he Oshawa Times VOL. 20--NO. 99 OSHAWA-WHITBY, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1961 HOME & GARDEN EDITION It's Time NOW Jo Start Improvt wr wat la a a RE a a A a pp SPRING is here and Homeowners everywhere are already making plans to improve their homes, gardens and-Lawns. Sure everyone wants to have everything spic and span for the summer season ahead, and there'll be plenty of activity for all around the home, what with planting the garden, fertilizing the lawn, painting the house, perhaps adding a patio, etc. . . . and re- member, the more you beautify your home, the more valuable it be- comes. ~ J : READ INSIDE FOR VALUABLE TIPS ON HOW T0 IMPROVE YOUR HOME AND GARDEN If you're looking for new and mod- ern ways to improve the appearance of your property you'll find hundreds of timely tips in this edition on how to do it easier, quicker and more economical.