20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, March 28, 1961 Outdoor Living Aids Relaxation The chief reason for the cur- owner who carefully selects and rent vogue for outdoor living is the "making of friends' amidst the relaxed atmosphere of beautiful gardens, terraces or patios, surveys by the Canadian Association of Nursery men show. Outdoor living is con- ducive to neighborhood friendli- ness. The housewife can relax while entertaining and yet ex- press her individuality in her choice of lovely shrubs, trees and other plants with which she "furnishes" the outdoor living area. In this era of streamline liv- ing, more than ever before, the house and the garden are de- pendent upon each other -- they are becoming one unit. The in- door - outdoor relationship is now a reality. Comfortable, wholesome outdoor living in- creases family affection and re- ceives the full approval of neigh- bors. Outdoor living, because of its accepted informality, largely removes the more arduous work and the irritations and the feel- ing of confinement indoors. "Furnishing" the outdoor liv- ing room with lovely plants is still a bargain for the home plans what he or she wishes to achieve, the Association states. Once the living area is planted it will be beautiful for many! years if properly cared for. One ; may plant for permanence; or plant for semi - permanence by changing ' the smaller shrubs after three to five years in order to achieve new effects of color or shrub form. The cost of completing an outdoor living room may not be more than the cost of a good living room rug. The home owner planning an outdoor living area is strongly urged to plan it thoroughly, or have it professionally planned, | if possible. Thorough planning | will save time and money. | Here are some things to think | about! 1. Locate the outdoor living area properly. Notice the posi- tion of the sun with respect to the area, as well as the direc- tion of the prevailing winds. | Select a comfortable spot... 2. If you plan the picnic type | of dining and entertaining, the! area may be at some distance | from the house, the back of the | lot, for example. If there is considerable entertaining of neighbors and friends, it should be located near the house, pre- ferably near the kitchen or off the dining room. 3. Professional planning of the outdoor living area is desirable in many cases, just as one usually can create a better effect indoors by hiring an in- terior decorator, -excepting of course in this case, your ad- viser is the trained landscape nurseryman. You can buy the plan and then do the planting yourself, or let your nursery- man do it. Wood has good insulating qual- ities. Building experts say a wood wall of 2 by 4-inch stud- ding with lath and plaster, 1- inch wood sheathing, building paper and bevel siding has about 25 per cent less heat loss in cold weather than an 8-inch furred brick wall with lath and plaster. ONE - PIECE CONCRETE IWHEDUTE HINER) GAUL SYS P ® FOR YOUR NEW HOME ® REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS [DURA'STEP OLIVER ® NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS AND PLATFORM 3-3311 Blank CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. AVE! SAVE! SAVE! SHORGAS LTD. WHITBY MO 8-3328 1 Gas NATURAL GAS APPLIANCES Propane Gas Sales, Service and Appliances OSHAWA RA 3-3468 in Co-operation with Consumers' SHORGAS LIMITED WHITBY makes this offer to homeowners in the Oshawa - Whitby - Bowmanville area with an unused gas service in the house. 77 IF YOU ARE USING A gas range - and/or -a Gas Water Heater, Shorgas vill allow you $150.00 orr the regular price of any Natural Gas Heating Installation put into your home if you are not at the moment using Natural Gas but have an unused gas service in your home SHORGAS will allow you a $200.00 discount. PHONE SHORGAS LTD. MO 8-3328 FOR YOUR SPRING CLEAN-UP ON GAS APPLIANCE PRICES SPECIAL --- FOR THE COTTAGE * RECONDITIONED BW600A PROPANE $00 i 5 @ SERVEL REFRIGERATORS DELIVERED LOCALLY PHONE CONSUMERS' GAS or SHORGAS LTD. WHITBY AND ASK FOR A SHOR- GAS REPRESENTATIVE, TO CALL WITH LITERATURE oN OTHER SPRING BARGAINS.