24--Houses for Rent [Ro oaphs. § luis toy Rum 25--Apts. & Flats tor Rent 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale a a Dodrooms; Teltly- erator and stoves, TV antenna. able now. Telephone RA 8-5660. UNFURNISHED three suit two adults. 197 Oshawa Blvd. South, |, RA 57414. (he Avail. THREE-ROOM vall-lyacant June 1, close to bus and store. Telephone RA 3-4292 after 6.30 p.m, room apart-|lypp EE ROOM apartment, furnished "or ment, $65 monthly includes heat, hydro, nq mished, $65 monthly Includes heat, | Phone RA 8-1244. RA 55746. THREE-ROOM basement apartment, suitable for couple, close to South Gen- eral Motors, $60 per month, plus hydro, available June 1. RA 3- 9742 {furnished apartment. HARRY F. MILLEN REAL ESTATE BROKER, GENERAL INSURANCE .|ONE bedroom modern apartment, in ights, apartment building, refrigerator and water. Apply 296 Verdun Road a -BEDE GoM apartment ¢ t= on Simcoe | fo: BEDROOM equi 5 Street North, fully Tele. | Jute RA 56343 between 9 a.m. and p.m. private bath, sink and bullt-in| s In kitchen, immediate pos-| session. Apply 513 Richmond East. THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, | fer, sink, built-in cupboards. monthly |THREE- ROOM, self-contained {ment with bath, monthly, {come, Available May 1. Apply 33 Col- {boards, |borne East. RA 5-7142. garden, tiled bathroom, washer, ou ou boon private bath, Apply 145 Albert Street. $105 DUPLEX -- 549 Lansdowne Drive, at Wilson Road North, two - bedroom apartment on main floor, 18" living room, huge kitchen with balcony over dryer, stove, refrigerator, TV, parking. apartment building, refrigerator, stove, washer, trate end, Telephone RA 5.6176 except week- SELF-CONTAINED, three.room apart- end. |NICE one-bedroom also {tor and stove, heated Apply 201 Mit. $85 monthly, Toen (Stove washing facilities, apartment, in modern 3963. Telephone RA 83 THREE furnished rooms, sult respect-| able family, close to hospital and bus. One child welcome. Ra 36387 or 327 Ta two-bedroom |Kingsdale Avenue. g apartinent, Madison Apartments, '170 TWO large bed: oom \ apartment, , in new Simcoe South, TV outlet, washer, dry- apartment building, near shopping cen- stove, refrigerator optional $80 tre, electrically equipped, including au. Aduits only. RA 8-1203 {tomate washer-dryer, Apply Apt. 1 or | apart.|_213 Montrave. $503 | TWO- ROOM unfurnished decorated. sink, built-in Apply 205 Bond Street East after 6 p.m _ refrigera- [THREE and half room basement apart- ment, unfurnished, hot water heated, dryer, paved parking, North heavy wiring, suit couple, One child wel-|newly "apartment, OPED or Teton, or oN rank chell Avenue |private entrance, modern kien, $15 a . : RUssell 7.9387. 3008 Bathurst Street, To. THREE-ROOM apartment, bath re. | Oshawa Sm North. No children. 267 ronto. frigerator, stove, newly decorated. Xs ! 2 re ished two - room VvAte entrance, downtown. R. 52 or [TWO four-room self-contained apart. TEL Y J ushed Bs dl Toom apply 39 Simcoe North, Apartment 3. ments, furnished o Infornished. Ore s is available immediate pply room, use of automatic washer and THREE-ROOM apartment, with all con- re Srl th AartTat § or dryer, reasonable rent. RA 3-4434. |veniences, including stove, Jefrigevator, [Sm d ply RA 8-3945. JUEEE 00M apartment, private en. trance and bath, immediate posses. sion. Washing facilities, Telephone RA $6106, RA 3.7534, SPACIOUS four-room apartment, heat- ed, including private bath and kitchen, Jerse space. 490 Ritson Road South, three Cen. SEMI - furnished apartment, rooms, bath. Separate entrance. tral. tral. Telephone RA 83833, THREE-ROOM, = seli-contained apart- ment, and bathroom, very central. Couns with children only. Heat, hydro cluded, $55 monthly. RA 8-6666. bse hah furnished apartment, semi-private entrance, parking. Tele- phone RA 83-2489 or RA 8-1584. la at 10 Colborne East. Ho Simcoe Poni tig {$55 MONTHLY -- three.room unfurniah. | RA 5-3366. NEW modern two-bedroom apartment, close to Shopping Centre, refrigerator, | stove, washer and dryer, TV parking. Available June 1. 5-8769. |FIVE-ROOM floor, forced air heang. Phone RA 5.2007 | after 4. IMODERN bath, including TV aerial, refrigerator, | IRA 3-4935 stove and dryer. Available May 15. RA 3-9141. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, | |ed apartment, heavy duty wiring, loutlet, built-in cupboards, hot and - (water. Telephone RA 35-5184. antenna, Phone nk|26--Rooms for Rent LARGE furnished housekeeping room, | on ground suitable for two gentlemen or couple. stove, oil, 1463 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-7460. {24 COLBORNE Street West, large dou- ple room and small single, cooking op- "and tional, business "apartment all conveniences, four-room apartment, RITSON ROAD near King, unfurnished four-room and three-room flats, sinks, in new | cupboards, TV outlet, oil heat. Joseph building, electrically equiped, near Bosco Realtor. RA 5-9870. THREE - room apartment, apartment bullding, TV outlet, stove, fridge, $80 monthly. Telephone RA 35-8215. Se nme modern two bedroom apartment, stove, er, dryer, |p paved parking 0 One po to Shopping | =. THREE-ROOM Frey sink and cupboards in kitchen, heavy duty wir. ing, parking facilities, suitable for couple, near Ritson School. RA 5-3812. BRIGHT MODERN Tv) Ww antenna. Children welcome. RA | 8.6795. In HEATED three-room apartment, |frigerator, stove, |aerial, private bathroom and entrance, | parking, Rossland - FOUR - ROOM upstair apartment, pri- vate bath, son Road North. ATTRACTIVE apartment, rooms, with private bath, refrigerator ties. RA 35-4581. Centre, newly decorated TDOW with modern bungalow has oom for rent, suitable for lady er iio couple, cooking privileges. WH 2-6685. V| FURNISHED apartments 'and single rooms in apartment house with private] |entrances, privileges. 96 Centre Street. | |TWO - ROOM furnished apartment, | stove, refrigerator, near hospital, St.! |Gregory's Church, downtown, two or! {three girls may share. RA 5-0238. , three Tare Go bright large housekeeping room, facili | [relrigeraior and stove, parking space. Apply 202 Albert Street, sink, cupboards, Simcoe area. Ap-| 8 Carnegie Avenue, 08 children welcome. 315 Rit-| optional, laundry | THREE-ROOM basement apartment, ONE BEDROOM kitchen cupboards, sink, three-piece ie wits siudla ouch, refrigérathr. APARTMENTS shower bath, hess, wiring, Sultsbie for downtown. Telephone RA 5-5228. Punished, and unfurnished Street. . FURNISHED bedroom, single beds to balconies, laundry room facili- TWO-BEDROOM apartment, vin ot in Bsn BR pd ties, excellent location, from sealer. ne hi i facilities, |More particulars. -- phone Apply 1055 Ravine Road. THREE rooms, private | bath, ¢ quiet MO 8-8386 home with ladies, business woman or MODERN APARTMENTS Self-contained one and two- bedroom, fridge, stove, an- tenna, laundry facilities. Adults enly, APPLY 335 KING ST. E. APARTMENTS Modem one- and two-bed- room apartments, $85 end up. Best location. Phone -- RA 8-1194 pensioner, abstainers, near bus, Shop- ping Centre. Write Box 828, Oshawa Times. FULLY furnished living r MODERN APARTMENT 630 SIMCOE ST. N. Modern 2-bedroom apart- bed. room, : room, kitchenette, suitable for two bus- ment, all conveniences. Stove iness girls, central. Telephone RA ond 'frig, fully outomatic; 5.5207. DE parking area. Close to bus |THREE rooms, with cupboards, heavy duty wiring. hall, near Shopping Centre. Apply 164 Grenfell Street. = FURNISHED bedroom for gentleman, in quiet home, very central Plenty of hot water. RA 3-9577. 209 Bond East. stop. Adults only. For infor- mation, apply-- 778 HORTOP ADELAIDE TERRACE THREE furnished rooms, near hospital and bus line, suit business couple, New, modern, two-bedroom [girls or gentlemen, extension tele phone. Telephone RA 5-2400 opartment, all conveniences, phone LARGE front bedroom, turnished or un- refrigerator, stove, antenna, ili i furnished, suit two ladies, bath off bed- laundry facilities, parking room, also smaller room for one per- area. Reasonable . Adults |son, Close to hospital. RA 5-075. only. Apply 329 Adelaide |fHREE furnished rooms, suit three Ave, W., Apartment 2, girls or men, in respectable home, close to hospital and bus. 327 Kingsdale Ave- WHITBY CLASSIFIED nue. RA 8- 6387. LARGE room, suitable for one or two gentlemen or ladies. Apply 66 Warren Avenue. PARK Road . King Street area, at- furnished housekeeping room, tractive, ground floor, 'parking available. |27 Park Road South RA | 8-0429, Apply FOR RENT Two-bedroom apart-| GARDENS roto tilled. Telephone MO, ment. Apply 1032 Brock pros Souths 8-2139. for more BR |i ARGE, 82361, Whitby 00M and Board for gentlemen, home FOR SALE -- Bungalow $10,000 full | price. Three bedrooms, oil heating, | sewers, garage, corner lot. Owner MO Rental Service and Sales, Whitby, 8-3226 8-5179. YOR SALE -- Manure for lawns, dens, and also lawn cutting phone MO 8-4514. SPRING cleanup, ing ete. le. roto-tilling, plough-| So MO 83-8306. | cooked | Telephone MO 8.22: bedroom duplex, TV outlet, dryer, Mi "clean room, comfortable meals, lunches Xed. Central, [twin beds, nicely furnished, one and 0 82380. TC MEAL half blocks to downtown. Board i de- A - sired. Apply 203 3 King Street East GARDENS tilled, oo "or large. Wilde wy . MO ONE furnished housekeeping room, refrigerator ard washing facilities. Ap- - rly 63 Greta Street ROOM for gentleman. use of kitchen, age space In basement, heated garage Central. Apply 145 Albert Street. r-| FOR RENT -- Main floor, modern tw Central location. Telephone MO 8-8373. ONE or two furnished rooms, in com. SYLLABLE 1st July, three bedroom |fortable home, suitable for couple or as heated. Rent $75 per|OPe_Or two girls. Reasonable. Apply ONE three room apartment; also one two-room apartment, $45 monthly, large Available now. On Highway No. 2 close EM 8-3804. to Ajax. MO FOR RENT -- Heated apartment, with 'washer and eyes: ™v outlet. Plenty of | T a MO 8.2786, ROOM and board for gentlemen, pri .|tenna. Child welcome, MO' 38-4400. | one month to 'god tenant. Apply Geo. Brad. (99 Brock Street West. ford ak 1 King Street West, Toronto. | TWO single rooms in quiet home, cen- |tral, abstainers. Apply 45 Drew St. RA Sr basement apartment, $55 3-4594. monthly, includes heat, hydro, built-in THREE cupboards, heavy duty wiring. ; unfurnished rooms, immedi. TV an-|ate possession. Apply 428 Centre St. CES -- | BC SERVICES -- Complete bookkeep ing service for small businesses, wee ATTRACTIVELY Tait ep Tiked moths Teles ly oro ese, Saiencisl FURNISHED ROOMS SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary 852. - in Private Home way, new tanks installed, Walter Ward, | 204 Chestout We West Phone | MO 8-2563. FOR SALE -- 17" television, $45; "Din- tte table) $10: arm chair, $6. Tele-| phone WH 2-3877 Pickering. FOR RENT -- Apartment. Large bright living, kitchen and bedroom, un- furnished, heat, hydro hot water in cluded, Convenient location space. Telephone MO 38-5188. i: ROTO tilling, lawns and 'gardens, rea. somable rates, 'experienced. MO 38-3870 FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom apartments, $70, $30, and $100, in m em stove, fridges. MO 83-3591. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel end Fill. Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon. ERIC C BRANTON |niture Store or telenhone MO 8-2660 ROTARY MOWER TUNE-UP Sharpened, oil changed, air filters cleoned, adjust cor- buretor and controls. Clean ond adjust spark plugs and points, oil wheels. $4.50 (parts extra), WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 Dundas East, Whitby Parking ~ [FOR RENT -- Three.room apartment, Apartments, FOR RENT -- = Available now, = 100! a [Evomd fimo, ante mii Tags 82 PARK RD. NORTH Sate, Avaliable July 1, Telephone MO | 83-8062. Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. RA 8-8678 27--Real Estate for Sale home, 24% storey, three two furnished, rent will decorated. carry. Low down payment or will take Telephone [good car. RA 3.9180 - | WILL TAKE your older home in trade STUDENTS! A super value, approxi.| {for new five.room brick bungalow, mately 630 sheets of letter size typing King Street East. Jones Real Estate, paper (news Hu) for only $130. Ap-1RA 53-6412. Ply Oshawa Mmey Otffles, by, |13.ROOM duplex, $13,200 buys this four. 111i Dundas Street West. |year-old duplex, two separate five-room MODERN two-bedroom apartment for apartments, two four-piece baths sepa- rent. Heat, TV outlet, frig, stove in. rate meters, paved drive. Situated close cluded, $87.50 monthly on two-year |to downtown area. Call Dick Young, lease. Immediate possession, MO 8-8006 [BA 5-6588 or RA 3.7183 anytime. Wilson ealtor. |SACRIFOET Must sell by June 1, six-| room brick home. Finished b vaved drive, Many extras. Near an ools. Owner' leaving province, any| able offer accepted, MO 8.2625. [INCOME reas cheerfully electric stove, 233 Whitby Palace Street, RA 5-002 Oshawa. SAVE MONEY! Walter's Plann Regula. | --- ting and Tuning. Apply at Grixtle Fur. | boot box and cabin trailers, chain ond skill saws, cement mixers, paint sprayers, lawn rollers, mowers, seeders, gor- den tillers etc. MO 8.5431 N.H.A. RESALE after 3 p.m. dally. Work guaranteed Three-bedroom brick bunge- DRESSMAKING! Ladies' and Onil-| 10. 4 years old, Northe dren's Wear, sults coats and altera | West on nrking an Kimi tions. Mrs. M_ Bradford, MO 8-8666. | est area, backing on Nipi- | gon Park, Carries $89.00 | per month, principal, interest, FOR RENT taxes, Aluminum doors, Conoes, cor top boats, storms, screens, motors, camping equipment, | RA 8-6030 PRIVATE SALE Beautiful new five-room bun- R SALE | galow, bark brick, stone WHITBY DISTRICT New and used lawn mowers, | |", tuoted on jandscoped HIGH SCHOOL BOARD tillers, boats, motors and Maples aot rear. Features; on trailers, tents, box and cabin Ceromic bathroom with vons requir troilers. ity, Hollywood kitchen, ma= SCHOOL SECRETARY WANTED | hogany trim throughout, sec- Give training, experience ond | age in written application to MR. W. A. ANDREW P.O. Box 238, Whitby, Ont. Boats, motors and trailers, to tioned basement be sold on consignment. Located at 426 Miller WILDE RENTAL just off Gibbons, Immediate Service and Sales possession is BET nd | RA 5.3602 Street, grrr | cup- | gentleman preferred. LARGE, bright furnished housekeeping | OSHAWA, ONTARIO LOW DOWN PAYMENT -- LOW TAXES In the quiet village of Orono is this lovely 6)%-room, 2-storey home with garage, 3-pc. bath, good basement with furnace. This home RA Upstairs presently rented for $55.00 per month. be Call 3-3770 for further particulars. must seen fo be appreciated. Lorecn Kellett, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 9, 1961 13 YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE MISSING $550.00 -- DOWN -- $550.00 6-room brick homes, $10,850 -- $72.00 per month, plus | toxes, 1050 square feet bungalows complztzly modern with all the extras and top quality construction second to none. 800 gallons of oil, equivalent to one year's supply, given away to | a limited number of customers | LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. | REALTOR RA 8.5123 RA8.5124 RAB8-5125 101 SIMCOE ST. N. CASTLE HOMES $60000 FULL DOWN PAYMENT ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE A COMPLETE HOME Visit our furnished Model Home on the north parking lot of the Oshawa Shopping Centre. RA 5-1186 Model home open 9 am. to 9 p.m. Homes to be constructed in Glendale Acres, King Street West. GOWER REALTOR LTD. 41 GLADSTONE AVE, RA 8-4651 Basement Apt. ord five-room bunqalow. $13,800 i price, low down payment ond terms to be arronged. Coll Ossie Martin. 5-room brick bungalow. load- ed with extras. As low os $1.200 down. $13 350 full price. N.HA. financing. Call Vie Hulett. $14,800 -- Well-kept Trip- lex, centrally located. For information, call Pat Patter- son. $14,500 full price, North- West area. N.HA. 6% mortgage, Call Sally Wallace for details. $16,900, suburban Oshawa, complete with everything you and yours need. Terms to be arronged. Call Howie Mec- Cabe. $15,900 -- 5 rooms, at- tached garage, built-in stove and oven, North of Rossland Rd. Call Mary Clarke, RA 3-3889 for information. METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. Dial RA 8-4678 An ideal investment ----- 5-room self-contained apartment on main floor wtih natural fireplace, and a 3-room self-contained apartment on 2nd floor -- separate entrances. Building newly decorated and complete in every way. Seeing is believing. Call tonight to inspect. Asking only $14,995.00 with reasonable down. payment. BYNG AVE. New 5-room brick ond stone bungalow nearing completion. Complete with storms, screens, oak floors, sodded lawn, exhaust fan, etc. Large lot ond ideally situated: Asking $12,375.00 with $998.00 down. Balance on 1 N.H.A, mortgage. ADELAIDE ST. E. 7-room, 4-bedroom 13%4-storey home, in good neighbourhood -- close to schools, shopping, etc Home in excellent condition and includes storms, screens, T.V. aerial, gorage. Asking only $12,500.00 with $3,000.00 down. MEADOWVALE STREET Most attractive 1V2-storey brick, 3 rooms with bath down, 2 rooms up. Well londscaped lot, paved drive, garage, storms, screens, aluminum awnings, etc. This home is in immaculate condition, and a real buy at $12,500.00 APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- SELF-CONTAINED 1 ~= 2.room apartment -- $55.00 monthly. 1 ---- 3-room apartment -- $60.00 monthly, both include heat ond electricity. For apointment call RA 5-5132, AFTER 5:30 CALL-- Everett Elliott 3-9290 Joe Maga >-2191 Marion Drew 5-7610 John Kemp 8-2392 Dick Barriage 5-6243 | HOWE and PETERS REALTORS 67 KING ST. E. RA 5-7732 MARY ST. 7-room brick home, centrally located, gorage, oil heating, in first closs condition, can be converted to income home very easily. Call Earle Allen, RA 5-7782, ALBERT ST. 4-bedroom home, ideal for income home, aluminum storms and screens, oil heat- ing, taxes only $164.00, sell- ing for only $10,900. Con- tact Mrs. Tierney, RA 5-5207. NASSAU ST. Open to an offer with a low down payment. 7 rooms, 2 kitchens, oil heating, lot 323 ft. deep. Call Keith Peters, RA 5-4162, NEW N.HA. Built by A. W. Banfield Const, Ltd., in the east end of Oshawa, close to schools, shopping, churches. Fully decorated, 3-bedroom brick bungalows with attached car- port. Only $1,600 down. Call Don Howe, RA"3-.9692. L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. REALTORS RA 3-9810 43 PARK RD. S. CITY HOMES Lokeview Ave., 3-bedroom brick bungalow, tion, $1,500 down. Thomas St., 5-room brick, many extras, $12,500 full price, Osreve Bvld. N., 6-room 1V;-storey brick, good condition, gar- $1,500 down. Catoral Park Blvd. N., é-room 1)z-storey, excellent condition, $1,000 down RA 5-8761 immaculate condi- SUBURBAN HOMES Taunton Rd. E., spacious 6-room brick and stone bungalow, attached double garage, many other extras, list price $16,500 with terms Thickson Rd. N., spacious ranch-style brick and stone bungalow, loaded with extros, attached goroge, asking $17,500 with terms. Courtice, 13% acres, 6-room brick home, double garage, hen- house, raspberries, strawberries, full price $11,500 with terms, one mortgage. BOWMANVILLE Liberty St. N., 2-bedroom brick bungalow, modern kitchen and living room, garage, $10,500 full price. Hunt St, 2-bedroom bungalow, modern kitchen and living room, oil heat, garage, $7,500 full price. Building lot, Elgin St, 50 x 1332 ft. Asking $2,500. FARMS 99 acres, good land, 2-family house, bankbarn, hydro end water, trout stream, 12 miles from Oshawa. $15,300 full ' price, terms 100 ocres, good land and buildings, located north of Port Perry, asking $17,000 with terms 125 acres gentleman's farm, good buildings, modern conven- iences, locoted near Little Britain. List price $19,500 with terms BUILDING LOTS Simcoe St. N., 50 x 165 ft. $2,000. Terms Wilson Rd. N.,, 85 x 184 ft. $2,500. Terms Port Perry, 90 x 150 ft. Town water. $1,000 | Hompton, 66 x 165 ft 10 lots to choose from $1,000, easy | terms Call Sid Martyn RA $-9810 or RA 5-8761 | WILSON REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 OPEN 9 AM. TO 9:00 P.M, NORTH-WEST AREA Six-room brick bungalow with large L-shaped living room, 3 large bedrooms, divided basement, aluminum win- dows. Asking price $13,600. N.H.A. RESALE Lovely 5-reom bungalow, 3 bedrooms, in select area -- panoramic windows, close to schools -- immaculate con- dition. Asking price $14,- 400, reosonable down pay- ment. RESIDENTIAL AREA Two-storey brick home in north-east section -- close to schools, churches, transpor- tation. This is a very special family home with gorage ond paved drive. terms can be arranged for this one. Asking price $13,900. LOTS OF LOTS FOR SALE 44' x 181' on nice quiet street. Asking $2,500 50° x 156' ideal for walkout basement. Asking $3,000. We have several listings in Port Perry. Please inquire at this office for information which we have available, CALL RA 5-6588 TODAY! AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL: Dick Young RA 3.7183 Charlie Rankine RA 8.3682 Lioyd Corson RA 3.2537 | Ken Horn ..... RA 3.7963 Wes Elliott .... RA8-0581 Clean white four-room bun- golow; modem kitchen and bath, good garage ond lots of lond. Call Mr. Ratcliffe RA 5-6544, $900 DOWN $900 5-room brick, 7 years old. Modern clean bungalow on Greenwood Ave., close to schools, church and bus. Call Mr. Appleby, RA 5-6544 or 3-3398. NICE BUNGALOW 4 ROOMS Only $9,900. Just off Stevenosn's Rd. N. on nicely londscaped lot. Owner wants large home. Why not inspect this now? Call Mr, Siblock ot RA 5-6544 or 5-4362. We Speck Slavic Languages Member O.D.R.E.B, REALTOR V.L.A. APPROVED A choice location on Rossland Rd. Two acres, with six-year- old two-storey brick and frame house. Six large rooms. Also barn on the property. Strawberries, raspberries, and good garden soil. Immediate possession, Telephone today to inspect. LARGE FAMILY? HERE'S YOUR HOME $9,800. FULL PRICE You can have immediote possession of this seven room brick. The kitchen is large ond modern. There is a utili- ty room off kitchen. A lorge closed sunroom across back. If you need lots of room for your family, don't miss seeing this home today. Good finan- cing. One mortgage. FRENCH STREET FULL PRICE $7,950 Spotlessly clean, ond well maintained, two - bedroom bungalow, with new furnace, aluminum storms and screens, T.V. cerial. Small down poy- ment, and one mortgage. COZY BUNGALOW Centrally located, six-year-old brick. Forced air oil heating. Full basement. A choice loc- ation, within walking distance of downtown, OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT-- Approx, 880 sq. ft. Newly finished second floor. Free parking. $100. per month. Jan Miller, . RA 5-2993 Irene Brown, ... RA 5-3867 Phyllis Jubb, .. RA 3-3240 Roy Flintoff, .. RA 5-3454 Lucas Peacock, . RA 5-4330 Members Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. LUCAS PEACOCK RA 5-4330 - RA 8-5109 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER LIVE ON SWITZER DR. FOR $15,300 é-room ranch style bunga- low, extra well kept in every respect. Plenty of room for that inseparable dining room suite, Better than average size bedrooms. Recreation room for the children, g terms can be arranged by telephoning Bill Millar at RA 8-5123 CASH TALKS! $10,900 FULL PRICE S.room, 3 vyeor old brick bungalow with good size rooms. Recreation room and additional room in basement. Forced air oil heat, alum- inum storms and screens ond hardwood throughout. This home will sell quickly. Call Bill Horner immediately at RA 8-5123. CLEAR HOME Owner will take back one mortgage for the balance. 5-room brick bungalow in spotless condition with gar- age. Close to school and bus, To see this excellent buy call Henry Spykerman at RA 8-5123, CHARM LOCATION AND CONVENIENCE Six-room brick home in im maculate condition, situated on well landscaped lot. Owner will accept reasonable down payment and hold one open mortgage for balance. Call Irwin Cruikshanks at RA 8-5123 today. Tomorrow may be too late Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor RA 8.5123, RA 8.5124, RA 8-5125 ~~ 101 Simcoe St. N. with substantial down payment. 37453. . | = . 12.700, nice[$18:300 -- SIX-ROOM brick house, two 3 FOTRREDROGN hv, ih 31 THREE, tm fp, 38 Tin oN nemo, vn, Mery EOIN Mh 0, SE AON POS J Ft 0B eB ed Sar, 427 Real Este for Sele [29--Automobiles for Sale ; of clty on paved road. Available June Fo Ws Gait ME ge Pligg oo 4 ping. Telephone RA 8.6605. ] EE a, Ten Tran. JENS gue. Wilchen. Hive er Thor. Pati iach lirdctvely MODEL home. compietely finished 5% 1961 TRIUMPH sports coupe, two tone' 3-3764. 31 Albany. RA 5.3760, fester, off oll { I hn Jo lown pay. steel stanchions, waler bowls, good living room. Landscaping is all --- rt ca A 3984 brick on Wychwood | paint, washers, new car warranty, will x TE aw Coca ery menh: Se ha any Soom tnad. nt Tot Foto w= 150| Street 1s now for sale. $1600 down, full finance or take trade. RA FF A $70 monthly, cosy clean four MODERN four-room apartment, and haber, Cail Bf nisin Rh 6515 RA 5.50 for particninrs. Priv .. y in Harmony BOTLDING lot, Taunton Road, 49 x ' ion foom bungalow, centrally located, va|bath, including TV aerial, refrigerator, 269 Thomas Street. Telephune RA 8-333. 1054 'Realty, Oshawa Ltd, Realtor. North ares Immediate possession.|it. 82.400. city water, ready to build price $14,350, Saay Ne me sr io, bar 1% PLYMOUTH Savoy sedan. ond gant now. RA 8-5145. Evenings, RA| {ston stove and dryer. Avaflable May 15. RA SHAR Dale Jae Classified at TWOFAMILY frame Bouse: hearl HARMONY Call _S. cko, tor, hy gm el RA Jain, 6a 32 Jers. Macko, Realtor, RA 8-4661. Waar, | uires some motor work, - - sell outgrown clothin, lig ; 180 ACRES, 10-roomed house, barn, belfe . a ar . sony 3.2293. samme ---- dial RA 33492 to place your ad, schools and North GM, $6.500, , 90 f RA 3 IF you want a 58,56 METEOR four-door sedan, This car cusion, bulk Some ar XClusive SOLE, around floor, private er HONE and two-bedroom aparinientn| Sous. E257 terms. After 6pm. RA| VILLAGE pth pda or trade I, apartment sites, Eigin Street With ae pr cent NHA iA worigage and runs and looks like & fore he could move in. Ranch fered pu commences Quiet girl preferred.|available in modern building, stove ow -- 2,900, odo om Opposite Donevan High School for house in in Oshawa. RA | 8-323 i at Park Road North. 2 1 'services paid, equal value eall Stive ver 5.3180. og A Th MO_ samt: galow garage, firepl Hoi- 1 phone RA 3-7260, ee and refrigerator supplied. B-: PRIVATE aie S200, m ort i Yamony Rd. South I5 ROOM, self cc gr A Fy ation. Tor Ey more | fo ation FOF GLE price Yorey neat pn. 2a YORD, foulvies mechanical. lywood kitchen, three rear and one two-bed. after 5. 101 Craydon Road, Whitby. |G 75,0000 "Cont mortgage, carries for CASH--TRADE--TERMS® [ment and bathroom, very central,|C8 Wb TB, too "vig Ritr. |low, just east of way Motors, Whitby. MO_8-3331. four-piece bath, immediate EO apartments. Modern, all conven-| TWO-BEDROOM apartment in moteraiag: 3 LT. per month, Large lot, close Couple with children only, heat, hydro 088 =. =. Foot ve -- = | od, Wey Bi) Bullied. 5 ">. Hy-|; Son, Te Bon & a month. | {lences, Swe. Lu pariment i = Nori to Tail schools stores. Call OPEN HOUSE luded, $55 thly. RA 8-6666. $9300 CHURCH Street, two.storey, siz. man Realtor. RA 86286, 59 FORD cuylom bua, rai way be, be, ly. Write Box w mes. i y. T . washer, er, Pav parking. RA 3.7442 after 6 p.m. brick home, | seen Down' room A ofl heated good condition. (LOT, 75° x 200°, with tiled well, four Street North, next to i par iE olh Sec FARK Late Ap i Phone' Ra S50 Soe DAILY FOR REAL ESTATE [Gils "Hobbs. RA" 39860 Jonn miles from city limits. Telephone RA iss pryoGTR ~sonveriivie- peach 3 yard, Myers Street, close |suites, elevator service, balconies, TWO - bedroom apartment, private en- FOR REAL ESTATE | JOHN A. J Wacko Realtor 5-5992. nd be k, V8, auto Pg to Ritson Road. Phone RA a _|stove, refrigerator ,$110 up. Call Donitrance and driveway, 10 minutes from [a COUNTRY home, nearly new ranch CORNER 82° by 185°, at Courtice, extras pis 3h a new iy at {8 RA' FOUN vom frame al con. Howe. Realisr. RA §7es2 Road Soutn. Tei a RA 5.6406, Park § 3} B 0 L A H 0 0 D DON S. SMIT Cole. thren - bedroom, modern BFick paved roads, R3 sone, 'good water.|3-2919, Call anytime. : veniences, two miles north of city BOWMANVILLE -- Heated, modern|Road South. Telephone RA bungalow, with attached garage, all Phone RA 8-085. 1959 PONTI/ limits, one acre land, two large build-|three rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, APARTMENTS two-room. three-room Mor.. Vickery Real Estote modern | conveniences. ASKING 0B 1¥| mmm 1959 PONTIAC si sixyliner, automatic, ings. RA 8.6508 for appointment. {asher, dryer, $60. MA 3-5996, Apt. 4.|or four-room in new building. Laundry LTD. REALTOR INSURANCE or. ry $11,500 with low down payment. W. Me- LOT, 125 x 125, $1,800 cash preferred. power | power steering, Apply 63 3 King W West. Also. oh Stor | for rent.|facilities, stove, reirizerator. 68 Wayne : RA 8.6228 Auley, Realtor, 12 Prince Street. Westwood sub-division. RA 5-3232 daily dition. Must t sell. E1850. RA 8.5333, 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|xpanaest, frig. aerial, | Street. RA 5.39; Mr. Aurelia Kanoza OPEN TO OFFER Business ..... 4 3.2512 or MO 38-5765. ek Tg 1965 3 FONTIAC » sedan delivery, perfect ra ---- four rooms, bath, oig tor es FOUR large rooms, newly decorated, MAIDSTONE Bunzalow. of or af tter«| running condi APARTMENT. four rooms. water- "|teachers or nurses, $65 monthly. 335!ground floor, private bath, parking, R A 5.1 457 M BRICK Res. ........ RA 8-4879 MAIDSTONE | bungalow, an ery Fd son or Howie McCabe Douglas L.|for delivery exclusively. RA 3 37202. EE hod, Jocation, laundry. Path Sary. RA SOND. © laundry facilities, stove and' refrigera- | THREE. BEDROD ir Devt weil ox wothott 7 ty Gower Realtor Ltd., RA 84651. |pRIVATE '59 Ford stationwagon, ex- dun Road ii SUNNY, two room furnished apartment, tor 28 Hillside Avenue. RA 37068. | BUNGALOW," large living PRIVATE SALE 765 Rowena Street. HOUSE at 172 Colborne Street East, cellent condition, power stee: THREE-ROO! |east end, private bath, quiet, near bus,(BRIGHT clean ground floor apart- EIGHT-ROOM FOUSE | ™°™ dinette, tiled bath- i also apartment, corner Division |brakes, automatic, radio, low age. " trance, all OM apartment. private en- $10 weekly. Abstainers only, RA 5.4283 ment, three, rooms with stove, immed. - room, paved driveway. Six rooms and bath, Summer | JOHN A. J |Colborne. Phone RA 5-1709. MO 8-3008 er 6 pm. i 4 after 6. iate possession, business or elderly cou- a : i { os One lot 200 » 81,|'60 FONTAC Parisien risienne ested, Sentral. Jarting. Fhowe days! OF rtment,|Ple preferred. RA 5-8823 mornings -| All modern conveniences. North-west district, close io kitchen, garage. Aluminum (FIVE a Lh] 2 Term | rick wna a | radio, Ho chic coves RA 5.1113; evenings, RA 5-1569. FURNISHED ) basement a apa Rveninns onl schools and shops. 51409 throughout new fumace. UNFURNIS Fre i" | central, refrigerator, heavy wiring. sep- BUNEY ORLY iiss ne . -- Beautiful corner lot with 1 i 80 ' low. Apple Hill, RA 5 walls, ih. up yoy RA 3-3829 after NF arate entrance, parking, suitable for! GROUND FLOOR -- three.room unfur- interest, carries for $ Low foxes. $9,800, easy FIVE-ROOM brick bu, hm two years 0 Pm. ed partment, newly decorated, heat. couple. Furnished room for Iady or nished apartment, private entrance and frees. Well situated. monthly P.LT. Down pay- terms Realtor Ltd Insurance |old, F inianed ek Vans Fins00. 308) |1057 FORD Tudor, good n, stan. - a g 3.9128. bath, gas range. Apply 730 Simcoe " A * " ide 1 . Reasonable. Teleptone HA BOW2 PARTLY araehed. three Cargel room rect Sou. Phone YUkon 5-2336 | mm l° be sranged. 118 BARRIF AVE. V7 Sweie. ETAT ans home a Ka g| ole carn rade. RA" 80065 ater § NEw modern two-bedroom apartment, th bath min | GROUND floor apartment, Three rooms PORT PERRY RA 5-9801 AFTER S x Sct East atimined Sarane, stone |Pn: lutes walk to South General Tong and bath, built-in cupboards, laundry | a. Office Hours 9 a.m.-9 p.m. [gen p sta recreation ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save w Stove, washer, dryer, paved Parking. 8 Suit couple or two gentlemen. Tele-|and parking facilities, meoe Strest' rn Se . fireplace. open oh A EE I ET Say Fo ark Road South. RA 5-3212 |phone RA 58439. South, $78 monthly, available Ma» DOL JGLAS 1. COURTICE AREA m al any r ir oi personal service at your home RA 35-2802. CENTRAL location, south of King on Oshawa Blvd, Six spacious Fooms, dm. fm. 1954 OLDSMOBILE, in excellent condi tion. no rust. Must be seen to be ap- needed. bri "S. Mack "wacko Ri Realtor, RA 8 LOT, 70 x 22 220, NH, $1,000. a , 48° x 103°, 36 water. Telephone RA 5-3907. Road. Phone please. ing on Stevenson's 8-4741, No realtors, LOT for sale 45' x 130' and Ritson vicinity, 5-7633. Bloor Full les Si2,500, A. te to school, just off A or Road East, mission, radio, 3.9286. $595 séwage and L-SHAPED parcel of vacant land fac Tire Telephone Private. East. RA 5.5555 i 's4 OLDSMOBILE four-door sedan ia excellent condition, automatic trans- new . Seaway Motors, Whitby, tires, sale price MO 8.3331. | CUSTOM (in the Saat) Jransstor car |radios, from Stores, 48 Bond Street Wort, gr or] RA PRIVATE SALE N.H.A. resale. possession, furnished if desired. RA 8-1463 Immediate five-room bun- galow, corner lot, decorated, Park Rd. S. $12,900. Down $1,- 500. 'SS CHEV. ........ 34695 '55 BUICK Hardtop .. $695 SS CHEV. ........ $195 '58 PONTIAC $1295 Many more -- Eosy Terms' SELLING OR BUYING "STEW IS WORTH TRYING RA 5-1667 REALTOR NORTH SIMCOE with four have been looking for. beautiful your chance, make change today, onytime to inspect. Member Oshawa and LUCAS PEACOCK RA 5-4330 - RA 8-5109 Do you wont a home with FOUR bedrooms, and a nice shady yard? What! you con't pay over $13,000 for a home bedrooms? That's 0O.K., we have just what you condition. Here's District Real Estate Board, BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Rood) RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5-5574 30---Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want Bi al he adhd ces 706 In CORVETTE wanted oo to * iden, "wie accept '60 in, Write B. Belan, 502 i 0 rowTiAG 3 automatic, Al condition, Fadi. "elenhone BA $4713 afer § 3.3. "60. Sones Healey 3000 a» Pine 28--Real Estate Wanted HAVE three. ox newer, also desire lot, 5-foot substantial down payment for -bedroom house, eight years old minimum fruntage, yr particulars and Times. 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Cor to "Ted" Talk' AC oc to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS RA 3-4494, Res. RA 5-5574 . AT --- Be and one-half trade two Phone oni 4152 storey house in or around Courtice. Will new homes. Seweastie area, or two. to Box 834, Oshawa Times. PRIVATE party desires four-bedroom house with fireplace. Write particulars 29--Automobiles for Sale '53 FORD four-door tone paint, way sedan, new two- automatic transmission, new tires, mechanically OK, $495. Sea- Motors, Whitby, MO 8$-3331. Selling Your Car? Ti MACKIE MOTORS KING ST. E. One Block East City Limits When buying at Mackie Mo- tors you get one year 100% mechanical warranty on ell 1958 LINCOLN Capri hardtop, white, dual automatic, radio, new rubber, $595. RA late RA 5-5743 ermine power 5-8959. shocks, new body new '52 FORD, Susomized, A- -1 aps. new any tune-up, Telephone RA 8-3643 after be CHEVROLET Biscayne, automatie, two-tone, radio, spotless. Telephone MA 3-5642 or 2 Church, Bowmanville. etors, posi traction, etc. MO 8-2532, Whitby. '59 CORVETT, four speed transmission, solid lifter Samahatt, 2 24 barrel carbur- rear end, radio HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. RA 3-7822 1956 BUICK hardtop, ood tires, good condition, $795. Telephone MO So110, New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST Trade your boat on a car-- North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 12 Open evenings or weekends $ALL CASHS$ For clean cars we deal up or | down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY, MO 8-8001 SALES LTD. SALES and SERVICE OSHAWA, ONT. Tel. RAndolph 3-346! SABYAN MOTOR STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S, RA 3-942] 32-- Articles for Sale WILLIS MOTORS USTIN Dealer RA 5-0331 of Used Cars. TAUNTON RD. EAST We have a good assortment ONE chrome kitchen green. Telephone RA 80217." suite, grey and than 20% on their car ample free parking OFIELD 360 KING ST. WEST RA 3-2265 CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better surance. Half-year payments, Call us today and compare-- Insurance Associates Ltd. in- TRY THE NEW VOLVO SPORT AND FAMILY CAR. at JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa -- RA 8.0921 Sales and service. open until 9 pm. at RA 3-7132 NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES .- BENZ - DKW Showroom 408 KING ST. WEST Brand: new engine, muffler, etc. RA 8-5305 '59 VOLKSWAGEN clutch, six month war- ranty, 500 mile free check. up. Private, di owner sal.e SELL-OUT SALE DUE TO AN IMPENDING RE-ORGANIZATION OF THE COMPANY ED. WILSON FURNITURE CO. SELLS OUT ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE CLEARED TO THE BARE WALLS THIS IS A "MUST" SACRIFICE SALE! REDUCTIONS BELOW COST PRICE! HURRY, HURRY, COME COMPARE, SEE, SAVE : MORE MONEY COLOSSAL BUYS ALL MUST BE CLEARED REGARDLESS OF LOSS HURRY DOWN AS THESE SPECIALS WILL GO FAST Unfinished desks, drawer and shelves. Sell-Out $9.88 Three-piece Bedroom Suites, blond or walnut finish, Mr. ond Mrs. dresser, large chest, bookcase bed. Regular $199. Sell-Out $128 Spring-filled Crib Mattresses Sell.Out . $6.88 1961 Lloyd Metal Body Care riages. Caor-bed style, deluxe Model, Was $49.95. Sell. Sirah $29.95 ED. WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH. ST. (Continued on Page 14) RE ----