10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Apri 28, 170} 12:00 NOON 3:30 P.M. atre 6--Silents Please TELEVISION LOG SE" FES se Channel 2--Bauffalo WBEN-TV Channe) 4--Buffalo : 1143 Twentieth CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilion CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto : ew $--Canada Bowls WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester| 5 y 4:30 P.M. CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie| 3- yoo : FRIDAY EVENING | 12:00 MIDN'GHT | 9--Hobby Hou 5.4 P.M. Night Theatre| >= 11--Family Thestre te i 7--Matty's Funday Funnies 5--Victory At Sea n Science Af mateur Hour--Ted H 0 ac lam ey reet | 7_Directions "61 2 Celebrity Golf 5:15 P.M, $--Man and the Challenge | © 1961, King Peaturas Syndicate, Inc., World rights reserved. 2 § : 2 sed Peli CRRA ARE vA N ARNEL oe i i 8:30 AM. 10:15 ALL. 5--Felix os Sot » 7~What's Your Trouble > 4--Popeye house ¥ 10:30 A.M. A z 3-The Three Stooges $--Youth and Religion |!}63--Country Cilendar |, 3 on, 9:00 ..M. 6:3 - 7--The Answer Tass and Learning hres Stoo 4 Rows Dest bac kg oi Club : Things ree Res ni LJ] 4-Fun To Learn Series News: Weather; 2---Follow The Children H Se ature ot 9:30 A.M. 6---Mr. Fix-it 11:00 AM. Reporting 7--Popeye 3--Andy Griffith Show 8--Music For Young 9--The: 4-GE College Bowl Fo a | People 5 imiernationsl Zone | > heqs B 10:00 A.M. Lig +4. Chatauqua | 4 "Baseball Game of oa PM. §2--Shari Lewis Show 200 5 tke _ 6--Church Service the: Weel 6:00 P.M. 4~Captain Kangaroo 5--This Is The Life 10:30 A.M. M 3--Church Servi U1--Ken Soble Amateur 's Matinee 2-The Big Rascals w BE (Em louse way al a] house 4-U of B Round Table |'3--Rev. Oral Roberts 11:00 AM. Babin Command 7--The Cl il-Yavie School of ; it ie £ ; I iw Hh H ; i HE AND HIS PALS ARE HAVIN' -- ANOTHER MEETIN' iF i : £5. ir : H : I} H FH i i el il di 2 r § g § 2~Divorce Court P.M. 3 11--Ses Hunt 3:00 P. 6:15 P.M. 7~The Roaring $---Great Hymns of All Twenties 2---Gene Autry Times 6--Red River 52-Bonanza 1m Te ho te | Fer Maen | CROSSWORD | 4--Roy Rogers 8:00 P.M. 12:00 N 11---Gunsmoke {1--The Christophers $---King Ganam Show 9--Three " - - 7--Brave Eagle 3-Sgt Roivig ACROSS 49. Affixes McCoys P.M. ' $---Leave it to Beaver 11--Jamboree 1. Point of 50. Weaver's 7--Matty's - Funday King 9--Brothers Brannagan land reed nture i--Leave it To Beaver 5. An LJ & t Huddle 12:15 P.M. | 52--The Tall Man emporium DOWN 4--Rawhide Western 12:90 P.M. 9. Shoulder 1, Brave . sr Earp (1~Stories of the Cen. 3 garment 2. Seed vessel 23. Beige ¥ $--Happy Family tury 10. Accepted 3. Troubles 25, Dap. Ie sii con» M. 3 Twin Bill Theatre | Lod Cit maxim 4, Abounds pled [L]T LTO 11-6:3--Country Hoedown 7--Lawrence Welk 12. Soup 5.Borders. 26.Ofthe [SIALIEINEALITIER) $=The Third Man Series | 5--Casey Jones 5-2--The Deputy spoon ' 6. Hewing number SILANCEINEST $--The Jubilee News Wis Rebmt Sreanam A 13. The righte tool eight Yesterday's Answer £*) PM. 1:00 P.*" 4--Have Gun Will Travel hand page 7.Pileof hay 27, Fate 39. Wind god \1-Popeye and Bugs 2-The Nation's Future | 14, City train # 29. Is present at (Babyl.) I-Wrestling Goll 15.Complacent 9. 32, Unhappy 41, Factory | &-All Star Golf 3 17. Know . 35, Suspend 44. Conclud (Scot.) 16. Eskimo 37. Warp-yarn = 46. Wooden tub Rangers S-Rural ig : / 18. Female tool 38. Festive (dial) L15 P.M. " sheep $--Feature Movie ... 20. Slide f 1 1:30 P.M. 7 22, A valley [ 2 ; Zz = Ada McDonough (84, 139) 323; with 11--Adventures of Robin a (poet.) 4 AS) 1 pri Vera Siblock (59-53) fii Eva 2-~Tightrope 24. One-legged 4 . 3 Wakely (59, 52) 111; Sonia Diachinko 83-3--Capt. David Grief 10:45 P.M. (54, 52) 106; bowler 4--Film eS support 4 : 2:00 P.M. Johny Esaw Show-- | 28, Girl'sname l1--Rodeo of Champions 11:00 P.M. 30. Cut S4_Bagchall Game of |; 005 News; 31, Begins 7--Roller Derby Weather: Sports 33. Permits 5--Film Feature 3--Award Theatre 34. Location of OH, DON'T PAY ANY ATTENTION | | I ALWAYS SHUT MY EYES) 11:15 P.M. Great Salt T' ME, JUNIOR../ WHEN I BAIT MY HOOK/ 10:30 P.M. be M. (1--News. Weather: Lake Sports 11--Peter Gunn 9---Man Hunt-Mystery 6. Spec $--News-Weather- Baseball 7=Late Show ig Spec ports 3: M. 6-Night Metre 3-faw 4 Mr. Jones m A 4--Sports title 4~Eyewlitness to History + 40, Kind of $~Tightrope 0 pions 4 cheese 11:00 P.M. 3:3) fa, I 42. Nickel 31.9-6-5-4-3-3-- News: 4: ight 7 Zone (sym.) ports H M. jos 4--Starlight Theatre 43, Location of Seteiee L PM. $-Wrestling 2--Award Theatre Black N Buffalo B 12:00 P.M. Forest 6-- Viewpoint = $--Theatre 45, Jewish at The 4:30 P.M. 1:00 A.M. month an, [DE HE a | nol al SATUKLAY EVE SUNDAY 3 5:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. 'Telephone Hour Window on the World GET READY FOR SUMMER DRIVING... with THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD, ALL FOR ONLY: 8 cylinder cars ..... 7.95 (12 POINT SUMMER CHANGE OVER) é cylinder dors 5. 695 1. oil drained and replaced. 4. Compl hassis lubricati 7. Lubrication of doors and hinges Including 10. Remove and clean battery cables and refill li 6 25 2. Tronsmission glohticunt drained end 5. Lubrication of front hoot buarings ond door sealing rubbers. n Jugry Yen and report condition, wi 4 cy inder cars .... B replaced for Summer driving. a report on the condition brake 8. Lubrication of distril 9 end . Test radiator for leaks and adjust fan belt. x 2 3. Hypoid rear axle lubricant drained and lining, ete. starter. 12. Check fluid in windshield washer end These prices include all materials replaced. 6. Lubrication of steering geer. 9. Cleon ond re-ciling eir cleaner. and condition of windshield wiper blades. and labor. : | bit ih fl g i § g i | i i i E g [S03 c=) 2 is REE i : is) jn Dimi=imim[--| Ei H4 is Ew2 ! : $k EE | i THERMOSTAT NEEDS A LITTLE ADJUSTING! E - i mE Em [00> =i Oa a 5E 8 i Distributed by King Features Syndicate, MICKEY MOUSE et ih £ i Es S26, Be £ 3 £3 r Bx 4. 1 ; Bl iE ; ge b ieuk HE a3 4 May 1, and Thursday, divided two £58 ¥ i 7 AF i Conrad Chilblain - Tremendous public housing development, 13 MR. OAKS, THE MAN wivo wor our) [= TOOK cory builds resort Slobbovian Riviera || Fl for the poor; uses the elder Yokums - THE LAMP LEFT A BULLET ON THE "vin ToL ReRAM TO - os central heating. i orsk/ po, SMITH"! Stakes at Keeneland May 6. Three of the Blue Grass prob- ables expected to get heavy support from the bettors are Al- berta Ranches' Filutterby and Kerr Stables' Mr. Consistency and Gay Landing. The Blue Grass is run at a mile and an THE LONE RANGER DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER UH... WHAT IF B-BUT TWAS ONLY REACHING | | WHATS GOING ON I CANT TO SHAKE YOUR HAND TO HERE? BREAKIT BACK NEXT NO ANGER. 'Why We Have Aches and Pains -- and what to do about itl JULIET JONES ; 5 you the best way to take care EEE . 7 of your muscles. Get your May * ANY OW WHERE 5 PEAY Reader's Digest today -- 41 MATTRESS Ye HAVE AN IMPORTANT POSITION WITH Wi : YOU IN NEW YORX, : AND TO LIVE ; RE a RINKERS CLEANERS RA 5-1191 "The Best In Town" LARRY BRANNON