Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Apr 1961, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 29, 1961 TELEVISION LOG WGR-TV Channel 2-Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo CHCH-TV Channel 11---Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale ~~ WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie SATURDAY EV' SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. 8:00 AM. v ' 1-8-3~Telephone Hour 7--Window onthe World 9--Hobby House 8:15 A.M, I iy | s-Cualstian Selones 4:30 P.M. 5:30 . A. S~Bars-Hasa 1-63-Direction in Hi Time 2~Farm Homo and 9 Movie Theatre 7--Rocky and His 7-Early Show Garden bo fi Wig ried 9:00 AM, Friends 5--E 1 Special 5:00 -2.M, 3 Theatre 7-TV Fi 6:00 P.M, 5--Bar-5-Ranch 11:6-3-News Magazine msult 7--Matty's Funday 9:15 AM. 11-Wyatt Earp 4--Popeye Playhouse 6--Speaking 3-Your Church Funnigs 2-Debble Drake Show | 7_ About Faces 8--Vietory At Sea 9:30 A.M. 5~The Four Invitation 9:15 AM, 3--Faith Of Israel -Amatear Hour~Tel Just Men H .M. C 4~Burns and Allen 4--Meet The Millers v 3% AM. Home| CHebrty. Colt 2-Yankee Doodle Time | 3--Theatre =Ch 5:15 10:00 A.M. 2-Mid-day Matinee 52---Say When 1:30 P.M. 4-1 Love Lucy 7--Our Miss Brooks 4~The World Turns 11:30 AM. 7---Love That Bob 5-2--Concentration 11:15 P.M, 7--Late Show 6---Night Metro 5--This Week's World 3~Movie 2--~News 11:30 P.°1, 11--Late Show 9~Theatre 6--Time To Remember S5--Feature Movie 4-Starlight Theatre 2--Award Theatre 1:00 A.M. MONDAY NEWS IN BRIEF SPACE TRIUMPHS MOSCOW (AP) -- A 287-foot high obelisk housing a museum and a make-believe spaceship cabin will be built in Moscow to commemorate Soviet space tri. umphs, Moscow radio says. JOBS FOR NEDEY_____ NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. (CP)--Mayor Beth Wood has urged women holding jobs "just for kicks and pin money" to quit and let someone with a real need fill the position. HISTORIC SITE ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--One of Newfoundland's most famous historic sites, Cabot Tower, will undergo repair work this sum. mer. On a hill near the harbor entrance, the tower is the site from which Marconi sent the first wireless message in 1901. PLAN STATUE SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)--A campaign is planned to raise funds for a statue in memory of Charles I. Gorman, Saint John speedskater who was once world champion. The statue will be erected in Rockwood Park near Lily Lake, scene of 'some Gorman triumphs. PLAYER STILL TOPS 7--Seven Keys 5-2- Loretta Young 4--~House Party 3:00 P.M, 11-6-3-- Reflections 7--Queen For A Day 5-2~Young Doctor Malone 4--Millionaire 3:30 P.M. 11--Romper Room 7-Who Do You Trust 6-4-3~The Verdict Is Yours #3-FrOR) These Roots 7---Camouflage 5-2--Truth or Consequences 11---Bugs Bunny News, Weather; rts 3--Popeye and Pals 12:15 P.M. 6--News 4--Speaker of the Hous 12:30 "M . 7-~Number Please 6--Movie Matinee 52--It Could Be You 4--Search for Tomorrow 3~Noonday Report 12:4 WM. 6--Cartoon Capers 5-2--Make Room For WILLIE KEE 4,000 i KONG DOLLAR, 7--Eichmann On Trial : M. 11---Popeye With Capt. And, y, §- The Hideaway 7~American Bandstand BUZ SAWYER I-2id Tia Tin 11--~News 5--Coffee Brea 4--~Popeye's Playhouse ric Goiding Liem 2~Co Dr. Brothers 4 a Lle 11--Movie Matinee 9--Free And Easy ~ © 1961, King Features Syndicate, Ine., World rights reserved. Daddy 4- The Brighter Day 3--Popeye and Pals 6-3--Junior Roundup 5-2--Here's ' Hollywood 4--Edge of Night 4.45 P.M, 6--Junior Round-up ONLAY EVIVL G 5:00 P.M, (1--Family Theatre 5--Popeye 4--The Sheriff of 'ochise 2--Three Stooges 5:30 P.M. #--Rin Tin Tin /--Early Show 6--Quick Draw McGraw S5--Playhouse Five 4--~Theatre 3--Ramar of the Jungle 2--Yogi Bear 7-Romper Room TIRES HAVE ny BEEN CQL 11~Father Knows 5-Tim McCoy 9-4--News; Weather; 2-TV Repair Sports 10:00 AM. 8-Mr tr I Show | 7--Off To Adventure Highway Patrol 83~Christian Science 3 6:45 P.M. 4--Lamp Unto My Feet i fotird 2--Cartoon Playhouse &4---News; Sports 10:15 A. P00 «una, ry Tr 11.6.3--Dennis The 7=What's Your Trouble Men 10:30 AM. $-Youth and Religion 7-The Answer 8--Christophers 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 2--Follow The Children 11:00 AM, $--Music For Young 'eople 7--Jewish Chatauqua Society 8--Church Service 5~This Is The Life 3--~Church Service #-Man and the Challenge 5:30 P.M. 11--University -- Life and Learning 7--Expedition 8--~The Nature of Things 5-2---Chet Huntley Reporting 4---GE College Bowl 3---Naked City 45 P.M, $--Careers 6:00 P.M. 1--Ken Soble Amateur GOOD NIGHT, JED) IT WAS A GOOD MEETING | WE'RE MAKING PROGRESS! 10:30 AM. 7--Confidential File 85-3-Play Your Hunch 4--Video Village 10:45 AM, 3-Man To Man 11:00 A.M, 11---Bob McLean 9-~Free And Easy 7~Morning Court 5-2--Price Is Right 4--Double Exposure 3--Romper Room CROSSWORD 1:45 P.M. 6--~News 2:00 P.M. $~Theatre 7-Day In Court 6--Chez Helene 4--~Face The Facts 3--Women's Show 2:15 P.M. 11-6--Nursery School me 7----Dial 999 s-Highway Patrol 4-U of B Round Table 2-Harbor Command 7:30 P.M. 11--8ea Hunt 7-The Roaring enties 6--Red River Jamboree 8-2--Bonanza 4--Perry Mason 3----The People's Choice JANE ARDEN Show 7--Canisius College Forum 6--Disney Presents 4-1 Love Lucy 2--Divorce Court 6:15 P.M. 9-Great Hymns of All 8:00 P.M. 11--Gunsmoke 9-King Ganam Show 6---Aquanauts 3-Sgt. Biko 8:30 PM. 11-Jamboree $---Brothers Brannagan i{~Leave It To Beaver 8:3---The Tall Man 4--~Checkmate 3---8ea Hunt 9:0 P.M. 1-6-3--Wayne and Shuster #--Naked hoy, 7 7--Lawrence Welk 8-2---The Deputy LH} Mm. 8-Featurama 4--Have Gun Will Travel 2-The Nation's Future | 10:00 P.M. Boxing 7--Ernie Kovae 4--~Gunsmoke 0:15 P.M. 2-The Big Rascals 11:30 AM. (1--Rev. Oral Roberts 9--Around the World 7--The Christophers S5--Congress 4--Camera Three 3--This Is The Life 2-Gene Autry 12:00 NOON- 11--Surget Theatre 9--Italian Film Festival 7--Meet the Professor 6--Live and Learn 5--Rocky Jones 4--News; Weather; Sports 3--Po eye and Pals 12:15 P.M. 4--~Congress 3---Light Time 12:30 P.M, 7--Pip The Piper 6-3--Music 5--Comedy Capers 4--Film Feature 2--Family Playhouse 114 $-2--National Times 6:30 P.M. 11---Donna Reed Show 9--~News: Weather: Sports 7-5---Walt Disney pre- sents 4--Twentieth Century Walter Cronkite 3--Robin Hood 7:00 P.M. 11-6-3--National Velvet | 9--Real : 4--Lassie 2-Shirley 'femple Show McCoys 7:30 P.M 11.6-3---World Of Music 9--Dorna Reed 7--Maverick 4--Dennis The Menace 8: H WM. 6-4-3~Ed Sullivan Show 9-- Academy Perform. ance~Part | Velvet 8:30 P.M. 12:45 P.M. | aka man ~Tab Hunter Show * 8--~UN Review 1-8-3--Juliette 7---Sea Hunt 4--Blue Angels $-Tightrope 10:45 P.M. $--Johnny Esaw Show-- Sports 11:00 P.M, 319.7-6-4-3--News: Weather: Sports $--~Award Theatre 11:15 P.M. 11---News. Weather: Spo $----Man Hunt-Mystery w 7-Late Sho 6-Night Metre 7---Directions S--Star Bowling 9----Grass Roots 7-All Star Golf 11=Movie 9--Theatre the Week 1:00 P.M, *61 6-3--Good Life 'Theatre 4--Film Featurette 2:00 P.M. 6-3--Junior Magazine S5--International Zone 4--Baseball Game of 3-Science Fiction It | | It 9:00 P.M. 1-6-3--GM Presents 9- Academy Perform. ance--Part II 4~The Law and You | 7- The Rebel 1:30 P.M, 11-6-3-- Country Calendar | 5-2---Chevy Show 4~GE Theatre 9:30 P.M. 7--The Asphalt Jungle 4--Jack Benny Program 10:00 P.M. 1.6.3 Background 9--Panel Show 5-2--Loretta Young Show 4~Candid Camera 10:30 P.M. {11=Debut This Week $--News: Weather: ACROSS 1, Young salmon 5. Alms box 9. Melody 10, Uprising' 11. A vessel 12, One of 12 14. Music note 15. Baseball's Mr. Wile liams 17. Look 18, Strange 20. Drowns out, as sound 23. Suppose 25. Mixes 26. Roofs of mouths 28. Stock certificates 30. Respiratory organ 33, Political groups 35. French coin 36. Likely 37. Perched 39. Part of "to be" 40, Potatoes (dial.) .2, Constella- DOWN 1, Memorial Day event 21. High tion rium . Cleft . Valued . Fortify 5. River (Sp.) . Accord . Listen . Lump of earth , Imprisoned Nazi . Degrades , A setting out ian ing 29. Occur wind 34, Bags (mus.) 22, Touch 24. Empo- 27. Hawai~ garland 28, Water- places 31. Barking dog, honk- ing horn, ete, 41, Perish 32. Blast of Yesterday's Answer 38, Music group 42, Indian weight 44, Remnant MICKEY MOUSE hy Nyy \ tr Wz, SWIMMIN' POOL. MIGHT PRESS THE PLACE UP A BIT! RW fo 5 Bl IES of 22 ; pe Wey DUNEDIN, Fla. (AP)--Mast- ers winner Gary Player, a South African transplanted in Pennsylvania, is still on top of the money heap in profes. sional golf. Player has won $45, 385.33 officially in 14 tourna- ments. He still tops last year's top money winner, Arnold Pal- mer, who has played in 12 tour- naments and won $32,925. «+ AN'T JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND.., YEAR AFTER YEAR I'VE BEEN SMEARIN' MY FACE WITH THIS STUFF... ...WHY THEY CALL IT BEAUTY CREAM. 4 Bondi Fon Werk rs rowed SALUTE TOMORROW'S LEADER. .. yoUR NEWS Your 43, Wave top 45. Great Lake 46. Cattle (dial) 47, Never (poet.) 48. Covers with turf Theatre | | 2:30 P.M. | 9 7--Premier Playhouse | 2-Major League Base- TIMES CARRIER Is Learning To Become A Your Help Will Be Appreciated Sports Winston Churchill = The Valiant Years Na Sighting ods ¢--Baseball Game of | Whats Aly Line the Week | 3-Meet McGraw 3:00 P.M. | 3=Lockup 63--My Sister Elleen 11:00 P.M. $--Opera 11-7-6-5-4-3--News; 3:30 P.M. Weather: Sports 6---Silents Please 9-The Things We See 3--Film Program 2--Award Theatre 11:30 ™M. 11--Late Show 6~Midnight Zone 4--Starlight Theatre ward Theatre 12:00 P.M. #--Theatre 1:00 A.M. #--Epilogue #---Saturday Night Theatre GET READY FOR SUMMER DRIVING... with THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD, ALL FOR ONLY: | (12 POINT SUMMER CHANGE OVER) 8 cylinder cars ..... 7.93 I | | © 1961. Kine Pontes ih "py Fxiiaet tooled 6 cylinder cars ..... 6.95 . rication oors and hinges includin nt ra. "my : 4 cylinder cars .... 6.25 8. Lubrication of distributor, generator and s . : These prices include all materials starter, 9. Clean and re-ciling air cleaner. and labor. 10. Remove and clean battery cables and refill battery. Test end report condition, 11. Test radiotor for leaks and adjust fan belt. 12. Check fluid in windshield washer ond ond condition of windshield wiper blades. 4. Complete chassis lubrication. 5. Lubrication of front wheel bearings and a report on the condition of broke lining, ete. 6. Lubrication of steering gear. 1. Engine oil drained end replaced. 2 T ixsiam: {alae drained and SCOTTY'S BARGAINS replaced for Summer driving. 3. Hypoid rear oxle lubricant drained and MEANWHILE, THE LONE RANGER AND TONTO HEAD FOR THE HO OF THEIR FRIEND AH'S WILLIN' | AM DOCTOR TO FURNISH TH' JONAS SULK, SLOB- FURNACE,NAMELY | BOVIAS MOST UN- ME--BUT, OH-S08"-/ APPRECIATED AH DO MISS SCIENTIST | LI'L. ABNER! A SILVER BULLET MEANS THE LONE RANGER WAS HERE! HE THAT COPY OF THE MESSAGE FOR MR. SMITH! PSST--NOU TIRED OF BEING A HITTING SYSTEM, SISTER? 1 JUST STAY y HERE, LIDDLE NOODNIK, | AND GAT A NICE i OR YOU'LL GAT SUNBURN -- \ SCORCHED == A FRIEND OF SPUNK Rn SIMMS! NOW WELL LET SPUNK IN R Dist touted by King Vestures Syndicate) Cope. 1961, The Lane Ranger, Tae LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER JUST THINK OF ALL THE SCIENTISTS WHO ARE DISAPPOINTED WHEN ------"--r THEIR MISSILES PON'T GO INTO I DON'T SEE ANYTHING 7s TO CRY ABOUT, BUBBA... OVERHEAD GARAGE Distritected by King Features Syndicate. DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER SKIP IT. SEE YoU AROUND, VASSILY, NOW, CAN YOU BEAT THAT! WOMEN SURE ARE FICKLE JULIET JONES Ig iL I'D HAVE THOUGHT LOIS WOULD SEE HOW IMPORTANT MY RETURNING TO BEAT IT, DAISY I WANT TO LIE DOWN THERE MYSELF AND TAKE rl add an IL ARRIVES UNCLE FRED, I'LL SEE THAT YOu AND HE HAVE A CHANCE TO BE Tar, Work righia reserved Only 134" headroom required! Complete with. track-type, spring balanced hardware and lock set, 8' x66" or 7', ONLY ...... 49.95 9x7. ONLY ..... 56.95 Available with lights (windows) 2 in each single door plus 5.20 CASH & CARRY * PRICES & Building Supplies 1279 SIMCOE NORTH Open Daily from 7:30 - 6 p.m. Fridoy till 9 p.m. RA 8-6291 LARRY BRANNON © 1561. King Pemturon fiyndicuts,

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