Tough Conservative [Emits is! Couple Honored ™ === == 2m B nig} eonspiraty. a 5 On . two ot Called Tke Communist ies pit On Anniversary e --and the late John Foster By MRS. LES BEACOCK WASHINGTON (CP)~-Some-|istters taking sides on Welch's\pulles Communist tools. PRINCE ALBERT -- Mr. and what tattered and disorganized utterances. : ulles Kennedy is t fla, Ne Mrs. Los Beacock and boys at. in recent years, the far right| Conflicting views also Fd While Attornev - General Jen the surprise party at the wing of United States conserva-|handed down from the pulpit. |Robert Kennedy, the president's Sbie oa and Mrs. Thos. tism -has found a fresh voice jn Congress -- where a few brother, says the society is ri-|nursday evening The awe: in a retired candy-maker Who|members have admitted society diculous and ought to be puraday = ening. ih group once called former president membership--comment is 10p-|laughed off, the controversy has|yaars and the immediate fa Dwight D. Eisenhower a dedi-|sidedly opposed to Welch. One spread from the newspaners, |; tly 0 Ltr ahi cated Communist agent. senator, Milton Young, a Northnulpit and political platform to|yiations and do honor to the Both defended as a potent Dakota Republican, says hejthe American military forces. (pride and groom of 15 years weapon against the "Red cOn-|faces reprisals from the society years, spiracy" and bitterly eon-lin his next campaign because GENERAL INVOLVED J. Beacock, who was grooms: demned as a symbol of Mc:|pe called the white-haired, 81. Maj-Gen. Edwin A. Walker, man, acted as master of cere. Carthylsm, the John Birch So-|year-old Welch a "fake patriot" [commandine the 24th infantry Menties, A corsage was pinned ciety and its controversiallang a "slick demagogue." (division in Augsburg, Germany,|0n Genevieve and a carnation leader, Robért Henrv Winborne| ower voved was the remark|iS Wier Pentagon investigation jor Tom, A reading was given Welch, Jr., are on the march| "4 "fo ccional sage, for alicgedly using army facili. by Mrs. oyd Beacock, 'We seeking support against com- ties to nromote the society's|Have Each Other", and a poem, munism, unions, Negro : Hghts, House Soeaker Uo 8 Rays, aims and soread the society's written by Mrs. A. Beacock, was income tak. foreign ad and "strange nostrums" of the| ave} of ang J ] yup. " read. anything else that goes beyond... "cocietv "would destroy] b " clergy is solit| I, Beacock read an address. ; narrow isolationism, our freedom." abont Welch, Richard Cardinal|Miss O. Beacock, who was Welch's big current pitch is Cushing of Boston strongly en:|bridesmaid at the time, present. to get national support for con.| Welch, Massachusetts candy|dorges the retired candy-maker|red on behalf of all A bi a gressional impeachment of manufacturer and a high offi-ithough (he official organ of the|purse of money for which the Chief Justice Earl Warren of|cial in the National Association Boston Roman Catholic arch: Coles exp! i A appreciation, the United States for allegedly|0f Manufacturers until his re-|gjoeese describes the societv as|The pleasant evening ended showing pro - Communist lean.|tirement a few years ago,|«yphglanned, excited and defi-|with lunch. The family was ings. founded the semi-secret society|nitely out of focus." represented from Nestleton, ) ; In this task Welch has found|in December, 1958, picking the| gome Protestant clerevmen|Blackstock and Prince Albert. a friend in Senator James O.|name from an American mis- have criticized Welch and he in [] Eastland, Mississinpl Democrat|sionary and U.S. intelligence tym has countered that 'the PERSONALS d chairman of the Senate ju.|agent. John Birch, who Wwas|jargest single body of C Mr. and Mrs. B. Zeller, of diciary committee.' E a ante Ju shot by Red Chinese soldiers. rr in ES y Tommy Guelph, were with her brother, says that-not only Warren but|sonTn HERO' Protestant clergy." Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and the entire nine - member Su. oN fIVEREIAL TRO: ro Welch says the long - term |family on Sunday. | oreme Court bench should be " aim of his society. is to halt| Glad to see Mrs, P. Raymer | versy swirls around the ques... "giconce of = collectivism|is back in the village, after impeached for allegedly hand-|yion "or whether Birch died ing down more pro-Communistiy..o or plundered into death v and the flight to amorality," [spending the winter in Stouff. decisions "than any judicial bullving a Red officer to the| ee | Yi11€, | tribunal outside the Iron Cur-|joint where the officer had to] PROPOSED EXPRESSWAY | Miss Grace Wilson attended a| tain. shoot or lose face in front of FREDERICTON (CP)--A pro.|$ ho wer for Miss Jo-Anne Bul-| & py : 'FAKE PATRIOT' his men. {posal for an expressway across ler prior to her marriage. | - Gaining little praise but lots| But long before the society|Saint John, N.B., is still in the] Sorry to learn Mrs. M. Case] RESCUED IN TUNNEL BLAST of publicity, Welch's main ac-|was founded, Birch figured the|talking stage, says Public Works|in confined to Port Perry Hos-| ¥ complishment seems to be in|"Communist conspiracy" had|Minister Richard, The express pital as a result of an infection NORTHBORO, Mass. -- In- | several injured in dynamite | ground but 21 men were |stirring up @ lot of conversa:|its roots deep in the American way would remove a traffic bot-| Mrs, Sarjantson is enjoying a| 3 jured man taken from tunnel | blast. Workers were tempor- | brought to suface after a half- (tional dust. American newspa|zovernment, In 1955 he circu-|tleneck between the east and|10-day conducted bus trip to { where one man was killed and | arily trapped 300 feet below | hour. (AP Wirephoto) |per columns are loaded withilated a book-length "pgysonal'west approaches to Saint John. Florida. I------------------------ =. T y LIBRARY WORLD Book Explores Life's Phases The following reviews (neo. This devoted family learn- were written by a member |ed by experience the value of of the staff of McLaughlin |freedom. One feels that the Public Library. author has been objective in har) THE COMMON VENTURES OF views. The warmth of her per- LIFE: Marriage, Birth, Work sonality and fortitude of her| and Death, by D. E. True- character are appreciated. | blood. THE EDGE OF TOMORROW, Life is a gamble, and each of| by Thomas A. Dooley. its phases is taken as a jump| This book is of special interest into the unknown. Many take because®of the recent untimely these steps blithely, perhaps asideath of the author who visited a result of passion or inevit-/Canada about a year ago and ability. Mr Trueblood's book appeared several times on the : helps one to look at these ex-| Canadian broadcasting network. periences as sacraments with/Dr. Tom Dooley spent his years due reverence and respect as to|since the Second World War in their value. organizing medical care at his i ITS MARVELS: own expense for the people of, . Plant, Animal, Haman. Laos. It bespeaks of courage, | Oldhams Press Ltd., London. (patriotism, pathos, humor, and % A beautiful book for young sacrifice in the inimitable style people, filled with information|of the author. Every person in-| 'to tempt the intellectual taste. terested in humanitarianism is| Every page is faced by a color-| bound to enjoy this story. ed Hustration. Contains such =--t---------------------------- chapters as: The structure of life; Food and vi Lie! Sh Pi lite, Food, and ment! nee SHOWS Pictures do; Living together in ne] Of E t T - te. FRESHWATER FURY, by F. A. astem 1rp Barcus. . { BALSAM and MT. ZION -- The worst disaster in the his- The Brooklin Junior Farmers tory of the Great Lakes took and the Junior Institute met in place J oveitiber Thy ae the I. rooklin Hall. Frank \Y J : "great storm" is still the topic|Barkey presided. "= AR Spy y of conversation among seamen. | a a Farmers and Jun- : 3 \ : N\ y ou get more for your This book describes many of ior Institute were hosts to par- = - | the tragedies that took placeents and the Kiwanis Club of = = " § i" J =) PR. money with MAXWELL during iat nightmarish experi. | Oshawa, which sponsors many : ence. One freighter, "the mys-|4-H «projects. -- . A 3 oo : . tery ship", completely flipped) Grant Carson introduced Nor- - 4 i A rh Engine Starts quickly with an easy spin over and floated with its keel|man Hogg, of Uxbridge, = 5 7 of the unique, hinged-arm starter. Runs who | in the air for ten days before|showed pictures of his trip to = i 4 : smoothly and quietly with lots of power to settling to the bottom. This ab-|the east coast. Glen Wilson - § * » sorbing account depicts man's|thanked Mr. Hogg. -- : : get the toughest job done. You don't have helplessness in the fury of the] Miss Ann Dryden, president a . to coddle it --just follow the simple elements. of the Junior Institute, intro. : . instructions, THREE CAME HOME, by A. N.|duced the girls who made hats -- = ] , ; . Keith. (Mrs. E. Hope, of Stouffville, Z - : Chassis -- You're sure of years of service Few of us can imagine what| had demonstrated the making = = 4 from the sturdy Maxwell chassis . . . solid, it is Ni i f war. - FZ it is like to be a prisoner of war. of hats at the previous meet z yet easy to manoeuvre. This is what Agnes Keith and ing. her husband and son ex-| After a couple of games, all Cutting Action -- You'll cut a wide, clean perienced for three-and-a-half went to the basement, where Z= i 3 years after they had been taken|the girls served cake and ice : swath right to the edge of flower beds, captive by the Japanese in Bor-'cream. = : around trees and bushes. Cutting height is Natt fsa a hl ; E j quickly adjusted without tools. Your Guarantee-- Built by power-mower wi specialists, the Maxwell is guaranteed . : against factory mechanical defects. : Hundreds of thousands now in use y # : throughout Canada. BY : 11 models to choose from including reel type. (% MAXWELL Limited HAND MOWERS +» LAWN SWEEPERS « BAR-B-Q'S + WHEEL~ BARROWS « FARMEITE TRACTORS ¢« SNOW THROWERS TILLERS « MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS + FLOOR FURNACES MAXWELL KARTS ALL QUALITY MAXWELL PRODUCTS AVAILABLE FROM So / White & Son Hardware, 1300 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa a -- § STEWART SWEETMAN, Port Perry = : DRAPAK HARDWARE, 124 Wilson Rd. §., Oshawa o-- massed By AJAX MARINE, No. 2 Highway, Ajax : ' BASIL BELL FARM EQUIPMENT, Campbelleroft NEWCASTLE GARAGE, Newcastle WATSON GARAGE, Orono 0. OLAN ENGINE SERVICE, 74 Barrie Ave., Oshawa ORONO GARAGE, Orono 7 GREENWAY GARAGE, Hampton CARLING ]l LLOYD CLYSDALE FARM EQUPIMENT, Newtonville B & qQ B RAD IN {x : 1 WEARN GARAGE, Enniskillen hi , B RA D IN {r 7 ISAAC PUGKRIN & SON, 145 Brock St. S., Whitby ; (_W. H. BROWN, Bowmanville hy : JB man yourself A. W. Rundle Garden Centre, 1015 King St. E., Oshawe | READY FOR ATTACK McGREGOR HARDWARE, King St., Bowmanville : CHAS. COOPER LTD., Claremont BALDSON'S HARDWARE, Pickering " Ea oY Medical supplies to be used | portable hospital unit as- | in 'event of nuclear war are | sembled for shipment to the | being stockpiled in an Ottawa | scene of a nuclear disaster. warehouse. Dr. A. C. Hard- | The includes the col- PICKARD'S HARDWARE, Port Perry man, 31-year-old veteran of the Fam BL of $18, enjoy the mellow flavour of Qa quality ale! : ; i ; / SMITH'S HARDWARE, 368 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawe Korean War who is in charge | 000,000 worth of supplies and of the program, examines a | the training of personnel to use MASON & DALE HARDWARE, Bowmanville gion Pulp, ous 31m of & | them. {CP Photo) y B. F. GOODRICH STORES, 88 King St. W., Oshave