wu BIRTHS pin Fat os fy bios rival ol of ie dau "8 Joan, 2 ! i } - iy a, and Betty Jéan (nee Broudiy auntufee the arrival gon, Danny | [J] ne 12 o28., ' General Hospital Satur: | 22, 1961, Father vers proud. | -- a and Pug (nee Tera- | announce the | dag Suan | 06," at the Oshawa eisaday | . A sister for Leslie, Anne, and i -- Gerry and Brenda are a. he birth Mond od hr at "a "Gihaws cong Colléén (nee rary, A a tal ifax, Nova Scotia, | ApH 0, 1061 ¥K -- Don and Millie LAN -- To Monty and Jéan . Jennifer | the Grace Maternity Hospi. | on Friday, (riee | ) wish to announce the Durle of Kim , April 38, IDA! 1961, at the "Bannws| fospital. Thanks fo < RD -- Ken and Durelle (nee wish to announce the birth of UY Hh Patricia Ann, 7 Ibs. wesddy, April 25, 1961, at the General Hospital. A sister for | ghter. RK Js ire Davey A hd Heather. Thanks fo Dr. | y | ~ Paul and Barbara (nee to announce the ar-| enfieth David, 8 1bs., | . Many thanks to Dr. Lindsey. | D NEWS STORY - When you the birth of your child in| ne Oshawa Times, clippings of the no. HI Ful i laces phone RA 3-3492 avajlable for Baby's Book, Tree Records and to mail your | relatives in those far-away | '© place birth announcement, | Oshawa Times Classified. ! * DEATHS _ | BROWN, Kate d del , 332 Annapolis Street, ril 25 Elsie Trent into rest in the family resi- on_Tuoes- 1961, Elsie Irene Martin, day. A Ky of Hamilton Brown, in her | pi) yea Funeral rial April 28 Lawn Ce: r, Resting at the Armstrong Home, Oshawa, with memo- | service In the chapel on Friday, at 2 p.m. Interment Mount metery Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange TORONTO 11 AM. STOUKS By The Canadian Press Térouté Stock Exchangée--April 27 ations if cents unléss marked $. 7-- lot, xd--Ex-fividénd, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) INDUSTRIALS 1 Net Siles High Low a.m, Ch'ge 305 $37% 36% 37% + 285 $2 Wh UU 100 $20% 20% 20% + 100 210 210 210 200 $107% 107% 107% 340 $17% 17% 174 205 4 384 38% 250 $19% 19% 19% fin ay 7% + WH Stoek Abitibi Acad-Atl Acad-Atl A Alta Dist AltaGas pr Brockville Cal Pow Can Cem C Pack A Cig Pérm C Bank C Cin Brew CBAL A w CBAL B w Cdn Can A Cdn Celan C Cel 175p > Che mw Collieries > Curt W > Gas In pr * Husky > Husky w 1 4 6% -- nN WH 41% + 500 +10 485 85 15 is $13% 13% 13% $29 28% Wh MU 2 $33% 335% 33% + W 99 360 200 $7TM TM TH 200 140 140 140 +3 100 $5% 5% SU 59 $15 $6] 525 $29 1355 $23 1095 $115 60 $49 200 $43 750 $20% 20% 20% 20 $34 SU 4 -- 50 $18'4 18% 18% 17% 17% - Uh 11% + 3 175 175 37% 37% + 3 19% 19% + Cdn Pet pr Gdn Tire C Tire A CWN G Col Cell Con Gas Corby vt Cosmos Craig Bit Dist Seag PD Bridge Dom Elect D Fndry i] 11%e FO + 9 © hd 43 pr $37% 20 $8 8 8 + crt 851% 51% 51% + Stock Dom Text Emco Exquisite pr 300 Fam Play Fndtn = Gatinead Gen Bake GMC Globe A G Mack A forme Pt forne Pf w 780 Sales 2100 Hur Erie n Imp Inv A 300 1351 Imp Oil Imp Tob Ind Accep 1 Ac wis Inglis 95 $12% 225 $10 1] 130 $18% 55 $12 190 $38% 8% 100 $45% 200 $12% 110 125 $495 250 $15% 50 br 220 $39! 1725 200 100 240 Inland C pr 233 5200 Inind Gas Inter PL Int StI P Jefferson Jockey C Jock wis Kelly D A Kelvinator Labatt Lakeland LO Port © Laura Sec Mass-F 514 Mil-West Milt Brick M Cont A Molson pr Moore Nat Drug N Hos A Oshawa A xd 400 Page-Hers Pow Corp QN Gas 117 $71 1200 3500 500 1150 z'00 205 500 163 670 $13% $19 100 300 44 $9 $84 525 $21 850 $25 $51 $8%% High Low aide, Toe 12% 10 ® 18% 12 8% " 8% 12% $6% 6% 49 5 230 300 155 185 16% 240 490 490 490 250 $l41a 14% 144 $3915 39% 39% + % 500 $1615 163% 1614 ard Carp 250 Sits an 1h -- % 5 i 1g 7 $16% 16% T Fin 1315 13% + $1014 #44 40M 18% 18% 1933 $16% 16% 16% + % 155 rig ig 13% -- 14 1280 39 sigan 106 205 323 9 $421 4214 424 $3814 5794 584 + % $14% 14% 1% > 290 290 230 330 300 $121, 12% 12% $499 493 49% 5 818% 18% 84 300 2% 21 23 = Ye 14 a 105% -- ¥% 205 + Stock Roe AV pr SO Rothinans 570 Royal Bank #5 Russell 270 StL Corp 200 St Maurice 1000 Salada-$ 1910 Salada wis 9% 12% + % io « ? + % 8% 12 BY -- M% 5% 17% 6 49 5 155 15% -- % +5 --5 350 WEEN sBute 'Tor Star pr A T Fin 58W Tr Can PL Trans-Mt Trans PPL Un Gas Un Steel Viceroy A LEE 7% TH 00 $27 27% 20% $39 $37 $42 $21 $1614 15% Tou $l 8 3% Price Br 323 Am Leduc 8000 9 - Bailey § A Banff Calalta C Oil L wt 1500 C Ex Gas 100 Cent Del 1600 Charter Oil 1400 Dev-Pal 12300 Fr Pete pr 200 Home A 725 H B oil G 151 LI Pete 4000 Long Point 1000 Mayfair 1000 Medal +85 340 +120 18% + 4 8% + W 325 440 + 54 8% 11 Siles High Low a.m. Ch' I'D 78% 78%a S$u% 75% $10% $23% 7% IH OILS ¢"Xortnid 10 800 810 400 104 1000 40 10 167 685 108 72 360 $10% 10% 10% $14% 14%. 14% + 438 135 600 238 --Helps Manitoba PD Magnes 100 $8% $52% 52 52 + 4% Mill City 18 Net 11 Net High Low a.m. "hg 3a un 3B +1 $BU VU BYU a0 Bo 250 $534 53% Sa 2% 12% T% + % 135 132 135 +41 Stock Headway © Bales High Low &. . PA es 1000 Stock Pae Pete Pic Pete w 20 Pamoil 700 Permo pr 3500 Petrol 1000 Place 8% + WB un 5% -- W 10% " W% 7% 17% i +10 ¥ 7 Howey Hud Bay Int Nickel Irish Cop +1 +1 +1 --4 2EBaze2s +4 EB.E $588 2a888 10528 $8588 Advocate Agnico Amil Rare Anaton Ansil Arcad wis 110 430 430 43% 67 66 67 500 500 3000 1600 6500 AN 9 9 41% ava 4% 3 8 8 § 1000 A Arcadia Melhtyre xd 200 M r 3000 Atl C Cop Atlin-Ruf Aumacho Bankeno Bukfiel 1000 1000 i 4 9M +1 5 4 4 san 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% + WA 7% 1B 8 +1 1000 155 158 155 Multi NN % 28 +1 31 +1 6 65 6 9 a 9s 135 68 68 68 8 17% 8 +1 10% 10% 1015 + % 750 0 750 7 7 7 + 8 2 21 2 240 240 240 230 $W% W% W% + % a5 915 915 60 60 60 20% 20 20% +1% 1 16 16 5% 5% 5% 2% 23 2 G14 9a 9% + 14 15% 15% 15% -- 4 mn nn +% 158 158 +1 40 45 450 = 5 50 135 135 650 650 650 B15 810 815 +10 Th + poy Cassar sit ry Tn + Kl 38% 38% + 1% Chime 800 50 88 i 37 C Callinan 3000 HS son Slog 1% iin C Discov 350 21 5 CG Arrow +34 C Halli a C Marben C Marcus Rockwin Ryamor 11 00 158 415 200 450 450 38 3 4 " so so % Pg a San Ant Sherritt Sigma Sil Miller Steeloy Steep R Sud Cont Taurcanis 434 4 500 2500 325 1500 1000 1200 130 122° 130 1000 36 36 15? 168 0 16850 82% Tan 12'2 + 7 7.17 2000 6% 6% 6% + J1t-$ J; 7 7 7000 26 25% 25% + Y% J 420 415 415 1000 25 25 25 Delhite 1000 31 31 3 Denison xd 711 $10%4 10% 10% East Mal 500 150 150 150 Elder 200 147 143 146 Falcon 150 $50%% 50% 50% Faraday 500 i 163 163 Francoeur 4000 + Geeo Mines 100 Giant YK 78 Goldaje 500 ---1 --3 Cop Corp Coprand Coulee Cralgmt Crowpat D'Aragon Deer Horn 9%: 10 + % 810 £10 104 104 --2 y --~4 132 127 128 Ventures itn 30% Son - - 3 Waite Am 650 Werner Willroy Will wis Wr Harg Yale Lead Yk Bear Young HG Crh 350 350 +1 6% 6% + % ~t a8 48 135 135 236 236 6% 5 105 on tig ow --1%4 --l » 5» 655 655 4 iy a4 - 1 un 2500 » 18 18 - 14 ny ulolo THE OSHAWA TIMES, -- Thursdey, April 27, 1961 28 Board Reports Four Companies TORONTO (CP)~Four com- panies will be reported to the combines investigation commis. sion by the education which found at a asphalt paving to the resirie- tive trade practices commis: sion. Trustee William P, Ross charged evidence of collusion in the paving tenders was "as great, if not greater, Toronto Board of in A hd paper towels and bs." roperty ¢ o mm i ttee meeting ednesday that identical bids had been tendered for school supplies. are: the E. B. Eddy Company and Inter - lake Tissue Mills Company Limited, each of which tendered $5.36 a carton for 2,500 cartons of r tow- els; Canadian West Company Limited and Zenith Electric Su upply Limited for tendering identical prices on "The companies to be reported si ghouse | { SITTING SERVICES MONTREAL (CP) ~ Baby- Uni en- 24 850 electric light bulbs and| 3, 000 fluorescent lamps. The trustees decided for the) preset not to report tenders for NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian Petrofina, 3 mos. ended March 31: 1961, $1,260, (379. (No corresponding figures | {for the same period in 1960). Campbell Red Lake Mines Ltd. 3 mos. ended March 31: 1961, $425,555, 10 cents a share; 1960, $359,379 and nine cents. Hudson Bat Mining and Smelting Co. Ltd. 3 mos. ended] [March 31: 1961, $2,610,805, 95 cents a share; 1960, $3,083,479, $1.12, | MacMillan, Bloedel and Pow-| {ell River Ltd, 3 mos. ended {March 81: 1961, $579,912, 27) [cents a share; 1960, $6,072,418, | {29 cents. | Melniyre Por ¢ u pine Mines ended March 31: Sponsored By WHITBY MERCHANTS LADIES' ALL CLUB CANADIAN LEGION HALL, WHITBY FRI., APRIL 28 8:12 P.M. Stoney's Orchestra $3.00 PER COUPLE FOR TICKETS GALL MO 8-3949 MO 8-4258 Lid, 3 mos. HAWKSHAW, John S Enterel into rest in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Wednesday, April 26, 2125 311% 25 $70 1351 $17% Dosco Dom Stores Dom Tar 17% 17 1961, John 8. Hawkshaw, beloved hus- -- band of Verna Found Stephens, in his 74th yedr, Resting at the Armstrong ¥ Funeral Home, Oshawa, with Memor. fal Service in Northminster United Church, Friday, April 28, at 3 p.m. Interment Ebenezer Cemetery. Cas- ket will remain open from 2 p.m. until service. Donations to Northminster Or gan Fund would be appreciated. TRISH, Alfred Entered into rest in Hillsdale Manor, April 27, 1961, Alfred husband of the late Caroline Jane Craddock, father of Mrs william Hurst (Vernetta), Mrs. Elvia Clarke, in his 79th Yeas, Nesting at the Armstrong _ Funeral e, awa, with High Requiem Mass in St. Greg- ory's Church Saturday, April 29 at 10 a.m. Interment St. Gregory's Ceme- tery. | MeWRIRTER, Alfred J. At his home, New Richmond, Quebec, | April 25, 1961, in his 87th year, be-| loved husband of Ethel McGie, dear father ha . A. Campbell (Greta), wi . Cliff Burton (Iida) of Zion, Yrs. 1 Harry Coull (Daisy) of Glen M , Herbert of Brantford, Burns of Mo al, Colin of Baffin Island, Cal vin; Vernon and Elwyn of New Rich mond. Interment New Richmond, Que bee. SHRED, Emily Jane In Memorial F ursday, April 27, 1961, Emily Jane of Robert L GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all RA 8-62.6 390 KING STREET WEST LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangeménts and floral requirements for ell occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8-6555 OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornérstones, Statutory of all types. R.R. 4, KING ST. E. Ph. RA 8:3111 or RA 8-8878 IN MEMORIAM BEVAN -- In loving memory of a déar wifé, mother and jFiatdmether, | Rose Bevan, who passed away April 27, 1957. Gone @ear mother, gone to rest , Away from sorrow, care and pain, May you rest in peace dear mother Until we meet again. --Sadly missed but always remembered | by husband Joe, daughter Lorraine, son Ralph, Ann, David and grandchildren, BEVAN -- In memory of a dear| neighbor, Rose Bevan, who passed! away April 27, 1957. "Ever remembered by Jack and Marie Collison and family. BEVAN -- In loving mémory of Rese (Mrs. J. R. Bevan), dear daughter of Frederick and Rose flannah Brown who passed away April 27. Remembered. of a dear mother, Edith Stephenson, who passed away April 27, 1957, _ 0 happy hours we once enjoved, How sweet her memory still; But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill. by Leonard, Harry and Marjorie. IN LOVING MEMORY of a dear mother atid grapdmother, who passed away April 27, 1939. Snuistly remembered through win the eient thoughts adiy srandeniia Dolores. Sulphate Plant | 'ther 3.31 to 570.25, and golds 83.36. Base metals were up 1.45 Noranda gained 1; at 46%. Ven-| at 188.77 to reach their highest tures climbed 5% to 39%, and| Sadly missed and ever remembered point since March 1959. Tuesday. lup a point to 20%. ALL-GLASS BUILDING throughout Float glass has all the sparkle | 1417,000; and U.S. Steel 275,000. of sheet glass and distortion- free properties of plate glass. --(CP Wirephoto) | some 171,000 shareholdefs. This building on Dorchester | street in Montreal is the first | building in North America to use Float glass for windows | Roe AV C its 2153 12 Mart Recovers From Dull Trade TORONTO (CP) -- The stock|nadian Breweries up 3% to 47% correction" On index, The final volume was 2,525, 000 shares compared with 2, biggest mining gain, up 412,000 traded at the same time 72% to reach a new high. losses were to 53% 19 at rador Mining John Steels had a good day with Hudson Bay off 3 and unseen Atlas up Y% to 20%, and Domin-| Denison down Y missell by daughter Olive and jon Foundries 'and Steel 5 to 513%. Oshawa Wholesale A was|tern of passivity and did little |trading. Kerr Addison however, Liquors were good" with. Ca- ifell 15 to 10%. Labatt Mines traded steadily industrials gained slackened near the close. Lab. Plaza was up % to 244, Consolidated was up International Nickel* 86 $64 storeys. lost 1% to 2. | the % tol Marks -- took ht 10%. Golds followed their usual pat-| 30 310 30 6 6 6% 1057 -10 N Cont 500 NCO pr 730 64 + Wh Northid 1000 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT 26 $25 13 GF Mining 2000 9 9 Grandue 200 +3 Gunnar 250 5 10 % 26 +1 b- 25 19 19 +1 Hales to YI a.m.:643,000. 800855 1961, $418,185, 18 cents a share, "1960, $406,586, 21 cents. i | {improvement in the present) {modest income Chicago | Toronto | By FORBES RHUDE | dian Press Busi Editor| i The Toronto Stock Exchange| lin 1960 held its place among| E (North American exchanges as , market pushed ahead to a fur- land Distillers Seagrams JA at recovery from Monday's|3714. during moderate 3614. STEPHENSON -- In loving memory trading Wednesday. Ys at but and | scarce, | , and| |secorid only to New York in number of shares traded. However, it was edged out of| its long-held third position in| dollar volume by the Midwest | Stock Exchange, Chicago. Figures released by the Tor- onto exchange show the follow- ing in dollar volumes, with share volumes in brackets, for the leading six of the 21 ex- changes: New York $37,972,433,048 (986, 878,308); American ,235,685,- 710. . (320,905,934); Midwest $1,295,448,789 (31,723,031); Tor- onto $1, 223,330,494 (469,691,543); Pacific Coast, San Francisco, $883,355,671 ((444,858,085); Mont- real and Canadian $671,992,634 (77,484,684). Vancouver was 10th with $40,- 468,040 and 21,262,921 shares; Calgary 14th with 82, 760,035 and 10,008,542; and Winnipeg 17th with $1,615,320 and 488,037. The New York exchange's re-| cently-published 50-page booklet entitled Fact Book 1961, points up the rapid growth of pension operations. At the end of 1960 non-| insured| pension fund holdings of stocks on the New York exchange's| board had a total market value | of $12,500,000,000 compared with | only $500,000,000 in 1949. They were exceeded only byl {investment companies with §16,-| | 400,000,000. | The five companies with the widest ownership are American] Telephone and Telegraph with] 1,911,000 shareholders; General Motors 868,000; Standard Oil| | (N.J.) 665,000; General Electric { In Canada Bell Telephone is| the widest-owned company, with! "THEATRE GUIDE Drive-In -- "The Buccaneer" and 'The Stranger Wore a Gun." Box office opens at 7.00 p.m. Show starts at 7.20 p.m, Biltmore -- 'The Nun's Story" | 2.05, 5.25 8.45 p.m. "Israel| The Holy Land" 1.30, 4.45, 8.05 p.m. Last complete show at 8.00 p.m. -- "Girls at Sea" 1.00, 3.35, 6.10, 8.50 p.m. "Opera- tion Bullshine" 2.15, 4.50, 7.25, 10.05 p.m. Last complete show | at 8.50 p.m. | "Bowery Boys" 3.50, 7.50 p.m. "Toy Tiger" 1.00, 4.55, 9.00 p.m. "Gunfight at Dodge City" 2.30, 6.30, 10.30] p.m. Last complete show at 7.50 p.m. Regent -- "Ben Hur." Shown, twice daily at 1.30 a 7.30 p.m. funds as factors in stock-market| | Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner| {and Smith, in a review of Mas-| | sey-Ferguson Ltd., says: "Fol-| {lowing near- -completion in 1960) lof integration of new manufac-| {turing facilities abroad, Massey is in a position to realize sub-| Ousts Market stantial earnings improvement | this year. Recovery to around James Richardson and Sons, $1.50 a share (compared with 97 in a study of Simpsons Ltd. cents, in the year ended Oct. 3) says the common stock ats Jcale "i ih 33 erri Lyne n another Jaron Jou 1s Jeromuienled 25 | study, says of Industrial Accept-| an investment for capital appre-/,506 Corporation: "Growth fec- | ciation, together with a possible] ord has 'been outstanding." You See It All! Gripping & Dramatic ! #FRED ZINNEMANN'S moon r £0 STARRING PETER FINCH one EDITH EVANS DAME PEGGY ASHCROFT DEAN JAGGER TODAY & FRIDAY Sean FEATURETTE BILTMOREE THE HOLY CITY" IN COLOR SEE YOU . . . THIS SATURDAY NIGHT 8:30 P.M. Nominations For Miss TEENAGE Roadeo (Sponsored by Jaycees) and Old Hits Nite 1950-60 -- at the GET-TOGETHER CLUB ® spot prizes ® dancing refreshments 0.C.V.l. AUDITORIUM--DRESS CASUAL ADMISSION -- MEMBERS 40c; NON-MEMBERS 60¢ " Entertainment By "The Executives SELF.SpRy ' REFREgH pr ERLsmev ALLY DRIVE-IN | GIANT ALL-COLOR ACTION SHOW! " TONIGHT! = "OXOrFice oven AT 7.00 TRANSCONA, Man. (CP) -- The second stage of an indus-| trial chemical complex in Mani-| toba has been completed with| construction of a $250,000 copper | sulphate plant near this railway | town six miles east of Winnipeg. Border Chemical Company Limited built the plant, assisted by a loan from the Manitoba government. The company last summier opened the province's first sulphuric acid plant nearby. A third related chemi- fl plant is planned for the fu-| re The copper sulphate plant will reach production of 6,000,000 pounds a year, Border Chemical president M ark Smerchanski said. It will have astafl of! eight. BOWERY BOYS § "IN THE MONEY' HUNTZ HALL AND THE NAP AANANII AY He's back with a tiger by the tail and the world by the heart ! TIM HOYEY "TOYTIGER" IN TECHNICOLOR JEFF CHANDLER & LARAINE DAY BIG HITS SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 Cecil B. DeMille THE STRANGER WORE CULE | FREE | TOON COMIC BOOKS FOR THE FIRST 100 CHILDREN FREE CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A ( Students 90¢ FEATURE TIMES 1:58 3:48 5:45 7:40 ORSON WELLES asKING SAUL~ | NEVER BEFORE SEEN ON ANY SCREEN! REGULAR PRICES WETRO GOLDWYN MAYER WI L IAM Ww ,TECHNICOLOR® LIMITED ENGAGEMENT © SHOWN TWICE DAILY! MATINEES EVENINGS AT 1:30 P.M. AT 1:30 P.M. ADULTS °*1.00 MON. thr. THUR. Children 75¢ ADULTS *1.25 FRI. and SAT, ADULTS °1.50 CAMERA es FAMOUS ANYTIME PLAYERS THFATRF haggis ho wm nes AREA a