Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 9 May 1961, p. 21

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TAT vy» 20 TE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusedey, Mey 9, 1941 SN YY we I THINK MY MUM IS THE Although she gels me down, 1 THINE MY MUM'S THE : New Service Aids Tributes To Mom Al Lumber Industry | A new federally sponsored {service is available to manu- a Manufacturers having prob-| |Plays Hostess At Meeting | ASHBURN -- Mrs, Lindsay a social time enjoyed. Heron; piano solo, Margaret deur; piano solo, Marlene Gan Fisher; piano duet, Margaret{deur; Junior Choir, "Christ and Diane Fisher; Diane Fisher; piano duet, Mar- plano solo, |Arose." Mr. Batten closed with Bene- garet Fisher and Marlene Gau-|diction. AND lems related to forest products are encouraged to discuss them with the regional Industrial Liai- son Officer who has or will ob- On Thursday evening, May 4, the pupils of Mrs. Edgar Heron | presented their third annual mu- sical recital assisted by the Jun. Death was hostess to the regu-| lar meeting of the Women's Mis- sionary Society of Burn's Church on Wednesday after- GREATEST BECAUSE ... | sometimes, gosh, by gee, I GREATEST BECAUSE . .. she is kind and good to me. If I| like her fine. I think my Mom is the great try to sit down to the table with, She teaches me wrong from est for many various reasosn facturers of any wood products at any stage from forest opera- tions, through the sawmill, to dirty hands, I will get a slap on| the hands; I am glad she does| this for if she would not dad! would, She tries to please me in any way she can. | I love her . . . Heather Darbourne (12 yrs.),| RR 3, Bowmanville, Ont.| right but the most important one is Aug Hever encourages me 0 0.ause she loves me and shows So come on kids, crowd And help your Mom to feel real proud. join the lit. She tries to buy the best for me and takes good care of me. My mother also knows what is best for me, even if I can't That someone very wonderful, understand why she won't let I don't know who me have my own way. It is also t was, invented a word so/my mother who helps me when I THINK MY MUM IS THE GREATEST BECAUSE . . . I think my Mum's the greatest because she tells me what to do and how to do it and she shares her things with me. All of the| time she gives mother-love and mother-care. She not only does that but she tells me what to wear and helps me dress and she feeds me. She makes me happy in soc many ways -- She makes me very warm and com- fortable at night and in the day foo. My mom's the greatest too, because she is loveable and fair. I beautiful, the word That's known as "LOVE", So come on now on this day, In the merry, merry month of May, Make it known, And have it shown that She's the Greatest Mom you have ever known. --By Brenda Crawford (12yrs.), 121 Maple street, Whitby. I am in trouble. Mom is always helping me when I am sick or hurt, She is also a very good cook and cooks nearly every kind of food we like, even if she doesn't like them too. The best reason why I like my mother is because she is my mother and I love her for being what she is. / ivin (12 yrs.), J THINK MY MUM'S THE She is always happy even Linda Bojyin ry: GREATEST BECAUSE . . . when she doesn't feel very Oshawa, Ont. She sews for me, cooks and happy. washes for me. My mother is| e are al ther I THINK MY MUM 1S THE|right there when she is needed. why T thin Bing Rippin GREATEST BECAUSE . .. Mother lets me watch nearly|ogt but they do not mean much she is always near when I need anything. except cowboys on for they are mostly what she her: she is kind, considerate. TV. Sometimes my Mom gives) goes daily for me. She washes and loving. She would give up/me candies, apples, peaches, and irons my clothes for me anything to make my brothers fears: Ske. 25d bananas Once and also keeps the house clean. and I happy. She explains what she let's me go where p 4 I don't understand. She would I Want to go. on pon Yor Sad } sit down any time of the day to James Chilbey (12 yrs.), share the greatest Mom in the do something for us that we 156 Conant street,|world with me. don't really deserve. When she Oshawa, Ontario Stella Coburn (age 14) tells us something it usually is i I THINK MY MUM'S THE Bowmanville, RR 4. true even though we have to try it first to see if it's true. SREATEST BECAUSE . . . . My brothegg and T love our She is beautiful, lovable and pg mother verv®huch for all the| wonderful. Although I have three| SREATEST BECAUSE... : sisters two of which a .| she cooks good food and teaches has done for us. STEES 'Wo of which are young-| ot," cook food too. She helps Janice Parfitt (13 yrs), ef I know she loves us all. She oe with my problems and com- R 2. Oshawa. Ont. would go without food and en-icorts me when I get lonely. joyment if she had a chance for She washes and mends my MY MOTHER IS <THE US to have fun. 1 go to her with clothes and helps me when I'm GREATEST BECAUSE , . . MY problems. She always seems| Gu "cho tells me stories and whenever 1 need something {0 have a solution. Although she plays new games with me. She quick she goes and gets it, when 10VeS us she does not believe in| i" me help her in the kitchen. ever I need something heard she SPOling us. Not very long ago I)ywpon'1 get bad cuts or scrapes will hear it such as for exams, |¥as near to losing her, I can not she bandages them. She helps she shows me how to do things NOt ay what I would have done," (o" recite things and listens when I'm going wrong. She tries °F would do without her. Maybe to please me. She is very her youth helps for she is like gentle and kind, and best of ail 2" older sister to us. She fries because I LOVE her. her best to show us right from Sally Macdonald (age 9), Wrong. she tries to make me happy 426 Simcoe St. N.. We love her for that, these again. She is patient with me. | Oshawa, Ont. are the reasons why I think my She makes things for me. When- Mom is the greatest. ever I am going to have a test Lorraine Stovin (12 yns.), she drills me before hand. She] 191 Court street, lives and I love her. Oshawa, Ontario. | Joy Prouty (8 yrs.), RR 3, Bowmanville. | THINK MY MUM'S THE me to.do duties around the house. She is loving, she under- stands me, when I am unhappy I THINK MY MUM IS THE GREATEST BECAUSE . . . she is good to me. I love her, and she loves me, she cooks, she irons and she sews, she does 1 THINK MY MUM'S THE everything but ... of course GREATEST BECAUSE... sometimes, I help her. she bakes nice things and she GREATEST BECAUSE... She makes most of . my buys us nice things. She helps|she thinks so much of our fam. clothes, and hers too, she makes Me With my home work. She|ily and we always come first in| dresses, coats, hats, and blouses. lets me stay up to see the her thoughts. That's because Once when I was a baby, about hockey game. I play hockey in|she's our Mom. | two, I went into the garden and {he winter and baseball in the My Mom's really something. picked up a worm, then I told Summer and she is my greatest| She's real nice, she's good and Mommy to smell it, when she Supporter. On my birthday I got kind and not bad looking looked at it she appeared awful- @ nice boat from my mother. oither -- she's not fat, and most ly scared, when she told me That's why I think my other is of the time she's happy and she the finished product. The size of way limits the service available to the manufacturer. The Department of Forestry, Ottawa, has established an In- dustrial Liaison Service (it re- develop closer contact with Can- ada's wood - using industries. Four Industrial Liaison Officers of the Forest Products Research Branch travel extensively in the Maritimes, Western Quebec, Eastern Ontario and the Prairies to visit forest products industries and discuss technical {problems where research would !be of value. The FPRB comprises two lab- oratories located at Ottawa and {Vancouver respectively, with a {staff of almost 200 conducting {research in the forest products field. This cesearch includes the determination of the mechan- ical, physical and chemical properties of wood and the in- vestigation of- methods for im- {proving and increasing the util- lization of Canadian woods. the operation or business in no|laboratories have on all aspects cently had its first birthday) to ons availabie free of charge tain information which the of wood's properties and manu- facture. Of interest to forest products manufacturers will be the list of the more than 300 publica. rom the Forest Products Re- search and which may be ob- tained by writing to the Ottawa Laboratory, F ore st Products Research Bianch, Department of Forestry, Montreal Road, Ottawa 2. The FPRG periodically con- ducts courses in timber season- ing at the Ottawa Laboratory and upon request puts on field courses covering . "Improved Sawmilling Techniques." | Tours of the Ottawa Labora. {tory can be arranged by inter. ested groups of wood manufac- turers, and of course individuals or groups are most welcome at! any time to visit the Ottawa] Laboratory of the FPRB located on Montreai road, Ottawa 2, Ontario. Tories Hopeful Of More By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- --With their re- sounding gains in the county {council elections still fresh in {their minds, the Conservatives are looking forward with high {hopes to the borough and urban {and rural district council elec- {tions which are due to start a {week hence. They are confident {that another notable victory lies lahead of them. Certainly, if [the trend revealed in the coun- (ty council elections is maintain- led, tions constitute something like little general election. The 401 of England and Wales vote on May 13, and 563 urban district councils between May 8 and ing the same week, but the 1 THINE MY MUM'S THE| majority of these are not run on|independent observers giv el political party lines. IMPORTANT FACTORS One of the important factors which point the way to a Con- servative landslide is that the 9,000 council seats which be- come vacant this year through- out the country are mainly those which were last fought 1958, Labor chalked up a net ; ' : : they are sure to register! to me when 1 read. She teaches|s bgiantial gains at the expense|ing on gains of at least 400 seats |of the labor party. | three years ago. In that year, year in the 28 Metropolitan bor- Gains however, there were big Con- |servative gains. These whittled| down the Labor majorities in| noon, May 3. . {ior Choir under the leadership There were 16 members pres-| ent, ! The roll call word "Peace" was used. The president, Mrs. Deeming, had charge and open- ed the meeting with a poem on Faith. Mrs. Ray Taylor read the Scripture. Mrs. Deeming led in prayer and gave the medita- of Mrs. E. Humphreys. Russell Batten was chairman for the evening. Junior choir, "If You're Hap- py; piano duet, Stephen Gardi- ner and Jim Daw; piano solo, Stephen Gardiner; piano solo, Jean Godda; vocal duet, Bon nie Johnstone and Barbara Hop- tion on the scripture. kins; piano duet, Jim Daw and Mrs. Russell Batten had the Douglas Sandison; piano solo, study. "Into All the World with Douglas Sandison; Junior choir, the Younger Churches." Mrs, chorus; piano solo, Nancy Tay- M. Sparks and Mrs. R. Rich-/lor: piano duet, Nancy Taylor ardson assisted Mrs, Batten. and Barbara Hopkins; piano There was a discussion period solo, Barbara Hopkins; vocal after the study. Mrs. Death read'solo, Pauline Godda. the minutes of the last two Piano solo, Mary Heron; meetings. Mrs. R. Richardson |piano duet, Mary Heron and gave the treasurer's report. It Judith Batten: piano solo, Jud. was decided to send two dele: |ith Batten; Junior choir, "Happy gates to the Mission School in|/Day Express'; piano solo, Jim Belleville in July. Daw; piano trio, Marlene Gau- Mrs. Death served lunch and'deur, Judith Batten and Mary | 10% KING W. RA 5.1130 EEE AND FLOWERS FROM R. B. REED & SONS 163 BLOOR ST. W. RA 35-2512 {some of the large county hor-| loughs, where party rivalry is | strongest. Another year of Tory {gains might well swing control |of many towns and districts in the Conservatives' favor. In most cases, only one-third of the council is up for election, hut in| council is |} others the 'whole jinvolved. [EXPECT 400 GAINS = The Conservatives are bank- in the borough and district elec- |i The coming municipal elec-|tions, although there are some | 4 a misgivings regarding the effect lof the 1961 budget on public {boroughs and county boroughs opinion. This year, also, will see the, greatest Liberal intervention in| these council elections since the] {May 11, Several hundred rural|second world war. More than| | councils also hold elections dur-1 100 Liberal candidates are in| {the nomination lists, although) them littie hope of many suc-| cesses. Their list of candidates] {is only about one-fifth of the; {number being put up by each] lof the two major parties, and {any successes for the Liberals] |are likely to be in close mar. {ginal seats. There are no elections this ough councils of London. These ® Portable Radios ® Hi-Fi FOR MOTHER ON HER DAY SUNDAY, MAY 14th ® Tape Recorders ALL GREATLY REDUCED! ® Transistor Radios © Stereos the "pleasant lis items now . . . fine range of Your opportunity te buy your Mother a really appreciated gift, Drop in and ses toning" you'll be glod yeu did! Your Opportunity For | | || FLOWERS FROM R. B. REED & SONS 10%; KING W, 163 BLOOR ST. W. RA 5.1131 RA 5.2512 128.288933398828398538383630393a3333393928393939398a 393933893384! BEBEBHBACOBACABEEARABRALABHPYBABABARAGABED at's from BIRKS sor | hots AAD, | 32 BIRKS eB ENGLISH BONE CHINA Captured forever in these exquisite china florals is the fragile beauty of your favourite blossoms . . . each one delicately hand-painted. Our new collection includes a variety of assorted flowers and bases. 3 a what it was, I was really scared the greatest. smiles a lot. Lots of times she too. Jimmy Brooks (age 9),/smiles when she's not happy if 285 La Salle avenue, we do something she doesn't Oshawa, Ontario.|like but that's because she loves us so much. Mom has I THINK MY MOTHER'S lots of work to do fo keep us THE GREATEST BECAUSE clean and healthy. She makes . « . she helps us with our sure we are too. She's really a homework, and in the summer-|800d cook, we love her home- she's so sympathetic, she has (ime every Sunday we go on a made bread and buns, cakes, great affection toward me. picnic. My mother pays my| Pies and cookies. She loves mak- | Whenever I'm in a state she way when I go to shops. She is|ing nice things to see us smile always goes along with me. She my hairdresser and it doesn't|t00 When we get home from usually agrees with me. Myicost anything. Everytime she|School. Mom says our house | mother is kind and helps me in goes yp town she gets a little| Would fall apart if she wasn't] every way she can. She never prise. When my birthday here, and 1 think she's right, | tells me anything that's not true wag here she gave me a nice Put she's always here when we and always shares her things narty She makes sure we dress need her. with me. I don't know what I'd'paaily at Easter - time and] I'm glad we cel@brate Moth. | do without her [Christmas she sees my broth-|er's day to show Mom's all over| Gail Myles (12 yr5.), arg and I are outfitted before|the world how much their chil-| 1473 Bala Dr., che buys anything for herself. dren really love them, but it's] Oshawa, Ont. ay mother is the most wonder.|too bad we don't do it every| I THINK MY MOTHER 1s ul thankful, and thoughtful day. 4 dippin friend I have. That's why my Moms are great JOE SREATEST BECAUSE = mother is the greatest. Mom's the greatest. because she's so kind and sweet. Gloria Brooks (11 yrs.), Arthur Fernadez, (age 12), She might shout a bit at times| 185 LaSalle avenue, | 571 Veterans avenue, | hut then says she's sorry with Oshawa, Ontario, Oshawa, Ontario.) a hearty laugh. I feel happy to| AND know I have a mother and | wonderful one too, like her. | FROM | I I I f REAL SAVINGS At Genuine Warehouse Prices! ALL GOODS FULLY GUARANTEED! gain of nearly 600 seats, half elections are held only every of them in the boroughs. three years, and they are due Goodbye, y y In the 1959 and 1960 elections,!for May, 1962. Donna Dutchak (8 yrs.), 134 Sussex St., Oshawa, Ont. 1 THINK MY MUM'S THE GREATEST BECAUSE . . . SHOPPING (Ask about our special on Cabinets for Tepe Recorders end Radio-Stereo Units) Radio Wholesalers of Canada 637 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA Open Till 6 p.m. Every Evening a -- B93989893a84343880898488308889603049880808538846 £080893908808a8583038988308088658300888a63848a602538838680886083878088688838880803830638060884868698030856863a888888 8B4BBABIBEBABEBIBABABABABEBHBABABABEBEBEB! ---1 Treat Mother... To a fine meal in a relaxing atmosphere on MOTHER'S DAY, SUNDAY, MAY 14th ee IAOTHER'S DAY MENU ce ® BAR-B-QUE CHICKEN e BAR-B-QUE SPARE RiBS ® SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN by my On Mother's Day, Sunday, May 14th from 12 noon till 3 p.m, Only. LUCKY DRAW SANDALWOOD 1626 SIMCOE NORTH Restaurant RA 5-9111 CATERING -- to b on the premi home. TEAS -- TAKE-OUT SERVICE end "Try Us And Be Convinced" I THINK MY MUM'S THE| GREATEST BECAUSE . . . ! she is always there when I need her most. My mother has told] me many times about when I} was a little girl at the age of three and a half. I had spinal meningitis and the doctors told] her that I would not live. My, mother did not give up hope, in- stead she came to the hospital against the rules and brought me home. She taught me how to walk and talk all over again. My mother has taught me many things since and she has never failed to help me, to answer my questions, Yes, 1 sure do helieve and know for sure that my mom fis the greatest mother there ever was, Maria Conroy (10 yrs.),| R. B. REED & SONS 587 Harmony Rd. S,, Oshawa, Ont, 102 KING W. RA 5-1131 er in your own perfect cuisine, 163 BLOOR ST. W. RA 5.2512 ATTENTION MOTHERS!! We've Been... / ® Spring Cleaning Too! and We've Located About... 100 PAIR OF ODD DRAPES In. assorted colors and patterns, mostly lined. So that we can finish our Spring Cleaning, we're sellin the whole lot this week at RUMMAGE SALE PRICES! Single Width Double Width Triple Width ° 5 J | 0 Reg. to 21.95 Pr. Reg. to 41.95 Py. Reg to 6295 F5 4:4 \ 05, MITGHELL'S pruc store 998Pr. 1998Pr. 29.98Pr. 9 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ; RA 3-3431 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH A + 1») ry AT ATHOL STREET For gift-giving or for your very own, select a MUGUET des BOIS fra- the very essence Donna Greer (15 yrs.), | 8 Windsor Street, Oshawa, Ont. 1 THINK MY MUM'S THE GREATEST BECAUSE . . . she is my Mom, not Harry's Mom, not James' Mom, but mine and that's all that mat. ters to me, and as you know, Moms are the greatest people in the world. Take my Mom, she helps me with anything 1 need help in. She makes my meals and teaches me wrong from right. There is not much 1 can say to explain my feel ings for her, except that she is the greatest and I love her. This letter probably will not win by| a long shot but I just want you to know how I feel about Mom, , " grance Dusting Powder /Toilet Water, of Spring. Crystal Mist, 2.75 .y Also available: Talc/Toilet Water, 2.00; Skin Perfume /Toilet Water, 2.50; Perfume Purser, 1.75; Creamy Skin Perfume, 1.25; Tale, 1.25; Toilet Water with atomizer, 3.25. my Mom! Richard McEachern (14 yrs.), 378 Rossland road east, Oshawa, Ontario PHONE RA 5-1151 FREE DELIVERY! I THINK MY MUM'S THE GREATEST BECAUSE _ Because she's just the latest

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