, Good Lawn Seed Blended For Use People may wonder why some grass mixtures are priced high- er than others and why there are mixtures at all. There is no mystery about this once we understand that a good lawn grass seed, like good tea or to- bacco, is a blend of several dif- ferent kinds of grasses and dif- ferent blends are used for dif- ferent purposes. Moreover some of the varieties are compara- tively rare and expensive and may have been imported from the other side of the world. A lawn is not a hay field, and what we want is something that will be green all through the season. For a sunny position we will use one type of mixture, for a lawn that will be largely shaded we use another. For a Jawn that must carry a lot of traffic or is used for a special purpose like bowling. or tennis, we use still another blend. To stay green and luxuriant all through the growing season, we must use a variety of grasses, some that start to grow early, some that do not grow until late. In this way some of them will always be at their "best and green when others are starting to turn brown and mature. By using blends of grasses chosen especially for Canadian condi- tions, we can have something that rivals the best broadloom from early spring until the snow comes. While there is no advantage and much risk in planting most flowers and vegetables too early and one is strongly advised to be patient, this does not apply to nursery stock, which is the professional's name for such things as shrubbery, trees, and vines. As a rule the sooner these things are planted in the spring, the better, though if dor- mant, (that is with no growth or buds started( as they should be when purchased or delivered. we can go on planting until well nto May or even June. In any case, however, they should be put in the soil just as soon as received, even if we are not ready to plant in their perman- ent place. The experts strongly advise to open the parcel, and temporarily plant in a shallow trench where the roots will be covered and stay moist. Tech- nically this is known as "heel ing in." One doesn't have to have a green thumb to achieve perfect results with trees, shrubbery or even rose bushes. But there are three or four points that are Trees, Shrubs For Clean Rir S If you want a cleaner, health- der property -- plant trees and shrubs, advises the American Association of Nurserymen. For €évery pound of the dry weight of trees and shrubs in your yard, 11 cubic feet of pure oxy- gen have been given off; trees and shrubs also help prevent dusts from blowing on your property -- the air always is cleaner on the lee side of a group of trees, it is stated. Temperature changes in sum- mer at ground level during het weather are always less on the well planted property, because the heat level largely is trans- ferred from the ground to the tree tops. Climate control of properties with hedges and windbreaks makes a big difference in the livability of heme grounds. Much interesting data is being developed in the relation of irees and plants in health ac- cording to the nurserymen. Plants of course. are the world's sole supply of oxygen for breathing purposes, without them all human and animal life would in time expire, it is said. Guy up young frees as a pro- fection against winter winds. Be certain to pad wire where it loops the tree so it doesn't {ear the tender bark. Tamp soil gently with the hoe blade after sowing seeds in yows. You'll provide close con- tact between il and seeds: get flower or vegetable seeds off to a far sironger start. important. First the getting into the ground quickly so that the stock does not get a chance to dry out or be exposed to the air. Second and of very great importance is watering. After the soil is' packed thoroughly about the roots, water liberally and keep on watering every day or so if necessary until growth starts. With big things like trees, either fruit or ornamental, it is also advisable to tie firmly to a stake to prevent the wind loosening. Why specify a Canadian Seed Catalogue for reference, guid- ance and practical help rather than any of the similar and ex- cellent publications that may be put out in other countries? The answer is simple -- because we have a Canadian climate and Canadian conditions that are en- tirely different from those found anywhere else in the world. There are certain varieties of flowers and vegetables, grass THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 28, 1961 25 and srubbery that may give wonderful results say in Eng- land or France or the United States, but which will. not do well, if at all, in Canada. Some are much too tender; some re- quire a longer growing season than we have in the greater part of this country--some re- quire entirely different soil-- some for various reasons might be highly susceptible to some disease, blight or other enemies which may be found here but not elsewhere. Because of our special climate and other condi tions Canadian seed catalogues only list those varieties of flow- ers and vegetables, grass and so on which will normally thrive in Canada and which have been tested under Canadian condi. tions and are recommended es- pecially for Canadian conditions. Indeed seed firms would be fool- ish to follow any other course because it is in their direct in- terest as well as that of the buy- er that the seeds purchased should do well. For frerything You Grow. It's a great day for gardeners' NOW THERE'S A VIGORO COMPLETE PLANT FOOD Scientifically-balanced for- mulations custom-made fo match the feeding habits of Canada's most popular lawn garden ond landscaping plantings. You know that lown grasses re- quire a different balonce of nu- trients thon is used for plants. And different types of plonts re- quire different foods. That's why the mokers of Con- ada's most widely-used brond of plant foods have taken the guess- work out of gardening by bring- ing you specialized plant .foods that are made to meet the feed- ing habits of our most widely grown plants. The formulas for these new Vig- oros are based on extensive plont nutrition research. They provide everything plants need except sun, air and water . . . put back everything plants toke out of the soil to maintain -- or improve -- soil fertility year offer yeor. THE FOOLPROOF LAWN FOOD IN A BRAND NEW FORM Golden Vigoro now is ovailoble in @ new, Go-Farther Formule. One bag covers a full 5,000 sq. ft. (a big 50 x 100 ft. lawn area). And the hondy new bag with a handle pours like @ pitcher, Spreader settings on bag. Canada's ond dress. balanced . plant diet or handy box, NEW PINK VIGORO oll-time favorite plont food for flowers, vegetables, shrubs Now in @ new, richer form -- goes 30% farther. A for obundant blooms, stronger stems, healthier foliage. Avoiloble in bog more Special Holland for- mula. Helps build bigger bulbs ond blooms. Formulated with built-in control of soil insécts. 'To control white grubs and other lawn insects, use Golden Vigoro with Dieldrin (END-OF-PEST). Only one application needed. Contains e balance Contains of all the nutrients roses need to grow healthier and strong- er . . . promotes big- ger blooms. ous root coloring. develop- ment and rich green balonced A special balanced elements for healthy plant food needed new growth, by ocid-loving plants such os Azaleos, dogwood, magnolios, hydronges ond holly. vigor- ® SPECIAL EVENT . © Mr. Vigoro will be attending our Annual Garden Clinic at our store on Friday, May 5th and Saturday May 6th. Bring in your soil sample from your garden and lawn for eo FREE Soil Analysis. : Mr. Yigoro will also discuss any Lawn and Garden problem you might have, with you. MASTER FEEDS FREE | CUSTOMER PARKING 54 CHURCH STREET DIAL RA 3-2229 (OSHAWA) Friday, 8 A.M. to 9 PM. STORE HOURS: Mon., Tues., ond Thrd. 8 AM. te 6 PM.' Wed., end Set., § a.m. to 5 pm,