THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednasday, Mey 10, 1961 © THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA " To Mothers Everywhere Dominion Presents FOR TOMORROW This day's influences stimu- Jate mental activity. Judgment should be good and intuition keen, Any work requiring study, research, careful analysis and : unusually clear thinking should) .. go along smoothly. Look for iy interesting news in the FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that you are currently in a cycle which should prove excellent in a business and financial way. Make the most of all opportu- nities to advance in this connec- tion between now and October, since your next chance to add to your bankroll won't appear before late December. Job mat- ters may move slowly this year, but don't be discouraged. You can use this somewhat restric- tive period for "building pur- poses"'--planning for the future, making constructive plans and improving your knowledge and skills. A good opportunity in Oc tober could heighten your zeal along these lines. Personal relationships -- es- pecially in sentimental matters --will be under fine influences for most of the year, and early July and August will be excel lent for travel. Avoid specula- tion risks of any kind during November, and also be careful, during that month, not to force issues with either family or business associates. A child born on this day will be endowed with the talents necessary to make an excellent agriculturist, artist or decor- ator. & Budi rood "ONE YEAR OLD TODAY Son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert | and Mrs. John Stuart, Osh- Stuart, Simcoe street south, is | awa, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Robert Grant who is celebrat- | Francis, Belleville. ing his first birthday today. --Photo by W. E. Lennon, Grant is the grandson of Mr. Toronto. KEEP IN TRIM Suggested Exercises For Toning, Girdle and Waistline Muscles By IDA JEAN KAIN find your desirable waist and The waist is the line of least! abdominal measurements. resistance to embonpoint. As| Where does exercise fit in? A everybody knows, if you give |clearly- defined waist is not a | the fat an inch, it soon takes matter of weight alone, but of | over the waistline . . . and the {muscle tone. | more inches, the more ma-| The following exercise is my| tomy. t th: Biche of How ie favorite for toning both girdle 0 get the pictur ie aist muscles. Position: | waist wanders, it is important 304 ais ihe muse) d sit back on WIFE PRESERVER to understand the way the peels, Have arms out at sides.| Cut cardboard shields to fit oblique muscles of the abdo-|shoulder level. Pull snugly up-|around your doorknob and key Extraspecial food savings are in full bloom this week at Dominion! In honour of Mother's Day - next Sunday, May 14, one dozen hand-picked values are specially featured below ~ at prices sure to appeal to mothers everywhere! Look over this armful of timely food buys, Mom . come fo the store for many more in every department--and 'watch your food budget blos- som out into cash savings! Every day is mother's day - at your friendly Dominion! MOTHER'S DAY FEATURE OUTSTANDING VALUE | & CHOCOLATES ™™ ... . 59° # CHOCOLATES" 59° 12.0Z. BOX AFFABLE P men shape the waistline. When| these muscles, which cover the side front of the abdomen, lose tone the waist loses its clearly defined line. Waist - whittling| then must start with the girdle muscles. There's real incentive to ex- ercise when you are working to- ward the goal of recapturing the waistline. Whip out the tape and measure. In taking the ab- dominal measurement, circle back to center and bend slowly | snd-in with the girdle musclesiplates, so you can clean them and hold this muscle contrac-|without fear of harming the tion throughout the exercise. |wood finish on the door. Action: Bend slowly to the right, aiming to touch fingers opposite hand to accent the bias of right hand to floor. Do not|stretch. When you get the knack crumple through the middle or|of doing this exercise, bring the let hips bow rearward. Keep|body slightly off your heels as that strong up-and-in pull. Come | you stretch, forcing the middle| muscles to take the lifting ac-| .0 the left. On the next bend, try tion, Done correctly, this exer- to make a far reach with theicise is a real toner-upper. tape around the body to include the furthest outcurve of the ab- domen as viewed from the side. Circle the waistline. Draw tape snugly, then let it out an inch. The trouble with drawing it too tightly is that your exercise progress will seem slower! FORMULA SUGGESTED With a formula to go by, you will be able to figure what your waist and abdominal measure- ment should be in your right dress size. Since size 14 is pup- ular in misses' sizes and size 34 in women's sizes, we'll use these 2s our base line. Size 14: Waist 27; abdomen 3414; size 34: Waist 29, abdo- men 36%. In the scientific sizing sys- tem, in misses' dresses there is a 11% inch difference both in the waist and abdominal extension Letween sizes. In women's sizes up to 38, there is a 2-inch dif- ference in the waist and abdom- inal measurements. Using this SATURDAY EXCURSIONS TORONTO Good going and returning same Saturday only. EXCURSION FARE FROM: Belleville . $4.80 Bowmanville Cobourg. «+ 3.00 Oshawa . : «+ 1.45 Port Hope « 275 Whitby ss as 130 Corresponding fares from intermediate points FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS « $1.90 Devon Brand (side) v 65- FRESH GRADE A PRE-DRESSED Chickens PLATE BRISKET BONELESS Pot Roast 49 Rindless BACON 26-0Z. BAG 22-3 Ib. AVE. 32 Choice Sliced BEEF LIVER wn. 42 Jumbo Size 9's CANADIAN PACIFIC Wa CANADIAN NATIONAL as a basis, figure up or down to Make this Mother's Day @ never be-forgotten occasion -- give Bulova. No finer, more lasting, more useful token of your love and affection. Layaway your Mother's Day watch NOW! Give Bulova . . . NO EXTRA CHARGES OF ANY KIND . poy as little as Serve Peaches 'N Richmello Ice Cream Choice Halves TREES PEACHES 3 1.00 TINS Refreshing Drink Grape or Orange LINCOLN DRINKS 64.02. 49° JAR Save With Powdered Milk, Skim Milk Powder MILKO Ke. KG. For All Your Baking Needs--Monarch BURNS crepiT JEWELLERS N ANNOUNCES ESS OF TIME Watch and bracelet as matched as a kiss. 17 ead |Available Only at Dominion--Richmello 'Available Only at Dominion--Domino CHEESE SLICES Available Only at Dominion--Country Club--Fancy Red let spirals around your pretty wrist, sets off a tiny circle of a cass. 23 jewsls. $50.50 « week oo LA PETITE ing diamonds highlights this stunning 23 jewel watch fashion. $88.09 Hil RNS OREDIT JEWELLERS LTD, 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7622 Sockeye SALMON Available Only at Dominion--Country Girl wz... RAISIN PIE SHORTENING << Dares--Jumbo MARSHMALLOW PEANUTS McVitie & Price--DIGESTIVE BISCUITS New World's First, Ont. Flake Cereal, Posts © ORIENT TALC POWDER oz m ROSES nee 1.95 3-:1.00 x59. SALAD Pk ; 29 37 OAT FLAKES 'i 29 BUBBLE BATH APRIL SHOWERS & SARAN STRANDS & CHAISE LOUNGE .- 9.88 STRAWBERRIES 3 "3: 89- A MOTHER'S DAY FEATURE--NO. 1 FRESH CUT No. 1 Cuban -- Slicing or Preserving No. 1 California -- Sweet, Juicy Ripe Pineapple Sunkist Oranges Available only at Dominion-- Pink or Green 9c Off Four Regular Bars : ; is | 'PALMOLIVE SOAP 3@c | DRESSING 99 | % 58° | 2 47 7c 'em Shirriff MINT JELLY e GRAPE JELLY Available Only at Dominion--Plain Sugared igi 2-0Z. JAR t COFFEE 14-0Z. PKG. 8-0Z. PKGS. Va's TIN 20-01. EACH 39° Just heat and serve Std. Cream style ARROW b + Sl. 20-0Z. TINS DONUTS "2 ™*, + 49° MARMALADE 4:69: EVERYTHING GUARANTEED Values effective ot iii Ps Dominion Stores, Oshaws ond Whitby, wnt! rday, Mey 13th -- 6 p.m. Popular Vegetable Del Monte Ungraded Fancy Green PEAS b += Sl. 9-0Z. JARS 15-0Z. TINS *¥ vt