§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, April 28, 1961 Oshawa Safety League) Theme Of Talk At H&S Council Safety was the theme of the|for the annual meeting must be April meeting of the Oshawalin the hands of Mrs. G. Webster, and District Home and School/by April 20 and should include Council. May has been chosen|the number of members in the as "Safety Month" because it|association and be signed by. marks the increase of activity|the president and the secretary. both inside and outside the house, thus an increase in the GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES possibility of accidents. This is COURTICE H-S ASSN. the time of year to renew awareness of danger around Mrs. Thomas Gladman, presi- dent, presided at the regular homes as well as on the streets and highways. chair- meeting. of Courtice Home and School Association. Mr. Ted Middlemass, man of safety month for the Oshawa Safety League, explain- ed the function of that league as a committee of citizens inter- ested in public service in the field of safety, He announced that the safety lane would be in operation again this year from May 1 to 31 in the parking lot opposite the Police Station. Mr. Rorfild Wilsop, past pres- ident of the Oshawa Safety League, assured those present that, even though the lane would be staffed by police officers, drivers need have no fear of fines if their automobiles were found to be faulty in any re- spect, Those passing the various tests would receive stickers to that effect. Others were advised to have their cars repaired and return for another check. All garages in the district would be issued check-charts for use on any car brought to them dur- ing the month of May. Two safety films were shown: "Home at the Wheel" and "Passing Fancy," after which| ol "| Mr. Wilson impressed the gath-|r ao at STAY Sebo. S| riage recently at St. Hedwig's ering with the importance of |p others of the pupils in Grade] Roman Catholic Church. The encouraging the safety patrols|y bride, who recently arrived and attending the traffic clinic,| from Poland, is the daughter which is held on the third and of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. William McKnight read the minutes. The treasurer's re- port was given by Mrs, Barry Johnson. Jt was announced that a sand box would be built at the High- way school for the smaller chil- dren. Mrs. W. B. Brown was named convener for plans to entertain the graduating class in Septem- ber. Grade 8 pupils will go to Toronto on June 8 or 15 to tour) § the Ontario Museum. | It was announced that the last euchre of the season would be held on April 28. It was decided to hold the June meeting in the! form of a pot luck supper. Mrs. Arthur Bishop gave a| report from Home and School| Federation and reported on res-| olutions and highlights of the! ™= guest speakers' addresses. Roon count was won by Mrs. Catherine Campbell's at the North School and Miss Gloria| Irene Perlak and Leon | Bermuta were united in mar- ea SUNSHINE GROUP WEDDING PRINCIPALS Perlak ang the bridegroom, a resident of Oshawa, is the son of Mrs. John Bermuta of Poland and the late Mr. Ber- muta, --Photo by Mary's Studio Each spring the Couples' Club, "The Northminster Couples' Club Holds Spring Dinner Dance of Northminster United Church The in Be champions holds a dinner dance for the given. ou group and their friends. a year's com was head Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Perkin.|ladies' high scores while Mr. George Perkins. Mrs. items which could be used and contact Mrs. Kehneth Farrow, the convener of the sale. The evening was then turned over to Mr. Jack Ovens who acted as master of ceremonies for the remainder of the pro- gram. Taped music provided through the efforts of Mr. John Parkins was used for dancing. Spot dances were won by Mr. Ronald Wagg and Mrs. J. E. Piatti and Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Adair, During intermission Mr. Jack Penfound, a member of the club, entertained with the recitation of a poem by Robert Service. DRINKING PROBLEM NEW DELHI (AP)--The for- eigner's problem of getting a legal drink in India, where pro- hibition is government policy for Indians, is going to be simpler. Parliament has been told that a liquor permit valid all over the country will be is sued when a foreign tourist gets this visa abroad. SIMPLIFIED CARE for DRY SKIN with OILY AREAS Designed to do the most for the skin in the shortest measure of time. Ardena Cleansing / Cream.... 1.50to 8.00 Ardena Skin Lotion... 1.50t0 5.50 Porine Cream 1.50 > Orange Skin Cream 1.50 to 11.25 Perfection Cream. ... 2.50t0 8.25 1 HAPPY TWO-YEAR-OLD Happy young son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Perry, Divi. fourth Tuesday of each month. The president, Mrs. J. T. Gaskell, announced that the pro- gram for the annual meeting on May 23 will be a talk on 'Values in Education" by Miss Phyllis is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Connell, Oshawa, Sunshine Group of Simcoe Street United Church WA met on Monday, April 24, in the la- dies' parlors with 22 members present. The regular meeting of the Mrs. Jelle Bakker, |] Mrs. Stanley Sargeant explain. |teleph ed other talent money could be/Mrs. Bob Smith reported that raised by recipe for candy the Smorgasbord held on April which was available to the/15 was a success and wished for the v food. FUTURE PRECAUTION A child should be taught to recognize a policeman's uni- form as soon as he is old group that evening for a small|to thank all the members and amount and if any members friends who helped. wished to make candy could] The meeting was then turned use said recipe. ; {over to Mrs. Philip Perry who The group was reminded of|introduced Mr. Reginald Geen the tea sponsored by the Phoebe who spoke on some of his ex- Scammel Group on May 3 at peyiences as an adjudicator dur- the home of Mrs. George Ansley. ing his music career; about his Mrs. Wilfred Hamley reported |trip to Coventry, England, when on catering for May 6 and the they rebuilt that church and the members would be contacted bylorgan was dedicated, and his sion street, is Kent Douglas | and great - grandson of Mrs. who celebrated his second | Ellen Brew, Belfast, Ireland. |Bainbridge, Psychologist fr om birthday on February 5. Kent ~Photo by Hornsby [Toronto Teachers' College. Asso- [ciation presidents must call Mrs. [the WA theme. TO KEEP UNTAINTED that fresh meat be used within George Leaming, RA 5-5651, one| Mrs. Ralph Sonley and Mrs. To store fresh meat, remove|2 or 3 days of the time of week before the meeting to let| Bruce Allan presented a devo- the commercial wrappings, |purchase. |her know how many members tional on spring. Following the loosely with waxed aper, will be attending the pot luck|reading of the minutes the " ik lr oy Ai open pl {supper that evening. treasurer's report was given. in the coldest part 'of the re-| A few sprinkles of chlorine Mrs. A. J. Allen gave a com-(It was stated that a number of frigerator. The Food and Nutri- bleach beads added to a pail of prehensive report of the 42nd cards and some flowers were tion Department Macdonald In- warm water cleans grease and Annual Convention of Ontario|sent to group members who stitute, Guelph, recommends| soot from kitchen wall tiles. |Federation. Association reports'were sick. only SCOTS 60T IT for MOTOR - BOAT - TRAILER DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED FOR EACH OTHER! enough, in case he should ever president, opened the meeting get lost. : with a poem in keeping with Codmelic Department active part in Canadian Organ- W ists' Association. Mr. Geen then 8 KING ST. E introduced Mr. Ross Metcalfe} Ra Iol SNe Rvddai) who sang three songs, "Old Re- on ; frain," "I Passed by Your Win- ROSSLYN dow," "For You Alone." SO STORE Mrs. Herman Pincomb thank- ed Mr. Geen and Mr. Metcalfe. FREE Dt J 530 SIMCOE ST. 5 PHONE RA S-354¢ INIT PLAZA - RAB 4668 5 IN BOWMANVILLE / HOUSEHOLD HINT SUGGESTED LIST PRICE SCOTT COMBINATION Sparkling Sport Scott Motor « 13' Moulded Mahogany Boat « Matched Scott Trailer « The All 'Round Combination for All-Family Fun SPORT SCOTT OUTBOARD MOTOR-- Developing 27.7 horsepower under a slim, low hood, the Sport Scott Outboard develops terrific thrust. Fixed-jet carburetor hoards fuel. Bail-A-Matic automatically keeps boat dry. For cruising or skiing, the pace-setting, Sport Scott 13-foot, 5-ply moulded mahogany boat is ready for fun--comes complete with up-front steering, controls, 17" windshield and chrome hardware. $995.00 The soft chine and cutter bow design give the softest, most stable ride of any moulded plywood boaton the market. Steering wheel, throttle and gearshift, mounted up-front for fingertip control. Curved wind- shield provides positive | protection. 40 to 1 oil mix using Scott | Crown Imperial Outboard | Motor Oil. See your local Scott Dealer for details. Caretully Shading the boat, the Sport Scott matching trailer features leaf spring with torsion bar suspension for excel- lent high-speed tracking. o o SCOTT COMBINATION Compact Fishing Scott Motor « 12' Aluminum Cartopper » The perfect Fishing/Hunting Partner Move up tothe New Complete Fishing Scott Combina- tion. The all-aluminum cartopper is extra wide, extra stable, extra safe. Seamless underwater construction riveted throughout . .", .051 aluminum for strength. The Fishing Scott Combination is truly the Perfect Fishing Partner. TED PRICE $560.00 ...and Ciltone Satins Colorlok Action keeps your rooms color-fresh washing after washing! without dulling Ciltone Satin's freshness. B'S Ciltone Satin flows on smoothly--dries evenly in 20 minutes with no painty odor--and you wash your roller or brush clean Light-weight, easy-to-handle, the Fishing Scott cartopper goes aE wherever your car goes. Fishing Scott outboard fits easily inte any trunk with the rest of your fishing gear. % Springtime comes in hundreds of Ciltone Satin. colors... . enchantingly fresh colors that keep their fresh- Ciltone Rarities Sool Meter rae Ea 4 «prop CAN'T FOUL UP Leadership through creative engineering McCULLOCH OF CANADA LTD. 25 McCulloch Ave., Rexdale P.O., Toronto, Canada Manufacturers of McCulloch Chain Saws Scott Outboard Motors Branches across Canada. Manufacturing Plants: Toronto--Minneapolis--Los Angeles Built by World's Largest Manufacturer of Chain Saws SEE ALL THE NEW SCOTT OUTBOARDS AND SCOTT COMBINATIONS AT YOUR NEARBY SCOTT DEALER. STARR AJAX MARINE FURNITURE & APPLIANCES | We carry @ complete fine of Before you buy give Starr a try! | Motors - Boats - Trailers BOATS-MOTORS Open Evenings and Weekends 485-491 RITSONS. RA 3-3343 | HWY. NO. 2 AJAX WH 2-4080 & ness because of amazing Colorlok Action. Satin's Colorlok Action locks thousands of rich color particles together in a tough latex film that protects their freshness against washing, wearing and fading. This in water. Why not give your walls the long-wearing beauty of Ciltone Satin. Choose the color that's right for you at your means you can wipe soil marks away quickly and easily C-I-L Paint Dealer, soon. ® PAINTS GREEN DOOR GIFT & PAINT SHOP Painting and Decorating: - || FREE ESTIMATES BROOKLIN ©. OL 5-4531 Royal Scott Motor Scott Trailer, bi ep TED'S WHITE ROSE & MARINE New & Used Boats, Motors & Trailers KING ST. E. OSHAWA RA 8-5924 n DODD & SOUTER PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. 5. WHITBY MO 8-5231 PATTE'S | PAINT & WALLPAPER | 85 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 5-3529 ~SMITH'S HARDWARE 368 WILSON RD. S., OSHAWA WILSON RD. Plaza RA 8-2451