Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 9 May 1961, p. 8

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8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, May 9, 1961 INCOMING, RETIRING PRESIDENTS GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES 7TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The 7th Scout Mothers' Aux- iliary met recently in St. George's Memorial Church parish hall with Mrs. R. A.| Lloyd presiding. The minutes were read by Mrs. John Kitchen and Mrs. Howard Hutchinson gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Jon Jenkins gave a report on the ™ |conference held in Peterbor- | jough. || The speaker was Mrs. R. E. Stephenson, past assistant dis- trict cub commissioner. 'The cub aim is to teach boys to play with boys they do not know," she said, and read five things to look for in future children received care away|perts who propagandized exces from home, about half of them sive permissiveness should, on CHILD GUIDANCE leaders: patience, perseverance, punctuality, personality and pride. | MRS. FRED LaSALLE | The regular meeting of the! [10TH PARENTS' COMMITTEE $2,000. by relatives. Four per cent of ___. : the children under six received S*¢"8 their error, apologize to group care--in day nurseries, Parents for having misled day - care centres, settlement them? houses, nursery schools. Then; A ft certainly do. Some Interesting Facts SHARE TRIUMPH garin's space flight around the MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet/earth on April 12. council of ministers has author- ized award of orders and med.| The deepest lake in the world als of the Soviet Union to sci-{is Lake Baikal in Central Si. entists and technicians who|beria, which reaches a depth of helped make possible Yuri Ga-|5,650 feet in some spots. there were 400,000 children, | most over six, expected to take) care of themselves--*latch-key | children." | These figures don't take ac-| On Working Mothers By G. CLEVELAND MYERS (it is a necessity. Aside from Between 1948 and 1958 the earning, some reasons given number of mothers in the labor are: wish for present independ- force of the United States in-jence and future security, loneli-| count of the thousands of school creased 80 per cent. In 1958, 32 ness and drudgery of home-|children who must fend for! per cent of the labor force were making, "low status" of being| themselves an hour or more be-| women, 76 per cent of whom "only a housewife", recognition fore and after school, of great were or had been married. Al-|to be won in a career, satisfac-|concern to school teachers and| most half of these a4 miiilon) tion of work itself. |principals. { had children under 18, In 1952 there were about two|qpivions CONFLICT Nearly one-third of all moth- : a a I ers worked outside the home. Million children under six whose, "There are conflicting opinions, fifth of these had pre-school mothers were working full time, based on various studies, as to children and two-fifths had chil-'and three million between six|the effect on the child of his| dren of school age. and 12. {mother's separation from him | In 1957, the average income of Of the children under 12 whose While she works. Much depends women working full time was mothers worked, over half (58/0 the kind of care he has then. | not quite two-thirds the average per cent) were cared for in their| SMe "experts" are saying that| income for men. Almost two- homes, chiefly by fathers and €Yidence from research avail fifths of the families headed by|other relatives, about twice as/aPle on the harm to children, women had incomes uiider many by other relatives as by|¢Ven in relation to delinquency, | fathers. About 12 per cent were|'S Bot a great, on he yaole In 1956, among wives whose cared for at home by non-rela-|2S as been generally believed. husbands' income was $10,000 or tives. | PARENTS' QUESTIONS |10th Parents' Ci ittee of the} MRS. PERCY HAYES {Girl Guide Association was held lin the Salvation Army Citadel New President Is Installed ne Sa At Maxwell Heights H-S Assn. [bmi pao call showed five over and who had pre-school] Twenty-two per cent of the Q. Don't you think those ex- 2 MAY 14th ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM DOORS OPEN AT 8 P.M. 150 Performers in a Gala Presentation of International Songs, Donces and Music. You'll be enchanted by .the spontaneous perform- 'ances by the UKRAINIAN, POLISH, FRENCH- CANADIAN, SCOTTISH, WELSH, ITALIAN, HUNGARIAN, BRITISH, GERMAN, DUTCH and CANADIAN groups and soloists, ADMISSION FREE EVERYONE WELCOME There will be a collection to defray expenses. children seven per cent were working. Where hushands earned $1,000 - $3,000, the per-| centage was 25. Comparable percentages, Mrs. Percy Hayes was install-| Council and complimented the liam Sloman the treasurer's re-\among mothers of school-age A ia port, ed as president of Maxwell Association on its progress and Heights Home and School Asso- installed the officers for 1961.62, A Teport from tlie 1A Tepes. ciation at its third anniversary Since this was the annual Were necdel a7" Lesters, Most. mothers. who work feel meeting held recently. She suc- meeting, reports were Teceived ve. Browiie Fair: is being i bok obi ceeds Mrs. Fred LaSalle who|from the chairmen of commit- Hol I Guide Hons on Mor Zhlave to have pleasure in. fast. has been president for the past tees. lat 2.30 p.m. The annual Church ing, not strife." God's challenge | children were 14 and 50. | |WHY MOTHERS WORK three years. Members were reminded of i" The 'other officers are as fol- the meeting on May 23 of Homel|pSiade at Camp Samac will be) lows: Vice-presidents, Mrs. and School Council, which willl P \ Derek Barnett and Mrs. John he a pot luck supper at E. A. , Sage; recording secretary, Mrs. Lovell School. The speaker will : [ A. Geisberger; corresp g|be Miss Phyllis Bainbridge of |*> enrolment. Niven fo us "is have burdens for| lost souls." He will guide us.| On Tuesday, May 30, at 7'mhe church's duty is to loosen! o'clock there will be a Moth-|the pands of wickedness. What we believe determines our con-| duct. | Mr. Ringer spoke of the hard-| ship of the Islam women and children and living conditions. |The men degrade womanhood; they value their cattle more. Prayer is needed to set free the depressed and break every yoke. The promise of God is that He will guide thee continu- ally. Meeting closed with pray- er by Mr. Ringer. Oshawa Store DAISY, BRAS -- GIRDLES Professional Fittings at No Extra Cost! WARD'S Simcoe St. $5. ot Athol St. Phone RA 35-1151 | save regularly at IMPERIAL 7: BAN KK #2 wwe built CANAD, Don't Feel Like A Stranger... Have The -- It will be just like getting a letter from home when THE OSHAWA ° MAILED Wherever You May Be On Your Oshawa Time "Paradise"! WHEREVER YOU ARE TO YOU secretary, Mrs. S. J. Taylor; the Toronto Teachers College The next meeting will be on| treasurer, Mrs. James Souch; and her subject will be "Values the first Wednesday afternoon| executive members, Mrs. Wil-|jn Education". in Jute hi Macken i and liam Waddington, Mrs. S. J.| i rs. Victor air served re- Taylor, Mrs. ih Ogle, Mrs. a Zhdaner Dpize was won by freshments. ar, re ara." "| Refreshments were in the CALVARY BAPTIST WA The Regional Organizer, Mrs. form of a dessert tea with a. Calvary Baptist senior women Harold Donald, was the guest | beautifully decorated birthday met recently for their weekly | speaker. Mrs. Donald, who pre-| cake, which was cut by Mrs. meeting opening with a song sented the Charter to the Asso-| Donald. service and Mrs. William ciation'three years ago, brought| Mrs. Clifford Hopkins thanked Spencer leading in prayer. greetings from Home and School Mrs. Donald for attending. The minutes were read and |offering received. Mrs, ' Aitken and Mrs. Jack Dugan] MARY HAWORTH S MAIL {offered prayer for the mission. | |aries. . | The guest speaker was Mr. Blames American Husbands [7 finger who is airecor of [the "Afghan Border Crusade." . I q |His message was taken from For Wives' Frustration Isaiah 38: God's charge to us. that we may be kept in the Will] Dear Mary Haworth: For alof endeavor. And the men are of God." "Some seek God for| long time I've wanted to talk letting the women play the their own selfishness; some fast back to American men who|/game of life pretty much as through hypocrisy; go through) criticize American women as/they choose. {the motions." God said, "Vel being career - minded, selfish, As a result, the women are competitive, demanding, etc. | desperately edgy with striving, Speaking as an American yet never satisfied so long as woman, I may say honestly that anybody they know is ahead of | I feel sorry, for my sex in my them on the score of having country. more money, power, prestige, | We are expected to be wife, etc.--a condition of tension that mother and career girl; to han- begins as soon as they are eco- dle the household budget, chauf- nomically able to get a toehold feur the children to and from|in the race of "one-upmanship" school, also to dancing class,/and continues until they drop in doctor and dentist, and to help their tracks. : them with their homework and, The more a woman strives in problems. this doomed - to - frustration We must take an active inter- fashion, the more alienated est in the PTA and in church|from self she becomes, pro- work, clubs and organizations to gressively losing touch with the help our husbands get ahead.|centrality, as it were, of being We must be always well-dressed 2 woman--the rooted, patient, attractive and keep our figures, accepting, enduring, creative, and be a charming hostess to reconciling force in the human | . our husband's associates, again|family. Thus it follows, as the| to help him get ahead. ; night the day, that she would { ou We must do our own house- gradually lose all sense of in- 6 work, companion our husband trinsic personal value and| on fishing and camping trips/scramble increasingly for token) ] ® (whether we like or not), act as| evidence that, in the eyes of | his confidante and adviser and society, she is "somebody." | in some cases hold down a wage| If 2 woman is willing to take ° earning job. Yet we must never stock of herself and develop the | be exacting, bossy or nagging. |maturity to hit her own pace, | | Is it any wonder we get tense, [She is likely to meet men who C 4d rms frustrated, nervous and edgy? Will love her gratefully "as is." ® ENVIES OTHERS ~ |In any case, dows blame Others | In Europe and Asia, the hus-/if you lack the courage to be band is Jord and master; there | yourself. H. Next week, Srioker wan is no competition between the ary Haworth counsels will enter your fe. sexes. All the wife has to do|through her column, not by couldn't happen to you? is be feminine and please him, |mail or personal interview. But it will! It is so much pleasanter and Write her in care of this news- He'll be strong and Sasier. As paper. wise, clean-cut and de- furopean and Asian women i i " : pendable. Not to mention know their role. They are proud | at 1 and happy to be wives to a LODGES AND siciung! What will you the man as boss, and certainly do? Exactly what every thev seem far more relaxed. SOCIETIES red-blooded Canadian with a real inward peace and woman will do... we! Sense well befhe. than the LEND.A-HAND CLUB come him with open arms. And. Enters mo, ; The Lend-a-Hand Club of Anxious to meet him? and appreciate their pect Past Noble Grands of Rebekah] Well, don't despair. You than American men do, prob- Lodge No. 3 held its regular will meet him...in just ably because of this non-com- LUSiness meeting in the Odd] three days! And he'll be: petitiveness. They are attentive Chow's, hall with president, wearing this Symbol. and considerate because they "iter Gladys Blyth, presiding, want to be, not because they're assisted by Sister Alice Lan- scared into it. ' ning, vice-president. Whether the American woman The meeting opened with is to blame for the present pre- dicament, or whether the fault is with the American man--who has become weak and passive-- I don't know. Probably both are to blame. But, believe me, after 10 years' marriage to an American man, my next husband is going to be a European. K. Dear P.K.: As I see the pic- ture, jt isn't so much that Women are competing with men in America but, rather, that the women are competing amongst themselves, on too many fronts! ETIQUETTE SYNDICALE prayer, roll call and reading of minutes. Sister Alice Lanning, sick convener, reported sending get-well cards and flowers to sick members, also birthday and anniversary cards. The CPT report was given by Sister Eva Hastings. Four beds and two wheelchairs are avail- able to anyone wishing use of same, free of charge. Following the meeting bingo was played and refreshments served by the hostesses, Sisters Mary Bunker, Mary Jacklin, Mable Disney. UNION LABEL Re-- * INTERNATIONAL LADIES' GARMENT WORKERS' UNION (AFL-CI0-CLC) of Your Furs for Storage MORRISON FUR CO. 1 ar FUR ¢oLD STORAGE ON THE PREMISES IED, ATTENTION ALL FUR OWNERS Vr MonmsoN Fuk <8, $1000.00, WOULD YOU LEAVE IT IN YOUR CLOTHES CLOSET? OF COURSE NOT. Bring it to the bank. Likewise, put your furs in cold storage, at MORRISON'S. We offer Free Immediate Pick Up and Delivery, Free Estimate for Complete Fur Service, Remodelling, Repair and Cleaning et your door. Our price? Only 2% of fair veluation "NO NOTICE REQUIRED, WHEN COAT IS DESIRED" MORRISON FUR CO. DIAL RA 5-6312 IF YOU HAD TIMES arrives every day, bringing you all the news, plus your favorite comics. There is no extra charge for this service . . . Order your vacation subscription now. SEE YOUR CARRIER BOY, PHONE THE TIMES, RA 3-3474 OR RETURN COUPON BELOW TO CIRCULATION DEPT. THE OSHAWA TIMES VACATION ADDRESS '00 UN NOSIHYON HER 2 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA FUR COLD STORAGE ON THE PREMISES START DATE ..........cv. HOME ADDRESS STOP DATE "RESORT AT THE REGULAR VACATION THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL BE MAILED TO YOUR COTTAGE OR CARRIER RATE OF . . . 15 ' PER WEEK

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