Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 8 May 1961, p. 18

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 8, 1961 17 32-- Articles for Sele , restaurant or Brookin. 26--Rooms for Rent 27--Reol Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale 27-- Real Estate for Sale 29--Automobiles for Sale 165 ACRES -- Lindsay area, brick, 15 ACRES, Oshawa four miles, level sys, 000 -- EXCEPTIONAL ts two-storey 59 yony custom built, radio, may be private bath, quiet se, clean and lapd, "Yhe ewnor lias or oiced Dries) Bome, near Oshawa Goid Club. largelssen at Don Down's a simcoe| 32--Articles for Sale , barn, |{rom to $4,900. Oung,|main floor, room, family si "North. next to bowls, good |RA 5-658. RA 3.7183 anytime. Wilson WINE and cider Barrels, sold Sak. ail OFFICE, ite county road, high school bus at door. Realtor. : 08, BUICK hardtop, good ti and , | New, A RA 55930 for particulars. Privath sale.|sg too -- LIVEABLE bit ed, |5-9870, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. on, $793. Tel MO 851 85110, (8 Church. RAST6M. a A sale, x 103', sewage and e ranch bungalow with acre of land threo-bed » - PLYMOUTH "convertible, peach |'S8 PO! 1 new picture LOZ for 0 so A x lov. se ean ia nearby, Courtice, $500 4 down. (1, 08 WARS 3 NHA mortgage and and lagk, V8, automatic, the tube, private. Phone RA 8-3064 after Frances Hallowell, RA 35-8344. Joseph (th $400 down payment or ear Per ig motor, Bosco, Realtor. equal value eall OLiver = 30 3.2019. Call & anytime, © Sorry Low down payment or will (ake limits, one acre of land, two large TwO-FAMILY frame house, BeAr ooo oro oo (1959 FoRTIAC "six-cy H 9180, 98 for ap-|schools and North GM, $6,500, $500 : power stee: any extras, Sood con- Two |Pointment. RA £555 down. Easy terms. After 6pm. RA nfles : from city limits. Telephone RA FCF eign hE! $1,850. RD marae 51945. i ee re or VOIR avilers. LSHAPED Dare 5 OF VROADE TAD 100: ie soc erorsmiuimm aims 9 Courtice, | 1957 VOLKSWAGEN, | ee Sila type re har Road. Phone MO ROOMING house on Drew Street. CORNER =, 8 by uN, ut ution, | ow tires, radio, red leather, $695. used equip. Bill Hamilton, 1$180 monthly income from this three. Phone RA 8-051. Phone R RA 37076 or Claremont 837R2l. |PORTABLE areasing equipment |, tire etc. |storey brick home with garage. Hot Gi TR 1956 PONTIAC sedan delivery, perfect | changer, op months old. Phone Douglas 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent TMENT, four rooms, water THREE . room flat, with private| THREE Jooms. th vod, location, land, a A en paring y i anaiel absialers near bus, Shop. RA 3-309. 165 Ver./for qu couple, a only. ly » , A ing, bus as door. 31 Albany. RA 5.3760. ping Centre. Write Box 828, Oshawa Stee! APARTMENT = living, Kitchen bed: MODERN four-room apartment, and, Times. TV aerial, refrigerator, i entrance and bath, ample|stove and dryer. Available May 15. RA 27--Real Estate for Sale . Apply 236 or RA 4 RA [3-914]. Ei INCOME home, 2% Sorey, o NSS FOUR-ROOM py bungalow, Ie und iE ph steals apartments, two two miles north of city Telephone RAS p.m. WINE and cider oarrels, solid oak, all sizes. are and tric. 8 Church, RA 3-7624. {or rion desks, $10 h Casts warranty on THR ROO! partment, vate en- A TEE pi Bin Fi wiring, ern conveniences. Quiet girl preferred. heated, central, parking. Phone days,|T RA 3.7260, RA 51113; evenings, RA 51569. ONE -- one-bedroom and one two-bed- UNFURNISHED _ three-room self-con-|room apartments. Modern, a conven- ed apartment, newly decorated, heat-|iences, od, parking, immediate possession, occupancy. Telephone RA ! 53052 Reasonable. Telephone RA 8- 8-3952. PARK Lane AD 0] NEW modern two- service, alconies, | nt building, refrigerator, , refrigerator ,8110 up. Call Don I iy dryer, od parking. 82 Howe Realtor. RA 5-7732. Park Road South. RA 5-322. APARTMENTS--two_bedrooms, ref: erator and stoves, TV antenna. Av. able now. Telephone RA 8-5660. roa NFU - room apart- APAR' , stove, aerial ii, Ap BIE heat, an Ar rooms, bath, ideal for' bachelor sult feo adults. 197 Oshawa Blvd. South, leachers or nurses, $65 monthly. RA 57414 RA 5-0369. good car. RA 3 $18,500 -- SIX-ROOM brick house, two master bedrooms, extra washroom, place, covered patio, attached garage,|ing on 5% per cent mortgage, Elacively Fr ihe iy realtors, please. landscaped, North end. RA 8- LOT for sale &' x LOT, 70 x 220, NHA a; Ross cous 10 and Ritson school, just off ih Road East, |5.7633, $1,000. RA 3.9286. FOR REAL ESTATE OLIVE HOWE Mr. Aurelia Kanoza RA 5-1457 N.H.A. RESALE Three-bedroom brick bunga- low, 4 wears old, North- West area, backing on Nipi« gon Park, Carries $89.00 per month, principal, interest, taxes. Aluminum doors, storms, screens. RA 8-6030 PRIVATE SALE Beautiful new five-room bun- 130°, Bloor "street (OEY Gea requires low lown pay.|LIST, buy or trade, yg pr ed USED vicinity, Telephone RA|, oni' See this tremendous son Howie McCabe running condition, $595. Used Loy florist p.m, ae, Call Bill Horner RA $5123, | Gower Realtor Ltd, RA 8-4651, for delivery exclusively, RA 37202 FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- tween Lioyd Realty, Oshawa Ltd. Realtor. "East, MUST sell '56 Studebaker - eral tride-in Allowance. Free demon- 950 CHURCH Street, two-storey, ais apartment, corner ang|radio. Royal blue, while' walls, good stration. Telephont RA 84583. fnoors| Catborme. Phont RA 31700 condition, best offer. Call anytime. MO| VACUUM cleaner, Tephits, all makes, FIVE sores a is One 6 BHT WL Soo ova Tout machines. Eel tra Thickson Road, §ix-room, brick bungs. PRIVATE 59 Ford stationwagon, ex- iB gg Big BR Ser. sin 2. Avple Hill, RA 5-7786. bi t ie, radlo, low vice, RA 8-091 anytime. FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, two years| MO 8-3006 after 6 5_p.m. AWNINGS, canvas, prompt $13,500. 308 ora y free estimates Chair, Habis = OLDSMOBILE a EA amir * good condi. Clave Fox, 412 Sinrcos HOUSE at 172 Colboine Street also Division _|BOWMANVILLE -- Heated, modern .\three rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, as dryer, $60. MA 3-5096, Apt. 4. FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Mgr. Vickery Real Estate RA 8.6228 RA 8-4879 HARMONY VILLAGE Call Mary Hobbs Wacko Reaitor PRIVATE sale $12,900, room solid brick bungalow, four yoars a pply 63 King West. Also store for rent. "modern Business - x t, furnished or finn basement apartment, THREE ROW spaciment and cup Taunton Road, near Hampton, tiled boards inthe kitchen, near South GM, floors, sink, suit young couple, $60 rildren welcome. F Phone RA 8 A ond includes heaitng, hydro. CO, YROO! artm on Simcoe ICR "x mel Tele. SUNNY, eae wah a. peu bt phone -6343 9 a.m. and east end, private bath, quiet, near bus § p.m. RA 3 bet Wath [$10 weekly. Abstaluers only. RA §- | after 6. ED, three-room apart: > og a sink and built-in THREE-room apartment, ground floor, cupboards in kitchen, immediate pos- refrigerator, stove, private entrance, session. n. Apply 513 Richmond East. 'self contained, Iv Jesial, Jaundry fat rt |ities, wi entral, mon THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, yoy **7 © 4 private bath, sink, built-in Apply 145 Albert Street. ps So a le, | OFFICE, Color TV rear speaker, automatic, wh ite|New, used, buy, buy. sell, ser service. A ¥; RA 33829 after |ilton, Ashburn, PLT. th, Large lot, close | 884. .T. per mon 8 lose radio, . yas, back up lights. . - p.m. WE pay highest prices Tudor, good condition, stan. used or wea Fur dard shift, $1,000 fuil price. iL ta take |ture Store. RA 3.3271, 444 Simos South. {to churches, schools a 1957 FORD : REALTOR older car in trade. RA 8-0065 after 6 CHESTERFIELDS, washers, |RA 3.7442 after 6 p.m. OSHAWA SHOPPING 3 SLATE Auto Insurance. Save up hen "ining room furniture. I= St ---- COUNTRY home, nea ranch Vil ®pedroo CA brick to 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For cooking utensils, garden tools, power Pella service at your home call mowers. See Elmer CO 3-2204, A 5.2802. IEingaiow, with attached garage, RA 5.6588 RA_5-2 TELEVISION. used. $30.95 up. Easy | THREE-ROOM, self-contanied apart SX, Goods Blores, ment, and bathroom, very central. phone Couple with children only, heat, hydro | included, $ $55 monthly. 1 RA 8.6666. MAIDSTONE bungalow, oll heated, 3% | bedrooms, low down payment, very |taxes, with or without furniture. Apply 765 Rowena Street. Eo LOVSYLY eight-room house, in a fene- lea lot, with garage, other extra's, tip |top condition. Will sacrifice for $14,000. RA 5-8911. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE All modern Beautiful corner lot trees. Well situated, | FURNISHED apartment, J ---- central, refrigerator, heavy wiring, sep- #105 DUPLEX -- 549 Lansdowne | Drive, arate entrance, parking, suitable for at Wilson Road North, two - bedroom .,,5io "Furnished room for lady or apartment on main floor, 18 living | (gentleman RA 3.0128 room, huge Xiteitn with balcony over: | looking garden, tiled bathroom, washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, TV, parking 126--Rooms for Rent eo Open for inspe nspaction, or call Frank} LARGE housekeeping room, private en.| 990%, bd 2 d Hazlett, RUssell 3.1723 or eve = *|trance, main floor, RA 8.5253, 218 Celina] front, situated on landscape RUssel] 7-9387, 3005 Bathurst Street, Street. lot with three full grown ronto. TTT awe Maples at rear. Features: hed two - r : bid nlihigh 9 contained: private bi he 368 Sim Jor street Norn. RA by ple. | Ceramic, bathroom with van- room, use of automatic washer and c a 4 | ity, Hollywood kitchen, ma- dryer, reasonable rent. RA 3-434. |ONE housekeering room, clean and | hogany trim throughout, sec. tioned basement CPE ROOM a {comfortably furnished, downtown. Ap- THREEROOM apartment. private en | ply after 6 p.m. at 77 Ontario Street | ston. Washing § jaciities Telephone RA 21 COLBORNE Street West, large dou.| Located at 426 Miller Street, just off Gibbons, Immediate possession 56106, RA 3-753 ble room and small single, cooking op! RA 5-3662 TY tional, business gentleman preferred SAG re RA LAS L-SHAPED PARCEL OF basement LTD. REALTOR INSURANCE OPEN TO OFFER THREE - BEDROOM large | tiled bath- | driveway. close to | | all modern conveniences. Asking only {311,500 with low down payment. W. Me: Opposite Donevan High School |Auley, Realtor, 12 Prince Street. RA Homeny Rd, :Seuth ii i tl house, barn, CASH--TRADE--TERMS |three-car garage, 90 acres of valuable OPEN HOUSE timber, small river. For sale or trade {for house in Oshawa. RA 83237. DAILY HREE.R 1 1954 OL OLDSMOBILE, in excellent t, condi. Budget Terms. : 4 .m, (tion. mo rust ust seen ap- Street JOHN A. J. Open 9:00 e.m, to 9:00 p.m fon, Ro be ne be ap. 54543. 'B 0 LA H 0 0 D JUST LISTED East. RA 530%. un WALNUT bedroom sulle with serine. " 5 dition. B e t| Bes er, Telep 8-877 In the north-west area close a AL tion. B ey {more information. to all schools, bus and shop- |GGETOM (in the dash) transistor car (12 PLYWOOD boat, also trailer, 3 HP ing, lovely brick ond stone [radios, from $39. Try minjon Scott motor. Just used one + also bungalow with paved drive |Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West, tent, WH 32-2166 after Soy he and nicely landscaped lot. HISTORICAL Atlas of Ontario County, BRICK Builder's home with o forge |30--Automobiles Wanted Ioubires, wt J, eo sont ily-si i LAKESHORE Auto reckers wants Atlas of Durham and Lomily 3128 modem kizchen, cars for wrecking, Highest prices paid. and Counties, 1879. 31 Tordale Cres-| dining room and large liv- (na syim, |cent, Scarboro. Phone PL 7-8167, i. Fara ing room, 2 roomy bedrooms. |i BONTIAG, aufomatic, A1 condition. BEATTY washer, A-1 condition, chrome [stoves Ste. Po offer, con om UARGE "furnished housekeeping room, | living BUNGALOW, room, dinette, room, paved North-west district, schools and shops. 5%a% interest, carries for $80 monthly PLT Down pay- ment o be arranged, Phone YUkon 5-2336 RA 5-9801 PORT PERRY CASTLE HOMES $600.00 Basement completely finished with terrazzo marble, finished recreation room, office ond extra bathroom. Many ex tras. Asking $12,900 for fost sale. Call today $12,800 FULL PRICE For this 5-room brick bungae- low. Three master size bed- rooms, lorge kitchen and living room, 4-piece tiled bath, 2.room basement apartment. T.V. antenna, many extras. Look! all this on a 5% mortgage and lo- conveniences. preferably Two-Tone Laurentian with kitchen set, two leafs, four i RA with dio. Telephone RA 35-8713 after 5 p.m. | [ZSED tires, ort ai eigen, 3 2m up, radio. Telephol {matching chairs. T 35-2969, hy izes Cash deal, ---- BF, A Stores -- Tires, bat- § teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele. ous, Py wood nin Sass, 18 ft vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543. in9 tichew det leep And Selling Your Car? MACKIE MOTORS KING ST. E One Block East City Limits When buying at Mackie Mo- tors you get one year 100% mechanical warranty on all late models. RA 5-5743 ship, running 178 Valencia Ming SPRING SPECIAL |i TOOT Lakecraft cedar sip boa. eom| COMBINATION ALUMINUM |lshts, ied wet a uF DOORS $39.50 on be Et INCLUDES GRILLE, NUMBER [terested make offer. "Tow 58 Grom. OR INITIAL ART Tei pA Xattins, Ph, Sncyels, ALUMINUM WINDOWS, » AWNINGS, CANOPIES, |Popied. RA woth Don offer |four-room and three-room flats, sinks, SEMI. furnish cupboards, TV outlet, oil heat. Joseph SEN rigied primes hrs Se Reon, BAS. tral. Telephone R. RA 8-385) THREE.-ROOM. paling 5 space. 490 Ritson Road South, RITSON ROAD near King, unfurnished WIDOW with modern bungalow self-contained apart. room for rent, suitable for lady ment, and bathroom, very central, couple, cooking privileges. WH 2.6685. Couple with children only. Heat, hydro FURNISHED apartments and single cluded, $55 monthly. RA 58-6666. rooms in apartment house with private THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, Shtrances, privileges. 96 Centre Street. semi-private entrance, parking. Tele: TWO unfurnished rooms, sink, cup- | Luni] - 8-2489 or RA 8-1584. boards and rangette, couple with sma) R ~ yoom apartment, apartment baby welcome, Available June 1 has RAILINGS Puilding. TV outlet, stove, fridge, monthly. Telephone RA 35-8215 FOR rent large bright three-room apartment. air c south end of eity. RA 82821 or RA 5-2096. FURNISHED room for rent, suit two | THREE-ROOM apartment, sink ana ladies or Jenileman, close to South Gen. | | cupboards in kitchen, heavy duty | ing, parking facilities, suitable for TWO - ROOM furnished apartment,| * couple, near Ritson School. RA 5-3812. GROUND FLOOR -- three-room unfur- nished apartment, private entrance and Wo furnished | housekeeping 1 rooms, ~iclose to North General Motors. | ¢ Telephone RA 8.6890. stove, refrigerator, near hospital, st | |Gregory's Church, downtown, two or three girls may share, RA 35-0238 VACANT LAND Facing on Stevensons Rd. No Realtors Please PHONE MO 8-4741 bath, gas range. Apply 730 Simcoe ONE bright large housekeeping room, | Street South. refrigerator and stove, parking space. | THREE-ROOM basement apartment, APPly 202 Albert Street suitable for couple, close to South Gen. PARTLY furnished two room flat, use | eral Motors, $60 per south, plus hydro, of washing machine. Pind 48 Drew | available Tune 1. RA 3.97. |Street between 5-8 p ONE bedroom modern , in [ROOMS with or So apartment building, refrigera and gentlemen, single beds, stove, washing acticin, $85 monthly. parking, very central board for | television, + reasonable, | {Near North General Motors. RA 86697 Office Hours 9 a.m. -- 9 p.m. NEW modern two bedroom apartment, LARGE, bright furnished "housekeeping in new apartmnet building, decorated, room with studio couch, refrigerator, era washer, dryer, large closet. Close to hospital and paved parking. One block to Sh . Tele RA 53228 Centre. RA 83282, | FURNISHED bedroom, beds to GROUND floor apartment, three rooms share, five minutes from downtown, sad bath, built-in cupboards, laundry ample parking, Telephone RA 8-380 for parking facilities, Simcoe Street more e particulars. foun 0s $78 monthly, available May 15. THREE furnished rooms, near hospital and bus Une, sult business couple, THREE furnished rooms, sult respect. girls gentlemen, extension tele: Shia tally. Close 1 hospital and Due. phone. "Telephone A 52400. One child welcome. Ra 86387 or 30 | ges so om ahed or un- ; |rarnished. suit two Tadies, bath off bed. IE LFCONTAINED apartment, large foom, also smaller room for one per. fiving room and bedroom, with Kitcheth . Close to hospital. RA 5.0575 Br vale ath | EE farnished rooms, sult three Avenue. JOHN A, J BOLAHOOD REALTOR LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. TWO-STOREY Will take low down payment. Decorated and very clean; good location. Call Mr, Rat cliffe, RA 5-6544, NEW---NEW---NEW 5-room brick ond stone bun- golow, south-east district. Well-built ond ready for occupancy. Why not see this now? To inspect call Mr, FULL DOWN PAYMENT ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE A COMPLETE HOME Visit our furnished Model Home on the north parking lot of the Oshows Shopping Centre. RA 5-1186 Model home open © a.m. to 9 p.m. Homes to be constructed in Glendale Acres, King Street West, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE MISSING $550.00 -- DOWN -- $550.00 6.room brick homes, $10,850 -- $72.00 per month, plus taxes, 1050 square feet bungalows completely modern with all the extras ond top quality construction second to none. 800 gallons of oil, equivalent to one year's supply, given away to a limited number of customers. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. REALTOR coted in the north-west of city. Make an appointment to see this one today. $12,475 FULL PRICE Special offer! See this well- planned, quality-built, semi! split-level. Three bedrooms, large living room and kit- chen, 4.piece tiled bath, Oversized attached garage and paved drive. Situated on large, landscaped lot in Brooklin. To inspect this home just eall our office. ROSSLAND RD. E. AT WILSON Five rooms, white frome bun- golow on large lot 115 x 327. Ideal for building a new horse, Asking price $10,- CALL RA 5-6588 TODAY! After Hours Please Call: Wes Elliott .... RA 8-058) Dick Young ... RA 3.7183 Charlie Rankine RA 8-3682 Lloyd Corson .. RA 3.2537 Ken Hann .... RA 3.7963 HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W. RA 3.7822 Colonial Aluminum Sules Co. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. OPEN 9 AM. - 9 P.M. RA 8-4614 $ ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 Electrohome Television Stereo HI-FI with exclusive SATELLITE SPEAKERS FULL YEAR WARRANTY plus -- on all ports MEAGHER'S 5S King St. W. RA 3.3428 DEW WORMS FOR SALE Wholesale or Retoll, call OSHAWA BAIT CO. RA 8-3222 or APPLY 843 RITSON ROAD SOUTH BOATS BOATS, JAOTOR . TRAILER RA 8-5924 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good cleon cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. §, RA 3.9421 32----Articles for Sale ALUMINUM STORM DOORS and WINDOWS Primer Aluminum Windows for inside house. Best Quality Awning and design. Very Reasonable Price. For details Call Alex Vojde RA 3-9851 T.V. TOWERS COTTAGE SPECIAL 22'10" x 17'10" Reguler Price, Bullt $1127. $1039. $33 per month Free Bonus Window Screens and wooden Screen Doors. COLONIAL HOMES LTD. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. OPEN 9 AM.-9 PM. RA 8-4614 SPECIALS PRINTS -- 3 yds. $1.00 DRAPES, made to order. Modem design, reasonable laundry room girls or men, in respectable home, close Gibb, Apt. 1, Simcoe Street entrance. |i,'y,gnital and bus. 327 Kingsdale Ave. TWO large bedroom partment, in nw Ly RA 38-6387 oven igang? suitable "for one or two oni lemen or ladies. Apply 66 Warren tomatic washerdryer. Apply Apt. 1 or ERC fe furnished rooms and kitchen, or sewly decorated, oink ag hi room and kitchen, adults only. Ap- boards, Apply 305 Bond Street East|Ply 6% Simcoe Street North. after 6 p.m. PARK Road . King Street area, ab tractive, furnished housekeeping room, JHRER 2nd 3alf Toon bascinem Jpast./ ground floor, parking available. Apply private entrance, modern kitchen, $15 27 Park Road South. RA 8:04. Suit couple, no children. 267 North. ATTRACTIVELY Oshawa bv. FURNISHED ROOMS TWO four-room self-contained apart | in Private Home ments, furnished or unfurnished. One, q 82 PARK RD. NORTH Siblock, RA 5-6544 or RA 5.4362 ONLY $800 DOWN $75. © month buys this é- room brick home in good location, All good size rooms, hardwood and tile floors, oil heat, just. steps to shopping, schools and bus, This you must see. Call now, ask for Mr. Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342, RA 8-5123 RA 8-5124 RAB8-5125 29-- Automobi 101 SIMCOE ST. N. 193 LINCOLN Ca SoD Jor ue white, dual automate, radio, 3 bedrooms, solid brick with extra Squisped, new rubber, 5. mA $5. FOOD & FREEZER 33 YORD. cuiomized, A1 shape. new shoe body ork) new ba Tied ser PLAN You may have tried the rest, an tune-up, Telephone RA Now try the best. Eat better tor less. 80% groceries sup- plied, ol! well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment. Coll now for Demonstration -- no obliga- ONE ehrome Kitchen suite, grey and green. Telephone RA 8.0217 $55 40-fr. structure with alle channel antenno, all galvon- ized, guaranteed 1 yeor. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, RA 8.6781, BOAT AND MOTOR FIBRE GLASS BOAT Completely Equipped. 1961 18 h.p. MOTOR, $995. BROOKLIN: OLiver 5-3641 MARINE STORAGE & WHITBY -- Bayview Ave. large master bedroom, large modern kitchen, nicely decorated, aluminum storms and screens. $13,950. Cochrane St. Beautiful 7-room bungalow with glassed-in breeze- way, double gorage with electric eve, and o complete basement apartment, built on ag lot 125° x 136'. This home must be seen. Cochrane St. 3-bedroom brick, 1189 sq. ft. of living ores, carport, extra 2-piece washroom with finished rec. room, very attractive. $18,000, Cedar St. Older 1V4-storey, extra 2-piece washroom down- stairs, 20° living room wth fireplace, attached gaoroge, 24' x ER Ras Ye ai. o SHEVROLEY Biscayne, automatic, tone, radio, spotless. Telephone MA 3-5642 or 22 Church, Bowm etors, post traction, 456 rear end, radio ete. MO 8.2532, Whitby. Tage 1057 AUTOMATIC dard Pontiac, 200d tion, Call RA 5.559. We Speak Slovec Languages Member O. D. R. E. B, coupe, two tose 4 1961 TRIUMPH sports dial RA 8-3945 int, washers, new car warranty, will NICE also a two apartment, Madison Apartments, Simeoe th, TV outlet, washer, al er, stove, refrigerator $80 monthly. Adults 'wy. RA 1305. WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR SALE -- Manure for lawns, gar |SARDENS roto tilled. Telephone MO dens, and also lawn cutting Ti 8-213 phone MO 84514. a Fon ENT -- WSomlately "furnished | Toto. % ough-| 8 men eavy duty stove, pri-| SEAR Pr sotling. 4 |vate entrance and bath, $85 monthly. yd 1121 *Dundas * Street East, MO riment; large two-room apartment, $45 m Avatlable now. On Highway No. 2 awe Ist July, three bedroom to Ajax. MO 8-3804. bungalow, gas heated, Rent $75 per | Be ra {month to good tenant. Apply Geo. Brad. | FOR RENT -- Heated | apartment, , with ford Ltd. , 1 King Street West, Toronto. | washer and dryer, TV outlet. Plenty of EM 3.288; ing ace, Available immediately.' 8-2786. is available immediately. Apply Simcoe Street North, Apartment 8 or Call between 5 and 7 p.m, RA 8-8678 FOUR i basement apartment, Tass | Telephone M {monthly, includes heat, hydro, built-in ---- apartment, bed-sitting- | cupboards. heavy duty wiring, TV an- Kitchen and bath. Joif-co gontatnad. dncld js tenna. Child welcome. MO 8-4400 18s lovisios. x Whitby, 0 83276 j= SERVICES Complete bookkeep- Anderson Street, z - serviee for small businesses, week- SASDENS Hiled, smal] or large. Wilde|ly, monthly or as desired. Statements Rental Service and Sales, Whitby, MO | ama Income tax returns. MO ROOM and board for gentlemen, pri- FOR RENT -- Available now, vate home, home cooked meals. Tele. bedroom apartment, with garage, phone 1. {ground floor, large lawn. Another SEPTIO tanks cleaned the sanitary Same. Available July 1, Telephone MO way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 58062. ~~~ 204 Ches Chestnut West. Phone Mo 8-2563, SACRIFOE} Must sell "by June 1, 1, six- -- 17" television, $45; Din. room ck home. Finished basement, | FoR Saiz 7 tel chair, $6. Tele paved drive, Muy Xa Near all schools 'wner leaving province, phone Te 2-3877 7 ckerind. reasonable offer accepted MO 8 8- 2030 | - artmen FOR RE Rciven I broom , un. FOR RENT -- Three.room apartment, Jeigit ving. Mi hydro, hot water in. °lectric stove, cheerfully decorated. | ehuded. feat | location. Parking 233 Palace Street, Whitby. Telephone | . Telephone MO 85188. RA 54302 Oshawa. ee rdens, rea. STUDENTS! A super value, approxi. BOT mag: Edy rea: {mately 630 sheets of letter size typing ee _. | Paper (mews print) for only $1.00, Ap- FOR RENT -- One ant and two bedroom ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, , two Large ", $90, and Jo in od. 1111 Dundas Street West } s, fridges. M MODERN two-bedroom apartment for | GRAVEL LOAM rent. Heat, TV outlet, frig, stove in. ate, $87.50 monthly on two-vear 8006 Cement Gravel, mmediate possession. MO 8. Driveway Gravel ond Fill, Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon. clean up Special. Fertilizing, sweeping, rolling, trimming ete. Also ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 rs rates for laying sod, planting. ROTARY MOWER TUNE-UP Sharpened, oil changed, air filters cleaned, adjust car- buretor and controls. Clean and odjust spark plugs ond points. oil wheels, $4.50 (parts extra), WILDE RENTAL SERVICE SALES SAVE MONEY! Walter's Plano Regula. ting and Tuning. Apply at Grixtie Fur- niture Store or telephone MO 8.5481 after 3 p.m. "daily. Work guaranteed. DRESSMAKING! Ladies' and Chil. dren's Wear, sults coats ind altera. tions. Mrs. M Bradford, MO. 8-8666. FOR RENT Canoes, cor top motors, camping equipment, boat box and cabin trailers, chain and. skill saws, cement mixers, paint sprayers, lawn rollers, mowers, seeders, gar- den tillers etc. R SALE New and used lawn mowers, tillers, boats, motors end trailers, tents, box and cabin trailers. WANTED Boats, motors and trailers, to be sold on consignment boats, & 1415 Dundas East, WHITBY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD requires o SCHOOL SECRETARY Give training, experience and 3 age in written application to: WILDE RENTAL MR. W. A. ANDREW i ics end Seles P.O. Box 238, Whitby, Ort. Godby + Ys Whitby NORTH-WEST AREA $11,500 FULL PRICE This attractive little home is just what you've heard about, but couldn't find. Situated on large lot close to shop- ping, schools ond buses. Finished recreation room in basement, Reasonable down payment will buy this home, call Irwin Cruikshanks ot RA 8.5123. $1000 UNDER-PRICED Value hord to find on to- day's market, $12,500 with just $2000 down and the owner will hold one mort- gage for the balance. A top location is where you will find this six-room brick home by calling Bill Horner im- mediately at RA 8-5123. Our hottest listing. LLOYD REALTY | (OSHAWA) LTD, Realtor RA 8. Lr -- RA 8.5124 RA 8-5125 10} DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR LTD 41 GLADSTONE AVE. RA 8-465] Simcoe St. South -- 6-room $1000 down -- $11.300 full price. Call Howie Mec- Cabe. Thornton's Rd. ~-- 6-room. $1000 down -- $7500 full price. 2 ocres of lond. Call Ossie Martin. Woodcrest -- Duplex, double garage. $3000 down $13,900 full price. Sally Wallace. Arthur St. room. $2.5 $12,000 full i, Call Vie Hulatt. $15,780 -- Glenbrae -- NAA financing. Only down. Call Mary Clark 3-3889. 6 rooms -- Moneith Ave, -- $1500 down --- $11,650 full price Call Doug Gower. FOR BUYING POWER CALL DOUG GOWER -- Sat ey, 6- down v 42' warehouse. 4 apartment buildings consisting of 20 suites, reduced in price, owner moving to Florida. Call the office for further information. Immeoculate, only 3 years old, 3-bedroom brick, attached gar- age, finished rec. room and extra bedroom in basement. Coll today for this one ~~ 2-bedroom frame bungalow, broadloom Make offers Owner says "sell" in living room, large lot Older brick home, close downtown, panelled rec. room with fireplace, bar, brick garage, large lot. Cash for only 3 300, For properties in Oshawa, call Aurelia Kanoza, RA 5-145 Whitby -- Audrey Moore, MO B-4088 Res. -- Millie Bilida, Res, MO 8-2167. Office OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 130 BROCK ST. N WHITBY--MO 8-5853 Apartments for Rent -- Whitby &. N. METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. Dial RA 8-4678 ance or take trade. RA 8-59 Trade your boat on a cor New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 12 Open evenings or weekends SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES end SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Tel. RAndolph 3-3461 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars, INCOME HOME Duplex with separate entrances, separate bathrooms. Five-room opartment down, with natural fireplace, three-room apartment upstairs with sun-deck. Two modern new kitchens, completely re-decorated Full price $14,995.00. SHELLY AVE. A real buy at $14,000.00 and ¢ 5% % N.H.A. mortgage. Owner transferred and says sell. Modern 5V4-room bungalow with attached garage, all extros. beautifully landscaped Iot, hedged and fenced. Close to schools, shopping, churches, etc. A real buy at this price. NORTH-WEST SECTION CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better n 20% on their car in- surance, Half-year payments, Call us today and compare-- pled tal Ar FIELD Wha Ori Ltd, 360 KING ST. WEST 3-2265 Extra large ranch-style bungalow, brick with stone trim, three bedrooms with good sized closet space, valance boxes, wired for dryer, large modern kitchen, ook and tile floors. Extremely good value at a full price of $14,000.00. WILSON RD. N. Lost chance -- only 1 left at this price -- only $625.00 down. Attractive 3-bedroom bungalow, close to schools, shopping, etc., large Hollywood style kitchen, storms, screens, and many, TRY THE VOLVO SPORT AND FAMILY CAR. at JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa -- RA 8-0921 many other extras. Balance on one N.H.A. mortgage. Full price only $12,500.00. APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- Self-contained 1 -- 2-room apartment, $55.00 monthly, 1 -- 3-room apartment, $60.00 monthly. For further infor- mation on these 2 apartments call RA 5.5132, MAPLE GROVE NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ . DKW Sales ond service. Showroom open until 9 p.m. at 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7132 55 acres, creek running through property. Full price $15,000.00 with $5000.00 down. Will consider taking house as down payment AFTER 5:30 CALL John Kemp, RA 8-2392 Dick Barrioge, RA 5-6243 Everett Elliott, RA 3-9290 Joe Maga, RA 5-9191 Marion Draw, RA 85-7610 '59 VOLKSWAGEN Brand new engine, clutch, muffler, etc., six month war ranty, 500 mile free check- up. Private, one owner sal.e RA 8-5305 | RA 5-3709 SUPPLY LTD. MUST BE SOLD COMPLETE LIQUIDATION OF FURNITURE SAVE 30% TO 60% RICHARDS FURNITURE 295 SIMCOE S. THREE ONLY -- SEALEY SMOOTH TOP MATTRESSES. REGULAR $42.30 RICHARD'S PRICE $ 29.9 ONE ONLY TWO-PIECE DAVENPORT SUITE, NYLON COVERING. REGULAR $179.00. RICHARD PRICE TWELVE ONLY -- CHROME KITCHEN SUITES, CENTRE LEAF EXTENSION. TABLE AND FOU CHAIRS. REGULAR $59.50. RICHARD'S PRICE . R $ 39.95 THREE ONLY -- SEVEN PIECE CHROME OR BRONZE DINETTE SUITES, LARGE 36 x 60 EXTENSION TABLE, SIX HEAVILY PADDED CHAIRS. REGULAR yo900., RICHARDS PRICE ONE $69.50. RICHARDS PRICE 50 ONLY -- CHROME CHAIRS, AND SIX, REGULAR $7.95 RICHARD'S PRICE 18 ONLY -- SPRING-FILLED MATTRESS, FULL SIZE ONLY. REGULAR $29.50. RICHARDS PRICE . RESTONIC PLATFORM ROCKER, SLIGHTLY SOILED. REGULAR $59.50. RICHARDS ONE ONLY -- PRICE ONLY -- AIRFOAM MATTRESS, 65.00 REGULAR $ 27.50 IN SETS OF FOUR $ 395 $ 14.44 $ 19.95 SIX ONLY -- COTTAGE TYPE BEDSPRINGS. REGU- LAR $11.95. RICHARDS PRICE . $6.66 ONE ONLY -- CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, FLOOR SAMPLE, PRIC SOILED. REGULAR 69.50. RICHARD'S $ 18.00 ONE ® iy ~- HOSTESS CART, GENUINE LIMED OAK. REGULAR $79.50. RICHARDS PRICE .... $ 37.00 FOUR ONLY -- THREE-PIECE DOUBLE DRESSER BED- ROOM SUITES, WALNUT VENEER, REGULAR yoy, 00. RICHARDS PRICE $129.00 ONE ONLY -- LARGE SIZE HOSTESS CHAIR, SOMLED. REGULAR $32.50. RICHARDS PRICE . $ FOUR ONLY -- BOX SPRING AND MATTRESS UNITS FULL SIZE. PRICE .... REGULAR $79.50. RICHARD'S $ 37.70 EIGHT ONLY -- SMOOTH TOP, SPRING-FILLED MAT- TRESSES. "REGULAR $49.50. RICHARD'S PRICE . $ 24.50 THREE ONLY -- STEP AND COFFEE TABLES, ARBOR- ITE TOPS, BLOND. REGULAR $13.95. RICHARD'S $ PRICE TWO ONLY -- DELUXE LIVING ROOM SUITES, OUR TOP QUALITY SETS UPHOLSTERED IN 100% NYLON, FULL-FOAM CUSHIONING IN SEATS AND BACKS.REGULAR $279.00. RICHARDS PRICE SHOP AND SAVE AT " ..$182.00 RICHARDS FURNITURE rates. We also carry g com- plete line of other fabrics a | sav a: "IRA 5.7827 M & G DRY GOODS 74 CELINA ST. Trade your cor on ae boat. Inquire about our special low rates on Marine Insurance and financ SMITHS SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 8-5912 SELL-OUT SALE DUE TO AN IMPENDING RE-ORGANIZATION OF THE COMPANY ED. WILSON FURNITURE CO. SELLS OUT ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE CLEARED TO THE BARE WALLS THIS IS A "MUST" SACRIFICE SALE! REDUCTIONS BELOW COST PRICE! HURRY, HURRY, COME COMPARE, SEE, SAVE MORE 'MONEY COLOSSAL BUYS ALL MUST BE CLEARED REGARDESS OF LOSS HURRY DOWN AS THESE SPECIALS WILL GO FAST "Early American" Chester- field Suite, foom eushions, regular $259. SELLOUT = ....... $7189 Platform Rockers, lovely up- holstery fabyies, double ruction, la 9.90. °% SELL out $29.50 Arborite Top Desks, drawer ond shelf, tapered . Sy tg. gmerd legs, rey SELL-OUT Spring-filled Notes; § less than half price. iis lost, SELL-OUT . 4 ED. WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. (Continued 'on Page 18)

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