cold ate possession. Apply 428 _Centre St. sultable for g55 MONTHLY -- three-room unfurnish- 18-4394 Furnished room for lady oOrleq apartment, heavy duty wiring, ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS in Private Home 82 PARK RD. NORTH Call between 5 and 7 p.m. RA 8-8678 27--Real Estate for Sale FOUR room frame bungalow, all eon. veniences, two miles north of Sty Janis, one acre land, two large buil ings. RA 8.6598 for appointment. | CHOICE apartment sites, Elgin Street North-west district, close to schools and shops. 5% % interest, carries for $80 monthly P.L.T., Down pay- ment to be arranged. RA 5-9801 FOR REAL ESTATE OLIVE HOWE Mr. Aurelia Kanoza RA 5-1457 FOUR-ROOM apartment, separate ¢ en. trance. Telephone 2053 Oron MODERN APARTMENT 630 SIMCOE ST. N, Modern = 2-bedroom apart- ment, all conveniences. Stove ond 'frig, fully automatic; parking: area. Close to bus stop. Adults only, For infor- mation, apply-- 778 HORTOP ADELAIDE TERRACE two-bedroom all conveniences, New, modern, apartment, 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Quiet residential street, close to transportation; stoves 'fridges. T.V. drapes ond paved parking. and outlet, PHONE 2A 57272 =-- RA 55787 APARTMENTS and two-bed- $85 and up. Best location, Phone -- RA 8-1194 MODERN APARTMENTS Self-contained one and two- Modern one- room apartments, BRIGHT MODERN ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS Furnished, and unfurnished, balconies, laundry room facili« FIVE-ROOM apartment, | garage, , and garden, separate entrance. In village, 1 on paved road, close to Oshawa. Rent| All modern conveniences, $50 monthly. CO 3-2394. Beautiful corner lot with EIGHT-ROOM FOUSE trees. Well situated. Phone YUkon 5-2336 PORT PERRY refrigerator, stove, antenna, Five-room, three - bedroom laundry facilities, parking brick bungalow, with garage, area. Reosonable . Adults Just built three 'yeors ago. only. Apply 329 Adelaide In beautiful condition. Call | Ave. W., Apartment 2 for an appointment to see, -- and we can arrange the financing. The owner will MODERN carry the mortgage. Priced bedroom, ' fridge, stove, ane stone fireplace, dining room, tenna, Soungry facilities. kitchen with eating area. Adults on 4 -piece tiled bathroom, APPLY 3 2s KING ST. E. Three good-sized bedrooms. LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 5-4330--RA 8-5109 NEAR ST. HEDWIG'S LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER WANT A GOOD BUY ON WARDEN WILSON Very well-kept 5% resale, large kitchen, bedrooms size over 10 feet. 4-pc. colored bathroom with tile, carries for $80.00 monthly interest principal and. taxes included. Priced to sell at $12,500.00. Phone Bill Millar ot RA 8-5123. LA SALLE Selling for below $12,950.00 Contains 6 rooms, Excellent garage, londscaping, hedged lot. Everything perfect. Fin ancing to suit the average buyer. Dial RA 8-5123 go ask for Bill Millar, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor, RA 8.5123 -- RA 8-5124 RA 8-512 101 Simcoe St. N. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Realtor Ltd. Insurance 167 Simcoe S. Office Hrs. 9 a.m.-9 p.m, possession, galow, corner lot, decorated, furnished if desired. Pork Rd, S. $12,900. Down $1,- 500. RA 8-1463 Kischen, garage. Aluminum APPRAISALS throughout, new urmnace. L . $9,800, 46 KING ST. W, [or Wm = RA 8-6228 118 BARRIE AVE. AFTER 5 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS = Variety Store PRIVATE SALE Business, Chattels $2,500 i Cafe Busines ine "With 2 Apts. $3,500 Grocery Store | Building & Business $25,000 NHA Houses -- rent or buy SPRING SPECIALS We have exclusive listings to offer oni-- COTTAGES -- on Lake On- tario and Bewdley area. LOTS -- in Bewdley for cot- tages, etc. SMALL HOLDINGS -- rural areos. FARMS -- a wide selection of all sizes and various price ranges, in Inspection by appointment, Details mailed on request, LONG BROS. PORT HOPE Insurance .. TUrner 5-4501 Real Estate TUrner 5-4619 nearly - new brick bunga- lows, modern kitchens, 4 bedrooms -- $10,950 full price, $547.50 down -- or rent at $80.00 per month, Personal Service Don S. Smith .. RA 8.4879 CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor car 308 | rad| $39.95, |Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. recreation' {equipped, new v_rubber, , $595. RA 5-8959, ete. MO 82532, Whitby 1956 BUICK hardtop, good tire: ios, from oi OLDSMOBILE, in excellent condi. Phone Dads R3_ zone, tion. no rust. Must be seen to be ap.|ers, heavy duty range, washing ma- nee rod phe ne - ted. Private. 621 King Street/chine, with new motor, all ideal for approved, close 10| ov jas % 125, $1,000 cash preferred. Fast. RA 5-5555, {su cottage. A 84995. Westwood sub-division. RA 53232 daily |, 2--or ILE four-door sedan in SE desk, gateleg table step until § p.m. Go ) trans-|stool, sewing machine, wall mirrors, sewage and LIST, buy or trade. Call Pat Patter- mission, radio, new tires, sale price mason jars, single bed, single bed son or Howie McCabe Douglas L.|§505. Seaway Motors, Whitby, 0 | spring, k { stand, l, bicycle, RA 82385. Gower Realtor Ltd, RA 8-4651, 8-3331, BOAT trailer, heavy duty capacity 1300 Jos. 1961 model 35 hp electrie Apply 587 Farwell Avenue. 59 EVIN 5% hp, iso, Excel 11953 LINCOLN Capri hardtop white, dual automatic, ord ermine power, lent condition. Telephone RA 8-845. WALNUT bedroom suite with spring. Best offer, Telephone MO 88776 for more [59 Co CORVETT, { four spe: ed solid lifter camanatt, 2 24 barrel carbur-| 5 hrs etors, posi traction, 456 rear end, radio | condition, $795. Telephone MO 8-5110, 1953 FORD, Al condition. Best offer. Telephone RA 8-1820, '59 CHEVROLET, two- -door. Will sacri- fice for quick sale! $1,595 or Dest offer. Telephone RA 5-0732 '55 CHEV, . $695 '55 BUICK Hardtop .. $695 'STCHEV. ........ $195 '58 PONTIAC $1295 Many more -- Easy Terms SELLING OR BUYING "STEW IS WORTH TRYING RA 5-1667 12 PLYWOOD boat, also trailer, 5 HP Scott motor Just Sued one y Week; also tent, WH 2 B. F, eB AR -- Tires, bab bate teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele. TELEVISION, used, $39.95 up. Budget Terms. B. 88 3 ny Street West. Easy Goodrich Stores, Telephone RA USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up, B, F. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 8-454. 3. clining chair. Show room model. 30 per cent off regular price, RA 8-6234 after § p.m DOUBLE bed with pre g $5; single bed, foldaway $1; double bed, conti- Dertéal $10; tricycle $8; wagon $3; wash- ing machine $10. RA 5-8260. HOUSEHOLD furniture in good condi ion, BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5-5574 "Pat" Donevan RA 3-7313 Wm." J. Irvine RA 8-2868 DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR LTD. 4] GLADSTONE AVE. RA 8-4651 BUSINESSSS FOR SALE $13,500.00 Fish and Chip, showing a very good return for length of time in operation. Central area, good clientele, and im- REALTOR RA 5-4330 RA 8-5109 McLAUGHLIN BLVD. All in excellent condition, ond modernized seven-room, two-storey brick. Large live ing room, with natural fire place, full sized dining room. Panelled family ream, 18- -ft. LUCAS PEACOCK mediate possession. Will ac- cept home as trade. Call Doug Gower, $32,000.00 Well located Snack Bar, near 401 highway. Illness forces sale, loads of parking, books open for inspection. Terms to suit purchaser. Will ac- cept trode. Call Doug Gower, LAKESHORE 4 Auto cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA 5-181. CORVETTE wanted '57 to 60. Owner to possibly accept 60 Healey 3000 as trade in Street, 30--Automobiles Wanted reckers want Write B. Belan, Sudbury, 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE", 502 Pine plete furnishings of three . partments, including guaranteed air conditioner. 25 Brock West. RA 5.2879. Electrohome Television Stereo Hi-Fi with exclusive SATELLITE SPEAKERS FULL YEAR WARRANTY plus --. on all parts MEAGHER'S 5 King St. W. RA 3.3425 SPECIALS PRINTS = 3 yds. $1.00 DRAPES, made to order. Modern design, reasonable rates, We also carry ¢ com- plete line of other fabrics at real savings. A 3-7827 M & G DRY GOODS 74 CELINA ST. TED CAMPIN MOTORS RA 3-4494, Res. RA 5-5574 Selling Your Car? T MACKIE MOTORS KING ST. E. One Block East City Limits When buying at Mackie Mo- tors you get one year 100% mechanical warranty on all late models. RA 5-5743 ALUMINUM STORM DOORS and WINDOWS Primer Aluminum Windows for inside house. Best Quality Awning and design. Very Reasonable Price. For details Call Alex Vajda RA 3.9851 T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft, structure with all. channel antenna, all galvane 28--Real Estate Wanted HAVE HAVE substantial down payment for oom house, eight years old long, with t room. Three good og bed- rooms, with bathroom on sec- ond floor. Garage. Forced hot air oil heating. For a large family it can't be beat, To inspect, please call Irene Brown, RA 5-3867 bs newer, also desire lot, minimum 55-foot frontage, give particulars and location. to Box 939 Oshawa Times. WANTED -- storey and one-half or two- storey house in or around Courtice. Will trade two new homes, Newcastle area, Phone Newcastle 4152 or 4153, PRIVATE party desires four} bedroom house with fireplace. Write particulars ULTRA MODERN $884 down -- 5.room brick bungalow with sliding win- dows, exhaust fan ond many extras, Brond-new with one mortgage. See this now, call Mr, Siblock, RA 5-6544 or 5-4362, TRY THIS 5V2-room brick bungalow with private drive and gar- oge. Located on large well- londscaped lot close to shops, schools and bus. Ask. ing only $12,500 with easy terms. Call now, ask for Mr. Swarbrick ot RA 5-6544 or 5-8342. SOMMERVILLE AVE. Clean 6-room 2-storey brick family home. Good area, 4.pc. bath, 3 bedrooms Asking only $11,000 wtih reasonable down payment. Call Mr. Appleby, RA 5-6544 or 3-3398. SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd, 360 King St. W. RA 3-2265 CENTRALLY LOCATED $9,900 -- 6-room brick with garage, a few minutes walk to downtown, G.M. or Fit- tings. $1, 900 down, one mortgage. Pay $80.00 per month principal, end interest, Call Russ Reeve, evenings, RA 5-4840. HIGHWAY PROPERTY 5-room, 1Va2-storey home with attached garage, situ- ated on a lovely lot 50 x 365'. A really nice home in a country atmosphere, but close to all city conven- iences. Clear property, open to offers. Call Don Stradeski, evenings, RA 8-8423, Exclusive Agents For Beau Valley Member of Oshawa and We Speak Slavic Languages Member O.D.R.E.B District Real Estate Board. at only $11,900, WARREN AVENUE If you are interested in a good two-storey brick home. Six large rooms, private drive, Garage, Nicely dec- orated, call and inspect this one. Priced at only $11,- 500 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for a six-room house. A new store in one of Oshe awa's newest shopping cene HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE SIMCOE ST. N. - $2,000 DOWN Fine 2-storey brick home in this good residential area, large living room with fireplace, full dining room, three bedrooms, closed-in sun porch and finished den in basement, Paved drive, ond a nicely treed, hedged lot, Full price $13,500.00. To inspect call Charles Smith, Days RA 8-1679; Evenings RA 8-8254, tres, already established. Also five - room modern apartment over store. Store is 20 x 50 ft. Full baose- ment, EMERSON AVENUE-- APPLE HILL NHA., 5%% mortgoge. $83.00 a month takes care of principal, interest and toxes. Living room, with Large and completely finished rec-room, with fireplace. Nice patio, and completely YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE MISSING $550.00 -- DOWN -- $550.00 6-room brick homes, $10,850 -- $72.00 per month, plus taxes, 1050 square feet bungalows completely modern with all the extras ond. top quality construction second to none. gallons of oil, equivalent to one a limited number of customers, year's supply, given away to LLOYD'REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. REALTOR RA 8-5123 RA 8-5124 RA 8-5125 101 SIMCOE ST. N. fenced yard. Call for fur ther particulars, end to in- spect. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. ties, excellent location, from $85.00 -- phone MO 8-8386 Boots, motors and trailers, to be sold on consignment, WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales 1415 Dundas East Whitby 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT TELEPHONE RA -5-3815 MO 8-3226 or RA 8-6485 Approx. 880 sq. ft. Newly fimshed second floor. Free parking. $100 per month, Roy Flintoff ... RA 5-3454 Irene Brown ... RA 5.3867 Jon. Miller ... RA 5.2933 Phyylis Jubb ... RA 3-3240 Lucas Peacock RA 5-4330 Members Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board, " HARRY MILLEN $1,500 DOWN - Large six-room home, spotless in REAL ESTATE HAIG STREET to Box 834, Oshawa Times. 29 Automobiles for Sale 54 PL UTH sedan, radio, power Ty windshield, washers, in ex. after § seflent condition, RA 5-2228 p.m 1950 HILLMAN sedan in good condition, low mileage. No reasonable offer re- fused. Phone RA 5-4455, HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W, RA 3-7822 ized, gu year, TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, RA 8-6781.. BOAT AND + MOTOR FIBRE Glass Soar $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 53 FORD four-door sedan, new two tone paint, automatic transmission, new tires, mechanically OK, $405. Sea. way Motors, Whitby, MO 83331 Trade your boat on a car-- Open evenings or weekends STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN |S SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars. CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their car in- surance, Half-year payments, Call us today and compare-- ample free parking, SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST RA 3-2265 TRY THE NEW VOLVO SPORT AND FAMILY CAR. et JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa -- RA 8-0921 MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW NAGY MOTOR SALES Sales and service, Showroom open until 9 p.m. at 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7132 every way with new modern kitchen, forced air oil heating plant, tiled bath with vanity, Paved drive, garage, aluminum storms and screens and doors. THIS IS A GOOD BUY! To inspect, call John Field, Days RA 8-1679; Evenings RA 3.2874. '59 VOLKSWAGEN Brand new engine, clutch, muffler, etc., six month war- ranty, 500 mile free check. up. Private, one owner sal.e RA 8-5305 ONE chrome kitchen Duites grey and green, Telephone RA 8-021 FIVE-plece kitchen pd "mother o of plastic chairs to SABYAN MOTOR [aes match, . Apply 239 Kaiser Crescent. SALES ITD. CA $825. Telephone MO 8-3796. HOUSE trailer for sale, rw equipped, 20 ft, 5-4564. Tel. RAndolph 3-346) USED furnace for sale, good condition, oil burner gravity furnace. Telephone OI. 5-4564. WILL | S SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re. frigerators, TV's, washorn pianos, stoves, etc. tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131 DUE TO AN IMPENDING HURRY, HURRY, COME ALL MUST BE CLEARED SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. "Trade up Compl 1961 18 hp. MOTOR $995. BROOKLIN: OLiver 5.3641 MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. INTRODUCING Two-minute dishwasher, op- erates on water power alone. No operating costs. Washes 32 pieces and cutlery, The lowest-priced dishwasher on ABIN trailer, 14' Fleetline, in new 'AR4op boat for sale, new, b rice. Telephone RA 8-3033. reasonable long, 7 ft. wide. Telephone OL For top cash offer con- New or Used pig Nae eid off. the market, Telephone RA ' ALES 8-6234, after 5 p.m., for SMITILS STORTS 314 PARK RD, §, oppointment to see dish- North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. SA 2m Washer in operation. 8-5912 " |32--Articles for Sale FOOD & FREEZER PLAN : You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less 809% groceries sup- plied, ali well-known pro- _ducts, highest quality meats, Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by ood Housekeeping. No down payment, Call now for Demonstration -- no obliga- tion, "RA 5.3709 SELL-OUT SALE RE-ORGANIZATION OF THE COMPANY ED. WILSON FURNITURE CO. SELLS OUT ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE CLEARED FOR MOTHER'S DAY Sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, stainless steel cook- ware, and English dinnerware at cost prices, PHONE RA 3-3055 TO THE BARE WALLS THIS IS A "MUST" SACRIFICE SALE! REDUCTIONS BELOW COST PRICE! COMPARE, SEE, SAVE DEW WORMS FOR SALE Wholesale or Retail, call OSHAWA BAIT CO. RA 8-3222 or APPLY 843 RITSON ROAD SOUTH MORE 'MONEY COLOSSAL BUYS REGARDLESS OF LOSS HURRY DOWN AS THESE SPECIALS WILL GO FAST. "Andrew Malcolm" French Provincial Bedroom Suite, fruitwood finish. = Regular 439.00. SELL-OUT $297. 00 Serta 2-pc. Davenport Suite. Regular 219.00. SELLOUT ....... $88.00 Continental Beds at half price. Smoth-top, 220 coils, S-year guarantee, Regular 119.00. SELL-OUT .. 59.50 Cor Bed. Baby Carriages, 1961 models from .. 19.95 ED. WILSON"S FURNITURE 0 TOP PRICES padi for good Used Furniture and Applionces. Always a good selection on hend at reasonable prices, Call us for Washer and Radio re- pairs. SUPERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE RA 8-4873 Note Our New Location, Where We Buy -- Sell -- Trade and Repair. 140 SIMCOE 5. 20 CHURCH STREET a (Continued on Page 26) vision, Thrifty y Budget Plan. RA 54543, TWO only, Niagara cyclo massage re... am a... pg